00:00Have you ever wondered why Africans are so strong? In fact, most people even regret thinking that
00:04they have bigger sizes too. Okay, jokes aside. You see, Africans are one of the most dominant
00:08players in the world. To give you an idea, the top players in the NBA, 90% are black.
00:13Even in sprinting, long distance running, all the top 10 athletes are black. Well,
00:17the secret lies in their genetics. Many people of African descent have a higher percentage of
00:21fast twitch muscle fibers, which are responsible for explosive power and speed in sprinting
00:25activities. In many communities, daily life involves physical labor, walking long distances,
00:30or engaging in activities that build natural strength from an early age. They have higher
00:34natural testosterone levels, which contribute to increased muscle mass and strength.