• el mes pasado
Buried in a freak weather incident that rapidly turned into a life threatening situation involving multiple vehicles on one of Norways most dangerous mountain passes. The E69 to Nordkapp. The most northerly point of mainland Europe.

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#vanlife #winter #emergency


00:00Morning guys, welcome to a very very windy and cold morning. I say cold it's
00:08actually the warmest morning we've had this whole time we've been here. I say
00:11warm, it was warm, it's minus four right now but when we woke up it was only two
00:14degrees outside and all the snow and the ice on the car have melted, on the van
00:19have melted. So today is a bit of a crazy day, today is the day I've been dreading
00:25this whole trip because I'm a little bit scared of it after last time but today
00:29is the day that we're making the massive trek north as far north as you
00:35can possibly go to tow that caravan on the back of here all the way to Nordkapp
00:41or the highest point that you can possibly drive in the whole of mainland
00:46Europe. So stand by for some epic scenery and hopefully not too much hairiness
00:52we're gonna double check the weather once we get up that way in a couple of
00:55hours and hopefully all being well we'll be able to make the pass up to the
01:00top of the mountain and up to Nordkapp
02:25Oh my goodness, look at this plumbing scenery outside the window right now. It looks like an actual dream.
02:49Arctic Ocean and then white mountains, it's just amazing.
02:53Oh my gosh, it's just absolutely stunning.
02:57One lifer.
03:06Look at the waves on the water!
03:09Wait, is that waves?
03:12No, I don't think it is. They're not moving.
03:15They look like big waves but then they're not moving.
03:18There's some shadows.
03:23Oh my gosh.
03:29Naughty, naughty.
03:53Oh my gosh.
04:24Oh my gosh.
04:25All looks good and then you suddenly come round a corner and you've got no visibility.
04:54Where's the road?
04:57Can you see it better on the camera?
04:59You can see it better on the camera than you can in real life.
05:23I wish you showed what we see because the camera's got the dry side.
05:41I know.
05:42It doesn't look bad but our eyesight is just frozen in front of us.
05:45There's just nothing.
05:49Like we're literally driving at like five miles an hour.
05:54Oh my gosh.
05:55It looks so scary down there.
05:57Oh my gosh.
05:58The guys that wasn't visible to him, like, think we're going to be in the water because of the wind.
06:02So he was thinking there's like, something lost in the water.
06:08Yeah, we can just get out from here.
06:10Wait, wait a minute, wait, slow down, slow down.
06:13It's getting really deep.
06:23Oh my gosh.
06:53We've got a stop in one kilometre.
06:55Has that car crashed?
06:57Can you see a car up there?
06:59I can't see it in real life but I can see it on the camera.
07:06Oh crap, he's in the middle of the road, he must have crashed.
07:14I can't even see him, that's so dangerous.
07:22Not great luck.
07:24He's totally stuck.
07:29See how clear you could see that car a second ago?
07:32I'm just wondering if we know where we're supposed to sit in a minute.
07:37It's all the snow.
07:40It's all the snow from the wind blowing it into the road.
07:44And the storms, it's literally come out of nowhere.
07:46Yeah, it has.
07:47The weather forecast was not like this.
07:48The weather forecast was for a clear day, right?
07:50That's why we attempted this.
07:54Oh my gosh, it's the learner car.
07:55It's the learner car that overtook us ages ago.
07:59We are going to help by the way, we're just getting coats on.
08:00I'm not just sat here filming for no reason.
08:03It is so bad.
08:04Watch the dogs, we're quite near the thingy.
08:06Look, visibility just disappears.
08:17Oh my gosh, Dad's getting blasted.
08:23It's so bad.
08:29Chris is taking the, what are they called?
08:33Chris is taking the sledge ski thingies.
08:40I forgot what they're called.
08:41You know, what you put under when you're skidding.
08:45No, he's not taking the chains.
08:46He will take the chains if this doesn't work.
08:51There's cars behind us and a couple of vans.
08:54And they've all been trying to help this car get out.
08:56And they can't.
08:57So I think we've got the equipment that could potentially help him.
09:04The problem is that he can borrow our equipment from the van.
09:08But we can't use the winch and things like that because we are physically trying to tow the caravan.
09:13And it's just not ideal weather.
09:16To be like, you know, reversing.
09:18That's what I mean.
09:19To help him pull out.
09:20But basically I think what's happened, he overtook us a while ago.
09:23And I noticed because, I noticed the learner, the L plates.
09:27But I think what's happened is he's come around this corner.
09:31And because of the severe wind.
09:34The visibility is really bad.
09:36Very bad visibility.
09:37And the wind has blown like a big snow drift.
09:41Right into the road.
09:42Which is something that you've got to be so careful of.
09:46In these temperatures.
09:48These weathers.
09:49Because these snow drifts can come out of anywhere.
09:51And once your tyres get in them they suck you in.
09:53It's really hard to explain.
09:54But they literally just suck you straight in.
09:57And that's clearly what's happened to his car.
09:58But this weather is severe.
10:01But we've decided that we're not doing, we're not going to do North Cape.
10:04North Cape is too risky.
10:07We're not stupid.
10:08We know our limits.
10:09We're not just going to go no matter what.
10:11Because we want to do it.
10:12You know, this weather is just not to be messed about with.
10:16Dad's helping push the car.
10:17Yeah, Dad's.
10:18Oh, he's done it, he's done it.
10:19Go on Dad.
10:20Go on Dad.
10:21He's done it.
10:22Push the car out.
10:24Can I have a seat?
10:25Can I have a seat?
10:26Yeah, this weather's not.
10:27He's done it, he's pushed it out.
10:28He's done it, he's done it.
10:30He's done it.
10:31He's literally just pushed it out.
10:33What was that other guy doing?
10:34Unless it's a woman, I'm not sure.
10:35But he's got that car free.
10:37Yay, well done.
10:39That's amazing.
10:41Let's see if he can make it back to the van now because this weather.
10:47I think Chris is coming back.
10:49Holding his hat.
10:54It's hard to see because obviously there's ice on the window.
10:57I don't know if you can just see them two figures in the background.
10:59That's Chris.
11:00And the guy behind.
11:01I didn't know he was stuck as well.
11:04He's sideways and also stuck.
11:07I didn't realise.
11:08I thought those cars behind were waiting.
11:10But I think there's like a little car behind.
11:14I think there's like a small car.
11:15Because Chris is running for it.
11:16He's just been to the car behind and now he's running further down.
11:18So I don't know if everyone's got stuck.
11:20We're not stuck.
11:23We're not stuck as in, you know, we can't move.
11:26We're just stuck as in, we can't turn around like cars can.
11:29That's what I want to do right now.
11:30I want to turn around and go back.
11:31I don't want to keep going.
11:32We're not even on the convoy road towards Nordkapp right now.
11:35We're just on the mountain.
11:37This isn't even the route.
11:39This isn't even the route.
11:40This is not even the dangerous route.
11:46Yeah, but the problem is that we're not a car that can just do a quick U-turn in the road and go back.
11:51And to be honest, I didn't want to go back because it was so scary.
11:53Dad's back.
11:54Oh, Dad!
11:57Dad, you're a G.
11:58You were here.
11:59Oh, God.
12:01Hurry up.
12:02I can't do it.
12:04Pull it. Pull it.
12:08Oh, my God, Dad, you're a G.
12:12What's going on?
12:13We're in big trouble, basically.
12:16So, basically, the car behind us has tried to do a U-turn when the car in front of us was stuck.
12:22Because he didn't want to wait, which is fair enough.
12:25And he's got stuck, so that's why he's sideways.
12:28Then there's another three cars, and then there's a big coach load.
12:32Coach, like a full-size coach, also sideways and stuck.
12:35So, we can't go back.
12:37Even if we could turn around here, we can't.
12:40The coach is stuck.
12:42Chris is phoning the emergency services.
12:46Hello, sir, do you speak English?
12:49Hey, we need some help.
12:51We're stuck on a road in a really bad, like, freak windstorm.
12:56We've been buried in snow.
12:57We're in, like, a van.
12:58There's a number of vehicles and a coach.
13:00It's also blocking the road.
13:02Okay, where are you?
13:06Yeah, I've just been given your number by the fire service.
13:09We're on the E69, just after Honningsvag, on the way towards Nordkapp.
13:14And there's a number of vehicles that have got trapped in a windstorm and were stuck in the snow.
13:20On the way to Nordkapp?
13:21Yes, on the way to Nordkapp, yeah.
13:24I'm going to send you a telephone number to the towing company that are much nearer than I am.
13:31Okay, we're not far from Honningsvag?
13:33Is that still the same...?
13:36Yeah, they are located in Honningsvag.
13:39We are located in, we are on the way.
13:43Okay, yeah, go ahead then.
13:44Send me the number.
13:46Have we been left?
13:49Oh, hello, sir, do you speak English?
13:51Yes, I do.
13:52Hello, sir, I've just been given your number by the fire brigade.
13:55We're basically stuck on the E69, just past Honningsvag, on the way towards Nordkapp.
14:01I'm in a Mercedes Sprinter van and I'm towing a caravan.
14:05A car in front of us got stuck in the snow, so we all had to stop and help.
14:08But there's a number of cars now, including myself, that are stuck on this road in the high wind.
14:12And we can't move because we've been buried in snow.
14:15Yeah, I know, I'm at the scene now.
14:17It's a white car stopping in the road.
14:20Ah, right, okay, you're here now.
14:21Okay, lovely.
14:22Thank you then, that's great.
14:23Okay, I'll speak to you shortly then, thank you.
14:30We need a fat plough down here, that's what we need.
14:33Yeah, so basically, what's happened is, because we had to stop,
14:36because we had to stop,
14:39because the other car in front had done a crash,
14:43so everyone had to stop.
14:45But whilst we've been stopped still, the snow has kind of buried us.
14:50Which is okay if you're still moving, because obviously you're still going through the road,
14:53but now it's like a foot deep all around the van, all around the vehicles behind us.
14:57I mean, look how fast it's moving.
14:58Yeah, so we aren't moving anyway, basically.
15:00We're totally stuck right now.
15:01We need digging out and then slowly crawling out of here.
15:06But we need turning around as well, so that's another problem.
15:08Well, they might not be able to turn around.
15:10We've got a few things going on right now.
15:11We'll see what happens.
15:13They're just sorting out the coach and the cars behind us that are also stuck.
15:21Yeah, I'm just glad that for now we're not.
15:22Like, the wind is pretty bad, but it's not...
15:24I'm glad that we've not moved anyway.
15:26We're not getting moved anywhere.
15:27Yeah, but I'm glad that we've not gone sideways like the other cars.
15:49And there's the chaos behind us.
15:54Scary times.
15:56Oh, we're driving again.
15:59Right, we've assessed the situation.
16:00We're not actually stuck.
16:02I don't think we're actually stuck, but the vehicles in front of us and behind us, they are stuck.
16:10So, we can't move anywhere.
16:14And the snow is just getting deeper by the minute.
16:16Thankfully, we're not just in a car.
16:18Even if we had to sleep here the night, I mean, it wouldn't be ideal, would it?
16:22Don't do that.
16:23Obviously, we're not.
16:24But I'm just saying, we've got heating, we've got food, you know, we've got everything we need.
16:32Obviously, we're not sleeping here the night.
16:33That's not what I'm saying.
16:34I'm just saying, you know, we're not in danger right now.
16:36Like, oh my gosh, this is terrifying.
16:38I mean, it's not ideal either.
16:39But it's the cars around us that are stuck.
16:42The in front of us, we're all right.
16:44We've also got the winch.
16:45So, if we needed to pull it out, if we were stuck here for a lot longer, I don't know.
16:48The snow got much deeper.
16:49We do have the winch to be pulled out.
16:52Unfortunately, the cars around us don't.
16:54And every time they clear a car from in front of us, I don't know if you can see.
16:57Because every time I try and put the camera on.
16:59More people keep coming down.
17:00Yeah, more people keep coming down and getting stuck.
17:03Like those cars.
17:04Now, he's having to go back and help these guys here.
17:08Who have now got stuck.
17:23Okay, now we are just going to follow this van.
17:29So that no other cars come.
17:32And make us have to stop again.
17:34And as you can see, the tractor's out.
17:37Clearing the roads.
17:41Visibility is still horrendous though, isn't it?
17:45And then you come around the corner.
17:47The wind's gone.
17:48What the heck?
17:49There's loads of those gumball.
17:50Is it gumball rally?
17:51Gumball rally cars that have all been stuck as well.
17:55So, we're currently facing in the opposite direction.
18:00Which is good.
18:01Yeah, which is good.
18:02Which is good.
18:03We're just sat here now waiting.
18:04We're in like a valley.
18:05So we're protected from that wind here.
18:07Yeah, there's not much wind here at all.
18:08Like in front of us.
18:09You can just see the corner where we were.
18:10And it just looks like the valley of death.
18:12Yeah, it looks horrendous.
18:13So as I said, we weren't stuck.
18:15So we managed to come out.
18:16Turn around.
18:17And we're waiting now.
18:19They're going to try and rescue all the other cars.
18:20And coaches and things that were stuck.
18:23But we want to try and get.
18:25We need to get back.
18:26That wasn't far, that reamer.
18:28No, a few kilometers.
18:29There's basically a.
18:30There's a town a few kilometers back.
18:31And it's got a big supermarket where we can definitely.
18:34Hunker down and just stay there basically.
18:37And there's a fuel station.
18:38So we can get diesel for the heaters if we need it, etc.
18:40But obviously we're not going to continue.
18:43Going up.
18:44It's just not worth the risk.
18:47In a vehicle like this.
18:48As a family.
18:49It's not really worth the risk.
18:50If you're in one of them.
18:52I don't know if it's the actual gumball rally.
18:54No, the dude's like the road's shut.
18:56Oh, did he say the road's shut?
18:57That's why he's not letting us go up there to turn around at the town.
18:59Because there's a town before Nordkapp, isn't there?
19:01Yeah, there is.
19:02But a lot of kilometers away.
19:03It's quicker to go back this way.
19:05So, yeah.
19:06But the problem now.
19:09Is that the clutch.
19:12On the van.
19:13You know, the other day I mentioned it being dodgy.
19:15Is not sounding too great.
19:17Like it's.
19:18Chris just struggled to get into second gear.
19:21Even if it wasn't going to be a slow drive back anyway.
19:24Because of the weather.
19:25Maybe drive back in first gear and then we might be stranded.
19:29The clutch might have gone.
19:30Obviously, we've got breakdown cover and everything like that.
19:32So, we'll be fine.
19:33But it's just not ideal.
19:35It's a bit of a drama really to be fair, isn't it?
19:37It's a bit of a drama.
19:38I'm not going to lie.
19:39I feel sorry for all those cars.
19:41Some of them.
19:42That guy behind us.
19:43What was his Spanish?
19:44He didn't speak.
19:45He didn't speak a single word of English.
19:47So, Chris.
19:49The wind's just come up here.
19:50So, Chris was trying to say to him.
19:51Don't worry.
19:52Because he was like panicking.
19:53And he was like.
19:54Just on his own, wasn't he?
19:55A grown man.
19:56Yeah, yeah.
19:57Don't worry.
19:58I'll call the emergency services.
19:59His English was bad, that's why.
20:00Yeah, I know.
20:01He didn't.
20:03But I don't know if they got him out.
20:04Obviously, we've moved on.
20:05We're around the corner now.
20:06So, we can't see.
20:07But I think that's what the van went back to do.
20:09The car that I got out.
20:10The car that I rescued.
20:11It was a 16-year-old boy.
20:13Was he?
20:14Yeah, a 16-year-old lad and his dad on a driving lesson.
20:19And he said he lives here.
20:20He lives in the next town.
20:21Or on.
20:22And he said that, unfortunately, freak storms like this just do sometimes happen.
20:26And when they do, it's terrifying.
20:29That's what he said.
20:30He said, this is a really weird freak storm.
20:31And he said, this was not expected.
20:33I felt really tight for the dad because the dad was freaking out.
20:37And he lives here, so.
20:40You can't predict it.
20:41You've just got to be prepared.
20:42But yeah, when you come on a trip like this, you've just got to make sure you are prepared.
20:48So, don't just come here like, oh, you know, we'll be fine.
20:51We'll be able to.
20:52Because it doesn't matter how experienced of a driver you are.
20:54Freak storms like that.
20:57Even if you are fully prepared, as in, you've got, make a snow change.
21:02You've got the snow tires.
21:04You've got the winch on the front of the van.
21:06You still don't know that the cars in front and behind you have got the same.
21:09And if they don't, you're not moving.
21:11As was in our case just then.
21:13But, you know.
21:14That guy's buzzing.
21:15I was hearing my traction boards, though.
21:17Yeah, yeah.
21:18The first guy.
21:19The 16-year-old.
21:20We're not moving.
21:21Stay here.
21:22Stay here.
21:23And obviously we're a bit like, this is a bit scary.
21:25I actually don't even get to drive down this mountain pass like this.
21:27Because, like, if that guy, I'd love it if that guy was to drive with us back to the town.
21:31But this just feels really dodgy.
21:33Yeah, it's a bit dodgy, isn't it?
21:35But it's not far, so we'll be fine.
21:52We'll be fine.
22:00Get me out of Norway!
22:02I don't love Norway anymore!
22:22Come on, babe.
22:41Okay, guys.
22:42We're stuck again.
22:43I think there's a car just up front there that's got stuck.
22:49And I think the truck's trying to help it out.
22:53And then we can continue this terrifying road all the way round there.
22:59And hopefully we're going to make it back to the town in one.
23:05No, guys.
23:06I've just noticed a massive lorry.
23:10There's no way that lorry's going to make it up there.
23:13How's it going to turn around?
23:16Like, everyone else has turned around because the road's just not safe.
23:20That lorry, that's a massive lorry.
23:23How's that going to turn around?
23:26I can't believe they've let him up, I know.
23:29That's crazy.
23:31I don't know how we're getting through now because surely he's blocking the whole road.
23:36Oh, this might be a long night.
23:38Is that here?
23:40So, I've been trying to save us up there.
23:49Did you explain the caravan?
23:51Basically, yeah.
23:53When we were still...
23:55Do you want to grab that trolley, actually?
23:56Because that's for a little baby.
23:57Come on.
23:58When we were...
23:59You grab a trolley.
24:01So, when we were...
24:03This actually happened twice on that drive.
24:05But this one that I'm speaking about now...
24:07I'll come this way a bit because it's busy down there.
24:10The wind basically...
24:13When we were stopped, when I filmed where the lorry was, where I filmed the lorry,
24:19we were just sat there waiting and all of a sudden we went,
24:23what was that noise?
24:25Chris looked out the wing mirror.
24:27The caravan...
24:28We weren't driving, we were stood stationary.
24:31We were stationary.
24:32The caravan had been blown by the wind
24:36almost 90 degrees and smashed into the barrier,
24:39broke the taillights out.
24:41That happened twice when we weren't moving.
24:44And that breakdown guy said that last week
24:49there was another vehicle set up like ours
24:52with a van and a trailer, caravan,
24:56and they went up to Ward's North Cape.
24:58They were a few kilometres on from where we were.
25:00Yeah, a few kilometres on from where we were.
25:01Same sort of thing happened.
25:02Freak storm.
25:03They had been blown by the wind and there was no barriers on the side of the drop
25:07because they were near a drop as well.
25:09And because they felt so unsafe being pushed in the wind,
25:11they unhooked their caravan.
25:14You can guess what happened.
25:15Caravan went over the edge.
25:16Caravan blew straight off.
25:18How terrifying is that?
25:20It's so scary.
25:22But he has just said that he wouldn't advise leaving this area for at least 24 hours
25:28because of the wind now that's coming.
25:30So we're probably going to be stuck here for at least a day.
25:32Yeah, we're going to be stuck in this little town for a day.
25:33But it's not all...
25:35We've got a fuel station, we've got the supermarket, so...
25:37Yeah, we're all packed.
25:38We're car-packed at the supermarket, so...
25:39And to be fair, you know...
25:41It'd be quite nice to have a bit of van life for a day.
25:43At least we're down.
25:44At least we're not stuck up there.
25:45Oh, you know when we got stuck at that mountain pass
25:47and we had all the table up and we played all them games and stuff
25:51and it was lovely, you know.
25:52Suddenly it's that time.
25:53We can have a gamey day.
25:54A gamey foodie day.
25:55A gamey foodie day?
25:58Get your hands off my back!
26:01Right, we're having a bit of pepper pig.
26:04Some blueberries.
26:07Mila, if you stand too close to the telly, you get square eyes.
26:11You do?
26:13Are they nice?
26:15Oh, well done, Az.
26:16That's amazing, well done.
26:20Be careful you don't hurt yourself, though.
26:22Like you did last time.
26:24Anyway, guys.
26:25Yeah, it's alright.
26:26It's really, really well done.
26:27It's really, really well done.
26:29Today has had...
26:31What have I got on my face?
26:33Today has had my life.
26:34What happened earlier?
26:35If today hadn't been stressful enough...
26:38I really already choked on a banana.
26:40Aurora choked.
26:43Proper choked.
26:44On a banana.
26:45I absolutely dropped my blood sugar.
26:48I couldn't continue.
26:49Because when you're cooking things like omelettes,
26:51you have to do it one at a time.
26:53It takes a while.
26:54I was still cooking mine and Chris's.
26:55Aurora was on to her dessert, which was a banana.
26:58And she's had a banana millions of times.
27:01She always eats banana.
27:03But that's why you've always, always, always
27:05got to keep an eye on your children eating.
27:07Like, luckily, if Aurora's eating,
27:09even if I'm busy doing something else,
27:11I'm still constantly looking around.
27:13Chris was with her.
27:15It was bad.
27:16It was horrible.
27:17Absolutely horrible.
27:19As always is, if your child chokes on something.
27:22But it's the noise that she was making
27:24that will live with me for the rest of my life.
27:27She's not really choked on anything, has she?
27:30It was just the most horrendous noise, though.
27:32Like a...
27:34I don't even know.
27:37You've got to hear.
27:40You've got to hear your mouth.
27:42You've got to get it.
27:43Stick your tongue out.
27:50Anyway, it was a horrible, horrible noise.
27:52I hope we never, ever, ever have to hear a noise like that
27:54ever again.
27:56Obviously, she's fine.
27:58We didn't even get a chance to get her out of the chair.
28:01Chris literally just...
28:02It was only seconds.
28:03It wasn't really bad.
28:04It didn't actually take...
28:05It wasn't like a severely bad one where we couldn't help.
28:08Chris just leant her forward and banged her back
28:10and she spat it out straight away.
28:12But she instantly burst out crying.
28:15She obviously scared herself, didn't she?
28:18Call us crazy, but the first thing we did
28:19was give her the banana back.
28:20Because I don't want her getting a fear of a banana.
28:22Like, I don't want her worrying that she can't eat a banana.
28:25And I also don't want us thinking I'm not giving her a banana anymore.
28:28Because, you know, it was just a...
28:29It was just like...
28:31You know, if you...
28:32If you were to, like...
28:33If you were to choke on a peanut, for example, you're not...
28:35Well, maybe you would stop eating peanuts.
28:36I don't know.
28:37But I don't want her having a fear of anything.
28:38I don't want us to fear giving her anything.
28:40And she ate the rest of the banana fine.
28:42Although she was definitely being careful.
28:44When she was taking bites...
28:46I was like, be careful.
28:47And she was pulling her mouth back a little bit.
28:49And then biting.
28:50Like, knowing not to take as much in.
28:52Which is clever.
28:55Today's been a bit of a day.
28:56Bit of a false sense of security right now.
28:58Because the wind has gone here.
28:59Yeah, the wind's gone.
29:00Chris was just like, the wind's gone.
29:01Do you think we could set off?
29:02I'm like...
29:04We don't know what the wind's like up there.
29:05But it's due back at 9 o'clock in the morning.
29:07We ain't messing about.
29:08We're staying here.
29:10We can't risk that.
29:11And also, if we left this town
29:12and we got out into the open air
29:14and they weren't...
29:15They were still there.
29:16I don't know if it's clear from what we've vlogged today
29:18what we've actually driven.
29:19So there's pretty much one road
29:21from all the way up to the top.
29:24One road there, one road back.
29:27When you're doing the road
29:28it's mainly the gorgeous coastal route
29:31which you guys saw.
29:32But one small part of the road
29:34how long would you say that part was?
29:36A few miles?
29:37It goes across...
29:38The first...
29:39A few miles, oh.
29:40It goes across a mountain plateau.
29:42So it goes a few miles across a mountain plateau.
29:43So you're quite high up.
29:45A very open mountain plateau.
29:48That's where we first was like...
29:50Hit the wind.
29:51That's where we first hit the wind.
29:53And the wind did push us
29:55when we were driving
29:57probably a few centimetres to the side.
30:00And that was our first like, whoa.
30:02Enough to make me, whoa, panic.
30:03Enough to make us go, whoa, what the heck.
30:04So it was enough to make us panic.
30:06There's no barriers at that point.
30:07Because there's no barriers.
30:08I mean, it wasn't a drop,
30:09a big drop either side or anything like that.
30:11But it's still...
30:12The van probably would have toppled
30:13if we'd have gone over.
30:16So that was the first, I guess...
30:20Ooh, this is not feeling great.
30:22Maybe we should abandon this thing.
30:25But we're already on the plateau by this point.
30:27So we had to continue it
30:28because there's no turning points.
30:31And then the town we're at now
30:33was the next stop.
30:34Yeah, so this town we're at now was the...
30:36We got off the plateau
30:37and we ended up here at this stop.
30:38And when we got here,
30:39it was clear blue sky.
30:40It was fine.
30:41There was no issues.
30:42No like...
30:43And this is the last 15 kilometers to Nordkapp.
30:45So we're pretty much at Nordkapp.
30:47Which is 10 miles away.
30:48We're very close to it now.
30:49And then...
30:50And then it was literally...
30:51There's a couple of miles on the road.
30:53We watched the coaches going up.
30:54We were like, coaches going up there.
30:55It's fine.
30:56Lorries going up there.
30:57Yeah, lorries.
30:58It was the lorries that made us feel safe.
30:59Yeah, they're like, lorries going up there.
31:00Well, do you know what?
31:02Because I know we always get...
31:03Sometimes we get a little bit of hate.
31:04Like, oh, you know,
31:06you shouldn't be doing that
31:07and things like that.
31:08But there's tourist coaches up there.
31:10Like, there were coaches full of people.
31:12Nobody were expecting that storm today.
31:14And you can't say, oh, you can't go out
31:16because that might happen.
31:17It's like in the UK,
31:18don't go out because you might be in a car crash.
31:19Like, it's...
31:20You know, I know it's a bit different,
31:21but if the weather's fine
31:23to a point where, like, coaches going up there
31:25and learner drivers were going up there.
31:27Like, you don't anticipate weather coming in like that.
31:31And they did say it was like a freak windstorm.
31:35And on the whole, to be honest as well,
31:37on the whole, we were okay.
31:39We weren't stuck.
31:40We weren't in severe trouble.
31:42We weren't ever in a position where we were like,
31:44oh my God, what are we going to do?
31:45We can't get out of this.
31:46Well, we were starting to get a bit worried
31:47when we left this town.
31:48When we were on our own, right?
31:49Weren't we?
31:50On that road.
31:51Because the visibility was horrendous
31:52and the wind was picking up.
31:53And we were in first gear.
31:54That's how bad it was.
31:55We couldn't see anything.
31:56It was when we were climbing the hill
31:57that we were eventually stuck on
31:58that we ended up seeing in the distance
32:01the car that had turned on its side.
32:04Turned sideways.
32:05And the road was blocked because of that.
32:06And it was because we stopped at the top of the hill
32:08where the wind was most savage.
32:09To help him, yeah.
32:10Because at that point,
32:11the wind was the worst at the top of the hill.
32:13And so the snow, whilst we were stopped,
32:14I got out and rescued the guy.
32:17Went behind to rescue the other guy.
32:18But while we were stopped,
32:19the van got buried.
32:20In snow.
32:21Absolutely buried.
32:23Like two or three foot of snow.
32:25And so we were totally stuck at that point.
32:27And then obviously on the way back down,
32:29the caravan.
32:30Well, we didn't film this,
32:31but we got out of where we were.
32:34We went up the road half a kilometre.
32:36No, I did film it.
32:37I said we'd just get two minutes round the corner
32:39and the wind's gone.
32:40Because it had, it'd gone.
32:42But then we turned round there
32:43because we couldn't keep going to north
32:44because it was too dangerous.
32:45The road was closed.
32:46The road was shut.
32:47So we turned round to come back
32:48and then we hit the horrendous winds again.
32:50Yeah, it was really hard.
32:51And that's when the caravan got pushed out.
32:53We thought the clutch was broke.
32:54It's not.
32:55So that's good.
32:56I don't know what happened to it.
32:57It would have just been frozen or something.
32:58I think I just heard the snow in it.
32:59There'd been the snow.
33:00Or something, I don't know.
33:02So the clutch is totally fine.
33:03So that's lucky.
33:04But that definitely,
33:05today's definitely tested our nerves.
33:06We're all totally fine
33:07apart from the rear lights on the caravan
33:09have been smashed out.
33:10But they still work.
33:11The bulbs still work.
33:12So they still work.
33:13The casing is smashed.
33:14The casing is smashed.
33:15On both sides.
33:16But we're lucky because
33:17that caravan's tough as nails
33:18because that took two big wallops.
33:20Yeah, it did.
33:21And none of the actual body of the caravan is damaged.
33:24It's just the lights.
33:25Yeah, we're lucky.
33:26And we can fix them easy.
33:27And they're still working now
33:28so we can still drive with them
33:29so it's not a big deal.
33:30But we can fix them easily.
33:32We can do a temporary repair now.
33:33So it's not a big deal basically.
33:34Right, so what I was saying before
33:35when I was saying we weren't in trouble
33:37what I meant was
33:38I mean obviously it was still hairy up there
33:40but we were never in a position where we were like
33:44we're done type thing.
33:45Like obviously even if we had to
33:47it wouldn't have been nice having to stay up there
33:49but what I'm saying is
33:50even if we had to stay up there
33:51we were prepared.
33:52We had everything we need
33:54for the storms to pass.
33:56It would have been pretty scary though.
33:57It would have been very scary
33:58and I wouldn't have liked to have done it.
34:00I would have been terrified to do it.
34:01But we could have done it.
34:02That's all I mean.
34:06we've missed our opportunity.
34:08We are not risking that again.
34:10It was way too hairy today.
34:12Like I said before
34:13we're not stupid.
34:15We're adventurous.
34:16We like to try new things.
34:17We love to say we've done this.
34:19It's an amazing accomplishment
34:20but we're not going to do it
34:22if we don't feel safe doing it.
34:24So our opportunity to do that
34:2610 miles short though.
34:2810 miles short.
34:30I am gutted because I wanted to say
34:33I mean we pretty much have.
34:34I know we pretty much have.
34:35We're 10 miles short.
34:36We're 10 miles short.
34:37So I guess we can say we've done it.
34:41But we're not going to continue that.
34:42We're going to sit and wait out this storm
34:44that we're in right now.
34:48Which will be tomorrow
34:49and then we're heading to somewhere
34:50we're going to meet some friends.
34:52I just feel
34:53I'll feel very lucky
34:54once we've left this area.
34:55And we've got over that pass again.
34:56I just want to get over that mountain pass
34:57because it's really nice.
34:58That mountain pass is playing on my mind as well
34:59because it was terrifying on the way here.
35:01Not the last one we did
35:02the first one
35:03that pushed the van
35:04and the caravan to the side.
35:05There's been a couple of days
35:06in the last couple of days
35:07that that caravan scissored.
35:08There's been a couple of times
35:09that caravan got hit up.
35:11Where's the caravan going?
35:13We side swiped it didn't we?
35:15No you did.
35:16You side swiped it.
35:18Oh my gosh.
35:19I'd want to do this whole trip
35:20until the last few days.
35:21It's Norway.
35:22It's freaking Norway.
35:23It's so beautiful
35:24and you've got to visit.
35:25But it's scary.
35:27Out of all three countries
35:29Sweden's a little bit of both.
35:31Finland's very flat
35:33and very gorgeous frozen forest
35:36isolated, lovely.
35:37I still think Norway's the most beautiful.
35:39Norway is the most beautiful.
35:40It is by far.
35:41It is by far.
35:42For me.
35:43But it is not for beginner drivers.
35:45No it's not for beginner drivers.
35:46It is terrifying to drive in Norway.
35:49In winter.
35:50In winter.
35:51In a van this big.
35:52No in any vehicle.
35:54Any vehicle.
35:55Anyway that's all for today's vlog guys
35:56because this outro is now super long
35:57but thank you all so much for watching.
35:58We will be filming a vlog here still tomorrow
36:00a little cosy van day
36:01which is actually really good timing
36:02because somebody said to me the other day
36:04Sarah I love your travels and your trips
36:06but you always film activities
36:08and going outdoors and doing stuff.
36:10Can you film more?
36:11What was it?
36:12What was the comment?
36:13Can you film more?
36:14Just more cosy home vibes in the van.
36:16More cosy home vibes.
36:17So that's what you're going to get tomorrow.
36:18Thank you all so much for watching.
36:19We'll see you back here tomorrow at 5pm.
36:21Good night guys.
36:28Good night.