• 20 hours ago
The much anticipated CRATE update!

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#supermarketsimulator #Buy&Leave #cleaningupdate
00:00It's a damn shame to know that there are adults out there who cannot conductive themselves in the simplest manners
00:07Their parents have taught them
00:09Also, leaving malicious reviews is also a sign of low self-esteem
00:14If all you people know how to do if all you people know how do is attack someone viciously
00:21Aaron just hold that up to the camera for one second so Timothy can see what it looks like
00:30It's brutal man
00:34Last time on Game Grumps
00:37Affirmative do we have an affirmative yet by all means
00:40By all means that's great by all means. Oh my god. If you spelled it B. U. Y. That would be an amazing
00:47Way to uh by all means that would be an amazing name for the store. We don't have an affirmative yet
00:54We don't we've got a darn tootin, but by all means is very funny. Yeah
00:59That's all it means
01:03Hi mm-hmm yes, I'm yuppers indubitably absolutely fart corner
01:10I always forget about fart corner. Darn tootin
01:20Hello, everyone. It's supermarket simulator. There's new stuff. There's new stuff. No no oh
01:28You son of a bitch. I almost did it. If you deleted buy and leave I would be very cross. Yeah, I'd be pretty upset
01:35Okay, dirtiness is it what?
01:38If the store becomes too dirty you'll start losing store points. The fuck is store points? I don't know
01:43Okay, well that's it. Oh, okay collect the garbage and throw the bag into the can oh no this sucks
01:51This is awful
01:53Is it can we get one of these dudes to do it?
01:57I mean, I'm assuming
02:00Dude oh, you know it's fine cuz sometimes I run out of things to do this just got so real
02:06This is a nice thing to do. This is a nice thing
02:13Select the sponge and by pressing and clean the window, okay?
02:18Wow, man
02:20Our store got dirty as hell
02:22Well yeah, we haven't fucking cleaned it since we started yeah, but it's only been like seven or eight months like
02:27How dirty can a store get?
02:32All right with thousands and thousands of people's worth of foot traffic, so now
02:38I got to buy a crate from the market. Okay. I don't know what that means
02:47Is it here small rack freezer tools crate hate provides to carry yes
02:54What oh my god? How did it take them this long? Oh without boxes? That's fucking fantastic
03:01Wow all right. Oh my god, dude
03:04Everything is better now mixed results. Holy shit. That's crazy
03:09Bidet we got bidet
03:11glow in the dark and
03:14Yamo green powder we got kill them all kill them all excellent. We got boom boom classic
03:20Is that always like that? I think it probably was possibly
03:24That's great
03:26Yeah, yeah tabbed open spread some of those on the floor
03:30Dude, oh, that's nice. Are you kidding me? How good this is oh?
03:36How nice they it's like they got your letters
03:39That's awesome, okay great fuck okay, okay, that's so good leave you bitch
03:48All right, and I think I think we can do other stuff with restockers now, okay, you can tell them to do stuff
03:54Huh we have two million dollars
03:58So that's good yeah, but it doesn't matter
04:01Really yeah, I don't this matter if someone gave me two million dollars the first thing. I would think is this matters
04:09Yeah, you're right
04:14The very first thing you get whoa this matters
04:18Hmm. This is a big deal right now
04:20Things are happening inside my mind. I'm gonna have to clean back here, too
04:25It's kind of that feels a little
04:28Do you I don't think you know I don't think so okay great. Which is messed up cuz it's like yeah
04:32Yeah, I clean for your boys
04:34I think you're ready to start this day. Do you think so I don't know I don't think you have product
04:38Enough products am I stocked up. I think I am actually really yeah
04:43Well, let's take a look
04:45This I need
04:48Why aren't these being stocked why aren't these being restocked right now? I have a lot of them, but nobody's stocking them
04:56It's really pissing me off TME. Oh
04:59What's that giant box in the corner? What are you talking about is that the cash register that one?
05:04Yeah, it's a cash register. Okay. I actually sell it. Yeah, sell it man
05:08Done mr.. Bossy. I'm sorry. What is this a rack a rack nice, dude?
05:16Like a
05:17Like like titties boom yeah
05:20Big old rack to place stuff on
05:23Sorry, man. I'm going through a lot right now, so what do you mean?
05:28What do you mean? What do you mean like what you're going through a lot with what just life? You know really yeah, so like
05:35So I'm not all there you know are you messing with me right now? Are you being serious? No? I'm not messing at all
05:40Well shit, man, so it's just been
05:43Let's talk about it in front of a whole bunch of strangers
05:46Strangers they're lovelies that is lovely
05:50Okay, so tell them your deepest thoughts all right. I'll let you know what's going on with me
05:54Okay, I have six staff members who are stocking stuff. Well damn now. That's sick. I'm gonna open the store
06:01Hey, I'm good at that man. I don't know about you, but I'm good at that sometimes
06:05What hiding your true feelings? Yeah, just like ah let's do it. Let's get work done
06:10Well sometimes you have to that getting the work done aspect. I can do that. That's easy mm-hmm, but it's the it's the suppressing the feelings
06:17Around what happened. Oh, yeah, you're all right sometimes. I'll just mope around. I don't know what I'm supposed to do
06:22I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I don't know what I'm supposed to do
06:25I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I don't know what I'm supposed to do
06:27Around what happened. Oh, yeah, you're all right sometimes. I'll just mope around you know
06:32If I'm mopey, I'm not gonna not be mopey. That's it
06:37Okay, you know I'm saying how can I help you help me help you?
06:41Uh, I don't know just just you know just just act normal just to act normal while I'm freaking out
06:49And making everything difficult for you
06:52With my behavior, that's what
06:54That's what you can do for me as a friend
06:57Don't be weird when I'm weird with you. Yeah, just act normal act like this is all normal and everything's fine
07:04I'm dying inside my performance is lackluster
07:09I'm letting you just like just choke when certain jokes don't land. Mm-hmm
07:16Just give me some grace, dude
07:20Every now and then I'm gonna administer an open hand slap across your mouth. Yeah, and just be okay with it
07:26Don't just be okay with it be enthusiastically cool with it. Love it. Embrace it. Dream of it, dude
07:33Just give yourself up to me
07:36That's what you can do for me Wow. Yeah. Thanks. Sorry. I asked. No, you're good. Wow, what a reasonably low
07:43price for the bleach
07:45What six inches low six bucks. What? No, that's inappropriate
07:52$20 Wow
07:53Wait, wait, why are all these prices normal again? I was gonna say they're quite normal. This isn't okay. Oh, man. Look at that. Uh,
08:02And something's on the floor now. There's a stinky thing on the floor. I still got some stuff. That's
08:07Yeah, sir. I don't make up for it. Okay, cool. Oh fuck. I can clean things up. Yo, this sucks ass
08:13Dude, this makes this game way harder. I don't like it. I do like it though, dude. Yeah, because it's more challenge
08:18Yeah, we were getting kind of into a groove there. This this is all man. I love this shit up
08:23This is crazy
08:27Remember internet cafe simulator where every now and then there'd just be a dead dog
08:32If I had your feet and you'd be like going about your business like and another thing I have to move at the stores. Oh
08:39You just stare at the dog for a while
08:42All right, where's let's get a bag. Where did I put the cheese a doggy bag? Okay, the cheesemans are appropriately priced. They are
08:51Very like concerning looking and there's so many
08:56No, well, that's that's to strike a heart and strike fear into the heart of our enemies
09:02Why is the brutalist cheeseman away?
09:04He I don't know. He just ended up over there. It's because I didn't have crates. That's why I forgot
09:09You called one of the aisles. Chuh
09:16That's great, why wouldn't you call it that dude now I can start moving food around do it this is great
09:21I can start making sections do it. This is great. Oh, what should I do?
09:26Oh, that's it's so overwhelming at this point because I grew the station so large that now. Oh, there's oh, what is this?
09:33What is this naked aisle? That's the back of the rack. That's not good. We need to have some more stuff some more class
09:45Just watching you go through that whole thing. We're like as you get more of war worked up. There's more like
09:51In your head movements. Um, if I put these over here, oh, but these guys people need to line up
09:58You want to try that sentence again?
10:00With less extraneous words the this line right here extends back here, right? Yes. So if I put the colds here
10:06Oh, they'll run into the it'll block the line. Yeah. Yeah the colds will get in the way
10:11But I was thinking they're just moving over a little bit
10:14You know if you move that one unnecessary register, what do you mean unnecessary? Isn't there one that is not being manned?
10:24Yeah, dude, yeah, dude
10:27Okay about this exactly about this close that one boom and then he ends up over there, right? Boom
10:34Hold on. I got a box this up
10:37Send this to market. Did you box up the various? Okay. Okay. Good. Good. Good. Okay, right
10:42I thought you boxed up toy boy Roy. No, no, no, no, no, I would never do that
10:47All right, toy boy Roy is a good boy boy boy. Well, yeah, but he's a toy boy. So he does your bidding
10:54Sometimes he's a little mouthy with me
10:57Is that right?
11:00Well cracks knuckles
11:05It's not like the toy boy Roy I know
11:08All right, so I'm gonna make I'm gonna clean this place up a little bit, you know
11:13Not in the sense of like garbage, but in the sense of like organizational skills. Sure. Sure. Oh
11:18It's running up against this one. Oh
11:21You can probably move it a little closer to the did you just say prolly prolly?
11:27Yeah, you can really oh it's getting dark it's getting dark. Oh god. Oh god, it's getting dark. Oh god. It's getting dark
11:33Oh god, and there's trash everywhere. Oh
11:35God, wow, the sunset got prettier. Did it? Yeah, it's like pinker
11:41Very nice and decent
11:44You know click like can you fucking I want to go to Amsterdam
11:48Go like right now me too. I'd rather go to Japan first. I haven't been there in a while
11:53I've been to Amsterdam go to Japan stir damn
11:59Crazy there
12:03Heaving giggle you just did
12:06Like the enormous amount of unearned pride that I felt
12:22Man I got a shit all of a sudden why is this always happened to me?
12:27Why does this happen to me I
12:32Have to shit
12:37Life goes on
12:40Until I have to shit. Hey, it's kind of like the checkout like, you know
12:46You mean like a narrow little hallway for them to work there?
12:49Well, I mean like the little thing where they get oh, it's facing this way. It's a very odd design. Oh
12:54They line up this way that means they line up this way
12:57Well, you know what? I mean? Like when you wait in line you get uh, oh
13:01Yeah, this is odd. I don't want I mean they get there. Anyway, I don't feel bad so much
13:09Yeah, I don't why would I it's not so much that I don't care it's just that I don't
13:19Like trying to pull yourself out of the spiral
13:23Like say anything else
13:25Say literally anything else Wow
13:28Is someone working on a car down here? Like these stains are pretty wild
13:32I know I'd say all this food should technically be in the package. I don't know what I'm gonna do about all this work
13:38That's happening
13:40See you senior
13:41It's tough. It's tough
13:45But I'll take care of it. So you can't boost your boys to clean stuff. Maybe I can make them clean. That's a good
13:53I don't know how I would like make them clean
13:57Give them a bath
14:04Yeah, look at this, okay use unlabeled racks pick up box from ground remove label
14:10Empty box place products on shelves. Yeah do all the things. Oh
14:15But I can make one guy like that's his only job. I see
14:19Checks if it is working or not if it is working like the restocker person. Mm-hmm
14:27Also, why is it more expensive to hire somebody else?
14:30I don't know. I guess they all have the same wage
14:34Can't wait
14:35Zip down on this list zip down. Oh, there's whoa
14:39There you go. What the fuck required self checkout. Oh
14:45So if I make self checkouts, I can hire a customer helper with to show them how to do it
14:50Yeah, but thereby negating the point of a self checkout
14:53Yeah, cuz everybody always has a problem
14:56Yeah, you'd like scan something and put it in the like the bagging area and it's like please put in the bagging area
15:01Yeah, have you ever been at a CVS where like four of those are going off at the same time?
15:05It's like please put it please put it in the baggy bag area and you're like, I wish I was dead
15:10Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I mean I thought that before the bagging area thing happened
15:19It's in the day shall we ooh
15:22Two products not found looks like my boys are not going as fast as they should be
15:27you're out of
15:28Mont Cuck bottled water what I
15:32Am I guess? Oh, did it say that? Yeah, it said that where and the little tab that just disappeared
15:37No that the price went down
15:41Okay, I have Mont Cuck bottled water
15:45It's right here. That's French for Mount Cuck. Look Mont Cuck
15:50$7.00. Yeah, that's a steal
15:54Yeah at this store tell me about it with these prices I can't go, right
16:01All right, I do need to restock some stuff dude
16:08these boys need to fucking
16:11Speed up. How is it that I have?
16:14260 meats
16:16What is that all about? I don't know some people would be happy about such a thing
16:20Like I some stuff. I have like two of and then I have a hundred and twenty seven thousand meats
16:25What the hell you could definitely form some kind of incredible platter
16:31Yeah, a charcuterie. Yeah, charcuterie
16:35charcuterie board
16:37Some accoutrements
16:41Some whores der orbs
16:43Whores devourers. Do you have straight cola? Yeah, that's great. You don't like my cola soda. Well, I love your cola
16:51It's just usually if if you have no brand
16:56That goes on the bottom shelf
16:59Not like on the top we're all
17:01All the rich folk can see it
17:05I'm just telling you what I
17:08Think that's the only cola. I think Turco is supposed to be like, dr. Pibb. Oh, no, it is cola. Yeah
17:15Well, whatever. I don't care. What do I care about me employees? I just want that fucking shit off my shelves
17:21Just yell at that
17:23With the door open. I just want them to hurry up with their shit
17:27It's like the at the end of every 80s movie where you don't know you're being recorded and put out on a megaphone
17:32I don't care about any of these fucking idiots that come in this store. I'm here about money
17:38Money. Yeah. Yeah, like like the deus ex machina
17:42Like wherever it's like, how are they gonna get out of this one?
17:46Leave the thing on
17:48Everyone can see how much of an asshole the boss is and then the girlfriend's like he wasn't lying to me
17:53He actually was at home jerking his wiener instead of having sexual relations with the other girl that I'm rivals with
18:01You know, I've been trying to tell you Betsy. I would never cheat on you. I'm just an incredibly chronic masturbate
18:09Like it's a problem. It's like every movie was like that, you know
18:13It's like that the girlfriend comes in or whatever and then it's like they're you know, delivering a little eulogy at a funeral. I'll be right back
18:20Well, they're like dancing with their neighbor or something, you know, cuz the neighbor's crazy and then and then it's like and then they walk in
18:27And they're like you were cheating on me because they like oh, yeah
18:31I mean that like every three's company episode ever is like there's some sort of misunderstanding heard through a door. Yeah
18:37Yeah, yeah, exactly
18:38and then they hear it and they think the people behind the door are having sex of some kind and
18:44As they're listening they look at the camera and they're like
18:52Like every episode for ten seasons and this fucker the racks are full
18:58The racks are full Dan. They don't look full
19:02Well, he can't put them on the racks cuz they're full
19:05Hey, yeah, wait these racks. No, we're out. Oh out in the store. No here storage racks
19:11For this particular product these guys won't put racks on unlabeled shelves, but if I do
19:21I gotta find I gotta find which which product it is. Wait a second. Wait a second. Go to go to the other side of this wall
19:29Like this one. Oh, bro. Turn left
19:32Turn left you ever paint that wall. I
19:39Mean what are we doing here? Yeah, two million dollars and unpainted storage walls. I
19:48Mean like literally why don't you just sit on my head and fart into my eyes? Oh good eyes. Yeah, why don't I?
19:56That would be so cool
19:59No, I was just I was saying don't do that like that's what we don't want we don't want anything like that
20:06Oh, yeah, but uh, oh, then that's what I meant to yeah, we don't I
20:11Was just following your lead on that one. Of course, we don't right we don't don't we
20:24All right, nice putting that down I still had some oh man and I had a box of it. Oh, man
20:30Stupid me, right? That's okay. Now you're in the red, dude. There's so much shit back here. Just kidding
20:35You have 2.1 million dollars. There's so much shit back here that I don't know where any of this goes
20:42Yeah, so this guy's got a box of shit. Why are you Blair Wishing over here? That's a problem
20:47This guy's got a box of shit, and I don't know what it is. You've outsourced so much to your your bros
20:52That it's like you don't you don't know how to run your own business anymore
20:55I haven't even kept track of where the well, it's if it was easier to move stuff around like it is now
21:01What is this? Is this overflow?
21:03It's just overflow
21:07Over no, it's like when you tried to open your Hornet tickling business
21:13You you hired so many Hornet ticklers that you you got into that what like nest of Hornets and you were like
21:19I don't know how to tickle these things anymore and you got stung mercilessly
21:24And then you talked to that guy on online and you were like, why is this happening?
21:27He was like cuz you shouldn't tickle Hornets and you're like you shut the fuck up. I
21:32Warned you. Yeah, I'm warning you for years remove label from rack after the box is removed from no, no, no
21:38No, don't do that
21:40Don't do that. That's really bad. No, no, no, no, that's the problem. That's the problem that's happening right now
21:46They've been removing the label. No, don't do that. That's real bad
21:51That's real bad. What would the benefit to that be? I don't know. Okay, that's a terrible thing
21:57But you are getting annoyed to the point where your voice is going up in pitch
22:02Yo, that's real bad
22:05I mean, I guess
22:18Guess it doesn't matter cuz I'm not restocking anymore. You should play some music in this store. That'll get get them going
22:25Like that like that idea we had the friggin beat that you know a DJ builds it up, but the bass never drops
22:30Oh, yeah
22:40All right
22:45This is really good
22:49It's uh, it's what is that it's like a phenomenon right Jacob's ladder or something Jacob's ladder
22:54Yeah, that's when sunlight streams through the clouds in a certain manner. What?
22:59Yeah a certain manner Jacob's ladder
23:02Shooting through the rain. You ever seen that really beautiful effect when like sunlight is streaming through the clouds and it you know
23:09It's it's rays of light looks very heavenly
23:13That's called Jacob's ladder, I didn't know that I thought that was a thing that you climb at a
23:18Ren fair at Jacob's house, and then you then you get to Jacob's roof
23:23You know you clean Jacob's gutters
23:29Jacob splatter
23:32Oh man, when you go to use the bathroom, and it's like oh, yeah, I mean, it's also
23:37I think it's also a biblical reference
23:40Yeah, yeah, well yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, and it's a mega scary movie. I don't know if it would still be scary
23:45It certainly scared me at the time
23:48It was the movie that forgot what we were talking about Jacob's ladder. No. Yeah, I know but why uh?
23:53Oh, oh the fucking raising pitch yes
23:57There's a phenomenon an audio phenomenon. Do you know what that is do you know what that is? I know I get the idea
24:02Okay, there was an audio phenomenon where it's like it's it's a it's a tone that kind of like helix is around itself
24:08Oh, you played this for me one, so it always sounds like it's going up in pitch
24:12Yes, but it's actually like sort of like looping around. Yeah, so it's very strange
24:17It's cool
24:19Jacob's ladder
24:20That's what is that what it's called. No. I don't know. I don't know what it's called. I don't know I don't know
24:24I don't know what it's called. Oh
24:28My god, I'm grooving
24:31Daddy daddy daddy daddy listen to me listen to daddy daddy listen to me all right do I have other coffees products I do
24:40So this is what I'm gonna do, okay, oh
24:44You're gonna. Are you gonna reset your store dog? Yeah, that's crazy
24:54No, what's happening? Oh, no, they're gonna restock this shelf. Oh, man
25:00You can't put the crate down no
25:03It's fine. It's fine
25:09What did I fucking say you restocked it
25:13Wow he's good good thing you boosted him so much
25:18Son of a bitch I can't you restock that one to the little one that was missing row does that mean throw?
25:28Take these
25:31Throw them on the ground oh, I can do that yeah, yeah, yeah, okay, okay, okay?
25:38I'll throw them on the ground, and then I'll put it away and
25:43Then I'll remove this I say yeah
25:46Okay, that's pretty fucking dumb, but it works. It works. It does work
25:54Just have to do it fast enough for the boys to not come by yeah
25:58All right, and then the customers to not see the owner of the store casually tossing products around I
26:05Don't think I'm gonna have that coffee. It's just a casual
26:09Wow look at that look at that fun
26:12Stacking it just just like so
26:15Just like you wanted to
26:18I don't think you trust
26:25Suffering to do me
26:28Hey, do you think they called that song chop suey because they weren't allowed to say the word suicide
26:35Cuz he does not sing about chop suey at all in the
26:42Try as I might to listen for it
26:52Wait just a dang second. I know I know I was surprised to look at all that
27:07Why I stopped him just in time
27:10There is product
27:14God you really have to race the well, can you deboost your boys? They aren't boosted right now aren't boosted
27:20That was a boost free boy coming in
27:25And just throw it around sugar willy-nilly, that's incredible
27:33Wow look at how much you can fill that really is I'm on
27:38Okay, sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar daddy wants sugar. Why are you moving over here because this is where the coffee is but
27:46Cut just sugar goes with coffee, I guess yeah, right. I don't know
27:50What should I put it with sugar the other sugar? Well? I'm gonna put the other sugars over there, too
27:55Okay, you know I mean sure
27:59Is that dumb no, I don't know I like it's your store, baby. Well. Where should flower go
28:04Oh, no, I really gotta think about this. Yeah, we're gonna have to lay out this whole store again
28:08I haven't had to think about this at all
28:10All right, so we got condiments here, we got peanut butter and salt and oils and
28:18Essential oils also like a tea. Oh that looks nice
28:21I would I would buy that in an Asian market. You know just cuz it's a cool-looking container. Yeah
28:27That's like a tea isn't it? I think so a green tea
28:30It looks like the kind of green tea that would be like free leafed in there like unbagged
28:35Yeah, and then you try to make it yourself and you're like
28:40Yeah, well you're supposed to oh no no no no there's nothing there there's nothing there leave
28:51Why would he put stuff on the shelves while I'm in the process of putting stuff off the shelves that's actively going against your boss
29:01What's next going against the Word of God?
29:03Looks like a little
29:05Looks like a little cubes of butter dude looks nice
29:08It's peaceful it's like little cubes of butter. Oh, it's full not enough capacity. Oh shit
29:18Fart yeah, I would have put the coffee with the teas
29:23Yeah, the teas at least is the teas right here, this is that's not coffee. No, this is tea
29:27Okay, it says tea and I put the tea where the sugar is
29:32But that's where it is
29:34The sugars with the tea, but that's where I made it be so it is for coffee down here tea up here sugar over here
29:41I just needed another perhaps. You didn't notice the
29:45The name of the aisle indeed
29:48Yeah, so whatever I say it goes
29:54Not enough space I can leave six we oh my god. This is awful
29:59All right, you know it's better than nothing, but man. This is rough. Mm-hmm all right
30:05and then I
30:08Can only have six that's unbelievable no no no no no
30:20Can you turn those guys off for a minute?
30:22No, I don't want to that's way too much work
30:25But isn't it more work frantically fighting them off every time you take a thing off the shelves you would be such a smart Alec
30:32Right now when I am in my when I'm in my lowest point Aaron
30:36I am art I am NOT Alec ing my intelligence at all. I'm merely stating. I've watched you go through this
30:43Perhaps seven or eight times already
30:45Well, I just have to beat them. I just have to beat them there. Yeah good save yeah
30:52Well, I just have to beat my workers to the shelves
30:56All right see this now see the merciful a beat them on uh now I just pick up the tea
31:05Pick up the the the tae yep the chai tae
31:10They say in excellent countries sure
31:15Just load them up load them up with the tae uh-huh uh-huh we got
31:20Tae shelves no products in the end the spaghette okay, the spaghette is getting thrown on the floor
31:27And then we're erasing
31:29We're going back. Don't don't always put in the tae up. Okay nice. I wish I could just I wish I could just fucking like voice
31:37It's the only thing I would want like AI in is for it to understand. No no no no no
31:42It's I would want to be able to just shout at the guy like don't do that, and then he would be like okay
31:49You know I mean, I'm sorry Aaron
31:51You have the biggest Wang in town. Thank you. That's right
31:55Thank you. That must be real intelligence if you're saying stuff like that
31:59Nothing artificial about that
32:02Don't don't don't don't you're being a fucking cuck right now. Okay great all right pastas all over the ground. Yeah
32:09Store looks good Aaron
32:11I'm working on it. It's a work in progress. We're not open yet
32:15Jeez Louise so judgmental. What are you gonna? Do kiss me?
32:21Seems like it yeah, and what am I gonna do about it nothing seems like someone's begging for a kiss
32:30What are we talking about so the spaghetti's gonna go here
32:34There's there goes Pablo's sugar is that a reference I should be getting I don't think so okay
32:40Sometimes I think they just call it something okay, they have to you know yeah, sometimes things just have names I
32:46Like the little spout that they have that's kind of fun. Well. There is the span spandrel and there is the
32:54I'm a little keytop sort and stout
33:00Here's my spandrel here's my heart you having a hard time right now. Oh, bro
33:05I'm having a hard attack. Oh
33:08Oh, that's what I'm gonna call my boners
33:12I don't think you want to call anything about your boner an attack. Oh, you're probably right
33:19You know what salient point
33:23Can't argue with that makes a lot of sense
33:28about that
33:30You're like finger up in the air. You know
33:33Look at that look at that job. That's terrific. That's sexy now. I'm gonna move that that it fit perfectly into over here. Yeah
33:44Done all right now. I got it's beautiful. I got sugar shelves now
33:48Aaron shelves for sugar it's time for next time on game grumps. Oh fuck no yeah, bro for real
33:54Well, I'll tell you what FRFR. Let's get
33:57Let's get this store in order
33:59It'll be nice and and beautiful and there'll be lots of new updates in the next one because I think shoplifters are coming
34:05Oh, yeah, no no no not yet. Not yet. Yeah, that's in an upcoming update someday. Okay. That's not like immediate, okay?
34:12No, no, this is everything's been updated now
34:14It's just we had to get through that dirty floors in the crate rigmarole so that
34:19Sorry is that those yes dirty floors in the crate yes, and that the fact that the restockers can do other stuff
34:26Are you fucking kidding me with these assholes will you watch them do that?
34:30I know, but I forgot that I had stuff on this if there's stuff on the floor
34:33They should know to pick up the stuff on the floor
34:36What am I supposed to do just throw it on the floor now?
34:44They floor now
34:46All right, are you have to stop with that laugh I know but I
34:51Don't know where it came from
34:56Way to like end the laughs it's like hanging out with the Pillsbury
35:07You know what you know what people know you've ended the laugh for the last thousand years
35:19So fucking close dude, he's like I'll just take this suit who else right? Oh my god
35:25All right, oh it is next time I gave yeah, yeah, it was wonderful. Well. We're working on it. Yeah
35:30Well, we'll get this all sorted out. Don't you worry. We're moving stuff around in the categories now
35:35That's great. Isn't it is wonderful. That's so much fun. Oh
35:40These motherfuckers better not oh, you know what I'm gonna. Do what I'm gonna. I'm gonna
35:44Limit the shelvage limit the shelving I'm gonna rearrange the products. I'm gonna kiss a man
35:49I'm gonna brutalist David Cheeseman over with the other cheese was I'm gonna kiss that man again
35:54Man, you are a hard worker. Yeah, what can I say? I love my job. I love my job and I'll amend kiss
36:03Most of my job
36:04All right, excellent. Oh
36:07Yeah, bye. Oh, yeah, right. Good. Good day. Everyone's pasta on the floor
36:12Is it gonna remember that pasta on the floor if I close down the game?
36:15I don't know you remember all this pasta on the floor is it gonna go away. I'm gonna lose pasta because of this
36:21One way to find out this is a lose-lose game here. Yeah. Yeah, this is man
36:28What will become of your pasta party what will become of you we do what you want to do say what you want to say
36:33I had a family
36:40Don't know it's just fun. I'm sorry
36:48It's over at that point, yeah, you can't keep laughing after that. You're right. I changed my mind. It's iconic
36:54It's the fucking period at the end of a laugh. You literally just did that and then continued to laugh though
36:59No, I didn't did I like five seconds ago? I'm such a
37:05Dude, I completely like I ruined it. It's alright our I still live
37:14Did I just delete them? Oh, I think you did. Oh
37:18I'd Wow
37:20You're a little too powerful. Yikes. You just Thanos snap that she is out of existence
37:37What are you doing they're good they're you just evaporated like
37:42$9,000 where the product there though, but they're there. What do you mean? They're there. They're there watch I
37:50Brought all this fuckers gonna that was like $300,000. Let's see. They're there
37:59No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Oh
38:06This episode has to end. Okay. Bye. Bye
38:10They're there though. It's just 12. See god, that's weird. They're just not there. Oh my god, what's happening?
38:15I don't know. I reset the game. You may lose pasta. I might lose pasta
