• 7 hours ago
ten pound poms S02 E02


00:22I'm gonna get us off that camp whatever way you can any boats. I could use a man like you
00:26Are you offering me a full-time position?
00:31She's sallied no one will ever think that baby's yours. It's an opportunity for the old fish and chip shop
00:37I wouldn't be able to do it on my own arty. I'll pay you both a pound a day
00:40Okay, great Skinner. I thought there's me ma Maggie in mine sister birdie Harry Brewis. The Baker is gravely ill in hospital
00:50It's about Michael she wants to meet you your friend said you had a proposal I want to be part of his life
00:56You're under arrest
01:41Great place for families
01:43Australia is an exciting new land a country in the modern world. We had a real home for your family a
01:50good place to grow
01:52There's a bright future
01:54Come over to the sunny side
01:57The cost of the journey halfway around the world is ten pounds look for a new stop on your way to Australia
02:10Years and
02:13Indicator and them down there breaks throttle and
02:19Clutch there you go expert already
02:22Hey you learn to drive lad and that girl you're soft on will be all over you women love cars, isn't that right Patsy?
02:28Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you know what? I'm sure a car
02:32Make her overlook his face
02:34and his
02:35Personality now drop it off at summer camp if you like impress your pals
02:39None of their dads have got a motor like this. You know, what pals I ate it. What's wrong with it?
02:44The teacher knows I'm shy. So he just picks on me for everything got to do a stupid talk this week and what?
02:55Grateful Peter I'd love to be doing some account
02:59Yeah, well then you shouldn't have got with a boy in England
03:06Pack it in
03:07When school starts again brain box?
03:10You get your books and I'll look after Mary. That's what we agreed
03:14There we go. All's good in the Roberts world. So can I take it for a drive?
03:18Well, if you promise to run over mrs. Walker really no
04:06Girl go on a JJ is Kate
04:11Katie Katie Katie I hear you've landed yourself in some deep dingo duck. Can you just put any on the phone, please quickly?
04:18Well contrary to what my mother would like you to believe
04:21I'm not the hostile Aaron boy, but if you were to give me a bit, please please just just put any on the phone
04:28I don't have much time
05:02Aaron boy at your service Kate's on the telephone in my office Kate
05:11Look after Mary, will ya?
05:15What's going on well in three days time, it's Australia Day
05:20Which marks the 1788 landing of the first fleet. Well, thank you England
05:26You've sent us all your rogues. Well, guess what?
05:29Now we only want the good ones
05:33You drunk yes, I think your friend Kate might just be on the next boat home
05:43Kate Annie Annie, I need to get out of here
05:59Okay, but I said outside
06:02I'm so sorry. Is he bothering you? No, not at all
06:06It's a kid. He's only having fun. I
06:08Really appreciate you doing this. The place has been so damp and that one has chest problems. Just do my job
06:23If you did want to show your appreciation you show a teabag some hot water spitting feathers
06:39I'm Christine by the way, sorry
06:45Good color that most Aussies make you like cat pedal capital
06:51You don't sound like Harold Macmillan
06:54Yeah, we're not we're not close friends. I heard him on the wireless. He's all la-dee-da
07:05Do you miss home
07:07Sometimes I
07:10Miss my brother
07:12Some of my friends
07:14And we had a house back there. They were in a hostel better than this place. I'd imagine
07:22Well, yeah, we lived somewhere else
07:26After my husband died this is all I could afford
07:32I'm gonna have a word with the boss
07:34See if I can't get it all fixed up for you, mr. Bates. Yeah
07:59Oh my goodness, this is what happens when you combine fantastic heels with hazardous tears
08:04It looks bad that you in pain I flirted with the doctor to get some morphine
08:10I'm floating on a cloud most of the day. Sorry to ask you. Sorry to ask honestly
08:16Anyone who think we're complete strangers?
08:18What is it?
08:20Do you have a telephone directory I could use need to help Kate? Oh
08:24Annie can't take on everyone else's problems
08:28But there is something I need you to help me with
08:34Meg's husband Donald
08:36Still owns 50% of the store
08:40They walked out hasn't shown a minute's interest and then out of the blue. I get a letter that he's sending auditors in him
08:47Right. Is that a problem? Yes
08:50The books are in chaos
08:53The books are in chaos, I've overspent on stock and if he sees him in the red he'll panic and want out
09:01I'm not really in a position to buy out his half. He can't audit without me there. So
09:09This little accident has bought me some time
09:12Marlene you did not do that on purpose
09:15That is madness
09:17You could have really hurt yourself, what were you thinking he walked out on me Annie
09:22and he had a kid with
09:23fat ankles free to feed a child
09:27That business is the only thing I have to show for the years I put up with that useless pig
09:37Anyway until I get back on my feet Annie Roberts you're in charge
09:43Me it's you or Eileen Butler and between you and me. I think Eileen's got a drink problem
09:48Well, okay. Um telephone and directory. We're in the hall as many calls as you like
09:56It's a shame she's not married couldn't deport her then
10:01Couldn't deport her then
10:11Says here you were supposed to travel with Henry Broad
10:16He changed his mind
10:20Not really because he came over just a few months later
10:26He's a complicated man
10:29You said Michael was taken from you in England, but my understanding is he was in a children's home I
10:36Had I was having problems
10:40After he was born I
10:44That was very down I was struggling
10:51So, how did he end up in Australia because the charity that helped me
10:56In the children's best interests
11:00Send them thousands of miles away
11:05Then they sold Michael my son. They sold him to that family in return for a large donation
11:14I really am
11:16This is a very serious situation. The rules of your scheme clearly state that a criminal conviction will result in immediate deportation
11:26Please please
11:29If you send me home, you'd be like ripping out my heart I
11:34took him back I
11:37Took him back and I gave them my child
11:40All I asked for was some weekends and she agreed
11:46And then she stabbed me in the back
11:58Seems your fiance is here asking to see you
12:05I don't want to see him. He's yes
12:18Where is he?
12:21Henry brought
12:23Robbie Robert Carter
12:27You're engaged to Kate Fulham, that's right since when
12:33since a few weeks back
12:35She likes to get engaged doesn't she? Well, I'm sorry to report mate. She doesn't want to see you
12:42Can I write her a letter
12:52Need you to pick something up from that address and take it to that address
12:57No problem
12:59What am I picking up? Oh
13:01You'll see when you get there
13:03But don't worry
13:05You'll like it
13:14I have eyes for you to give you dirty looks Terry Roberts
13:21Correct Valerie Vine
13:23There's a trick with a knife. I'm learning to do
13:28And Benny said I was to pick something up here I am
13:34Let's go
13:37And the perfect risk to give your neck a twist
13:41I'm a lock holes. I've mastered a few
13:50You're always this place some property guy. You get struck each time. So how long you been Benny's gopher gopher go for this
13:58Go for that
14:00Word to the wise stay loyal Benny values it. He looks after them. They'll look after him
14:11Valerie Vine what a sight for sore eyes, isn't she a vision?
14:16Eyes off. He's a married man. Not that I've met the lovely Annie Annie
14:23Invited to the Australia Day party. Oh, she liked that
14:27Bankers politicians not anyone's idea of a good time excuse to dress up
14:31She love it then she's in but not before you use your skills to transform this place into a venue of all venues
14:40Now Valerie's in charge you do exactly what she says, so she'll crack the whip
14:48What about the job I'm on
14:50There's a young lad has asthma. I said I'd try and fix the dam. It's a day or two you can wait
15:00Joan you'll do clothing Victoria haberdashery and I'll take home and garden and we have to count every single item
15:08That is generally how a stock tape works, Victoria
15:48You can't sell them, can you
15:54Annie yes
15:58There are 500 pairs of them
16:01What the bloody hell? Oh
16:07It's a bikini
16:08They're all the rage in France Rita Hayworth wore one
16:11They don't hide much a woman got ticketed in Adelaide fine for wearing it on the beach
16:16What on earth is she bought all these for?
16:34A letter from your fiancee. I told you I don't want to be insisted. I give it to you
17:02Never seen the Irish so smart
17:05One of you do in court not yet
17:07I'll carry on like that and there will be
17:09Dan Poric arrived today, so go on a bus to meet him. There's three become five. We've allocated huts
17:1623 poor old Artie's hat. I don't want to go in there
17:20The spirit will be floating around I
17:24Do palm reading?
17:26tea leaves and Ouija boards
17:28If you know anyone thank God you came over you are just what this country needs
17:33You've a very gray aura you have a sad emotional life
17:45Here they come
18:27Wish it all
19:00Poor bugger never set foot on the soil
19:03Why on earth do they want to keep his body in their heart? It's tradition from pagan times
19:08Well tell them they can have him for one day no alcohol
19:13You tell them I'm sorry. You're the one running things around here now, so you tell them
19:23Why do they keep sending these backward people here probably how the Aborigines felt back in the 1700s
19:42Under the command of naval captain Arthur Philip
19:45The fleet sought to establish a penal colony on the coast of New South Wales
19:50Which had been claimed as British by lieutenant James Cook in?
19:541770 the majority of convicts were transported for petty crimes
19:59London and other British cities were dirty
20:03overcrowded and filled with the unemployed and the drunk
20:06The government wanted to send them elsewhere out of Britain many struggled with homesickness
20:14starvation and ill health
20:17Only one in six of the convicts were women
20:22But on arrival some soon fell pregnant and would create new life in the country
20:28by 1789
20:30The colony was on the verge of collapse
20:32Captain Phillips struggled to keep peace and order
20:41Sorry floggings and hangings were
20:46As captain Philip wrote
20:49As he wrote at the time in his journal. I am NOT a pomegranate
21:07Let me
21:33Okay, okay, can we you quickly
21:43Sweetheart I really wish you told me you were gonna do this. Everyone's so worried about you
21:50And he keeps ringing
21:53Well tell her that I'm fine we all just want you home
22:13Mr. Carter
22:15You have a wedding imminent and plans for children of your own
22:19That's right more than enough to make an appeal to the assisted migration scheme on the basis that
22:24my future wife
22:26will become an outstanding Australian citizen and in the longer term a
22:31Procreator of Australian children, but how can we be sure that there won't be a repeat of the Michael incident there won't be
22:38I'll give you my word with all respect miss Thorne. I'm gonna need more than just your word
22:47Like what I
22:52Need you to sign this restraining order
23:12My dead body
23:30They say it's snowing in England
23:41Three two one
23:45Looks amazing
23:48Can't wait for any to see all this what's she like you're Annie
23:55She's strong clever
24:01Gorgeous it was her idea to come out here. It's nice to hear a man talk proudly of his wife
24:07It's rare look around at the party, and you'll see powerful men with beautiful women on their arms, but
24:14That's all they want them to be on their arm
24:17I'm all for them. I'd be bloody lost without my girl
24:30They're all staring what if they call the police
24:43You like them they do they like them
24:53Hello Marlene, it's Annie. I've got a slightly outrageous idea
25:00Okay girls
25:07And he says that someone called our window display pornographic has to be worth a little item of the day I
25:15like the controversy
25:17The bikinis look fantastic, but the mannequin it's not really enough. What if we added in another element?
25:26In Corburn on the high street Wilson's department store is causing quite the stir and this is why
25:36And here at the beach not everyone was pleased to see this Hollywood trend arriving down under your
25:43Disgrace mrs. Annie Roberts assistant manager at the store. What would you say to people who say these bikinis are?
26:07What you doing there
26:11Nothing doesn't look like nothing
26:16What's happened
26:20I've been thinking and
26:22If England sent over convicts and those convicts had babies and
26:27Their babies had babies and their babies are yes, I get the idea. Yes
26:32Then there's a chance that some of the kids in the summer camp are descended from thugs and criminals. I
26:41Suppose yes, yeah that explains things come here
26:48You're all right
26:52We're having a wait tomorrow for that I know you didn't know him but
26:59We'd like you all to come along
27:02I'm very sorry about your father. I mean my husband have an engagement
27:07What about you?
27:11The the Dutch are having an Australia Day party, but I don't be songs
27:16Dancing see the haunted
27:52Wish you told me it was gonna be this dressy
27:54Talking about see is that where they used to said dressy. He said dressy didn't say dressy dressy. Did you?
27:59Never mind. How are these politicians then?
28:03Might there be someone here that can help Kate someone influential in immigration. Listen, let's let's not go around asking you
28:09This is a big deal. I don't want anything to be trouble
28:15Leave our government want to be your population
28:18You know what?
28:18My policy would be get Aussies to screw more and give us the ten pounds for wine and beer you'll have
28:24Babies pop it out left right and center. Well, me and my family are very grateful for the opportunity
28:31Very welcome, but if it were up to me, I'd pull up the drawbridge can fill them up with piranhas
28:37Why is that?
28:40It's good for the mayor to hear the views of his constituents
28:42Well, the population of Australia is the same as the population of London
28:47You've got this very big beautiful country, but it needs more people
28:57All I can say to that is
29:00Terry impregnate this woman
29:03Start tonight populate or perish
29:07Have a good evening
29:11Well, what a character
29:14And he would you mind if I borrowed your husband for a moment
29:17I'll be back
29:19Your job tonight is to make sure that that man has a very good evening
29:25Don't let him out of your sight understood
29:53You coming
29:55Don't even know them and you never will unless you speak to them Pete Roberts
29:59You can't stop me. I that poor girl her father's wake
30:03I'm fine. Do what you want then?
30:12I'll look after Mary
30:14No, no, you've had a whole day. I don't mind honest
30:39I told the landlady me money was spent. I asked her for credit. She answered me nay
30:48Such a custom as yours. I don't have any day
31:15Well, I'll go and find the party
31:33They said it couldn't be done yet here we are days away from the winning design being announced in a few years time
31:41Right here on been a long point a new opera house and concert hall will be built
31:53Australia's leading city and artists including the Sydney Symphony Orchestra
31:58Who are represented here tonight will have a facility that matches their international fame
32:04This work on been a long point is one of the many steps
32:24We meet again
32:28What a coincidence. This is my wife Elaine and this is
32:32Don't tell me it's Annie Roberts. I'm the second we did yesterday
32:35Yes, the thing is I've not yet told my husband about said segment. So if we could your secret sex with me
32:43Thank you until tomorrow
32:45When we broadcast the entire country
32:55Already told me all about it. I think you should be very proud of this
33:02Thank you, we need further roughness Annie it's the only way things have changed I
33:10Run a little women's group. It's a secret. We meet up once a month and I'd really like you to come
33:22You just make yourself comfortable
33:33You like art
33:37The red center the dead heart
33:42I've commissioned the artist to paint me Ayers rock
33:46Do you know it I?
33:48Don't named after Henry Ayers
33:50Proper politician if only today's not held such high standards
34:05Charles Mellon running for mayor against our friend Samuel
34:10He has a beautiful family at home
34:12He's a hypocrite Terry a hypocrite and a liar
34:16Why are you playing me?
34:20I'm a businessman. I don't meddle in politics until politics meddles with me
34:25Now a big part of his campaign is supposed housing reform and if he gets his way your little asthma boy
34:31He'll be out in the street
34:35I'm not following. Well, I'll be so much red tape. No one will be able to keep their rents low
34:41But he's just playing politics Terry with the end of getting votes from certain communities. Maybe likely to get into power. There's a chance
34:48He's smooth people like him I need to be insulated either way it goes I'm gonna need your help with this one
34:56How how just a little pushback
35:02For the greater good
35:21Thank y'all for coming it means a lot to us all my daughter birdie will now sing that's favorite song so come inside and be with
35:32Last night is I lay dreaming
35:37Of pleasant days come by
35:42Me mind been bent on rambling
35:45To Ireland I did fly I stepped on board a vision
35:54and followed with a will
35:58Till next I came to and could
36:03the cross in Spencer Hill
36:06the young the old
36:09the brave and the bold came their duty to
36:13Fulfill at the parish church in clue
36:19I'm oil from Spencer Hill
36:24Delighted by the novelty
36:28Enchanted by the scene
36:31there in me early
36:35Childhood so often I had been I
36:40Thought I heard
36:44Jesus she's leaking on
37:06Was coming on nothing what happened what's behind you back nothing
37:16Hop out of the way I can explain out
37:31It's on her face, I don't know what's on her face Steve a
37:37Show me your hands
37:41Show me it's pine tar
37:43It's all natural it's from plants right you've been Robin
37:49Plain sir, it's my baby
37:54Someone told me it
38:00Lightens their skin
38:06Those skins lighter sure look more like us. Yeah, I'm I say no, it'll be better
38:12Get out
38:18I'm sorry
38:44You've been at that clog where is Australia day party
38:47My girls have friends at the same school
38:51Were you having one too? No
38:54Me dad died. Oh gosh. I'm sorry our gave away day before the boat docked
39:05I lost my father young
39:09What it did was
39:12After the grief
39:15It inspired me
39:19Motivated me to
39:22Grab life by the scruff of the neck and take what's mine
39:29It's what brought me over here off this hostel into our home of my own
39:36The home that needs a gardener and a honeymoon
39:47Where's your wife if you don't mind my asking oh, she's
39:55She's in hospital right now extreme man. Why?
40:23Should get funny girls. Sorry for your loss
40:42I knew about Caitlin Doyle and Annemarie Conner
40:49Sydney I knew I
40:53Thought all this this this new adventure might stop your ways
41:53It's a nice ring
42:00It seems a good man
42:05Could be a good husband
42:09You could have children with him
42:13Australian children
42:17And have a very nice life here
42:22If that's what you say you want
42:27That could be made to happen
42:35Do you understand
42:48Okay seem quiet at the end yeah, it's tight on day
42:59That was a wonderful party
43:02That's some interesting people
43:09The sorts of people we need to be on board with if you want to get out of this place
43:16Now I have something for you
43:19Go outside two minutes
43:43Woke up this morning with a feeling of despair
43:50What the bloody hell just pretend I am Rita Hayworth on a beach in Los Angeles
44:00And you got that from well, I mean as hundreds of them at the store hundreds well Rita Hayworth
44:07You look amazing and I guess you need a reading mug
44:16Now tell me about the key
44:32I'll do it sweetheart you you rest
45:37I'm looking for Charles mill
45:40Your husband yes, who shall I say is calling mr. Roberts. I'm an associate of Benjamin Bates
45:51Your wife seems very nice top class the very best anyway, mr.
45:59Roberts, what can I do for you?
46:03Mr. Bates wants me to give you this
46:07It's a recording a recording something from the Australia Day Party
46:15Something your wife wouldn't want to hear
46:21It's not personal not just personal serious
46:27Nailing me
46:31Mr. Bates would like you to publicly change his stance on housing reforms
46:35He says the changes you're proposing will harm the most vulnerable and you believe that yes, I do
46:42Because I work in his houses. I know that people need those homes. They need better homes
46:50Mr. Roberts, I love my wife and
46:55Yes, occasionally I'm weak
47:00But this
47:03This will break her heart
47:06This will break my children's hearts is that when you want
47:12It goes away if you change your housing position
47:17You think Benny Bates is
47:19interested in society's vulnerable
47:22Any Bates is interested in two things pounds and pence
47:26Meanwhile those people in his houses are living in disease-ridden death traps
47:32I don't like doing this
47:34But I need to take back an answer
47:42Tell him
47:52I'll do as he asks but one day you and mr. Bates will have blood on your hands
48:14Here in Corburn on the high street Wilson's department store is causing quite the stir and this is why
48:24Underwear in the shop window
48:26Except it's not underwear. It's something called the bikini and it's all the rage in Hollywood
48:33Mrs. Annie Roberts
48:37What would you say to people who say these bikinis are inappropriate and should be banned well, I'd say
48:44Look at the men on this beach
48:46At least half of them are wearing no top and very small trunks. Well, I suppose the difference is if I can put it
48:53So bluntly mrs. Roberts, they don't have breasts. Yes, but we're covered up
48:59And I think women and girls should be able to wear what they want as long as we remain dignified
49:05Put some clothes on yourself. I've got clothes on
49:09More than you. Well that man does not understand fashion and the way the world is changing
49:15Well for what it's worth, I think you all look very Hollywood and I feel well a little overdressed
49:23All this a lot of walking to the store another can I get another yes
50:28You are not allowed
50:31To come within three miles of Michael's home or Michael's school
50:36You must never approach him or his adoptive family
50:41Until he reaches the age of adulthood
50:45Which in the state of New South Wales is 21
50:49Any breach of these conditions
50:53will result in
50:55arrest an
50:56immediate entry into the deportation process
51:07I wish there was another way
51:11Now that the Robinsons they're not happy that they accept this compromise
51:16So here
51:23And here
51:28Start over Kate. It's the best for all concerned
53:23You did well Terry
53:28Sometimes you got to get your hands a bit dirty to clean things up I
53:32Hear your Annie's been on the television. You got your hands full with that one in every sense. What's mean television?
53:49Bit overdressed aren't you?
53:55Was gonna tell you last night Terry, but you fell asleep
53:57I've make it on a television and I find out from me boss. The store is in financial trouble
54:03Marlene's put me in charge and I was just trying to do something to help but then showing your bloody knockers off
54:08Your grandma for God's sake
54:10That's what you need to do. You can forget it
54:13You don't need a job. I might not need it Terry. I
54:18Want it?
54:20Because I like it
54:22And I like the person it makes me oh, so that's it now is it and he does what any wants
54:26What would you prefer? You just walk around showing me off and me keep my mouth closed
54:34No, so it's alright when I'm being the strong wife, but not when I'm standing up and being my own person
54:45You should have told me so
55:24We're going Brisbane at your clothes. They're all of us left Brisbane
55:30Why are you doing this because of the baby when you change
55:35Get your clothes and get in the van
55:39Get your clothes
55:50Get in the bag, I'm staying here with pay if I go you're on your own if I drive off I see
56:04Can't leave that I want to do the right thing last chance
56:11Hey, hey, she'll never respect you
56:16Hey, he's leaving taking everything saying I'll never see him again
56:25Dad thanks, please
56:29Go with him
56:31Don't want to know Stevie go with him go with him you have to
56:36Go see me. I want you to go. I want you to go go
56:42Please go go get in the bag go
57:03Patty what's happened? Um, he's gone if
57:10They've gone what left you how bloody killing Oh love come on come here. No, it's okay. It's them
57:17when he wasn't right we
57:22We made a mistake
57:25No, no, no keep it on look look out people thinking you don't mind
57:48Oh, what's this deep plans and approvals for this their boat shed to be turned into a business
57:57After farthington, you know, he'd prematurely like your dad and I managed to ascertain he's no wife and no children
58:05So finders keepers
58:10See it as God's gift