• 4 hours ago


00:30红酥烧 黄豆酱 满身身色更强烈
00:53东方的光 唤醒我
01:01一怀愁绪 几年里所 错 错 错
02:06红酥烧 黄豆酱 满身身身色更强
02:26红酥烧 黄豆酱 满身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身身
02:56You're judging me, aren't you?
02:58This is the wedding list.
02:59This is the wedding list.
03:00Check it again.
03:01See what's missing and add it.
03:03After that,
03:05cancel the wedding.
03:07This one.
03:08That's right, that's right.
03:09This is also a wedding list.
03:10Give it all back.
03:14It's not easy for you.
03:16It's not easy to take care of this family.
03:27It's all because you're useless.
03:29I don't blame you.
03:32But I'm thinking
03:34this wedding
03:36Nhi must have hidden it somewhere.
03:42I'll think of a way
03:44to find the wedding dress.
03:48It's just that
03:50I have to borrow my mother's wedding dress for a while.
03:54See if it fits the wedding dress and wedding dress.
03:57It fits.
03:58What about the dress?
04:00It's beautiful.
04:01Tomorrow I will go to the wedding with the ladies.
04:04I can't let them look down on me.
04:06I will wear this dress.
04:24Tu Ti Ti
04:27The bride and groom are here.
04:29Aman, make tea for the bride and groom.
04:35Tu Ti Ti is so happy.
04:39And you're so beautiful when you're angry.
04:49Why don't you see these things on ordinary days?
04:52Today, I just wear it for fun.
04:55The nose ring is not bad.
04:57It's just a needle on the head.
04:59And this bracelet
05:01is a little low quality.
05:03The nose ring is so beautiful.
05:05It's a pity that these things don't make the nose look beautiful.
05:08Tu Ti Ti, don't look down on others.
05:10What I wear on my head
05:12is just for fun.
05:14Of course, there are still good things in the room that haven't been taken out.
05:17It's not like you.
05:18You're so arrogant.
05:19So what?
05:20I don't believe it.
05:22If there are really good things,
05:24why do you hide them?
05:25And you're afraid of showing off.
05:27I'm sure you don't have it.
05:29That's why you take low-quality things out.
05:34Just wait and see.
05:38What are you doing?
05:39Don't follow me.
05:51It's just a drug.
05:53Without me, you can't do anything.
06:16Come back here when you're done.
06:18Come back here when you're done.
06:33Thính Vũ
06:38How is it?
06:45Go find some strong people.
06:48Go find some strong people.
07:09You're so arrogant.
07:12Who allowed you to take these things out?
07:14How dare you take a prostitute out?
07:17A prostitute
07:18She doesn't know that we transfer our virgins.
07:22Why bother a prostitute?
07:24What is a prostitute?
07:26The stuff in the storage
07:28are all from Dong Binh Ba.
07:31Listen to this.
07:33Does a prostitute want to take our virgins?
07:40I heard my father say
07:43My virgins have been destroyed by prostitutes.
07:46These things are hard for my father to prepare.
07:51It has nothing to do with prostitutes.
07:55Take it.
07:56Let's see who dares to stop me.
08:02You came at the right time.
08:04Look at these prostitutes.
08:06Each of them has a big liver.
08:09The stuff in the storage
08:11are all from Dong Binh Ba.
08:16In short
08:17Dong Binh Ba's prostitutes.
08:20The prostitute is just a temporary caretaker.
08:23I don't mind taking virgins.
08:27But it doesn't mean I don't chase after them.
08:29How much do you want?
08:31If you see me taking virgins
08:33If you still try to make it difficult
08:35Don't blame me for not being hospitable.
08:37Taking care of the family is allowed by my mother.
08:39Then tell your mother to come to me.
08:41Don't argue anymore.
08:43Why are you arguing again?
08:47Quynh's mother also helped us a lot.
08:52If you have decided to destroy virgins
08:55Then let Quynh do it.
09:02But boss
09:03I have a question.
09:07I don't know
09:08Is it possible for Quynh
09:10to say that she wants to destroy virgins?
09:16What if they don't agree?
09:19Quynh has a lot of virgins like that.
09:22She has a lot of virgins like that.
09:24She doesn't have to go outside
09:26and look at our house.
09:29So to be honest
09:30Quynh has to wait for boss to pay
09:33and then tell me.
09:34It's not boss who sends them to me.
09:44Do Thanh Ti
09:50Chấp pháp nghiêm minh
09:57Trân Quệnh thông phán Do Thanh Ti
10:08Đây là lệnh bài và quan ấn của Do Thanh Ti
10:12Giao cho dư ti quý
10:15Từ hôm nay trở đi
10:17Ngài và ta là đồng liêu
10:19Ta là thông phán của Do Thanh Ti
10:21Chưởng quản đồng nhà
10:22Chủ trì việc xét xử, phán quyết và công dân
10:31Còn Ngài chưởng quản ti nhà
10:33Trị an tuần tra
10:35Bắt giữ tội phạm đều do Ngài phụ trách
10:37Nhưng vẫn phải nhớ kỹ
10:38Đồng nhà đứng đầu
10:40Nghe theo sự sắp xếp
10:44Để hai chúng ta sau này hợp tác tốt hơn
10:47Bản quan đặc biệt ghi chép những điều cần lưu ý thành một quyển
10:56Giai gì?
10:59Trân Đại Nhân vất vả cho Ngài rồi
11:02Không vất vả
11:04Dư ti quý
11:05Để ta nói rõ cho Ngài nghe
11:07Giờ màu hàng ngày bắt đầu làm việc
11:09Chập tối thì nghỉ
11:11Không được dán mặt nếu không có lý do chính đáng
11:13Mỗi ngày sáng tối chúng ta cần gặp mặt một lần
11:16Xem xét công việc quan trọng trong ngày
11:18Bàn bạc kế hoạch ngày mai
11:27Chúng ta nói sau đi
11:29Ta đã nói với đại ca từ lâu rồi
11:31Cách này không được
11:33Không thể làm như vậy
11:41Cái này
11:45Ai mang về vậy?
11:47Bá gia
11:48Hình như là phủ an quốc công sai người trả lại
11:50Chúng ta cũng không quyết được
11:52Đã bẩm báo với nhị phu nhân rồi
11:54Nhị phu nhân?
11:57Đã bẩm báo với nhị phu nhân rồi
11:59Rõ ràng ta mang đến phủ an quốc công rồi mà
12:01Sao lại mang về nữa vậy?
12:03Mang trả lại
12:04Bá gia
12:05Quảng gia phủ an quốc công nói
12:06Nếu này còn mang trả lại
12:08Thì bọn họ lại mang trả lại
12:13Sinh lễ này sao lại mang trả lại rồi
12:16Cả ngày hôm nay cứ chuyển đi chuyển lại
12:18Thật nhất giả
12:23Bá gia yên tâm
12:24Phủ quốc công chắc chắn là không nỡ
12:26Để tứ nhà đầu nhà chúng ta muốn quỷ hôn
12:28Quý công tử kia cũng chỉ là nhất thời mê mụi
12:31Tương lai vẫn phải cùng tứ nhà đầu chúng ta sống cho tốt
12:38Đại ca
12:42Thế diện của bá phủ chúng ta
12:44Xem như là bị Huynh làm mất sạch rồi
12:46Huynh làm cái trò gì vậy?
12:51Người đâu?
12:52Mang những thứ này trả lại hết đi
12:54Đừng để đây dướng mắt ta
12:56Vẫn là nhị gia liệu sự dư thần
12:58Chàng xem đại ca
12:59Cũng chẳng mang đến thế diện của con gái mình
13:02Phụ nhân
13:04Nà cũng bớt nói dài câu đi
13:07Dù sao sinh lễ cũng được trả lại
13:10Ta cũng yên tâm
13:14Công tử
13:15Ở đây
13:16Ở đây
13:17Phong cảnh thật đẹp
13:19Có đường thủy thì có sinh khí
13:21Đúng vậy
13:22Con sông này thông thẳng đến nội thành và ngoại thành
13:26Cái này
13:27Từ từ thôi, từ từ thôi, từ từ
13:29Được, được lắm
13:30Căn nhà này đi lại thuận tiện
13:32Không cắn người, không cắn người
13:35Phía trước này chính là phủ Đông Bình Bá
13:37Đây là bắc trạch của phủ họ
13:41Công tử, ngài cứ xem thoải mái
13:43Ngài xem
13:44Bàn ghế này
13:45Còn có cả giường
13:46Đều là đồ mới
13:47Trị An ở ngoại ô này không mặc nội thành
13:50Nuôi chó cũng tốt
13:51Có thể trong nhà giữ cửa
13:53Nhị ngư nhà chúng ta không phải chó giữ nhà đâu
13:55Là quân khuyển thuần chủng
13:59Nào, đáng yêu vô cùng
14:01Quay phong lẫm liệt bảo bối của chúng ta
14:03Bảo bối
14:06Hành lăng An này
14:07Chính là giàu trong nghề ngoài
14:09Quang lại quyền quý
14:11Giàu có thế lực đều sống ở nội thành
14:13Công tử
14:14Nếu nhà dư giá tiền bạc
14:16Tiểu nhân khuyên ngài
14:18Nên ưu tiên mua nhà ở nội thành
14:20Không cần
14:21Ta mua chỗ này
14:22Nhưng theo luật đại du
14:24Việc mua bán nhà cửa này
14:25Chúng ta phải hỏi qua
14:27Người thân của chủ nhà
14:28Rồi hỏi cả hàng sống xung quanh
14:30Nếu họ không có ý định mua thì mới được
14:32Vậy thì mau hỏi đi
14:39Ta và Long Đáng sống cùng nhau
14:41Long Đáng thật là nhà ngạ
14:43Căn bản không cần hãng hậu hạ
14:44Vậy kích thước căn nhà này rất phù hợp với Quynh
14:46Dư Công tử
14:47Khương Cô Nương
14:49Nhà cửa gì?
14:50Dư Quynh muốn chuyển đến căn nhà ở ngõ Cây Táo
14:52Đang hỏi xem ý kiến của chúng ta
14:56Căn nhà ở ngõ Cây Táo
14:57Chúng ta định mua mà
14:58Sao lại để người khác chuyển vào?
15:02Không phải
15:04Khi nào thì chúng ta
15:05Thật ngại quá Dư Công tử
15:06Căn nhà ở ngõ Cây Táo này
15:07Phủ Đông Bình bá chúng ta
15:08Đã có ý mua từ lâu rồi
15:10Thật không khéo
15:12Không sao
15:13Khương Cô Nương cứ ra điều chuyện
15:15Thế nào
15:16Mới chịu dừng căn nhà cho ta
15:17Suy xét xem
15:23Nhẹ ngư
15:24Xin lỗi
15:25Bình thường nó không như vậy đâu
15:37Nhà của Dương Thất
15:38Ở Nam Cương
15:43Nam Cương
16:14Cảm ơn
16:25Phu Nhân
16:26Mời vào trong
16:28Bên này
16:29Mũi Mũi
16:44Quý Xuân Dịch
16:45Thế tử An Quốc Công
16:54Nhà ta có khách quý đến
16:56Ta còn đang hỏi mọi người đi đâu hết rồi
16:58An Quốc Công Phu Nhân xin chào người
17:00Dệ thị Phu Nhân An Quốc Công
17:11Xuân Dịch
17:12Xuân Dịch hôm nay đến đây tạ tội
17:15Mong nhạc phụ đẩy nhân lượng thứ
17:17Đừng gọi bừa
17:18Ta không phải nhạc phụ cậu
17:20Hôm qua đến phụ các người trả lại sinh lễ
17:23Các người không nhận
17:24Hôm nay đến thật đúng lúc
17:26Cả sinh lễ lẫn người cùng quay về
17:28Sinh lễ sao có thể lấy lại chứ
17:36Phu Nhân
17:37Con gái chịu thiệt thôi rồi
17:39Người làm cha trong lòng thấy khó chịu
17:41Có nhiều khó tránh
17:42Xuân Dịch nhất thời hồ đồ
17:44Người làm mẫu thân tuyệt đối không thiên dị
17:46Phụ thân nó cũng đã dùng gia pháp trách phạt
17:49Mong đồng bình bá và tứ cô nương
17:51Cho nó thêm một cơ hội
17:53Cho thêm cơ hội
17:54Cho hắn thêm cơ hội hảm hại mũi mũi ta sao
17:57Hảm hại
17:58Nhị công tử
17:59Câu này là ý gì
18:01Con trai bà không nói cho bà biết
18:02Hắn đã đẩy mũi mũi ta xuống sông sao
18:04Trạm nhi
18:05Trưởng bố đang nói chuyện
18:06Xuân Dịch
18:07Rốt cuộc là chuyện gì
18:09Mẫu thân không có chuyện đó đâu
18:10Con hãy nói cho mọi người biết
18:11Rốt cuộc là chuyện gì
18:13Nhạc phụ đại nhân
18:14Tứ cô nương vì trượt chân
18:15Vô tình ngã mới rơi xuống sông
18:18Bên cạnh có người nhìn thấy
18:19Họ có thể làm chứng
18:20Khương công tử
18:21Mình không có bằng chứng
18:22Không thể vô quan cho người khác
18:24Ta biết Xuân Dịch nhà chúng ta
18:26Giới phẩm hạnh như vậy
18:27Tuyệt đối không thể làm ra
18:28Chuyện hồ đồ như vậy đâu
18:30Hôm đó tứ cô nương rơi xuống nước
18:32Khiến cả nhà chúng ta đều lo lắng sốt gió
18:34Đặc biệt là Xuân Dịch
18:36Còn la hét
18:37Muốn xuống sông tìm tứ cô nương
18:39Phu nhân mời ngồi mời ngồi
18:41Đại ca
18:42Quỳnh xem thằng bé đã quỳ rồi
18:44Cũng nên biết lỗi rồi
18:45Đây chẳng phải chỉ là hiểu lầm sao
18:47Hiểu lầm
18:48La hét muốn xuống sông
18:49Không phải là vội vàng
18:50Muốn xuống sông để xác nhận
18:51Xem ta có chết thật không
18:53Nhưng vậy mới có thể cưới người
18:54Trong lòng về nhà sao
18:55Tự nhiên
18:57Con gái chơi xúc giá như con
18:58Sao nói năng như vậy
19:00Tứ cô nương
19:01Ta đọc sách thánh hiền
19:02Tuyệt đối không ra tay
19:03Với nữ nhân yếu đuối
19:05Buồn chi cô còn là
19:06Vị hôn thế của ta
19:08Tứ cô nương đừng lo lắng
19:10Đến phủ quốc công
19:11Ta nhất định sẽ coi con
19:12Như con gái ruột mà yêu thương
19:14Không dễ con chịu chút tuổi thân nào
19:16Nếu thằng nhóc xùm vịt này
19:17Còn bắt nạt con
19:18Ta sẽ thay con thả giận
19:22Con dâu bái kiếm mẹ chồng
19:25Tối qua xùm vịt lại không về nhà
19:28Đến nam nhân của mình
19:29Cũng không quản được
19:30Sống như quá phụ
19:31Cũng chỉ có thể trách cô vô dụng
19:33Lão tàm cứ suốt ngày chạy ra ngoài
19:35Chẳng phải là vì
19:36Nữ nhân trong nhà nhàm chán chứ sao
19:38Cô cũng nên học hỏi
19:39Trang điểm một chút
19:41Như khúc gỗ vậy
19:50Con dâu biết rồi
19:55Mẹ chồng
19:56Mời người dùng trà
20:00Cô ăn giận diêm dối như vậy
20:02Là muốn dụ dỗ ai
20:04Còn không mau cút đi
20:11Tự nhiên nghe thấy chưa
20:12Có mẹ chồng tốt như vậy
20:14Con gã qua đó là hưởng phúc rồi
20:16Đại ca, có đúng không
20:18Nếu tứ cô nữ đồng ý
20:20Hôm nay chúng ta sẽ định ngày cưới
20:22Ta cũng mong con
20:23Sớm ngày gã vào phủ quất công
20:26Vậy phu nhân
20:27Ta vẫn là câu nói đó
20:28Quỷ hôn
20:31Hôm nay ta tự mình đến đây
20:32Đã nể mặt cô lắm rồi
20:34Theo luật đại du
20:35Cô nhất quyết quỷ hôn
20:37Sẽ bị đánh 60 trượng
20:39Tứ cô nương
20:40Hãy suy nghĩ cho kỹ
20:42Vậy hai nhà chúng ta
20:43Cứ đến chỗ nào có thể
20:44Nói luật pháp bằng chuyện công bằng
20:46Đến lúc đó
20:47Không chỉ quỷ hôn
20:48Tội danh quý tam công tử
20:49Chơi dấu chuyện tư tình
20:50Mưu hại chị hôn kê
20:51Dất định sẽ không thoát
20:52Đúng vậy
20:55Tứ cô nương
20:56Phủ quất công
20:57Há lại sợ
20:58Một nữ nhi khơi cát như cô sao
21:00Nếu cô nhất quyết như vậy
21:01Thì gặp nhau ở công đường
21:06Đúng rồi vậy phu nhân
21:07Xin bà mang sinh lễ về luôn
21:09Chúng ta không cần
21:10Phải đưa đi thêm một chuyến nữa
21:16Chúng ta không chấp nhận
21:17Đến lúc gặp nhau ở công đường
21:19Mũi mũi
21:20Mũi còn nhớ
21:21Hôm đó cụ thể là ở chỗ nào
21:22Hắn ta đẩy mũi xuống nước không
21:24Trước tiên cần có nhân dấn
21:25Mũi đang nghĩ
21:26Rốt cuộc ai đã nhìn thấy
21:27Hắn ta đẩy mũi xuống nước
21:29Cương cô nương
21:30Dư Quỳnh
21:31Sao Quỳnh cỏ đi
21:34Dốn định bàn với
21:35Cương cô nương chuyện mua nhà
21:37Nên nắng lại một chút
21:40Hồng khéo
21:41Nghe được các người nói chuyện nhà
21:42Dốn định tránh đi
21:44Dưng nghĩ đến
21:45Cương cô nương
21:46Có thể sẽ cần nhờ đến ta
21:48Nên đã nắng lại một chút
21:50Ta có gì cần nhờ Quỳnh sao
21:55Cô nương rơi xuống nước
21:56Là ai cứ hứ vậy
21:58Là Quỳnh cứu
22:00Mũi mũi rơi xuống nước
22:01Là do Dư Quỳnh cứu sao
22:02Không đáng nhắc đến
22:06Dư Quỳnh
22:07Tính mạng của hai Quỳnh mũi
22:08Ta đều là do Quỳnh cứu
22:09Từ hôm nay trở đi
22:10Cương trạm ta như công tử
22:11Quỳnh có nhìn thấy
22:12Ta bị người ta đẩy xuống nước không
22:13Cây đó thì không
22:14Nhưng ta biết
22:15Có người có thể đã nhìn thấy
22:17Là ai
22:21Chuyện căn nhà này
22:28Có thể thương lượng
22:29Thật tốt quá
22:30Chúng ta sắp thành hàng xóm rồi
22:32Dư Quỳnh
22:33Không ngờ Quỳnh đệ chúng ta
22:34Lại có duyên đến vậy
22:35Đều là duyên phận
22:58Quỳnh công tử
23:01Tớ cô nương
23:28Cô nương
23:29Có phải đang lo lắng chuyện chuyện tụng
23:43Cô nương
23:44Hay là nghỉ ngơi sớm đi
23:46Cô nương vừa mới rơi xuống nước
23:48Hẳn là hàng chế dưỡng chưa tan
23:50Cô nương
23:51Cô nương
23:52Cô nương
23:53Cô nương
23:54Cô nương
23:55Tớ đi xuống nước
23:56Hẳn là hàng chế giữa chưa tan hết
23:57A Mang
23:58Lấy dù cho ta
23:59Muôn như vậy rồi
24:00Cô nương định đi đâu
24:02Đi gặp một người bằng hưởng
24:09Tiệm sảo hương
24:25I'm sorry, I can't help you.
24:49Sao Nuong, the owner of Sao Huong shop.
24:53You're here.
24:59I know you will find me.
25:01I see you're okay.
25:03I'm reassured.
25:05The girl who dates the plague.
25:08It's you, right?
25:10It's me.
25:12You're so straightforward.
25:14I'm very surprised.
25:16These years, your wife sent incense to the shop to sell.
25:21To help me have some money.
25:23To cover the expenses in the house.
25:25In those years, the business has been stagnant.
25:28Now your clever hands have made a strange incense.
25:31Famous all over the city.
25:33My shop has just revived.
25:35Try it.
25:37I made it especially for you.
25:40It's delicious.
25:44What is this?
25:46The key to the shop.
25:47I took it myself.
25:48Later in Ba Phu, it's boring.
25:50If you want to come, just come.
25:52Consider this place as your second home.
25:54After the plague, I'm very lonely.
25:57You think of a way to make me happy.
26:00I know.
26:03You think of me as a mosquito repellent.
26:05You are also my best mosquito repellent.
26:09Once upon a time.
26:17When I came to this country, I had nothing to hide from you.
26:21There are so many incense in the shop.
26:23Which one do you think suits me best?
26:27Let me think.
26:29Take the most valuable ingredient here.
26:30Give it to your uncle.
26:32I'll pay.
26:33No need.
26:35This kind of incense is not valuable.
26:37But many businessmen like to use it.
26:39I like this kind of incense the most.
26:41It's fragrant and easy to use.
26:42It can wake people up.
26:46He's not a good person.
26:48I'm not sincere either.
26:50Just looking at my property can help him pay off his debt.
26:53So you know all this.
26:55He thinks I'm easy to fool.
26:57But actually I'm acting with him.
26:59I just want to rely on my power to get a higher position.
27:03You don't understand.
27:06My father-in-law is a man with no power.
27:09He was forced to die by the power of power.
27:11Since then, I have sworn that I don't want to be a low-ranking officer with no power.
27:16When I was forced to come here, I knew I couldn't escape.
27:22But I don't want to be controlled by him either.
27:24I want to take advantage of him.
27:25Put him in the National Security Department.
27:27Change his identity.
27:28Change his fate.
27:29He has already paid off his debt.
27:30He pushed himself into the fire.
27:32Women like me are always in the fire.
27:35We can't avoid being targeted.
27:38People say that the more you earn, the more you spend.
27:42When it comes to marriage,
27:44all families will look down on us.
27:47People who work with us are jealous.
27:49Men don't want to marry us.
27:51And those poor students,
27:53when they help us,
27:55their love is as sweet as honey.
27:56Until they give up on us.
27:59We don't want to be in the fire.
28:01But we are choosing the most valuable thing in the fire.
28:06People don't want to pay off their debts.
28:11They want to be in the National Security Department.
28:15Only in this way,
28:16can I give my son a good future.
28:19Give them a family that will not be bullied by others.
28:22What about you?
28:28You are pregnant.
28:30Your mother is the daughter of the richest man in Lang Thuy.
28:33She was also chosen to use 10% of her income to help her father.
28:36Because only in this way,
28:37her son can have a good future.
28:41You want to rely on the baby in your belly
28:43to have a place in the National Security Department, right?
28:45But how can you be sure that the baby is definitely a boy?
28:47If it's a boy, it's the best.
28:49If not,
28:51then we will have twins.
28:53Two twins.
28:55Have you thought about this?
28:57Just get over this obstacle.
28:59I and the baby in my belly
29:01can have a stable position.
29:05I have a fault with you.
29:08Help your father.
29:12Break off the engagement?
29:13That's right.
29:16I went to the mountains for half a month.
29:19How can this girl make a mess of the whole house?
29:23I advised her to go to the ancient cave and cry.
29:27She didn't care about the baby at all.
29:29She said she wanted to go to Baoguang.
29:32Such a happy story.
29:34Are you sure you want to make a big deal out of it?
29:37It's a shame.
29:38Four billion dollars,
29:39she can't even touch the baby.
29:41What's the point of mentioning that?
29:43Isn't it more embarrassing?
29:45But this girl,
29:46how can she treat her family?
29:47It's really cruel.
29:49My face still hurts now.
29:53This girl is really unlike anyone else.
29:56I don't know what the hell is going on.
29:59go and call the head of the family for me.
30:01Yes, Madam.
30:09drink it quickly,
30:10so you won't be angry.
30:24the nun at Hai Duong Tu said that
30:26the girl was not well and was still sleeping.
30:29What time is it now?
30:30She's still sleeping?
30:32It's a shame.
30:34What kind of wife are you?
30:36How can you manage this house?
30:41I'm useless.
30:43But this girl,
30:45since she fell into the water,
30:47she's become a different person.
30:49It feels like she wants to destroy everything.
30:53I don't know what to do with my daughter.
30:58don't mention it.
30:59My daughter is a troublemaker.
31:00She not only didn't stop her,
31:01but also came to help.
31:03She yelled at the nun.
31:04She even said that
31:06if she didn't get the letter from the nun,
31:07she would never forgive her.
31:13Go to Hai Duong Tu.
31:14I want to see
31:16how this girl can get out of this mess
31:18without waking up.
31:20Do it.
31:25Madam Nhi,
31:26the girl is sleeping.
31:28The model just came back from the mountain.
31:30Remember to call the doctor.
31:32Especially call the doctor to check her face.
31:33Why was the doctor so strong yesterday?
31:35He said he wanted to break the spell.
31:36Today, the disease is gone.
31:37He can't go to bed.
31:38The girl fell into the water before.
31:39Yesterday, she had a cold.
31:40So she's new.
31:41So we have to see.
31:43The girl is sleeping.
31:44She can't go in.
31:49the nun is here.
31:50Why didn't you tell me before?
31:51What kind of water is this?
31:52I just saw her.
31:53She had a cold.
31:54So I made some water to soak her feet.
31:57The model.
31:59The model.
32:00The girl is back.
32:01The model.
32:02Kneel down.
32:10I've knelt down too many times before.
32:12I thought
32:13kneeling down
32:14would solve everything.
32:18do you know
32:20how many people admire
32:22being married to a noble family?
32:24Don't tell me
32:25every noble family
32:26in the family
32:27is more important
32:28than these eight noble families.
32:29In a year,
32:30the number of families
32:31coming to ask for their relatives
32:32is much more than that.
32:33To be honest,
32:34isn't it thanks to
32:36being married to a noble family?
32:39It's true.
32:41What are you looking at?
32:45The model.
32:46The girl knows.
32:50The model.
32:51The girl is back.
32:52You look much more elegant.
32:55If that's the case,
32:57let's hold our heads
32:58in front of the Buddha.
33:00Let's say
33:01the vow is still the same.
33:05As you wish.
33:11The model.
33:12Can the girl
33:13stand up now?
33:14Keep kneeling.
33:16Look at you
33:17making such a big scene
33:18to make the two noble families
33:21Kneel down and reflect on yourself.
33:23Stand up in an hour.
33:28The model.
33:29Didn't you say
33:30the girl changed
33:31after she fell into the water?
33:32I think she's still the same.
33:35the daughter-in-law is suspicious.
33:40Use your strength.
33:42Hit her.
33:44Don't hit her.
33:45Don't hit her.
33:46Calm down.
33:47The model.
33:48Let's see who dares to defend her.
33:49The model.
33:50Think again.
33:52That bitch
33:53dared to push herself into the water.
33:55She must be a good person.
33:59The big brother is a fool.
34:01That's the Buddha.
34:03Maybe the Buddha
34:05is the greatest Buddha
34:06in the world.
34:08Why do you need to worry so much?
34:10Now she represents
34:11all of our families.
34:13The head of the family
34:15only thinks about herself
34:16and wants to bring this marriage
34:17to the court.
34:19She represents
34:20all of our families.
34:23You're right.
34:25The head of the family
34:26doesn't know how to behave.
34:27It's useless
34:28to make trouble there.
34:30What's the most important thing
34:31in our family?
34:33We won't agree
34:34with anyone
34:35who doesn't have fame.
34:37But what?
34:38It's wrong.
34:40If she gives it to him,
34:42he will pay for it.
34:44He won't repay her.
34:46What else
34:47do you want from me?
34:52Tô Mũ.
34:53My sister doesn't want to marry.
34:54We don't want to see her again.
34:57I'll make trouble too.
34:58I'll beat her.
35:01Beat her.
35:04The big brother.
35:06Tô Mũ.
35:07Don't beat her.
35:08Tô Mũ.
35:09Don't beat her.
35:10I agree.
35:11I agree to make trouble.
35:41You said
35:42you wanted to get
35:43married with your lord.
35:44Now she's back
35:46you say to make her
35:47a master.
35:48To stay forever with her.
35:49What's going on?
35:51That was sounded very bad indeed.
35:53we have to act quietly.
35:56We can't let Tô Mũ know.
35:58Let's go.
36:04The road is blocked, someone is attacking the road.
36:16My lord, the people want to report a case.
36:21The road is blocked, someone is attacking the road.
36:33I'm here to report a case.
36:36Who saw me fall into the water?
36:39There's something I don't understand.
36:41Please answer my question.
36:43Go ahead.
36:44First, I saved you.
36:46Then, I offered to help you.
36:49I didn't receive any salary, and I've never committed a crime against you.
36:54Then tell me why you keep opposing me,
36:57and why you keep buying houses next to people who hate me?
37:00I also want to ask you, my lord.
37:02There are so many houses in such a big city.
37:04Why do you have to buy a house next to Phu Dong, Binh Ba?
37:07That's because I and your commander are very compatible.
37:12I feel that he also hopes that I live closer to him,
37:16so it's convenient for me to go back.
37:18My son, Kakata, is very enthusiastic and hospitable.
37:21He's like a brother to everyone.
37:23But because he knows too much, he forgets everything.
37:26So he's like a prince.
37:28You should take it seriously.
37:30What a coincidence!
37:31I like a rich man like him.
37:34Hearing you say that makes me want to be a neighbor.
37:38Don't beat around the bush, my lord.
37:39Do you know that?
37:40If you don't know, don't waste my time.
37:43This is very important to me.
37:44I can't take it lightly.
37:45I know what I'm doing.
37:49The witness must have arrived.
37:51They are standing right in front of where you fell into the water.
37:54Others may say they can't see,
37:56but they can't help but see.
38:09I'm sorry.
38:21As long as the wedding is canceled,
38:23everything can start again.
38:26This time,
38:27I have to live another life.
38:39人已逝 如臨來
39:04My lord,
39:05Khuong committed suicide on purpose.
39:08Do you admit it?
39:10My lord,
39:11it's a shame.
39:12This is clearly an accident.
39:14I saw that girl
39:15fell into the water by herself.
39:17I heard there was another house.
39:19They gave it to the governor of Dong Binh Ba
39:21for a higher salary,
39:22so they took the opportunity to commit suicide.
39:24Isn't that a girl who promised two houses?
39:27What are you talking about?
39:28What do you mean by a girl who promised two houses?
39:30Is it the governor of Angkor Wat?
39:32My lord,
39:33do you have a witness?
39:34Call the witness.
39:35Call the witness.
39:36Call the witness.
39:37Call the witness.
39:43My lord,
39:44my old man,
39:45please say something.
39:47The governor of Dong Binh Ba
39:49doesn't need you to worry about him.
39:53Please think of something.
39:55Others can worry about him.
39:59The governor of Dong Binh Ba
40:01is a man who doesn't accept his relatives,
40:04even his majesty sometimes
40:06respects him.
40:10he assigned the most difficult task
40:12to the governor of Dong Binh Ba,
40:14to kill him.
40:16Who is the killer?
40:17A young man,
40:18Duong Dong Thang.
40:19What does he do for a living?
40:21I work as a waiter at a restaurant.
40:24So, my lord,
40:26what did you see that night?
40:30That night,
40:31I stayed by the river.
40:33But it was too dark.
40:34I couldn't see clearly.
40:36This is the road.
40:37Don't talk nonsense.
40:39What did you see?
40:43I couldn't see clearly.
40:48The river is beautiful.
40:49The river is beautiful.
40:50The river is beautiful.
40:51But I talked to a lot of people.
40:54I talked to a lot of people.
40:56I talked to a lot of people.
40:58I heard that
40:59there was a woman
41:01who was a concubine in your house.
41:03I heard that
41:04there was a woman who was a concubine in your house.
41:06What do you want to do?
41:11That night, it was too dark.
41:13I couldn't see clearly.
41:23My lord,
41:24do you have anything to say?
41:26My lord,
41:27there is another witness.
41:29The owner of the bookshop, Tong Lam.
41:33I, Tong Lam,
41:34pay respect to you, my lord.
41:37I saw the woman
41:39fell into the river.
41:41It's just that
41:42she slipped.
41:45Tong Lam,
41:46did you see clearly?
41:48I, Tong Lam,
41:49did you see clearly?
41:51My lord,
41:52I saw clearly.
41:55My lord,
41:56please step back.
41:57Yes, my lord.
42:14I saw people
42:15not only pushing people into the river,
42:17but also buying people's hearts.
42:19It was so dark.
42:20It was so dark.
42:21I couldn't see clearly.
42:23My lord,
42:24you are such a good person.
42:26That night, I turned off the light.
42:28If I could see clearly
42:29your bad deeds,
42:30why couldn't I see clearly
42:32your bad deeds?
42:36My lord,
42:37we had an argument.
42:39But the woman
42:40was so agitated.
42:41I don't know how
42:42she accidentally fell into the river.
42:44My lord,
42:45I know you are angry with me.
42:47But you shouldn't make trouble here.
42:49Even if you reward me
42:50on this road,
42:51My lord,
42:52I want to know
42:53how the accusation will be handled.
42:55My lord,
42:56the woman
42:57has one more witness.
43:00Who else?
43:03The woman
43:04who had an appointment
43:05with the devil,
43:06Sao Nuong.
43:08That's right.
43:09She was the one
43:10who was closest to the crime scene.
43:12Where is she?
43:13Call Tong Sao Nuong.
43:16Call Sao Nuong.
43:23Tong Sao Nuong,
43:24the witness.
43:26Tong Sao Nuong,
43:27I have a question.
43:29My lord,
43:30did you push Khuong Thuy
43:32into the river?
43:33Sao Nuong,
43:34tell me the truth.
43:35Don't be afraid.
43:36I'm here.
43:37Don't be afraid.
43:52How many thousands of red papers have been written?
43:59The wind of love is blowing in the heart.
44:03The more you love, the more you hate.
44:06Have you ever
44:09seen the deep roots of light?
44:13Break through the boundary between you and me.
44:17Open the deep love of heaven and earth.
44:23Meet each other and look into each other's eyes.
44:27We have gone through thousands of times.
44:31If we are together,
44:33we can feel the deep love of eternity.
44:38Meet each other and look into each other's eyes.
44:42The wind of love is blowing in the heart.
44:46The more you love, the more you hate.
44:50Have you ever seen the deep roots of light?
45:02Fate is broken.
45:04The wind and rain can't separate us.
45:08Hope we will reach the end of love eventually.
45:11Open the door and dance with the spring.
45:16Meet each other and fall into the rain.
