• 21 hours ago
First Dates Ireland - Season 10 Episode 8


00:00To love everybody. This is the first state's restaurant. Let's have some fun a
00:10Place where anything what have you got yourself into is possible. Are you ready? I'm shaking myself. I'm not gonna
00:19Need some romance an instant attraction. Oh, you're gorgeous
00:25All of my women died so don't get too close
00:32A match made in heaven
00:36You are just a big tall drink of water. Aren't you or a
00:41Sudden shock to the senses. Oh, here we go
00:47None of these diners know what to expect
00:50Get engaged tonight. Absolutely. I won't send you dick pics. You are nailing this date path
00:57What happens next? Oh, no is up to them
01:10This year I noticed a lot of data bringing the gifts. Well, that's a very nice touch romance is not dead
01:20Those little things mean a lot to me
01:22Lupus aid sport a Saturday morning when you're hungover or a coffee in bed on a Sunday morning
01:27Love is when you do things for the other person not just because you want something from them
01:34But just because you want to do that
01:36It's a very old school thing to kind of do but it's kind of nice and it's it makes I think the other person feel
01:42Like oh, you know, they're really putting in the effort. I love when people are giving me gifts because like I am a gift person
01:51A true connection for a flight attendant Tanya. It's like the reassuring click of a securely fastened seat belt
01:58Probably the most important is to have this and then you know if it's right person or no
02:06So I always trust my intuition probably that's why I never been in relationship because I keep my heart for someone who is really
02:14Gonna be important for me
02:17No, senorita
02:19Welcome what's your name? Beautiful Tanya Tanya. Where are you from Tanya? I'm Ukrainian. Oh
02:25Ukrainian lady. No, welcome Tanya. I moved to Ireland two years ago because of the war
02:31We have some relatives here in Ireland. So I might ask them maybe they are able to accept you
02:38So I said like yeah, it's gonna be a great idea and they said like, yeah, absolutely. No problem
02:42You must have found the culture shock. Did you for the first time? Obviously? Yeah
02:47Was like cuz here people are so friendly so nice bubbling and we are like
02:53Smiling and like don't touch each other like, you know, keep a distance most of the time
02:59Have you dated many Irish guys so far? I would say okay. I think only one only one
03:06Yeah, didn't go well. No, actually he was gone. It's so important that the guy could be taller
03:13I just don't know because I feel I'm too
03:15I'm really short and if both of us I'm gonna be short then we're gonna have like a little kids, you know
03:22They're not gonna be tall as well. So I just think I had you know for my future babies
03:31Hey, are you
03:37Being a mathematician Lloyd calculates he doesn't just answer off the top of his head
03:44Am I confident is tough question to answer I'm confident when I come out of it come out of the Berbers anyway, I
03:51Suppose I am like I know my self-worth like I I know what I know my value and I like just wouldn't really settle for
03:58Anything less than I feel like I deserve
04:02From Cork welcome. Yeah, I'm a capital. Ah, exactly. Exactly. That's a
04:07Margot Robbie's FB to go to right? Well, I like blondes if you can find my girl, but I'll be right. Yeah, it's perfect
04:12Oh, what do you got a bit of chocolates? Oh
04:16Safe, it's a natural aphrodisiac
04:20I'm definitely just very very picky. Like I've literally no problem. What no problem being single like
04:37You see
04:40I've been like so excited. Yeah. Yeah
04:47No problem, can I just shoot in my shot and even if someone said no I feel like you always feel good after
04:52Shooting a shot whether they say yes or no or not. You've nice eyes. I like them
04:55Oh, thanks so much. They change. You look very nice by the way. Thanks so much. I try so hard you too
05:01Thank you. See you it right so hard to impress each other
05:18How long have you been single forever I've been single for about 20 years
05:27I am
05:29Loving it. I
05:31Said to a friend of mine if I knew that 66 was going to be this good
05:35I would have been 66 for my whole life
05:42Ronnie's date better bring something special to the table because she already has
05:47Everything she needs. I am very content. I'm very very content in my life, and I know I'm very fortunate to be in that position
05:56Anybody who is coming in they're going to have to add to that contentment rather than me having to go
06:01All right, I won't go on holidays on my own anymore. Hi
06:04How are you?
06:06Pleased to meet you name item Ronnie Ronnie. You look stunning. Oh, thank you. Thank you
06:12We're from Kildare. Yeah, they're lonely. Yeah, lonely lonely. I was in the sticks nice surrounded by sheep and cows. Nice
06:20Nice surrounded by sheep and cows nice nice, so how do you feel today like everyone? I suppose a little bit nervous
06:29Excited yeah butterflies in the stomach. That's a great feeling to have I
06:34Like doing something that makes me frightened every now and again, and I suppose this doesn't make me frightened
06:39What's frightening for me is if it actually does work out?
06:44Open to the suggestions. It's like diving into the deep end of the pool
06:50Yeah, yeah, nobody there to help me now
06:56suppose the big thing for a common interest I
07:00Love theater and I love films and I love the arts
07:04That would be nice that that would be something that I really would like to share with somebody
07:11Yeah, I like going to the theater I'm very open to anything
07:15Julian likes to give generously of himself and that among other reasons is why he's back welcome mr.
07:23Hello, hi there. How's everything? How's your memory?
07:27Julian I was here six years ago. Yeah, I'm a giver. I'm not a taker so
07:32To be nice to share something with somebody. It's a lady here. She's I don't know. It doesn't matter
07:40You look well, you look better than 75 really, but it doesn't matter is the way you put it you're quite right
07:46Yeah, I feel wonderful in the evening. It's wonderful
07:49Then there's no nicer thing than
07:52Make probably somebody to share it with to have a drink and discuss not what you've done
07:57But what they've done, you know to share that so one misses that no, I mean
08:02That's Julian
08:05How are you?
08:07My god, I can't believe it
08:13I'm desperate for a woman
08:17Did I not listen properly your name I was just about to ask
08:26Thank You Julian, my name is Ronnie Ronnie are a and I
08:30Yes, good. Good. Yes. Yes. Yes kindness. That's the bottom line. Really. It's kindness
08:37kind to humans and
08:39Kind to dogs. In fact all animals. Do you like dogs?
08:45Love them. Oh, not the outdoor life. Oh
08:48Yeah, I'm a gardener. I'm an Irish country boy, you know, I had the horses and
08:54Dogs and we're at the the outdoor life and I'm a gardener
08:57So I love plants and and I like the theater and culture and love Newbridge. I used to go to the theater in Newbridge
09:05Yes, very nice smoke theater. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah that one there and
09:10Cheers Ronnie. Cheers. I'm lovely to meet you. Oh me too
09:19I never asked you how old I am. I'm 23. Oh my god. Oh, yeah
09:24How old did you think I was? I saw like 27
09:28Sugar mommy
09:33Nobody you don't look your age
09:36I don't know. It's like it's a compliment like you look more mature. Thank you very much. I try to be mature
09:45You said 25 was a yeah, I kind of prefer older girls anyway, I feel like
09:52Yeah, that's it
09:55For me, it's so important to have meaningful conversation with the person
10:00We definitely need to have something to talk about, you know
10:04Recently, I heard a really cool phrase and I always try to follow this phrase
10:09One guy said like we feel depressed when we think about past and we feel very anxious
10:18So I can't remember where I saw it but it's just stick in my mind and not all the time
10:23I try to follow my emotions. How do I feel? I know you're right. You're right like that. Yeah. No, I agree
10:29I agree. I know that I've heard that before
10:32That's good
10:33I'm very driven towards like being successful
10:36Like I feel like that's my number one driver is like all I want to be is all I want to be known for is
10:41Being a success. Maybe I'll never be a success. But like like what I'm trying to achieve
10:45I hear you're said all the right things to be fair and I literally agree everything you said there
10:50Yeah, I was him would you say a deep thinker I am yeah, I would say so too
10:55I'm still trying to figure out like what I'm what I'm supposed to be doing in my life
10:58But yeah, it's every day slow. I know one day I will figure it out. Yeah
11:07Adorable frisky and terribly affectionate in many ways Connor is a man's best friend
11:20I think that it's important that the energy is matched, but I think if they're exactly like me just be garbage
11:34Just gonna be myself as people say although some of my friends have told me to not be myself
11:42I like making people laugh because I think that puts my knees and allows kind of things to open up a bit more and
11:48I'm a fairly open book. And I think I wear my heart so far down on my sleeve sometimes falls on the ground, man
11:54You're gonna be great
11:55Hopefully find you something what you're looking for
12:01There's a bit of nerves because you know, you don't know the person but I kind of I'd like to think I can hit it
12:06Off kind of quickly with most people. All right, Neil. Let's corner. Hi. How are you?
12:10You go on forever
12:17I've never felt so short in my life. Look at look at the shades, you know, they are Narcos
12:29So, I think we go starters and main yeah, then I'll still go more on the vegetarian side to me, okay
12:36Yes, there's a vegan one there fennel orange and quinoa salad Jesus. That sounds wonderful
12:42Hmm I might go for the fish which is Atlantic cod. Yeah, I'm a fishy. Yeah, I like fish
12:49I'm very fishy. I
12:53Think when I was in school, I was less confident and then I suppose
12:59in some ways I forced myself to be more confident and
13:03Put myself in situations that tested me or challenged me a little bit and found that you know, it wasn't so bad after all
13:11I'm gonna be very rude and ask you your name again
13:15No problem. I'm Julian show you a
13:19Say something about putting it up there. Yes, and the rude one is that you know, don't tell me it's not really rude
13:27You just picture somebody with no clothes on that is easy. I think so
13:32Do I miss now being in a relationship?
13:36Well recently I was on a holiday Sun holiday and you know, what was the thing that really struck me?
13:42I had nobody to put sunblock on my back
13:46Are you content in your life as it is? Yes, very content. Yeah, I feel very lucky. Yes
13:52Yes, a few very good friends. I really feel that
13:58some older people, you know
14:02It's it upsets me a lot to feel they're being neglected
14:06I'm very lucky very good health to Viking fingers, you know
14:12The tender needs to be cut
14:18One tries to stay as independent and healthy for as long as one can
14:24But it's not always possible and then you need somebody with sympathy, you know
14:32Look jokingly
14:35Fillers and everything. Oh, yeah, and this is because it hurts me to shave
14:40Okay, but if some lovely lady would like to be kissed and rushed I would remove it
14:59Daniel's a serious looker, but don't be fooled by that smoldering expression. I have a pretty boring life
15:06I just stay home. No, I'm kidding
15:09No, I love to party. I love to go out. I love to hang out with friends
15:16Welcome hello. How are you? Your name Daniel some say I do have that kind of like resting bitch face, you know
15:24There's just like
15:26Happy to be here. Mm-hmm. Yeah, I'm nervous, but very happy. Yeah, you don't come across as intense
15:31Yeah, which is good. No, no, you have poker face, which is good. You know, I'm so not like that
15:35I love for the laughs. I love for the banter
15:45Daniel Daniel Connor Connor
15:48I mean the first days we're getting to know them. It's not about anything to kind of mad
15:52It's just about kind of it's kind of having the crack and seeing to see him out of your jail. Where are you from?
15:56I'm from a place called Dunboyne. Okay, so it's technically County Meade. Well, we have Dublin bus. So I like okay
16:02I don't like to say I mean
16:07Hi, how are you? Hi great. How are you? Good Neal Daniel?
16:10I said, what would you like to drink? Can I get a glass of prosecco? You can of course. Absolutely
16:15Yeah, I don't know. I don't really have a specific type for looks
16:18But if they if they look well and they present themselves well and they're confident in themselves then that's that's that's a winner for me
16:24Now we're growing a great guy to be there. Thank you. Enjoy
16:34Do you have like brothers and sisters or name? Oh, yeah, I have two two
16:39Sisters two sisters. I've three brothers three brothers. Yeah. Oh my god. So four in total exactly
16:44Are you close to your sisters? Yeah, I am. Yeah, but they're far away. So it's right to see each other
16:51or talk
16:53Phone sometimes but you know with the youngest one is pretty hard. She doesn't care
16:57Yeah, no, she gives you as much as possible attention when you see you in real life, but on the phone
17:03She's like hi and run away when the war started nobody knew what to expect
17:09So when I came to Ireland
17:12Everything was absolutely new for me. You're a bit lost. You don't know anybody
17:17So you feel like you step into a new page of your life. There's a tough being kind of far away
17:24No, I would say like it's a normal way to be
17:27Separatized from your parents. Yes, like it's a process of growing up
17:32but yeah
17:34At some point when you have really tough time you want to come to your mommy and daddy
17:40They can protect you you think you ever feel lonely
17:45Loads of time before I learned have to be on my own
17:50Before I was always struggling. I had the problem that I need to go out with anybody
17:56So I learned have to be on my own and now I don't feel lonely. I just feel happy by myself
18:02I presume you don't have any kids do
18:04No, I don't know I wish how many how many kids you how many kids is you like
18:12Three yeah
18:15Yeah, that's fine twins
18:19Family is the most important thing for me. I'm ready to have babies
18:24Because I always want to be a young mom, you know, it's so cool. Yeah, I always will choose kids. Yeah, me too
18:30Yeah, that's so cool, huh, it's very unusual because usually guys they're like I hate kids
18:36Very unusual. I didn't expect to hear this answers. Well, I don't I wouldn't
18:41Are you're too young for this?
18:44I'll be I would still
18:46Probably wait a couple years
18:48Didn't I think I like I do want kids, but I feel like when you you have them like there's no going back
18:53There's no going back like so
18:56You have to enjoy your life as well. Mm-hmm
19:01You say you've a dog have you I have four who have you I
19:06particularly like sight hounds
19:08Sight hands greyhound whippets, etc. Okay, and I love all I have two rottweilers
19:15Oh Jesus Christ, I better behave
19:20Check the arm I get steel on
19:24Absolute sweethearts, but they've got a bad rep
19:26So when people see them they kind of go and then other people just go oh my god, they're beautiful I go. Yes you are, too
19:35They're absolutely lovable and my son so
19:40We divided in two right and my son and live on one. Yeah, and I live on the other right great idea
19:46He said to me so mom if you want to come over just text me because I might have a friend over, you know
19:53And I was kind of thinking to myself. Yeah
19:56Okay, so
19:57Maybe you do the same for me
20:01Guess what breed I would be if I was a dog. Oh my goodness
20:07Jesus it's so obvious
20:13Here's my tail I
20:17Haven't a clue
20:19perpetual motion
20:40You haven't looked at the menu we let Alice decide
20:44It depends like are you wanting to just have a bit of crack and take a risk and have some oysters or do you?
20:49want to go
20:52Let's go for it
20:55You seem very excited
21:05Just like his namesake Dylan is a performer by choice, but a lyricist not hard
21:11I am a musician. I'm in a band with my brother called meet the TV and we do like rock pop energetic kind of stuff
21:24Think it's the most important thing in the world kind of isn't it like
21:29All you need is love, you know, love is all you need
21:43I'm here
21:46Thought that was the door. It's sort of an unspoken thing. It's something you feel and it's something that happens every day and it's
21:55We all long for it. I think in some ways. Let me try this. I like your seat. Oh, it's cool
22:02All right, yeah, I'll sit down. Oh, yeah, I'll see you stripping him. Make sure I get it back for the date though. Oh
22:07That's nice
22:10My baby
22:15I guess I've had a blind date before feel like I'm good at rolling with the punches. Maybe I'm just like
22:21I'll get through it. Anyway, I think this is my lucky chain
22:25I wear that everywhere all my gigs and my dates and shit cool, man. Hopefully brings us some luck today. Yeah
22:31What a dead skull
22:38Jewels gets a lot of compliments for her vintage chic and her impressive bangs
22:44I've had the fringe for six years now and it's half my personality. It's brilliant
22:50It costs a lot of money to look this cheap
22:52It's my housemates have gotten used to it now and I'm there in the full of robe with the full of rollers in the hair and
22:57head cup of coffee kind of like
23:10You look gorgeous
23:13It's cute isn't it's a record box it's meant for keeping seven-inch singles in
23:19The height thing doesn't matter to me at all like I'm five foot four like save the tall lads for the tall girls
23:24I don't need them
23:35Like vintage Marks and Spencers, I love it. This is also my mom's
23:40Do you get approached much by people when you're age? No, not really only our fellas
23:45But that's about it. Would you like a drink?
23:47Yeah, I'm gonna go over to Cosmo because I only watched the second sex in the city movie last night
23:55Seen it. Have you seen the original series? I've never seen the show like
24:00My birthday is the same date as Sarah Jessica Parker's. There you go
24:10It's okay. No, it's also the same as Aretha Franklin and Elton John, I know
24:31Hey, do you chew it it's up to you I like to give it one or two choose some people just swallow, okay
24:39We won't go any further
24:45What kind of bad habits has single life taught you having sex with men anonymously
24:51After a while, it just gets boring
24:54and just like I
24:56Think I've also grown as a person a little bit and just like, you know, that's not really enough anymore
25:08Well, there's a smell like that so slowly
25:12Okay, right so right and then
25:21Boy you just went for it
25:28I wasn't actually too bad
25:36Literally have a folder where I'm recording videos saying like hi my future kids your mom like now in Brazil in front of
25:46And I'm like, oh your auntie and me we're on a boat meeting the sunset so beautiful moment
25:52We're just having a glass of wine
25:55That's not a bad idea. No, it's good. See now I need to record a video
26:02A future when I'm gonna have a kid, I want to show my babies how mom was so cool
26:08So now you have to make a video for me
26:12You're as a video director you have to say to me where is better should I stand up or should I sit down?
26:19So you have to tell me my good uncle then you have to tell me like where is like, I don't look
26:26You know
26:29So and where is better to seat if I was to ask you to rate yourself on a scale of one to ten
26:35I had a fight in with my mom recently because I gave myself four and she was like wow
26:41So now I work a lot on myself esteem and I would scale myself now maybe for eight
26:48What about hair? Okay, that's good. Okay. So what I should do not you're like a film director
26:54You need to give me like scenario
26:58You're good
27:00Look over there now over there
27:04Yeah, perfect
27:06I'm not gonna worry. Yeah, I'll be your personal photographer. Oh, you need to have a lot of patience. So
27:18I'd like to be in love
27:21I'm very I am very romantic. Yes. Okay, love women
27:25Well, the only men in my life they've mostly been brutes
27:29So I went to my guardian who in County love had offered me a home
27:34Okay, and I was her immaculate conception and she was the love of my life
27:38My parents parted when we were young and so this lady
27:43Had offered to have me
27:46Best thing in my life and we had the greyhounds from the dogs. You see in common. Yes and other things
27:53She cultured me a bit
27:55Nurturing is so important. I believe you can turn around
27:59Lots of people, you know, if they had the good fortune to be shown what's right
28:04And what's wrong and have a little bit of discipline. We shouldn't we'd be lucky that we're alive and well
28:11And you know, I've been through luck. I've been through quite a lot of
28:15Illnesses with people that I loved my wife got cancer breast cancer
28:20So that was sad, but she was so brave my my guardian also had cancer life
28:26Wasn't just in a kind of even stream when I was younger has made me a kind of being able to cope with that
28:34both were incredibly brave and
28:37You know, I have two very nice boys
28:39So I feel I've been so lucky because you need to know the other side the earlier side to want that
28:49Yes to go on there. I mean, I'm a real life. Sorry. I'm that's me
28:56Jules right. What are we doing? Hey, Jules. Oh, yeah, actually. Yeah, originally the song was supposed to be. Yeah
29:02No, that's right. You've got the same birthday, you know these things
29:07Are you into music? Oh, that's like yeah. Okay. Absolutely. I'm a musician and I'm in a band
29:13Oh, what kind of on who you're influencing and go for it
29:16It's me and my brother Elliot and we kind of just do our own it's kind of a blend of our own
29:21Style what you think about being in a band with your brother? Do you not think that that's gonna go?
29:27Yeah, see what I think we say this at gigs we're like we're like the Gallagher brothers but better look at
29:33Who are your like top five? I don't want to really make myself sound really problematic. I'm a big Smiths fan
29:38Like I'm okay, it's my son. I'm also a solo Morrissey fan
29:44Should have kept to myself
29:47It's like music tastes important
29:50it is quite important actually, which might sound like like a bit snobby, but I really connect with people through music and
29:58If they're like, oh, no, I don't like music at all. I'd be like
30:02Well, what are we gonna talk about for the next two hours? I was named after Bob Dylan. Okay, I'm Steve
30:07Do you know Steve Earl vaguely remind me? He wrote Galway girl, you know Galway girl
30:13I know it's a bit nap, but his one's cooler. So my name is Dylan Earl Crampton
30:18So it's named after Bob and then Steve named after Jules Holland
30:24It's just a huge part of my life
30:25So if I can't like bond with somebody over that I'd be like, ah, that's a shame
30:29If you could go to any gig in history, what would it be Oh Jules? That's that is tough. That's
30:35Can I give you two to two answers probably live aid, okay. Yeah fair enough to be fair and
30:42The band the last Waltz. Okay. Yeah
30:46Yeah, no
30:48when somebody doesn't like the Beatles like
30:50Be weary of them
30:52Yeah, so it is important to me. What about you? What would be yours?
30:55I don't think everyone would want to go to the Beatles and like Hamburg. That would be cool
31:00Sorry, I did I thought of Shea Stadium. Yeah too loud the girls
31:08Got I got I got a matching tattoo of my friend. It's like a bad drawing of a cake
31:12So there's a me and my friend me and my friend there Jake Connor and Jake's camera
31:19Yeah, it's all like it's like we're gonna pick bad drawn I drop when I spend more than 60 quid on this
31:27Excuse me
31:29Sorry, I'm like I'm like a tick America I have OCD sounds like a little tick
31:33So it comes out sometimes but I'm not it sounds like I'm dying but I'm not
31:40OCD is kind of shaped how I look at the world. I used to not it used to be a building
31:44I used to not be able to look at because the OCD like if you if you look at that building you're gonna something awful
31:49It's gonna happen and you get this fear and I know logically that that is bizarre
31:54that's absolutely crazy, but you have this OCD train of thought that it's all about feelings and
31:59If you see the building logic is telling you it's fine, but it's the fear that just overtakes everything
32:06like I was bullied for my OCD like
32:08And I got really bad like because I got you different ticks kind of did not taste different kind of things
32:14Come come and go. Yeah, I wouldn't bullied a lot for some of them a skill and I was just like give me their names
32:21Growing up with I'm not knowing what it was and kind of thinking that just this is how minds work. This is awful
32:27Put a you know, you know, you kind of learn to you like you learn to kind of you learn different kind of
32:33Mechanisms to kind of overcome it. Well, obviously, you know kids would be cruel or whatever
32:37It's at the same time. It's like if you look at it logically, it's like what difference does me doing that make to you?
32:41Why do you feel you need to put someone down?
32:43When you find out that it's not you doing it purposely or it's not like there's a reason you can't stop and that kind of makes
32:50You go. Oh, well, like I couldn't help it. So why on earth you telling me to stop when you know, I can't
32:55Yeah, exactly it doesn't make any sense
33:02Thank you very much, okay
33:06I'm getting it. So this is okay. Yeah
33:10Really nice. Yeah, I did a good day. Did you did you have a good day? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah
33:16When we start talking to each other
33:18Actually, I'm a bit surprised we have pretty similar mindset and it's so cool to talk
33:22I feel like I was talking with a mirror
33:25I don't know how to explain it. So what was the first thing that you pay attention when you met me tea teas?
33:31Yeah, did I was like did I meet you with like I just thought that's just instantly what I would look at first and for me
33:39There's chocolate. It's not my heart
33:43Should I yes, please?
33:45Okay, I'll get this if that's okay. He may be younger, but he knows the rules of the game
33:51Would you like to see each other again
33:54Yeah, man first, I'm happy to see her again, yeah say yeah, I don't mind yeah
34:01Let's go
34:03What next?
34:04It's really cool
34:07I appreciate it. Oh, you take it easy
34:12Pillows taking picture. I love beyond a camera. So it's perfect. You know free camera man
34:22So say like hi Tanya's future kids
34:28Here we are on a first date
34:34Tanya's future kids
34:37Exactly, maybe his too, but I'm not sure
34:49Will you kiss
34:58How are you good, how are you both doing we I think we're good are we yeah
35:05After you I'm gonna go with the cod cods lovely
35:08And yourself, I would also love the Cobb
35:11Cobb Cobb
35:13Cod bush, is that what you're gonna say? Could I get it?
35:16It's the lemon butter sauce on the cod. Yes. Do you want it on the side? Could I get it on the side?
35:22That's okay. If the fish could just be like kind of separated if that's okay. Yeah, and that'd be cool
35:28Do you want like a side or anything? Okay
35:31Food is really really important to me. It's my love language. I love cooking for people. I love
35:37Trying new things like I probably eat more sushi than I do potatoes
35:45Give you some water for the table. They're free. How are you getting on so far? Good. Yeah
35:51He's very interesting. He's extremely interesting. Hey, well, you wouldn't want a boring date. Would you so?
35:57Good loads today. He does have plenty to say he's doing some listening as well. Well, he will in a minute
36:06But he seems like he's lived a life yes
36:09You've stories absolutely always I find that such a you know a big part and he's a survivor
36:16Yes, well, I can hear from this
36:19Even if I'm his early experiences and as he said, he's a glass-half-full man
36:25That's very important as well. It's a very interesting person. Yeah, and he likes dogs and horses
36:30How can you go wrong?
36:34If you need anything just give me a show I will indeed thank you so much
36:42'm trying to like be so like
36:46Falling in my mouth
36:49It's like I'd never go for food in the first day ever
36:53Don't give just so good
36:55Yeah, they did they like they need to know me before I'm just like what sorry
37:00Thank you so much jealous. Cheers. This looks nice. I love a bit of fish very fancy
37:06I kind of thought it's gonna be like battered cod
37:09But no, it looks great
37:10So you wouldn't be a big you won't be big food you wouldn't go for dinner that often or anything
37:13I do, but I'm real like a plain eater. I go to the same restaurant in the same town
37:22I'm a big I hate the word foodie. I think it's overused
37:25Yeah, but my mom owned a restaurant when I was growing up my mom and dad
37:30Met working in a restaurant in Dublin
37:33So I'm a big eater. I go up for dinner on my own all the time
37:37I don't wait for someone
37:44I've gained a lot more confidence in myself after being in two serious relationships
37:49You kind of sometimes stop seeing yourself as an attractive person with something to offer
37:54You're so settled into just being in the two of you. Have you been on like many days yourself and suffer?
38:00I I like dating as a social thing. I like getting dressed up. I like talking to people
38:05Finding things out about people. Yeah, it's a it's a fun thing for me. I would honestly I'm actually the same
38:11You know, I haven't been on a date in like five months. Okay, I
38:15Actually quite like being on my own. I do love being single kind of but then I get lonely like everyone
38:22I guess but I do want to experience love as well because I'm never like I've never been in love with anyone
38:28I'm kind of I
38:30Refer to myself as by or whatever cuz I'm kind of a float anyway, I'm confused man
38:38Alright, like I just sort of say it's easy to say I'm by whatever or I'm try. I'll try anything try sexual
38:44But I haven't been on date in months. I just find it's real. We're in a weird era for meeting people
38:50I know the last the last relationship that I was in I felt like I am on the last chopper ahead of now
38:55This is brilliant. Yeah, he's a mess season
39:01Are you getting on
39:04So, how's it going
39:07We haven't stopped talking
39:09She's beautiful. I mean when I saw her those beautiful eyes and so I
39:15Was very of course I was delighted
39:18So I'm very lucky. I mean God knows, you know, whether she gets in touch with me anymore or whatever, you know
39:25We've a lot in common so very lucky. Yeah, God, you know it's our age what you're a patch. Oh
39:32Wish so you could both of you. Did you feel a spark between you?
39:37Well, I hope so because I certainly would like to see her if it's possible again
39:43Yeah, are you gonna say? How did you guess? Of course?
39:46Don't think I'm gonna ask her to pay afraid gentlemanly of you
39:50He has a lovely smile and a lovely laugh and he's very
39:54Gregarious, I suppose and I also felt that he was a little bit nervous
39:58Not that I wasn't
40:02Are you sure we don't want to go
40:06To the end to the end
40:09No, not a gentleman. No not a chance. I'm joking
40:14to the end
40:15Do you think he wants to see you again I'd say probably yes
40:23Do we have coats or jackets or anything I don't know fantastic
40:30I'm not so fortunate to have such lovely big finish the sentence gorgeous eyes
40:41Would you like to see each other again romantically
40:49Fortunately, no
40:53Sorry, that's right
40:58I'm not
41:00desperately disappointed because it takes time to get to know each other, but I certainly was attracted to Ronnie and
41:08Felt she was very nice, but I can accept what her feelings are
41:15Though I was open to
41:18finding a companion a friend
41:22Unfortunately, it just didn't seem to happen this time
41:26Lovely meeting you and the best of luck to you. Okay. Bye. Bye. Thank you, Ronnie. Thank you
41:42What's the town you're a problem hungry like Oh
41:45It's a very small town is it like yeah, really?
41:48Yeah, kind of small town of like 8,000 people a lot small thousand people. Yeah. Yeah, well, you know, like everybody knows everybody
41:57Yeah, everybody knows everybody's business and they are up in there
42:03So I grew up in in a huge family I have seven siblings and
42:09it was just kind of
42:12Chaotic at all times I have worn and that's too many
42:18Yeah, so it's like everybody knew us yeah, everybody knew this family and it was just like, you know
42:22You couldn't go anywhere. Like when I was a teenager and I was trying to you know, like get around get a hook up
42:28With some boys
42:34It was not easy to be honest, I was a very flamboyant kids
42:38I would get up in front of everybody and just, you know, perform a lip-sync performance of some something local and
42:47Playing with Barbies and dolls and you know all the kind of stuff
42:50But I guess somewhere around like age six and seven I started to notice that it's like ooh
42:55Like not everybody is liking this. I learned very very quickly. That's like who I am
43:04It's not a good not not not that it's not that good but like not that accepted as in society
43:10Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So it was like I tried to hide my real self like yeah in a very young age
43:17Yeah, and I kept on struggling with that for many many years. Yeah, there was just like, you know, like who am I?
43:23Yeah, yeah, like who really am I I?
43:27Kind of had to learn to pick up this mask and just hide my true identity
43:35for for the most part of it and
43:38You just shot all of it inside
43:41everybody loves to
43:42Tell you how you should live your life
43:45What you should do like I used to live in my brother the same
43:49Yeah, and I was like, he wouldn't let me go anywhere basically by myself and it was just like, okay like it
43:54Chill like yeah, I don't need you follow me. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, like I need to go do my thing. Yeah, you know be gay
44:03You know, yeah, but it's like now that I'm you know, like 32 whatever my younger sister is as well 30
44:08Yeah, she has an ex-husband and two kids. Oh wow
44:12She's living her life
44:14And so am I I have an ex-husband as well. Oh, wow
44:24I've just nipped into the bathroom after having my dessert just fix my lipstick my hair, but yeah dinner was lovely
44:31He's very chatty. We've a lot in common with the music and stuff. He's from Dublin
44:36The only thing is he's a self-declared picky eater, but like hey look at least if you're if you're saying it
44:42So I know that's that's one big kind of
44:46Difference and a little flag so far
45:01Well, how did it go how'd you get on
45:06first initially I thought he looked so tall and I was like
45:12Okay, I can make it work. I don't like I wouldn't be mad about like pretentious places like my kind of I was like more like
45:21Chill have the crack like I can tell like by the mullet. Well, if you hit the mullet, which is really sexy
45:25I got I thought it was very cute. He seemed very genuine like a an honest and
45:34You know like trustworthy guy
45:40Okay, no, no, no, no, you're not
45:49In real life
45:52Absolutely amazing amazing. So would you guys like to see each other again? I
46:02Had a lot of fun, I thought was great cracking you a little boy
46:05Just don't feel that the spark I was looking for was a hundred percent there and it's zero reflection
46:10You know, I do think you're great. I think we had a lot of fun for that. It just wasn't just wasn't there for me
46:15Okay, okay, that's fair. Yeah, that's fair. I would have said yes, but now I'm gonna say I think the spark wasn't there fully
46:30Think we're a little different people. But yeah, I was ready to like give it another go
46:53It's either revolver, okay, or I kind of love the white album. I thought she was cool
47:01I thought she was like real confident and kind of like I liked her yellow
47:05Bag thing and she had like records in it. So it's straight away. I was like, okay, she knows her music
47:10And so but no I had a great time. I hope she had a great time as well
47:15Sorry, I'm gonna grab this. All right. Yeah
47:22Moment of truth then do you think you would like to see each other again romantically?
47:30Aprevu yeah, I think yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I think I'd like that. Yeah, let's go for it
47:37No, I didn't I just I was gonna say I raw dogs, but that's not very ladylike language, but I'm
47:45Whelan's. Oh, yeah
47:47Karaoke, I'm gonna be dolly and he's gonna do Kenny and
48:03No, I had good fun he was good he made me feel really comfortable he was really interesting and
48:11Polite yeah, nothing too crazy flirty, but I think that's appropriate for a first day
48:28I'm not scoops
48:41How can we be wrong
48:45You've also hit on the best-ever ship name
49:01To LA and Ireland perfect. I thought they were given handjobs in the club
49:11Sleep in my socks. I swim my socks really
49:21No, he can sing like
