• 18 hours ago
90 Day Fiance Pillow Talk - Season 11 Episode 02,
90 Day Fiance Pillow Talk S11E02,
90 Day Fiance Pillow Talk S11 Ep02,
90 Day Fiance Pillow Talk


00:00I am so ready for this.
00:05Let's go!
00:06Peeing, orgasm, and K1.
00:07The three best things in this life.
00:08When you wake up in that morning pee.
00:09Oh, it feels great.
00:10I know, man.
00:11And then that orgasm.
00:12I don't want to talk about that.
00:14I'm feeling poop in this bed.
00:15That morning poop.
00:17Stop using the word poop.
00:18They bound me.
00:30Don't say that.
00:31Don't say bowel movement.
00:32I don't know about that word.
00:33I would say what I know.
00:34You know, you've been alone up there the whole time.
00:36And now all of a sudden, you have a woman in your room with you.
00:39Would you consider a separate room?
00:42We had two separate rooms but we missed Quanny.
00:46Maybe she has strict rules.
00:47Like I've listened to mom's rules.
00:48Mom had rules but I listen.
00:49Of course not.
00:50I was having sex with you in the same room.
00:53You know, I mean what am I saying?
00:56Yeah, John.
00:57I know.
00:58Welcome to our house.
01:00Finally made it.
01:01Oh, he's testing the couch out.
01:04He wants to test the bed out.
01:07Well, to one and all, the sex he didn't have last night,
01:10booballs hits again.
01:11Booballs hits again.
01:18I'm loving this season.
01:19That's why I thought, you know what?
01:20Let's do a good drink from Turkey.
01:22We need a good little Cosmo Martini.
01:26All right.
01:27Ooh, these look sexy.
01:30Hey, it's a sexy Sultan in honor of Zarbar.
01:34Vodka, pomegranate, some triple sec, lime.
01:37Everything good.
01:38Hopefully he got his visa.
01:39Did you always make the best drinks for me?
01:41Thank you, son.
01:42Hey, it's a new season, so why not, right?
01:44Enough talking, drinking now.
01:46Let's go.
01:46Let's go watch.
01:47Come on.
01:47Babe, with all this French that we are learning in this season
01:51and that I am hearing them speak,
01:53you really need to get back on it and start teaching our kids.
01:55My French is not all that good.
01:57It is.
01:58It's good enough.
01:59All you've taught me is, oh, oui, oui, papi.
02:02Je t'aime.
02:03Et moi.
02:04Et moi, c'est bien.
02:05C'est bien.
02:08I love it when you speak French, babe.
02:11It's so romantic.
02:12I need my baguette.
02:17Hi, Jamal.
02:19Hey, hey.
02:21How are you?
02:22It's good to see you.
02:24Nice matching outfit.
02:26I told you how I feel about these things.
02:28Well, I didn't know you were wearing red.
02:29Well, you got to go change, because I can't go back home.
02:32I'm not changing.
02:32I'm comfortable.
02:33Feel it.
02:34It's brand new.
02:35Feel him.
02:35I'm OK.
02:36Feel him.
02:36All right.
02:40John, where you at?
02:41Show's about to start.
02:45Where is this guy?
02:46John, come on.
02:48Man, I missed you.
02:50What are you doing?
02:50Right off the bat, bringing Massachusetts
02:52home to you, buddy.
02:54Listen to mama.
02:56Get out of here.
02:58All right, dude.
02:59All right.
02:59Come on.
03:00Oh, yeah.
03:01You got to show the watch.
03:02Son of a gun.
03:03All right, just in case.
03:05All right?
03:07What are you, 12 years old?
03:10You don't miss home?
03:11Snowball fights?
03:12All right.
03:13Peace, all right?
03:16Now peace.
03:17Come on.
03:18Let's go.
03:19Let's go.
03:20Let's go.
03:22Hatties or Hatties?
03:25Well, back with Stevie.
03:29I'm going to change in the airport and put this on,
03:32just in case I throw up on myself when I go over a bridge.
03:35I will have something to change into.
03:38Wait, just so she throws up on bridges?
03:40A lot of people do.
03:42Well, make sure you spit out, not on.
03:44So ever since I was little, I've always gotten a little bit
03:47sick when I drive on bridges.
03:49Sometimes I throw up.
03:51Sometimes I don't.
03:52I've heard of people being scared to go over a bridge
03:55because they're afraid of heights.
03:56So it just freaks them out.
03:57But I didn't hear of anybody actually vomiting.
03:59What kind of bridge is this?
04:03I might look like your normal Southern girl,
04:05but I can't believe I'm going to be
04:06on a bridge with a girl.
04:07I'm not going to be on a bridge with a girl.
04:09I'm not going to be on a bridge with a girl.
04:11I'm not going to be on a bridge with a girl.
04:13But I think there's a lot of things
04:15that Maddie might be taken aback by a little bit
04:17when he gets here.
04:20I don't wear pants in the house because I
04:23like to be comfortable.
04:25I have night terrors.
04:27I frequently need naps.
04:29And I fall asleep while I'm eating.
04:32She sounds like an infant.
04:34Just lips while she's eating?
04:36These are all baby personality traits.
04:39Needs a lot of naps, falls asleep when eating,
04:41throws up in the car.
04:43She doesn't wear pants.
04:45I have night terrors all the time.
04:48Yeah, I'll just wake up screaming.
04:50Are you kidding me?
04:51I've never heard this about you.
04:53Well, I mean, you know.
04:54It's not something you just disclose, right?
04:56By the way, I wake up screaming in the middle of the night
04:59once in a while.
04:59Yeah, I get some intense dreams.
05:01Maddie has been warned about most of my quirks.
05:05He knows about them, but he's never lived with them.
05:08So I think it's going to be different.
05:12I have some things I'm OCD about, you know?
05:14Like what?
05:15Like I have to make my coffee every night before I go to bed
05:17or I don't sleep well.
05:19I always have to have three paper towels
05:20when I'm eating a meal.
05:23Yeah, like just a little one.
05:24Why are you so messy?
05:33I don't like this bridge at all.
05:35Oh, she's on the bridge.
05:36Okay, she's on the bridge.
05:38It's not even a bridge.
05:38It is a bridge, Jamal.
05:40That's a Mississippi bridge.
05:42Don't look out the window.
05:44Well, she's driving.
05:48Close your eyes.
05:50It might be safer.
05:51I don't know.
05:52I meant like don't look out the side window.
06:03You've done that because you never pulled correctly
06:05to the tolls.
06:06I've done.
06:07Shut up.
06:08You know, it's 2024.
06:10Can we fix those little parking things?
06:12Because girls are always crawling out their car and stuff.
06:14Let's fix them.
06:17I feel so anxious.
06:22I'm overwhelmed.
06:24Oh, he's got mojo
06:26because he's seriously making her shake.
06:27She is shaking.
06:28Yeah, he's packing down under.
06:30Oh, Jamal.
06:33Babe, I remember waiting for you and I was so nervous.
06:36I get why she's so nervous.
06:38Actually, we got champagne drunk the night before
06:40I came to pick you up too,
06:41because I was so nervous.
06:42So I was a little hungover too,
06:44but mostly just nervous.
06:51There he is.
06:52There he is.
06:53He made it to the United States.
06:56Welcome, Matty.
06:58Shouldn't see him yet.
06:59Look left.
07:01There we go.
07:01There we go.
07:02Oh, he's here.
07:04Touchdown in America.
07:05Oh, she sees him.
07:06She's riding.
07:08♪ Bright light in me I can follow ♪
07:12♪ Chase my vision of tomorrow ♪
07:19I love when they throw the luggage and it rolls away.
07:22I will say like some of those times at the airport
07:25are like the best.
07:26You know what I mean?
07:28Because it's before all the drama,
07:29like you're seeing your person after so many months,
07:31you know?
07:33Or like when you and all your boys meet up in Miami
07:36and you haven't seen each other in a while,
07:38and it's like, hey, man.
07:39It's probably the same thing.
07:42Except there's sex involved, but yeah.
07:44Yeah, there's sex in Miami.
07:48What do you think we're doing?
07:49Playing backgammon when we get there?
07:53I've never had this many emotions at the same time.
07:58Like when I look at the future,
07:59I know that the US is gonna give me
08:02something that I've never had.
08:04But when I look back,
08:06I see that I left my family there
08:08and there's like a high risk that I cannot ever go back.
08:16Yeah, I'm fine.
08:1790 days to wed.
08:19Here we go.
08:21Do you ever feel that way about me when you go out of town?
08:23Like, damn, I hate to leave my mom.
08:25You never feel that way?
08:26Why do you always make it about us?
08:28You always do this thing.
08:30No, I don't feel like that.
08:32I'm coming back.
08:34Yeah, for now.
08:48What happened?
08:50Oh, we're gonna find out.
08:51Oh, that's right.
08:54Why does he look so sad?
08:56Cover your eyes.
08:57No, I'm not covering my eyes.
08:58I wanna see everything.
08:59I know you've got the visa.
09:00All right, well, let's see what happens.
09:01You don't know that yet.
09:02I feel it.
09:03I can feel it.
09:04It's my G.
09:05I really thought I was pregnant yesterday
09:06and that feeling was wrong.
09:07I didn't say you were pregnant.
09:08I said, are you pregnant?
09:10Here we go.
09:13What did they say to you?
09:15They didn't let me.
09:17They didn't permit me.
09:18Look at her, she's so nervous.
09:19What the heck?
09:21No way.
09:22Sorber, don't play with this.
09:23This is not something you play with.
09:25If he is messing with her,
09:26like, he's really taking it serious.
09:29You have everything.
09:30It will be unfair to let you in.
09:33For American guys.
09:34Because I am too handsome.
09:36Oh my God, he's so annoying.
09:40He believes that though, probably.
09:41Oh my God.
09:43That's what's up.
09:45That's my G.
09:48That was so good.
09:52I'm so mad at you.
09:54And I said, I assure you, I am taken.
09:57I am approved.
09:58Yeah, they got it.
10:02There we go.
10:03There you go, Sorber.
10:05Peeing, orgasm, and K1.
10:09The three best things in this life.
10:11Very true.
10:13When you wake up with that morning pee,
10:15it feels great.
10:16I know, man.
10:16And then that orgasm.
10:17I don't want to talk about that, no.
10:20I feel pooping is better than morning poop.
10:23Ew, stop using the word poop.
10:25Say bowel movement.
10:27I don't know about that word.
10:28I'd say what I know.
10:31What would be your three things?
10:32Pooping is better if you got a good poop.
10:36You got, that one's worse.
10:38Oh, when you really need a good one and it happens.
10:43Now I have to tell my family that I am approved,
10:47but I didn't even say that I have an interview.
10:52Keeping secrets is always the worst.
10:55I know, so many people keep so many secrets
10:58and wait till the last second to tell anybody.
11:01The worst scenario can be if they say, don't go.
11:05I don't know what to do then.
11:09What are you going to listen to your parents
11:10at 45 years old?
11:11Come on.
11:12I mean, would it surprise you
11:15if he did listen to his parents?
11:16Yes, it would.
11:17I don't know.
11:18I wouldn't be surprised.
11:19I don't want Scarlett and Copen
11:21to attempt to leave me if I'm really old.
11:24I'd be like, okay, let's go together.
11:27Or like if they told me, I'd be like,
11:28yay, I'm so happy we're approved.
11:31Because I'm coming.
11:34People really love this.
11:35You know, the slapping.
11:36People actually pay me extra
11:37to slap their dough a little bit more.
11:39You know, spank their bread a little bit more.
11:41You know what I'm saying?
11:42Oh, Gregor love frequently slapping dough.
11:47Slap that ass.
11:48Oh, I want you to slap my dough.
11:48Slap that ass.
11:50Get my dough, slap my dough.
11:53Do you want a woman on the show from Paris?
11:55That's pretty cool.
11:56Have you been?
11:58Yeah, and Dice wants me to take her to Paris.
12:00I've never been, but I do have something from Paris.
12:04What do you got?
12:05Well, I was going to do my famous bruschetta,
12:08but you don't have any tomatoes.
12:10So it caught me off guard.
12:11So now, you know, the cycle is too low.
12:13So I figured, you know, a little sword fight.
12:16You want to challenge a duel?
12:20The breadsticks, yeah.
12:22All right, on guard.
12:23Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
12:32Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
12:39No mercy.
12:41You know what it turned into?
12:42A dagger.
12:49Who is this?
12:50Ooh, a baker.
12:52Oh, we got a new guy.
12:53Yay, new couple.
12:55We like the new couples.
12:56He's whipping it up in the kitchen.
12:58Oh, look at that.
12:59He's making bread.
12:59I mean, what's the odds?
13:01I got a nice little bread fight here.
13:03Then we got some bread being made.
13:09Oh my God.
13:11Did it just get in my hair?
13:13Ew, he put it back in.
13:14It touched his head.
13:18I'm Gregory.
13:19I'm 35 years old, and I'm from Long Island, New York.
13:22All right, Greg.
13:23Well, he's the bread baker from Long Island.
13:26New York.
13:26New York.
13:27He bakes bread.
13:28He's from Long Island.
13:30He said, give me the dog.
13:32Put the dog in your lap.
13:33Bring me the bread.
13:35People really love this.
13:36You know, the slapping.
13:37People actually pay me extra to slap their dough
13:39a little bit more.
13:40You know, spank their bread a little bit more.
13:42You know what I'm saying?
13:43Oh, Greg, a little freak-a-leek slapping dough.
13:47Yeah, slap that ass.
13:48Oh, I know you'll slap my dough.
13:49Slap that ass.
13:51Slap my dough.
13:51Slap my dough.
13:57What's up, bro?
13:58It's good to see you.
14:00Making a bakery is definitely something
14:02that I would love to put all my energy into.
14:04Oh, so he's starting a bakery?
14:07What is he doing?
14:08Just going to the neighborhood?
14:08He owns a bakery?
14:09Yeah, he's like the neighborhood bread man.
14:11He just comes around.
14:12Yeah, you want a loaf?
14:13Huh, you know what you want?
14:15I got a loaf here for you, baby.
14:17I couldn't be a bread maker.
14:18I'd be too flirty.
14:20Hey, babe, I got some dough for you.
14:22I got this foot-long dough for you, baby.
14:27As far as a bakery goes, I need to just continue
14:29and I need to push through this
14:31because my entire life is about to just
14:33be turned upside down.
14:34It's not just going to be me anymore.
14:35It's going to be we.
14:37I feel like it's going to be a good day.
14:40I feel good.
14:41Joan is from Uganda and absolutely just head over heels
14:44in love with this girl.
14:47She's beautiful.
14:49Look at this queen he got.
14:51So I met Joan because I actually fell asleep
14:54on a gentleman's shoulder on an airplane
14:56and he turned out to be from Uganda, East Africa.
14:59He owns a safari company.
15:00And after talking to him for six and a half hours straight,
15:03he actually ended up inviting me to Uganda.
15:05Oh, how cool, and you just went.
15:06I want to go to Uganda.
15:08That's destiny, huh?
15:11Honestly, that's crazy.
15:12I know.
15:12I fell asleep on someone one time.
15:15He was kind of like a weirdo, though.
15:16I probably would have slept with him.
15:17He was kind of like a weirdo, though.
15:19I put my head right back there.
15:21I've had people fall asleep on me before, though.
15:23I just look comforting and have big boobs,
15:25so everyone thinks you're like a pillow.
15:29I checked into the guest house and I saw Joan
15:31within my first hour and a half of being there in Uganda.
15:38I love this love story.
15:41What's crazy is, is how did he save that?
15:43I was the big guy on airplanes that fell asleep on people.
15:47I mean, I still do it, dude.
15:48And usually those people don't want to talk
15:50after they wake you up.
15:51I'll tell you that.
15:53They're not usually friendly.
15:54Yeah, I know, they're not.
15:57Hey, Mom.
15:58Oh, hello, dear.
15:59You home?
16:02So right now, my current living situation,
16:04I'm living at home with my mother.
16:06Oh, he lives with his mama.
16:09Oh, no.
16:10I was liking you so far, Greg.
16:12Not living with Mom.
16:15What is your thoughts on all this?
16:17Like, how do you feel about everything, Mom?
16:19You know, you've been alone up there the whole time
16:21and now all of a sudden you have a woman
16:22in your room with you.
16:24You know, I don't want to hear what goes on,
16:25you know, emotionally, sexually.
16:28Would you consider us separate rooms?
16:31Separate rooms, still gonna have sex.
16:33We had two separate rooms, but we missed Garland.
16:37I couldn't have had sex in Grandma's house anyway.
16:39She would have knocked on the door and been like-
16:40You never had sex a day in your life, Mom.
16:43Stop it.
16:44I had you.
16:45No, I came from the stork.
16:50Knowing Joan, I think it's gonna be
16:53a little bit of a tough conversation.
16:56That's something I'm a little, I'm not a little nervous.
16:58It's kind of, it got me shaking in my boots
17:01a little bit here.
17:03All the mobs laid out some rules, dude.
17:05You know, in the end, he's what?
17:06He's older.
17:07You know what's gonna happen, right?
17:09You expect your son not to do it?
17:11Maybe she has strict rules.
17:13Like, I listened to Mom's rules.
17:15If Mom had rules, would I listen?
17:16No, of course not.
17:17I was having sex with you in the same room.
17:19You know, I mean, what am I-
17:20Oh yeah, John, I know.
17:23Like, I know, I was in the same room.
17:26Well, I know, but I try to be quiet.
17:27Like six feet away.
17:28Your man's gotta do, I did find,
17:30Mom did find the condom, and she's like,
17:33you're having sex, I'm over here.
17:34I was jerking off, Mom.
17:36And she's like, in a condom, John?
17:38I was like, yeah, I was testing it out, Mom.
17:45♪ Hey, Mr. Sunshine, you wanna meet up sometime? ♪
17:49♪ Bright lights in your eyes. ♪
17:51Where are we, Jamal?
17:52Oh, we're with Mark.
17:54Mr. Pilot.
17:56Mark, I'm the French lady.
17:58Oh, he's getting a safety gate ready.
18:00The airplane guy, New Hampshire.
18:02He's on runway.
18:07Don't forget, this has been 20-some years
18:09since I've done this, so.
18:11Oh, s**t.
18:14Those baby gates are the worst.
18:16Really? I don't have a baby.
18:17I've never had to put it down.
18:18Oh, I had to do it with you, and then you broke it, so.
18:21Can't put a lion in a cage?
18:22No, you broke it, you flew right down the stairs.
18:24Oh, well, that's terrible.
18:26Maria, say hello.
18:29Hi, babe.
18:35Aw, she looks like she's the same age as Alici.
18:38And now I'm just very, very, very impressed,
18:42and I have to go see Mark.
18:45It's just incredible.
18:46I'm here now.
18:47I'm in America.
18:48Hi, Paris.
18:49Hello, U.S.
18:51Gosh, your French is so pretty.
18:53Speak French to me.
18:55Yes, my love of my life,
18:56I love you so much that I don't know
18:58what I could do without you.
19:00Oh, baby gate.
19:06Hey, baby girl.
19:07I missed you.
19:08So cute.
19:10Look at her run down.
19:12Oh, wow.
19:13So cute.
19:14So sweet.
19:15Hi, you ready, baby girl?
19:17We're going home.
19:19We're going home.
19:20I didn't get picked up with a private plane when I hit Mexico.
19:22I'll pick you up.
19:23I'll pick you up.
19:24I'll pick you up.
19:25I'll pick you up.
19:26I'll pick you up.
19:27I'll pick you up.
19:28I'll pick you up.
19:29I'll pick you up.
19:30I'll pick you up.
19:31I'll pick you up.
19:32I'll pick you up.
19:33I'll pick you up.
19:34I'll pick you up.
19:35I'll pick you up.
19:36I'll pick you up.
19:37I'll pick you up in a plane.
19:38The plane yoga move?
19:39Yes, come here.
19:40You can do that.
19:41And you'll be in the air, in the clouds, and you can feel like I was the good guy for
19:43This isn't exactly what I was thinking.
19:44What am I going to do now?
19:45It's the closest thing you get.
19:46Oh, my.
19:47Stand up.
19:48Oh, my God.
19:49Can I carry you, actually?
19:50You're heavy.
19:51Shut up.
19:52I can't.
19:53Don't break my knees.
19:57Don't go backwards.
19:58Don't go backwards.
19:59Here's our bedroom.
20:00So, no door.
20:01No door.
20:03Doorless bedroom.
20:04I actually share a room with River.
20:05You just have to pick your times to be intimate.
20:06A lot of couch sex.
20:07Bro, I was on that couch.
20:08Oh, what you got?
20:10Oh, yeah.
20:11Let's eat.
20:12These are good.
20:13I love them.
20:14Be careful with that broccoli.
20:15I don't want you farting while we're watching the show.
20:16I'm going to eat a big piece of it just now, just because you said that.
20:17Cheers to health.
20:19Health is wealth.
20:20This is bleeding.
20:21It's bleeding.
20:22It's bleeding.
20:23It's bleeding.
20:24It's bleeding.
20:25It's bleeding.
20:26It's bleeding.
20:27It's bleeding.
20:28It's bleeding.
20:29It's bleeding.
20:30It's bleeding.
20:31Let me get some tomatoes in my mouth.
20:32Is this blue cheese?
20:33We've had to.
20:36Durm, huh?
20:37All right, let's see if I can throw this tomato in your mouth.
20:42Aw, almost.
20:43Here, let me try.
20:45Or don't act like you can't catch this one.
20:47I've had meatballs in my mouth.
20:49Go ahead.
20:51Look at that.
20:52You know what they call this?
20:53Take a guess.
20:55It's called the Blue Ball Martini.
20:58And this is for Juan, and this is also for Greg and his mom.
21:03And it's a drink that relieves blue balls.
21:05It doesn't...
21:06I'm not gonna drink it and get blue balls, right?
21:08No, it relieves it, for sure.
21:09All right.
21:10You don't get anything good.
21:15Aw, look at him with all the boys in bed.
21:19Jessica and Juan.
21:22So, I thought my first night in America
21:24was going to have a little bit more privacy with Jessica.
21:28But that didn't happen.
21:30Well, to Juan and all the sex he didn't have last night,
21:33blue balls hits again.
21:34Blue balls hits again.
21:37Next stop, Wyoming!
21:38Next stop, Wyoming.
21:40Oh, no.
21:43Not again.
21:46Ooh, a baby that doesn't like a car seat?
21:49Right now, he's like, holy crap.
21:53Imagine you being a great consoler to a toddler.
21:56Yeah, sympathetic.
21:57Sympathetic, I'm not.
21:59Well, you think your...day was rough?
22:01Yeah, yeah.
22:02This is daytime, so you can see it all during the day.
22:03Are those penguins or what's that?
22:05Definitely not penguins.
22:07We don't have penguins. We don't have penguins here.
22:11You're like, maybe an armadillo, not a penguin.
22:13The only penguins you're gonna see in Wyoming
22:15is at the zoo, brother.
22:18Dang, Bugs Bunny.
22:21Torrington, population 6,119.
22:27Yeah, 6,120.
22:31You know, some of the cruise ships he's been on
22:33hold 6,000 to 8,000 people.
22:36That whole town could be on the cruise ship.
22:38Holy crap.
22:40Imagine you date someone in that town.
22:41You're gonna see them everywhere.
22:43We lived in good old Hubbardston, Massachusetts.
22:47We had one convenience store.
22:49Ice cream, ice cream shop.
22:50We went to pizza, right?
22:51It was a double calico cream.
22:53We didn't have much going on out there.
22:57We got in a lot of mischief.
23:01Welcome home. Come into our house.
23:03Finally made it.
23:06Yay. He's home.
23:09Oh, that's what's up, man.
23:14This is pretty cool to see,
23:15because we saw them in Love and Paradise.
23:18Didn't know if they were gonna make it.
23:19Now he's here.
23:21Oh, he's testing the couch out.
23:23He wants to test the bed out.
23:25Here's our bedroom.
23:27So no door.
23:29No door.
23:31Doorless bedroom.
23:33Wait, wait, wait.
23:34The kids live next door, and there's no bedroom door.
23:36How is this even doable?
23:38It's not a bedroom without a door.
23:40So, I mean, like, basically, they all share the same room.
23:43So it looks like he's gonna have blue balls forever.
23:46You can make privacy, even with kids.
23:49And those boys are old enough, you know, the two older boys,
23:51to know, like, you got to knock on the door or stuff like that.
23:54What door?
23:56Well, when they get one.
23:59I've been waiting for this moment for a long time.
24:02Shut up, boy.
24:08Uh-uh, Juan's gonna get tired of that shit really quick.
24:12I just think I just saw what hell looked like.
24:14I actually share a room with River.
24:17So it's not like you just have to pick your times
24:20to be intimate.
24:21A lot of couch sex, right?
24:24Bro, I was on that couch.
24:27You're gonna need to change your face when we get there.
24:30Try to smile a little.
24:31Yeah, not that smile. That one looks too fake.
24:34That's all right. All right. Like that.
24:36Oh. Huh?
24:38Ha-ha. Ha-ha.
24:43Yum. What is in there?
24:45A little ice cream?
24:47Ice cream, a little root beer.
24:52Root beer floats are so good.
24:55I love you.
24:57I knew you were gonna like it.
25:01God, they just hit the button.
25:04You hit the G-spot?
25:06Surely. It hit my G-spot.
25:09I was talking to Dad the other day.
25:12About what?
25:13He said something like, ah, you feel real good.
25:15Like, he drank something, and like,
25:17yo, so I can feel right down deep there.
25:20I'm like, did it get to the G-spot?
25:22You said to my dad, did it hit you in your G-spot?
25:25Yeah. I mean, it's my G, man.
25:28It's my dad, too. We talk.
25:30Ew! We talk!
25:33All right. Flying in with some cloud pie, babe.
25:36Easy peasy recipe.
25:37Pie in the sky.
25:39I get it.
25:40How'd you guess it?
25:41Nah, I didn't guess it, but now I got it.
25:43Well, guess what's in it.
25:45Yogurt and some whipped cream and some fruit on the top.
25:49So enjoy. It's a cloud.
25:51It's a cloud. Cloud pie.
25:53Oh, we're back in Turkey.
25:58We're in Turkey.
25:59I got the K1 approval. Now my family's approval.
26:03Oh, they're going to meet the fam.
26:06You got it, Zopper.
26:08What's with the bandana and sleeveless plaid shirt?
26:10Style, Pat. Style.
26:15Ooh. I think I just smelled his breath.
26:23Sorry, Brad.
26:24He's a legend.
26:26The shirt is always unbuttoned.
26:28You're going to need to change your face when we get there
26:30because you show all your emotions on your face.
26:34Try to smile a little. Yeah, not that smile.
26:37That one looks too fake.
26:39So be it.
26:43What's that, huh? Like that.
26:52I'm pretty good with a poker face.
26:53You're not so much.
26:55I am.
26:56No, no, you give it away.
26:58Because I'm going to, like, you get, uh, uh, uh.
27:01I don't do that.
27:02You do do that.
27:04Uh, I don't do that.
27:05That's exactly it.
27:07Watch. I'm going to catch you when you do it.
27:09I did dumb.
27:23Oh, they're back to tell him, Jamal.
27:26Band-aid. Take it off.
27:28They know something's up.
27:30Yeah, just by the way Starbuck's acting.
27:40They're going to be happy for him.
27:44What are they going to say?
27:53All right.
27:54That's kind of like a smile.
27:56I mean, that or disbelief.
27:58She's not.
27:59If she knew what you were saying, she would not be happy.
28:00Dude, he's using, like, the exact same line that Ayesha used.
28:01Yeah, pretty much.
28:03To her father.
28:04Probably the same thing, right?
28:06I'm not leaving here.
28:07Yeah, I'm going.
28:08But, like, I don't know if it's going to work.
28:10I'm going.
28:11I'm going.
28:12I'm going.
28:13I'm going.
28:14I'm going.
28:15I'm going.
28:16I'm going.
28:17I'm going.
28:18I'm going.
28:19I'm going.
28:20I'm going.
28:21I'm going.
28:22I'm going.
28:23I'm going.
28:24I'm going.
28:25I'm going.
28:26I'm going.
28:27I'm going.
28:28I'm going.
28:29I'm going.
28:30I'm going.
28:31I'm going.
28:32I'm going.
28:33I'm going.
28:34I'm going.
28:35I'm going.
28:36I'm going.
28:37I'm going.
28:38I'm going.
28:39I'm going.
28:40I'm going.
28:41I'm going.
28:42I'm going.
28:43I'm going.
28:44I'm going.
28:45I'm going.
28:46I'm going.
28:47I'm going.
28:48I'm going.
28:49I'm going.
28:50I'm going.
28:51I'm going.
28:52I'm going.
28:53I'm going.
28:54I'm going.
28:55I'm going.
28:56I'm going.
28:57I'm going.
28:58I'm going.
28:59I'm going.
29:00I'm going.
29:01I'm going.
29:02I'm going.
29:03I'm going.
29:04I'm going.
29:05I'm going.
29:06I'm going.
29:07I'm going.
29:08I'm going.
29:09I'm going.
29:10I'm going.
29:11I'm going.
29:12I'm going.
29:13I'm going.
29:14I'm going.
29:15I'm going.
29:16I'm going.
29:17I'm going.
29:18I'm going.
29:19I'm going.
29:20I'm going.
29:21I'm going.
29:22I'm going.
29:23I'm going.
29:24I'm going.
29:25I'm going.
29:26No, I want Aatrook and Amanda.
29:27Andy, you're blue.
29:29So we're going to ask each other a question and you raise your hand who you think is
29:30most likely to do whatever we read.
29:31Sounds good.
29:32Let's see if you know me.
29:33Who has the more intense skin-care routine?
29:36Ten times, that's for sure.
29:40Who is more likely to order another round at the bar?
29:43You once you get going.
29:44Once I get going, it's me.
29:46Who is more likely to lose their head yell in an argument?
29:51Oh, babe, babe.
29:54There's parts of that that's true about you.
29:58It's all true.
29:59Who's the bigger flirt?
30:03Wow, I didn't think you were gonna say that.
30:05Well, I have a flirty personality.
30:07See, I wasn't wrong when I tried to fight with you
30:10and I got jealous with that waiter you flirted with.
30:12I did not flirt with him.
30:13I gave him a big tip because he was really good.
30:15And cute.
30:17That was fun.
30:18Are these clean?
30:19They are.
30:21I put softener.
30:28See the runway?
30:29Oh, we got it.
30:30Here we go, nighttime landing.
30:32I wonder if she's ever landed on a grass runway.
30:35I'd be scared.
30:39Mark and Mina and Maria.
30:45Aw, they're so cute.
30:48I'm happy you like the airplane and, you know.
30:51It's sexy.
30:53Sexy, messy.
30:54The uniform.
30:56Pilots are usually pretty good looking.
30:58It's like a firefighter in the US.
31:00They're all always hot.
31:01And cops.
31:03And soldiers.
31:04Got it.
31:07Okay, Mr. Captain.
31:09Need a help?
31:10I give you a cafe?
31:11Yeah, cafe for now.
31:13Apple tart, some champagne.
31:16My beautiful flight attendant.
31:17I've never played pilot.
31:19I gotta be honest.
31:21I've been with a flight attendant,
31:23but I didn't play a pilot.
31:25I'm sorry.
31:25I'm sorry.
31:26I just don't see it.
31:27I just don't see the sexual energy there.
31:30Is it just me?
31:31I see it better with him
31:32than I do with like Gino or somebody.
31:34You know what I mean?
31:35Yeah, like personality-wise.
31:37We're comparing sexual men to Gino.
31:40I mean, you know.
31:42You go first.
31:49Wow, that's nice.
31:52It's a nice house.
31:54She's like, I hit the jackpot.
31:57Yeah, really.
31:58This would be Clayton's room.
32:01Wait, this is Joe then and Jack.
32:04Yeah, exactly.
32:06Long time ago.
32:08Just because it's Jack's room, you know?
32:10Oh, I got the picture of the ex.
32:12Yeah, I mean, probably not the best photo to keep up.
32:15No, probably not.
32:17Probably not.
32:18Especially like the new stepson's room.
32:20Like, yeah.
32:21Here's my old family too.
32:32Oh boy, she's jealous type, you can tell.
32:34She's a tiger.
32:37She's giving off some Jasmine jealousy vibes.
32:39Yeah, but like, can she chill out?
32:41He just brought you all the way from Paris, you know?
32:48Another one?
32:49Oh my God.
32:50Oh no, dude.
32:50There was no sweep, dude.
32:51You don't miss two things.
32:53He spent way too much time prepping his plane.
32:55I know.
32:55He should have prepped the house.
32:58Yeah, you're going to have to remodel the whole thing.
33:00That's what you would do.
33:01You'd go right in there and take over.
33:02I'm burning four hoods up.
33:05I'll play that.
33:05We love vampires in this neighborhood.
33:28Oh my gosh.
33:29See you next Tuesday, Mina.
33:34This couple keeps me fluctuating.
33:35I know.
33:36I'm with them and then I'm not.
33:37It is a plane ride with them.
33:38Yes, turbulence.
33:42You're the boss for your work.
33:45I'm the boss in the house.
33:48She's laying it down.
33:50I'm right there with you, baby girl.
33:51I'm the boss in this house.
33:52Maybe she'll find she loves it here.
33:56You never know.
33:56Maybe she'll get into gardening or something.
33:58Yeah, get a hobby.
33:58That's the easiest way.
34:00Yeah, crocheting.
34:01Who knows?
34:02Maybe she'll learn how to fly and fly her ass back to Paris.
34:04That's Steele's plane.
34:06Next time on 90 Day Fiancé.
34:08Next time on.
34:10All right, next time on.
34:12Like seeing people singing and dancing like on the street.
34:16It just feels weird because if you do that in Iran,
34:20like they can arrest you.
34:22You breathe wrong there, they're going to arrest you.
34:25Well, there's some people in the streets here
34:27who should get arrested because they cannot sing.
34:30Would you see these in your country?
34:32Never, nothing.
34:33Oh my gosh.
34:35I can totally feel the freedom here.
34:37He feels the freedom big time.
34:39Theodore's excited for this.
34:41This trip, you want to take the next step
34:43in the relationship and propose to her.
34:45We want to bring her on the K-1 visa.
34:48Thrupple, going to meet the Thrupple lover.
34:50I feel butterflies, my heart's beating real hard.
34:53Wait, that's not her, is it?
34:54What, what is happening?
34:56Oh, are they playing some kind of, you know, hide and go seek?
34:59Why do they have to play a game?
35:00They're on to some freaky.
35:03Don't get it.
35:03And I approve of it.
35:05I can't wait to take you to see the family.
35:08You know, I want you to see Jordan and talk with her.
35:10Tell me, is she and me enemies?
35:14He got a hot tub?
35:16Now I say, I say I'm a snake, you know?
35:19You understand me?
35:21You don't come in the bed, okay?
35:23You don't come to the bed?
35:25Bitch, that's my house.
35:26Okay, what the?
35:28Nobody's getting Nikki tonight.
35:31All because he had that stupid picture left behind.
35:35Mistakes, they'll cost you.
35:37I can't wait for next week.
35:39I love you.
35:40Should we go shower?
35:41I would say take a bath, but our drain doesn't work.
35:43You're gonna have to call the plumber tomorrow.
35:45I'm feeling like, whew, I could use some refresher.
35:48Let's do some face masks.
35:49Yeah, I like that.
35:50How about a charcoal one?
35:51I've been wanting to do, we have a pack, okay?
35:52Oh, let's do it.
35:54My face is always ready for that.
35:56Who do we think is gonna make it?
35:57I put my money on Mark and Mina,
36:00Sarp or Instakina.
36:01The thruple as well.
36:03They're never making it.
36:05The thruple. Come on.
36:06The thruples.
36:07Now that's the biggest, that is the most guaranteed.
36:10That's the long shot?
36:11That is the longest shot.
36:14Honestly, mom, seeing Sarp arrive to leave his family,
36:16it made me really sad, like leaving you tonight.
36:19So give me a hug.
36:20Aw, I love you.
36:21I don't think it made you that sad.
36:22I'm really sad.
36:23Why, you'll see me next week.
36:26Text me when you get home.
36:27Will do.
36:30Ooh, I'm so glad he's leaving.
