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00:00Guys, Dolores Guerriere. Dolores, we learn 100%.
00:03Do we continue to learn Mary Jane?
00:06Because Mary Jane, I think she can be pretty good, guys.
00:08She can turn into a mutant, I think, Mary Jane.
00:10Well, I take Dolores, Timmy and Mary Jane.
00:13And except that Timmy, we let him die.
00:14Come on, here, I tell you.
00:15Timmy, he is there to go on an expedition at the beginning.
00:18He comes back, we give him neither to eat nor to drink.
00:20Finito, Timmy.
00:25And Timmy.
00:25There, there is my account of Mary.
00:27A card game.
00:29A card.
00:31A gas mask and water.
00:32Where are you, Mary Jane?
00:33Ok, she is in the kitchen.
00:44Guys, I think we are not disgusting.
00:46We have 8 bottles of water.
00:488 bottles of water.
00:49Ok, we have less food, but the food, in fact, we need less than water, normally.
00:53We have the book to Timmy.
00:54We have a radio.
00:55We have the card.
00:56A gas mask.
00:57A kit.
00:58We are good.
00:59We are good.
01:00For the moment, no one is hungry, no one is thirsty.
01:02Survive in such conditions is not a health walk.
01:04Very good.
01:05It does not matter.
01:06Next day, we send Timmy on an expedition without a gas mask.
01:10He's going to get sick.
01:12He's going to die.
01:12We do not care, but at least he will not have wasted our gas mask.
01:16Timmy really needs water.
01:17Timmy, we are on day 3.
01:18You're not going to start doing your difficult.
01:20Timmy, you're going to take ...
01:21Come on, take your little scout manual.
01:23It's his little book to him.
01:24Come on, Timmy with your little manual.
01:27It is better to be safe in this shelter than dead on the surface.
01:31They are not hungry.
01:31They are not thirsty.
01:32After all these days, we had to do a health check.
01:35The smell is pestilential and begins to give us the turn.
01:38Guys, it can make us crazy not to take a shower.
01:41No, it can make us sick.
01:42Guys, we can get sick stupidly.
01:44You have to take the gas mask.
01:45And normally, the gas mask, we will not tear it.
01:47We are not stupid.
01:48We did well to use it.
01:49The gas mask is fine.
01:50What does not kill us makes us stronger.
01:53Here, thank you for this lesson.
01:54What was a rat?
01:55Usually, rats are smaller than cats.
01:56Why did he have two tails?
01:57We must prevent him from taking provisions.
01:58Well guys, we have a gun.
01:59It's to defend ourselves.
02:01Normally ...
02:02Damn, they shot.
02:03Damn, they blew up the gun.
02:05Big shit, our rifle broke when we shot the beast.
02:07It's still weird not to have a gun.
02:09Come on, dehydration, drink.
02:11And we will wait for day 9 to eat.
02:14Meet the local police.
02:15But wait, what did Tim do there?
02:18Good news.
02:18The government just sent a radio message.
02:21We were worried about Timmy.
02:22But he came back among us.
02:24Near the garage were firefighters trying to hunt cockroaches.
02:27Yeah, I have three bottles of water.
02:28We joined their fight and we managed to fill a few bottles of water.
02:30Outside, we found a mannequin, an ax, a padlock.
02:33But wait, but Timmy.
02:34Guys, he brought three bottles of water, an ax and a padlock.
02:37So for now, he's sick.
02:38And I'm not going to give him a medicine kit, I'm telling you.
02:40Mary Jane, for example, we will send you on an expedition with the gas mask.
02:43Because it would be a shame that you get sick.
02:46Oh no.
02:46Timmy contaminated them.
02:48Ok, no, it's good.
02:48Timmy is very pale.
02:49We do not care, we do not care.
02:51Everything is fine guys.
02:52He will not die.
02:53But he's just a little sick.
02:55It's not dramatic.
02:56Mary Jane, you go with the gas mask and we're good.
02:59No, but guys, Timmy is fine.
03:00Timmy is fine.
03:01Look, he's fine.
03:02The little coconut there.
03:03A slap in the shoulder.
03:05Timmy in poor condition, he needs water right now.
03:08Oh, it can wait another day or two.
03:10Since a little while, we hear strange noises coming from the outside.
03:13Where does it come from inside?
03:16We go crazy.
03:16Come on, let's play cards.
03:17Between mother and son.
03:19Timmy in poor condition, he needs water right now.
03:21He said the same thing yesterday.
03:22He's still alive guys.
03:23Timmy does not stop shaking.
03:25He needs a blanket.
03:27In addition, sir wants heating.
03:29But it's the end of the world.
03:30This is not Versailles.
03:31Timmy does not stop falling asleep.
03:33He needs a few days of rest.
03:35Do not worry, he will have days of rest.
03:37In any case, he plays cards with mom.
03:40Guys, I think he lost the cards.
03:42Oh no, he's gone crazy.
03:44No, thirst precipitated Timmy on the edge of the gulf.
03:47No, but guys, he lost the cards.
03:49And he shivered.
03:52Guys, we lost Timmy.
03:53But he made a nice expedition.
03:55Timmy, I'm a big asshole to have let you die like that.
03:59But you served your family.
04:01And that, it goes straight to the heart, Timmy.
04:03By the way, Mary Jane, you have to come back.
04:04Because otherwise, we let Timmy die.
04:06It's for Mary Jane, you come back one day.
04:10No, but guys, Mary Jane, she's not coming back, you think?
04:12Fuck, but she's 100% dead.
04:15Mary Jane!
04:19Let's go!
04:21Mary Jane, come back from his expedition.
04:22What did you bring us, Mary Jane?
04:23Two bottles of water?
04:24That's good.
04:25Wow, the amount of water we have!
04:26Well guys, from now on, we're going to go into pure and hard survival, okay?
04:29The chat.
04:30This woman claims to be hungry to feed herself.
04:31Mary Jane is hungry.
04:32She ate, Mary Jane.
04:34Day 18.
04:35She's not going to do it to me.
04:35Parents dehydrated, dehydrated.
04:37And a little soup for Dolores.
04:39Yesterday, during the review session,
04:40we discovered that Mary Jane did not know how to write unconstitutionally,
04:43which deeply disappointed Dolores.
04:44She therefore insists that Mary Jane benefit from a post-apocalyptic education.
04:48Come on, Mary Jane.
04:49We're going to teach you a little bit, Mary Jane.
04:52Oh! Dolores takes her role as a very serious teacher.
04:54Her spelling class is transforming into a math lesson.
04:56Mary Jane seems exhausted, but we must admit that...
05:00She made a gas mask.
05:01We'll be able to send her back on an expedition soon.
05:03I'm telling you.
05:04After emptying our bucket in front of the shelter,
05:05we discovered a map drawn on a wall.
05:07Someone drew a map and clearly marked a location.
05:10We may find some food there.
05:13Are we sending Mary Jane back?
05:15Mary Jane is the girl of expeditions, I think.
05:17No, but guys, I think it's dangerous.
05:19It's useless. Come on, let's not go there.
05:20It's day 23 of food and water.
05:22We have some for now.
05:24It's useless.
05:24Damn, is she turning into a grizzly bear, Mary Jane or what?
05:27We could regret it, but we asked not to follow the instructions.
05:30Mary Jane quickly becomes insatiable.
05:33Let's assign the rations.
05:35Thirst, thirst, hunger.
05:38We must not let them be tired there.
05:41Day 25.
05:42Damn, we're starting to run out of food anyway.
05:45And there, they are both tired.
05:47We would need supplies.
05:49The last time we were outside, we noticed a damaged tank.
05:52Shouldn't we inspect the tank, guys?
05:56Come on, maybe we can find something.
05:57Mary Jane! Mary Jane!
06:01Damn, what happened there?
06:05We don't know...
06:07what caused...
06:09the tank to be trapped.
06:12Why? Why?
06:14Come on, we're going to hold on.
06:14We're going to hold on, Dolores, don't worry.
06:17Oh, are we taking the cat?
06:18No, but we have no food!
06:19Damn, I'm thinking.
06:21Because imagine, there are guys who come and want me to give them water.
06:25You have to remember, guys.
06:26Each time, they wanted 4 bottles of water.
06:27I have so much water.
06:28I could give them some, really.
06:30The cat will hunt everything, in addition.
06:31The cat will protect you.
06:33Come on, we take the cat.
06:34We take the cat, we take the cat.
06:35Damn, it's gritty, guys.
06:36I only have 8 portions of food left.
06:39The cat is here, the cat is fine.
06:40Today, we met a mutant with a lot of hands in too much.
06:42Ah, the mutant, on the other hand, it's good.
06:44The mutant, we give him water.
06:46Because, suddenly, if we ever go on an expedition, he will protect us.
06:49And that's not bad.
06:50During one of these episodes of madness, around 3 o'clock at night,
06:52Sharikov ran straight to the wall,
06:54hitting him with full force, dropping a fallen brick.
06:56Behind, he found a box with ammunition.
06:58Well done, Sharikov.
07:01Sharikov is a boss.
07:03The agents who spied on us want to explain themselves.
07:05Come on, we listen to them.
07:06Guys, the agents, they will soon come back,
07:08promising us a crazy bunker.
07:10Except that, for that, we will have to give them 4 bottles of water.
07:14And we have them.
07:14So there, I think we can potentially find an end.
07:17No, a gang of thieves at our door.
07:19No, it's the beginning of the end.
07:21No, but how do they know we're in this bunker?
07:23Unfortunately, the padlock will not have survived.
07:25We will have to find other ways to protect ourselves from the thieves.
07:30Guys, the thieves, you know that the problem is that I think they come back every 3 or 4 days.
07:34And they can smoke me there.
07:35Last night, we heard suspicious noises.
07:37When we opened the door, we found a suitcase.
07:40Come on, we never know if there is some food.
07:41And at worst, if I get sick, I have my tip.
07:45Okay, I got sick, it stinks.
07:48Fuck, we found soup, wine, it was expired for a long time.
07:52It sucks.
07:53At least the kit is useless, guys.
07:55Ah, fuck, the agents, they want me to go on an expedition.
07:59I give him water.
08:00I'm not going to give him food.
08:02Like that, she goes on an expedition, being hungry.
08:03And suddenly, she will find food.
08:05I don't know if there is an end with the agents.
08:07But I want to try.
08:09Come on.
08:11Great, we're not dead.
08:12She went on an expedition.
08:14We are on the 51st day.
08:15Dolores came out of the surface, we crossed our fingers.
08:17We kindly decided to accept their request.
08:19So, normally, next time, the weird agents will arrive with the water bottles.
08:24And we will have them.
08:25So maybe they will be able to help us.
08:27Fuck, she got hurt.
08:28Shit, shit, shit, shit.
08:31We don't have kit anymore.
08:32Guys, it's getting hot.
08:34I don't know if we will make it to the 100th day.
08:36There are the pillars.
08:37Fucking shit.
08:40Our ax made a blade.
08:42Exhaustion, injury.
08:44Dolores eats wood.
08:46I don't have food anymore.
08:47It doesn't matter.
08:48Eat, eat.
08:49She needs it, guys.
08:50Guys, normally, the mutant protects me.
09:01Where is the food?
09:02Where is the food?
09:03Dolores, don't forget that you are hungry.
09:08After, she found an ax.
09:09I will be able to protect myself from the pillars.
09:10Well, Dolores drinks because I only have water to give.
09:12She was hurt.
09:13Oh, fuck.
09:14Our neighbors are playing a scene from Frankenstein in front of the shelter.
09:17It looks like they don't have much to do.
09:19The neighborhood's well-being is rather content to point their flashlight at us with a mean air.
09:24There is a dilemma.
09:26In fact, I don't want to use it because I think that we don't know what it will do.
09:31So if I use it, I might lose the ax.
09:33Knowing that next time, if I don't have the ax, I'm dead.
09:36So I won't use it.
09:37Come on, please.
09:44It's hard to say which of us or the pillars was the most surprised.
09:47Wait behind our door when our mutant friends came out of their hideout to help us.
09:51Well done, mutant friends.
09:53We have to treat Dolores' wounds.
09:56Drink, drink, drink.
09:57Dolores, drink.
09:58I can only give you that, only water.
10:04I'm in deep shit, guys.
10:06I'm in deep shit, guys.
10:07We managed to push back the pillars but nothing says that they will leave us alone.
10:10We don't have the ax anymore.
10:13Guys, I'm giving my last portion of food.
10:16The cat is growling while looking at us, looking at the resources.
10:18I have nothing left to eat.
10:25The secret agents don't want to come.
10:27I have water bottles for you, secret agents.
10:29I can't send anyone on an expedition.
10:32It rang.
10:33It's the agents.
10:34It's the agents.
10:35Tell me it's the agents.
10:36I'm begging you.
10:37It's the agents.
10:38It seems that thanks to our last mission accomplished, the agents trust us
10:40because they came back with another request.
10:42We have to give some soup boxes or water bottles.
10:44They will take care of the delivery.
10:45In exchange, we will have a little slap in the back
10:47to the promise of a better future.
10:48Fuck, I admit, but it looks like they're fucking us.
10:58Fuck, I believed it so much.
10:59And the cat?
11:00And the cat?
11:01He lives his best life.
11:02Son of a bitch.
11:03No, guys, we have to take back Dolores.
11:04She's too strong.
11:05I would like to take Mary Jane
11:07and that Mary Jane is a mutant.
11:09Because, guys, Mary Jane mutant is over-cheating.
11:12No, but guys, we need Mary Jane mutant.
11:14We're going to remake Mary Jane Dolores.
11:15I think it's the meta.
11:16Okay, Mary Jane.
11:19The kit, it must be in the kitchen or the bathroom.
11:23Okay, we have Mary Jane from the beginning.
11:24Come on, hop.
11:26Okay, I have a lot of tools.
11:28I'm going to need food.
11:32We're good with tools.
11:33We're going to take a little Timmy who's going on an expedition.
11:39So there, in terms of timing management,
11:42I couldn't have done better.
11:43On the other hand, we are armored, but I have no water.
11:47Dude, we're so good.
11:49I have everything.
11:50I have everything to protect me and everything.
11:51But on the other hand, four bottles of water.
11:53Well, guys, we send Timmy on an expedition
11:55and we hope he brings back water.
11:57We send Timmy.
11:58Today we met a group of people.
12:00They want water, yeah.
12:02Go fuck yourself.
12:05Timmy, hop, gas mask.
12:06Come on, you go.
12:07Your turn to play.
12:08Bring us a box of water.
12:09Please, we only want water.
12:10You go on a mission, it's only for water.
12:12We always wanted to see the Niagara Falls.
12:14We are served and we don't even need to go to Canada.
12:16The pipes have let go and all the water is deserted on the shelter.
12:18But take the bottles, fill the bottles.
12:20Fuck, but make water bottles with the leak.
12:23Oh yeah, it's all flooded.
12:24Fuck, I can't believe it.
12:25It's a curse.
12:26I don't have enough water and they put water everywhere.
12:28But where can this strange green death come from?
12:30Oh shit, a leaking pipe.
12:31No, but the pipes, guys.
12:32What the fuck is this?
12:34I have nothing for the pipe.
12:35If there is someone who falls sick.
12:43Let's go!
12:44The leaking pipes, thank you!
12:48But Mary Jane, you're awesome!
12:51Day 6 at the Mutants.
12:52Guys, we are so good.
12:54No, so here we are too good.
12:56If I don't say bullshit,
12:57when she's a mutant, she doesn't need to eat, guys.
12:59Wow, the hair in firecrackers.
13:01Wow, laser-degraded saucers.
13:03Ah, she doesn't need water anymore.
13:04She doesn't need to drink anymore, but she's hungry.
13:06Oh, it's so good.
13:08Well, it's good because water is what we had the least.
13:10So, to eat, I can give her.
13:12To drink, you see, it's more complicated.
13:13Timmy, he's just a little tired, but he's fine.
13:16Okay, he came back with the gas mask.
13:18He brought a soup and the radio.
13:20According to the radio, the army is preparing to parachute supply crates.
13:23Come on, let's go get it, let's go get it, let's go get it.
13:25And anyway, if we lose the gas mask, it doesn't matter
13:27because we send Timmy.
13:28And Timmy, at worst, if he doesn't have a gas mask, he says,
13:31Oh, we brought water.
13:32We lost the gas mask, but we brought two bottles of water and two soups.
13:35Oh, we did well.
13:37And there, we send Timmy without a gas mask.
13:39And then if he dies, it doesn't matter.
13:40You, we give you to drink and eat.
13:42You, we give you to eat.
13:43You, we give you to eat.
13:44There, we send Timmy on an expedition.
13:46Guys, for now, we're doing...
13:49Oh no, no, Dolores, why?
13:52Dolores lost her head.
13:55Guys, how do I do this?
14:00Damn, it's so good not to give water to Mary Jane.
14:02These drownings can only mean one thing.
14:04Our friend the dog is back.
14:06Don, don't be a rascal.
14:08In less than an hour, the dog had found its nest.
14:10Damn, we saved a little dog, yeah.
14:12Let's see what's in this soup.
14:13But good God, it's good.
14:14We decided it was time to give a dog a name.
14:16We chose Pancake.
14:17Pancake stayed for a while, but the next day, he left.
14:19But no, it's a little buddy.
14:20Guys, I think Timmy...
14:21Oh yes, Dolores is the craziest.
14:22Yes, yes.
14:25It's good, Dolores found her normal state.
14:27If we had doubts about Timmy...
14:30We have no more doubts.
14:31We didn't feed him well.
14:32We should have let him die.
14:34Like a mother.
14:36Well, guys, we don't have Timmy anymore.
14:39But we have a mutant in full form.
14:41And Dolores in full form.
14:43Finally, we're good.
14:44Day 24.
14:45Come on, let's give him something to eat and drink.
14:46Our friend with four legs came back.
14:48But he seemed nervous.
14:49He kept jumping and barking.
14:50When we opened the door, he came out.
14:51Before coming back a moment later to bark.
14:53And if we followed him, what equipment did he bring?
14:55Come on, let's get out with the ax.
14:57Who wants to touch Pancake?
14:58There you go.
14:59Thank you, everything is fine.
15:02We must not bother a man armed with an ax.
15:04The two thugs we met,
15:05long after, Pancake depended on them.
15:06He behaved like a real hero.
15:07He pursued them one by one.
15:08He almost left his pants.
15:10Damn, four bottles of water.
15:11But Pancake, what a king!
15:13No, but...
15:14Well, that's a portion of water for everyone.
15:17But guys, we're royal.
15:18Actually, he lacks a little food.
15:20Knowing that she never gets thirsty,
15:22maybe she'll go get some food.
15:23Come on, let's send Hulk on an expedition, guys.
15:25We send Hulk on an expedition.
15:27After, hoping that she...
15:28Ah, but I was going to say, hoping that she finds a care kit.
15:30But in fact, we are too good.
15:31Damn, in fact, I wonder if...
15:33Oh no, Pancake is injured.
15:34He came back limping.
15:35Wait, wait, wait.
15:36Wait, I'm thinking.
15:37Aïe, aïe, aïe, aïe, aïe.
15:38There, we have a complicated dilemma, Pancake.
15:41There, it's a moral choice.
15:42Either we think about survival.
15:44We only think about our face.
15:45And we don't care.
15:46Either we save a little dog.
15:48Knowing that for the moment, we only have one kit.
15:50We don't need it.
15:51And we can afford to save it.
15:52Imagine, it's Yuki.
15:54Stop saying that!
15:55Come on, it's over.
15:58We save the dog, guys.
16:00Oh, friend in need.
16:02We saved him!
16:04He's so cute!
16:05He's with us!
16:06Guys, we have a dog.
16:07No, but then, that...
16:08No, but then, by the way,
16:09we're doing crazy things right now.
16:11It wasn't easy.
16:12We managed to save Pancake.
16:13He stays with us now.
16:14The dog is the man's best friend.
16:15It's awesome, guys.
16:18Mary Jane!
16:20My favorite mutant!
16:22My favorite mutant!
16:24She's back!
16:25Nothing better than seeing Mary Jane
16:27coming back from her expedition.
16:31Plus a soup.
16:36Plus two water.
16:37But wait, Mary Jane!
16:38Too strong!
16:39And she's not even tired,
16:40she's just hungry.
16:42No, but guys,
16:43no one can touch Hulk, actually.
16:44She went on an expedition,
16:45and now she's just hungry,
16:46as if nothing happened.
16:48Wait, she can go back on an expedition!
16:49But she's too cheated, actually.
16:51We're talking about meal options
16:53when we heard screams from outside.
16:55They came from a small group of survivors
16:56who were in a bad state.
16:57No wonder they called for our help.
16:59They asked us if we had supplies to give them.
17:03They're getting on our nerves.
17:04Force to them.
17:05We agree.
17:06Force to them.
17:07Come on.
17:08Guys, we're going to survive
17:09until day 200 like this.
17:10Mary Jane needs some food.
17:12Come on, you ate yesterday.
17:13It's okay.
17:14Take some.
17:15Expedition parents, Mary Jane.
17:18Oh, a kit against a card.
17:20Come on.
17:21The care kit, guys.
17:23Oh, Mary Jane is back.
17:24What did you bring, Mary Jane?
17:25A soup and two bottles of water.
17:28But wait, Mary Jane is overcheated.
17:30And she can go back.
17:33Guys, I'm abusing Mary Jane's meta.
17:36A merchant.
17:37Oh, we can get the cat back.
17:39Come on, let's take the cat, guys.
17:41We're going to have a cat and a dog.
17:42But wait,
17:43we're actually making a new life.
17:44We're making a new family.
17:45A time not to put a cat outside.
17:47And there you go.
17:48We have...
17:50But the dog left.
17:51It only took a minute at Sharikov
17:53to establish a clear domination on the dog.
17:55Pancake has grunted against the cat
17:56before throwing us a look of disappointment
17:58to leave without going back.
18:03Damn, we lost Pancake
18:05because of this stupid Sharikov.
18:06And the last time we died,
18:07Sharikov was at the top of the closet
18:09and he was smiling.
18:10This cat is really a dog.
18:11Come on, Mary Jane.
18:12Let's go on an expedition again.
18:14Bring us food and drink.
18:20I hesitate to give a little more...
18:22Why is he meowing?
18:23I hesitate to give a little more food or...
18:25Oh no!
18:26There you go.
18:27I hesitated to give a little more food to Dolores
18:29because I was thinking
18:30she's exhausted
18:31and I don't want her to get sick.
18:32There you go.
18:33It's the end of the world.
18:34Wash yourself.
18:35That's the case of our cyborgs.
18:36Damn, she got sick
18:37because of the smell.
18:38I think we're going to use the kit.
18:39And with a little luck,
18:40Mary Jane will bring us some.
18:41Come on, and tomorrow
18:42we'll give her food and drink.
18:43Wait, how many bottles of water do I have?
18:45Plus 7!
18:46But it's...
18:47No, but guys,
18:48have you ever seen
18:49plus 7 on the game?
18:50It's too much.
18:52Mary Jane is back!
18:53Mary Jane!
18:54Two bottles of water.
18:55Come on, hop!
18:56Plus 9!
18:57By the way, Mary Jane
18:58will have to bring food.
18:59So Mary Jane,
19:00you're going on an expedition again.
19:01A shout of surprise
19:02and a little plate
19:03that falls from our ceiling.
19:04Come on, Sharikov,
19:05go see the spies.
19:06There's a man in front of the door
19:07who wants to become friends with us.
19:08He looks harmless
19:09even if he has
19:10an extra pair of arms.
19:11It's the mutant!
19:12Let's make a mutant friend, guys!
19:13Damn, Dolores,
19:14she's surrounded by mutants.
19:15She has a mutant friend,
19:16a mutant girl
19:17and a cat
19:18who looks like a fucking spy.
19:19Dehydrated, hungry.
19:20Come on, eat.
19:21Mary Jane
19:22obviously brought us
19:23a soup,
19:24two bottles of water.
19:25Mary Jane rocks!
19:26Mary Jane,
19:27she's going to stay there a bit
19:29I have the impression
19:30that there are pillars
19:31who are trying...
19:32Oh la la, but guys!
19:33But guys!
19:34Oh, is it day 64
19:35or have we just arrived
19:36in the bunker?
19:37A group of thieves
19:38has hit Mary Jane
19:39on the head
19:40and knocked us out
19:41by giving up
19:42our supplies.
19:43Do we go out
19:44with the axe
19:45or do we
19:46do nothing
19:47and Mary Jane
19:48destroys them?
19:49I think we don't need
19:50to do anything.
19:51Oh la la,
19:52when we opened the door
19:53we fell face down
19:54with armed pillars
19:55up to our teeth.
19:56We thought
19:57we were going to get through.
19:59our mutant friends...
20:00Oh no,
20:01it's our mutant friends
20:02who came to save us!
20:03I'm afraid
20:04we're going to get sick.
20:05Do you know what we're going to give to eat
20:06and drink
20:07so that she doesn't get sick?
20:08By using
20:09a high-tech device
20:10based on goblets,
20:11the agents gave us a call
20:12to talk about our next
20:13top-secret mission
20:14that will allow us
20:15to land in a VIP bunker.
20:16They want us to go on an expedition.
20:17Mary Jane!
20:18It's a mission for you, boss!
20:19For now,
20:20I still have enough
20:21to protect myself
20:22in case there are pillars.
20:23Mary Jane doesn't leave
20:24for too long.
20:25They have already threatened
20:26to kill her 17 times
20:27and have only been there
20:28for 5 minutes.
20:30we agree that if there is Mary Jane,
20:31I have nothing to do.
20:32After that,
20:33maybe our mutant friends
20:34will protect us again.
20:35But normally,
20:36with Mary Jane,
20:37I have nothing to do.
20:38Mary Jane swam
20:39on the Vorians
20:40and made them regret
20:41being born.
20:42There you go,
20:43Mary Jane!
20:44Tell them!
20:45A little bit!
20:46They will never come back,
20:50it seems that thanks
20:51to our last mission accomplished,
20:52the agents trust us
20:53because they came back.
20:54They want water.
20:57at worst,
20:58they scam me with water.
20:59I still have 3.5.
21:00From the beginning,
21:01they promise us
21:02a VIP bunker.
21:03I really hope
21:04we'll get it.
21:07is Mary Jane
21:08in her best shape?
21:09A gang of thieves!
21:11Too bad!
21:12Oh no!
21:13Thieves again!
21:15Uh ...
21:17Mary Jane!
21:18They killed Thanos!
21:19Having already seen
21:20our incredible Mary Jane
21:21in action,
21:22we have not been allowed
21:23to see her
21:24leap on our attackers
21:25with the ferocity
21:26of a thousand nuclear suns.
21:27We will miss her
21:28and we can only hope
21:29that she can find
21:30people like her
21:34because now,
21:35I'm starting to stress.
21:36What is this noise again?
21:38because now,
21:40it's the beginning of the end.
21:42There are thieves coming!
21:43I only have my ax
21:44and my harmonica
21:45and in addition,
21:46I gave water bottles
21:47to guys
21:48I do not know
21:49if they will come
21:50to help me.
21:51And Dolores,
21:52it can not go.
21:53What is this noise?
21:54Oh no!
21:55There is something
21:56under our feet.
21:58we do not use the ax.
21:59The ax,
22:00we need it too much
22:03we found a kit!
22:04Dolores is just exhausted.
22:05We found a kit.
22:06Our house was built
22:07on a real treasure.
22:08There were pills,
22:10a lot of objects
22:11that will be useful to us.
22:12A medical kit for us.
22:14but let's go!
22:15Dolores is a little exhausted.
22:16Drink water,
22:18There is someone behind the door.
22:19We are a little scared
22:20but it may be an American soldier
22:21who will deliver us.
22:23We did not listen to the radio
22:24a single second.
22:25I do not believe it.
22:26The American soldier dream.
22:28from now on,
22:29you're all alone.
22:31you do not go outside.
22:32Oh fuck,
22:33there is a group of thugs at the door.
22:34Come on Dolores,
22:35make them cry a little.
22:36Make them cry a little,
22:38It's very good what you did,
22:40We no longer have harmonica.
22:42we only have the ax to defend ourselves.
22:44but now we're in the shit.
22:45There is someone behind the door.
22:47it's been two times.
22:48In fact,
22:49I tell myself something.
22:50There are pillars
22:51and I only have an ax.
22:52And there,
22:53it's the second time
22:54that there is someone knocking.
22:55I think
22:56at 70%,
22:57it's a positive thing.
22:58At 30%,
22:59it's a negative thing.
23:05Did I get fucked?
23:06Who is it?
23:07Oh no,
23:08it's the spies.
23:09We were exfiltrated
23:10from our house
23:11in the middle of the night
23:12and driven in full speed
23:13to what the agents call
23:14the presidential bunker.
23:17The presidential bunker.
23:19It's incredible.
23:20Of course,
23:21the walls
23:22have this same grayish hue,
23:23but there are two more square meters
23:25to move
23:26while waiting
23:27to die of boredom.
23:28It's not going to spit on
23:29the extra sauce
23:30and the pile of newspapers.
23:32It stinks.
23:35Oh la la.
23:37it's a secret end.
23:39We'll have to do it again
23:40one day.
23:41We'll play the game again.
23:42We'll try to reach day 100
23:43and we won't do anything.
23:44To get out,
23:45we'll just do
23:46day 100.
23:47But guys,
23:48I think that day 100
23:49is still hard.