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Trapped riding out a severe winter storm by the coast in the far north or arctic Norway. Q&A plus our plans for our onward journey home..

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#vanlife #winter #emergency


00:30Good morning, iFam.
00:32Welcome to today's cosy, van vibes,
00:37chiller Sunday.
00:40It's not Sunday, but we're pretending it is.
00:43So we had...
00:45We had...
00:46If you haven't watched yesterday's vlog
00:48and you've got no idea what I'm talking about,
00:50we had a bit of a day yesterday.
00:52We had a situation that we're riding out at the minute.
00:57And last night, I kid you not,
01:00no, in fact, it was about 7am this morning,
01:03we almost took off with the wind and flew back to the UK.
01:07That wind, it was like being on a cruise ship
01:12in severe winds.
01:15It was pure savage.
01:17It was savage wind.
01:18And it seems to pipe down, like right now, it's quite calm.
01:22But any moment, don't let that fool you,
01:24because any moment, we're back on that ship.
01:28But we're having a really cosy van day.
01:30We've been up this...
01:33It's piping up a little bit.
01:35A lot.
01:38But we've been having a cosy morning this morning.
01:41We've just taken it really, really slow.
01:43Do you know one thing that I am trying to really treasure
01:47at the minute and appreciate,
01:50because I feel like sometimes it just passes me by,
01:54but it's such a privilege to be able to have,
01:58is slow mornings.
01:59Like, you just can't put a price on slow mornings
02:02where you're not having to jump up and rush
02:06and run out the door.
02:08And I've obviously always been grateful
02:10that we've had slow mornings,
02:11but, I mean, I'm really trying to, like, properly be in them.
02:18You know, appreciate them even more.
02:22So, yeah, that's what we've done this morning anyway.
02:24We've had a slow, chilled morning.
02:26We've taken our time.
02:27We've not really rushed to do anything.
02:29I haven't even put makeup on today,
02:30and I'm probably not going to either
02:32because we're staying in the van.
02:34I am going to run over to the supermarket in a second,
02:37which is where we're parked right now.
02:38We're at Rima 1000.
02:40There was another big, humongous camper van,
02:43stunning, last night in front of us
02:45that also was taking shelter from the weather.
02:49And I'm going to run in there in a second,
02:51and I'm going to grab some bits to have for lunch.
02:54It's a very big supermarket,
02:56so there's a lot going on in there,
02:58loads of different options.
03:01I'm going to make a nice lunch.
03:02These two have been doing some learning apps this morning.
03:05We're just downloading some more up-to-date ones for Mila
03:09because now she is turning four this year.
03:14How is Mila four?
03:15I mean, not until July and the end of July,
03:19but I still can't believe Mila's turning four this year.
03:22Because she's turning four this year,
03:24her learning this far has been more fun-based.
03:29I mean, it's all fun-based.
03:30Even with Jase, it's still fun-based.
03:32But I mean, like, there's been not really too much
03:35very formal learning with her,
03:36but as she's turning four this year,
03:38we're starting to just update her apps, basically,
03:41and go from preschool to some more, you know, school.
03:45Oh, what's happened to that?
03:47I think, oh, is it wet?
03:49Come here, darling.
03:50So weird.
03:51Come here.
03:52Pop that under the door.
03:53So, yeah, that's what we've been doing.
03:56Mila's games are almost downloaded,
03:59her little learning apps.
04:00Come on, then.
04:02Everyone's covered in Coco Pops this morning.
04:05I bought yogurt and granola for breakfast this morning,
04:08and we completely forgot about it
04:11and gave them Coco Pops.
04:12And then Mila, halfway through eating them, went,
04:14why have we got this?
04:17Where's my yogurt?
04:18So we're going to have that a little bit later
04:21for a snack instead.
04:22For lunch.
04:23Well, we won't have it for lunch,
04:24but we'll have it maybe an hour after lunch.
04:27So, yeah, that's our plan for today.
04:30Are you pulling your ears?
04:32Come on.
04:34No, you're cute, Mila.
04:37And you're cute.
04:40No, you're a beautiful princess,
04:42just like Aurora.
04:45Do you want to argue with me some more, then?
04:47Do you want to argue with me some more?
04:49Go on, then.
04:50Are you cute?
04:53What are you?
04:54What's Mila?
05:02Tell me.
05:03Say, I'm Mila Roosevelt.
05:06And I am a princess.
05:08And I am amazing.
05:11And I am beautiful.
05:13And I am Poopoo Head.
05:15I thought she'd do that one.
05:17I thought she'd do that one.
05:19As you guys know, we're on a road trip,
05:21and as you can probably guess,
05:22noise in the van can get quite loud at times.
05:26It's really good that Jase and Mila are old enough now
05:30to play their learning games and things on their devices,
05:34but when they're both sat close together
05:36and they're both trying to listen,
05:37it can sometimes get a little bit hectic.
05:40Let me introduce you guys to these fantastic
05:43noise-cancelling headphones.
05:45These Bluetooth children's headphones
05:48reduce up to 36 dB of background noise,
05:51creating a quieter space for focused learning.
05:55They also have a volume limit,
05:57which is super important to us
06:00and I'm sure many of you guys as parents
06:02for protecting your children's hearing.
06:05They're made from safe, BPA-free materials,
06:09and they are built to be extremely durable.
06:13These have withstood drops from my cupboards,
06:20and I can definitely guarantee that these are durable.
06:23Not only that, but they are so blooming cute.
06:27Look how gorgeous the colours are.
06:30Comfort is second to none,
06:33and I honestly don't feel like I've ever seen
06:36a prettier pair of headphones.
06:38I can't even hear.
06:39I don't even feel like I've seen
06:41a prettier pair of headphones ever.
06:44And another thing that I absolutely love about this
06:47because there's nothing worse than 10 minutes down the road
06:50hearing, the battery's dead.
06:53These have an incredible up to 60 hours,
06:5860, six, zero, hours battery life.
07:02And a quick 10-minute type C charge
07:05gives over four hours playback time.
07:08And on the occasion where we are packed up,
07:10we're trying to save on battery life,
07:12battery on the van and things like that,
07:14but the children still want to use these.
07:16You do also get a audio cable for a wired connection.
07:21And another thing that I really love about them
07:23is that they have a built-in microphone,
07:26so it's super crisp as well.
07:29So when your children are wearing these,
07:31if they're having like a chat with their friends,
07:33a chat with family members at home,
07:35they're doing online learning,
07:37you can just use these,
07:39and the built-in microphone is extremely crisp and clear.
07:44They come in multiple different colours,
07:46they have fantastic reviews on Amazon,
07:49and they are also available in many places
07:52if you have Amazon Prime, next day delivery.
07:55So if you guys are interested in some beautiful,
07:58gorgeous, stylish, and works very well
08:01headphones for your children,
08:03I will leave a link in the description box down below,
08:07and you guys can go and check them out for yourself.
08:10Do you remember in 2023 when we came to this shop
08:12on the way to Nordgat?
08:14And you were pregnant, and it was this slippy then?
08:17You won't be able to hear a single word you say
08:19on the way to the inside.
08:23It's so slippy.
08:25As I was saying, because it's way too windy outside to talk,
08:28but in 2023 when we came here on the way to Nordgat,
08:31I remember how slippy it was outside of this shop.
08:33It was just the same.
08:35So I was holding Sarah like an iron bar as we were walking in
08:37because she was newly pregnant, we'd only just found out.
08:39It was literally like the size of a grain of rice,
08:41and with all my padding,
08:44there was no way anything was going to...
08:46Shut up, you idiot.
08:47No way anything was going to, you know...
08:50Silly, Billy, Billy.
08:51Anyway, I'm with Savannah, she's just come in
08:53because she's just the first to finish her schoolwork today,
08:55so she's just come in, and she's sitting with the little ones
08:58whilst we come and get some cozy lunch for everybody.
09:00What shall we get?
09:02Some big toasted sandwiches that you used to make
09:04in the Sweden house.
09:05That was just a sandwich with toasted bread?
09:07Yes, that's what we do.
09:08That's what we get, we get them sandwiches,
09:10because they were amazing.
09:11They were the best thing of life.
09:12What was it?
09:13It was literally cheese and ham sandwich bread,
09:14but it wasn't toasted bread.
09:15Was it like chicken and pepperoni?
09:17No, I don't think so.
09:18And cheese, yeah.
09:19We don't have to toast it, we can have it as a sandwich, but...
09:21Then it won't be the sandwich, would it?
09:23Or we make some juicy baths with cream cheese and...
09:28Tuna mayo.
09:29We've got tuna.
09:30We've got tuna mayo.
09:31We've got tuna.
09:32Yeah, we've got loads of tuna.
09:33Yeah, we have got tuna.
09:34Loads of tuna.
09:35Or tuna mayo.
09:36Tuna mayo.
09:37Tuna mayo, yeah.
09:38We'll have tuna mayos.
09:39Tuna and cheese sandwiches.
09:42With crisps.
09:43Oh yeah, that's proper.
09:44That's a Nami lunch.
09:45All right, I'm going to look for the crisps,
09:47because you just cannot beat crisps
09:49in a tuna mayo with cheese sandwich.
09:52Preferably cheese and onion crisps.
09:54But paprika will be equally as good.
09:57Paprika crisps are the boss in the Nordics.
10:00Oh, these.
10:02They're like the nicest crisps ever.
10:05I don't know what it is about,
10:06but they're just amazing.
10:07I had these the other night.
10:10These ones.
10:12Kim's paprika kick.
10:15And they were just unreal.
10:17Wait, is that cheese and onion?
10:20I'm reckoning so.
10:21I'm reckoning we'll get them ones.
10:22Yeah, that's the one.
10:23All right, cheese and onion.
10:26Times two.
10:27Okay, so for lunch today,
10:29we are having tuna salad sandwiches.
10:35Oh, come on baby, let's go.
10:36Absolute bad boys.
10:38These bread cakes look so delicious.
10:40They've got like a cheesy thing on top or something.
10:43They look very good.
10:44So let's make it.
10:46I'm sorry, but did you ever see
10:47a more bad boy tuna sandwich?
10:49It's bloomin' massive.
10:51Oh, it's really good as well.
10:53Oh my gosh.
10:55Will you sing with me?
10:57How is it only just gone three
11:00and it's pretty much dark outside?
11:02Well, it's almost dark.
11:05That's what it's like
11:06when you're on the top of the world.
11:07Oh my gosh, I can see your head in the reflection
11:09very, very, very slightly.
11:13Right, Rory's just gone down for a nap.
11:14So me, Jace, Mila and Chris are about to play
11:20a game.
11:21We're going to do a little challenge.
11:24They got these block things for Christmas, didn't you?
11:28They're kind of like magnet tiles.
11:30That's right, but they're cubes.
11:32I'm going to make it by myself.
11:35Oh, you've dropped all ours on the floor now, me, me.
11:38So we're going to win.
11:39So Jace and Daddy are going to build something
11:40and me and Mila are going to build something
11:41and then we're going to decide whose is the best.
11:44Right, let's make the base with all these ones.
11:47Look at this one.
11:49This, okay?
11:50This is the base, okay?
11:52I'm not going to do that.
11:55Mila, we've got to work together as a team.
11:58You're not working together as a team.
12:00I don't want to.
12:02That's not teamwork, Mila.
12:04So we're building a forest.
12:06That's Mummy's down there.
12:08That's Mummy's piece.
12:09So we...
12:10Oh, look, a Rudolph.
12:12That's us.
12:14We got a Rudolph, guys.
12:16No, I wouldn't.
12:17Because you're both Rudolphs, we got Rudolph.
12:20We've got two.
12:21We'll put one on the chimney there.
12:23Guys, we've got Rudolph.
12:25We've got Rudolph and a snowman.
12:28And a Christmas tree.
12:29Jace going bowers.
12:31I think that shows.
12:32Oh, yeah, it does.
12:33We've got another piece.
12:34Put it on top of here.
12:37Right, guys.
12:38Let's make a wallet too.
12:39Let's turn this round.
12:41It doesn't matter if we lose.
12:42And show people.
12:43It doesn't matter if we lose because...
12:46We've got a second round, we can do more.
12:48Right, guys.
12:49Jace, we've got confidence.
12:50You're going to lose.
12:51We're going to win.
12:54That's what I want.
12:55No, that's not confidence.
12:56Right, guys.
12:57This is what me and Mila have made.
12:58And this is what?
12:59A fireplace.
13:00You've got one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
13:03Do you know what we do, guys?
13:04Listen, listen.
13:05Do you know what we do?
13:07We are confident with our own work and we say other people's is nice too.
13:12But Jace has done a really good job there as well, okay?
13:14Guys, we should have made this.
13:17We should have made a swing too.
13:19We should have made a swing.
13:21Right, me and Mila have made a fireplace with Santa Claus and we've made a forest.
13:26Very nice.
13:27With some bushes.
13:28So we win.
13:29No, wait, wait, wait.
13:30Very, very nice.
13:31That's what me and Mila have made.
13:32This is what we've made.
13:33With the presents under the tree.
13:34We've made, we have made a castle.
13:38That is fabulous.
13:40With robots to fight, to guard.
13:46That's really good, Jace.
13:48And we've got a wall.
13:50So if the wall doesn't work, they've got the big robot to fight.
13:55I think that's fantastic.
13:56These are the robots.
13:57Oh, yours transforms from a bat to a robot.
14:02No, that's actually super creative and cool.
14:04Oh, his arm's falling down as well as his body.
14:06That's like a little fire in.
14:08So cool.
14:09That's so cool and creative.
14:10We still win.
14:12Oh, shut up.
14:15But if I was you,
14:16I definitely would have made more of these little snowmen and figures.
14:19Maybe you could have done the abominable snowman.
14:22I've got an idea.
14:23Think about that.
14:24Or something like that.
14:25Do you have a lot of snowmen?
14:26Oh, wait.
14:27And Rudolph.
14:28And a Rudolph snowman.
14:29That's what I would have done.
14:31I've got the teddy.
14:32That's pretty good.
14:33That looks cool now.
14:34I haven't changed it.
14:35No, they're cool.
14:36We're changing ours too.
14:38We're changing ours then.
14:40That's very creative, guys.
14:41Well done.
14:42That's pretty cool, them boys.
14:44They're not pretty cool.
14:45They're amazing.
15:00There's so much ice on the floor here.
15:02All right, guys.
15:03Welcome to Henningsvag in the Rima 1000,
15:05where we're based up right now for the next 12 hours or so.
15:13This car park is lethal.
15:14Look at the state of it.
15:17It's literally just pure ice everywhere.
15:21The wind's died down a little bit now.
15:24I bet I could skid all the way to the bottom of this hill.
15:27Easy done.
15:31OK, not quite.
15:33The wind's died down a little bit now, which it was due to.
15:37It was due to stop altogether about 9 p.m.
15:39And then it's due to kick off again early hours of the morning.
15:42And then we've got a window between 11 and 3,
15:45where it's going to be low enough, hopefully,
15:48as long as the weather forecast's right,
15:50for us to cross the mountain to get out of here.
15:52I'm just going to hide behind the caravan,
15:54hopefully get some shelter enough to talk to you guys for a minute.
15:56But we've got a window tomorrow between 11 and 3 p.m.,
15:59where the wind's going to be just about low enough
16:01for us to make this mountain crossing.
16:03If we can't cross tomorrow because the weather's not right
16:06or the wind doesn't drop,
16:08then we're stuck here for another two days
16:10because the road is closing for two days.
16:13And there's only one road out of here back to the mainland,
16:16and it's basically an undersea tunnel.
16:19The tunnel's closing for some maintenance work,
16:22so we need to get out of here basically tomorrow.
16:25The plan was always to leave here tomorrow
16:27because the dip in the weather is still good for tomorrow at the minute.
16:31Today there's still severe gale force winds,
16:34warnings all over this area of Norway,
16:36but they're not in effect tomorrow.
16:38And it's due to drop down to about 8 meters per second.
16:42At the mountain pass area,
16:44the dodgy area that we need to go to,
16:47it's going to drop to about 8 meters per second
16:49between 11 and 3-ish tomorrow.
16:53So basically that's about 20 miles an hour,
16:56so hopefully we can deal with 20-mile-an-hour gusts,
16:58and nothing will happen to the caravan.
17:01And we'll be all good to cross,
17:03because the problem is that the road surfaces are all like this,
17:07just really badly compacted ice.
17:10So any side swiping from wind on any vehicle basically
17:15just pushes you sideways.
17:17Doesn't matter if you're driving forward, you're still going sideways.
17:19Off the road there's no lateral grip.
17:23So that's the worrying aspect of leaving here tomorrow,
17:27but hopefully we're going to be all good.
17:30If we get there, I do have some tyre spikes
17:33that I can strap on to the tyres,
17:35so when we get to that region,
17:37if the wind's super bad or anything like that,
17:39we're feeling any way uneasy,
17:41then I'll stop and put the tyre spikes on.
17:44I don't know how effective they'll be in this sort of ice,
17:48but hopefully then maybe they'll do something, I don't know.
17:51But all being well, we're going to get out of here tomorrow,
17:54cross back to the mainland,
17:56and make our way down to our friends basically,
18:01which is about four hours south of here,
18:04where we're going to have a little bit of an hour and a half for a few days,
18:08which will be really nice.
18:10We're going to do some really cool winter activities there,
18:12which obviously we'll film with you guys, etc.
18:14So it's going to be really fun.
18:16But yeah, that's the plan at the minute.
18:19Right now I'm just going to go fill up our auxiliary diesel heater tanks,
18:23our spare tanks of diesel basically,
18:25that we carry for the heaters and stuff at the fuel station,
18:28because the fuel station's going to close.
18:30So it closes pretty early here,
18:31so I'm going to take the cans up there now and get them filled up,
18:33so we're good for the night just in case we need to top up.
18:35We don't at the minute, but you never know,
18:37don't want to be caught short.
18:40And yeah, man, get ready for a nice little evening in the Rima 1000.
18:47I'm super grateful for this right now, I tell you.
18:49I would literally be, I don't know,
18:52if we were still up on that mountain stuck,
18:54which we could well have been right now,
18:55then that would not have been good,
18:57especially not in this weather that's been happening today.
19:00All righty, all righty.
19:0121.75 kroner a litre, which is about not much.
19:07Very little, it's a good price, it's a good price.
19:10I like the fuel in Norway, but it's just a few hours south,
19:14it's like 19 something a litre,
19:16so being up north we're paying a premium.
19:23Don't skis.
19:25All right, all done.
19:27Nice little diesel reserve sorted out just in case.
19:30Could be chilling myself outside the Burj Khalifa right now,
19:32no problems.
19:36That's quite a nice start, you know, to be fair.
19:41Right, we just went over to the star, the Rima 1000.
19:45Yeah, they're probably literally thinking at this point
19:47that I'm moving in.
19:49Yeah, she just told us because we went to buy some more water,
19:51and the water we bought yesterday, which is that one,
19:54was fizzy, and we bought a load of bottles of it
19:56thinking it was...
19:59Yeah, so we asked which is the still water,
20:01and she said, oh, if you guys want,
20:04if you guys want, like, oh, you're the guys from the car park,
20:07you can just fill up your bottles with the sink water.
20:12And we're like, oh, okay,
20:13if you guys want, you can just fill up your bottles
20:16with the sink water.
20:18And we're like, oh, okay, and she said that,
20:20but then she said, but it's not been tested,
20:22so I can't officially say that.
20:24But we all drink it, and it's fine, so I'm like, okay.
20:26We've obviously had some water issue the last week.
20:29She was saying that the water's been out for some reason.
20:31Anyway, we just bought the water.
20:33I ain't being a test monkey for no dirty water.
20:36I'm sure it will be absolutely fine.
20:38Anyway, we bought,
20:41well, I bought a ton of snacks to try.
20:45I'm going to do them on TikTok.
20:46I bought so many snacks.
20:47I've been collecting them every time I've gone to a shop,
20:49and I've seen something that looks nice or funky or cool.
20:51Let me just say, if you were going to live somewhere
20:54because of the food, you'd live in the Nordics.
20:56The food here is good, man.
20:57Really? Do you think?
20:58Supermarkets are good.
21:00Anyway, we bought...
21:01No, not here in the town, you bean head.
21:03In Norway, Sweden, or Finland, the food here is good.
21:05No, I'm saying I feel miles away from the camera, not.
21:08Oh, okay.
21:10Anyway, I bought these,
21:12and I bought this blue drink.
21:14And me and Chris are going to taste test them right now
21:17whilst we answer some questions.
21:19Is that thing that I just told Esme we're tasting there?
21:21The fish thing?
21:22No, that's the phone.
21:24Yeah, it is.
21:25And guys, I had to do it.
21:27If you follow me on Instagram or TikTok,
21:29then you'll know what I mean.
21:30I've bought some furry fish to try.
21:33So basically, when we've been to Lofoten before,
21:35and we've seen the fish hung up,
21:37I've got a few people coming like,
21:38why don't you just Google it and you'll get your answer?
21:40Obviously, I can just Google it and get my answer on what it is,
21:42but I like to actually talk to people.
21:44I like to interact.
21:45I like to hear stories.
21:46I like to hear from people who actually live here
21:48rather than just Google.
21:49So that's why it's on social media,
21:51because lots of you guys live in Norway or Scandinavia,
21:53and you know what this is.
21:54And actually, I found out loads of information.
21:56You know, we go to Lofoten and there's all the fish hung up.
21:59That's a dehydrating process for the fish.
22:02It dries them out in the air and the sun.
22:08And that's what they make this cod.
22:11And you can either eat it dry.
22:14Somebody told me that it's like a popular pub snack
22:18to have with a pint of beer,
22:19like a small piece with a pub beer,
22:21in place of like beef jerky.
22:23It's kind of like a fish jerky.
22:26Or you can rehydrate it by boiling it or grilling it
22:30and using it in recipes such as soup and things.
22:33So I think we'll try the pub version,
22:35but without the beer.
22:37We're not going to taste that here
22:38because I want to do it with the girls as well.
22:40Yeah, it looks like a fluffy fish.
22:45I'm so glad I'm getting out of that right now.
22:47I thought I was definitely in it.
22:48You're definitely not getting it.
22:49I'm going to do it with you on the vlog,
22:50but not today.
22:51Right, let's answer some questions.
22:53Also, I did a little Q&A on Instagram.
22:55We're not going to answer a load of questions
22:56because today's vlog will end up being super long.
22:58Blue pepper.
23:03Wow, your swallow is so loud.
23:06Is it nasty?
23:07It's not my thing.
23:12It tastes like soap.
23:14Do you think that tastes like soap?
23:16Try and describe it.
23:17It's like blueberry soap.
23:20Personally, I think only one place in the world
23:22does Pepsi good, and that's Dubai.
23:24I personally feel like you're having that thing
23:26where just because it's blue,
23:27you're saying it tastes like blueberry
23:28because that tastes nothing like blueberry.
23:30Uh, no.
23:31I don't know.
23:32It tastes like soapy jelly.
23:33To me, Pepsi in the UK and stuff,
23:35and all Europe,
23:36tastes a bit like dishwasher.
23:40I don't like it.
23:41That's what that tastes like.
23:42It's like fairy liquid.
23:43Pepsi in Dubai tastes like Coke.
23:44Taste that.
23:45It's really good.
23:46Taste it and breathe through your nose.
23:49Swallow it and then do that breath thing through your nose.
23:52Does that taste like fairy liquid?
23:53It's not good, that.
23:54Yeah, it tastes like fairy liquid.
23:55It tastes like fairy liquid.
23:56It actually does taste like fairy liquid.
23:57The green fairy liquid.
23:58Yeah, it does taste like the green fairy liquid.
23:59Right, let's try one of these.
24:00That's weird.
24:04These are sweet or salt.
24:05Why do they never look as juicy
24:06when they're on the front packet
24:07and then you open the bag
24:08and then you're like, oh.
24:09These are sweet or salty.
24:11Chocolate covered crisps.
24:12No, it's sweet and salt.
24:14The crisp salt, chocolate sweet.
24:16It's not sweet or salty.
24:17They're just sweet and salty.
24:19Oh, they're fat.
24:20They're good.
24:24Oh yeah.
24:25They're a good one.
24:27The Nordics do this sort of stuff very well.
24:31Very good.
24:33Really good.
24:34Oh yeah.
24:35They are very good.
24:36Right, I'm just going to scroll down.
24:37Why does Chris always make silly faces in every photo?
24:40Let's smile for a picture, babe.
24:42What do you automatically do?
24:46Yeah, you do.
24:48Why do you do that?
24:49He just loves it.
24:51I don't know.
24:52It's just me, I guess.
24:55Do you still have places to visit
24:56or things to do in your bucket list
24:58and what is at the top?
25:02You have a think about that one
25:03while I'm answering this one.
25:04Did you take any medication for hair loss
25:07hair loss in pregnancy?
25:08It's freaking me out.
25:09I had no hair loss during pregnancy
25:11but if you're talking about postpartum
25:13then no, I didn't take anything for it in the end
25:15because nothing works
25:16because it's a process your body has to go through.
25:19When your hormone drops
25:21you lose the hair that you gained during pregnancy
25:25so you're not
25:26in most cases this is
25:27this is not in every case
25:28I know that some people suffer with it
25:30to the extreme and things
25:32but in most cases during pregnancy
25:34because of the raised hormone
25:35you get extra hair growth
25:37and then when you have your baby
25:39at about eight weeks
25:40when that hormone drops
25:41in both you and your baby
25:43your baby's hair can fall out
25:44and you lose that extra growth.
25:46You're blurry.
25:47Oh, that's great.
25:48And you will lose the extra growth as well.
25:51I was actually saying this morning
25:53my hair's driving me mad at the minute
25:55because under here
25:58I've got all this regrowth coming back
26:01and it's constantly getting knotty.
26:03It's like kinky
26:04I don't know if you can see it properly
26:05but it's like kinky
26:08horrible hair
26:09that's just really irritating
26:11on the back of my neck
26:12but that's just that, isn't it?
26:17Why is it regrowing back?
26:19Why is my hair regrowing back
26:22if you're just losing hair that you gained?
26:24It doesn't make sense to me.
26:26So I don't know the actual ins and outs
26:30but for some reason I'm growing more hair back
26:34maybe you lose more
26:35because of the
26:36maybe you lose the hair you grow
26:38you gained in pregnancy
26:40plus some
26:42because obviously mine
26:43some hair does grow back
26:45like I had a massive bald patch there
26:47Anyway, what are you laughing at?
26:49You said your hair's kinky.
26:52You need to get out of this van right now.
26:54How long before a baby sleeps through the night?
26:56One exhausted mama here.
26:58I'd say 18 months in most cases
27:03My three older girls
27:04I know everyone says breastfeeding makes no difference
27:07but my three older girls were all bottle fed
27:09and they were all in their own rooms
27:11sleeping through the whole night by three months old
27:14all of them
27:16I don't know if it's just because I'm older
27:18and I am a different parent
27:20as I've got older
27:22or if it's genuinely fully breastfeeding
27:26but my breastfed younger three
27:32still worked through the night until about 18 months
27:35and Mila still breastfed through the night
27:38until like 19 months
27:40Jace was a little bit better
27:41but I did wean him off breastfeeding earlier
27:44and then Aurora still wakes up through the night
27:46she doesn't breastfeed anymore
27:47but she still wakes up through the night
27:49especially at the minute
27:50like a lot
27:51because she's teething
27:52but I'd say by about 18 months
27:54your baby developmentally
27:57in most cases
27:59get sleep through the night
28:02so I feel you
28:03because I don't think there's enough recognition
28:06for parents
28:08who are constantly up through the night
28:10and how actually exhausting it is
28:12it's just like a
28:13yeah well you know
28:14part and parcel of having a child
28:15obviously it is
28:17it feels so lonely
28:19during their moments
28:20during the night
28:21where you're the only one awake
28:22and so frustrating
28:23when you don't know
28:24how to get the baby back to sleep
28:25or how to soothe them
28:27it's just really lonely
28:28I think there should be more recognition for that
28:30that was the creepiest question I've ever seen in my life
28:32is your house in Dubai being sold?
28:36it's not our house
28:38it's not our house
28:39we don't own it
28:40number one right
28:41let's just be real about that question
28:43that question's creepy on all levels
28:45because number one
28:46we've never ever filmed the house name
28:48or number
28:49we've never even really filmed the position of the house
28:51where we live
28:52so there is absolutely no way
28:54anybody could possibly know
28:57where our house is
28:59or what number it is
29:00or what name it is
29:02so for someone to ask that
29:03is very very creepy indeed
29:05so we'll move on from that one
29:07why would you even ask that?
29:08it's just creepy
29:09some people are just really creepy
29:11and that's a creepy question
29:12how is your knee?
29:13I had literally
29:14when I complained about it
29:15a few days ago
29:16I had like two days after that
29:17where it was still sore
29:18but kind of felt like it was getting a bit better
29:20and then it's
29:21it was you this morning was it?
29:22how's your leg?
29:23and I was like
29:24oh it's gone
29:25it's completely healed
29:26I've never felt pain like it on that day
29:28I think it was the day we were cooking outside
29:30it was so painful
29:32but since then
29:33totally fine
29:34totally gone
29:35all pain gone
29:36okay moving on
29:38how do you stay consistent
29:39when you don't feel like it?
29:42getting out of bed
29:43no matter what
29:44you feel like
29:45and getting the job done
29:46it's no different
29:47like people say this isn't a job
29:48but whether you like it or not
29:49this is a job
29:50if something
29:51if you do something
29:53that pays you money
29:54and you've had to pay tax on that
29:56and you pay bills with it
29:58and it sustains your living
30:00then that's a job
30:02doesn't matter what it is
30:03it's a job
30:04a job is something that pays money
30:06and that's what this is
30:07and with any job
30:08you can't just be like
30:10I don't really feel like it today
30:12it's not gonna bother
30:14I mean it's different because
30:15with jobs like
30:17you check out at 5pm
30:19or whatever time
30:21or you get your two days off
30:23per week
30:24where you can just lounge around
30:25and because we vlog pretty much daily
30:27there is days
30:29I don't know
30:30or like
30:31I was about to say
30:32days where you don't feel like
30:33putting make-up on
30:34you've got to
30:35on a day where I've put no make-up on
30:36but you know
30:38there is days where you feel like
30:40I just don't
30:41either like I just
30:42I don't feel confident today
30:43like I hate the way I look
30:45I hate the way my hair is
30:46I've got a cold sore
30:47I've got
30:48watch me get caught
30:49and I'll mention that
30:50that'd be so weird
30:51that'd be so weird wouldn't it
30:53I've got a spot
30:54or whatever the reason may be
30:56when you don't want to go into work
30:58because of that reason
30:59or I'm feeling a bit ill
31:00or I've got a headache
31:02we have those same feelings
31:04I don't want to put a camera on my face
31:05and talk
31:06and be enthusiastic
31:07and energetic
31:08because I'm just not feeling it today
31:10but at the end of the day
31:12for us
31:13it's a job
31:14and so
31:15it's tough
31:16if we don't want to do it
31:17it's what we've signed up to do
31:19it's not just that
31:20if you want to get anywhere in life
31:21and do anything good
31:23and earn good money
31:24and stuff like that
31:25you have to have discipline
31:26it's the backbone of everything
31:27so if you're not disciplined
31:28then you're
31:29you're not going to make it
31:30oh my gosh
31:31someone's actually put
31:32do you think your parenting style has changed
31:33from when Isabel was little
31:36yeah it has
31:37I think it has
31:38you know people say
31:39you grow up with your children
31:41do you want to scroll through that
31:42while I'm answering this
31:43just to see if there's any more to answer
31:44there's loads of questions
31:45that's why
31:46people say like
31:47if you have children young
31:48you grow up with your children
31:50you can be a great parent
31:51even if you're a young parent
31:53and I still stick by that
31:54I was still a great parent
31:55to Isabel
31:56when I was 19
31:57and she was just born
32:01I put her first
32:02you know
32:03she was my world
32:05she went
32:06she never went without
32:07we played
32:08we read stories
32:09we had bath time
32:10I put her to bed
32:11you know
32:12everything was
32:13in that sense
32:14the same as what I do now
32:15with my
32:16younger three
32:18I definitely feel like
32:19I'm a different parent
32:20and I don't know
32:23I can't really explain
32:24how I'm different
32:25but I just know I am
32:27definitely more relaxed
32:29as a parent
32:31I think the younger three
32:32probably get away with more
32:33than the older three did
32:35when they were younger
32:39I don't know
32:40but I am 100%
32:42I'm obviously more experienced
32:43as a parent
32:45and I'm more confident
32:46in knowing
32:47that I'm making decisions
32:48with all of our best interests
32:49at heart
32:50and with the girls
32:51and Jason
32:52is best interest at heart
32:53and I just
32:54yeah I just feel more confident
32:55in a parent
32:56as a parent as well
33:00why did I just do that?
33:04when are you guys
33:05back to your normal
33:06home the question says
33:09probably in the UK
33:10okay so yeah
33:11we're going back to the UK
33:12in the next couple of weeks
33:15and then
33:16we will be going
33:17back to Dubai
33:18we'll be going straight
33:19back to Dubai
33:20pretty much
33:21we're not going to be
33:22in the UK long
33:24I've got to go and see
33:25my sister and my nana
33:26and things
33:28we've got some bits
33:29to sort out
33:30with the house
33:31and stuff
33:32obviously we've got to
33:33sort the vans out
33:34and stuff
33:35before we leave them
33:37because we've got
33:38a little summer trip
33:39to do
33:40later in the year
33:41with some good friends
33:42of ours in the UK
33:43it's going to be really fun
33:44I was so confused
33:45about what you were
33:46going to say
33:47we've got some really
33:48cool stuff coming up
33:49this year
33:51I mean we haven't
33:52decided exactly what
33:53we're doing
33:54in the second half
33:55of the year
33:57but the first half
33:58of the year
33:59we've pretty much
34:00decided on what
34:01we're doing
34:02it's really weird
34:03because we usually
34:04have a plan at this
34:05time of year
34:06on how the rest
34:07of the year
34:08will pan out
34:09like we have all
34:10of our holidays
34:11that we know
34:12we're doing
34:13and it's kind of
34:14we usually have
34:16we do have
34:17like Chris just said
34:18a little trip with
34:19some friends
34:20coming up
34:21in summer time
34:22and we do want to
34:23spend a lot of time
34:24in Dubai this year
34:25so we'll be there
34:26for quite a few months
34:27got hiccups
34:28a few months
34:29when we go back
34:30and then
34:31after the little trip
34:32we've got with some
34:34we're not sure
34:35what we're doing
34:36after that
34:37are we really
34:38it just depends
34:39it depends on
34:40what's happened
34:41with Scandinavia
34:42here basically
34:43and we'll go from there
34:44and we'll decide
34:45then I don't know
34:46really it's going to be
34:47an interesting one
34:48to be fair last year
34:49was the same
34:50because that road trip
34:51we did in the summer
34:52that wasn't decided
34:53that we were going to
34:54do that until about
34:55two weeks before
34:56we actually did it
34:57yeah because
34:58we was in the
34:59swimming pool
35:00it was literally
35:01the last week
35:02the last week
35:03before we flew back
35:04from that first
35:05period of time
35:06in Dubai
35:07was when we decided
35:08we were doing
35:09that road trip
35:10so it was a bit
35:11random last minute
35:12so who knows
35:13with that
35:14let's end this Q&A
35:15on this trip
35:16and what the rest
35:17of our plans are
35:18because I know
35:19it gets to this stage
35:20in the trip
35:21I actually said
35:22to you yesterday
35:23didn't I like
35:24what we're doing
35:25for the rest of this trip
35:26like we've got an idea
35:27on what we're doing
35:28but what's like the plan
35:29and we're kind of
35:30making a start
35:31to think about
35:32our route home
35:33is that one of the girls
35:34I'm guessing Isla
35:36can you open it
35:38open the door
35:39so we're starting
35:40to think about
35:41thank you
35:42are you alright
35:44we're starting to think
35:45about our route home
35:46and the route we're
35:47going to be taking
35:48there was something
35:49that we really
35:50wanted to do
35:51there was actually
35:52two things that we
35:53really wanted to do
35:54two places we wanted
35:55to go should I say
35:56and one of them
35:57is definitely
35:58still happening
35:59and we're hoping
36:00that the other one
36:01is also still happening
36:02this trip has been
36:03just to cut you in
36:04this trip has been
36:05the best
36:06road trip we've ever done
36:07I think we've all
36:08agreed on that one
36:09and it's just been
36:10we've been so lucky
36:12even this little
36:14yeah the caravan's
36:15a bit damaged and
36:16banged up but
36:17it's been an experience
36:18and a half
36:19but it's also been
36:20an experience and a half
36:21to take away with us
36:22and even though we
36:23didn't quite reach
36:24the last 10km
36:25of Nordkapp
36:26I still think we
36:28I still think we
36:29got it
36:30and we have
36:32the meganess
36:33we've towed a caravan
36:34pretty much the whole
36:35of Scandinavia
36:36the whole of Finland
36:37all the way to the
36:38very top
36:39I'm sorry but
36:40we're leaving here
36:42and attempting
36:43we've got a weather
36:45after 3pm
36:46but there's a
36:47breaking the wind
36:48between 11 and 3
36:49so we're going to
36:50try and get out of
36:52well we are
36:53going to get out of
36:55between 11 and 3
36:56and hope we make it
36:57back over that pass
36:58because there's no
36:59other option
37:00pretty nervous to be
37:01fair not going to lie
37:02because if we don't
37:03for some reason
37:04or if we don't feel
37:05safe driving it
37:06or whatever the
37:07reason may be
37:08that road is
37:09is it
37:102 days
37:11for 2 days
37:12so then we're going to
37:13be stuck here
37:14for another 3 days
37:15and we don't want that
37:16because we want to
37:17crack on we're going
37:18to see some friends
37:19when we've left here
37:20which will arrive at
37:21theirs tomorrow
37:22won't we
37:23yeah tomorrow night
37:24we'll get to theirs
37:26tomorrow night
37:28so we'll get to
37:29theirs tomorrow
37:30and we're going to
37:31spend a few days
37:32with them
37:33we'll be doing some
37:34ice fishing
37:35jace can't
37:36blooming wait
37:37can he
37:38I don't know if
37:39I can get on board
37:40with that
37:41I don't think
37:42I don't know
37:43I don't know what
37:44it entails exactly
37:45but yeah so
37:46anyway we've got
37:47some fun planned
37:48to do that
37:49and then we're
37:50going to
37:512 other
37:52we've got 2 other
37:541 definitely
37:55and then maybe
37:56the other
37:57and then we'll
37:58be making our
37:59way back home
38:00yeah yeah
38:01but we've also
38:02got some
38:03sometimes I know
38:04in the past
38:05we've taken like
38:06a week
38:09living that is
38:11like it's not
38:12it's not fun
38:13just like
38:14smashing days and
38:15days and days
38:16of driving
38:17it just gets
38:18you know
38:19it's hard work
38:20so we're just
38:21so we're just
38:22we're doing
38:23the trip home
38:24differently this
38:26hopefully doing
38:28we've actually
38:29got a house
38:30viewing on the
38:31way home as
38:33so we'll be
38:34stopping by
38:36within the next
38:372 weeks
38:38yeah in the next
38:392 weeks we'll be
38:41and I've got some
38:42blooming halls
38:43because I keep
38:44getting messages
38:45saying Sarah
38:46I miss your halls
38:47don't worry
38:48we've got some
38:49coming up
38:50I've got loads
38:51of yeah loads
38:52of things coming
38:53up and then
38:54we've got some
38:55fun things planned
38:56for Dubai as
38:57well we'll
38:58obviously be spending
38:59at least 3
39:00birthdays there
39:01Jase will turn