• yesterday
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#Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Cash #NicoAndCash
00:00Nah, Nico your feet are in my face, dude, but I'm trying to go to sleep. Uh, no, I'm trying to go to sleep
00:06I don't want to wake up yet. Stop it. Stop jumping on me. I don't like sharing a bed with you
00:10I don't like sharing a bed with you. You guys are being too loud. No, we're not. We're just arguing in our own room
00:16That is too loud. Like stop it close the doors. Okay, fine. There we go. It didn't work. Yo, it's still open
00:22You know when mom and dad said that I grow up, um, they're gonna give me my own bed
00:26So I finally don't have to share with you anymore. Yeah, you know what when I grow up
00:30Okay, well you're gonna grow up to maybe be like a little buns ninja and I'm gonna be the master ninja what no
00:36I'm gonna be the very master ninja. No, I will and I will be the goddess ninja
00:41That's not true. I'm gonna be the top because I already know how to do cool flips and stuff and look at this
00:45Yeah. Oh, yeah. Okay. I did it for like a lot of seconds that time. Oh, yeah
00:48Well, can you roll around like this and all that stuff? Well, I'm learning how to do that. I could try to exactly bow
00:53Okay, hold on. Let me climb this and then I'll jump and roll. Yeah, why is it so hard?
00:57I'm gonna learn it all when I'm older. Anyways, I don't care. Whatever you say a little bow Mia
01:00I'm mom and dad home yet. I don't think so. I haven't seen them. Why are you just sitting here waiting for food?
01:05Cuz I'm hungry. I'm hungry, too
01:08I need me some food now that I think about it. We do not eat enough as babies to grow
01:13I know how am I supposed to be big and strong in the best?
01:16Because mom and dad said we have to have a strict diet because that's how ninjas are supposed to eat
01:21I guess that makes sense
01:22We gotta stay fit because apparently when we fight people it's really matters for our stamina and stuff true
01:28My stamina is always running out Mia. Maybe he's gonna bring us food or something
01:34Children I am back from the grocery store. I have brought everyone food everyone. Please have a seat. Okay. Yes father
01:40I'm gonna sit down
01:43Okay, as you know as ninjas we must have a strict diet
01:46So I have brought stuffed pumpkin for each and every one of you. Oh
01:50Thank you stuffed pumpkin dad. Can we have something like chocolate and stuff? No chocolates only stuffed pumpkin for you
01:58You need to grow to be big and strong. I love stuffed pumpkin
02:00I will eat all of this so I can become the master ninja. It doesn't taste that good though
02:04I'm just gonna hide it over here. Hopefully my dad doesn't see I just demolished it, bro
02:08Once you kids complete eating your stuffed pumpkin and you prove it to me, then we will go see your mother
02:13Oh what I have to eat it. Are you serious?
02:17I mean over there fine. So we give me back my stuffed pumpkin. You stole it. Okay, I forgot how to throw stuff
02:23Yeah, brother. You need a bowl. Take it. Oh, thank you. Gosh. I see you throwing your stuffed pumpkin
02:27Stop messing with your food. Okay, I sorry geez, I'm gonna eat it. Anyways stuffed pumpkin doesn't even taste that good
02:32Okay, I ate mine. Well, you need to eat it to grow big and strong, you know, okay, I did there we go
02:37See, it's all done. And there's the bowl. It's to prove it. I like it. Okay, good
02:41I'll bring your mother in then she will tell you guys what to do next. Hey guys
02:44What today is National Pokemon Day happy National Pokemon Day, you know, mom said you cannot look at Pokemon cards, I'm sorry
02:53Okay, but if you look at Pokemon cards a day and then when are you gonna have time to train
02:57You don't really want to be a ninja. I want to be a trainer. Oh, yeah. I want to be a ninja
03:02I want to be the strongest in the family. Well, that's not gonna be you that's gonna be shady. What? Yeah. Yeah
03:07The sister is right. Let's go Mia. Have you even seen me though? Oh, well, I don't want to hurt your feelings right now
03:13Oh, no, you know, I think we're hurting Zoe's feelings cuz she's not even in the conversation
03:21Sorry, I don't think you're gonna be the strongest. Oh mom
03:24What's going on here? Nothing. We were not running on the table. Are you all behaving? Yes, mom
03:30What's up to the face mom off the table? Yeah, Nico, you know, you're not allowed to run on it
03:34That's where we eat bro. I mean mama. Okay, shall we get to work on your first lesson? Yes. I want to be a ninja
03:39Okay, let me show you the first lesson. All right, okay
03:42I want to eat stuffed pumpkin. Oh my
03:45Stop telling her about the stuffed pumpkin. It tastes weird. Okay. Okay, let's go practice and do some running. Shall we running?
03:51I already know how to run you want to see don't like stamina training. Well stamina training is important Mia
03:56Come on, you need to work on your stamina. I love stamina training. Watch me. Boom. Boom. Watch it. Boom. Okay
04:02How is he doing that? That's kind of cool. I'm gonna learn it
04:04I don't want to be a ninja want to be an artist you realize you have to be a ninja mom and dad said we
04:09Have to I want to draw pictures. Well, you cannot do that. We already had our career path set
04:14Well, I brought my notebook cash watch this a doobie slide into roll. It'll be slide at roll. Okay, you're just showing off
04:21Oh, very impressive. That's what I'm saying. Mama. Well, you know mom I can run very fast though
04:26And I learned how to wall run today. You want to see?
04:30Well, I just jump on a wall and then I put my feet on it like this I want to do that
04:34I don't know how to do that. Yeah, see I'm learning to become a ninja even though I'm very slow
04:39You are doing very good Oh wonderful job Thank You mom
04:42Now, why do you want us to run again?
04:44Is it so that we can run for hours whenever we fight people like the samurais you talk about? Oh, yes
04:49We need to prepare you for the samurais you see. Well, why can I not just become friends with samurais?
04:54Why did I always mean to us? No, no, no. No, they're very evil. You can't go near them. Okay?
04:59Well, you hear that Nico you can't go near them
05:01Well, no, if I went near them, then I'd be able to demolish them mom
05:04Nico said that he wants to have a samurai as a girlfriend one day, you know, he said that Oh
05:10Bad Nico bad. Well, what do you mean? You're grounded. You're not allowed outside. You cannot have a samurai as a girlfriend
05:17What do you mean samurai girls are awesome, and you're not gonna talk to me about that. No, I don't think so
05:23You're gonna get us all in trouble. Yeah, mom's not gonna like you after you say that
05:27Do I have to bring your dad out here? No, no, no. No mom. You don't have to okay. That's what I thought brother is right
05:34I have seen some very nice samurai baddies. Oh my gosh, we're gonna get in trouble shady. You have to be quiet. That's it
05:40I'm bringing your father over here. No, honey. Mom just disappeared. Oh dad's here. Whoa
05:48What did I hear about dating a samurai girl who said it
05:53Okay, well a shady's idea to go and spy on the samurai's why does somebody carrots in my face?
05:58Oh shady stop breaking the carrots. You're not allowed to date a samurai girl ever in your life
06:03Oh, no, dad's mad at him. Okay, you can blame it all on me
06:06You want but Niko's the one that's actually gonna do it. You should probably get to whooping him
06:09You'll be slide into roll. Come here Nene for you get a woman. No, no, no
06:14Dad's chasing him down mom. Dad's gonna kill him. Oh
06:18He's in trouble. What's one brother? You know? Yeah, I think we're gonna be down to four kids after this. Yeah, wait
06:25He's dodging him. He's doing good. No, he's doing good job. Okay. Oh, I'm tired
06:29I need to work on my stamina Niko. No samurai girlfriend and same with you shady
06:33I want everyone in this family to date ninjas when they're older. Yes, father
06:37I don't want to date nobody you don't have to date anyone. You don't want to sweetheart
06:41Yeah, I'm gonna draw now Zoe's gonna be a lonely old hag
06:47Don't talk to your sister like that lonely old loser
06:52I've heard enough all of you are gonna grow up to have amazing families like this one. See how beautiful our family is
06:57We do look good. Well, I look good. No, I would say there's a half of our family
07:01That doesn't really look the greatest but okay. Yes, you I'm in the good half white like I'm in the good half
07:07No, okay. So we have the ugly. Hold on
07:10What do you gotta one go the ugly and then we have the mid and then we have the two handsome chads white here
07:15What about me? What about me? No, I said he was the mid
07:21No, you are ugly get out of my face bro. No, you can't do that
07:28None of you are ugly stop. Sorry dad. You have to pick who is the most prettiest or handsome?
07:33We get it from the mom or the dad side. Who's the ugliest?
07:36Well, you know, I'm definitely the prettier side, but it doesn't matter. Okay. Oh my god. Mom is gonna get angry
07:41We better one. Oh my that's it. You guys all go to your room. I've had it with you. Oh, no
07:47Okay, fine. I guess we will. Oh, but I'll see mad at us. Don't worry
07:50I'll deal with your mother when I come back up there. You guys better not be slacking off
07:54Yeah, what are we even gonna do to slack off? We don't even have any video games in the house
07:58I've been begging for years. They're gonna battle to death. I have some Pokemon cards. We could play with
08:04Mom gonna kill me if she finds that out. Okay, fine. I'm gonna go sit on the bed
08:08That's like how mom got rid of my little boo-boos. Yeah, mom is kind of mean sometimes nasty little boo-boos
08:14She said no more you guys know
08:16I asked her for a PlayStation in the house so that we could play games and she said no daddy's so messed up
08:21That's ambitious she said it distracts us all the time and that we need to train and that's boring
08:26Yeah, this is what I do instead of playing on a game. Yeah, that looks kind of fun
08:30I'm just waiting until I become older one day. Me too. We're twins. I know because then when I'm older
08:35I could actually have all my skills and if I see a samurai in public then I kill him
08:39I think or date whichever one you want. No Mia, you cannot date a samurai. What if you want to do both? Yes
08:45Okay, kids. I just talked with your mom. What dad? Where are you?
08:48Dad above you son above me. Oh my goodness. Whoa
08:52It's a ninja trick. That's why we built the house like this so that we can climb and go up spaces really easily
08:58Okay. Well, you know if I had a game console in here, then I could learn how to climb with the controls on that
09:02I played this game called gang beasts and it's really hard to climb in that. Oh, I know how to climb in that game
09:07It's fine. You know, I used to actually love video games when I was a kid, but your mother's very strict on it
09:12So I have to agree with her. Is that why you became boring? What? Oh, I'm not boring. I'm like domesticated. Okay. Oh, yeah
09:19He's tamed. Yes. Okay. I need to keep your mother happy or else. I'm not gonna have a happy life now
09:24Listen, I think you kids are old enough to start having your own beds having you all sleep in the same one
09:28He's getting cramped. You're telling me. Thank goodness. I was tired of sleeping next to these stinky little babies
09:34Yeah, Nico's feet were literally in my face this morning. It was gross. Yeah, and they don't smell too good
09:39Yeah, and you guys never even know what a shower is. Okay, but you don't even share the blanket, bro
09:43You never shower. No, you guys never shower. Don't even want to hear it. You kids need a shower every day
09:49We can't have ninjas that stink. Yes father. I know. I will shower once a week. I don't want to shower
09:55Okay, go ahead my yo, that's close
09:57If an enemy samurai can smell you from the other side of the room, then you've already blown your cover
10:02Which is why you need to stay clean. So from now on everyone showers every day. Yes, dad
10:07Okay, fine now everybody choose a spot somewhere in the house and that's where we'll place your new beds, okay
10:12Okay, right. Yeah. Well Mia, you can't sleep on a dining table. That's dumb. Um, they're gonna replace it with a bed
10:18I will place it wherever you kids want. Okay?
10:20Well, I want to be over in this corner over here and so you move out of here
10:24Don't hit your sister. You hear me? Yes, dad. I sorry
10:27Well, these the only people you can be aggressive to our evil samurais and that's it. Okay fine
10:33I'll only fight the samurais when I see them. What if the evil samurai is beautiful? No dating samurais, okay
10:38Listen, you kids can't fight them yet either once you're older
10:41Maybe we could talk about it, but for now just stay in the house and don't leave but that's boring
10:45I hate staying in the house is so annoying. Okay, dad. I picked my spot. I'm up here. I picked mine. I picked mine
10:51Okay, good
10:52Once everyone's beds are down
10:53Everybody needs to get to sleep so that we can get training tomorrow or else your mother will be really mad at me another day
10:58Of training. Okay, fine. Well, I just gonna go to sleep now. I might as well
11:04Mia don't judge me. I trying to sleep trying to sleep everybody in bed. Good. I'm out. Huh? What guys? What do you want?
11:11Listen, don't yell at me. Geez
11:14Dad is gone. And I think that we should run out of here because I'm tired of being in this house
11:18Well, you thought we were actually gonna go to sleep, but maybe we could just fake it
11:22Oh, we should put I know what we could do to fake it. What?
11:25Okay, I'm going to put this down on every single bed and he's gonna think that we're asleep. Yeah, you oh
11:31You have to make it red, it's literally white. It doesn't even look like me. Okay. I only have five C plus C
11:37Oh my goodness fine. I'll just place it on all of our beds to trick our parents
11:43Niko's asleep
11:47We're gonna go sneak out while dad's gone what how did shady even get up there? I don't know
11:53Wait, I can do it. Watch. Well, you just use the trap doors. Come on guys. Well, I wanted to be a cool ninja
11:58I thought ninjas would have brains. Okay, I have a boy and it's just not that big yet
12:03Okay, so what the heck are we doing? Why are you guys bothering me because we're gonna sneak out of here. So come on
12:09I threw him downwards
12:13So you don't need to use the trap doors I already got him down well, I'm trying just to be a good ninja
12:18This is why I stay artist. Okay, let's not stay out for too long
12:21Cuz if mom and dad catch ups, then they're probably gonna punish us with more broccoli stew again, but that would not be good
12:27I don't want to eat broccoli. I don't want to explore the village. It's too boring
12:31We've already seen this a million times when mom takes us out. I think we should go outside the walls outside the walls
12:36What if we get killed? We're not going to we're literally ninjas and there's five of us, you know that not for real
12:43We're just babies. And anyways our entire lives we've been stuck inside these walls
12:47I don't think I've ever left it even once since I was born. That's true. I don't want to be in the walls anymore
12:52I'm gonna go break out me too. You guys can come with me if you want
12:55What if it is like attack on Titan? Are we sure that's what I was gonna say. Oh true. Well, then we could run away
13:01Are they gonna be a big monster? I hope not. I'm breaking through it guys. I think I'm seeing the outside come over here
13:07There's a forest. Whoa. Oh my goodness. This is very nifty. Yes break it. Oh, okay. You have to watch out though
13:13Let's go. Wow. Wow, this is beautiful. Whoa, it's the real world
13:19You know, I can't believe this is what the outside of the wall looks like. Whoa, it's a bunch of trees. Yeah, it looks awesome
13:25I'm gonna go through the whole forest. I can finally become a tree hugger Valley skimity. We can explore the world
13:31That's what I'm saying. And there's a lot of bamboo for us to eat
13:34I'm pretty sure that's what ninjas eat and stuff. You don't eat bamboo. Why not? I see pandas doing it
13:38Yeah, there's more to the world than stuffed pumpkin. Exactly. I'm starting to see more water around here
13:44I think I'm getting to the end of the forest. I think we lost we should go home. No, I don't think so
13:49I see another village. Whoa
13:51What oh my goodness, what is that?
13:56Yeah, we can make friends here there's probably more ninjas we can talk to
14:01We can ask them if they've ever fought an evil samurai and maybe we could learn from them and impress mom and dad I
14:06Think oh, yeah
14:07This place is so nice. I wish we had a house like this me too. Oh my goodness a staircase that leads up
14:13And a bunch of housing. I'm gonna go talk to whoever owns this place. No wait for me. This is huge
14:18Maybe I could finally get my own bedroom instead of having to sleep in the corner. Oh my goodness. No, right
14:23I don't wanna sleep in a corner anymore. This is just overpowered. I think I see somebody wait a second. That's a samurai
14:28Oh my goodness
14:30Flash big. Oh guys, I'm pretty sure that we're not supposed to be here because the samurais are here
14:35I don't think ninjas like samurais. I don't know where he went. We should leave you go. What could take you?
14:40Oh, what? Where is he? He's hidden. He used invisibility. He's right there. Oh my goodness. Yeah, okay
14:46Okay, we should run away shouldn't we I don't think we can fight him. Oh, what's the piece up whether I knew it
14:51I'm pretty sure Nico just got taken away. Oh and Zoe's gonna get taken away, too
14:56Get over here. Yeah. Hey you stole Zoe. That's my sister. You can't do that. What do we even do?
15:01I can't fight him. I can do whatever I want. No, you cannot come here boy. No, stop. You're missing me. You're missing me
15:07I hit him. I hit him. Yeah, wait, he's buns. He cannot even hit me with a smoke bomb. Oh
15:12My gosh, he just took Mia. Oh Mia got taken shady. It's just me and you. Oh, I cannot see look
15:18Here's what we do. I'll go in for the right leg. You go for the left leg. Oh god. What is that?
15:21What is that? Oh, that's a good idea. What?
15:29Good morning, huh? What is morning time? Let's stuck in a cage. What? Wait, how did this even happen? What and Nico pooped literally everywhere? Ah
15:38Nico what this is disgusting in here. Why are we even in a prison like this? What the heck happened? Yeah, are you serious?
15:44I didn't poop. I heard that. Hey, it was you. You're the one who trapped us. Yes
15:49Yeah, where did you just go? It isn't disappeared. Hey, I was talking to you dude. Let us out of here right now
15:54No, I will not do that. You know, our parents are gonna be mad at us if we're not back
15:57It's already nighttime out here. Perfect. They can come bail you out if they try. Oh
16:01I knew you guys were evil. My mom told me about you and shady wants you to be his girlfriend
16:06Nothing I have a wife of my own and my child is back home. Oh, I'm sorry. Sorry shady. I think he's taken dude
16:13Yeah, well, I literally never said I was interested in this one specifically. Oh, okay. Well, he's not interested in you. He said you're ugly
16:21Okay, that's enough with the smoke bomb seriously dude, you know, you cannot oh no he left oh gosh and he's good
16:27Mid-combat you I know he's so disrespectful to me and I didn't even do anything to him. I wasn't trying to fight
16:33Watching us. Yeah, that was another one. Hello. Where are they at? I see them. Hello children you you can give us the answers
16:40We want oh, this one is creepy. I don't have any answers for you. Well, what's wrong with you?
16:44Why are you these trapping kids? You know, that's kind of weird because you are ninjas. You can't be in this village
16:49Well, you know, we're gonna grow up to be very powerful ninjas. Does he have a crush on me?
16:55I'm married
16:58That's weird, do you think you can maybe get us on a double date with some, you know ninjas awesome samurais our age shady
17:05You cannot date a samurai. I
17:07Could just leave you all here trapped forever. I don't have to give you any answers
17:10You know, you can't do that because our parents will find us. No, I'm sure they will and then we'll get two more ninjas
17:15No, it's not gonna happen. Don't you dare leave?
17:19Don't you dare leave I knew she's gonna do it. Oh, no, I was expecting that they always do it to me
17:29Didn't do this Mia's lying. Yeah, can we get rid of this stuff? It's so nasty Mia. Did you do it?
17:36I didn't do it. Okay. I'm just gonna take a bath in our water source. Yeah, I mean you should probably get out
17:44We're gonna poop in there probably later
17:47I don't know. I like the whole better
17:51My god, I'm going to bed. I'm tired. Yeah, me too. I'm getting exhausted. Oh, I'll be next to Mia
17:56But there's multiple. Okay, we're fine. Whatever, you know, yeah. No Nico get to bed. We sleeping now. Sorry. Good night
18:07Why are you screaming Mia stop it I had a dream now we got out of this prison. Yeah, Mia
18:13We've been stuck here for four years. I don't think we're getting out anytime soon. Oh, man. We're gonna live here every day
18:18I'm pretty sure mom and dad forgot about us by now day number
18:23753 is it seriously already?
18:25753 yeah, I could have sworn it was 700 like just yesterday. Well, uh, it was actually like a month ago, dude guys
18:31Be honest, do you think we're gonna die in here? Probably probably yes possibly but I've seen a lot of ninja girls in this cage
18:39You mean samurai girls, but I keep saying that samurai girls. Let me out. Can we just send him to the corner?
18:45There's probably a way for us to get out of here
18:47Even though we can't break down the walls because we just physically can't yeah, we're not strong enough
18:52There's got to be another way maybe check under the beds or something. Maybe we can fit through the toilet
18:56I'll check in the toilet. Oh, oh, okay. I'm now I'm not doing this day. No, thank you
19:03What about the poop water? I'm pretty sure we wait guys. What did nobody realize this? There's a trapdoor under the water
19:09Are you kidding me? I got the drain. It's the sewage system. Wait, everyone just stand on it. Put your weight on. Okay, okay
19:15Jump on it jump on it. Yeah, I'm jumping. I'm jumping. I'm trying my best. Is it working? Whoa
19:22We broke it it opened up under us I knew there was gonna be a secret passage
19:27We've had that this entire time those Samurais are about to get what's coming to them wherever they are
19:32When you come out here stay low. It's in the middle of the town. Oh my geez. Oh gosh. Oh
19:37No, you know we could make an escape right now, but I'm trying to get my revenge me, too
19:42They kept us locked in that prison for way too long. Yeah, you know what? I feel stronger than ever. There's a guy right there
19:48Oh my gosh, get down. No, does anybody have those makeshift ninja stars that we made earlier or like the knives? Yes, I do
19:53Okay, I'm gonna try and throw it at him. It takes them. Okay, I gotta sneak up and get closer. Ooh
19:58Just a normal little ninja not doing anything
20:05Guys I got the samurai
20:07It was a her. Oh, yeah, but now that we got that out of the way we could go up
20:11Okay, well, we gotta be quick cuz they might sound off some alarm. Don't worry Mia. It's okay
20:15I got this makeshift shank. What? Oh, that's kind of cool. I don't know what he made that out of
20:19This is their base. I don't know. Where are they at Parkour? Where are they at?
20:23I know they probably stay somewhere here. I need to talk to that samurai guy
20:26You know what?
20:27Maybe we could just skip this if I can go back and forth on these walls. I could probably just make it up myself
20:31Yeah, like this. Yeah. Oh, yeah like that
20:34Wait Nico had the right idea. No, look I'm up here guys. You just use a trap doors. Why are you still talking like a baby?
20:39Oh, nah
20:41Because I like being a baby nah, bro is obsessed with it. Hey, that's four years ago, bro. Grow up. Well, sorry
20:48I'm a little confused just because you know, I we've been stuck in this place forever. Oh, nah, go up bro. Grow what?
20:55Well, we it's only it's talking to me. Yeah. Okay, not that grown-up
20:59Okay, okay not that grown-up
21:02All right. Why did these signs over here say you sorry, that's cuz I misclicked now
21:06We could probably keep going, but I'm not sure. Yeah. Yeah guys, you know, you could just go on the floor
21:10There we go. Made it up
21:13What in the world did Zoe just do look and then you wait for the little thing to make you levitate and then you bounce
21:18And then you are here. Yeah, you realize we could just go up here and then climb it ourselves
21:23Well, I already did. Well, okay, I guess you just hate me bro. You don't even have to use the shulker boxes
21:28Can this thing hit me? Yeah, the shulkers are kind of bun. They are not hitting me. There we go
21:32Okay, they're not hitting me either. I guess these levitate us up. Where do they stay at though?
21:36I want to find the front room squid. Let's go. I made it to the end. I'll be there soon
21:40There's a light rose at the top. Oh, yeah, I'm definitely taking an elytra. Give me one and oh
21:44Yeah, I wonder if Samurais use those a lot. It looks like it goes down
21:47So once you guys get here, we can just fly but make sure not to hit your head on a wall or nothing
21:51Everyone made it. Yeah. Okay dubs. I'm jumping down. I'll let you know how it is. Oh wait, hold on
21:56What we got to be very careful fly very slowly. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my god. Oh, I think Mia died
22:02She's gonna have to catch up. Oh gosh. Oh my gosh. That was a lot easier than I oh
22:10You are not the samurai king, I know who you are you're weak
22:14Whoa, he died in like two hits. He wasn't the king bro. He was the noob. Oh, yeah, you thought so. What's up, brother?
22:20Oh, oh, where did you just come from? Oh my goodness. Yeah, shake this ninja longbow. It's actually quite good
22:25Okay, I think they caught on to us entering their samurai dojo. So we got to be quick with this. They definitely did Zoe
22:31You're ginormous
22:34This drops all the way down it's actually really simple
22:36I know Mia doesn't like droppers, but this one's easy. Whoa droppers are the easiest thing ever not a fan Mia
22:41You got this. Okay. Oh, why'd she jump off the side? Oh, this one was good. This one was guy
22:46I think it was too easy. Oh, yeah, do it again. No
22:50That one is easy
22:51Whoa, wait a second. This room has two different doors. One side has a bunch of wool
22:56This side has reset and check. Let me see. All right. Wait, I'm gonna go on this side. Well, this is confusing
23:02Is there a chest over here? Oh there is and it has all the colored walls. Okay, let me grab that based on my analysis
23:07I believe this is a code. Wait, what order were the wolves in though? It was in yellow red blue black green
23:13Okay, yellow red blue black green. Was that correct? So that's not correct. Oh, no, it worked
23:18Yes, it is. Correct. Oh my goodness. No way. Ah, it didn't let them through though. Oh, how do you do that?
23:24I just squeezed through I phased through the wall. Was that like osmosis or something? I don't know. Yeah, it's ninja kinetic osmosis. Oh
23:30Samurais guys. Oh
23:34Stay back. I got this. I have the ninja longbow. Wait, this thing's kind of buns. They're deflecting it. You will die
23:39I found you guys
23:41You Samurais, you don't mess with me
23:48There we go, it can't take a 5v1 you cannot take me up here. Oh, yeah. Oh really? Oh, just let me get up
23:54Yo, okay. I just can't reach him
23:57I'm trying to kill him. I'm trying to use my ninja stars. I'm up here with him. I never mind. He's down there
24:02Oh my goodness. Why is this one just not dying? There we go. I got him. They're gone
24:06These ninja stars you gave me are really effective. Well, you're welcome now what we have to get up there
24:10That's where they came from. So I'm guessing that's where the exit is, right?
24:13Hmm, maybe we have to look at the middle of the room. Oh Nico another samurai spawned in
24:18Yo, he's perished are you okay you have defeated me? Yeah. Yeah, that's right. You don't mess with us ninjas
24:24Okay, I will take you to the next room as long as you spare my life. Hmm. Do we believe him?
24:31All right, fine, we'll trust you you better or I'll put this shard in your face, bro
24:35Yeah, you don't want to mess with shady. Okay. Well, let's go. It's a very way. Oh, that was a lot quicker
24:41You didn't finish your sentence. Oh horses. Give me one. Oh, well this room. I kind of need your help
24:45I need you to take the horses into the final room. Oh, really? Yes. Okay. Well, I guess we can do that
24:50Okay, this better not be a trap. Why does it feel like we're doing the samurais chores now?
24:54Maybe we shouldn't have spared him. I know right? I know for real. My horse is slow. These horses are pretty slow
24:59I'm not sure how samurais even get away with it. Nico picked the white horse thing. It was gonna be fast. Nah
25:03Yeah, I did. All right, the horses are here. Wait, what horses cannot cross?
25:09Oops, I think I accidentally killed the horse. Wow. Oh, sorry. Mr. Samurai
25:16Zoe you got to stop before the red line. Yes
25:24No way she gave it a name that quick
25:28Well, it doesn't matter samurai. We need to speak to your owner now bring him out. Okay, I will oh wait, he's me
25:36Get it
25:37Okay, Mia, it wasn't funny. Oh my bad. So you're the owner, huh?
25:41Yes, and you have been trapped in my kingdom for what four years. Yeah four years, but we found an escape
25:46It was through the poophole. Oh, yeah. Yeah, we saw that trapdoor at the bottom
25:50It might have taken us four years, but we're good at it. Okay, just give us time to look well
25:54Oh, I will let you out of my village if you can answer these questions correctly what questions hold on
26:00No, no, I will read them to you get down. Okay, fine bad ninja. I'm not bad. I'm a good ninja. Okay first question
26:06What is the first belt in karate a white belt white belt? I said it first. I said a second. Okay, correct
26:12I thought it was yellow. What what what are the Ninja Turtles names? Ninja Turtles? Oh, wait, there's Raphael
26:18Michelangelo, is there Dante? No, it's Donatello Donatello
26:22What's the last one Leonardo Michael Michelangelo. I already said that Leonardo
26:27I think Nico got it Raphael and Leonardo. Is that correct? Yes. Yes, it is. Correct. Oh nice. Okay next question
26:34I follow you all the time and copy your every move, but you can't touch me or catch me
26:38What am I a shadow shadow correct? I was so easy those buns. Yeah, that was like light work. What did you say? Nothing?
26:45I'm sorry. Oh, no. No, he's trying to fight me. Oh
26:48Yo, I'm sorry. It was a reflex. That was my bad
26:54Well, since he was the owner and we killed him we could probably just get out of here. I got my revenge
26:57I'm satisfied. Yeah, let's get out of here
26:59Let's bust out these walls
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27:07Bye guys