• last week
(Adnkronos) - “Essere qui è anzitutto un'opportunità di parlare e di raccontare la nostra attività con e per l'autotrasporto e il trasporto in generale. Noi siamo un'azienda vocata alla tecnologia, che produce e offre al settore del trasporto”. Sono le parole di Claudio Carrano, amministratore delegato di Infogestweb Golia, in occasione della quarta edizione di LetExpo - Logistics Eco Transport, il grande evento fieristico per i trasporti, la logistica e i servizi alle imprese, con attenzione alle attuali dinamiche geopolitiche e alla sostenibilità ambientale, economica e sociale, in svolgimento a Veronafiere dall’11 al 14 marzo 2025.


00:00What is Autotransport?
00:04First of all, it is an opportunity to talk about our activities for transport and transport in general.
00:15We are a company focused on technology and this produces and offers to the transport sector.
00:23We were born from the digital tachograph, so from having addressed a theme related to the working rhythms of the drivers,
00:34which over time has been perceived as very important and relevant for the transport sector.
00:41From there we have made a whole series of solutions, literally at 360 degrees, for the transport sector,
00:48so from intermodality to fleet management, to management, to payments, to road and motorway services,
00:55and here I stop to not go too far, but this is the Let's Expo 2025,
01:02and as far as we are concerned, it is a great opportunity to tell and explain all this,
01:08but also, since all this is the result of listening to the transport companies,
01:13it is a further opportunity to meet, physically and personally, the realities that operate in transport,
01:20and therefore to take and collect from them new proposals, new instances, new requests, new ideas to realize,
01:27since this is our primary goal.
