• yesterday
Baloo competes with Colonel Spigot to acquire a valuable idol, but uses brains over brawn to get the idol back when Spigot takes the idol from him.
After Kit gets a black eye and a busted airfoil from a run in with some thugs, Baloo gives him some tips about using his head instead of his fists when he gets into trouble. Baloo then tries-quite unsuccessfully-to con Rebecca into letting him take some time off, but she allows him to use time off that he's earned to go on the latest in a series of treasure hunts mean to enable him to regain ownership of the Sea Duck. Flying to Louie's Place, Kit and Baloo discover that their quarry-a legendary lost idol-has drawn quite a bit of attention due to 13 million torbit reward being offered for its return by the Sultan of Kafusaleum. After learning from Louie that the idol is thought to be located in the Land of 1,001 Lakes, the pair are greeted by their latest competition: a force of Thembrian soldiers led by Colonel Spigot.
Spigot announces his intentions to claim the idol for Thembria, and has his men hold Baloo upside down when Baloo makes a smart remark. In doing so, he inadvertently helps Baloo guess at the truth behind a clue at the idol's location: "It's right under your nose". The "nose" in question happens to be Moose Lake, which resembles a nose with a mustache beneath it when viewed from a certain angle. Baloo and Kit quickly fly to the lake, only for the Sea Duck to go out of control when it tries to land on the oily lake surface.
Baloo and Kit head for land, and make their way into a desolate swamp where bubbles pop with fiery explosions. They locate the idol and survive its protective booby traps, only for Spigot and his men-who have followed the pair-to steal it from them and lock them in a cage above the swamp. Fortunately, Kit is able to swing the cage to a nearby tree branch, and the fire intended to slay them instead frees them from their confinement. Trailing Spigot back to Louie's, Baloo tries to retake the idol by force, contrary to his own earlier advice to Kit. After multiple failed attempts, Kit is able to jog his memory, and Baloo decides to take another approach.
As Spigot prepares to leave for Thembria, to which he is taking back the idol for display in the Thembrian National Museum, Baloo appears in disguise and warns him that the object is cursed. Spigot refuses to believe the claims, but secures the idol inside a locked cabinet. Baloo and Kit then board his plane in the air, and begin efforts to convince Spigot that the idol is attempting to drive him mad. Despite attempts to put on a brave front, Spigot begins to crack under the pressure, before settling down in hopes that a nap will enable him to relax.


