ten pound poms S02 E01
00:21Where are you going?
00:22Australia mate here we go then
00:25Start of our new life
00:26I'm having a baby. Who did this to you? It's Sam. You don't have to give it up. No, you're crazy
00:32You're not even her dad. We could be happy. I know you know that I'm a married woman
00:40You've got a son in Australia he got taken away from me I'm not getting back I'll give you a lift
00:46I'm your real mommy
02:24Okay, how long's the whole day going to last
02:29It must be a long way New Zealand no just across the water this room when we know
02:38Go she does
02:40Called her remember when we get there. I'll call her again, okay
02:46She'll play that game again this time
02:50We'll find men with funny moustaches. There's a problem woman's bags been stolen
02:59It's like a caterpillar split
03:02Identification papers, please. Could you please have your papers ready?
03:07Don't get through without your identification
03:11Okay, let's um, let's change it women women with
03:23Ladies with
03:26I don't know you choose. So yeah, my big nice
03:33Michael Michael
03:35You were right. The boat's taken too long and I've just remembered that New Zealand isn't really far away
03:47Let's do this another time a sugar ice cream
03:55What ice cream should we get strawberry?
04:05Australia a great place for families
04:08Australia is an exciting new land a country in the modern world. We had a real home for your family a
04:15Good place to go. There's a bright future
04:19Come over to the sunny side
04:21The cost of the journey halfway around the world is ten pounds look for a new start on your way to Australia
04:48Terry letter for you
04:51Think the snow is just about melted off it
04:54Have your petition back home when I?
04:56Tell you feel your fingers kids with a big dewdrop saying
05:00Dewdrops, you know, like a big bubble of snot. Oh
05:03Well that alone is reason to emigrate. Oh
05:09Any word from Kate
05:11Not a thing. That's the second time. She's run away from her fiance. Oh, you might take a hint. He's left for cans. Yeah
05:18Well, I gotta find a reliable woman
05:57What's she saying wishing patty look for a due date
06:01You need to write to grandma and tell you that Mary what with all my free time
06:06It's mostly just a blow-by-blow account of her and my dad's ailments lesser. At least she writes does she ask about me you?
06:13And that's a mother Bunyan's no not a mention
06:22Yes, she does
06:24Hello family. Sorry to interrupt but I want to say to the girl when your baby crying the night
06:30You need to keep it shut up. Okay, I work from 7 and need to sleep
06:34Sorry, I've tried really
06:37Hard to keep no, no, it's okay. Sweetheart. It's okay. Perhaps. Mr. Van Houten, mr. Van Houten
06:44Perhaps you don't remember what it's like to have a newborn baby
06:47You can't just turn him off with a switch
06:50You are grandma. Yeah
06:53Yes, I am well grandma I do remember what it is like but my wife was not so young and
07:00My baby not so cold
07:03What is that supposed to mean honey, honey, listen, it's a cat got your tongue
07:06I think you heard my right mate. I'll do get away now before you get a pasting boys. Keep it quiet
07:27Right Skinner I
07:30Thought there's me ma Maggie and my sister birdie. Hello. Sorry Roberts. It's me wife, honey
07:36Are you settling in good? We're only three at the minute me. Damn. You brought her on the boat behind
07:41Better business to finish your honor you
07:45Yes, you
07:46We don't behave like that in the hostel consider this an official warning and will you be giving mr. Van Houten an official warning?
07:53Oh, mrs. Roberts
07:55Let me inform you in your newly extended family
07:59Standards are about to improve at the hostel
08:03previous management
08:05Was far too lenient
08:13Five I was in a tiny hole
08:15Since the baby arrived we aren't sleeping. So, uh, I see we're not asking for anything special
08:21Just a place where Patty and the baby can have their own room and a garden be quiet
08:28Although a garden will be nice. I understand you want you run home and I can certainly put you on the waiting list
08:35But the reality is you're looking at around
08:3714 months until something suitable becomes available in England. They showed us great big houses and great big gardens
08:45It told us all this could be yours
08:48Just a pack of lies, wasn't it?
08:51Did they say they'd be free?
08:55Someone get us off that camp whatever way I can
08:59Hey, come on want to show you something
09:07Come on
09:11Come on have a look there's no one inside
09:14Come and have a look at this woman that I look hey, what do you think me?
09:22This time next year you my little lady will be crawling around on a carpeted floor
09:28In a lovely new house. Let's take a boat to Bermuda
09:34Let's take a plane to St. Paul
09:38Let's take one of your grandma's freshly-cooked meals on the big table
09:44Music coming out the wireless
09:46Let's take a trip in a trailer
09:50No need my beautiful wife back in working become the lady of the household again
09:55Sipping margaritas on the manicured lawn
09:58You are a daft bugger. Well, what do you think to that man?
10:03from town to town
10:05We'll visit every state
10:09And I'll repeat I love you sweet in all the 48
10:17Let's end the day at the White House
10:24We'll visit the beep there
10:56Are you writing?
10:59So I miss her
11:02And we're having a nice time we are out having fun
11:12You have lovely handwriting they made us practice in the orphanage
11:21In the orphanage where the nice people children were what about the grown-ups
11:29Not really
11:38See the postcard I
11:42Did a drawing
11:47Is that you and me in the drawing
12:14But a pain
13:09What's wrong with the job you have
13:11It's badly paid
13:14bad conditions
13:16My boss I'd work nice
13:19But for now, it's great
13:22I'm a skill builder
13:26How are you with dry rot
13:28I'm a dry rot expert
14:18Hello, yes been sent to fix the rocks
14:26Wrote my workman have come to fix your house
14:46Come I show you thank you
14:53The all right the man is like your husband hey, okay
15:05How many people live here many children lots of children
15:13This still in a hole look yeah, I can see
15:22How long has it been like this Oh
15:24Long time get worse whole building bed fall down we pay we ask no one come
15:32It's a big job
15:34I'm only a temporarily
15:36You fix I'll try
15:40No try fix
15:45Should see the conditions are living in makes this place look like paradise
15:48You're only saying that because we're stuck here for the next 14 months honestly, honey, you wouldn't put dogs in some of them places
15:56Do you think that's as exasperating?
15:58What's the line before it?
16:01She's talking about granddad almost certainly
16:05Why are you writing the old thing out again because we didn't get to read it having a guess a few parts
16:13She asleep
16:16Beach later, we're going for a night's from if you fancy it
16:20Don't say you're a mother now cuz that's what grandma's are full
16:25Isn't that right Annie? It might be a bit soon. Okay there. What about you Stevie? Oh, no
16:36Yeah, maybe you know where we'll be
16:43No, I'll do it you have a rest
16:59Now it's just an observation so tell me to shut up shut up
17:09Alright what
17:11Well, I think dating someone with a baby isn't as much fun as dating someone without
17:17That's your observation. I think what he's trying to say. So I know what he's saying. Oh, it irritates me as he's right
17:27Well, don't she said she wanted to hear it
17:39What we all view become
17:46Father father
17:53Have you've done it with her yet what I
17:57Say happy boy I heard
18:09You're happy to rock to sleep
18:12The baby does the result of another man. Stop saying that he's solid
18:17No one will ever think that baby's yours
18:39No, you're a delicate flower, but that doesn't stop you from carrying something
18:42What's going on surprise party beach booze a small?
18:46Thank you from yours truly to all my hard-working staff. What about the shop? We've just closed
18:52I'm sure the customers can cope for one afternoon
18:56Well, I'm I'm not dressed for the beach
18:57I wish you told me I don't want some but later like that advance warning of a surprise party. So English
19:05Yeah, please lock up get yourself a summer dress from stock and meet us down there
19:12Right. See you there
19:15Moment on the lips sweetheart lifetime on the hips
19:31Are you a builder? Yeah. Yeah, I am. My dad was a fireman
19:40Right Kevin
19:43Oh downstairs, please. Sorry. Oh, he's okay
20:04Open up open the door
20:12You know pay
20:17At the NACU I've come here today in person because
20:22You haven't paid your rent since November
20:25is bad
20:27Is too hot is dirty, which is why I've taken steps to fix things. Please. You can't just not pay your rent
20:33You can't just not pay your rent money by Friday, okay
20:52By your cough, I don't know if I'm gonna get it. Oh, she's awesome. Get out
21:07Thank you, no problem Benny Bates Terry Roberts, I
21:14Think we need to get your friends hospital
21:33a pretty girl
22:10My god, what have you done?
22:39Got some of his their blood on you sure there. Yeah, uncle was just in fabric very expensive
22:46So where you live on Cal Gowney hostel came over last year on the 10 pound palm scheme. Oh that thing
22:55Just kidding all my family's British
22:58Yeah. Yeah, I come out here. I was very young. My dad was working in
23:02Melbourne and Adelaide and
23:04Kind of all over really I went back to Europe after the war didn't take to it. Well, no, I loved it apart from the weather
23:12I've made some lucky cash and I I
23:16Just need somewhere to put it lucky cache. I wish I could find some of that. I
23:25Got pissed with this guy from Sydney and he told me that the place was riddled with cheap housing
23:31So I just flew back the next week
23:35So you own that house the one I'm fixing yeah and the one next door and the one next door to that next door to that
23:44Pretty much the rest of straight and a few other streets as well
23:49Bloody hell. All right is some lucky cash can't complain. Although occasionally a tenant does try and kill me
23:58Idiot Mickey he's supposed to be my protection protection. You look a rumbugger with a gash in his head a
24:08Rumbugger you see now that reminds me of England
24:12You want a lift can't give you lift back. Yeah. Yeah. Come on. I'll show you what the chair can do
24:26To what I'm talking about
24:32You're going to
24:37All the cash
25:08Nice couch
25:23Really bad stomach ache since when it just came on riding the cotton bicycle
25:31Strawberry week rag week, whatever you Brits call it. It's just maybe something I've eaten
25:37I'm really sorry. I'm gonna have to go on. How about you try a Mexican brandy? There's nothing that copies. Absolutely not. I'll see you soon
25:58What was your plan I didn't have one I can I can see by the look on your face, I know it was it was madness
26:06But what would you have done honey?
26:09He's my boy
26:12He's mine. I brought him into this world. He belongs to me. I
26:19Thought that if I could get to New Zealand, maybe I could find a way to get us back to the UK
26:29I want to be the one taking him to school pointing to bed
26:39But it's impossible because even if I could
26:45He misses her
26:51I'm so sorry, honey. I know you have enough on your plate with Patty and the baby. Just listen to me
26:58It's alright
27:00I'm glad you came to me
27:05Now is she
27:08She's good
27:10They have a change for us all but we're coping
27:13People keep calling me grandma
27:20What's Henry saying he was furious
27:23Charging about like he was gonna explode
27:26But then he left Kate washed his hands of you. I
27:32Don't know what to do
27:35I'm scared that if I get caught they'll take him away from me forever
27:42Kate does anyone know you're here. Are you sure? Yeah, Molly
27:52She's closed early on purpose she told me she'd be here
27:57Do you think you could get your ex-wife to be here tomorrow morning Donald?
28:01Say 10 a.m
28:02Trust me
28:04I'll get her here
28:06Even if I have to drag her
28:12Thanks, Benny
28:16Mate I owe you for today. I just did what anyone would do. I'd like to repay you
28:24Have you ever been to a woodshop
28:26Would what?
28:28Yeah, a woodshop. It's an Australian institution
28:32excuse to drink really
28:35Why don't you come along?
28:41Yeah, why not I'll be great
28:53What hit me in the stomach I'd rather not how did you like
29:02Gardner honey, man, I'm strong as an ox if you know anyone
29:07Word of the wise don't do that in a bar. My mate Martin. No nose tried the old Houdini routine ended up with a punctured lung
29:16Shall I give a card to your mother
29:19She seems like she runs the place. She calls the Irish drunken inbred. So yeah be my guest
29:47Have told you the score her husband has said no visitors, and I've told you the score
29:52Her husband drove her to attempt suicide
29:55Look, I can't let you in so you turning up like this is a waste of your time and mine, okay?
30:01man to man
30:04If my wallet was to drop on the counter and a pound note falls out
30:08What are the chances of the door opening and me getting five minutes inside?
30:59Think I'll be here sure
31:03This place is...
31:08I should never have taken you to the hospital. It's my fault you're here.
31:14I'm sinful.
31:16Is that what they're telling you?
31:19You were desperate. They were the actions of a desperate woman. And that man...
31:27It drove you to this.
31:29If you can just get clear of him...
31:31I'll never be free, don't you see?
31:33He owns me.
31:38They're watching. They'll tell him.
31:41They won't.
31:42They will.
31:44He'll know.
31:46And then...
31:51It'll be worse.
31:53Listen Sheila, I don't have long.
31:57Your face on that hostel...
31:59I know.
32:02It's the highlight of every day.
32:06But if I'm wasting my time, just tell me.
32:11And I'll leave you alone.
32:30What was I thinking would happen?
32:33I'd just get him back and be allowed to go home.
32:40What am I going to do?
32:43I can't just pretend that none of this has happened.
32:49I've made such a mess of everything.
32:52Maybe I should have just stayed in England.
32:54He never would have noticed.
32:56He wouldn't have noticed.
32:58Maybe I should have just stayed in England.
33:00He never would have known me.
33:02He would have had a nice life.
33:04Calm down.
33:06What am I going to do?
33:08Listen to me.
33:10You came here to find your son.
33:12That is to be admired.
33:14I'm going to suggest something to you now.
33:16And I need you to seriously think about it.
33:18Because from where I'm standing, sweetheart,
33:20you don't have many options.
33:28I was in Bonnetoune a short time ago.
33:30I said to him,
33:32every car's too slow.
33:34He turned around to me and said,
33:36if you were the bus,
33:38go take a ride on the downtown bus.
33:40And ride, ride, ride around town.
33:42Ride, ride, ride around town.
33:46Oh, ride around town.
33:48Ride, ride, ride around town.
33:50Everybody's looking.
33:52Everybody's falling down.
33:57The guy in the monster, he came in red.
33:59The guy in blue turned to me and said,
34:01his words were a pop,
34:03quite a stare.
34:05He said,
34:07you're amazing.
34:09Terry. Terry, you made it.
34:11Hey. Hey.
34:13I say boys are the city's top businessmen,
34:15but today we're just boys in the town, right?
34:17This is my mate Terry. This is Jonno.
34:21So what we do is, we take a look at these
34:23six visions of beauty, and we work out
34:25which one had the worst childhood.
34:27And then we just put all the money on him.
34:31I'm going to go for number five.
34:37He bets on me.
34:39Really? Yeah. Take it.
34:43What are you going to go for?
34:45I'm going to go for number three.
34:47Number three.
34:51stand to your logs.
34:53One, two, three.
35:05Go on, three.
35:13Come on.
35:16Go on, three.
35:26Go on, three.
35:30What's he climbing down for?
35:32He's got to finish it off on the other side.
35:34Go on.
35:36Go on, three.
35:44Yeah, that's it.
35:50Go on, three.
35:54Go on, three.
35:56Go on, three.
36:00I won? You did.
36:02You won.
36:12Oh, hello.
36:14My name is Annie,
36:16and I'm very sorry to trouble you.
36:18I know this must be a difficult time.
36:22Who are you?
36:24It's about Michael.
36:26Where is he?
36:28He's safe.
36:30He's well.
36:32He's with his birth mother.
36:39His birth mother?
36:43His birth mother is in England.
36:45He hasn't gone to England.
36:47No, no, no, he's still in Australia.
36:51One step at a time.
36:53Where is my son?
36:55She wants to meet you.
36:59His mother.
37:01She wants to meet.
37:03With Michael?
37:05No, not yet.
37:17Just tell me when and where.
37:25What's a hostel like?
37:29When we first arrived,
37:31it felt like a prisoner of war camp.
37:33But I've set myself a challenge this year.
37:35I'm going to get us off that camp and into our own home.
37:37Big house, nice garden.
37:39You do right.
37:41I've already said, set a goal
37:43and do everything in your power to achieve it.
37:45Listen, Benny, erm...
37:47I don't want to speak out of turn,
37:51those houses you're in,
37:53they do with a bit of TLC.
37:55They are falling down.
37:57Yeah, well, why do you think I had someone come and fix them?
37:59No, I mean, properly fixing,
38:01not just a couple of days.
38:04Might stop you getting attacked.
38:06My problem is I'm too friendly.
38:08There's an issue, I go round and talk to them.
38:10Terry, no-one wants these people.
38:12The war-wounded,
38:14the work-shy, the Greeks.
38:16So who's the bad guy here?
38:18Me, forgiving my roof over their heads?
38:20Or the other landlords who'd rather see them in the gutter?
38:26You are very brave, Terry.
38:28Stepping in like that.
38:30I could use a man like you.
38:32There's other roles within my business.
38:34Such as?
38:36Picking things up, dropping them off,
38:38whatever arises, really.
38:40Are you offering me a full-time position?
38:44And I'll pay you twice what you're currently on.
38:46What do you say?
38:50I say, when can I start?
38:56Just wait for me here, please.
39:07Billy boy.
39:09I have no idea how you managed it,
39:11but I have it on good authority
39:13that you were allowed in to see my wife.
39:17I forbade you from going there.
39:19She is a sick woman.
39:21We were lovers.
39:23Lovers because
39:25her husband
39:27showed her no affection.
39:29The same husband
39:31who kept her trapped
39:33like a bird in a cage.
39:35If it wasn't for me, she would be dead
39:37at the bottom of the ocean.
39:41JJ, this delusion
39:43that you're somehow the hero of the scenario...
39:45You don't love her!
39:49You don't even like her.
39:51Just leave her be.
39:55And let me and her
39:57work out whether we have a future.
40:01My beautiful wife
40:03attempted to take her life.
40:05She's now receiving the care and treatment
40:07that her sickened mind needs.
40:09I see no part for you to play
40:11in her recovery.
40:17Hey! That's my taxi.
40:20I know.
40:22I'm sorry.
40:24Well, I asked the driver
40:26where you were going.
40:28And where I'm going's on the way, so...
40:30You've got a ride, mate.
40:32A ride, mate?
40:34Race Skinner.
40:40Need any garden work?
40:42I'll give you a good discount.
41:10Good luck.
41:52I'm sorry.
41:54You came to my house.
41:58You've put me through
42:04That wasn't my intention.
42:06Do you have any idea what I've been through?
42:10Having a child taken.
42:20Are you alone?
42:22You have my son.
42:24We're gonna mess around with you.
42:30I know you won't
42:32believe this, but taking
42:34Michael was impulsive.
42:38And stupid.
42:46I didn't give Michael up.
42:48In England.
42:50Then how did he get here?
42:52Those Catholics brought him over here.
42:54They took a child
42:56thousands of miles away from his home
42:58and placed him where he knew no one.
43:02And if it hadn't have been for what you and your husband did,
43:06bending the rules,
43:10he'd still be in that place.
43:17that you did that for him.
43:27I wanna hate you.
43:29I wanna think of you
43:31as a bad person for Michael.
43:35But bad mothers don't travel
43:37thousands of miles to search for their son.
43:39My husband and I
43:41were blessed in so many ways.
43:43But when it came to children,
43:48God saw fit to take them away from us.
43:53The first
43:55in pregnancy.
43:59The second
44:01when he was only one year old.
44:03I'm so sorry.
44:05I couldn't face
44:07a third time.
44:13That's how we got Michael.
44:16Sometimes in life, our job
44:18is to take an unwanted child
44:20and piece them back together with kindness
44:22and with love.
44:33but he's not
44:38Is he?
44:52He talked about you all the time.
44:56He missed you
45:00when we were
45:02on our trip.
45:06Your friend said you had a proposal.
45:13I wanna be a part of his life.
45:17I wanna see him
45:23And I wanna be involved.
45:27I can't be
45:29in Australia
45:32and not be part of his life.
45:37But I can't leave
45:39Australia and leave
45:41my son behind.
45:45So you,
45:47you want to give him back?
45:56You have a loving home.
45:58He has friends
46:02and a nice school.
46:04So we take him back
46:06and we tell everyone
46:08to the
46:10the police
46:12that he's just
46:14come home.
46:20Also the evenings.
46:26an auntie.
46:28A boy can't have two mothers
46:30it's highly unconventional. Children
46:32adapt. My husband's a very conservative
46:34man. Fran,
46:36I am begging
46:40I'm begging you.
46:44As two grown women
46:46who love the same boy
47:11I'll speak with David
47:13but do you promise me
47:15promise me Kate
47:17that you won't do this again?
47:19I promise
47:21because I don't think that my
47:23heart could stand it.
47:26I promise.
47:56We sometimes
47:58go to the local playground
48:00before dinner.
48:04We'll be there tomorrow.
48:08Come on.
48:28See you tomorrow.
48:30We'll see you tomorrow.
48:58Bloody hell!
49:00I won some money
49:02and I've got myself a new job.
49:06It's turning out to be quite the day.
49:08I think me and you should celebrate.
49:12You're not going to tell me about it first?
49:14Well, I'm in good time.
49:16I've got to go.
49:18I'll see you tomorrow.
49:20See you tomorrow.
49:22See you tomorrow.
49:25I'm in good time.
49:31This is our year, Annie Roberts.
49:33We're going to make this country our home.
49:57can we go for breakfast?
49:59Not ready yet, mate.
50:01Alright, we'll hurry up.
50:03He only wants to go because he's soft on the new girl.
50:05No, I'm not.
50:07Yeah, you've been waiting outside for her.
50:09She's 17, Peter.
50:11I'm not soft on her.
50:13Right, I've got to get to work.
50:15I'd really like it if you lot went in with Kate.
50:17It'd be good for her to feel things are normal again.
50:19He wants to stand near her in the queue.
50:21Shut up!
50:23Sorry, mate. We'll help you flirt with your older woman tomorrow, eh?
50:25Oh, my God.
50:31Well, that was unkind.
50:35Funny, though.
50:39I finished Grandma's letter
50:41and I wanted you to read it.
51:15It's costing me a fortune, getting in here.
51:18It's for you.
51:56Dearest Terry, Annie,
51:58Patty and Peter,
52:00we miss you all so much.
52:02You all seem so far away,
52:04which I suppose is because you are.
52:06Every day
52:08I wonder if I'll ever get to see you again.
52:12It's so difficult waiting for your letters to reach us.
52:14And I think Thomas is growing weary...
52:16We're doing well.
52:18Alan's bunions are causing him difficulty again
52:20but he refuses to rest.
52:22Alan and them bloody bunions.
52:24You love sharing your updates with the neighbours.
52:26They're always asking after you.
52:28You've done something extraordinary.
52:30Please tell Annie
52:33I've got a little bit of bad news to report.
52:35Harry Brewis, the baker,
52:37is gravely ill in hospital.
52:39It isn't looking good.
52:53Stop the bus!
52:57Stop the bus!
52:59Stop the bus!
53:03Are you all right, love?
53:05Yep, I'm fine, love.
53:07Go on, you get going, you lot.
53:32Climb in.
53:34What's this?
53:36All yours.
53:38Look at the job.
53:44She is a beauty.
53:46Well, take her for a spin.
53:48Then call in to the
53:50soup shop
53:52and pick yourself up a three-piece.
53:54I don't know what you're talking about,
53:56but I'm sure you'll like it.
53:58Then call in to the soup shop
54:00and pick yourself up a three-piece
54:02for special occasions.
54:04Ben here.
54:06Right place, right time, my friend.
54:08Right place, right time.
54:22What's going on?
54:24Marlene hasn't turned up.
54:50Is she answering?
54:52Oh, yeah, yeah.
54:54She's answered.
54:56I've just chosen not to say anything.
54:58Sarcasm, right?
55:24No reply.
55:26You're in charge then?
55:28Granny Annie to the rescue.
55:30Granny Annie to the rescue.
55:34I'm not just a grandma, John.
55:36Same as I wasn't, just a mother.
55:38Same as I wasn't, just a mother.
55:52Strange things take place
55:54in my moon dreams
55:56in my moon dreams
55:58as the lonely
56:00and loveless hours go by.
56:02as the lonely
56:04and loveless hours go by.
56:06as the lonely
56:08and loveless
56:10hours go by.
56:12New place
56:14takes its place
56:16in every
56:18moon dream.
56:20in every
56:22moon dream.
56:32Moon dreams
56:36Moon dreams
56:38brought by moonbeams
56:40in the sky.
56:50in the sky.
57:14Oh, she looks like that.
57:16Oh, she looks like that.
57:18Does that one want to jump into the water?
57:20Does that one want to jump into the water?
57:22It seems like Johnny's not here.
57:24It seems like Johnny's not here.
57:26Right, shall we race to the swings?
57:30You didn't wave for go.
57:32You didn't wave for go.
57:34Just be careful of hopping on you, right?
57:36Just be careful of hopping on you, right?
57:44That's it.
57:46That's it.
58:02Miss Thorne,
58:04I'm Detective Lee.
58:06You're under arrest.
58:08No, no, no.
58:10We had an agreement.
58:12Now, Michael's been through quite an upheaval,
58:14but you can't leave without us.
58:16Please, ask her. She told me to come here.
58:18If you make a scene, you'll be forced to cuff him.
58:20I don't think you want Michael seeing that.
58:22Please, please. He's my son.
58:24Not anymore. Come on.
58:26Just come with me.
58:28Don't make a scene. Come on.
58:44Don't make a scene. Come on.