90 Day Fiance Pillow Talk - Season 11 Episode 02,
90 Day Fiance Pillow Talk S11E02,
90 Day Fiance Pillow Talk S11 Ep02,
90 Day Fiance Pillow Talk
90 Day Fiance Pillow Talk S11E02,
90 Day Fiance Pillow Talk S11 Ep02,
90 Day Fiance Pillow Talk
00:00I am so ready for this.
00:05Let's go!
00:06Peeing, orgasm, and K1.
00:07The three best things in this life.
00:08When you wake up in that morning pee.
00:09Oh, it feels great.
00:10I know, man.
00:11And then that orgasm.
00:12I don't want to talk about that.
00:14I'm feeling poop in this bed.
00:15That morning poop.
00:17Stop using the word poop.
00:18They bound me.
00:30Don't say that.
00:31Don't say bowel movement.
00:32I don't know about that word.
00:33I would say what I know.
00:34You know, you've been alone up there the whole time.
00:36And now all of a sudden, you have a woman in your room with you.
00:39Would you consider a separate room?
00:42We had two separate rooms but we missed Quanny.
00:46Maybe she has strict rules.
00:47Like I've listened to mom's rules.
00:48Mom had rules but I listen.
00:49Of course not.
00:50I was having sex with you in the same room.
00:53You know, I mean what am I saying?
00:56Yeah, John.
00:57I know.
00:58Welcome to our house.
01:00Finally made it.
01:01Oh, he's testing the couch out.
01:04He wants to test the bed out.
01:07Well, to one and all, the sex he didn't have last night,
01:10booballs hits again.
01:11Booballs hits again.
01:18I'm loving this season.
01:19That's why I thought, you know what?
01:20Let's do a good drink from Turkey.
01:22We need a good little Cosmo Martini.
01:26All right.
01:27Ooh, these look sexy.
01:30Hey, it's a sexy Sultan in honor of Zarbar.
01:34Vodka, pomegranate, some triple sec, lime.
01:37Everything good.
01:38Hopefully he got his visa.
01:39Did you always make the best drinks for me?
01:41Thank you, son.
01:42Hey, it's a new season, so why not, right?
01:44Enough talking, drinking now.
01:46Let's go.
01:46Let's go watch.
01:47Come on.
01:47Babe, with all this French that we are learning in this season
01:51and that I am hearing them speak,
01:53you really need to get back on it and start teaching our kids.
01:55My French is not all that good.
01:57It is.
01:58It's good enough.
01:59All you've taught me is, oh, oui, oui, papi.
02:02Je t'aime.
02:03Et moi.
02:04Et moi, c'est bien.
02:05C'est bien.
02:08I love it when you speak French, babe.
02:11It's so romantic.
02:12I need my baguette.
02:17Hi, Jamal.
02:19Hey, hey.
02:21How are you?
02:22It's good to see you.
02:24Nice matching outfit.
02:26I told you how I feel about these things.
02:28Well, I didn't know you were wearing red.
02:29Well, you got to go change, because I can't go back home.
02:32I'm not changing.
02:32I'm comfortable.
02:33Feel it.
02:34It's brand new.
02:35Feel him.
02:35I'm OK.
02:36Feel him.
02:36All right.
02:40John, where you at?
02:41Show's about to start.
02:45Where is this guy?
02:46John, come on.
02:48Man, I missed you.
02:50What are you doing?
02:50Right off the bat, bringing Massachusetts
02:52home to you, buddy.
02:54Listen to mama.
02:56Get out of here.
02:58All right, dude.
02:59All right.
02:59Come on.
03:00Oh, yeah.
03:01You got to show the watch.
03:02Son of a gun.
03:03All right, just in case.
03:05All right?
03:07What are you, 12 years old?
03:10You don't miss home?
03:11Snowball fights?
03:12All right.
03:13Peace, all right?
03:16Now peace.
03:17Come on.
03:18Let's go.
03:19Let's go.
03:20Let's go.
03:22Hatties or Hatties?
03:25Well, back with Stevie.
03:29I'm going to change in the airport and put this on,
03:32just in case I throw up on myself when I go over a bridge.
03:35I will have something to change into.
03:38Wait, just so she throws up on bridges?
03:40A lot of people do.
03:42Well, make sure you spit out, not on.
03:44So ever since I was little, I've always gotten a little bit
03:47sick when I drive on bridges.
03:49Sometimes I throw up.
03:51Sometimes I don't.
03:52I've heard of people being scared to go over a bridge
03:55because they're afraid of heights.
03:56So it just freaks them out.
03:57But I didn't hear of anybody actually vomiting.
03:59What kind of bridge is this?
04:03I might look like your normal Southern girl,
04:05but I can't believe I'm going to be
04:06on a bridge with a girl.
04:07I'm not going to be on a bridge with a girl.
04:09I'm not going to be on a bridge with a girl.
04:11I'm not going to be on a bridge with a girl.
04:13But I think there's a lot of things
04:15that Maddie might be taken aback by a little bit
04:17when he gets here.
04:20I don't wear pants in the house because I
04:23like to be comfortable.
04:25I have night terrors.
04:27I frequently need naps.
04:29And I fall asleep while I'm eating.
04:32She sounds like an infant.
04:34Just lips while she's eating?
04:36These are all baby personality traits.
04:39Needs a lot of naps, falls asleep when eating,
04:41throws up in the car.
04:43She doesn't wear pants.
04:45I have night terrors all the time.
04:48Yeah, I'll just wake up screaming.
04:50Are you kidding me?
04:51I've never heard this about you.
04:53Well, I mean, you know.
04:54It's not something you just disclose, right?
04:56By the way, I wake up screaming in the middle of the night
04:59once in a while.
04:59Yeah, I get some intense dreams.
05:01Maddie has been warned about most of my quirks.
05:05He knows about them, but he's never lived with them.
05:08So I think it's going to be different.
05:12I have some things I'm OCD about, you know?
05:14Like what?
05:15Like I have to make my coffee every night before I go to bed
05:17or I don't sleep well.
05:19I always have to have three paper towels
05:20when I'm eating a meal.
05:23Yeah, like just a little one.
05:24Why are you so messy?
05:33I don't like this bridge at all.
05:35Oh, she's on the bridge.
05:36Okay, she's on the bridge.
05:38It's not even a bridge.
05:38It is a bridge, Jamal.
05:40That's a Mississippi bridge.
05:42Don't look out the window.
05:44Well, she's driving.
05:48Close your eyes.
05:50It might be safer.
05:51I don't know.
05:52I meant like don't look out the side window.
06:03You've done that because you never pulled correctly
06:05to the tolls.
06:06I've done.
06:07Shut up.
06:08You know, it's 2024.
06:10Can we fix those little parking things?
06:12Because girls are always crawling out their car and stuff.
06:14Let's fix them.
06:17I feel so anxious.
06:22I'm overwhelmed.
06:24Oh, he's got mojo
06:26because he's seriously making her shake.
06:27She is shaking.
06:28Yeah, he's packing down under.
06:30Oh, Jamal.
06:33Babe, I remember waiting for you and I was so nervous.
06:36I get why she's so nervous.
06:38Actually, we got champagne drunk the night before
06:40I came to pick you up too,
06:41because I was so nervous.
06:42So I was a little hungover too,
06:44but mostly just nervous.
06:51There he is.
06:52There he is.
06:53He made it to the United States.
06:56Welcome, Matty.
06:58Shouldn't see him yet.
06:59Look left.
07:01There we go.
07:01There we go.
07:02Oh, he's here.
07:04Touchdown in America.
07:05Oh, she sees him.
07:06She's riding.
07:08♪ Bright light in me I can follow ♪
07:12♪ Chase my vision of tomorrow ♪
07:19I love when they throw the luggage and it rolls away.
07:22I will say like some of those times at the airport
07:25are like the best.
07:26You know what I mean?
07:28Because it's before all the drama,
07:29like you're seeing your person after so many months,
07:31you know?
07:33Or like when you and all your boys meet up in Miami
07:36and you haven't seen each other in a while,
07:38and it's like, hey, man.
07:39It's probably the same thing.
07:42Except there's sex involved, but yeah.
07:44Yeah, there's sex in Miami.
07:48What do you think we're doing?
07:49Playing backgammon when we get there?
07:53I've never had this many emotions at the same time.
07:58Like when I look at the future,
07:59I know that the US is gonna give me
08:02something that I've never had.
08:04But when I look back,
08:06I see that I left my family there
08:08and there's like a high risk that I cannot ever go back.
08:16Yeah, I'm fine.
08:1790 days to wed.
08:19Here we go.
08:21Do you ever feel that way about me when you go out of town?
08:23Like, damn, I hate to leave my mom.
08:25You never feel that way?
08:26Why do you always make it about us?
08:28You always do this thing.
08:30No, I don't feel like that.
08:32I'm coming back.
08:34Yeah, for now.
08:48What happened?
08:50Oh, we're gonna find out.
08:51Oh, that's right.
08:54Why does he look so sad?
08:56Cover your eyes.
08:57No, I'm not covering my eyes.
08:58I wanna see everything.
08:59I know you've got the visa.
09:00All right, well, let's see what happens.
09:01You don't know that yet.
09:02I feel it.
09:03I can feel it.
09:04It's my G.
09:05I really thought I was pregnant yesterday
09:06and that feeling was wrong.
09:07I didn't say you were pregnant.
09:08I said, are you pregnant?
09:10Here we go.
09:13What did they say to you?
09:15They didn't let me.
09:17They didn't permit me.
09:18Look at her, she's so nervous.
09:19What the heck?
09:21No way.
09:22Sorber, don't play with this.
09:23This is not something you play with.
09:25If he is messing with her,
09:26like, he's really taking it serious.
09:29You have everything.
09:30It will be unfair to let you in.
09:33For American guys.
09:34Because I am too handsome.
09:36Oh my God, he's so annoying.
09:40He believes that though, probably.
09:41Oh my God.
09:43That's what's up.
09:45That's my G.
09:48That was so good.
09:52I'm so mad at you.
09:54And I said, I assure you, I am taken.
09:57I am approved.
09:58Yeah, they got it.
10:02There we go.
10:03There you go, Sorber.
10:05Peeing, orgasm, and K1.
10:09The three best things in this life.
10:11Very true.
10:13When you wake up with that morning pee,
10:15it feels great.
10:16I know, man.
10:16And then that orgasm.
10:17I don't want to talk about that, no.
10:20I feel pooping is better than morning poop.
10:23Ew, stop using the word poop.
10:25Say bowel movement.
10:27I don't know about that word.
10:28I'd say what I know.
10:31What would be your three things?
10:32Pooping is better if you got a good poop.
10:36You got, that one's worse.
10:38Oh, when you really need a good one and it happens.
10:43Now I have to tell my family that I am approved,
10:47but I didn't even say that I have an interview.
10:52Keeping secrets is always the worst.
10:55I know, so many people keep so many secrets
10:58and wait till the last second to tell anybody.
11:01The worst scenario can be if they say, don't go.
11:05I don't know what to do then.
11:09What are you going to listen to your parents
11:10at 45 years old?
11:11Come on.
11:12I mean, would it surprise you
11:15if he did listen to his parents?
11:16Yes, it would.
11:17I don't know.
11:18I wouldn't be surprised.
11:19I don't want Scarlett and Copen
11:21to attempt to leave me if I'm really old.
11:24I'd be like, okay, let's go together.
11:27Or like if they told me, I'd be like,
11:28yay, I'm so happy we're approved.
11:31Because I'm coming.
11:34People really love this.
11:35You know, the slapping.
11:36People actually pay me extra
11:37to slap their dough a little bit more.
11:39You know, spank their bread a little bit more.
11:41You know what I'm saying?
11:42Oh, Gregor love frequently slapping dough.
11:47Slap that ass.
11:48Oh, I want you to slap my dough.
11:48Slap that ass.
11:50Get my dough, slap my dough.
11:53Do you want a woman on the show from Paris?
11:55That's pretty cool.
11:56Have you been?
11:58Yeah, and Dice wants me to take her to Paris.
12:00I've never been, but I do have something from Paris.
12:04What do you got?
12:05Well, I was going to do my famous bruschetta,
12:08but you don't have any tomatoes.
12:10So it caught me off guard.
12:11So now, you know, the cycle is too low.
12:13So I figured, you know, a little sword fight.
12:16You want to challenge a duel?
12:20The breadsticks, yeah.
12:22All right, on guard.
12:23Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
12:32Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
12:39No mercy.
12:41You know what it turned into?
12:42A dagger.
12:49Who is this?
12:50Ooh, a baker.
12:52Oh, we got a new guy.
12:53Yay, new couple.
12:55We like the new couples.
12:56He's whipping it up in the kitchen.
12:58Oh, look at that.
12:59He's making bread.
12:59I mean, what's the odds?
13:01I got a nice little bread fight here.
13:03Then we got some bread being made.
13:09Oh my God.
13:11Did it just get in my hair?
13:13Ew, he put it back in.
13:14It touched his head.
13:18I'm Gregory.
13:19I'm 35 years old, and I'm from Long Island, New York.
13:22All right, Greg.
13:23Well, he's the bread baker from Long Island.
13:26New York.
13:26New York.
13:27He bakes bread.
13:28He's from Long Island.
13:30He said, give me the dog.
13:32Put the dog in your lap.
13:33Bring me the bread.
13:35People really love this.
13:36You know, the slapping.
13:37People actually pay me extra to slap their dough
13:39a little bit more.
13:40You know, spank their bread a little bit more.
13:42You know what I'm saying?
13:43Oh, Greg, a little freak-a-leek slapping dough.
13:47Yeah, slap that ass.
13:48Oh, I know you'll slap my dough.
13:49Slap that ass.
13:51Slap my dough.
13:51Slap my dough.
13:57What's up, bro?
13:58It's good to see you.
14:00Making a bakery is definitely something
14:02that I would love to put all my energy into.
14:04Oh, so he's starting a bakery?
14:07What is he doing?
14:08Just going to the neighborhood?
14:08He owns a bakery?
14:09Yeah, he's like the neighborhood bread man.
14:11He just comes around.
14:12Yeah, you want a loaf?
14:13Huh, you know what you want?
14:15I got a loaf here for you, baby.
14:17I couldn't be a bread maker.
14:18I'd be too flirty.
14:20Hey, babe, I got some dough for you.
14:22I got this foot-long dough for you, baby.
14:27As far as a bakery goes, I need to just continue
14:29and I need to push through this
14:31because my entire life is about to just
14:33be turned upside down.
14:34It's not just going to be me anymore.
14:35It's going to be we.
14:37I feel like it's going to be a good day.
14:40I feel good.
14:41Joan is from Uganda and absolutely just head over heels
14:44in love with this girl.
14:47She's beautiful.
14:49Look at this queen he got.
14:51So I met Joan because I actually fell asleep
14:54on a gentleman's shoulder on an airplane
14:56and he turned out to be from Uganda, East Africa.
14:59He owns a safari company.
15:00And after talking to him for six and a half hours straight,
15:03he actually ended up inviting me to Uganda.
15:05Oh, how cool, and you just went.
15:06I want to go to Uganda.
15:08That's destiny, huh?
15:11Honestly, that's crazy.
15:12I know.
15:12I fell asleep on someone one time.
15:15He was kind of like a weirdo, though.
15:16I probably would have slept with him.
15:17He was kind of like a weirdo, though.
15:19I put my head right back there.
15:21I've had people fall asleep on me before, though.
15:23I just look comforting and have big boobs,
15:25so everyone thinks you're like a pillow.
15:29I checked into the guest house and I saw Joan
15:31within my first hour and a half of being there in Uganda.
15:38I love this love story.
15:41What's crazy is, is how did he save that?
15:43I was the big guy on airplanes that fell asleep on people.
15:47I mean, I still do it, dude.
15:48And usually those people don't want to talk
15:50after they wake you up.
15:51I'll tell you that.
15:53They're not usually friendly.
15:54Yeah, I know, they're not.
15:57Hey, Mom.
15:58Oh, hello, dear.
15:59You home?
16:02So right now, my current living situation,
16:04I'm living at home with my mother.
16:06Oh, he lives with his mama.
16:09Oh, no.
16:10I was liking you so far, Greg.
16:12Not living with Mom.
16:15What is your thoughts on all this?
16:17Like, how do you feel about everything, Mom?
16:19You know, you've been alone up there the whole time
16:21and now all of a sudden you have a woman
16:22in your room with you.
16:24You know, I don't want to hear what goes on,
16:25you know, emotionally, sexually.
16:28Would you consider us separate rooms?
16:31Separate rooms, still gonna have sex.
16:33We had two separate rooms, but we missed Garland.
16:37I couldn't have had sex in Grandma's house anyway.
16:39She would have knocked on the door and been like-
16:40You never had sex a day in your life, Mom.
16:43Stop it.
16:44I had you.
16:45No, I came from the stork.
16:50Knowing Joan, I think it's gonna be
16:53a little bit of a tough conversation.
16:56That's something I'm a little, I'm not a little nervous.
16:58It's kind of, it got me shaking in my boots
17:01a little bit here.
17:03All the mobs laid out some rules, dude.
17:05You know, in the end, he's what?
17:06He's older.
17:07You know what's gonna happen, right?
17:09You expect your son not to do it?
17:11Maybe she has strict rules.
17:13Like, I listened to Mom's rules.
17:15If Mom had rules, would I listen?
17:16No, of course not.
17:17I was having sex with you in the same room.
17:19You know, I mean, what am I-
17:20Oh yeah, John, I know.
17:23Like, I know, I was in the same room.
17:26Well, I know, but I try to be quiet.
17:27Like six feet away.
17:28Your man's gotta do, I did find,
17:30Mom did find the condom, and she's like,
17:33you're having sex, I'm over here.
17:34I was jerking off, Mom.
17:36And she's like, in a condom, John?
17:38I was like, yeah, I was testing it out, Mom.
17:45♪ Hey, Mr. Sunshine, you wanna meet up sometime? ♪
17:49♪ Bright lights in your eyes. ♪
17:51Where are we, Jamal?
17:52Oh, we're with Mark.
17:54Mr. Pilot.
17:56Mark, I'm the French lady.
17:58Oh, he's getting a safety gate ready.
18:00The airplane guy, New Hampshire.
18:02He's on runway.
18:07Don't forget, this has been 20-some years
18:09since I've done this, so.
18:11Oh, s**t.
18:14Those baby gates are the worst.
18:16Really? I don't have a baby.
18:17I've never had to put it down.
18:18Oh, I had to do it with you, and then you broke it, so.
18:21Can't put a lion in a cage?
18:22No, you broke it, you flew right down the stairs.
18:24Oh, well, that's terrible.
18:26Maria, say hello.
18:29Hi, babe.
18:35Aw, she looks like she's the same age as Alici.
18:38And now I'm just very, very, very impressed,
18:42and I have to go see Mark.
18:45It's just incredible.
18:46I'm here now.
18:47I'm in America.
18:48Hi, Paris.
18:49Hello, U.S.
18:51Gosh, your French is so pretty.
18:53Speak French to me.
18:55Yes, my love of my life,
18:56I love you so much that I don't know
18:58what I could do without you.
19:00Oh, baby gate.
19:06Hey, baby girl.
19:07I missed you.
19:08So cute.
19:10Look at her run down.
19:12Oh, wow.
19:13So cute.
19:14So sweet.
19:15Hi, you ready, baby girl?
19:17We're going home.
19:19We're going home.
19:20I didn't get picked up with a private plane when I hit Mexico.
19:22I'll pick you up.
19:23I'll pick you up.
19:24I'll pick you up.
19:25I'll pick you up.
19:26I'll pick you up.
19:27I'll pick you up.
19:28I'll pick you up.
19:29I'll pick you up.
19:30I'll pick you up.
19:31I'll pick you up.
19:32I'll pick you up.
19:33I'll pick you up.
19:34I'll pick you up.
19:35I'll pick you up.
19:36I'll pick you up.
19:37I'll pick you up in a plane.
19:38The plane yoga move?
19:39Yes, come here.
19:40You can do that.
19:41And you'll be in the air, in the clouds, and you can feel like I was the good guy for
19:43This isn't exactly what I was thinking.
19:44What am I going to do now?
19:45It's the closest thing you get.
19:46Oh, my.
19:47Stand up.
19:48Oh, my God.
19:49Can I carry you, actually?
19:50You're heavy.
19:51Shut up.
19:52I can't.
19:53Don't break my knees.
19:57Don't go backwards.
19:58Don't go backwards.
19:59Here's our bedroom.
20:00So, no door.
20:01No door.
20:03Doorless bedroom.
20:04I actually share a room with River.
20:05You just have to pick your times to be intimate.
20:06A lot of couch sex.
20:07Bro, I was on that couch.
20:08Oh, what you got?
20:10Oh, yeah.
20:11Let's eat.
20:12These are good.
20:13I love them.
20:14Be careful with that broccoli.
20:15I don't want you farting while we're watching the show.
20:16I'm going to eat a big piece of it just now, just because you said that.
20:17Cheers to health.
20:19Health is wealth.
20:20This is bleeding.
20:21It's bleeding.
20:22It's bleeding.
20:23It's bleeding.
20:24It's bleeding.
20:25It's bleeding.
20:26It's bleeding.
20:27It's bleeding.
20:28It's bleeding.
20:29It's bleeding.
20:30It's bleeding.
20:31Let me get some tomatoes in my mouth.
20:32Is this blue cheese?
20:33We've had to.
20:36Durm, huh?
20:37All right, let's see if I can throw this tomato in your mouth.
20:42Aw, almost.
20:43Here, let me try.
20:45Or don't act like you can't catch this one.
20:47I've had meatballs in my mouth.
20:49Go ahead.
20:51Look at that.
20:52You know what they call this?
20:53Take a guess.
20:55It's called the Blue Ball Martini.
20:58And this is for Juan, and this is also for Greg and his mom.
21:03And it's a drink that relieves blue balls.
21:05It doesn't...
21:06I'm not gonna drink it and get blue balls, right?
21:08No, it relieves it, for sure.
21:09All right.
21:10You don't get anything good.
21:15Aw, look at him with all the boys in bed.
21:19Jessica and Juan.
21:22So, I thought my first night in America
21:24was going to have a little bit more privacy with Jessica.
21:28But that didn't happen.
21:30Well, to Juan and all the sex he didn't have last night,
21:33blue balls hits again.
21:34Blue balls hits again.
21:37Next stop, Wyoming!
21:38Next stop, Wyoming.
21:40Oh, no.
21:43Not again.
21:46Ooh, a baby that doesn't like a car seat?
21:49Right now, he's like, holy crap.
21:53Imagine you being a great consoler to a toddler.
21:56Yeah, sympathetic.
21:57Sympathetic, I'm not.
21:59Well, you think your...day was rough?
22:01Yeah, yeah.
22:02This is daytime, so you can see it all during the day.
22:03Are those penguins or what's that?
22:05Definitely not penguins.
22:07We don't have penguins. We don't have penguins here.
22:11You're like, maybe an armadillo, not a penguin.
22:13The only penguins you're gonna see in Wyoming
22:15is at the zoo, brother.
22:18Dang, Bugs Bunny.
22:21Torrington, population 6,119.
22:27Yeah, 6,120.
22:31You know, some of the cruise ships he's been on
22:33hold 6,000 to 8,000 people.
22:36That whole town could be on the cruise ship.
22:38Holy crap.
22:40Imagine you date someone in that town.
22:41You're gonna see them everywhere.
22:43We lived in good old Hubbardston, Massachusetts.
22:47We had one convenience store.
22:49Ice cream, ice cream shop.
22:50We went to pizza, right?
22:51It was a double calico cream.
22:53We didn't have much going on out there.
22:57We got in a lot of mischief.
23:01Welcome home. Come into our house.
23:03Finally made it.
23:06Yay. He's home.
23:09Oh, that's what's up, man.
23:14This is pretty cool to see,
23:15because we saw them in Love and Paradise.
23:18Didn't know if they were gonna make it.
23:19Now he's here.
23:21Oh, he's testing the couch out.
23:23He wants to test the bed out.
23:25Here's our bedroom.
23:27So no door.
23:29No door.
23:31Doorless bedroom.
23:33Wait, wait, wait.
23:34The kids live next door, and there's no bedroom door.
23:36How is this even doable?
23:38It's not a bedroom without a door.
23:40So, I mean, like, basically, they all share the same room.
23:43So it looks like he's gonna have blue balls forever.
23:46You can make privacy, even with kids.
23:49And those boys are old enough, you know, the two older boys,
23:51to know, like, you got to knock on the door or stuff like that.
23:54What door?
23:56Well, when they get one.
23:59I've been waiting for this moment for a long time.
24:02Shut up, boy.
24:08Uh-uh, Juan's gonna get tired of that shit really quick.
24:12I just think I just saw what hell looked like.
24:14I actually share a room with River.
24:17So it's not like you just have to pick your times
24:20to be intimate.
24:21A lot of couch sex, right?
24:24Bro, I was on that couch.
24:27You're gonna need to change your face when we get there.
24:30Try to smile a little.
24:31Yeah, not that smile. That one looks too fake.
24:34That's all right. All right. Like that.
24:36Oh. Huh?
24:38Ha-ha. Ha-ha.
24:43Yum. What is in there?
24:45A little ice cream?
24:47Ice cream, a little root beer.
24:52Root beer floats are so good.
24:55I love you.
24:57I knew you were gonna like it.
25:01God, they just hit the button.
25:04You hit the G-spot?
25:06Surely. It hit my G-spot.
25:09I was talking to Dad the other day.
25:12About what?
25:13He said something like, ah, you feel real good.
25:15Like, he drank something, and like,
25:17yo, so I can feel right down deep there.
25:20I'm like, did it get to the G-spot?
25:22You said to my dad, did it hit you in your G-spot?
25:25Yeah. I mean, it's my G, man.
25:28It's my dad, too. We talk.
25:30Ew! We talk!
25:33All right. Flying in with some cloud pie, babe.
25:36Easy peasy recipe.
25:37Pie in the sky.
25:39I get it.
25:40How'd you guess it?
25:41Nah, I didn't guess it, but now I got it.
25:43Well, guess what's in it.
25:45Yogurt and some whipped cream and some fruit on the top.
25:49So enjoy. It's a cloud.
25:51It's a cloud. Cloud pie.
25:53Oh, we're back in Turkey.
25:58We're in Turkey.
25:59I got the K1 approval. Now my family's approval.
26:03Oh, they're going to meet the fam.
26:06You got it, Zopper.
26:08What's with the bandana and sleeveless plaid shirt?
26:10Style, Pat. Style.
26:15Ooh. I think I just smelled his breath.
26:23Sorry, Brad.
26:24He's a legend.
26:26The shirt is always unbuttoned.
26:28You're going to need to change your face when we get there
26:30because you show all your emotions on your face.
26:34Try to smile a little. Yeah, not that smile.
26:37That one looks too fake.
26:39So be it.
26:43What's that, huh? Like that.
26:52I'm pretty good with a poker face.
26:53You're not so much.
26:55I am.
26:56No, no, you give it away.
26:58Because I'm going to, like, you get, uh, uh, uh.
27:01I don't do that.
27:02You do do that.
27:04Uh, I don't do that.
27:05That's exactly it.
27:07Watch. I'm going to catch you when you do it.
27:09I did dumb.
27:23Oh, they're back to tell him, Jamal.
27:26Band-aid. Take it off.
27:28They know something's up.
27:30Yeah, just by the way Starbuck's acting.
27:40They're going to be happy for him.
27:44What are they going to say?
27:53All right.
27:54That's kind of like a smile.
27:56I mean, that or disbelief.
27:58She's not.
27:59If she knew what you were saying, she would not be happy.
28:00Dude, he's using, like, the exact same line that Ayesha used.
28:01Yeah, pretty much.
28:03To her father.
28:04Probably the same thing, right?
28:06I'm not leaving here.
28:07Yeah, I'm going.
28:08But, like, I don't know if it's going to work.
28:10I'm going.
28:11I'm going.
28:12I'm going.
28:13I'm going.
28:14I'm going.
28:15I'm going.
28:16I'm going.
28:17I'm going.
28:18I'm going.
28:19I'm going.
28:20I'm going.
28:21I'm going.
28:22I'm going.
28:23I'm going.
28:24I'm going.
28:25I'm going.
28:26I'm going.
28:27I'm going.
28:28I'm going.
28:29I'm going.
28:30I'm going.
28:31I'm going.
28:32I'm going.
28:33I'm going.
28:34I'm going.
28:35I'm going.
28:36I'm going.
28:37I'm going.
28:38I'm going.
28:39I'm going.
28:40I'm going.
28:41I'm going.
28:42I'm going.
28:43I'm going.
28:44I'm going.
28:45I'm going.
28:46I'm going.
28:47I'm going.
28:48I'm going.
28:49I'm going.
28:50I'm going.
28:51I'm going.
28:52I'm going.
28:53I'm going.
28:54I'm going.
28:55I'm going.
28:56I'm going.
28:57I'm going.
28:58I'm going.
28:59I'm going.
29:00I'm going.
29:01I'm going.
29:02I'm going.
29:03I'm going.
29:04I'm going.
29:05I'm going.
29:06I'm going.
29:07I'm going.
29:08I'm going.
29:09I'm going.
29:10I'm going.
29:11I'm going.
29:12I'm going.
29:13I'm going.
29:14I'm going.
29:15I'm going.
29:16I'm going.
29:17I'm going.
29:18I'm going.
29:19I'm going.
29:20I'm going.
29:21I'm going.
29:22I'm going.
29:23I'm going.
29:24I'm going.
29:25I'm going.
29:26No, I want Aatrook and Amanda.
29:27Andy, you're blue.
29:29So we're going to ask each other a question and you raise your hand who you think is
29:30most likely to do whatever we read.
29:31Sounds good.
29:32Let's see if you know me.
29:33Who has the more intense skin-care routine?
29:36Ten times, that's for sure.
29:40Who is more likely to order another round at the bar?
29:43You once you get going.
29:44Once I get going, it's me.
29:46Who is more likely to lose their head yell in an argument?
29:51Oh, babe, babe.
29:54There's parts of that that's true about you.
29:58It's all true.
29:59Who's the bigger flirt?
30:03Wow, I didn't think you were gonna say that.
30:05Well, I have a flirty personality.
30:07See, I wasn't wrong when I tried to fight with you
30:10and I got jealous with that waiter you flirted with.
30:12I did not flirt with him.
30:13I gave him a big tip because he was really good.
30:15And cute.
30:17That was fun.
30:18Are these clean?
30:19They are.
30:21I put softener.
30:28See the runway?
30:29Oh, we got it.
30:30Here we go, nighttime landing.
30:32I wonder if she's ever landed on a grass runway.
30:35I'd be scared.
30:39Mark and Mina and Maria.
30:45Aw, they're so cute.
30:48I'm happy you like the airplane and, you know.
30:51It's sexy.
30:53Sexy, messy.
30:54The uniform.
30:56Pilots are usually pretty good looking.
30:58It's like a firefighter in the US.
31:00They're all always hot.
31:01And cops.
31:03And soldiers.
31:04Got it.
31:07Okay, Mr. Captain.
31:09Need a help?
31:10I give you a cafe?
31:11Yeah, cafe for now.
31:13Apple tart, some champagne.
31:16My beautiful flight attendant.
31:17I've never played pilot.
31:19I gotta be honest.
31:21I've been with a flight attendant,
31:23but I didn't play a pilot.
31:25I'm sorry.
31:25I'm sorry.
31:26I just don't see it.
31:27I just don't see the sexual energy there.
31:30Is it just me?
31:31I see it better with him
31:32than I do with like Gino or somebody.
31:34You know what I mean?
31:35Yeah, like personality-wise.
31:37We're comparing sexual men to Gino.
31:40I mean, you know.
31:42You go first.
31:49Wow, that's nice.
31:52It's a nice house.
31:54She's like, I hit the jackpot.
31:57Yeah, really.
31:58This would be Clayton's room.
32:01Wait, this is Joe then and Jack.
32:04Yeah, exactly.
32:06Long time ago.
32:08Just because it's Jack's room, you know?
32:10Oh, I got the picture of the ex.
32:12Yeah, I mean, probably not the best photo to keep up.
32:15No, probably not.
32:17Probably not.
32:18Especially like the new stepson's room.
32:20Like, yeah.
32:21Here's my old family too.
32:32Oh boy, she's jealous type, you can tell.
32:34She's a tiger.
32:37She's giving off some Jasmine jealousy vibes.
32:39Yeah, but like, can she chill out?
32:41He just brought you all the way from Paris, you know?
32:48Another one?
32:49Oh my God.
32:50Oh no, dude.
32:50There was no sweep, dude.
32:51You don't miss two things.
32:53He spent way too much time prepping his plane.
32:55I know.
32:55He should have prepped the house.
32:58Yeah, you're going to have to remodel the whole thing.
33:00That's what you would do.
33:01You'd go right in there and take over.
33:02I'm burning four hoods up.
33:05I'll play that.
33:05We love vampires in this neighborhood.
33:28Oh my gosh.
33:29See you next Tuesday, Mina.
33:34This couple keeps me fluctuating.
33:35I know.
33:36I'm with them and then I'm not.
33:37It is a plane ride with them.
33:38Yes, turbulence.
33:42You're the boss for your work.
33:45I'm the boss in the house.
33:48She's laying it down.
33:50I'm right there with you, baby girl.
33:51I'm the boss in this house.
33:52Maybe she'll find she loves it here.
33:56You never know.
33:56Maybe she'll get into gardening or something.
33:58Yeah, get a hobby.
33:58That's the easiest way.
34:00Yeah, crocheting.
34:01Who knows?
34:02Maybe she'll learn how to fly and fly her ass back to Paris.
34:04That's Steele's plane.
34:06Next time on 90 Day Fiancé.
34:08Next time on.
34:10All right, next time on.
34:12Like seeing people singing and dancing like on the street.
34:16It just feels weird because if you do that in Iran,
34:20like they can arrest you.
34:22You breathe wrong there, they're going to arrest you.
34:25Well, there's some people in the streets here
34:27who should get arrested because they cannot sing.
34:30Would you see these in your country?
34:32Never, nothing.
34:33Oh my gosh.
34:35I can totally feel the freedom here.
34:37He feels the freedom big time.
34:39Theodore's excited for this.
34:41This trip, you want to take the next step
34:43in the relationship and propose to her.
34:45We want to bring her on the K-1 visa.
34:48Thrupple, going to meet the Thrupple lover.
34:50I feel butterflies, my heart's beating real hard.
34:53Wait, that's not her, is it?
34:54What, what is happening?
34:56Oh, are they playing some kind of, you know, hide and go seek?
34:59Why do they have to play a game?
35:00They're on to some freaky.
35:03Don't get it.
35:03And I approve of it.
35:05I can't wait to take you to see the family.
35:08You know, I want you to see Jordan and talk with her.
35:10Tell me, is she and me enemies?
35:14He got a hot tub?
35:16Now I say, I say I'm a snake, you know?
35:19You understand me?
35:21You don't come in the bed, okay?
35:23You don't come to the bed?
35:25Bitch, that's my house.
35:26Okay, what the?
35:28Nobody's getting Nikki tonight.
35:31All because he had that stupid picture left behind.
35:35Mistakes, they'll cost you.
35:37I can't wait for next week.
35:39I love you.
35:40Should we go shower?
35:41I would say take a bath, but our drain doesn't work.
35:43You're gonna have to call the plumber tomorrow.
35:45I'm feeling like, whew, I could use some refresher.
35:48Let's do some face masks.
35:49Yeah, I like that.
35:50How about a charcoal one?
35:51I've been wanting to do, we have a pack, okay?
35:52Oh, let's do it.
35:54My face is always ready for that.
35:56Who do we think is gonna make it?
35:57I put my money on Mark and Mina,
36:00Sarp or Instakina.
36:01The thruple as well.
36:03They're never making it.
36:05The thruple. Come on.
36:06The thruples.
36:07Now that's the biggest, that is the most guaranteed.
36:10That's the long shot?
36:11That is the longest shot.
36:14Honestly, mom, seeing Sarp arrive to leave his family,
36:16it made me really sad, like leaving you tonight.
36:19So give me a hug.
36:20Aw, I love you.
36:21I don't think it made you that sad.
36:22I'm really sad.
36:23Why, you'll see me next week.
36:26Text me when you get home.
36:27Will do.
36:30Ooh, I'm so glad he's leaving.