• 17 hours ago
Pushing to masters solo-queue

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@royale_reckers
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00:00We are currently halfway through legendary and we're gonna make it to Masters
00:04But we're gonna be playing with randoms. We get Jim Graham first game today. Come here Cole. Oh god
00:09I just jumped on his fire, but he's already dead perfect start to the round. We already won all of our lanes
00:14This is domination this
00:16Hey, hey, hey get off my Janet. No, that's a bad buzz. That's a very bad buzz
00:23Juju you're cooked. You're cooked. Juju out of my lobby. I don't know. Oh, oh
00:31Okay, three two one put me in coach come here come here car. Oh, I suck with Ollie
00:36Oh, yeah. Yeah, someone someone get me off Ollie. Someone get me off Ollie immediately. They have countdown. Oh my god. I suck
00:42This is entirely my fault. I need to move in. I need to move in. I need to move in
00:47Dude, what am I doing?
00:54Yo, I thought we lost I thought we lost but now we have hope
00:58Now we have hope. All right, we have to kill the buzz. We have to kill the buzz
01:01Actually, you know, we can kill the juju we could kill the juju. Oh
01:08No, oh no, wait, he's one shot. Oh my god. Oh my god. They're all dead. Janet get the gyms and fly away
01:13Get the gyms and fly away. Oh my god
01:17Somebody in chat just said that is actually the worst ollie alt I have ever seen in my 16 years of life
01:24Yeah, you might be right I'm getting absolutely carried guys
01:27I don't know how to play Ollie very well as you can as you can clearly see
01:30Because what in the world am I doing right now?
01:34At least I got a kill. I don't all right. I'm gonna move in like this
01:37Jump, okay. I got them both muted. I got them both muted chain super time time to change supers bang
01:43Okay, one more gym we got counts out we got counts out get me out of here get me out of here
01:46We just gotta hold the gyms for 15 seconds. Janet goes in this guy and that is GG's ladies and gentlemen
01:53Bang, I may have been carried
01:56But at least we got a hundred Elo round two, we're getting pretty close to legendary three
02:01So we're hopefully gonna get that within the next couple games
02:03All right, I'm about to sneak in about a sneak in put me in coach put me in coach go go go go go go go
02:08Go they have no idea. Yes. Yes
02:12Run away run away run away. Oh
02:18Rocks moving into the juju went invisible. Oh gene boredom gene boredom. Come here
02:25Bang, give me out. Oh, I'm dead. I'm so cooked. Yeah. All right. So last time I rushed the left side
02:31So this time I'm going right
02:33Hopefully it actually works
02:35Nobody went over here. Okay, it did not work, but I think they don't know
02:43What happened and you're gone nice and you're gone as well Oh kill choose you real quick kill choose you know
02:49That shield is so overpowered
02:53That was bad, I'm gonna rush the Brock it might be a bad idea, but I'm going in. Oh, he's too far
02:59He's too far. Okay. Okay. It was definitely a bad idea. It was definitely about
03:04We killed Lou, yes round one goes to us we just have to win one of these and we get our elo
03:10We're looking. All right, we're looking solid. We're looking solid
03:15Get him out. Oh, that was terrifying, but we're good. We are chilling
03:22All right, buster. You just juked me out. How did Brock get star player when he went one in five?
03:28We are two games off legendary three. Come on. This is the best Hank map in the game in my opinion. So
03:34We're gonna pick Hank. Hey, if either of you guys are in my stream ban barley
03:39I'm not gonna be able to play. Hey guys. Can one of you two come up here?
03:44We should be able to defend the Nita easily. Maybe. Okay, I guess we can't oh my god. No, we're getting dominated man
03:51We're getting dominated
03:53What is going on why in the world did we pick shade?
03:57Okay, I need our RT to help me out on offense and I need shade to be the one to play defense
04:01Oh, we're actually making some progress. You guys we're actually making some progress. We're in the zone. Oh my god
04:07It's that simple. It is that simple you guys look at that
04:11Look at that
04:12shade one and we won
04:14All it takes is a simple lane change. Sometimes you guys that's all it takes. I'm not I don't want to add up
04:20I don't want to talk about it. Okay. Now we're about three games away
04:24Maybe four listen pity is not good
04:27If you don't have the hyper charge and you don't even have gears I'm scared for what grab is gonna do to me. No
04:35Don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me. Okay
04:39Did she just waste a pool on a mortar what is she doing? Why is he rushing alone?
04:46Like there's just no game plan. Oh my god
04:55I'm not having fun. Why is buzz so mad at me? What's good job buzz. You almost did something
05:07Grom cut that out, dude
05:09He's dead
05:12Buzz why are you getting mad at us? Like you're the one doing anything special
05:17Look at that half your health has gone to Grom. Yeah, let's just spend the whole game shooting at each other rather than the enemies
05:22Yeah, guys, this is just team bonding right here. What me and buzz are doing. It's just team bonding. Oh
05:27Cook him up buzz cook him up buzz
05:30Send it
05:34Okay, oh
05:36I almost had such a good clip. You know what? It doesn't matter
05:40GG's anyway, we're gonna do that in this round as well. And it's probably gonna start off with me and buzz shooting at each other
05:49Oh get him buzz get him buzz. Yeah
05:53Okay, and I still can't hit my shots. I
05:56Can't hit that one though
05:58No, I can't listen Jean if you're gonna peek me you better know what's gonna happen to you
06:02You're good. You better know what's gonna happen to you
06:06What am I aiming at
06:10Oh, wait, we won call me crazy, but I'm gonna play Sam. I
06:15Think I'm either gonna do really well or I'm going to absolutely
06:19Tank the game. We don't have somebody to play the mid lane, but it's okay. We don't need a mid lane. Look at this
06:24I'm already in enemy territory. Oh my god, it's beautiful mortis already died. We've already pushed them all the way back
06:30Come here mortis
06:32Okay, he's one shot. Hey, don't kill me. Don't kill me
06:35Don't kill me get out. Ah, obviously, we don't have great positioning because we don't have a mid lane Oh good
06:41Super good. Super. Come here. Gus. You're cooked. You're cooked. Ah
06:45I'm gonna sacrifice myself for the betterment of mankind. Get out of my game mortis gone. Okay. Oh Leon. Don't die, dude
06:52Leon don't die, dude
06:54Get down. Mr. President. Yeah, I know I'm getting carried
06:58Okay, I know I'm getting carried but we are winning so I don't care this round will be better though
07:04You guys this round I will put on a better performance for the people
07:08Mortis, you're cooked out of my lobby. Oh, there's one kill already. Oh, there's two kills already
07:14All right team is gone
07:17And that's what we like to see foes dad. Oh, I threw my knuckles too far. Get here Gus get here now
07:22Get here now get here now bang. I got a spawn trap cooking and I just team wiped. Let's go. Come here mortis
07:28Come here. Fight me. Yeah. Yeah fight me mortis. Fight me mortis. Fight me mortis. Fight me mortis. Yeah
07:32Yeah, what you gonna do? Huh? What you gonna do? What you gonna do? Yeah, get out get out
07:36Come on. Oh
07:38Uh-oh. Uh-oh
07:41Gadget we need to kill mortis now. Do not mortis. You're not getting away, bro
07:44You're not getting away that easily Gus. You're cooked too. Oh
07:47Gus is low get him Rico get him Rico get him Rico get him Rico
07:51Get him. Yes, we got countdown now, baby. Oh, that was clutch. That was beautiful
07:57Oh my gosh, if I'm putting on this kind of performance with Sam before hyper charge
08:03Just wait until the next update you last pick search
08:06I'm expecting a masterclass performance out of you and he's just jumping for joy wait Rico's dead if I can hit him nice
08:12How am I not hitting him? Oh my god. I suck we score this though
08:19There's a good tap there let's slow him down and get another tap get another tap get another tap
08:27Okay, yeah, I'm just yeah, I need to learn how to play B
08:29I'm just gonna get hopefully one attack landed literally just one attack, please. Please. Can I just land one attack?
08:36Oh my god, I suck hyper time hyper charge time bang Rico slowed. He's still so fast with that speed buff. Oh my god
08:45Even if he's slow, he's still so fast. What am I aiming at? Oh god, I'm dead
08:50No, I'm not score. Oh my god, go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go
08:56We can do this we can do this. Shoot it
09:01Bop air ball bop air ball. You know what? I'm gonna use my slow. That's also an air ball. I'm cooked surge. Please. Save us
09:12What a safe, oh what a safe what a safe what a safe what a safe? Okay. Okay Rico Rico Rico Rico
09:20Whoa, oh my god. Oh my god. He missed. Oh my god. He missed. Oh my god. He missed what we saved it
09:26There's no way Oh surge cooking. Oh surges cooking surge is cooking surge is cooking
09:33Let's go. How did he miss that shot?
09:37for kudos, but we are
09:4022 elo away from legendary 3 lock in for legendary 3. Come on
09:47What is that pick
09:50They have a Rico and oh my god, they have a Rico and a Gus and you pick Nita
09:57I've had this map three times today and it's been dodged every single time
10:01So hopefully we actually get to play it out and you guys know what time it is
10:06Game for a legendary 3 and we're playing Hank
10:10My biggest problem is going to be Byron super and juju super she already has hyper charge
10:17Oh, no. Oh my god. No way
10:21We're getting dominated
10:23Are we going against the Avengers 40 seconds left in a dream? Oh
10:29Good pull good pull good pull move in. I'm gonna pop a shield. Nice. Oh
10:34Look at this pressure. Look at this pressure snipe. Good damage. Oh good portal. Oh
10:40Yes, don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me no
10:44No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no 20 seconds. I have to go. Give me in
10:49I'm popping a hyper charge. I'm popping a hyper charge. Put me in coach. Put me in coach
11:03Juju rushed us, but she's like in our spawn. So like maybe she'll die I get Byron down. I love that
11:10Good pull. Yes
11:12What a gadget what a gadget how is that pet on one health yo, can we like break that please?
11:18Can we please break the one health?
11:22Awesome dude, I'm gonna heal up and I'm gonna move in with the portal once again
11:27What was that pull Oh
11:29Hyper super come on run down the juju run down the juju. Don't kill me. Don't kill me. Don't kill me
11:34Don't kill me. Oh, I'm dead. Oh, no clutch up clutch up clutch up. Yes
11:39Go get out get out. Oh my god
11:45Let's go next time we're getting masters guys mark my words
11:49We got it for sure get something good out of the rank drop for getting l3, right?
11:57Are you kidding me?
