• 10 hours ago
Penn & Teller Fool Us Season 11 Episode 5


00:19From the Penn and Teller Theater
00:21at the Rio Hotel in Las Vegas,
00:25here's our host, Brooke Burke!
00:28Welcome to Fool Us.
00:42So anyone who follows my socials knows that I always rave about hosting this show.
00:47That's why I'm live streaming right now,
00:49because I wanted to show all of you what it's like to work with all of you.
00:57So together, let's all go crazy as we bring out two of magic's biggest influencers,
01:03Penn and Teller!
01:24Oh, it's so cool!
01:27As always, Penn and Teller watch each trick and then they try to figure it out.
01:30And if they're stumped, they give away a famous Fool Us trophy.
01:35Oh, wait a second. I just got a DM.
01:38They're letting me know that we are ready for our first magician.
01:43I live in a remote part of Italy where the rhythms of nature are the only clock.
01:50In Italy, the past and the present compete.
01:53In some ways, it's a country built on ruins.
01:57I think that's why I've always had a sense of time hurrying past
02:02and a desire to hold my memories in my hands.
02:07I'm a junior in college studying film, and big changes are coming fast.
02:12I've dreamed of magic my whole life,
02:15but to perform in Las Vegas is so big a dream I still can't believe it's happening.
02:21Tonight, Penn and Teller could decide my future for me,
02:26but if that change is coming, I'm ready.
02:37How about some magic from Italian magician Francesco Della Bona?
06:27Francesco Della Bona!
06:31Wow! That was so beautiful.
06:37What inspires your magic?
06:39I study cinema, also arts, theatre and music.
06:45I think for a magician it's very important not to focus only on magic.
06:51What do you hope to accomplish next in your magic career?
06:56My next goal is to perform around the world,
07:00and creating my own one-man show.
07:04Do you prefer to do magic where language is not necessary?
07:09Yeah, I like when one act is international, like this one.
07:14In Korea, they are very famous to do manipulation,
07:17so an Italian that's going to perform in Korea,
07:22it's something strange, but they love it, so I'm very happy.
07:26All right, Francesco, let's find out right now if you fooled Penn and Teller.
07:30Are we ready? Good luck.
07:35What an act, Francesco, just beautiful.
07:38You've taken a card manipulation act and made it abstract,
07:42but you've added so much to what's been done in card manipulation acts.
07:47And there are moments in that that are absolutely instantaneous,
07:51breathtaking and supernatural, just really, really beautiful,
07:55just gorgeous, gorgeous stuff in there.
07:58And the moments when the things just freeze in time and just stand totally still,
08:05we have an idea of how hard that is.
08:08That is to say, we know it's wicked, wicked hard.
08:11And it's just all so beautiful and stark and simple.
08:16You're Italian, but you know that wonderful movie, The Bicycle Thief,
08:20that's black and white and a piece of art and just gorgeous all the way through.
08:26We just loved it.
08:28It's just terrific and great and as much as we loved it,
08:33we do not think you fooled us.
08:37Now the audience turns on us.
08:42See, they're getting angry.
08:45Does Penn's code mean that you didn't fool them?
08:53I don't know what it has to do with Italian movies.
08:55We certainly loved it, but they figured out how you did your trick.
08:59Thank you, Francesco.
09:01Thank you so much.
09:05Francesco Della Bona.
09:09Up next, Penn and Teller break down a few more tricks
09:12and later you'll see them perform one of their own.
09:14So stay close.
09:29We're back and ready to show you a great trick by this next incredible magician.
09:36I'm a 16-year-old magician from Denver, Colorado.
09:39You walk into a dimly lit magic shop.
09:41A person behind the counter shows you a magic trick.
09:43Then they say,
09:45So, you want to know how it's done?
09:47And that's when you enter the rabbit hole.
09:49And magic is a very, very deep rabbit hole.
09:53My first love was coin magic.
09:55The weight in my hands, the glimmer, the shine, it really called me in.
10:00I wanted to do my own solo magic show.
10:02I learned a ton of tricks, but none of them really reflected my personality and style of magic.
10:07So I started to invent magic that really spoke to myself.
10:10And I've been doing it ever since.
10:12My other passion is music.
10:14The tuba's an incredible instrument and has a glimmer and shine of its own.
10:17Music influences the pacing and flow of my magic.
10:20Tonight, my trick will combine both of my greatest passions.
10:24Penn, Teller, can I fool you with both magic and music?
10:27Let's see.
10:35Here to bring some class to the program, it's Liam Abner.
10:51Thank you. Truly.
10:54Now, people often mix up what instrument this is.
10:57Sometimes I get trumpet, other times trombone.
11:00One time a guy, confidence through the roof, said to me,
11:03Wow, you look good playing that French horn.
11:05So, let's get the record straight.
11:07That's a tuba.
11:08And tonight, I'd like to combine just a little bit of music and just a little bit of magic
11:11in a way I hope you won't soon forget.
11:13But to do that, I'll need the help of a participant.
11:15So, Brooke, would you mind helping out?
11:16I'd love to.
11:17Terrific. Ladies and gentlemen, give her a hand.
11:20Thank you. Nice to meet you. I'm Liam.
11:21It's a pleasure to meet you.
11:22How can I help you?
11:23Now, to help teach just a little bit about music, I brought these.
11:26These are a deck of music flashcards.
11:28They helped me learn music when I was first getting started.
11:31Now, on the cards are different pieces of musical term and notation.
11:36So, for example, a whole note, they're all very different.
11:39This is all gibberish to you, I'm sure, unless you play instruments.
11:42I do not.
11:43It should be seen that they are completely all different.
11:47Now that you know they're all different, Brooke, I'd like you to just reach in the center
11:50and choose whichever card is singing to you.
11:53How about this one?
11:55I'm going to take it out.
11:56Good. Just take it out for us.
11:58We can see what it is here.
12:00Oh, staccato. That is a fantastic marking.
12:03Staccato means to play your notes very short and poignant.
12:07You see what we see with the gist here?
12:09Very short and poignant staccato.
12:11Now, most musical terms are in Italian.
12:15I should mention that.
12:16Now, staccato is certainly interesting, definitely unique, but it's not special.
12:21So, Brooke, will you sign your name just to cross staccato for us?
12:26Anywhere. And draw us a little picture, too.
12:27Make it a little fancy for us to see.
12:31How's that?
12:32Perfect. Oh, a little smiley face. I love it. There you go.
12:36Thank you. I'll take that. We don't need that anymore.
12:38And now we have the cards, the staccato marking.
12:41Brooke, you're going to take this staccato and you're going to place it anywhere inside of the pack of cards.
12:46Just go ahead.
12:48That's wherever.
12:49You ready?
12:51How's that?
12:52Perfect. And can you square up the cards as well for us?
12:56Inside the pack, the cards squared.
12:58Now we have to give them a shuffle.
13:00I'll give them a shuffle. Actually, let's do this.
13:02You take that half, I'll take this half.
13:04Just go ahead and give them a mix.
13:05Just go ahead and give them a mix.
13:07That's perfect. There you go.
13:08Should we be fancy?
13:09That's awesome.
13:10I'll take them back when you're done.
13:13We'll give them even more of a shuffle.
13:15Just like so.
13:16Fancy shuffle, right?
13:18And now we can truly, truly begin.
13:20The cards are going to go inside of the tuba, inside of the tuba, but not quite yet.
13:26Because I'd like you to see that every single card truly does go inside the tuba.
13:30Packet by packet, group by group, every single card.
13:37I do have one more introduction for you, however, and it's this.
13:40This is Conductor's Wand, used to conduct symphonies and orchestras all across the globe.
13:45Tonight we will be following its immense reputation with a magic trick.
13:49Shall we? Let's do it.
13:50One card, one wand, one tuba, and just a little bit of my intuition.
13:56Here we go.
14:03I think we got one, Brooke.
14:05I really do think we got one.
14:07One card. What was your card again, Brooke?
14:11I think it was the staccato with that beautiful smiley face on it, wasn't it?
14:15One card, Brooke's card, the staccato.
14:21This will be Brooke's for you.
14:23Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Liam Abner.
14:25Thank you so very much for letting me spend this evening with you.
14:29Liam Abner, everyone. Thank you.
14:31Excellent. Thank you.
14:34Great job.
14:36You're adorable.
14:41Have you always loved to get up in front of an audience?
14:43I have. Whether it was putting on shows with, like, family, friends, or neighbors,
14:47or performances with the two-bar instruments, I've really, really loved performing since I was young, yeah.
14:51So who do you perform your magic for?
14:53The majority of people I perform for, families, school, anyone that wants to watch magic, corporate, private, I'll perform for.
15:00What's more fun, your classmates or corporate gigs?
15:03Corporate gigs, actually.
15:04Oh, really?
15:05Yeah, because my classmates try to figure everything out. They're all like, you know, how is this done?
15:08They either burn me with their eyes, or they take the deck out of my hands, or take the coins out of my hands, you know, looking at every minute detail.
15:15I bet. I bet.
15:16Sort of like Fool Us, but in school.
15:18Well, let's find out if the notes that Penn and Teller have for you are music to your ears.
15:22Let's do it.
15:23You ready?
15:26Hey, Liam. Boy, I just loved your play on the tuba. I just loved that.
15:29You know, for me, who started out as a musician and a juggler, it's so nice to see a magician who knows how to do something.
15:37I really like to see that, that there's actually another skill involved.
15:41And you were talking about how people don't know what it is.
15:44Well, there's a little bit of a mnemonic device you can use, because tuba, as you know, is an acronym.
15:51You know, scuba stands for self-contained underwater breathing apparatus, and tuba stands for terrible underwater breathing apparatus.
16:00It just doesn't work at all.
16:02You drown your ass in a second. It's terrible.
16:05So that's a way to remember. You had control of the tuba. You had control of the card trick.
16:10You had all of that going together. That's a rough thing to do.
16:13You did a great job all the way through. Really liked it.
16:16And, you know, I play upright bass and electric bass, and I've always loved the sound of tuba.
16:22And one of these days, I'm going to take a stab at it.
16:24It's a fabulous instrument. You play it really well, and it's great to have you on the show.
16:29And we just love that whole routine, because a card fountain coming out of the bell of a tuba is like such a perfect cartoon image.
16:38It just looked beautiful that way, and so we absolutely loved it.
16:43I snuck in a few turns, and we'll find out if you kind of dug what we were laying down.
16:49What do you think? Do you think they figured it out?
16:51I think they got me. That's right. This has been a whole ton of fun, so thank you.
16:55We really enjoyed that. And I wish you so much luck.
16:58Thank you, Liam. Everybody give it up for Liam Attenborough.
17:04So cute.
17:06No Foolers yet, but the night is still young.
17:08See Penn and Teller take on more magicians right after this.
17:28Welcome back to Fooless. Let's meet the next magician who's messing with P&T.
17:34I do my best to be a showman, but I'm a nerd, a geek.
17:38I found solace in the Rubik's Cube. I learned to solve the Rubik's Cube to impress a girl at school.
17:43But by the time I'd learned to solve it, she'd forgotten never mentioning it.
17:46She accidentally ended up changing my life.
17:48Nerds are traditionally misfits. This creates a feedback loop.
17:52You spend time alone, use it to acquire useless skills and knowledge.
17:55Others can't relate, so you spend more time alone.
17:57I owe my career to social anxiety.
18:00Like most nerds, I was hugely into science fiction.
18:02Now we're all living in what seems like a science fiction novel.
18:05So more people can relate to nerdiness. It actually draws them to me.
18:09It's also a form of camouflage.
18:11With Penn and Teller expecting to see a magician, I think this nerd has a chance.
18:22From Scotland, give it up for Tom Crosby.
18:30Oh, hi. Lovely to see you.
18:33My name's Tom. I want to address the elephant in the room.
18:35I'm not a magician. I'm not an illusionist or a mind reader or anything like that.
18:40I'm a nerd. It's true. That's what I do. I'm a nerd.
18:44What that means is that I collect completely useless skills.
18:47And I make them vaguely entertaining.
18:49You'll see what I mean over the next couple of minutes. It will feel much longer.
18:52But I'm obsessed particularly with the Rubik's Cube.
18:56A lot of people can't solve a Rubik's Cube.
18:58I think they have friends and social lives.
19:01Instead, I created a cube that anyone in the world can solve.
19:05Would you like to see it? I thought you might. It's this.
19:08This is a completely white Rubik's Cube.
19:11Surprisingly easy to solve. Quite difficult to mix up, if I'm being honest.
19:16But a cube needs to be moved 20 times before it's considered properly mixed.
19:19And that will put the cube into any one of 43 quintillion configurations.
19:24That means that any cube can be solved in 20 moves.
19:27It might take a supercomputer to tell you what those moves are, but it can be done.
19:30And I love that. For me, that makes it the perfect metaphor
19:33for whatever problems you might have going on in life.
19:35There's always going to be a solution.
19:37You might just have to change the way you look at things.
19:42This is an ultraviolet cube.
19:44It's a one-of-a-kind. I made it myself.
19:46It is horrendously expensive. Please do not tell my mother.
19:50I need to get this mixed up.
19:52Brooke, would you mind joining me? Is that okay?
19:54A round of applause for Brooke, please.
19:56Thank you so much, Brooke. You're welcome.
19:58I'm happy to help. Thank you.
20:00Can I give this to you? Could you mix it up for me?
20:02Move it 20, 30, 40 times. As many as you'd like.
20:04Thank you so much. Sure.
20:06Now, I'm very lucky. A lot of my best friends in the world come from the cubing community.
20:09And there is a cubing community.
20:11There is? It's not quite as sad as it sounds.
20:15Alright, it's as sad as it sounds. That's not the point.
20:17If you go to one of those cubing competitions,
20:19they have different categories you can compete in.
20:21There is the fastest single solve,
20:23which is solving one cube, not solving for single people.
20:26Just feel like that needs addressing.
20:28The fastest one-handed solve, the fastest blindfolded solve.
20:31But for me, the most interesting, it's called the fewest moves competition.
20:34And the idea behind the fewest moves competition
20:37is you get given a mixed-up cube. Thank you, Brooke.
20:39You're welcome. You can take a seat.
20:40Okay, thank you. Thank you so much. Round of applause.
20:47The idea is you get given a mixed-up cube in a fairly quiet room,
20:50and you need to solve it as efficiently as you possibly can.
20:53And what that looks like, when I'm solving it at speed,
20:55it takes me anywhere from 70, maybe up to 100 moves.
20:57Solving it efficiently, anything under 30 is considered competition worthy.
21:01I'm going to try and get anything below 30 for you guys here this evening,
21:03but it sort of depends on how much damage Brooke has done.
21:06Fingers crossed.
21:10And I think that looks cool as heck.
21:14Okay, um...
21:16I'll be honest, I've got two different ways I can do this.
21:19I've got a really...
21:21I've got a really confident 27.
21:26I've got a really risky 22.
21:30Go for it!
21:31Go for it? Thanks.
21:33You know what? I appreciate it. You know what? I'll give it a go.
21:35If it goes horribly wrong, we just blame Brooke.
21:38That's all right? Good.
21:40Full disclosure, under certain lights you can kind of make out
21:42that some of the colours are a little different. Thank you.
21:44Because of that, I'm going to do it in a way that I can't see the cube.
21:47Basically, excuse my back for the next 30 seconds or so.
21:49I'll give this a go.
21:5122 moves.
21:57Okay, this is...
21:59Let me get this right. One, two...
22:01Oh, hang on. One...
22:02Two, three...
22:07Five, six, seven...
22:10Eight, nine, ten...
22:1311, 12, 13...
22:1614, 15, 16...
22:2017, 18...
22:27I think I know where I went wrong, if that helps.
22:29I should have stayed in Scotland.
22:33That was 18, right?
22:3720, 21...
22:4022. Did I say 22?
22:43That's a shame.
22:46Looks fine.
22:49Can we just end there and say it worked?
22:51This is always the scariest part, because I don't find out if it's worked until you do.
22:54Friends, in a second, I'm going to snap my fingers and we're going to find out if this is solved.
22:56And if it is, I'm going to go backstage and genuinely be delighted with myself
22:59and matching my personal best in front of you lovely people here this evening.
23:02And if it's not solved, I'm going to go backstage and cry
23:04and avoid you all like the plague till I go home.
23:07Either way, fingers crossed. Let's see how we did.
23:0922 moves.
23:11Did we get it? That looks pretty solved to me.
23:13Cos we got it in the end.
23:19Oh, Cosby!
23:23I was really secretly hoping that I didn't screw that up.
23:26Is the cube always part of your act?
23:28Yeah, always.
23:29I think the cube is so...
23:32It's so iconic, right?
23:34Everyone knows how difficult they are.
23:36I mean, the big secret is...
23:38You can learn to solve it, right?
23:40Do you think anyone can learn to solve it?
23:41Anyone can learn to solve it.
23:42The fastest I've ever done it personally was 10.1 seconds.
23:46I got pretty lucky.
23:47But when you realise that the world record is currently 3.1 seconds...
23:51Oh, wow.
23:52Oh, it gets weirder.
23:53The guy that has that world record has a girlfriend.
23:58Do you think you're a role model for nerds?
24:00I did a show a couple of years ago
24:02and a mum sent me a picture of their eight-year-old kid's homework
24:06where they talked about how proud they were to be a nerd
24:09after they'd seen my show.
24:10And I'm all for that.
24:11I think nerd pride represents all the way.
24:13I love that so much.
24:18Well, Tom, it's time to find out
24:21if Penn and Teller have puzzled out a solution to your magic trick.
24:26Well, Tom, this really clicks off a lot of stuff for us.
24:31You're just so charming, so funny,
24:33and the trick is completely, as far as I know, original.
24:37It's just really wonderful and beautiful and all the way through.
24:42And we loved everything about it.
24:44When a trick charms us this much,
24:47when a performer charms us this much,
24:50we really don't give a damn if you fooled us or not.
24:54But we are forced to play the game.
24:57May I speak frankly?
24:59Because in this case, I don't want to give away the secret,
25:03but I don't know how to ask you
25:04because there's not really code words for this.
25:07Teller and I thought two things that are kind of the same.
25:11We thought that the whole secret is the light source.
25:16I mean, maybe there's something else beside ultraviolet
25:20that can make them glow two different ways.
25:23Or we also thought, more likely,
25:26that there was an internal light source
25:28that looked a lot like the external light source,
25:32and you could switch from the internal to the external,
25:35and one way it looked unsolved, or that would be the legit way,
25:40and the other way it made it look solved.
25:42If I've given away too much, and this is the way you did it,
25:46we will cut this out,
25:47so it will be only the people here that hear it.
25:50But is it going to do with the light sources?
25:53It's nothing to do with the light sources.
25:55Nothing at all?
25:56Nothing at all.
25:57Bring the trophy down.
25:58Oh, my gosh.
26:04Oh, my gosh.
26:05Thank you so much.
26:08Tom Crosby.
26:09Thank you so much.
26:13Show joy.
26:20Good to see you.
26:23Tom Crosby fooled Penn and Teller
26:25and is walking away with the Fool Us trophy.
26:27More magic coming up after this quick break.
26:42Welcome back.
26:43After searching worldwide for the top talent in magic,
26:46we've had some amazing finds, like this one.
26:51The first magic act I performed was my own birth.
26:55I'm an identical twin.
26:56There's an actual dupe look at me.
26:59My twin was the first to try magic,
27:01but my brother only stayed with it until he got me hooked.
27:05And I got hooked.
27:08I have a slight taste of von der Lust.
27:11And magic became my passport to the world.
27:14Everywhere I went to perform, I picked up local relics of magic.
27:18A coin here, a card there, a potion, or an elixir.
27:25I finally settled in Japan,
27:27where I fell in love with the culture and with my wife Naoko.
27:31But Vegas is one place I haven't been,
27:33and Penn and Teller are emperors of magic here.
27:36But because of my travels, in a sense,
27:38I bring the rest of the world against them.
27:41A world war of magic.
27:44May the best man, or men, win.
27:47Put your hands together for international magician of mystery, Ben Daggers.
28:18Do you speak German?
28:20Yes? No?
28:24Wait a minute.
28:33Now better not. Spanish.
28:36Just a little? And you?
28:40One moment.
28:48The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plains.
28:52You speak English?
28:53Yes, a little bit.
28:55You can work on the accent a little.
28:57But you understand me at least?
29:01I should probably explain.
29:04I was looking for something to clean these old English coins,
29:08and I bought a bottle of, well, what I thought was a bottle of polish.
29:12It turns out it wasn't polish, it was a bottle of Polish.
29:15Anyway, I went back and bought every language they had.
29:20Oh, this one I haven't tried yet.
29:22I think, I think it says, I think it says Chinese.
29:26Hang on.
29:30Ironically, this does smell like the sort of thing you'd use to polish your silverware.
29:35Actually, before I do something with these,
29:38maybe I could use this to give my coins a little clean.
29:41A few drops of this, and we should be good as new.
29:51I guess this is a stronger stuff than I thought.
29:55OK, for coin number two, perhaps a little bit less.
30:01OK, OK, that's enough.
30:03OK, I'm going to try this.
30:05I'm going to try this.
30:06I'm going to try this.
30:07A little bit less.
30:10OK, OK, that's looking already much, much...
30:16I really am going to have to water this down, because this really is...
30:23Maybe a little saliva will do the trick.
30:51Please be English, please be English, please be English, please be English.
30:54English, English.
30:56We're back.
31:00Unfortunately, I can't say the same about my coins.
31:02Actually, maybe, maybe there's just enough left here.
31:38Thank you, sorry.
31:39Thank goodness.
31:41Who needs language lessons when you can just drink a language?
31:44It's a lot easier, yes.
31:46I like the idea of having a magical solution to a real-world problem.
31:52How many languages do you speak?
31:54So, to varying degrees of rust, five.
31:57Five? Impressive.
31:58The four you've seen here, and Japanese.
32:02I've lived in Japan for the last 13 years, so I didn't get a chance to show that off today.
32:07And how does magic, a trick like this, translate in Japan?
32:11It's almost the reverse.
32:12I'll go to the audience, they're expecting a show in Japanese,
32:16and I will just start speaking English at breakneck speed.
32:19And all the Japanese audience are like, did we not read the small print?
32:23Is the entire show going to be in English?
32:25And then I'll get the Japanese bottle out, drink that, and suddenly the problems are solved.
32:30All right, Ben, let's see if your language tricks translate into a trophy.
32:36Penn and Teller?
32:37Hey, Ben, you know, one of the really hard things about coin tricks
32:43is to give an ostensible cause and effect.
32:46That's really, really difficult.
32:48People put things in their hands and they change,
32:50and there's really no reason for it,
32:52so the audience can only think about how is that being done?
32:57You know, what is the trick on this?
32:59And you found this wonderful plot, which is so difficult with coin magic to have a plot,
33:06just kept us spellbound as you went through this whole thing.
33:09And we had to keep reminding ourselves that our job was to watch you do the magic
33:16and see the techniques, because the idea is so good.
33:19We have seen a zillion coin tricks, we really have.
33:24And so the techniques, which you did perfectly, by the way,
33:29were not that new to us, but the spirit of it and the fact that it had a plot
33:36was just mind-blowing to us.
33:38It was just beautiful that it kept that together.
33:41Not just, I'm putting this in my hand, I'm touching it, and now it's something else.
33:45But the languages and the bottles and all of that was just so, so brilliant.
33:51And we loved it, but we don't think that you fooled us.
33:57Oh, come on, don't turn on me.
34:00They loved you.
34:04Does that all make sense to you?
34:06Makes a lot of sense, yes.
34:08Well, we certainly enjoyed that. You were wonderful.
34:11Thank you so much.
34:18Penn and Teller will show us how it's done as they take the stage for tonight's finale,
34:23so stay close.
34:39Welcome back.
34:40Closing up tonight's show are my friends and Las Vegas legends, Penn and Teller.
34:45Well, stay right here, Brooke, because we wrote this bit for you.
34:48For me?
34:49Yeah, the whole last season, every magician that came out here, they'd do a trick,
34:53and then we would talk in our little code,
34:55and then you would seem a little bit exasperated or a little bit left out.
35:00So we wrote a bit where we're going to explain the code to you.
35:03Nice, thank you.
35:04So we need a magician out here, and who better as a magician out here
35:08than our dear friend and five-time Fool Us winner, Hundo.
35:14Come on up, Hundo.
35:25How happy I am.
35:26Very fast trick.
35:27Very fast trick.
35:28Very good, but very fast.
35:30Get one card, the one you want, and you put your name.
35:33Very fast, very fast.
35:35Very fast, but very good.
35:36Very fast, okay.
35:37I don't mind.
35:39I don't mind.
35:41Put your face up.
35:42Put your name, put your name.
35:44Do you know your name?
35:45I do.
35:46Put it there.
35:47Oh, that is so...
35:49Oh, sorry, sorry.
35:50Oh, yes.
35:51You put it there?
35:54Put the card in the middle, whatever you want.
35:57Where are you from?
35:58Los Angeles.
35:59Oh, Los Angeles is so nice.
36:00I love Los Angeles.
36:01I've never been there.
36:02Never, never.
36:03You need to come.
36:04Please, get the marker.
36:06Tap, tap there.
36:08Just tap it?
36:10And now tap in the pocket.
36:11That's it.
36:12Did you like it?
36:13I can see for real.
36:14Look, look, look, look.
36:15If you tap, look, look, look, look, look, look, look.
36:16Oh, my goodness.
36:17Oh, my God.
36:18Oh, my God.
36:19Oh, my God.
36:22But wait, wait, wait, wait.
36:25Because I have a question.
36:26I have a question.
36:27Not me.
36:29The deck has a question.
36:31Not for you.
36:32For them.
36:33Did I fool you?
36:34Did I fool you?
36:35Did I fool you, did I fool you?
36:36All the cards, all the cards, all the cards, say, diz I fool you?
36:37Yay, yay, yeah, we got it right.
36:40Yeah, yeah, yeah, I fooled you, baby, I fooled you.
36:44Boys, Penn and Teller, did he fool you?
36:47Brooke, listen carefully,
36:49because we're going to talk in code as we bust Hondro's trick.
36:54We love the trick. It was just great.
36:56And we love the way you switch from Spanish to English
37:00when you first came out here.
37:02And we love the way you took control of the situation
37:05to put everything in first position,
37:07how important the trick was.
37:09And then the part that I kept thinking about for no reason
37:14was that wonderful time we had in Palm Springs.
37:18Remember Palm Springs?
37:20We just had loads of fun.
37:24And I think, Hondro, that even though it was a wonderful trick,
37:27and I think Brooke loved the trick,
37:29and the audience loved the trick,
37:31I think we put a few little code words in there
37:34to let you know that you did not fool us.
37:37But what do you think?
37:39Brooke, I think I fooled them, as always.
37:43I thought some of the codes still mean nothing to me.
37:45I always come, please bring the trophy because I have fooled them.
37:48You did not fool us.
37:50No, don't bring the trophy now.
37:52Put the trophy back up there.
37:54Put it up there.
37:56You didn't fool us, Hondro.
37:58I explained it to you.
38:00It still means nothing to me.
38:02I'll explain it to you too, Brooke.
38:04First thing I said, right,
38:06I said it was good that he switched languages.
38:09Remember, I said the word switch.
38:11I said switch.
38:12That's because you did a switch.
38:14Ah, a switch of the deck.
38:16A switch of the deck, yeah.
38:17You switched the deck.
38:18Okay, okay.
38:19So what you mean is that these cards...
38:21Well, I said it's almost a double language.
38:22Remember the deck of cards.
38:23So these cards with the D4 word below the table,
38:26I started with a regular deck.
38:28While you were signing, I did...
38:30Don't admit this.
38:32But, no, Brooke, we meant switch.
38:35But that doesn't explain
38:36how your signed card went to the pocket.
38:38Well, no, no, no, no.
38:39I then said that you took control of the situation,
38:43meaning you controlled the card,
38:44and you were in first position,
38:46meaning the card was on top of the deck.
38:48Okay, so, please get the card so she...
38:51Put that there, and then you do a card control.
38:54Like this, no?
38:55And I did like this, and then it was...
38:58On the top, that's what I meant.
38:59That's what I meant.
39:00I don't even see that this close.
39:02But this doesn't explain...
39:03But you understand that it was control and first...
39:05No, this doesn't explain
39:06how the card, your card, went to the pocket.
39:09It doesn't explain.
39:10Andro, think!
39:12We have never been to Palm Springs.
39:15Why did I say Palm Springs?
39:17I don't know, because maybe you don't think.
39:19Because you palmed the card.
39:21Palmed the card.
39:23Palm Springs.
39:24Like this.
39:25You palmed it, yeah.
39:26I did like this.
39:28So the card is...
39:30And then I said...
39:31But this doesn't explain how it went.
39:33No, it doesn't.
39:34No, it doesn't, Andro.
39:35But the next thing it does,
39:37I said we had loads of fun.
39:40You palmed it and loaded it into the pocket.
39:43So I went...
39:44Yeah, so he means I went...
39:46I got it.
39:47I went here, and I took it out and...
39:50Loaded the card.
39:51And that's why the card...
39:53Okay, now I understand.
39:54So that's how we do what we call the busts.
39:57We explain what the code words are.
39:59The magician hears the code words,
40:01honestly says, I understand,
40:04and I didn't fool you.
40:05That's the way the show works.
40:06Do you know, Brooke,
40:07this trick could have been done this way.
40:09But I didn't...
40:10Sure could have.
40:11I didn't do it this way.
40:12Wait, you didn't?
40:14Wait a minute.
40:15You're saying that you didn't do it the way that the players thought?
40:19So maybe...
40:20Look, look, look.
40:21I don't need the did I fool you deck.
40:23Please, tell her.
40:24Put it in your pocket.
40:26So I will start with the regular deck.
40:28So you can cross out switch.
40:32Okay, is it fair?
40:33Seems fair.
40:34So hearts and spades.
40:35Well, you know, you know, you know.
40:36Now you say control.
40:37Control in first position.
40:38It's going to be on top of the deck.
40:39Please put your sign card there.
40:43And it's not on the first position.
40:45That's a seven of spades.
40:46Okay, cross it out.
40:48Now you said palm springs.
40:50Palm springs.
40:51You're going to palm the card.
40:52Oh, there you go.
40:53You're palming it right out of there now.
40:54No, no, no.
40:57No, I just love palm springs, but I haven't palm spring anything.
41:01And then you said loads of fun.
41:03Loads of fun.
41:04You load it in your pocket.
41:06Look, look.
41:07Please, please, please, please, please, please, please.
41:08Brooke, can you touch Tiki Tiki?
41:12You feel?
41:14I don't load anything, but you are going to have fun.
41:17Because here it is.
41:19Oh, my gosh, you guys.
41:22So, I did it again and again and again.
41:25Because, no, because let me say this.
41:27I have a question for you.
41:28Did I fool you?
41:29Did I fool you?
41:30Did I fool you?
41:31Did I fool you?
41:32Did I fool you?
41:33Did I fool you?
41:34Did I fool you?
41:35Did I fool you?
41:36Yes, I fooled you again.
41:38Because we worked on this trick with you, Hondro.
41:40We worked on this together.
41:42For sure, for me.
41:44For Ken, Teller, and Five Times.
41:46Five Times, Teller.
41:47And all of us at Fool Us.
41:48Good night, everyone.
41:51Good night.
