• 2 days ago
बांगड़ मेडिकल कॉलेज चिकित्सालय व कॉलेज के सर्जरी विभाग में पीजी करने वाले विद्यार्थी लेप्रोस्कोपी करने में महारत हासिल करेंगे। वे अस्पताल में दो डेमो मशीनों पर अभ्यास कर सकेंगे।
अस्पताल अधीक्षक डॉ. एचएम चौधरी ने बताया कि नागा बाबा बगेची के महंत सुरेश गिरी की प्रेरणा से लेप्रोस्कोपी सर्जरी का अभ्यास करने के लिए डेमो मशीनें बगेची के भक्तों की ओर से भेंट की गई है। मशीन भेंट करते समय जवानसिंह, कानसिंह राणावत, डॉ. शारदा तोषनीवाल, डॉ. मोहनलाल चौधरी, डॉ. मनीष चौधरी, डॉ. अनिल विश्नोई, डॉ. दिनेश सोलंकी आदि मौजूद रहे।


00:00Dr. Dinesh ji, what is this machine and who invented it?
00:05What you are seeing is an endo-trainer machine.
00:09It is used for initial training of laparoscopic surgeons and hand-eye coordination.
00:18This machine is called an endo-trainer.
00:21There is a patient admitted in our hospital.
00:25Our department operated and discharged him.
00:31For the help of our students and for their training,
00:38they have invented two endo-trainer machines.
00:41One you are seeing and the other one is nearby.
00:46What kind of work is this?
00:49What have you held in your hand?
00:52I have held an endoscopic instrument in my hand.
00:56This is an endo-trainer set.
00:59There is a camera inside it.
01:02There are different ports in it.
01:05With the help of these ports, we can operate the laparoscopic instrument.
01:10You mean to say that the instrument you are holding,
01:13this instrument is doing the work of a patient's stomach.
01:17You do the operation by piercing the stomach like this.
01:20There is a TV in front of you.
01:22You watch TV and do the work.
01:25As you are moving the machine, you can see it on the TV.
01:30You do the operation like this.
01:32The surgeon works in his lab like this.
01:35He can show it live to the patients.
01:38The patients who are in training can be trained in this.
01:43This machine will be used in his lab like this.
01:46There are few things in the lab.
01:48There is a laparoscopic instrument.
01:51We can operate with it in small things.
01:56This is the latest technology.
01:58This skill lab is there so that the patient can be trained.
02:04If we do it directly in the patient,
02:06the hand-eye coordination will not be complete.
02:08And there are chances of the patient being harmed.
02:11The B.P.G. students and faculty are trained in this
02:16for hand-eye coordination,
02:18to strengthen their hands,
02:20and to improve their skills.
02:22So that they can improve their skills
02:24and perform the surgery in a better way.
