(Adnkronos) - “La Fondazione italiana sclerosi multipla lavora per informare e formare le persone verso una strategia di prevenzione primaria per la salute del cervello. Inoltre, abbiamo lanciato un progetto internazionale di ricerca scientifica per la prevenzione della sclerosi multipla. Stiamo anche lavorando per lanciare il progetto ‘Barcoding’ che permetterà di avere le informazioni che servono ad anticipare la diagnosi”. Sono le parole di Mario Alberto Battaglia - presidente Fondazione italiana Sclerosi multipla, intervenuto all’incontro ‘One brain, one health’ organizzato dalla Società italiana di Neurologia (Sin) che, in occasione della Settimana mondiale del Cervello 2025, ha presentato - presso il ministero della Salute - un decalogo per la salute del cervello.
00:00The Italian Foundation for Multiple Sclerosis, together with the Association of People Involved in this Disease,
00:11works first of all in a fundamental area, which is to inform and train people for a primary prevention strategy for the health of the brain.
00:25We also work in scientific research, we have promoted important international projects, together with our associations and consorts,
00:34to launch a new project on prevention for multiple sclerosis.
00:40A research project that will involve many countries of the world, where our Italian researchers are present in the Promoting Committee.
00:48We are also working, after having created the Italian Registry for Multiple Sclerosis, together with the Neurology Society,
00:56to create a new project, Barcoding, which, with the new diagnoses, will allow to have the information needed to anticipate the diagnosis before the diagnosis.
01:06So, to change, also with the therapeutic perspectives that exist, the reality of these people,
01:12and above all to give quality of life and to be able to go beyond the disease.