• yesterday
Today Omz, Roxy, Crystal, Lily, and Megan (Crazy Fan Girl) are at school, but Omz is trying extra hard to become a doctor... His Mom doesn't look so good... #minecraft #minecraftmod #omz
00:00Alright, and boom! I'm finally finished with my 20-page essay.
00:05I should get a really good grade on this, because one day, I'm gonna be the best doctor ever.
00:11Sweetie, sweetie, do you mind getting me some water?
00:14Oh! Yeah, Mom, I'm coming right up!
00:17Oh gosh, my mom is super sick. I really need to take care of her.
00:22Okay, let's go in the kitchen real quick, and let's get her some water.
00:25Okay, perfect. Mom, I'm coming right up, don't worry!
00:28Sweetie, thank you!
00:32Oh yeah, no problem, Mom. Oh man, you're not looking too good right now.
00:36Yeah, it's getting a lot worse, but I'm okay, sweetie.
00:41Okay, here you go, Mom. Take the water. Is there anything else I can get you?
00:46No, it's okay. I'll just try and get some rest for the rest of the day, okay?
00:50Um, okay, Mom. Get some rest. Seriously, you need it.
00:54You're looking green to the skin. I just wish I could take care of you more.
00:58No, you do a great job. You are the best son ever.
01:02Aw, you really think so, Mom?
01:04Yeah, I know so.
01:05Okay, thank you. Just get some rest. Here, I'll close the windows so no light gets in, so you can actually get really good sleep.
01:11Aw, my son is so sweet to me.
01:14Of course I am, Mom. Here, let me block this one off, and I'll block over here off as well.
01:19I'll replace all the glass with some normal blocks.
01:22Ooh, thank you! Now I can actually get some rest.
01:25All right, well, Mom, right now—
01:27It's 12 o'clock! Ah! School already started!
01:30I do not want to be late. I have to become a doctor to take care of my mom and actually get her good medicine.
01:35All I can do right now is just get her water and food.
01:38But it's time to go to school.
01:40I got my backpack on, and I'm looking real spiffy for the day.
01:43Quickly! I gotta run to school!
01:45Let's spawn in my car, and we gotta swerve right now! Go!
01:50I'm gonna be totally late.
01:52Oh my gosh.
01:53Well, it's fine. If I'm late for taking care of my mom, it's totally 100% worth it.
01:58Okay, let's swerve into class right now!
02:03Yes! Made it, baby!
02:05Oh, phew. That was bad.
02:07And, oh! These students are not even in class yet, but class has been started.
02:11Holy smokes.
02:12Yeah, guys. Then I scored the game-winning touchdown.
02:16Oh my gosh. You are so cool, Roxy.
02:19For real, that is awesome.
02:21Oh, it's Roxy? That's the school jock.
02:24Hold up, hold up, hold up.
02:26Yeah, y'all smell that? It smells like a nerd in here.
02:29What? Nerd? What are you talking about?
02:31Hey, you over there. Go down the stairs. Let me talk to you, little pig-sweep.
02:35What? Um, okay, yeah. Um, how can I help you?
02:38Did you do the homework for Ms. Johnson's class?
02:41Of course I did the homework for Ms. Johnson's class, and I even did a little bit for extra credit.
02:46Oh, perfect. I'm gonna need a copy off of you.
02:49What? Copy off of me? No way. I spent all night working on that because I had to take care of my...
02:55Never mind, but I just spent all night working on that because I was busy.
02:58Yeah, busy being a nerd. Now give me your books.
03:01Hey, no! No, no, no. That's totally not fair.
03:05Yeah, Roxy. You get it. Copy it word for word.
03:07Yep. So now you're gonna get in trouble for copying me, nerd. Now take it back.
03:12Hmm. Alright, whatever.
03:14Guys, don't you think we're going a little bit too rough on him?
03:17Uh, no way. He's a stupid nerd. Come on, let's go to class. I already have the homework now.
03:22Alright, see you later, nerd.
03:24Um, I'm really sorry about my friends, but I'll see you in class.
03:28Oh, alright. I'll see you in class.
03:31Ugh, those guys suck, but whatever.
03:33I need to focus on school so I can become a doctor so I can get my mom the best medication ever,
03:39and she'll feel really good one day.
03:41Time for class, though. It should be right over here.
03:44Alright, students. If you're not in class, you're officially late.
03:47What? Late? Oh, gosh.
03:50Wait, not you, Holmes. You're my favorite. Have a seat in the front.
03:54Oh, thank you so much, Ms. Johnson. By the way, I finished our homework, and here you go.
03:59Wow, just like that? Let me take a little look at this. Wow, every question's right, huh?
04:06Wait, are you serious?
04:07Yeah, you did a great job, Holmes, as usual.
04:10And speaking of great jobs, yesterday's test, Holmes got a 100, and the only one in the class.
04:17Everybody celebrate.
04:18Aw, thank you! Yeah, I really studied for that one hard, because it was about medicine,
04:23and I really want to be a doctor one day.
04:24Boo! Shut up, nerdy! Oh, Ms. Johnson, check out my homework. I did really good on it.
04:30Oh, really? Let me take a- Hmm, this looks awfully similar to Holmes's.
04:35Uh, maybe we're just really smart.
04:38Hey! Whatever, he could copy off me.
04:41Holmes, it's okay. I know what happened. But student, it's time for our lesson for today.
04:47Can anybody tell me what 72 multiplied by 2,000 is?
04:52Oh, I know, I know! 144,000!
04:57What? Hey, Roxy, come on. She's giving us a lesson. You need to pay attention.
05:01Dude, I'm on my phone. Leave me alone.
05:03Ugh, whatever. I'll just continue answering stuff.
05:06Um, Roxy, what are you doing? What did I tell you about phones, mister?
05:10Uh, nothing. I'm not on my phone. It's not me.
05:13Yeah, it is you. This is the third time this week you're gonna have to hand in your phone.
05:18No way! How about you take Holmes's phone?
05:21Holmes never goes on his phone. He actually respects the class. Now hand it over.
05:26Ugh, okay, fine. Holmes, you are totally a snitch, you know.
05:31What? I'm not a snitch!
05:32Yeah, what are you snitching on him for?
05:35I'm not snitching on anybody. I'm just saying I really want to pay attention.
05:38This is important. I need to become a doctor one day.
05:41What? Be a doctor? I'm gonna go be a professional sports player at every sport ever.
05:47What? Well, that's good for you, but I just really want to make sure I'm a doctor so I can take care of people and stuff.
05:53Yeah, alright. Not gonna happen, kid.
05:55Ugh, yeah, whatever.
05:57Uh, Ms. Johnson, do you think I could use the bathroom, please? I need to step out.
06:01Of course you can, Holmes. Take your time.
06:04Yeah, Ms. Johnson, Ms. Johnson, it's me too. I need to use the bathroom.
06:07Roxy, the policy is one student at a time.
06:11Oh, phew. Okay, I'm the only one that could go.
06:14Ugh, whatever, Ms. Johnson.
06:16Oh, holy smokes! And, oh no, it's already 2 p.m.!
06:21Ah! I have to skip class again so I can get my mom her medicine. I gotta go quickly!
06:26She might be super duper sick if I don't.
06:28Wait a minute, Holmes, is that you? Are you skipping class?
06:32Well, I guess technically, yeah, but I never would want to skip class. I just really have to take care of my...
06:38I mean, um, I just have something at home that I have to look at.
06:41Oh, uh, well, do you think I can come with you?
06:45What? Come with me? Um, to do what?
06:48I don't know, maybe we can, like, study together for an upcoming quiz?
06:52Oh, study together? Well, I mean, I totally would, but right now I have to go take care of something.
06:58I don't know, after I can show up?
07:00Oh my gosh! Is this what I think is going on?
07:04Yo, loser! Why are you talking to Crystal?
07:07What? I wasn't even talking to her! She came up to talk to me!
07:11Oh, yeah! The prettiest girl in school would try and talk to someone like you!
07:15What? I guess? What's going on here, Crystal? Are you guys trying to bully me or something?
07:21No, no, I just wanted to ask Holmes if we can study.
07:24Uh, we're just gonna use him. Good thinking, Crystal.
07:27What? No, I mean, like, actually study.
07:30Girl, you are so smart. Always use nerd boys for answers.
07:34Alright, whatever, guys. I'm going home, I have stuff to do.
07:37No, no, Holmes. I didn't mean what they're saying. They're lying.
07:41Yeah, yeah, yeah. Get on, little bro. Get back home.
07:44Oh my gosh. Alright, whatever, guys. I have more important things to do than worry about stupid school bullies.
07:50Oh, I hope my mom's okay.
07:52She's gonna get her medicine soon. She's gonna be super duper uber schmooper sick.
07:57And this is not really the good medicine. It's more of the super cheap one.
08:00But it's all I can afford, so at least it's gonna keep her alive for now.
08:04Mom! Mom, are you okay?
08:06Sweetie, I really need the medicine.
08:10Holy smokes, holy smokes, holy smokes! Okay, medicine, medicine.
08:13Okay, I got her pills. Mom, I'm coming right away!
08:15Ah! I forgot to get water, water, water, water, water!
08:18Sweetie, I really could use you.
08:22Mom, I'm coming right now! Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh.
08:25Okay, here, Mom. Open wide. I'm gonna throw you the pill, okay?
08:29Okay, thank you, sweetie.
08:30Okay, there you go. Now, here, quickly chug the water. You don't want to have a pill without any liquids in you.
08:38Phew, I feel a lot better. I was about to throw up earlier.
08:41Oh, man. Mom, I'm so sorry. I got held up at school, and I don't know.
08:46I'm just really sorry. I'm never gonna do it again.
08:49Sweetie, it's alright. It's okay.
08:53And, huh? The doorbell just rung.
08:54Mom, one second. I need to go check who's downstairs.
08:57Who's at the house at this hour? That doesn't make any sense.
09:00Hello? Is this Ohms' house?
09:02What? Crystal? What are you doing here? You know where I live?
09:05Yeah, I just really wanted to study.
09:08Really, Crystal? Are you sure Roxy and Megan is not out here waiting to just prank me and make fun of me?
09:14What? No way. I don't like how they're treating you. I'm really sorry about that.
09:18Mm, I don't know. I always get bullied just for being a nerd, but no one knows I'm being a nerd, so I could be a doctor.
09:25What? You want to be a doctor? But why? Because they make a lot of money?
09:28Well, yeah, but because I want to make enough money to take care of my mom.
09:33She's really, really sick, and without money, I can't do anything. I have to get her super trash medicine.
09:39Oh my gosh, that is so sweet and noble of you. You are a really good person.
09:44Oh, um, thank you. I really appreciate that, but I haven't eaten all day, so let me go get something from the fridge.
09:52I'm starving. Let me get my daily bit of bread, and let me...
09:57Oh, yeah, real good. Real good stuff.
10:00No way, no way.
10:02Huh? Hey, Roxy, Megan.
10:05Oh, Crystal, I knew you brought them here just to make fun of me.
10:08What? No, what are you guys doing here?
10:10Hello, um, so this is your house, is it?
10:14What? Yes, this is my house. What do you guys want? I have to do some studying later.
10:18Oh, nothing. We're just here to steal your homework. Cough it up.
10:22What? My homework? Y'all, that's why Crystal's here, so help us too.
10:27What? No way, guys. I'm not just going to give you my homework because you're mean. I have really important things to do.
10:33Oh my gosh, guys, you are not being funny at all.
10:36Crystal, stop pretending you care about a nerd.
10:39Ugh, whatever, guys. I gotta go do some studying real fast, so I'll be upstairs.
10:44Wait, let me come with you.
10:45Ugh, whatever, Crystal. Just please don't bug me. I just really have to study right now,
10:50because if I don't get my education, then my mom's really going to get worse, so let me check this out.
10:55Okay, so if there is 42 times 2,000...
11:01Okay, wait, that one's easy.
11:02Um, can you pause real fast?
11:05Um, yeah, what's up? What do you want me to pause for?
11:07Um, I think I, like, really like you. You're really sweet, and you care about your mom, and none of my friends are like that.
11:14Oh, thank you very much. I appreciate it, but are you just saying that so you can make fun of me with your friends?
11:21No way. I think you're the coolest person ever, and I wanted to know if I could give you a smooch.
11:27What? A smooch? Um, are you sure, Crystal, or are you just saying that to prank me or something?
11:33No, I'm being for real. Just come here, and let me give you a smooch.
11:36Oh, no way. Ain't no way I just saw that.
11:41Crystal, did you just kiss this nerd?
11:44Oh my gosh, ew! What? Hey, guys, I'm not ew.
11:50Dude, you're a nerd. Crystal is the prettiest girl in school.
11:53Guys, stop being mean to him. What is wrong with you?
11:56Crystal, stop acting like you like him.
11:59I do. He's super nice, and he doesn't care about my looks. He's just a good person.
12:04Yeah, yeah, that's it. I'm calling somebody up.
12:08Huh? Who are you calling up?
12:10Wait, what's going on? Who are you calling up, Roxy?
12:12I'm calling up your sister, Crystal. She's gonna be very disappointed with you.
12:17What? No, no, no. Don't call her. Give me your phone right now, Roxy.
12:21Boop called her. She's coming over right now. Ha, ha, ha.
12:25Oh my gosh. I knew it, Crystal. You just kissed me to make fun of me.
12:30What? No. Guys, can you please leave? Especially don't bring my sister here.
12:35Girl, look who's downstairs.
12:37Oh my gosh, you guys weren't kidding. Crystal, why are you getting with a nerd?
12:43You're messing up our family legacy, you know.
12:46What are you talking about, guys? Family legacy?
12:49Yeah, Alms. Lily and Crystal are the prettiest girls in school.
12:54They can't be seen with somebody like you.
12:56Ugh. Alright, whatever, guys. Just get out of my house, please, all of you.
13:01I have a lot of studying to do.
13:03If I don't become a doctor, it's gonna be really, really bad for me.
13:06And Crystal, just have a good rest of your day, okay?
13:10Ugh, let me just continue studying.
13:12Ugh, sweetie. It really hurts right now.
13:17Wait, Mom. Oh no, no, no, no, no. Tell me what hurts. What hurts?
13:21My stomach really hurts. I don't think I'm gonna make it.
13:24Wait, your stomach hurts? I learned this in class.
13:27Is the pain on the top of your stomach or on the bottom of your stomach?
13:30It's on the bottom part.
13:32Okay, Mom. You're coming with me. I know exactly how I can help you.
13:35We have to take you to the bathroom.
13:38Huh? The bathroom? Sweetie, are you sure?
13:41Yes, I'm sure. Just here. Go inside to the toilet. Let me help you on over.
13:45And I'll let you do your business in there, okay?
13:48Just let me know if you need anything. I'll be waiting right outside.
13:51Alright. Thank you so much, sweetie.
13:53No problem, Mom.
13:54You guys are the worst. I'm hanging out with Ohms.
13:57What? Those guys are still downstairs? Oh my gosh.
14:01Ohms, I am so sorry about them. And I really wanted to meet your mom.
14:06I wanted to tell her what good of a kid she raised.
14:09What? My mom?
14:11My mom is currently doing something right now,
14:13so I don't know if now is the best time.
14:15Where is she? In the bedroom?
14:17No, no, no. She's not in the bedroom. She's somewhere else.
14:19Is she in that room over there? Is she behind those two doors?
14:22Yes, but this is a very private room.
14:25Hey, hey, hey! You can't go inside right now.
14:27Sweetie, it's really starting to hurt. Can you help me out?
14:31Yeah, coming in. Oh my gosh.
14:34Mom, what happened here?
14:36Nothing, sweetie.
14:38Holy smokes. Oh gosh.
14:41Okay, let me get a shovel real fast. This is not looking good at all,
14:43but are you feeling better?
14:45Yeah, I'm actually feeling a lot better.
14:47Wait, really? Maybe you just really need to take a big poop.
14:50Okay, Mom, I'm gonna shovel all this out and I'm gonna leave you to it, okay?
14:53There's not every... Ew, wow. It's on your hands too, Mom.
14:56Oop, just don't look, Ohms.
14:58All right, I won't look, but just make sure to get everything out.
15:00And hey, Crystal, nothing to see in here. Nothing to see in here.
15:03Let me just say hi to your mom.
15:06Well, I guess it was clean inside. You could go inside.
15:08Oh, wow.
15:10Um, wow, Mom, you did this that fast?
15:13Yeah, but I'm feeling a lot better.
15:15Uh, hello, Ohms' mom. Ohms is, like, really sweet,
15:19and I just wanted to introduce myself to you.
15:22Ooh, Ohms, you have a girlfriend?
15:24No, no, she's just a friend from school, I guess.
15:28But just, Crystal, just step out. Please step out.
15:30Step out. I need to look after my mom real fast.
15:32Just please get out. Get out.
15:34Mom, did that make you feel better?
15:35Actually, yeah, I feel a whole lot better.
15:38Awesome. Okay, here, let me shovel out the rest.
15:41Yeah, boom.
15:42Okay, all the poop is done, and...
15:44Holy smokes!
15:45Mom, you look so much better. You're not green in the face anymore.
15:49Really, sweetie? I look better?
15:50I feel a lot better, too.
15:52Oh, my gosh. Awesome!
15:54Wait, you haven't came outside in such a long time?
15:57Come with me. I need to show you the outdoors.
16:00Check it out, Mom.
16:01Whoa, it's so beautiful out here.
16:04And, Mom, you know what? I'm still gonna be a doctor.
16:07Even though we don't need the money anymore, I just really like being a doctor.
16:10Son, it's so cool that you could just be yourself.
16:13Aw, thank you, Mom.
16:14Yeah, Ohms, you're pretty awesome.
16:16Wait, you guys really think so?
16:18Yeah, duh.
16:19Hey, Ohms is downstairs. What's going on, pipsqueak?
16:23Hey, Roxy, guess what?
16:25I'm not a pipsqueak, and I'm about to go study,
16:28because I love studying.
16:29Ooh, I'm gonna join you.
16:31All right, come on, let's go.
16:33And that was an awesome adventure.
16:35And if you want to join us on the next, click right here.