• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - Evidenziare le sfide che le persone con diabete devono affrontare e favorire una maggiore empatia. Questo l’obiettivo di “Oltre il pregiudizio”, la campagna lanciata da Abbott. A Roma, inoltre, è stata presentata la nuova survey internazionale che rivela come vergogna e stigma potrebbero avere un profondo impatto sulla salute.


00:0040% of people with diabetes skip medical visits due to shame or stigma.
00:1025% avoid talking about their own pathology with family and friends for embarrassment.
00:1670% declare that there is a stigma associated with diabetes.
00:20These are some of the data emerged from the survey on prejudices related to diabetes
00:25A report by Abbott was presented in Rome on the occasion of the launch of Abbott's information and awareness campaign
00:31Above the Bias, or Beyond Prejudice, with which we want to create greater awareness and empathy
00:39towards people with diabetes.
00:42In Italy there are more than 4 million people who suffer from diabetes,
00:47facing very important daily challenges.
00:50What we have verified through international research in 8 countries,
00:55among which Italy, is that there are many common places and prejudices
00:58that further complicate their life and pathology management.
01:03So the goal of this campaign that we launch today in Italy,
01:07Above the Bias and Beyond Prejudice,
01:09is to move people's attention towards diabetes pathology
01:13and create greater awareness and empathy
01:16so that these barriers are overcome, which are particularly complex.
01:19Because not only technology can be enough
01:22to help people with diabetes live their lives to the fullest.
01:26The lack of knowledge of diabetes and the common places on pathology
01:30have a double negative influence on the lives of patients
01:33who are affected by this metabolic disease.
01:35On the one hand, it is risky to trivialize the disease,
01:39speaking of diabetes as a bit of high sugar.
01:42In reality, diabetes is a disease that needs to be taken care of,
01:45because if it is not treated and the glycemia is not properly controlled,
01:49complications and damage related to diabetes develop.
01:54On the other hand, diabetes sometimes causes stigma,
01:58constitutes limitations in people's daily lives
02:02and this must absolutely be avoided.
02:05The role of patient associations is important in this context.
02:09Associations are on the side of people with diabetes on a daily basis.
02:13When a child is not taken on a trip,
02:17the volunteers of the association act immediately
02:20to explain to the teachers what is necessary to do,
02:24some precautions that are essential to ensure
02:27that this child can go on a trip.
02:30To take him on a trip means to make him understand
02:32that a normal life, living with this pathology, is possible.
