Cash & Nico Merch!
Today, Nico plays as the FRONTMAN in Squid Game! Nico and his friends play squid games in Minecraft! Will he be found out as the front man?! Watch to find out!
#Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Nico #NicoAndCash
Today, Nico plays as the FRONTMAN in Squid Game! Nico and his friends play squid games in Minecraft! Will he be found out as the front man?! Watch to find out!
#Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Nico #NicoAndCash
00:00I always have to listen to the front man.
00:01He always bosses me around and tells me what to do, but that's the only way I survive around here.
00:05I guess that's just the way of life.
00:06Hey, front man!
00:07Thank goodness you're here.
00:08You were almost late and I would have had to kill you.
00:10Yeah, I just forgot my weapons.
00:12You have all of your weapons in order?
00:14Yeah, I do. I have my sniper.
00:15I have this.
00:16I have this.
00:17Whenever you need-
00:18What just happened?
00:19Front man?
00:19Oh no, he's on the floor.
00:20Did I just kill the front man?
00:22What is this? Front man keycard?
00:23Niko, listen.
00:24I think you accidentally killed me, but it's chill, I guess.
00:27I need you to become the front man for me.
00:30Become the front man?
00:31We need someone to lead it.
00:32You are the best option.
00:34I'll just take your clothes!
00:36Okay, that's perfect.
00:37I'm the front man now.
00:38Tell my brother that I hate him and that he's a dumb officer, okay?
00:43Okay, if I see him, I'll definitely tell him that. I'm sorry.
00:45Yeah, I outsmarted him for years.
00:48Well, thank you for being of service, front man. I'm sorry.
00:51Oh gosh, okay.
00:52I need to hide you, bro.
00:52We cannot let anyone know that you died.
00:54I'm sorry, front man.
00:55You know what? This is perfect.
00:56Now I can control this area.
00:57You know what? I didn't even like that guy.
00:59I'm so glad he gave me permission to be front man before he died.
01:02Now I can just rule this place and do whatever I want.
01:04All right, it's time to get my front man face on.
01:05Let's go.
01:06This is awesome.
01:07Oh, yeah, what's up?
01:08Are you ready for the games?
01:09The games? What do you mean?
01:10Everybody's in the lobby.
01:11They're waiting on you.
01:12And you're supposed to be playing in the games.
01:14You don't remember?
01:14Well, what do you mean playing in the games?
01:15I didn't sign up for this.
01:16I control this place.
01:17You told everyone you'd play in the games this time.
01:19We're gonna help you win.
01:20Okay, just take me there.
01:21All right, let's go.
01:22All right.
01:23Oh my gosh.
01:24Where am I?
01:24Everything just turned black and oh gosh, not this again.
01:28I was a guard last time.
01:29But how did I downgrade to a player after becoming the front man?
01:31I have this key card.
01:32Maybe that could be useful later, but I'm just gonna have to hold on to it.
01:35Hey, what's up Mia?
01:36Are you ready for squid games?
01:37Yeah, I'm ready for the games.
01:39This time I'm gonna win.
01:40You're not gonna win this time.
01:41Yeah, I am.
01:41I've been practicing the glass stuff.
01:43No, I'm playing this time.
01:44I'm sorry about last time.
01:45Nah, it's fine.
01:46Honestly, last time I really wasn't my best self.
01:48But I'm ready to win 4.56 billion dollars.
01:51Yo, Shady, what's in this jelly bean?
01:53Yeah, yeah, don't say that out loud.
01:55Don't say that out loud.
01:56Wait, what?
01:57Okay, whatever.
01:57Zoey, are you ready?
01:58Yeah, I'm ready.
01:59Bubble time!
02:00Now that we've played these games before, this is gonna be a fair match, okay?
02:03True, I've played these games before.
02:05Well, anyways, let me go talk to one of these guards.
02:07What do you want, buddy?
02:08Get off the stage.
02:09It's okay.
02:09We know it's you, front man.
02:10We know it's you.
02:11We just have to treat you the same, right?
02:12So get off the stage, little punk.
02:14Oh, oh, okay, oh.
02:15Can I have the pink suit?
02:16Hey, get off the stage, buddy.
02:17We're gonna have to take fire.
02:18Can we just get this started already?
02:20Yeah, sure.
02:20Get in a single-file line, and we'll open the doors.
02:22Okay, okay.
02:23That's where you guys will take your photos.
02:25Hey, I wanna be third.
02:26Hey, everyone get in a line.
02:27Oh, never mind.
02:27She has a stinky butt.
02:28You can be third.
02:29I will go first.
02:30Let's go.
02:30It's time to win, Squid Games.
02:32Wait a second.
02:32The door's opened.
02:33All right, let's go.
02:34Triangle guard, I assume we're listening to you.
02:36Yeah, don't listen to that little puny circle guard.
02:37They're not as high as me.
02:39Hey, man.
02:39Chill, chill!
02:41Don't bring out those little blickies on me, or I'm gonna have to tickle you.
02:43Everyone go in a single-file line.
02:45We need to scan you.
02:46Take some photos.
02:46Come on, let's go.
02:47Yes, this one over here.
02:48Okay, got it.
02:49All right, I know how to do this.
02:50I'll just take my photo.
02:51All right, my turn.
02:52My turn.
02:53Come on.
02:53Be quiet, little orange girl.
02:54Shady, just hurry it up.
03:00Am I done?
03:00Shady, yes, you're done.
03:01Move on.
03:04Hey, get out of the camera, buddy.
03:06Yay, it's my turn.
03:10A ball!
03:13Out of the way.
03:14Oh, my God!
03:16Cash, what are you doing?
03:18Okay, everyone, you know the drill.
03:19Now it's time to play Red Light, Green Light, so go up the stairs.
03:22Uh, all right, got it.
03:23Get moving.
03:24Go, go, go!
03:24Um, guard.
03:25What's good?
03:25What's good?
03:26Do you potentially know where the front man room is?
03:28Yeah, but you can't go there right now.
03:29They'll know it's you.
03:30I'm gonna have to.
03:30Okay, I can lead you there.
03:31I need something to win the first game.
03:33All right.
03:33Right over here, front man.
03:34All right.
03:34Wait, is it this?
03:35Yes, go in, go in.
03:36Okay, well, thank you, guard.
03:37I'll be there in a second, don't worry.
03:38All right, I'm going to the games.
03:39Well, you know what?
03:40This is perfect.
03:41Wait, what is this?
03:41Oh, gosh, I think I'm gonna have to use this key card.
03:43It says that the code is 3593.
03:47Wait, no way!
03:48Yo, this is sick!
03:49Is this the front man room?
03:50And this is access to probably every security camera here, but I can't be in here for long.
03:54All right, what is this?
03:55Whoa, are these, like, items?
03:56No wonder the front man wanted to play in the games.
03:58He has items that he can cheat with.
03:59Okay, Red Light, Green Light.
04:00I'm gonna take this.
04:01These are robot boots.
04:02This will be perfect in-game.
04:03And whenever I right-click it, it gives me speed three.
04:05And I can be Red Light, Green Light so fast with this.
04:07All right, let's get out of here.
04:08It's time to go back into the games.
04:09All right, I just gotta find Red Light, Green Light.
04:10Where is this thing?
04:12Let's do it.
04:13Oh, let me wait for this to get disabled.
04:14Um, hey, what's up, guys?
04:15Hey, why'd you show up kinda late?
04:17Sorry, I got lost.
04:18I don't know.
04:18One of the guards had to show me back.
04:19Oh, okay.
04:20Don't worry about it.
04:21Anyways, well, we know how this works.
04:22All right, ready?
04:23The game starts in three, two, one.
04:25Green Light.
04:25Green Light.
04:26Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go!
04:29Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
04:31It's just green.
04:33Red Light.
04:34Oh, no.
04:34The guard moved.
04:36Nico moved.
04:36Nico and Shady.
04:37Oh, wait.
04:38Why is the chat spamming with guard move?
04:40Because the guard moved.
04:41So it's going to show us whenever someone moves.
04:43All right.
04:43Go, go, go, go, go, go!
04:44Green Light!
04:44Go, go, go!
04:46Oh, no.
04:46Oh, Red Light!
04:46Uh, oh, Martin.
04:47Oh, my gosh.
04:50I think just the guard is sneaking.
04:56Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go.
04:57Come on, come on, come on, come on.
04:58Red light.
05:00What just happened?
05:01Niko, sneak, sneak, sneak, sneak, sneak.
05:02I don't think sneaky counts.
05:03All right, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go.
05:05Oh, red light.
05:06Yeah, I mean, I don't care.
05:07I don't care, baby.
05:08What's up?
05:08I'm gonna do my dance over here.
05:09Y'all stuck.
05:10All right, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go.
05:12Bro, I'm far away, come on.
05:14And I've already finished.
05:15Yo, Zoe, you are slow right now.
05:17I'm scared.
05:19Go, go, go, go, go, go, go.
05:19Okay, I made it.
05:20I made it.
05:21Stop, stop, stop.
05:22Please, please, please.
05:23I'm not moving.
05:24I'm not moving.
05:24I'm not moving.
05:25No, what?
05:27And Mia was eliminated.
05:28How is that even fair?
05:29But Mia, you have three lives left.
05:30You have to restart at the start.
05:31Okay, is it green?
05:32I'm waiting for green.
05:33Let me go, let me go.
05:35Turns out for what?
05:36Zoe, you did it.
05:37Oh, that was a close one, but oh yeah, I did it.
05:40But let's see if Mia's gonna be able to.
05:41Oh, I'm not moving.
05:42I'm not moving.
05:43Me, I'll mess with dubstep, or is that just me?
05:45Yo, who's saying that?
05:46I think it's the guard.
05:47It's me, the guard.
05:48Guard, what are you yapping about?
05:49I like dubstep.
05:50What can I say?
05:51Okay, well, you know what?
05:52Let's just get Mia over here.
05:53Mia, you lost a life.
05:54You better not lose another one.
05:55Dude, y'all, like, that's not fair.
05:57Mia, you are buns.
05:59Yo, Mia, I think you moved.
06:00No, I didn't.
06:01I literally stopped.
06:01Stop, Shady, stop!
06:03Okay, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
06:05Oh, oh, oh, oh.
06:06And we all made it.
06:07Stop playing around, blonde haired boy.
06:08Hey, yo, chill.
06:09Yo, yo, chill.
06:10You don't wanna mess with this little boy?
06:12Come get this toy, little boy.
06:13All right, well, it's time to go back to the corridor.
06:16Shut up, circle guard.
06:17I get to say it.
06:18Okay, yeah.
06:19I want to do it on my own time.
06:20I wanna do it on my own time.
06:21I need to breathe.
06:22I need to breathe.
06:23Okay, just say it, please.
06:24This is kind of scary.
06:24Okay, we can go back to the corridors now.
06:26Let's just go back to the corridors.
06:27All right, we're finally back,
06:29and it seems like the prize pool's still there.
06:30$4.56 million, I'm gonna win all that.
06:33Mia got slammed out.
06:35No, I literally got sabotaged.
06:37Ew, and they got a piece of salad in the skull.
06:41You've had one elimination,
06:42which means if you hit three,
06:43you are permanently eliminated,
06:44and you are done with the prize pool.
06:46But I really want this money.
06:47Well, you need to lock it if you wanna win.
06:49True, lock in or tap out.
06:50Am I right?
06:51Yes, exactly.
06:52All right, everyone.
06:53Can I say it this time?
06:54Yeah, go ahead, little puny.
06:55It's time for our next game.
06:57We got some guard beef here.
06:58Dude, it is straight up sirloin in this dude.
07:00Guard, what will be the next game?
07:02Hey, front man, the next game's Mingle, all right?
07:04Okay, okay.
07:05The next game is Mingle.
07:06Okay, well, it's time for us to go.
07:08All right, everybody, run, run, run!
07:10All right, now, where is Mingle?
07:11I don't know.
07:12I think it's over here.
07:13I think we should split up and find where Mingle is.
07:15I'm at Mingle, and I'm ready to single.
07:17I need to go fast.
07:18They're already at the Mingle.
07:19All right, we're back in this room,
07:20and it looks like we have the second front man ability,
07:22and it looks like it's a remote switch.
07:24I wonder what this does.
07:24All right, let's meet back up with my friends.
07:26The next game is Mingle, so you know what?
07:28Let's try and do this.
07:29Hopefully, we'll be able to get away
07:30with these front man abilities.
07:31Oh gosh, this is the Mingle room.
07:33All right, everybody on the platform.
07:36Okay, so, you know, you guys have played this before,
07:39but I'm gonna go over the rules again.
07:41So basically, there'll be some music, not really,
07:43and then it's gonna spin around,
07:44and then a number's gonna pop up on your screen,
07:46and however much that number is
07:48is how many players you're going to need in your box.
07:50All right?
07:51Okay, got it.
07:52Does that make sense?
07:53Yes, that makes sense.
07:54Doesn't make dollar.
07:55Well, anyways, Mia, enough with the bad jokes.
07:57Let's get on with this.
07:58All right, oh gosh, wait, are we starting already?
07:59Two! Two!
08:00Whoa, whoa, whoa, what does this do?
08:01I can't see, I can't see!
08:03I can't see.
08:04I'm in the pink door.
08:05What is this, what is this?
08:05I'm going to sing Sherloin.
08:07Over here, over here!
08:08Why'd they do that to us?
08:11Rebecca G.A.
08:11Yo, let me just go over here.
08:12Looks like everyone made it into the door.
08:14Oh, yay!
08:15Okay, we come back out.
08:16No one is eliminated, so therefore, come back out, guys.
08:19Oh my gosh.
08:20Whoa, whoa, wait, hang on, hang on.
08:21We got five people.
08:22How does that make any sense?
08:23Who was alone?
08:24Wait, wait, wait.
08:24Let's start the next round, let's start the next round.
08:28Oh, it looks like it's two again.
08:32No, please, please, I have, I do.
08:33I already lost a life, please.
08:34Open that door, baby.
08:35Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, you can't see me, you can't see me.
08:38You can't see me?
08:39My time is now.
08:40Yo, one of us needs to, one of us needs to get out of here.
08:41Looks like we just have three.
08:43Looks like we have three.
08:45No, no, no, no.
08:45Get out, get out!
08:46Zoey, no!
08:48And Zoey was eliminated.
08:50Oh, no, she only has two lives left.
08:52You sly dog.
08:53What do you mean?
08:54You killed your girl.
08:56What do you mean?
08:57She killed.
08:58You know what, let's just go.
08:58Did we all survive this time?
08:59Yeah, I think we all survived except Zoey.
09:01Zoey, you bunned.
09:02He killed me!
09:03He pushed me out of there!
09:05No, no, I didn't.
09:06I'll never like you, I'm mad.
09:08Mia, keep him away from me.
09:09Hey, Cash, come here, bro.
09:11I got something for ya.
09:11Oh, cool.
09:13Oh, oh, gosh, okay.
09:14Oh, oh, I'm going pink, I'm going pink, I'm going pink.
09:16Going pink, going pink.
09:17Make it there, make it there, make it there.
09:18Oh, GGs.
09:18And back up!
09:19Back up, bro.
09:20Back up!
09:22You're not doing this again!
09:24Mia and Zoey were eliminated.
09:26Nico pushed me out of it, I was there!
09:30That's two lives gone from Zoey and Zoey.
09:31I don't know, it's not my fault.
09:33It was your fault!
09:34Hey, Shady and Cashy, get out of that box.
09:37Okay, cool.
09:37All right, welcome back, Shady and Cash.
09:39All right, follow the rainbow.
09:40Follow the rainbow when you see the numbers.
09:41Follow the rainbow, follow the rainbow.
09:42Follow the rainbow, guys, go, go, go!
09:43Go, go, go, go, go!
09:45Go, go, go, go, go, go, go!
09:47Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!
09:48Mia's dead!
09:49Let go of me, let go of me!
09:50I'm sorry, I'm sorry!
09:51Get him, get him, get him, get him!
09:52Crack his neck, crack his neck!
09:55Oh my!
09:57What did I do?
09:58And there were only three.
09:59Zoey, you barely survived.
10:01I'm not talking to you, you killed me like two times.
10:03Zoey, it's okay, come here.
10:04Oh, a jellybean?
10:05Just eat some of these.
10:06Those are just red buttons, what are those doing?
10:08Hey, hey, hey, back up, back up, back up, back up!
10:09Hey, hey, hey!
10:11Yo, guard, are my friends eliminated forever?
10:14Nah, only Mia.
10:14Wait, what?
10:16We're gonna head to the scoreboard now to see the lives.
10:17Okay, where is this other guard?
10:19Frontman, Frontman, can I talk to you?
10:20Yes, what's up?
10:21Don't be too obvious.
10:22I accidentally pooped my suit, can I change?
10:24Yes, you can change.
10:25Okay, let's just go back to the corridor.
10:27Why were you talking to that guard?
10:29Don't worry about it, Zoey.
10:29All right, it's time to see the scoreboard.
10:31Is Mia eliminated?
10:33Mia's eliminated!
10:33I'm desperate, die!
10:36Oh gosh, Zoey, I'm sorry.
10:38And then there were four.
10:39Anyways, guard, let's play the next game.
10:41Let's get this going.
10:42All right, the next game is one of my favorites.
10:44Yo, circle guard, why you talking?
10:45Yeah, who digging in my back?
10:46I'm talking.
10:47No, bro, man, nobody respects me here.
10:49Exactly, and I just got a fresh new pair of undies,
10:51so I'm feeling good.
10:52Well, triangle guard, lead us to the next game.
10:54All right, next game is Glass Bridge.
10:56All right, I'll be back.
10:57I need to go pee.
10:58I'll be back.
10:59I'll distract.
11:00Get moving, Shady, go!
11:01Where did that guard come from?
11:02Anyways, it's time for me to go back to the front man room.
11:04All right, we're back here
11:05and the next game is Glass Bridge.
11:06And it looks like I have something to help me out.
11:08A monocle?
11:09Oh wait, I think I know what this does.
11:10All right, let's go.
11:11And as predicted, Glass Bridge is the next game.
11:13So let's go, my friends might get suspicious,
11:15so I need to get in there.
11:16Zoey, Shady.
11:16Why is Shady's name Shady Does Not Like Front Men?
11:20That's not how you spell front man.
11:21Oh my gosh, what's up?
11:22Yo, what happened to this guard?
11:23Hey, I added a bow to my skin.
11:25Do you like it?
11:26Oh, so they're allowed to do it.
11:28What do you mean?
11:28And I'm blushing a little too.
11:30I'm a little blushy bean.
11:31Yo, give me one second with this guard real quick.
11:33Yo, circle guard, come over here.
11:34Yo, what's up?
11:35Put on your other outfit, dude.
11:37I look good and I'm still a guard.
11:38Put on your other outfit.
11:39I said it, I'm the front man.
11:40Okay, will do, front man.
11:42Oh yo, what's up guys?
11:42What were you saying?
11:44How do I use this monocle?
11:45Anyways, guard, can you explain the rules?
11:47The rules of this game are you have to reach the end
11:49without dying, and if you do,
11:51then it will cost you one of your lives.
11:52Oh, and I assume that there's two paths.
11:54One's correct and one's not correct?
11:56Exactly, if you step on the wrong one,
11:57then the glass breaks and you die.
11:58A gruesome death.
11:59Oh, what if I just walk on the side?
12:00Can't walk on the side.
12:01Okay, well, you know what?
12:02The side is off limits, sir.
12:03Zoe, you go first.
12:04No, I have one life, come on.
12:06Wait, I'll go first.
12:08Remember, I'm a professional at this.
12:09Shady, I don't know if you're gonna win this one.
12:11All right, so he went this way, then I go this way.
12:13Oh gosh, oh my gosh.
12:16I think I realized something.
12:17If these ones are correct,
12:18these ones look a little bit off.
12:19I think Shady just got eliminated.
12:20So, you know, it looks like if you look at the glass
12:22correctly with this monocle, it actually works.
12:24You could see if it's connected or not connected,
12:25and I could know what path is correct.
12:27Yo, Shady's just beating this thing.
12:28Yo, Cash and Shady just lost a life.
12:30I only have one life.
12:31Yo, I'm a glass maker, dude.
12:33Zoe, can you go to the one in front of me?
12:34Are you trying to kill me or something, Nico?
12:36No, no, Cash, it's the one to your diagonal, bro.
12:38That one? Yeah.
12:38I think it's this one.
12:39Okay, oh gosh.
12:40Why is this one thin?
12:41Whoa, this one is thin.
12:42It's glitched.
12:43Oh, what?
12:45Oh my gosh, Cash just lost two lives.
12:47How'd you get over there?
12:48Yo, Shady's insane at these games.
12:50Okay, you know what?
12:51I'm just going, let's go.
12:52Wait, follow Nico.
12:53No, no, no, no, no, no.
12:54Do not follow me.
12:55Do not follow me.
12:56My life!
12:57You just eliminated Zoe forever.
13:00Yeah, she was getting in my way.
13:01Zoe is eliminated.
13:02Yo, Cash.
13:04Oh my, okay, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going.
13:06He's chasing me.
13:07Oh no!
13:09Wait, that's Cash's second life gone in this game.
13:12Oh gosh, okay, we're gonna need to tally up
13:13the points after this.
13:14Come on, go, go, go, go.
13:15Well, the glass broke underneath my feet.
13:17And we're back.
13:17I followed your footsteps.
13:18How are you still alive, Cash?
13:19Oh, because I don't die until the round ends.
13:21Once I get to the main room,
13:22then they kill me and they execute me.
13:24Wait, what?
13:25Yeah, so I'm enjoying my last moments here.
13:26Circle guard, is that true?
13:27Yeah, it's true.
13:28Anyways, we're headed back to the main room.
13:30It looks like Cash is eliminated.
13:31All right, let's go.
13:32Well, maybe I'll see you guys again soon.
13:34Guys, can I say something before they kill me?
13:36Goodbye, Cash!
13:38Cash was struck by lightning and squashed
13:42into the games.
13:43All right, we're back at the scoreboard.
13:44Cash is eliminated.
13:45Zoe is eliminated.
13:46Mia's eliminated.
13:47No, my Shayla!
13:48Shady, it's just me and you.
13:50My Shayla!
13:51Shady, can you fix your name?
13:52What's going on there, bro?
13:53I just don't like frontmen.
13:54Okay, well, you know what?
13:55It's just me and you.
13:57So, what are you trying to say?
13:57So, we gotta battle it out for the prize at the end?
14:00It's just me and you.
14:01And, you know, the population is getting pretty low.
14:03It's time for the next game, sumo.
14:05All right, let's go.
14:06And the last game's sumo.
14:07Shady, are you ready for this?
14:09I'm ready.
14:10Actually, guard, I think I need to go to the restroom again.
14:12Can you show me in?
14:13Yeah, no worries.
14:14I got you.
14:15Shady, go in there!
14:15Sorry, Shady.
14:16Okay, geez.
14:17You don't have to yell.
14:18I'm going in for my last frontman item.
14:19Guard, you have to make sure I win.
14:20I got you, frontman.
14:21Okay, thank you.
14:21All right, three, five, nine, three.
14:23That's the code.
14:23And it looks like the last item is still there.
14:25It says sumo.
14:26And what is this?
14:27It is a hundred pound weight.
14:29Okay, well, you know what?
14:30I kind of want to use this to see what it does in game.
14:31It's time to enter sumo.
14:32Let's go!
14:33Oh, hey, Niko, what's up?
14:40We're gonna kill each other, dude.
14:40Are you okay with this?
14:41Yeah, I'm okay with this.
14:42Well, one more thing before we do.
14:44Love you, brother.
14:44Okay, Shady.
14:45Till death do us apart.
14:46No, no, no.
14:47All right, both of you head up to your sides.
14:49Okay, I'm going.
14:50And I'm curious.
14:51I think there's a hundred pound weight.
14:52Wait a second.
14:53It gives plus a hundred knockback resistance.
14:55That means I'm gonna be able to have no knockback?
14:57Okay, let's test this out.
14:58I don't want to be too obvious with this item, so.
15:00All right, Shady, click the button and let's go.
15:02All right.
15:03It's the finals, just you and me.
15:04Just you and me, dude.
15:05My button is not.
15:05Oh, there we go.
15:06All right, you ready?
15:07I'm ready.
15:08All right, you have two lives left
15:09and I have three lives left.
15:10All I have to do is get rid of you twice.
15:10Let's go.
15:11Hey, why are you not taking any knockback, dude?
15:12What do you mean?
15:13Hey, what's going on?
15:14Yo, Shady.
15:15Hold on, you got to eat up real quick.
15:16Yo, Shady.
15:16Yo, Shady.
15:19Hey, why are you not taking any knockback?
15:21That's one elimination from Niko.
15:22I think there's two more eliminations necessary, right?
15:24One more elimination necessary on Shady.
15:27Okay, I'm giving this one
15:28so he's not too suspicious of me.
15:30I'll make you pay.
15:31Shady, why are you eating so many jelly beans?
15:36Because you're going to see what mean Shady gets like.
15:38Okay, well, let's go.
15:40Ow, oh my gosh.
15:42I didn't even have the hundred pound weight equipped
15:45and he got me.
15:45You know what, Shady?
15:46That's one more elimination on me.
15:47But you know what?
15:49Get over here.
15:50Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
15:53Get over here.
15:55Shady, how are you not dead yet?
15:57Let's go.
16:02Niko has won Squid Games.
16:04You have won Squid Games.
16:06Who are you?
16:07Congratulations, front man.
16:08Well, thank you.
16:09I like you.
16:10You are a good player.
16:11Well, do I get the prize money now?
16:12Yeah, but you will get it.
16:14But you like me too, yes?
16:15Why are you giving me jelly beans?
16:16Take that back.
16:16That's your prize.
16:17Where's my $4.56 million?
16:19Oh, I'm back to the main room.
16:21I just got scammed.
16:22And then there was one, but at what cost?
16:24All of my friends have been eliminated.
16:26Hey, triangle guard, can you bring them back?
16:27No, they're dead for the rest of your life.
16:31If you want to watch more Niko Catch Adventures,
16:32click the one on the screen.
16:33If you enjoyed, then please subscribe.
16:35Bye, guys.