• 2 days ago
Al Fondo Hay Sitio 12 Capítulo 17 en HD Completo Al Fondo Hay Sitio 12 Capítulo 18 en HD Completo Al Fondo Hay Sitio 12 Capítulo 17 en HD Completo Al Fondo Hay Sitio 12 Capítulo 17 en HD Completo Al Fondo Hay Sitio 12 Capítulo 17 en HD Completo Al Fondo Hay Sitio 12 Capítulo 17 en HD Completo
00:00And your friend, the owner of the restaurant, can know where to locate Alicia.
00:10Joe, please tell me that this is not going to end like the last time.
00:16No, it's not going to end like before.
00:30This taste is... it's hard to explain. It's like... I haven't tasted anything like this since Lima.
00:45It must be because it's a dish made by someone you know.
00:56Ready. End of my turn.
01:00Alicia! Alicia!
01:08What's going on?
01:09I'm your fan. I'm sorry for being so rude. I wanted to spend more time with you.
01:21She just left. Again.
01:30I love you.
02:00I love you too.
02:31The most beautiful. She is an angel who lives on earth. I don't know.
02:39Each of these cards has come out directly from my heart.
02:44And I hope you get something of yours.
02:48I love you. And it doesn't matter where you are.
02:54Very soon I will be standing in front of you.
03:00No matter where you are, there is no one like her in the world.
03:07I have 21 more cards for you.
03:12Jimmy, how did you know?
03:15Chris told me he was coming, but how am I going to believe him?
03:20When I read my name.
03:24I love you, Jimmy Gonzalez.
03:30I love you too.
04:01Tito! What a good little dance you got me.
04:05I'm dancing. What's wrong with you?
04:07You have to increase the pace.
04:10I don't want to dance, Felix. Don't bother me.
04:13Yes, Tito. It's a good rhythm, but I don't like it.
04:21I don't know what you're talking about.
04:23The one you put me on, love. It's comfortable.
04:27But I'm sleepy.
04:29You're making it up.
04:38What's wrong with him?
04:40I don't know. He moves like you.
04:44What do you think?
04:54The bill I'm going to put that old man in to sign.
05:00My favorite manager.
05:02Miss Zapayal?
05:04Let me help you.
05:06This is my job now, thanks to you.
05:08Don't worry, I'm done.
05:11How can I thank you for what you did for me?
05:14Just tell me, and I'll fulfill all your whims.
05:23Doing your work punctually and efficiently
05:26will be the best proof that I wasn't wrong to defend you.
05:31Count on it, Mr. De Las Casas.
05:34I owe you everything. Everything.
05:37And if you ever need anything, anything, whatever,
05:43Juanita Zapayal is at your disposal, day and night.
05:52I'll take that into account.
05:55Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm in a hurry.
06:10Everything on time.
06:13Everything on time.
06:15Everything on time.
06:21Something doesn't add up.
06:23I don't feel myself.
06:27This thing tightens me up everywhere.
06:35That's mine.
06:38What's yours if Lorena bought me these underpants?
06:40I swear, look.
06:44Look what I have.
06:46Keep it.
06:50Where did you get that thing?
06:52I put it on my clothes.
06:53Well, it's clearly a mistake, because that thing is Mr. Gil's.
06:59You're right.
07:01Now, take it off.
07:03Give me my underwear.
07:05This thing tightens me up everywhere.
07:07I don't understand how you can wear this thing.
07:11I'll keep going.
07:20To Pelayo.
07:25Another thing.
07:27Now, it's me.
07:29There it is.
07:31Now, what do I wear?
07:32This thing tightens you up, Mr. Gil.
07:34No, thank you.
07:36Now, where are my underpants?
07:39Let's see, write it down.
07:42Ten bags of kilo each.
07:58I don't have all day!
08:00Why are you talking to me like that?
08:03I'm still helping you.
08:05You're a great help!
08:06You're a great help!
08:08I could do it better on my own!
08:10Mr. Gil!
08:12Why are you talking to me like that?
08:14You're always a gentleman to me.
08:19Oh, damn.
08:22It's like...
08:24something came out of me.
08:31I knew that at some point I was going to face Francesca.
08:35But, well, I put her in her place.
08:37Now she knows who's in charge.
08:40She can't be firing ten-year-old people.
08:44That's my place.
08:46Who does she think she is?
08:49Well, you can't play with Juanita, can you?
08:54Or can you?
08:59Trini, call Greta.
09:05Hello, Cuchi. Are you coming for lunch?
09:09And we have guests today.
09:11Are you asking me to cook?
09:13No, please.
09:14Don't even think about it. I'm not crazy.
09:16I saw a delivery and it arrived in 15 minutes.
09:23This is bread eaten.
09:26That old man signed the law session today
09:29and tomorrow he'll put me in jail.
09:35Did you send for me?
09:37Yes, Miss Zapayal.
09:39We have a matter to discuss with you.
09:42Ah, good.
09:43It will be to sign my new contract.
09:45Something like that.
09:47Just in case I had nothing to do with it.
09:51Proceed, Dr. Gross.
09:54This is your new contract with the corporation.
09:57With the specifications given by Mr. Zapayal.
10:00Miguel Ignacio de las Casas.
10:02As you will see, it has a substantial increase.
10:07How nice!
10:08Juanita, if you don't want to, don't sign it.
10:11Shh, Bruno, please.
10:13Oh, Mr. Brunito.
10:15But I'm not here to stay as an assistant.
10:22There you go.
10:24Now I give you the opportunity to sign the contract.
10:28Now I give you the opportunity to resign.
10:32No, crazy.
10:33I want to do a career in this company.
10:35We'll see about that.
10:38Do you recognize...
10:45It's a doll of...
10:48one of the players in the national team.
10:51It's not Pablo.
10:52It's not Pablo.
10:54It's not Advíncula either.
10:55Advíncula is Boneno.
10:59No, it's not Cueva.
11:01Cueva is Trenchudo.
11:02But if it were blond, it would be Oliver, right?
11:06It's Franco.
11:07No, no, no, no.
11:08It's Corzo.
11:09It's Corzo, yes, yes.
11:10It's Corzo.
11:11The same.
11:12It's the doll of the nuclear man...
11:15that you stole from my house...
11:17and appeared in the house of the González.
11:20It has no proof.
11:22I have the...
11:23confession signed by ten witnesses.
11:28The González.
11:31Well, but that's a thing of the past.
11:34In addition, the owner of the houses...
11:36has not given authorization to fire me.
11:39Miss Sapallal.
11:41Let me read you paragraph B...
11:43of article 314...
11:45of the internal regulation of hiring...
11:47and firing.
11:48Section B.
11:49Section B.
11:51Robberies, thefts and misappropriation of any property.
11:54Come on, man!
11:57And it says...
11:59In the event of evidence of theft of any asset...
12:01or property of the corporation...
12:03the immediate and definitive expulsion...
12:05of the criminal will be carried out.
12:08Without the right to liquidation...
12:10or enjoyment of water.
12:11The withdrawal will be automatic...
12:13without subjecting oneself to voting...
12:15or consideration of any class.
12:17Clearer the water, right?
12:19Neither Miguel Ignacio nor anyone...
12:21can save you from this, Juana Sapallal.
12:25But I have not stolen the corporation.
12:27I just found that doll...
12:29and I gave it to Pepito.
12:30You have to believe me.
12:32Yes, of course, you found it in my room.
12:35And since the Maldini Mansion...
12:37belongs to the corporation...
12:39everything that is inside...
12:41also belongs to it.
12:44Therefore, the nuclear man...
12:46belongs to the Maldini Corporation.
12:48And at this moment...
12:49justice will be done by his own hands.
12:52It is not necessary, Diego.
12:54Sorry, I got excited.
12:55I'm sorry, Juanita.
12:57It was good while it lasted.
12:59Take care.
13:00No, no, no.
13:01You can't do this to me.
13:03It's done.
13:05I'm leaving.
13:15Have lunch?
13:18My Cuchi told me to invite you.
13:21You're not Cuchi?
13:24My Cuchi.
13:26Do you understand this woman?
13:30I don't understand anything, but...
13:32if she invites us to lunch,
13:34what can we lose?
13:36Less and less people come to the winery.
13:39At least we'll eat well.
13:42Then we'll wait for you.
13:46Do you want to fart?
13:50I said goodbye.
13:53What is this lady talking about?
13:59Soon, lady of the houses.
14:06Now she said goodbye, didn't she?
14:10Well, if they invited us to lunch,
14:12we'll have to take something, right?
14:28And now?
14:30Where am I going to go?
14:34I have nothing or no one.
14:40I have nothing or no one.
14:42I have nothing or no one.
14:44I have nothing or no one.
14:46I have nothing or no one.
14:48I have nothing or no one.
14:50I have nothing or no one.
14:52I have nothing or no one.
14:54I have nothing or no one.
14:56I have nothing or no one.
14:58I have nothing or no one.
15:00I have nothing or no one.
15:02I have nothing or no one.
15:04I have nothing or no one.
15:06I have nothing or no one.
15:10What's going on here?
15:15Oh, he had a gun.
15:17Come on, lady.
15:19And you?
15:21Did you put a gun in your engine?
15:24Who has everything under control?
15:26Your aunt Mac,
15:28who trusts Haggis Dermaker,
15:30the softest diaper to protect your skin.
15:32The only one with vitamin E.
15:34Ultra soft and thin.
15:36With protection up to 12 hours.
15:38Baby knows the softest diaper
15:40for your skin.
15:50Stop doing what you're doing
15:52and raise your hands.
15:54Come on, Diego, sit down.
15:56You don't scare anyone with that banana.
16:00You're boring today.
16:02Admit you're not good for that.
16:04Did you find out anything?
16:06A lot and nothing.
16:08I just want to know if Leonardo
16:10is no longer dangerous.
16:12It doesn't seem like it.
16:14All his stay in prison
16:16he spent trying to set up musicals.
16:18And did he set something up?
16:20No, no, no one wanted to participate
16:22in his madness.
16:24Then he was more successful
16:26forming the theater group
16:28Dramas y Barrotes.
16:30And what did he do after he fulfilled his sentence?
16:32He killed his son, but he doesn't have
16:34the talent to kill his own son.
16:36So he spent it on gambling.
16:38Knocking on doors.
16:40But Diego, forget it, that guy is a loser.
16:42That doesn't make him less dangerous.
16:44Look, without his mother
16:46and without his sister,
16:48Leonardo is a zero on the left.
16:50I hope you're right.
16:52He didn't inherit the talent
16:54for the evil that his family has.
16:56That's it.
16:58Yes, yes, I'll still be alert.
17:00That guy with Francesca.
17:02Well, he's her son-in-law, but he'll get over it.
17:04I hope he gets over it soon.
17:30Hello, where are you going, miss?
17:32Where are you taking me
17:34for five soles and a smile?
17:36Sorry? I'm not taking you anywhere.
17:40Sir, don't do that!
17:42I'm not a beggar here!
17:44Come on!
18:02It's horrible, it's horrible!
18:04Oh, that's gross!
18:06It stinks!
18:08Oh, no!
18:12I'm not missing anything!
18:30Now what did I say?
18:32Come in, come in.
18:36Thank you, thank you very much.
18:38Oh, good afternoon.
18:40Oh, you know, look,
18:42we brought you a little macerado from my land.
18:44Oh, a macerado from the land?
18:46There wasn't any fruit?
18:48No, from my land, from Chahuanca.
18:50Well, if you like it,
18:52but I only drink green juice.
18:54I told you it would have been better
18:56to show you a little lion.
18:58And I told you it was too strong
19:00for a lunch.
19:02Yes, you're right, Olivia.
19:04Yes, it all depends on the marriage.
19:06I'm her husband,
19:08Vizcacha Estrellita.
19:10My name is Olinda,
19:12Mr. Vizcacha.
19:16Sorry, yes, Olinda, Olinda, yes.
19:18Trini, a little music
19:20to honor our guests.
19:22Putting music
19:24to honor our guests.
19:34Let's go in marching.
19:36What an honor.
19:38Yes, yes.
19:40We feel very honored.
19:44put something more appropriate
19:46for the occasion.
19:48Don't you have something more vernacular?
19:50Putting vernacular music.
19:54Oh, how beautiful.
19:58How beautiful, really.
20:02Can you sing, El Guainito?
20:04Rio Grande, Chahuanca.
20:10Trini, silence.
20:12Yes, yes.
20:14Shall we have lunch?
20:16What have you prepared, Greta?
20:18I didn't prepare anything.
20:20You told me to order some tapas.
20:22What are we going to eat, tapas?
20:24Frying pan.
20:26You don't eat that.
20:28No, it's a Spanish food.
20:32Spaniards are kind of weird.
20:34Haven't you heard that
20:36they eat callos?
20:38Yes, I remember.
20:40Fortunately, we brought our chocolate cake.
20:42Let's see, Greña.
20:44Miss, can you distribute this?
20:46She's a good employee.
20:50can you distribute this equally?
20:52I'm not qualified for that task.
20:54Of course not, Mom.
20:56I'll teach you.
20:58Where are you?
21:00Olivia, it's Trini.
21:06let's talk business, Mr. Gilberto.
21:08Sit down, please.
21:16Let's talk business, Mr. Gilberto.
21:18Sit down, please.
21:30I can't get a cab.
21:34My house is too far away.
21:40Damn nuclear man!
21:42It's all his fault!
21:48I'm hungry.
21:52Oh, God!
21:54Save my car!
21:56Save my car!
22:00Oh, what luck!
22:04What luck, my empanada!
22:12It's so good!
22:16It's so good!
22:28It's my empanada!
22:42Sign here, Mr. Gilberto.
22:44You already read it in the morning.
22:46But now it has only 10 pages.
22:50It doesn't look like it.
22:52It must be the translation.
22:54To Quechua?
22:56No, to English.
22:58Just sign it.
23:00We're among friends.
23:02Well, I'll do it.
23:04But after eating the chocolate cake.
23:08I mean, why waste time?
23:10Surprise your wife, Mr. Gilberto.
23:12She'll thank me.
23:18I'll give you 100 soles.
23:20No, Mr. Gilberto.
23:22How can you do that?
23:24Don't be silly.
23:26You have to put all your money.
23:28The arandas are not a safe business.
23:30Give it back to me in less than a year.
23:32What do I say?
23:34A year and six months.
23:38Don't you know that Trini was an artificial intelligence?
23:40Don't surprise me.
23:46Here, the strange lady
23:48is encouraging me
23:50to invest all my money
23:52in the business of the arandas.
23:54All your money
23:56in a business of the arandas?
23:58No, how scary.
24:00And if the business doesn't work,
24:02what? We're left with nothing?
24:04No, my dear lady.
24:06The arandas have no loss.
24:08I assure you that I will give you the money.
24:12Of course.
24:14You just have to fill out a form
24:16that I have here.
24:18How much could it be?
24:2050,000 dollars?
24:2450,000 dollars.
24:2650,000 dollars.
24:30It says here that you have to put something in guarantee.
24:32What could it be?
24:34Do you have any value?
24:36No, I don't have it anymore.
24:38Ah, well then.
24:40Let's see.
24:42Do you have any value?
24:44My little pool.
24:46Your little pool.
24:48How funny, Mr. Gil.
24:52I know, I know.
24:54It could be the land.
24:56Don't worry.
24:58It's just a formality.
25:00Give it back to me in less than a year.
25:02Ready? Let's see.
25:06Well, in six months.
25:08We will receive the double.
25:10Yes, but our little house...
25:12Don't worry.
25:14It's just a formality.
25:16Nothing else. Ready. Sign it, Gil.
25:18Sign it.
25:20Well, sign it.
25:22I did it.
25:32Perfect, Mr. Gil.
25:36You have done a great business.
25:40But what is this?
25:42It says opa.
25:44What does it mean?
25:48Have you believed me, opa?
25:50Disgraced biscuit.
25:52But Mr. Gil, it's just a business.
25:54Nothing else.
25:56Do you think I'm stupid?
25:58First you try to appropriate you
26:00of my little house.
26:02And now you want to do it
26:04with my house?
26:06That can't be.
26:08Tracking Germany.
26:10Well said, Mr. Gil.
26:14Let's go alone.
26:16And take the cake.
26:18He doesn't deserve that.
26:20Don't take it.
26:22It was delicious.
26:24But well, it doesn't matter.
26:26The same goes for the tapas.
26:40Can I serve you a tapita?
26:42I don't want tapas.
26:46I want that house.
26:52Thank you, Lucio.
26:54No problem, Mrs. Francesca.
26:56I don't want to bother you,
26:58but could we talk
27:00about my fees?
27:02Lucio, didn't you say you didn't want to bother us?
27:04Yes, sir.
27:06Then don't bother us.
27:08But sir, I don't know how much...
27:10I have to talk in private with my wife.
27:14What do we have to talk about?
27:16Are you still seeing Leonardo?
27:18I haven't seen him
27:20since the afternoon
27:22Leonardo is just a nexus
27:24to remember Isabella.
27:26I just want to ask you
27:28to be very careful.
27:30The guy is useless,
27:32but he is still dangerous.
27:34Do me a favor.
27:40Today I helped you.
27:42And I appreciate it.
27:44The nuclear man appears
27:46at the right time.
27:48You were great.
27:50Just tell me one thing.
27:52How did you get the confessions
27:54of the González?
27:56Check it yourself.
28:08They're blank.
28:10Fran, you know them all.
28:12Juana has a dirty conscience.
28:14She knows she's guilty of theft.
28:16And after this,
28:18I don't think we'll see her again.
28:20At the corporation?
28:24And Miguel Ignacio
28:26I don't think he'll be able
28:28to protect that little woman.
28:36Who are you?
28:38Mrs. Normita, it's me.
28:42Juana Zapayal?
28:46What happened to you?
28:48You look horrible.
28:50Yes, I know.
28:52It's embarrassing.
28:54Please let me in
28:56to change my bathrobe.
28:58No, I'm sorry.
29:00You owed me two months of rent.
29:02I was waiting for you all day.
29:04I'm sorry.
29:06I've been walking from far away.
29:08But I swear I'll pay you all together.
29:10Oh, they turned me on at work.
29:12Yes, of course.
29:16I already rented your room.
29:18No, no, ma'am.
29:56You should have seen
29:58how he got, my Gilguerito.
30:00He got the Indian, Mr. Gil.
30:02I got the demon.
30:04That guy thought
30:06he could fool me.
30:08Papito, you have to be careful
30:10with Ignacio.
30:12He almost made him sign some papers.
30:14What? Be careful with that.
30:16He could take the house.
30:18What's wrong with you?
30:20Do you think I'm a fool?
30:22Mr. Gil, don't be like that.
30:24Your heart is going to do something to him.
30:26I'm not talking to you.
30:28Oh, Gilguerito, what's wrong with you?
30:30Yes, you're always very gentlemanly.
30:32Why are you talking like that?
30:34Because I like it.
30:36Wait, wait.
30:38He's using my underpants.
30:40What? What are you talking about?
30:42Of course.
30:44You mixed the clothes
30:46and Mr. Gil touched my underpants.
30:48That's why he's talking like that.
30:50Stop joking around.
30:54I'm going
30:56for a walk.
30:58He definitely has
31:00Tito Rayno's underpants.
31:02How ugly.
31:04Don't worry. I'll take care of it.
31:06An old Tito.
31:10Don't laugh.
31:36It's not just a fragrance.
31:38It's the new collection of
31:40Ancestral Fragrances.
31:42They smell of luxury
31:44like a perfume.
32:06Look, daddy.
32:08Here are your underpants.
32:10Thank you, daughter.
32:12Now I can
32:14do it myself again.
32:16How exaggerated.
32:18Not even the clothes would change your personality.
32:20Tell me.
32:22Are you still imitating your mother?
32:24It's different, dad.
32:26I'm dressed like this because
32:28I want to show respect.
32:30You don't need to dress up
32:32for that.
32:34I'm not dressed up.
32:36Of course you are.
32:38You're not like that.
32:40It's just that now,
32:42as a matriarch of this family,
32:44I have to project
32:46an image that has leadership.
32:48You can do it
32:52You don't need
32:54to imitate your mother.
32:56Do you think so?
32:58I don't just think so.
33:00I know.
33:02You have to follow your path,
33:08You're right, daddy.
33:10I'll do it.
33:12Do you know anything
33:14about Jimmy and Joel?
33:32I don't know.
34:02How she has me trapped
34:04I can't avoid it
34:06I can't escape
34:08The most beautiful
34:10Since I saw you
34:12I can't stop thinking of you
34:14And when I'm asleep
34:16I dream of you again
34:18You have me trapped
34:20I can't avoid it
34:22I can't escape
34:32I wouldn't change
34:34anything about you
34:36because you drive me crazy
34:38I don't know what to do
34:40to make you think of me
34:42I would give you my soul
34:44if you want it
34:46Just look at me
34:48What can I do
34:50to catch her
34:52I'm not the only one
34:54who wants to conquer her
34:58The most beautiful princess
35:00I can't stop thinking of you
35:02And when I'm asleep
35:04I dream of you
35:06You have me trapped
35:08I can't avoid it
35:10I can't escape
35:12The most beautiful
35:14Since I saw you
35:16Once again,
35:18thank you for everything, dear Jo.
35:20You're welcome.
35:22You have helped us in the greatest adventure of our lives.
35:26can you tell me
35:28what happened in Nepal?
35:30I was bored in my office
35:32and my boss asked me
35:34to watch stupid videos
35:36of Latin America.
35:38And there you were,
35:40trying to kill Matito Mike.
35:46I'm dying!
35:48That was my biggest success.
35:50In Shanghai, I almost lost my heart
35:52when I saw you.
35:54I almost screamed.
35:56I'm so proud of myself.
35:58Thank you, Jo.
36:00We'll never forget you.
36:02Really, thank you.
36:04And when I'm asleep
36:06I dream of you
36:08You have me trapped
36:10I can't avoid it
36:12I can't escape
36:14The most beautiful
36:18The most beautiful
36:22The most beautiful
36:24The most beautiful
36:26The most beautiful
36:28The most beautiful
36:30The most beautiful
36:32The most beautiful
36:34The most beautiful
36:36The most beautiful
36:38The most beautiful
36:40The most beautiful
36:42The most beautiful
36:44The most beautiful
36:46The most beautiful
36:48The most beautiful
36:50The most beautiful
36:52The most beautiful
36:54The most beautiful
36:56The most beautiful
36:58The most beautiful
37:00The most beautiful
37:02The most beautiful
37:04The most beautiful
37:06The most beautiful
37:08The most beautiful
37:10The most beautiful
37:12The most beautiful
37:14The most beautiful
37:16The most beautiful
37:18The most beautiful
37:20The most beautiful
37:22The most beautiful
37:24The most beautiful
37:26The most beautiful
37:28The most beautiful
37:30The most beautiful
37:32The most beautiful
37:34The most beautiful
37:36The most beautiful
37:38The most beautiful
37:40The most beautiful
37:42The most beautiful
37:44The most beautiful
37:46The most beautiful
37:48The most beautiful
37:50The most beautiful
37:52The most beautiful
37:54The most beautiful
37:56The most beautiful
37:58The most beautiful
38:00The most beautiful
38:02The most beautiful
38:04The most beautiful
38:06The most beautiful
38:08The most beautiful
38:10The most beautiful
38:12The most beautiful
38:14The most beautiful
38:48See to our contigo competito
38:56It's urgent
39:02Porque se puede viaje y nadie sabe cuando volverá ni siquiera tito
39:08Si pues se fue por culpa de alguien que le hizo mucho daño
39:14Pero si él fue que me votó a mí como un trapo sucio
39:18Porque te aprovechaste de su nobleza y de su dinero
39:22Además enteró que tú eres una mentirosa y una amiga de lo ajeno
39:27Anita que cosas tan feas cosas feas que digo son toda la verdad Juana
39:34Dime de una vez y habla rápido antes de que alguien nos vea y se armé la de san cuentín
39:40que quieres de nosotros que has hecho ahora
39:43No no nada es que
39:46Partí mi trabajo y no tengo para pagarle mi casera y no tengo dónde dormir
39:51entonces quería pedirte a ti y a pepito si
39:55podía quedarme aquí
39:58Por favor
40:09No puede ser
40:12No solo mil arma con las cosas tengo tiempo para darme un buchazo
40:17No Juana aquí tú no eres bienvenida
40:22Primita primita primita yo yo sé que me he portado mal pero te juro te juro te juro que cambiamos
40:30Porque volvería a confiar en ti
40:34Porque porque porque yo soy como tu hermana
40:39Y a pesar a pesar de mis errores tú sabes que yo soy un alma buena
40:47Qué te pasó en el trabajo
40:49Seguro te encontraron robando no
40:56Lo que pasa es que yo estaba trabajando en
41:00en la empresa de doña francesca como asistente de su ex marido el señor tom brun
41:08Pasa muchacha como se te ocurre semejante barbaridad
41:15después de todos los problemas que tuviste con la doña
41:20La calle está dura y no había nadie que quería pagármelo justo entonces yo yo yo entré a chambear sin que ella se enterara
41:27pero pero después me descubrió y me votó injustificadamente
41:31Justificadamente le quisiste robar su caja fuerte cuando trabajabas ahí al frente de la casa
41:36Yo sé yo sé que mi pasado me condena pero te juro que he cambiado
41:42Primita por favor
41:44Por favor te lo suplico necesito tu ayuda solamente me voy a quedar por unos días hasta que consiga un nuevo trabajo
41:53No Juana
41:55No puedo ayudarte
42:04Ni modo
42:06Tendré que darle la razón a todos y
42:12Dedicarme a la mala vida a robar a esta
42:20Que me queda no
42:22Es perdón primita perdón perdón por haberte molestado incomodado te juro que no volverá a suceder
43:07Si lo hago con fe no puede ser me canceló el taxi maldita sea
43:19Hola tío que haciendo tratando de conseguir un taxi cuando como fútbol
43:25Me acuerdo que era hasta un buen pelotero como yo
43:28Si un día de estos tío tío te dejo que voy a ir a buscar un taxi en la esquina a ver si lo agarro
43:32Ya vamos a lo
43:34De verdad vamos
43:36Gracias tío
43:46Que cara de palo la jornada de venir hasta acá a pedirme asilo después de todos los problemas que causó
43:57Y encima
44:01Diciendo que se va a dedicar a la mala vida
44:08A la mala vida
44:12Y justo parece hoy que vuelvo a soñar con ella
44:22Y si mi prima me estará diciendo la verdad
44:27Si mi prima está en la última lona
44:30No puedo permitir que se hunde en el pozo de la delincuencia
44:35Si existe una posibilidad de salvarla
44:38Tengo que intentarlo
44:50Así que estás trabajando en el restaurante que le puso francesca tu papá si también me cacholeó como fotógrafo
45:00No te quedes sobrino
45:02Tienes que apuntar a cosas más grandes yo a tu edad ya era gerente junio
45:07No sé tienes que apuntar a puestos directivos política o por último un fotógrafo
45:13millonario y famoso pero jamás se conforma con ser un pobre y triste mozo entendiste
45:27Porque nunca tu papá te dio un cargo decente en la corporación
45:34Bueno uno porque no se lo he pedido
45:37Y dos porque me gasté toda la plata que me dio para la universidad en pasearme y joderme por europa
45:46Pero ganaste el mundo
45:48Eso es una gran experiencia conociste otra realidad mi papá no lo ve así
45:53Bueno tu papá es un hombre cuadriculado por eso se quedó en la cocina
45:57Pero es el mejor chef de sudamérica
46:00mira sobrino
46:02Él ya hizo su camino ahora te toca a ti a ser el tuyo
46:07Mira tu tienes que aprovechar tu pinta tu inteligencia tu apellido tu posición social
46:15para conseguir trabajos a tu altura
46:18el potencial lo tiene sobrino
46:20solo es cuestión
46:22de que lo usas correctamente
46:25Gracias tio
46:43Ahorita viene
46:53Donde estas
46:57Prima Juanacha
46:59No no no no no
47:01Si me vas a venir a restregar mis errores en la cara
47:03Te pido por favor que no lo hagas
47:10Lo basura de persona que soy
47:12No no no no digas eso
47:14Tu no eres
47:16Una basura de persona
47:18Disculpame por tratarte así
47:20No no no no
47:22De cualquiera lo hubiera esperado
47:24Pero pero
47:26Que tu me desespaldas
47:28Me has clavado
47:30Un puñal en el corazón
47:32Quise darte una leccion
47:37En verdad lo que debia darte
47:39Es mi apoyo
47:45Vamos a hacer algo
47:49Vamos a ir a la casa
47:51Vamos a juntar
47:53A toda la familia
47:55Vamos a
47:59Toda tu situación
48:01Lo mas bonito que se pueda
48:09No primita
48:11Yo no te quiero incomodar
48:13Ya dejame aqui
48:15A mi sola y triste
48:17Es lo que yo me gana
48:19No claro que no
48:23Si realmente estas arrepentida
48:25Mereces otra oportunidad
48:27Y al igual que yo
48:29Todos entenderan y te perdonaran
49:00I haven't told you, it's about a condition that I have.
49:13Good, good. Sorry I'm late.
49:16Did you forget what your entry time is?
49:18No, dad, it's just that the taxi canceled me.
49:20I don't care about your excuses.
49:22Look at Velazquez, he lives on the tip of a hill, miserable, but he's here, on time, as it should be.
49:28And Mrs. Lee had to fix all the tables, why?
49:31Because Mr. Tardón didn't arrive because he fell asleep.
49:34I'm going to tell you, okay?
49:36Do whatever you want, dad.
49:41Do whatever you want.
49:43And you get insolent.
49:47Look, Cristobal, I remind you that here you are not my son.
49:51From the door to the outside, yes, but not here.
49:53Here you are an employee and not the most efficient of all, just in case.
49:57Now, go to work.
50:09Ah, damn it.
50:12I already had it, Mr. Gilberto, that old motorist deceived me.
50:18Ah, well.
50:21Today is a new day.
50:23So it will be a reason to collect all the favors from Miss Zapaillal.
50:34As she herself said, she is very grateful to me.
50:43Please send me the coffee shop manager and photocopy.
50:49I want to be the fifth Teletubbies.
50:54I want to...
50:55Are you going to call me?
50:56Yes, Juanita, come in, please.
50:59But who are you?
51:01Where is Juana, I mean Miss Zapaillal?
51:04Mrs. Maldini fired her for robbery.
51:08I bring you a coffee.
51:10Get out of here!
51:18Juanita, what do you like about that hobby of leisure and pasturing?
51:22It's not like that.
51:25It's a very nice career with a lot of options to specialize.
51:28I can do television, cinema, digital content, even radio.
51:33I would like you to listen to someone who wants more forgiveness than anything in this world.
51:49Hello, dear family.
51:59Is there anything I can help you with?
52:01He brought the wrong order.
52:03No, I brought the right one. Maybe you are confused.
52:06I'll take care of it right away, okay?
52:08Hey, idiot, how are you going to contradict the beginner?
52:11I'm going to change the plan.
52:12No, you're not going to do anything. I'll take care of it.
52:13No, I'll take care of it.
52:14No, you shut up and get in the kitchen, idiot.
52:16I'm not an idiot.
52:17Yes, you are an idiot. Get in the kitchen and don't make trouble.
52:20Or else what?
52:21Or else you leave this restaurant forever.
52:24Take your things and leave.
52:25You would be doing me a favor, dad.
