• 21 hours ago
Bhupesh Baghel ED Raid : छत्तीसगढ़ के पूर्व सीएम व कांग्रेस के राष्ट्रीय महासचिव भूपेश बघेल (Bhupesh Baghel), बेटे चैतन्य बघेल और उनके सहयोगियों के 14 ठिकानों पर प्रवर्तन निदेशालय (ED) की टीम ने 10 मार्च को सुबह करीब 7 बजे दबिश दी। करीबन 11-12 घंटे बाद शाम को ईडी की टीम लौट गई। भूपेश बघेल भिलाई 3 स्थित अपने निवास से शाम को बाहर आए और कहा कि ED ने कोई पूछताछ नहीं की, बस संपत्ति की जांच की। भूपेश बघेल ने इसके बाद सोशल मीडिया पर पोस्ट किया कि ईडी घर से चली गई है। मेरे घर में उनको तीन चीजें मिली हैं-
1. मंतूराम और डॉ. पुनीत गुप्ता (डॉ. रमन सिंह जी के दामाद) के बीच करोड़ों के लेनदेन की बातचीत की पेनड्राइव।
2. डॉ. रमन सिंह जी के पुत्र अभिषेक सिंह की शेल कंपनी के कागज।
3. पूरे संयुक्त परिवार में खेती, डेयरी, स्त्रीधन, कैश इनहैंड मिलाकर लगभग 33 लाख रुपए, जिनका हिसाब उनको दिया जाएगा।
भूपेश बघेल ने आगे लिखा ​कि- मुख्य बात यह है कि ED के अधिकारी कोई ECIR नंबर नहीं दे पाए हैं।


00:00How much wealth do you have in your house?
00:04How much gold do you have?
00:06How much silver do you have?
00:08How much money do you have?
00:10Nothing else.
00:12Mr. Vishnu Singh has said that he has been doing this for 5 years.
00:16This is a central agency.
00:18It has nothing to do with the state.
00:20It has nothing to do with the government.
00:22So, the Chief Minister is playing with us now?
00:27You are saying that the Chief Minister has left some things.
00:31Will he come again?
00:33And if he comes, how will he do it?
00:35No, no.
00:36Look, we will cooperate with him as much as we can.
00:38He is a poor man.
00:40He is a slave of the government.
00:42The Supreme Court has already said that he is a cage parrot.
00:46After that, he has said that we have nothing to say.
00:49The Chief Minister has also said that some people have gone into jail.
00:53Some people should prepare to go.
00:56Now, what will I say about Vishnu Dev Sahib?
00:59He runs away from questions in the assembly.
01:01He comes to the assembly and reads what is written.
01:04He must have read the statement that has just been given.
01:08He is not able to say anything to himself.
01:11Are these all departments?
01:14Are they able to say anything without seeing it?
01:18How will the government be seen?
01:22Look, we have to fight for the people.
01:25Bhupej Bhagel never fights for himself.
01:28Congress Party has always taught Bhupej Bhagel to fight for the people.
01:33And this is what Bhupej Bhagel does.
01:36Bhupej Bhagel always fights for the common people.
01:39Whether it is a farmer, a worker, a nomad, a woman, an employee.
01:43In the interest of the people of Chhattisgarh, the fight has always been going on.
