• 2 days ago
When Lazarbeam and Fresh announced they were making a game, the internet was excited. With over 30 million subscribers between them, it should have achieved at least moderate success. However, "World Boss" was a total flop. Why didn't people like it? What went wrong?

This is, The Unexpected Flop Of Lazarbeam’s Video Game

Thank you guys for watching, like and sub if you enjoyed, SunnyV2

Also, the idea for this video was inspired by "JustSaySteven" who posted a video on a similar topic in January 2024 titled "Lazarbeam's Game Did Worse Than We Thought..." You can watch his version here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UqaOQqOlR1k
00:00People thought Laserbeam's video game could be the next Fortnite, but with only 10 people playing
00:05it any one time, and comments calling it the worst game I've installed, something clearly went wrong.
00:12It all began with this tweet here.
00:14I am making a game. I ain't telling you anything yet.
00:18The most liked response gets a skin in the game.
00:20Wishlist the game on Steam so you can test it with us.
00:24MrFreshAsian had made a similar tweet,
00:26attaching a short trailer giving their fans a sneak peek.
00:38Screenshots on Steam showed graphics like Fortnite, which made total sense,
00:42as this is what their combined over 30 million followers already played and naturally enjoyed.
00:53Can't wait for this game. Looks like lots of fun.
00:56Hyped for the game, can't wait.
00:58This game is about to be the new Fortnite.
01:01Additionally, it was being developed by Australia's largest video game developer,
01:05who'd clearly done an incredible job when they'd finally released the open beta.
01:10Players found it to be a mix of Fortnite and TF2.
01:14Players are dropped into an arena and have to kill other players to move up the ranks.
01:18Upon reaching first place, you're given the role of world boss,
01:22who has extra health and armor, although everybody now knows your location.
01:27The gameplay showcase gained 200,000 views,
01:30implying loads of people would be rushing to install it.
01:33Naturally, Lazerbeam and Fresh also began to promote the game.
01:37Fresh posted two dedicated videos, totalling north of 3 million views,
01:41whilst Lazerbeam filmed the game with Lachlan, before officially promoting the game's release.
01:46I spent 365 days making a game.
01:53Having added another 5 million views worth of exposure,
01:58the game seemed guaranteed at least moderate success.
02:01Comments read, since you guys are popular, you guys will instantly have a popular game,
02:06although for whatever reason, this simply didn't happen.
02:10Despite almost 10 million viewers learning about the free game,
02:14it achieved an opening peak of just a little over 1,000 players.
02:18The month after it was 800, then 300 the month after that,
02:23showing that the game clearly had some problems.
02:25Of the hundreds of negative Steam reviews,
02:28most mentioned the game's poor graphical performance.
02:31One user wrote, this just feels like a laggy Roblox slash Fortnite clone.
02:35I can only run 45 FPS on an RTX 3080, whilst another said I have an RTX 2080,
02:42and I get 40-60 FPS when fighting.
02:45Lower settings.
02:46The game is not optimised at all.
02:48Getting terrible FPS was a universal problem,
02:51as was the game's constant unexpected crashes.
02:54The game's early problems were best summarised here.
02:57I mean, it's pretty fun, but it needs a shit tonne of work done to it.
03:01There are so many bugs that are real easy to fix.
03:03You guys should have done more work to it before release.
03:06These reviews were acknowledged and rectified.
03:09We got mixed reviews on Steam because the game kept crashing, but we fixed it.
03:12However, later in the video, Laserbeam experienced more bugs of his own.
03:19My RPGs aren't firing.
03:21Look away, look away, look away.
03:23Joking that the game is perfect and nothing is broken.
03:26Despite this, the game was now crashing less frequently,
03:29which should have helped it retain a player base.
03:32Judging by reviews such as it'll be a good game,
03:34once they fix all the technical issues and bugs.
03:37However, even after these problems were solved,
03:40World Boss was still rapidly bleeding players,
03:43as the gameplay itself also had many issues.
03:46It gets boring quickly, and I don't get anything out of the gameplay.
03:50This game gets boring way too easily.
03:52The gameplay is somewhat okay at first, but gets repetitive quickly.
03:56Sadly, the game seemed to lack any meaningful variety.
04:00With the official Twitter page even joking,
04:02my favourite thing about World Boss is probably how unique of a game it is.
04:07I mean, how often have you seen guns in a video game?
04:10Guns, truly pushing boundaries.
04:12The game lacked meaningful objectives or worthwhile goals to work toward.
04:16Becoming World Boss was the only primary target.
04:19The objective was really to just be World Boss and just have an HP buff, and that's it.
04:24And people complained that even this was too difficult to be fun.
04:2899.99% of games you join are almost 15 plus minutes in,
04:33and you spawn with over 500% less health than every other player.
04:38I spawned in with 1000 health.
04:40The World Boss who's supposed to be the best has over 7.5k health.
04:44What a legit joke.
04:46To put me in 5 straight games at level 1,
04:48when the World Boss and 4 plus other players are level 15 plus,
04:53with 5-10x my health is laughable.
04:55As a result, players completely ignored the World Boss,
04:58and just tried to fight each other.
05:00Instead of everybody teaming up to take down the World Boss,
05:03people would just avoid fighting the World Boss altogether,
05:05and just keep fighting amongst themselves to level up.
05:08Which kind of made it a mediocre shooter,
05:10with no real advantage over other similar games.
05:13Another issue was that the mechanics weren't intuitive.
05:16For example, when Fortnite was first released,
05:18you could watch someone play it for less than 5 minutes,
05:21and have a decent understanding of the entire concept.
05:24With World Boss however, even after watching many different videos,
05:28and playing multiple rounds yourself,
05:30the concept and objectives are still pretty foggy.
05:34It seems the only thing that did work well,
05:36was the World Boss in-game item shop.
05:38Despite the fact that the game launched in a broken and unfinished state,
05:42it had full-on microtransactions on day one.
05:44Good to know that despite the terrible condition this game is in,
05:48they prioritised adding microtransactions over playability.
05:52Obviously this wasn't really Fresh and Lazer's fault,
05:55however their promotional activities weren't perfect either.
05:58For example, when World Boss first came out,
06:01Fresh hadn't made a video in more than half a year,
06:04and returning specifically just to promote the game,
06:07wasn't exactly the greatest look.
06:09The thing is, Fresh quit working on the game,
06:11and quit gaming in general,
06:13and Lazerbeam just clearly gave up after that.
06:16Lazer only ever made the one video about it,
06:19and perhaps sold it a little too casually,
06:21for something they'd spent so much time on.
06:23Five months after they opened Early Access,
06:26the game was down to 160 concurrent players,
06:29at which point Lazerbeam appeared on Impulsive.
06:32When the game came up in conversation,
06:34Lazerbeam talked about it being a difficult business,
06:44mainly owing to extreme competition.
06:46The response is really cool,
06:47and people really get behind it,
06:48but at the same time when you're competing with Fortnite,
06:50you're competing with Call of Duty,
06:51you're competing with all these massive games,
06:53like it is a process to compete.
06:54I think the base of the game is great,
06:56and we're getting there.
06:56It's just with gaming,
06:57it's just so hard to just nail it.
06:59Lazer further added,
07:00To get people addicted to playing your game,
07:02is like a very difficult task.
07:04So hard.
07:05I can promote it as much as possible,
07:06but it's like they're not going to endlessly just play it,
07:08because I say, hey.
07:09Play the game.
07:10With promoting a video game being extra hard,
07:13as you can't promote it in every upload,
07:15like Feastables or Prime.
07:17Being unable to thrive without constant promotion,
07:20the World Boss player base only fell further.
07:22However, the game's full version release,
07:25had the potential to bring it back to life.
07:27That announced that everything is changing in World Boss 1.0,
07:31with a brand new map,
07:33and an actual objective in each game.
07:35Lazerbeam was hyped about the new updates,
07:38which had reignited the interest of over 100,000 people.
07:42However, again, for whatever reason,
07:44this simply didn't translate into actual players,
07:47with the official release barely making an impact.
07:50That very same month,
07:51PlaySide released their yearly financial report,
07:54announcing losses of 5.7 million.
07:57Deadside, there is a risk that new title releases,
08:00are not received in a positive manner by the market,
08:03or generate the anticipated level of player engagement.
08:06This can lead to lower than expected revenue,
08:09possibly referring to World Boss.
08:11PlaySide therefore accepted that it couldn't be saved,
08:14and completely stopped updating the game.
08:16The official Twitter and Instagram were both abandoned,
08:19whilst Lazer and Fresh both stopped talking about it.
08:22This dropped the player base lower and lower,
08:24to the point of being unable to fill a single lobby,
08:27creating a brand new game ending problem.
08:30No one plays this, it's all bots.
08:32Every single lobby is just bots.
08:34Lobbies are entirely bots, if you can connect to one.
08:37Now I'm not accusing them of putting fake players in the game,
08:40but like 90% of these people feel not real.
08:42Each lobby needs at least 14 players,
08:45which the game rarely has at any one time.
08:47Therefore in every single game,
08:49you're just versing 13 other bots,
08:52who are so incredibly easy to beat,
08:54you can get hundreds of kills with just a couple deaths.
08:57My first game I got 185 kills, love it, against bots.
09:02These lobbies are so unchallenging that once you get World Boss,
09:05you can just stand still,
09:06and have the entire lobby spraying you,
09:09without it barely having an impact on your health.
09:11The current state of the game is best summarized here.
09:14The so-called players are bots,
09:16and the game is way too easy,
09:18and it's pretty shit.
