• last week


00:00Here is a hot beverage to comfort you.
00:05It's in a to-go cup, make of that what you will.
00:12Come on, it's still early. Let's do something.
00:15Well, I have been toying around with an idea for 4-D chess.
00:20How about we just talk?
00:22Alright. In 4-D chess...
00:27Come on, let's talk about our lives. Tell me something about you I don't know.
00:34I own nine pairs of pants.
00:39Okay, that's a good start, but I was thinking maybe something a little more personal.
00:44I see.
00:47I own nine pairs of underpants.
00:53How about I go first?
00:55But I don't want to know how many underpants you own.
00:58Although based on the floor of your bedroom, I'd say it's a thousand.
01:02Okay, look. Here's something people do not know about me.
01:06When I first moved out to L.A., I did a topless scene in a low-budget horror movie about a killer gorilla.
01:12After I did it, I felt so ashamed. Thankfully, that thing never came out.
01:17I've seen that.
01:22Serial apist.
01:26Howard found it online the day we met.
01:30Maybe it was literally the moment you walked out the door.
01:35But I see the type of personal revelations you're going for.
01:40Okay, here's one I thought I'd take to the grave.
01:47A while back, YouTube changed its user interface from a star-based rating system to a thumbs-up rating system.
01:56I tell people I'm okay with it, but I'm really not.
02:06That's your big revelation?
02:10I feel ten pounds lighter.
02:14Okay, you know what? I give up. I'm going to bed.
02:19Here's something else you don't know about me. You just hurt my feelings.
02:23What did I do?
02:25I opened up and shared something deeply upsetting to me, and you treated it as if it were nothing.
02:31I didn't think it was a big deal.
02:33It is to me. That's the point.
02:38Sheldon, you are right. I'm really sorry. I should have known better.
02:43My apology is accepted.
02:45Thank you. How about a hug?
02:48How about a hearty handshake?
02:49Come on.
02:54Now I know how you felt, getting mauled by that sex-crazed gorilla.
