• 4 hours ago
ten pound poms S02 E05


00:21Penny Bates is responsible for this
00:23Has anything like this happened before oh, what you doing can't leave me
00:28I've always found I can get what I want. If I want it badly enough. I really bet you can't
00:33I saw him once talking to Ivan Caron
00:36They were pretending to look into a shop window and then Ivan had a bill of package. I
00:41Didn't put that in
00:44What would happen to you someone caught us here to be with a white woman
00:48I'd lose my leadership standing lose my privileges when dad was at war
00:52She had an affair
00:55The flames of war at the heart of London
00:58One of the fiercest raids in the German attack on Britain a storm of bombs rained down on this proud city
01:05But they leave it a prouder city still
01:08And as a new day comes the unshakable men and women carry on as before
01:13The spotters watch the skies for this down below. It's business as usual
01:19Oh you got play in the yard sweetheart for ten minutes good girl
01:40Honey thought he had your voice
01:49Enjoyed Saturday night staying over like that. She didn't know I was there. Did you know
01:58Harry we didn't we didn't use protection, right?
02:04I'm sure it'll be okay. I hope so because then
02:14Well, this is gonna have to stop you and me
02:38That's great, I
02:40Fantastic news
02:43Safe finish
02:46You know
02:49This bloody war
02:52Five years no comfort belly the touch of another person. No one could ever blame us. I
03:00Lost Angie you lost Terry or as good as
03:04We did what we needed to to get through this
03:08What does that mean it means we shouldn't feel bad about the feelings we have for each other
03:23Australia a great place for families
03:26Australia is an exciting new land a country in the modern world
03:30Create a real home for your family a good place to grow. There's a bright future
03:37Come over to the sunny side
03:40The cost of the journey halfway around the world is ten pounds
03:44Look for a new start on your way to Australia
04:07Have you told him yet
04:09Love come home
04:12You and Mary you can't you can't live with Kylie can you so you haven't told him
04:18Mom I don't want to live with someone. I can't trust and dad has a right to know how to do the are Patty
04:38Are you two going in this very nice car?
04:40We are going to the Blue Mountains. Oh Robbie says they have to be seen to be believed seen to be believed
04:47My dad lives up there. That's where I'm from. I thought I'd show Kate my childhood
04:51I'm envious
04:53Love to go to the mountains. I hear they're absolutely wonderful
04:56Wish you come with us
04:58You don't mind it. Yeah
04:59The more the merrier I don't be daft. He wants to take you on a special trip. Don't you? Oh, we'd enjoy the company
05:07Well, I mean it would be nice. We've been saying we want to get away for the weekend, but I'm with Mary and everything
05:14We'd get a motel though. We'd leave you to your own space. Sure
05:17We are about to leave though. So did you want to check with Terry? You think you want him?
05:25Toilets are still not empty anybody gas masks next time we go in there. I
05:32Think you'll want to yeah
05:51Watch your job
06:00She's been walking 30 miles to Bombay to meet a brown man
06:30Wow, it's beautiful certainly knocks Vernon Park into a cocktail, doesn't it?
06:38What makes them so blue the eucalyptus or from the trees hangs in the air, it's unbelievable
06:44I mean, it's boiling. Yes. Well, there's only one way to cool down in the mountains
07:14Used to be out all the time, didn't we?
07:16She could drink me under the table. That is not true. Not true
07:21Wednesday night at the Pavilion
07:22Weekends down the arches. Yes, and they'd usually be a turn-on in these places, you know, I remember after Ashton and Billy Bartlett
07:29Ventriloquist act that was in stitches, which was which Billy was the puppet dressed as a school kid and Arthur was the teacher
07:36This was entertainment. Yes
07:40Here we go
07:44What's that Billy what's up, but you can't tell anyone
07:49Let's call it the dictionary you've swallowed a dictionary affirmative. What's the punchline?
08:00Well, I'm sorry, but you'll have to wait for it to pass I know but I'm scared it's gonna spell disaster
08:14Say you're Bill Anderson's wife
08:20This is John Joseph Walker JJ
08:26Well, the noises it is to have visitors
08:29You're doing here
08:32You've always maintained your innocence Trevor
08:35Always said it wasn't you stole the money from your employer. Yes, I didn't do it. I was framed and he would do that
08:44Are you asking me this
08:47Because we believe you
08:49You're a young man with family connections to the business
08:54Why would you steal exactly
08:57No, my family's to sign me what shame on them
09:01You've been in here half a year money a time to think did you reckon might have taken that money
09:17There's a situation so myself and your husband took money to the bank every couple of days
09:26Then we get attacked
09:29Next thing is the money bag turns up in my locker, but most of the money's gone
09:36I'm sorry to say this mrs. Anderson, but your husband knew about that locker inspection in advance
09:42Only ones with a foreman bill and myself who knew that information
09:48So if somebody planted it
09:50Who's the most likely person I
09:54Saw it
09:56In the town I mean a clandestine meeting where someone handed him a package
10:04So I need you
10:06Look, this is Anderson, but I'm the eye and
10:12My god strike you down
10:15If you are totally 100% innocent
10:23Swear oh my god strike me down
10:31Don't worry, we'll do everything we can to get you out of it
10:37There's no snakes yet, no, no, no, you'd be still looking though, that's right
10:49I'll just try it
10:54I'll just a car. It's fine. It's all I have to clean that. No worries. I was prepared. Yeah, this lad sure nothing
11:01May I yeah, of course
11:04That's gonna sting. Oh
11:08Does it hurt no, it's fine. It's fine. Shall we walk on and leave you to it? We'll meet you at the lookout
11:18Yeah, and you're all good
11:34Thank you
11:40Ever since we pretended we were engaged
11:44I've wanted it to be true
11:46Hmm I never thought I'd be lucky enough to be with a woman like you
11:53And I don't want it to end
11:56Look I know this is quick, but
12:00When you know, you know
12:06Kate Thorne, will you be my fiance?
12:23It's okay, no, no, no, it's not I know he's
12:28It's like I just forget I said not Robin Robin the same I have feelings for you I do it's just
12:36I'm only getting used to having a future without Michael and this is huge commitment before I get back on my feet
12:44I'm sorry. No, no, no, no, no, don't don't apologize. But it's me. It's me up
12:52I just
12:55Let's just forget I said anything. Yeah
12:58Have a nice weekend
13:03Robbie Robbie
13:19Should that's far from here. No about half a mile. Oh
13:27We had one room left. Oh good
13:29All right. We'll have a lovely evening and you two see you tomorrow. See you tomorrow. Thank you
14:02They're coming to dinner the more the merrier
15:03Get your boy
15:46Here he is
15:51Dad um, this is Kate. Oh, aren't you a picture young lady? Oh, I'm Roddy
15:58Roddy and Robbie
16:00Was gonna call him Roddy jr. But his mother god rest her soul wouldn't allow it. So we compromised
16:06Come on in and make camel
16:08Hey, come on
16:10They're here
16:14Robbie Carter, where are you? Oh
16:17There he is. Hello, darling. Oh
16:21My word, so you must be Catherine. Yeah
16:24We've heard so much about you. So lovely to meet you. Welcome to our home now. I've put you both together
16:31I hope that's alright
16:32Okay. Now who wants a drink? I'm gonna have a gin and tonic, but don't let that sway you you can have whatever you like
16:39Rub and black please rum and black good coming up come through
16:44These are mine, don't you love them?
16:49Carmel thinks she was a koala in a previous life. I don't think I know I can feel it in my waters
16:55I hope you like eucalyptus because that's what she's cooked us for dinner. I
16:59Hope you don't mind, but I invited our friends Terry and Annie. They came with us on the trip
17:04Absolutely fine, or do they enjoy a drink? Yeah, they enjoy one or two don't know. Well, what problem could we possibly have?
17:23It's nice not to worry about the kids here
17:28But like that all the time when we got our own place
17:33I will get us off that camp. I know things haven't gone well with Benny, but I won't keep failing
17:39Love you're not a failure
17:42You saved three people's lives
17:46That's heroic
17:49We're lucky you went that day
17:53Why did you
17:56Do you like her Christine
17:59No, I know I won't blame you if you did
18:02But we all have connections I don't
18:06It was the kids living in that place. I
18:11Felt bad for them
18:35Can't read
18:37It's a bit of fun
18:39We're not doing any harm yet, but what if you smash a window?
18:43He'll be paying for it you
18:45plus all the yelling and screaming
18:48bothering the residents
18:55Right the toilets are overflowing with excrement the showers only work when they feel like it and you're bothered about game around
19:04Miss Roberts Apple doesn't fall far from the tree does it that?
19:10And if I don't well you'd be breaching hostile rules and you'll be asked to find alternative accommodation
19:30Am not standing for this
19:33Well, you have to do something
19:35Yeah, I agree
19:37Me too. Yeah me three
19:40Like what?
19:45There's some cheesy twirl things here if anyone wants a snack dinner might be a little off if I was you I'd fill up on
19:52The snacks her cooking is great
19:57God don't ask. Ah, that is my serpent. Do you wanna have a go mate? No, no, no. I'm tongue-deaf
20:04Well, I'll have a go. I was fancy myself as a band man. Yeah, come on. Go on. Come on
20:13Okay, okay
20:15Not really, right
20:19When we were talking in your hut
20:21Patty overheard us
20:25She's calling me a liar and she's saying I need to tell Terry
20:33But you and Terry and the best couple that I know and that will just it'll just tell you about
20:49Are you having a party without us?
20:52Robbie's here with some of his mates. This is Hillary and Mandy. They live across the road Mandy and Robbie go way back
20:58Well, they're your friends Robbie do the bloody intros. Oh
21:02They're all from England Terry Annie and Kate
21:06Pleased to meet you
21:07You his girlfriend
21:12She's a friend. Yeah
21:15But come on sit down, what do you want to drink?
21:19Well, we don't get many palms in the mountains do we? No. Don't just stay in the city. Oh
21:24That woman in the library from Leeds, but she's got a lazy eyes
21:30I love it up here. It's like paradise
21:33Yeah, and um, Robbie says you're in some hostel, yeah, I'm Dalgarni tenots and cold showers
21:40an overflowing Donny
21:44What do you do for work Kate I'm a nurse no nurse it's a wonderful profession
21:48Yeah, I wanted Manny to be a nurse. I bought her the little outfit
21:52She looks so cute, but it turns out she can't stand the sight of blood. So it makes me mama
21:57And I can't stand the sight of vomit. It makes me vomit
22:01Can we not talk about vomitus making camels cooking tastes even worse
22:06What do you do Mandy? Oh, I'm a schoolteacher. Oh, that's a lovely job. Yeah. Do you have children Kate?
22:16And we do we've got a girl and a boy. Mm-hmm. Just become grandparents actually believe it or not
22:22Now daughter had a little girl recently. Oh
22:25She must be very young your daughter
22:28Yeah, she is and it's you know, not what we'd have chosen but
22:32Babies here now, isn't she? Little Mary we love her. Don't we? Yeah
22:36Our party's doing really well
22:38Good mum's running the family. I am a lucky man three lovely ladies in me life
22:44and an annoying son
22:47So she's not married then your daughter
22:51No, the father stayed in England, oh I see
22:59She has a lot of support though, don't you? Yeah, it's not what God intended though, is it?
23:07Well, I think he created the Garden of Eden and in it he placed a man and a woman
23:13Well, every kingdom divided shall be brought to desolation every house divided shall not stand
23:23Would you say that I
23:25Beg your pardon make them feel bad about the daughter
23:29You know nothing about their situation. Does anyone want another drink?
23:33Mandy's father left us when she was five years old and she withdrew into herself
23:38No children need a strong male presence. She's got a strong male presence. She's got me. Oh
23:44Not so strong your daughter to flower herself
23:52What's wrong with her
23:57Come on let's have a smoke gladly
24:04Why don't you go see if Mandy's okay
24:19Andy you okay
24:24She seems nice
24:27Your girlfriend
24:30Mandy I don't Mandy me Robbie
24:34How am I supposed to feel
24:37Last last time you were here. We were playing footsies at that table. Yeah
24:42And that was great, but it was only a few months ago
24:46Now I
24:48Feel silly because I've been thinking about you and you've been in Sydney
24:54Please don't touch me
24:58Well, this is we've known each other me how long have you known her
25:06Do you Robbie
25:09That's a special thing for me to give God's eyes looking down
25:13I mean it kind of just happened
25:26Robbie do I mean so little to you?
25:29That you can bring another woman home. No Mandy. I said don't touch me
25:59I'm sorry. I feel quite unwell. I'm gonna go home. Oh
26:03Carmel's cooking strikes again. Don't be ridiculous sit down. I'm going home. I
26:11Hope you're satisfied
26:14Hillary maybe you should go home to
26:17I'll say when I go home little Robbie Carter if your mother was still alive
26:23You know, you're not too big for a slap around the legs
26:26As it so happens I've lost my appetite
26:29So, thank you, buddy. Calm off. I'll finish my brandy somewhere with a less sour taste around it
26:40It's quite the entertainment
26:44Who's for Tom Collins
27:02Hey, hey I came to see you earlier where the beach hut
27:10Saw you dancing with that cub
27:16I haven't seen you smile like that in a long time
27:21But you know what people would say if they saw what I saw
27:25You want any chance of living the life you want then this country needs to change?
27:31And you need to be more involved in that change cousin talk is it enough? So what do you got planned?
27:37We're taking our projects where the white money spins. Erica. We're gonna lose everything. We've already lost everything. I
27:44Just want it back
27:45Aren't you tired of it wrong?
27:48The way they treat us
28:36Used to break into stuff all the time back in Ireland
29:34Just going out for a minute mother
29:41He's here
29:58Where's he gone
30:01Kind of left
30:03I don't know
30:05Can't just vanish into the darkness
30:08Maybe he's taking a dump
30:15He went to the Skinners
30:19If you're looking for bill we are thank you and exactly what are you two up to?
30:28Nothing nothing
30:33Yeah, fair enough and I saw nothing
30:48Passed your card around the neighborhood. So might get you some more work. Thanks pleasure
30:58You're gonna hang around this time
31:01Are you gonna take off again like a little frightened bird?
31:05Sorry, well last time you here you just left. No, good boy. No, no. Oh
31:11Yes. No, I realized I had to get the girls. That's crap
31:20You're scared of me, aren't you? Yeah, that's really scared
31:27The way that I make you feel all right right now look don't
31:33Don't lie to yourself
31:38There's no one else here baby, it's just me and you and we can speak the truth in this room
31:51If this gets ugly then
31:53Let's just be fine
31:55Okay, Sheila, we've got him, okay, this proves it we've won
32:28It's not how it looks I
32:39Think your problems are ever sure you have to believe me. It's not at all how it looks it's
32:46It's exactly how it looks
33:32This is brilliant, right, let's get going. Oh, we also got this
33:41the sabotage
33:43Under the cover of darkness
33:45All right, we got Tuscan yellow any takers
33:48Oh, yeah
33:53Thanks Carvel, I see your others
33:59Up my hair
34:02Remember I said, you know paradise this place I
34:07Could live up here. Hmm. How fantastic would it be to bring Mary up in a place like this? You could get a serpent
34:18Right tired
34:22Just just shattered drunk. No. No. Yes, maybe a little bit. It's been a very long day
34:32Go on I carry on
34:34Behave yourself you daft bugger gone, you know, no
34:39Come on, okay, right ready. Yep. One two three
34:45You didn't have to put a cheeky sod
34:49You still do this with Petey remember somewhere in the Grand National
34:53Yes, I do. Come on. Giddyup. Come on then. Giddyup as they come up to jump five. It's like a bosque
34:59They're over but thundering towards breaches now every riders nightmare
35:04It's what no son followed by housewives favorite Terry's tax
35:10with Angel Hill in third here they
35:15Watch this Terry's taxes down housewives everywhere will be heartbroken
35:21Let's hope the jockey's okay
35:24No, three broken limbs, but still looking very attractive as she lies on the floor
35:40Give me a minute
35:43I mean whatever's a muscle
35:49Do you know that ever since we kissed that first time outside the plaza wanted you to be my man, you know that don't you
35:57Through all the hard times
36:01This ring on my finger has meant the world to me, you know that don't you
36:07Of course the deal of it and you were in that ring has meant the world to me
36:13I'm so sorry. I
36:19Had an affair during the war
36:27With Harry Burris
36:32Thought you were dead love
36:35Thought you were dead and he comforted me and one thing led to another and I
36:43But it wasn't love
36:47Not like our love
36:50People were dying all around us and I was
36:54Listen to me, please listen to me. Oh, listen to me Terry. Oh
36:59I was lonely. I was so lonely love and I was scared. He was a coward. No, he wasn't
37:06He got out of the ocean. He was a coward. Listen, he was not you slept with a coward
37:12I was off fighting
37:14Tied to a wall in a German hellhole made a mistake. I thought you made a mistake. I thought you were dead
37:22When did this happen? When was it?
37:304512 years Annie
37:33You've had 12 years. Why are you telling me now? Huh?
37:40Mean because he's dying
37:43Isn't it? Yeah, I read the letter
37:48You know what I
37:51Hope he croaks it. I
37:53Hope the other bastard dies and good riddance if he does I didn't need to know
37:59So sorry, you know, I kill people don't you?
38:02Huh? I killed people we did things it was war
38:06No, no, I'm so sorry go away, please. No, honey
38:13No, please. No, no
38:17Didn't need to know
38:24Tell me about your mom you must really miss her. Oh, she was my whole world
38:32Guess you could say I was a bit of a mama's boy. Mm-hmm. I just the daughter
38:38She was such a kind person
38:41Good heart, you know
38:44That she was funny
38:46Do you have a picture of her?
39:03Well, she was very attractive yeah she was
39:07She hated the thought of getting old though
39:10So at least now
39:12She never will
39:14She'll stay just like that
39:16for all eternity
39:25It's funny what stays with you
39:28She had all these little sayings like what
39:35Folks are about as happy as they make their minds up to be
39:40Some people look for a beautiful place
39:44Others make a place beautiful
39:49I was such a happy kid. She tried to make sure that nothing bad ever happened to me
39:58And then of course the worst thing possible happened
40:06He must have been really hard
40:11In the morning she was there making me breakfast
40:15And then
40:17After school
40:20Policemen came around and told us
40:25Told her she was gone
40:28Accident went away
40:39It's the first time that I realized that
40:43Nothing's really safe
40:46Just because something's precious
40:50Doesn't mean it can't be taken away
41:01Loved it every day we had together
41:06Now you understand
41:09When you have something special
41:13You make the most of it what was in your life
41:18Sorry to interrupt really
41:23I just I wanted to apologize for earlier. I feel so silly
41:28Yeah, we just want to make sure that you were all right. Yeah, actually, um, I was wondering
41:34as Kate's a nurse if
41:38Can I ask you advice on something? Yeah, sure. Yeah, could we talk alone?
41:51Sit down
41:56Hmm everything. Okay, not really. It's it's just um
42:06I've been feeling a sickness. I also get a light-headed feeling
42:12It's not the first time it's happened it passes but I
42:17Just want to know if it's something I should be worried about
42:20Have you been to the doctors? No
42:24Do you think I should?
42:25the main reason I'm worried is
42:29Um, I'm with child. Oh
42:34And how long
42:38Three months three months. Yeah
42:41Okay. Well, um, I mean they can do tests
42:44Your blood pressure is probably dropping because of the pregnancy and that's absolutely
42:49normal in your condition
42:53That's good to know I
42:56Really appreciate the chat Kate
42:59You're the only person who knows what I mean, I've not told the father
43:07Oh, thank you Kate
43:26My happy valley
43:30You're my plea
43:32Wait for me
43:35You know the bonds that bind us both will sever
43:45To hold you in my arms
43:54So pray for my returning
44:00Keep the love light burning
44:04My happy valley
44:07Sweetheart, I'll be true
44:50Evening boss get out. Oh good. I got a certificate here when I tell you to get out you get out of your truck
44:58All right. I'm out of sand. Yeah. Yeah
45:02That's how you can bend down no boss now your problem you still think this is your country
46:06Who did this
46:10Oh my goodness
46:22I'm Trisha Roberts
46:32No, yes, it was me
46:43And me
46:49And me
46:57Me and me and me and me and me and me
47:05We all did
47:10Here you are playing childish games
47:13When you're a mother with responsibilities
47:16No sacrifice a lot
47:18to be a mother I
47:20Have my schooling the whole future really I mean I constantly have to watch wherever go and who sees me
47:28But you know, I've realized I can still have fun fun
47:33Messing up my camp. No playing a game of rounders with my friends to keep me sane
47:40But you wouldn't allow it mrs. Walker. That's why we did this
47:44You brought this on yourself
47:50You really are like your mother, aren't you
47:54Strong-willed I
47:58Want every bit of this mess cleaned up and then
48:04I'll lose the no-game signs today
48:20All right
48:48Sorry to bother you I've just had a call from a man who
48:52asked me to tell you he's getting the train home and
48:55He'd like to travel alone
48:59Right. Thank you
49:15It's your friend Annie she's calling from the motel. Oh
49:19Hmm, thank you. I need okay. I've told him about Harry
49:29Honey you couldn't live with the lies anymore
49:35What did he say he's gonna get the train home I'm gonna have to follow him
49:42Can't lose him Kate, but I think this might break us
50:23Everything okay, that's not great. He's just being you in the wheel. Okay
50:36Robbie yeah, can we go back to the mountains? Yeah
51:06Hold that door
51:51I won't let it go on forever. I think they do
51:58So inspiring
52:02Me feel like you're part of something bigger, you know, but you're not alone
52:16I've never had a home like yours or a family
52:21And I've never been loved by anyone so much
52:33Ask me again
52:36Ask me again
52:47Kate Thorne will you do me the honor of being my wife? I will
52:59One second she will
53:18We should stop on the way back have a celebratory drink all three
53:23Definitely. Although after last night, I'm not sure how much more I can handle
53:28You know come I will say I
53:31Heard her in the night. Yeah, it's hardly surprising given how much she was down. Yeah, luckily Hillary didn't say otherwise
53:37They'd be vomit everywhere
53:40Mind you she's gonna have to get used to that. How come
53:48I'm not supposed to say
53:54Mandy's pregnant
53:56What? Yeah, she told me last night. That's why she feels unwell. She hasn't even thought the father of the baby yet
54:08Wouldn't make it back before dark
55:06Is he mine
55:08What Peter?
55:11Is he mine I
55:14Love the bones of that blood
55:16There's been times over the years where I've looked at him when I wondered where he came from
55:21So I'm giving you this one chance to tell me the truth
55:24But it's the truth. I want no more lies
55:28It's my boy mine
55:37So Patsy's mine a painter's mine, yes
55:52And I'm yours
56:29Come here you
56:33Did you miss us oh
56:36Not really
56:39Take those bags in for me
56:56I told him
56:58You dad. Hmm
57:01And you know what he said to me
57:04Why did he tell me
57:08Truth is always better than lies. No life is not that simple sweetheart. It's just not
57:15We do what we have to do to get through difficult times
57:20And I think and she's your age she'll see that too
57:30You have to give me the rent
57:40You have to pay your rent you owe me money I
57:42Understand that but I can't do I look like a charity. Hey, I don't
57:46What the hell's going on?
57:48Keep out of us. What's he saying? He's wanting money and my house keys
57:53Leave her alone. Keep out of it Jerry. This is not your
58:00Stop it
58:13Bad decision Terry
58:17Very bad decision