• 16 hours ago
Doraemon New Episode 12-03-2025 - Episode 01 - Doraemon Cartoon - Doraemon In Hindi - Doraemon Movie


00:00Nobita is late today.
00:08Hey, he's here!
00:10Doraemon! Doraemon! Doraemon! Doraemon! Doraemon!
00:15What's the matter, Nobita?
00:18Doraemon! I'm the most unfortunate kid in the world!
00:23But tell me, what happened?
00:25What can I do? Whenever I try to do something, everything goes wrong.
00:29Huh? But how?
00:30Today, when I was coming back from school, I had to take the right road, because it's a narrow road.
00:36But there's a dog barking, so I took the left road.
00:40It's a long road, but it's safe.
00:42But as soon as I moved forward, then...
00:50Help! Somebody help me!
00:54There was a bigger dog there than before.
00:56Oh, so that's why you're late today.
00:59It's not just that, Doraemon. Today, even at school...
01:02This is your last chance. Are you two ready?
01:06Stone, paper, scissors!
01:09I won!
01:10Okay, Nobita, you choose first.
01:14Let me choose.
01:16Nobita, listen! One of them is the one I picked up.
01:22Which one did Shizuka pick up?
01:27This one!
01:29Congratulations, my friend, Nobita!
01:31You've won a cassette tape of Takeshi Goddard's 100 Best Hits!
01:36Oh, no!
01:40Hmm, this is really bad, Nobita.
01:43Doraemon, I already know which one Shizuka has.
01:46Then I would never have chosen this one.
01:48Yes, you're absolutely right. No one wants to listen to Jayaan's song.
01:54Okay, Doraemon, give me a gadget so that I can make the right decision.
01:59Do you understand?
02:00No, Nobita, you're depending on my gadgets again.
02:03And that's wrong. You'll never be able to do your own work like this.
02:07Please don't do this, Doraemon.
02:09Jayaan has told me to listen to the songs and tell me how they were by tomorrow.
02:12What do I do now?
02:14Oh, that's right.
02:16Life litmus paper!
02:18What's this? It's just a piece of paper.
02:21No, it's the same litmus paper that is used in your science class.
02:26To find out if it's acidic or alkaline.
02:29By the red or blue color of this paper.
02:32Hmm, so now you understand, Nobita.
02:34Okay, if this paper turns blue in your mouth, then it's okay.
02:37If it turns red, then it's wrong.
02:39Come on, let's try it.
02:44One of these two has won.
02:46So, which one would you like to choose?
02:48Right. No, the left one.
02:50No, I'll take the right one.
02:52Yes, this one is right.
02:58If I had opened this one, then what would have happened, Doraemon?
03:01Hey, Kishore!
03:03What's all this?
03:05Now I'll find out one more thing from this.
03:07Okay, tell me one thing.
03:09Should I tell Jayaan that his songs were good?
03:12Yes, it turned red.
03:14Okay, one more time.
03:16Should I tell Jayaan that his songs were bad?
03:19Hmm, see, this time it turned blue, Doraemon.
03:22Yes, so did you see, Nobita?
03:24You should tell Jayaan that his songs were very bad.
03:27Isn't it?
03:28Will it be okay?
03:30So, give me whatever you have.
03:32Tell me later.
03:33Hey, Nobita, listen to me.
03:35Now, because I have this, I'll never be harmed.
03:39Hey, what's this?
03:40Now, which way should I go?
03:42The right road or the left one?
03:45Oh, I'll go to the right road.
03:48Yes, it turned red.
03:49So, I should go left.
03:53Nobita has gone to the left side.
03:55So, what's the right side?
04:00Sir, you?
04:01Listen, you are roaming here and there and wasting time.
04:03You should prepare for tomorrow's test.
04:05Go home and prepare.
04:07I said, go away from here.
04:08Oh, wow, this is very good.
04:10Now, where will Nobita be?
04:12Hey, Nobita, did you listen to my songs?
04:15Yes, absolutely.
04:16So, what do you think?
04:19Yes, he was very sad.
04:22What did you say?
04:24Nobita, you understood the sadness of my songs, my friend.
04:29Thank you, Jayaan.
04:32I think he did it.
04:37Hey, Shizuka.
04:39Hey, Nobita, you?
04:40You have come at the right time.
04:42I am going to prepare pancakes.
04:44Why don't you come with me?
04:46Okay, I'll go with you.
04:48Me too.
04:49Oh, Doraemon.
04:51So, Doraemon, were you following me?
04:53No, no.
04:54This road was blue, right?
04:57So, let's go.
04:58But what's the matter?
04:59Nothing, Shizuka.
05:01Let's go.
05:02Let's go.
05:07Now I will know the answers of tomorrow's test.
05:10And without studying, I will get all the numbers.
05:13Let's go to sleep.
05:16Good night, Doraemon.
05:19He is trusting the life witness paper for everything.
05:23And this is not good for Nobita.
05:30Everything opposite.
05:32Whatever he touches, it turns upside down.
05:35In other words, if he touches the life witness paper, it will turn red.
05:39And he will show the right choice.
05:41Hey, why am I telling all this?
05:43There is no one around here.
05:48Please forgive me, Nobita.
05:58This is right.
06:00I am thinking that Nobita is right.
06:03Now, next.
06:11Jiyan did it.
06:12Nobita will not be able to pass 360.
06:15It's not like that.
06:16I can pass 660 in one go.
06:19Really, Nobita?
06:22Wait a minute, Jiyan.
06:25I got scared of you.
06:27Don't run away.
06:30Can I pass 6 stakes at a time?
06:33Wow, it turned blue.
06:37Okay, I can do that, Jiyan.
06:39What did you say?
06:40Nobita, what are you saying?
06:42Don't worry about me, Shizuka.
07:17Great job, Nobita!
07:19Oh, he got away!
07:21See? I did it!
07:23Did you see, Shizuka?
07:26I know everything, Jian!
07:28He used the gadget!
07:30So that's it!
07:32Give me back!
07:35If the blue one is done, it's all set!
07:38Can I pick up the eight stacks?
07:41Yes, look, it turned blue.
07:44Teacher, I want to take the arts test.
07:46Are you sure, Jiyan?
07:48Yes, if I can't do it, I'll accept any punishment you give me.
07:52If Jiyan does it, then Nobita will do it too.
07:56What did you say? But I didn't say anything like that.
08:01Can I tell you something?
08:03Yes, are you telling the truth?
08:16I told him before.
08:18Jiyan, are you okay?
08:20I felt very good.
08:22But what about my test paper?
08:24Please forgive me.
08:26It turned zero!
08:28It's so bad, Duryodhan!
08:30Jiyan, get up!
08:31What will I do, Duryodhan?
08:32He didn't even answer me.
08:34What will I do?
08:35Sir, please look at Jiyan.
08:37Why did you do this?
08:39Please get up!
08:41Jiyan, get up!
08:42Why didn't you answer me?
08:44Nobita, look at Jiyan.
08:46Please get up!
