• el mes pasado
Today we did one of our Arctic bucket list surprises! On our last day at the amazing Snow hotel Kirkenes.

Check out the Snow Hotel Kirkenes here: https://www.snowhotelkirkenes.com

Part 2 of this day on Isabelles channel: https://youtu.be/5cMN4KDyCBo?si=xEyA0UXaIdX24Zq8

➡️ You can check out Kinda Coffee here: https://www.kindacollective.co.uk

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#vanlife #arctic #snowhotel


00:00Good morning iFam. Welcome to today's vlog. I've no idea why I'm talking like this, probably
00:06because I've had a nice hot shower and we're feeling fresh as a daisy. She's so tired.
00:14Aurora's shattered. We woke her up a bit earlier this morning than we usually wake her up.
00:19Have you seen the snow?
00:21It is turbo snowing. Yeah, we woke her up a bit earlier this morning. Anyway, we are
00:35doing a little excursion here today. Anyway, one of Chris's bucket list things to do on
00:42this trip, he's been unbucked this morning for us all. Yeah, we've got an hour. We've
00:49got one hour before we go, so we're sitting in this little room, like a waiting, is it
00:54a waiting room? I don't really know. It's like a little chill lounge in the hotel. For
01:00our time to go. Isabel's gone down and had a shower. The rest of us have already been
01:05down and showered and we're just waiting. Oh, this morning Aurora had a yoghurt and
01:13granola fruit for breakfast. She literally, I don't know why she did this. She's never
01:18done this before. She usually just gets a spoon and eats it. Obviously she spills bits,
01:21but you know, she's one, that's normal. But she just put her hand in the whole thing,
01:25pulled out a massive handful. And I was like, I didn't even stop her at first. I was like,
01:29oh, she's going for it. I thought she was going to stick it in her mouth. No. Straight
01:33in her head. Massive yoghurt patty on her head. I was like, what on earth, Aurora?
01:41Now your hair is beautiful. I've got a little bowl cut. She looks so cute. You've got a
01:47fringe. I did not cut that properly. But, um, yeah, so the girls had such a good night
01:54last night. They're going to come and tell me all about it. It was like, I slept all
01:58the way through the night as well. Didn't sleep very well, she said. She kept waking
02:02up, but I slept really good. I read on the sign downstairs that says you may wake up
02:06frequently throughout the night. It literally said this on the sign. Can you take Aurora
02:09for a second? Cause she's dancing all over me and I'm trying to talk. I read a sign downstairs
02:13that says you may wake up frequently, frequently throughout the night. This is your brain telling
02:17you that your nose is cold, but ignore it and go back to sleep. That's what the board
02:22said. I was worried about my nose being really cold. I was worried about my nose being really
02:27cold, like breathing, cause like even in like air con rooms, like it's just too much to
02:31breathe. Um, but my nose wasn't actually cold. I didn't feel it anyway. I was asleep. Um,
02:36my nose didn't feel too cold. Yeah. One minute, one minute. Mila, Mila, no jumping on the
02:41chairs please. Um, but in the actual sleeping bag, my body felt warm. Um, my face was a
02:47little bit cold in the morning, but other than that I was warm all night. Yeah. I was
02:52like proper snuggled in and I was comfortable, but you were aware that it was cold in there.
02:56Like you knew you could feel how you were in a nice hotel. I think it said on the board
03:00as well that they keep the whole hotels at a constant, I think it's a minus four or minus
03:05five. And the sleeping bags are meant to keep you warm until like minus 30. I did wake up
03:09once in the night, but I don't think it was because my nose was cold. The top that I'm
03:13wearing is obviously mum's top, but she gave it to me to sleep in. Um, it was like, it's
03:17like a really big fluffy Sherpa pyjama top. Yeah. Um, and that like covered my face when
03:25I went to bed. Obviously it was quite big, so it's like, it's got a collar. Yeah. So
03:30it was quite big, but so my nose wasn't cold at all. Like my face wasn't cold at all. I
03:34did wake up once a night though, but I really, cause I really need the toilet, but I was
03:37like, no way am I getting all the toilets on my own at like four. Yeah. But I slept great,
03:42I loved it. I think the one thing I would have struggled with is the, I was about to
03:46say the noise, but I meant lack of noise because the rooms are like, even when you're just
03:51walking around the hotel during the day, it's like pure silent, like completely silent.
03:56And since having Mila, is it Mila? We started with the white noise every single night for
04:02the last three, nearly four years, we've had white noise machine. Was it Jase? Yeah,
04:07I think it was Jase. Yeah. Yeah. So for years and years and years, I've used white noise
04:14and I could not sleep. When did we try white noise? No white noise. It was when we got
04:18Mila to stop breastfeeding cause Mila's quite late stopping breastfeeding. She's about 18
04:21months old. And we got our bedroom back, which she'd stopped breastfeeding. We got her into
04:26her own room and it was the first night and we're like, Oh, we don't need the white noise.
04:30Cause we took Mila the white noise. And then we both laid there for about 20 minutes. Then
04:33I turned around and was like, can you sleep? And he was like, it's too quiet in here. It
04:36was like ringing in my ears. It was so quiet. That's what I'd struggle with.
04:39Having white noise every single night. Well I don't at home, but we do in the van don't we?
04:43I actually don't at home. I've told all my friends this and a lot of them have been like,
04:46how do you sleep like that? But I sleep with rain noise on. It's not thunder cause that's
04:51scary. Just rain noise on because I remember it started in like 2022 when at the start of
04:56December I was struggling to sleep for like a week. Cause I was like scared cause I was quite
05:00little. Um, and it was quite new to me having a room to myself. Oh yeah. Oh my gosh. She turned
05:08the, my big Christmas tree light off. She put on rain noise. Yeah. I remember that Isla.
05:16Yeah. So we moved into our new house in the, um, April. Was it April? Yeah. April. And from April
05:24to Christmas, Isla hated it. And I remember I used to go to Esme's room cause I was scared
05:29cause she had to pull out a sofa. So I was like, yeah you can sleep in my room, whatever.
05:32Yeah. She absolutely hated it. And then at Christmas time I was like, right, let's sort
05:36this out. Because obviously we couldn't have Isla in our room. She was, how old are you?
05:4210 or something? Not that you couldn't have come in our room. Yeah. But yeah. Um, we needed to work
05:48out the problem and fix it, which we did. And also it was like my bedroom was too bright.
05:53I had my Christmas tree light on. I had a really big lamp on where I didn't have my Christmas tree
05:58on. And now we're all good. I legit just had the biggest panic. I looked down and I don't
06:04recall my trousers saying storm shield there. I left, basically I left my trousers in the
06:12hotel house storage area for coats and things last night. I left them there
06:15and I just went up then and put them on. I just put them on and then I just got here and I was
06:20like, wait, these mine. Can you imagine if I just put someone else's ski trousers on and
06:27gone off with them? I didn't even check them on mine. But the kids might on the thing, if it's
06:34long. They're going to melt in my pocket really bad. They ain't melting in your pocket out there
06:38babe. Trust. You trust. Oh my God, it's got wagon wheels and milky ways and everything.
06:46Um, so should we tell everyone what we're doing? Yeah.
06:51We're going on a husky ride. Jason Miller. Are you excited?
07:04I don't think you do. We've never done it. Well, you've done it. No, I don't think I did do it
07:08when I was pregnant with you. Actually. I think I sat out of that one. I can't quite remember.
07:13No, I did do it. I did do it. You boys are noisy.
07:26Okay. I don't know how this is going to go. Isabel and Jason are just off. Unfortunately,
07:35last minute, even though we were meant to all be going together,
07:39it turned out to be too small. So stay back. Thank you. I'm ready to go.
07:51Oh my goodness.
07:58So whilst daddy and the girls and Jason are off on their huskies, I volunteered to stay back
08:11because I'm not as bothered. It's like a fun thing that Chris really wanted to do.
08:15Um, I volunteered to stay back with Mila and Aurora who are too little.
08:20I'm just in the little gift shop now. Um, it's like a wooden hut. It's like a little gift shop.
08:26They sell like lunch here. They've got sausages toasting on the fire and we're going to get a
08:31little treat, aren't we? It looks like, it looks like Aurora's already helping herself. What are
08:38you doing? Put them back. Let's have a look what they've got for sale here. They've got some
08:45gorgeous looking socks. Oh my goodness. How much are these? 1,200. I don't know what that is,
08:53but that seems like a lot for socks, but I'm guessing they are very good quality and they
08:58feel, actually they feel quite prickly, but I think they're homemade. So yeah. Hand knitted socks,
09:06time used per sock around 14 hours. Oh my gosh. 14 hours to make a sock. I'm guessing that means
09:13it's crazy. That's probably why they are so expensive. They are really nice as well.
09:18And then we've got some little mittens up here. These are so cute. 550. These are adorable.
09:26We've got some little teddies, clothes. What's this? Oh, jigsaws, fun little trinkets to take
09:37out. And then over here, we've got some little cups. They're so nice and lots of other really
09:46cool looking, like look at that for a bottle opener. That's so cool. I love the reindeer on top.
09:52Adorable. Teeny tiny spoons, what on earth? What is that used for? I bet that's used for something.
10:00Antler spoon. So much cool stuff. And then there's these, which let me just say, the lady over there
10:07just said, don't worry, they're okay. Cause I've said about five times, put them back. She said,
10:11don't worry, it's fine. So we're just having a look, aren't we? Hey, but these are really cute.
10:17Look at this one. So adorable. Rara. Is that funny? Rara loves dogs.
11:11There wasn't many options. You got a hair? Is that better? There wasn't many options for just
11:19something small, dark chocolate, and then these two. Yes, darling. What? A napkins.
11:29It's to hold the napkins down so they don't fly all over the place.
11:38Is that good Rara? Is it nice? Good. I think this is like a Kit Kat. She said they only had two
11:48types of like sweet treats. Well, in fact, aside from a cinnamon bun or a massive slice of
11:56cheesecake, which I don't think would either would go down very well. Yeah, I'll go get you a drink.
12:03They only had crisps on chocolate. And the other chocolate bar was dark chocolate with raspberry,
12:07which I didn't think you'd like. Or this one, which I think she said is like a Kit Kat. So I'm
12:11sure they will be happy with those. It's really hot in here, isn't it? It's so nice and hot in
12:17here. It's so cozy and toasty. You're just helping yourself, Mila.
12:28Here we go. Yeah, I'm coming in, I'm coming in, you're awesome.
12:40Some for Rara, some for Mila.
12:48Ready? Mila.
13:18Right, we just came back. JC Boyd, did you like the husky ride? Yeah, I want to do a snowmobile now.
13:23Oh, we're not doing that here, sweetheart. We might do that another time now. That was super fun,
13:27wasn't it? Yeah, that was cool. Me and Jase, obviously because Jase is very light, we went so fast. I've
13:34eaten my hair, but I literally thought, I thought that we're going to go flying. Like I thought I
13:38was going to fall off it at some point. And the guy that was like steering us was really
13:44nice. And he was like talking to us about like the fjord. Yeah, same.
13:50Oh, so cute.
14:10They're so sweet.
14:15But yeah, this has been a really fun couple of days. And I'm really glad that Chris got to do
14:20the... I'm really glad that Chris got to do the huskies because it's something that he really
14:28wanted to do. I was actually reading up about... I was actually reading up about the huskies last night
14:35and about how... I literally can't concentrate. Anyway, basically about the laws here.
14:44The laws here with regards to owning husky dogs and like their well-being and their welfare and
14:50things like that. And the guy that is in charge of the huskies was telling us yesterday when we
14:55were just like walking around, looking at the husky dogs, that often they have to change the
15:01fleet of dogs. So they'll get all the dogs up in their harnesses, ready to do like a husky sleigh
15:07ride. And then they'll have to... Careful. And then they'll have to change because one or two
15:14of the dogs decides that they don't want to run that day. And they'll just sit down. If they don't
15:18want to run, they sit. And they're not forced to run if they don't want to run. They just get put,
15:24you know, back in their little kennel-y place. But yeah, it's really cute. It's really good.
15:29It's really nice to come see them and things like that. And I'm glad that we still got to
15:34look at them and pet them, love them, even though we didn't get to do the actual ride.
15:40Also, I don't know if anybody will be at all interested in this, but if you are planning
15:43on coming here, are you okay? Then here is a map of the whole hotel. So the brown building
15:50that you can just see there is literally that right there. Come on, Aurora. And then last night,
15:58we actually slept in the van. Oh, you can see my drink. Here, just behind these huts here,
16:05this is all the transfer bus places here. All these little huts here are all for the husky
16:11dogs. I think there's like almost 200 husky dogs that live here. And all of the huts go all the
16:17way up here. And then this mound here is the actual snow hotel. And then all of these cabins
16:24up here are what we walked through last night. The reindeer are kept here. And then after we fed
16:28them, we hiked up the mountainside up here to that little tent where we sat and had songs,
16:33which was really nice. And then we came back down here and through the village of houses
16:38all the way over here to, sorry, I don't know why my coat's blocking half the screen,
16:43but all the way over here to this hut here, which is where we had dinner last night. And then if
16:48you want to go ice fishing or crab fishing, you do it on the fjord. That blue line there
16:52is a walking trail. There's also another one over this side over here. I saw some
16:57people doing that trail yesterday, but yeah, that's pretty much the whole place. Absolutely beautiful.
17:53it's really, really dark where we've stopped for the night, but you can, I mean, you can see it on
18:08the camera, but in real life, it's just so ridiculously bright. And it's going all the
18:13way above my head, like a huge finger reaching across the sky, right the way over to the other
18:20side of the forest that we're parked in right now. Oh man, it looks so good.
18:32So my eyes, it looks green, but when I'm taking photographs,
18:34it looks really white with red and pink in it. I'll show you now.
18:40If I hear that one more time. Anyway, we just stopped up for the night. I think this is where
18:51we're stopping anyway. We stopped up to make some dinner and I think we'll probably just sleep here.
18:56We have just entered Finland again. Always amazing.
19:10It always, yeah, we are time jumping as well. It's kind of messing up with your,
19:14with your, um, body clock because obviously there's a difference between Finland and then
19:20Norway. I was about to say the Netherlands, Norway, and there's an hour time difference.
19:23So we keep switching. Can I get a skinny cupboard spray, please love.
19:30Skinny cupboard spray. Yes, you can. So for dinner this evening, we are going to be having
19:38chicken, chicken. Honestly, I'm so tired. Chicken, chicken, chicken. There's only one
19:45way to clean these. Melt water in them because they are wrecked.
19:54Basically our pans need cleaning and, and that gas has gone. Oh no. And basically,
20:03yeah, this is how we're going to have to do it. Right. I can quickly give it a scrub and it's all
20:09good. But yeah, for dinner we're having chicken tikka with some rice. Chicken's so bum and
20:15expensive. How much was that chicken? £10? £9 a packet. £9 something for, for how much? 600 grams?
20:24Yeah. Oh, that's so satisfying watching that melt. You don't get much for your melt. Look how,
20:31look how that snow is melting. That looks so satisfying.
20:36But like Chris just said, you don't, yeah, you definitely don't get much for your melt.
20:42Oh, we still need to buy some more canisters. Yeah, I think we'll be all good now till we get
20:45home. I found some, what do you reckon? I found some more. It's basically these bad boys. We did
20:52bring about 30 away with us, but it's what we use to cook these little, what are these called?
20:59Uh, Bargains Galore. I don't know why. This is from Amazon. I don't know why they just
21:06think this is a clever idea to brand like this. Just whoever, whoever's brand this is.
21:11This is just not, this is not the one. Who wants to buy a hob with the, with the brand's name on
21:15the front of it? Bargains Galore from Amazon. Watch out. Oh, no, I was gonna say that's got
21:19an orange flame, but I think it's because the water from underneath's tickling the flame.
21:24But we're using this, um, like, what's it called? I've got my little sponge I just bought,
21:29actually. What is that? No, it's in the caravan. Chris just bought some cleaning products,
21:34basically sponge and scrubber thing. Uh, we use this because we changed the kitchen here in the
21:39van before this trip and we took out the hob that was in here because that hob that was in here,
21:45I actually really liked, but we needed to carry like a massive gas canister to,
21:52to run it, basically. Whereas with this one, we don't have to take up the cupboard space with the
21:57massive gas canister. So we get to keep the cupboard space for, you know, other things. And
22:03this one just takes them small canisters I just showed you, which we can keep in the storage boxes
22:06above. We didn't only change it for that reason. We also changed it because Chris didn't like the
22:10wood. Hated the wood. He hated it. He wanted like this, this, um, white marble effect one.
22:19Look at this. Melt a bit of natural snow in it. Raven, is that yellow tinged?
22:24What? That's yellow tinged snow. Ew! So this is how,
22:30so your van life clean if your water's frozen. Our water tanks have not frozen. It's so annoying.
22:35What's happened? We've put the tanks inside this year so that they wouldn't freeze and
22:40they haven't frozen ever at all this whole trip, but the blooming pipes have. I can't see which
22:45pipe it is though either. I think it's the pipes that go like underneath where the batches are.
22:48Which is a real pain, but yeah. I'm a bit fuming. So we got
22:5820 something pounds worth of chicken. We've got two of these and a small one.
23:05And when I say they effing stink. So bad.
23:09Oh, I can't. The smell. They're not out of date. They're not even out of date. The 23rd.
23:19They don't go out of date until the 23rd. I'm not tipping it up because I can't cope with the smell.
23:25There is no way that smell is normal. Eye bitter. It smells bitter. It smells
23:35like it makes me want to gip. We've driven an hour from the shop. We can't take it back.
23:41Probably longer than an hour. And that was dinner.
23:48That was actually dinner. I'm fuming. I already threw the other two packs. I've thrown them and
23:57then I said it's the last one. Let's hope this one's okay. Opened it. No. Stank out the whole van.
24:02It stinks like. Sour. Sour like. Oh, just horrible. Horrible. So we're getting for dinner,
24:14guys. This is the downside of only getting one meal. We do have pasta. We do still have rice
24:22and we could do. We could still do. Babe. Yeah. Here. This was no good either. That's no good
24:29either. Missing any ideas? Guys, we made the best of a bad situation. Welcome to Spam Tikka Masala.
24:43And there we go. Served with a nice little dollop of sauce and then some of these crisps
24:49that are kind of like, kind of like poppadoms. Little scoopy bowls. Scoop it up in. Not bad.
24:56Honestly, guys, these little pockets of crisps with the rice and the meat and sauce and everything
25:01in is so delicious. It's actually yummy. It's so good. Yummy. Yummy. Yummy. Well done, babe.
25:11Well done on two accounts. You evaded us having food poisoning from that dusty chicken
25:15and you're busting me all out of it as well. Is that a nice one? That chicken? No. It was not
25:22right. No, I've never, I've never had chicken smell like that before. Never. And I'm definitely
25:28one of those people, probably because of my dad, who risks it for a biscuit with quite a lot of
25:34things. Like fruit and veg don't even tell me a date. Not interested. They don't have dates in
25:42my opinion. Some meats, like, I don't know, some meats and things like cold meats, things like
25:50that, even steak. If it smells good to me and it looks good, it's good. But even if it's in date,
25:58if it smells like that, it's going in the bin. It's getting thrown out because that was honestly
26:05the most vile smelling thing I've ever known in my whole life. And I've never
26:09smelled something like that before. That made me gag. Me too. It was literally disgusting.
