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Kit befriends a parrot, Ignatz, who claims to know about some buried treasure. Baloo meanwhile is upset when Rebecca charges him for the value of a shipment of expensive crystal, which was actually broken by air pirates.

Baloo and Kit Cloudkicker buy a collection of junk from a hangar sale on a high atoll. Kit wonders why Baloo is buying so much useless junk, and Baloo explains his hopes to raise money to buy back the Sea Duck from Rebecca. As they board a heavily packed Sea Duck, Air Pirates Mad Dog and Dumptruck arrive to threaten the goose running the sale. As it turns out, one of the sale items was a chest belonging to the pirate captain Juan Toomany.
Upon discovering that Baloo and Kit have left with it, the two pirates take off after them. A strange voice from amidst the Sea Duck cargo proves to belong to Ignatius, or Ignatz, a parrot who takes a liking to Kit and an immediate dislike to Baloo. The trio are forced to land by the pirates, who leave quickly after obtaining the chest. Later, at Higher for Hire, Rebecca is angry at Baloo because the crystal glasses he was supposed to transport are broken. Baloo excuses himself by blaming the pirates, but he has used them as an excuse so often that Becky doesn't believe him.
Ignatz reveals that Juan Toomany was his last owner, and that he has memorized the location of the captain's treasure. Back at Pirate Island, Mad Dog and Dumptruck think they completed their mission successfully. However, Don Karnage, having stolen Juan Toomany's diary, is aware of Ignatz's true nature, and sends them to retrieve him. Back at Higher for Hire, Baloo is trying to find a way to repay Rebecca when a disguised Dumptruck arrives, looking to buy the bird from Baloo.
Baloo is quick to agree, but while he is speaking with Dumptruck Ignatz convinces Kit to go with him to find the treasure. The pair, hitching a ride with a plane using Kit's Airfoil, head to Tucker Forest in search of Carlsbear Caverns, where the treasure is hidden. However, as they are searching, Karnage arrives with his two minions. Karnage takes Kit captive, but Ignatz manages to escape and go for help.
Karnage briefly assumes that Kit knows where the treasure is, but Kit informs him of the truth. However, he soon decides to use Kit to get at Ignatz, unaware that the parrot has located Baloo. The angry bear is initially reluctant to listen to the parrot, but for Kit's sake decides to go with him. The two hear Kit laughing and begging, and go to see finding him tied to a tree, while Mad Dog is tickling his feet with a feather.


