Short filmTranscript
00:51When I am a Betty
00:55No, sissy
00:57No, sissy. Kira's got a young man Pablo
01:00XXL imagino que no es tu nombre que es tu nombre profesional
01:03aunque puedes llamarme xl también si te resulta más fácil
01:08xl pues si más simple y asusta menos también
01:14y llevas tiempo haciendo esto si ya llevo un tiempo si y te gusta me gusta si
01:24Sobre todo cuando encuentro
01:27Una mujer tan bonita como tu yulia
01:30Ya veo, disculpa querido
01:32Es que me resulta raro estar con un
01:36Un chico como tu porque eres muy joven
01:39Debes tener 26 o asÃ
01:41Por ahà sÃ, por ahÃ
01:43Por ahÃ
01:45Que pensarÃa mi hijo si lo supiese
01:47Que vergüenza
01:49Bueno tu hijo
01:51Yo creo que no tiene por que saberlo
01:53Incluso si yo fuese mayor
01:57Claro que no
01:59Entonces para que pensarlo tanto
02:01Porque no puedo evitarlo
02:07Si me lo permites
02:09Adelante dime
02:11Porque me has llamado
02:15Pues mira
02:22He estado muchos años casada
02:25Y digamos que mi matrimonio
02:27Atravesó unos años
02:29Muy complicados
02:35Bueno asà para resumir
02:39El sexo no era mi prioridad
02:41Ni la de mi marido
02:45Muy bien
02:47Quieres recuperar el tiempo perdido
02:51Sinceramente no estoy segura
02:53No es la primera vez
02:55Que intentas quedar conmigo
02:57Pues no, que horror
02:59No me acordaba ya de eso
03:01Lo hice fatal, disculpa
03:03Te dejé ahà tirado
03:05No pasa nada
03:07Además fuiste muy correcta
03:09Y me lo pagaste todo
03:11Es como me gustan mis amigas
03:13Claro que soy correcta
03:15Asumo que haces esto porque lo necesitas
03:17Asà que claro que te pagué
03:19Estabas allÃ, fuiste al hotel
03:21Y yo no asà que
03:23Julia eres tan correcta
03:25Que no consigues soltarte
03:27Quiero hacerlo
03:29Y lo harás
03:31Te lo aseguro lo harás
03:33Lo haré
03:35A lo mejor necesitas un empujoncito extra
03:37Mira perdona
03:41Te lo agradezco pero
03:43Y si hacemos lo siguiente
03:45Te pagaré lo que acordamos
03:47Claro pero
03:49Podemos hablar y ya está
03:51No tiene nada que ver contigo
03:53No te lo tomes a mal
03:55Tu eres
03:59Lo tienes todo en su sitio
04:01Y créeme
04:03Que se me pasa por la cabeza
04:05Hacer muchas cosas contigo
04:07Pero necesito más
04:09Tiempo para estar cómoda
04:11Antes de llegar a eso
04:13Entonces si lo que quieres es hablar
04:15Pues hablemos
04:17Veamos de que
04:19Empiezo yo entonces
04:21Estas feliz con el divorcio
04:25En realidad
04:27No estoy todavÃa
04:29Divorciada del todo
04:31Estoy separada pero
04:33Estoy aliviada
04:35Me siento otra persona
04:37Con toda la vida por delante
04:39Bueno no tanta como tu
04:41Pero si
04:45Por la vida
04:47Y por el tiempo
04:57No me vas a hacer esto otra vez
04:59Yo también creÃa que iba a tener más tiempo
05:01Pero me tengo que ir
05:03Me vas a dejar subiendome por las paredes
05:05Quiero que te quedes asà ardiendo de deseo
05:07Cuando piensas en mi
05:09Ya lo pillo
05:11¿Te acuerdas de que soy una mujer alfa?
05:13Y te las das de duro para que no me canse de ti
05:21Nunca te cansarás de mi, lo sabes
05:27Me tengo que ir
05:29Mira, si quieres quedarte por mi
05:31Encantado, de lo contrario
05:33Te avisaré cuando esté de vuelta
05:35Adios, preciosa
06:11No te preocupes
06:15Haber ido
06:17Más oscura
06:19El dÃa y la noche
06:29Eras como esas flores
06:31En las montañas
06:35Siempre volviéndose
06:37En las lluvias
06:41Tu razonamiento es perfectamente lógico
06:45¿En serio?
06:47CreÃa que me lo ibas a reprochar
06:49¿Quién soy yo para juzgarte a ti o a nadie?
06:53Sobre todo cuando se trata de la familia
06:55Sabes lo que pienso al respecto
06:59Sé que puede parecerte raro
07:01Porque yo he sido la que menos te he apoyado
07:03Con lo de Tiago
07:05Pero estos últimos dÃas
07:07He cambiado de parecer sobre él
07:09CreÃa que era un niñato
07:11Inmaduro e impulsivo
07:13Todo eso
07:15Pero ya no lo pienso
07:17Los últimos acontecimientos han probado lo contrario
07:19Podemos confiar en él
07:21Es inteligente
07:23Es valiente
07:25Y es dulce
07:27Buena persona
07:29Es increÃble
07:31Pero lo único que le falta es esencial en este momento
07:33No es el padre de Marquiño
07:39Te parecerá extraño
07:41Porque siempre he defendido a Marco
07:43Y no a Tiago
07:45Pero has olvidado esa conversación
07:47Que le escuchamos a Marco
07:49Amenazando a Vitoria
07:51Sobre comprar las propiedades
07:53Ya sabÃa que sacarÃas ese tema
07:55¿De qué opinas de eso?
07:57¿Cómo te hace sentir saberlo?
07:59Porque sigues pensando que es el hombre adecuado para ti
08:01A mà me tenÃa engañada pero ya no
08:03Oye mamá
08:05Yo ya sé todo esto
08:07También sé que Marco es quien me ha protegido de Connie
08:09¿De quién es socio?
08:13Todo el mundo sabe que es una mujer peligrosa
08:15¿Qué tengo que hacer, eh?
08:17¿Enterrar a otra persona?
08:19No es lo que quiero
08:21¿Enterrar? ¿Por qué dices lo de enterrar?
08:23Nada, era una forma de hablar, mamá
08:27Lo que importa es que Marco lo ha hecho para protegerme
08:31Pensaba que no te convencÃa ese argumento
08:33Y no lo hacÃa
08:35Pero la realidad es que Marco lleva conociendo a Connie mucho tiempo
08:41Y ya la ha traicionado dos veces
08:43Para protegerme de ella
08:45Dos veces
08:47Y Marco casi muere por todo esto
08:49El plan salió mal y la hacienda ardió
08:51Ya, pero él hizo su parte
08:53Él no tuvo culpa de eso
08:57¿Habéis hablado?
08:59Solo a partir de lo del incendio
09:01Lo llamé para que viniera a la hacienda
09:03Para estar con Marquinho
09:05¿Estás segura de eso?
09:09Estoy segura
09:11De querer a mi familia junta
09:13Está bien
09:15Si eso es lo que quieres
09:17Tienes todo mi apoyo
09:19¿En serio?
09:25Quiero que estés bien
09:27Quiero lo mejor para ti
09:29No sabes
09:31El alivio que es tener tu apoyo
09:37Justino, tenemos que hablar
09:39¿Valdemar ha llegado ya a tu casa?
09:41Está de camino
09:43Avisa de que Marco no puede ir a ningún lado
09:45Antes de que Val llegue
09:47¿A qué viene esto?
09:49Porque Marco quiere coger un vuelo y venir a ver a Caca
09:51Ya lo sé, el servicio me lo ha dicho
09:53¿Y no has hecho nada, de verdad?
09:55Hablé con tu hermano para que averiguase
09:57Marco quiere venir aquà cuando continúa siendo un objetivo
09:59Temo que Marco y Connie sigan siendo cómplices
10:01¿Por qué?
10:03¿Qué te ha dicho Caca?
10:05Llama, después te lo explico
10:11Pensaba que me llamaba porque me echaba de menos
10:13Pero resulta
10:15Que solo querÃa sacarme información sobre el ingeniero
10:19Ya no quiere nada conmigo
10:21Solo quiere lo que sé
10:27Es el patrón
10:29SÃ, estoy solicitado
10:31Es el patrón
10:33Diga, patrón
10:37SÃ, sÃ, es verdad
10:39Ahora está haciendo las maletas
10:41No sé, yo le hice la misma pregunta
10:43¿Cómo va a subirse a un avión
10:45Cuando sabe que podrÃan dispararle en cualquier momento?
10:49No me dio ninguna explicación
10:51Siguió haciendo la maleta y ya
10:53¿Que no le dejemos salir?
10:57No se preocupe
10:59Me aseguraré de que
11:01De que asà sea
11:03Pero que esto quede claro
11:05Yo ya sospechaba de él
11:07Sospechaba de él
11:09No lo olvide
11:11Vale, yo lo mantendré al corriente
11:13Ok, adiós
11:15¿He entendido bien?
11:17Rosa, necesito que me ayudes, por favor
11:19Llama corriendo a seguridad
11:21Y diles que tienen expresamente prohibido
11:23Abrirle la puerta a Marco, ¿vale?
11:27Mientras tanto, voy a intentar resolver esto de otra forma
11:47¿S� ¿Va todo bien? ¿Quieres algo?
11:49No, venÃa a ver si necesitaba algo
11:51No, ya tengo la maleta hecha
11:53Lo tengo todo listo
11:59¿Y se va ya?
12:01SÃ, voy a llamar a un taxi
12:03Y me voy
12:05No necesita un taxi, puedo llevarle yo
12:07¿Tú? CreÃa que no querÃas que me fuese
12:09No querÃa, claro
12:11Porque estoy preocupado de que le pase algo
12:13Pero si se quiere ir a toda costa, no se lo impediré
12:15Ok, muchas gracias
12:17Entonces, espera abajo
12:19Voy primero al cuarto de baño
12:21Ok, yo iré a por el coche entonces
12:23Con permiso
12:45¿Qué pasa?
12:47¿Qué pasa?
12:49¿Qué pasa?
12:51¿Qué pasa?
12:53¿Qué pasa?
12:55¿Qué pasa?
12:57¿Qué pasa?
12:59¿Qué pasa?
13:01¿Qué pasa?
13:03¿Qué pasa?
13:05¿Qué pasa?
13:07¿Qué pasa?
13:09¿Qué pasa?
13:11¿Qué pasa?
13:13¿Qué pasa?
13:15¿Qué pasa?
13:17¿Qué pasa?
13:19¿Qué pasa?
13:21¿Qué pasa?
13:23¿Qué pasa?
13:25¿Qué pasa?
13:27¿Qué pasa?
13:29¿Qué pasa?
13:31¿Qué pasa?
13:33¿Qué pasa?
13:35¿Qué pasa?
13:37¿Qué pasa?
13:39¿Qué pasa?
13:41¿Qué pasa?
13:43¿Qué pasa?
13:45¿Qué pasa?
13:47¿Qué pasa?
13:49¿Qué pasa?
13:51¿Qué pasa?
13:53¿Qué pasa?
13:55¿Qué pasa?
13:57¿Qué pasa?
13:59¿Qué pasa?
14:01¿Qué pasa?
14:03¿Qué pasa?
14:05¿Qué pasa?
14:07¿Qué pasa?
14:09¿Qué pasa?
14:11¿Qué pasa?
14:13¿Qué pasa?
14:15¿Qué pasa?
14:17¿Qué pasa?
14:19¿Qué pasa?
14:21¿Qué pasa?
14:23¿Qué pasa?
14:25¿Qué pasa?
14:27¿Qué pasa?
14:29¿Qué pasa?
14:31¿Qué pasa?
14:33¿Qué pasa?
14:35¿Qué pasa?
14:37I guess.
14:39I guess what Kakao has done is not right.
14:41He must have played with Tiago's feelings.
14:43Anita, don't say that.
14:45Surely he's got his reasons.
14:47What? His son's excuses?
14:49And they didn't remember when he swore eternal love to Tiago
14:51that the son belonged to Marco?
14:53We're not going to judge Kakao's decision.
14:55We need to understand why he did it.
14:57To keep his family together.
14:59Guto, now it's as if he's become a martyr.
15:01¿Achara quiere quedar con a un hombre
15:03que no quiere porque tuvo un hijo con él?
15:05Because he had a son with him, for the love of God.
15:08You haven't spoken to her? She hasn't told you anything that sounds strange?
15:11Strange how?
15:13I don't know. Something doesn't add up.
15:16Well, she said Marco was coming, but I thought he had to hide because of Connie.
15:22Well seen, Anita.
15:24If Marco really believes that woman is going after him, how can he come here and not fear for his life?
15:30I'm also surprised.
15:35And you, Guto, what do you think?
15:38I think it's strange.
15:40This whole story is very strange to me, but I can't stay here talking, okay?
15:45I have to help Baoba with something I promised her.
15:47See you.
15:51I just hope Marco decides not to come here.
15:54Imagine the tragedy if the people who work for that woman come back here and kill him.
16:01Another death.
16:02I hope it's not like that.
16:04No one wants Marquinho's father to die.
16:20See how easy it is?
16:24I'm sorry to close your eyes, but it's to forget how young you are, my God.
16:30Look at me like your new toy.
16:33Sexualize me.
16:35Sexualize you?
16:38I'm trying, darling, but it's difficult.
16:41It's complicated.
16:43Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
16:45Oh, what a shame.
16:47I'm dying of shame.
16:49Julia, stop being silly.
16:52I can tell you're not just ashamed of what you're dying of.
16:56Don't say that.
16:59Oh, my God.
17:01It's just that...
17:02Let's do something.
17:04Let's go to your room.
17:06Let's close the windows, turn off the lights.
17:10Let's make everything dark and leave the rest to me.
17:16Julia, you've called me twice.
17:19I take my job very seriously.
17:21I like to make my clients happy.
17:23You're not going to make me look bad.
17:25Make you look bad?
17:27For the love of God, if I'm a woman by your side...
17:31If you think this is some kind of sacrifice, you're very wrong.
17:40It's not?
17:41No, no.
17:43Julia, you're a very attractive woman.
17:48Anyone would want you.
17:52I won't deny it.
17:55Because I'm very polite.
17:57You're also a great temptation.
18:03Come here.
18:05Come here.
18:10I'll start with a relaxing massage and then we'll move on little by little.
18:18And if you don't want to repeat...
18:21Okay, we won't repeat.
18:23What do you think?
18:26Julia, you've come this far. You're not going to back out.
18:31True, true.
18:36You have to guide me because I don't know where your room is.
18:39My room?
18:41Let's do the following.
18:43I'll guide you to my room and then you'll guide me to the rest.
18:48I'll need it.
18:49Don't worry.
18:51The room is right in front.
19:11I'm sorry.
19:13Marquinhos is sleeping.
19:17Come here.
19:21I want to tell you something.
19:23It doesn't make sense for Marcos to come here so soon.
19:27Everyone misses your decision.
19:29But we already knew what was going to happen.
19:32Tell me, what do you want me to do?
19:34You haven't told anyone?
19:35No, no, of course not.
19:37Okay, because you can't tell me.
19:38I'm not going to tell anyone, but...
19:40I've been thinking about something.
19:42Wait, before that.
19:44Have you talked to Marcos?
19:45Did he confirm that he was coming?
19:46Yes, I've talked to him.
19:47He'll be here tomorrow.
19:52Cacao, of all the rumors that circulate out there,
19:55there is one that makes sense.
19:57How is it that Marco is going to come here so absolutely calm,
20:01knowing that Connie is looking for him?
20:03Gutiño, it's easy.
20:04As soon as I reach an agreement with Connie,
20:06his life is no longer in danger.
20:10Now the question is,
20:11have you told him that you've made a deal with her?
20:20Then why isn't he afraid to get on a plane,
20:23knowing how dangerous that woman is?
20:35You're going to regret locking me up in the room.
20:41Where are my things?
20:42Where are my things?
20:49Where is he?
20:50Excuse me?
20:51Don't play dumb.
20:53Where is he?
20:54I don't know.
20:55I haven't seen him again.
20:56He said he had to leave.
21:00Was he carrying a backpack with him?
21:03Or haven't you seen a backpack around here?
21:05No, I haven't seen anything.
21:06He looked in the living room.
21:07Tomané was there.
21:09My savior, Valdemar.
21:11I'm glad you're here, man.
21:13I was afraid of what that madman was going to do to me.
21:16He looked like a caged lion,
21:17with the kicks he kicked at the door.
21:20Where is he?
21:21He's in the room, calm down,
21:23because I haven't heard from him in a while.
21:26Oh, mother, he's coming!
21:27He's coming for me!
21:28I thought you were in Brazil.
21:30Are you involved in this too?
21:32No, I've come for another reason.
21:34But I'm aware of what's going on.
21:36Tell that guy to give me my things before...
21:38before he loses his papers.
21:40He won't give you anything, Marco.
21:43Excuse me?
21:44First, let's have a little chat.
21:48Can you leave us alone, Tomané?
21:50Please, I was waiting for you to tell me to leave.
22:01Guto, are you really suggesting what you think?
22:05I don't have enough information to suggest anything.
22:08But I do think you need to have a very serious conversation with Marco as soon as he gets here.
22:13Do you think it's possible that he's come to an agreement with Connie behind my back?
22:18You'll only find out by cornering him against the wall.
22:25That's what I'm going to do.
22:28I missed going back to normal life.
22:31We have a visitor.
22:32Thanks to the jewels.
22:36Yes, yes.
22:37Tell me, who let you in?
22:40The maid, love.
22:41She was very kind to me.
22:43She let me wait for you here when she noticed.
22:46I'm sorry.
22:47It's all right.
22:48It's all right.
22:49It's all right.
22:50It's all right.
22:51It's all right.
22:52It's all right.
22:53It's all right.
22:54She let me wait for you here when she noticed.
22:56She had a little gift for you.
22:58A little gift?
23:00Something simple, love.
23:01But from the heart.
23:02I'm going to leave my things inside.
23:04Do you want me to take that too?
23:05Give it to me.
23:06And the coat.
23:09See you later.
23:14Are you going to tell me who that big guy is?
23:17The last time I left so quickly that I couldn't ask.
23:20Well, he's my personal secretary.
23:24Oh, my.
23:27He's my messenger man.
23:30The one who also massages my back.
23:33The one who does everything you ask and does it well.
23:38You know?
23:40When you get tired of him, would you leave him to me for a while?
23:44I have a back full of knots.
23:46I need to be crucified well.
23:48Very well.
23:49I hate your sense of humor, really.
23:52You're very funny.
23:55I have good news.
23:57I'm finally going to be able to pay you back.
24:00Are you kidding me?
24:02Would I joke about such a serious thing?
24:05I'm very grateful for everything you did for me.
24:08Now I'm happy.
24:13I can't jump.
24:14What happiness, friend.
24:15You can't jump, friend.
24:17Everything falls.
24:18It's the law of gravity.
24:19For God's sake, I can't.
24:20I'm very excited.
24:23I would be too if they offered me new boobs.
24:26But wait.
24:27I came here for another reason.
24:29You've misled me with this.
24:31Look what I have for you, my love.
24:36Can I open it?
24:37Of course.
24:38Let's see.
24:39This is made especially for you.
24:41Oh yeah?
24:43Of course.
24:46It's a kind of...
24:48It's a little towel for the video.
24:51Look, it's Simone's S.
24:53It's embroidered for you.
24:55The S?
24:57Did you make it?
24:59No, it wasn't me.
25:00These little hands here
25:02are made to work on something else.
25:06What a fool.
25:09It was Susana who made it.
25:15From the pension.
25:23I thought you were a guest in this house.
25:26That you were helping me.
25:28But in the end, it looks like I'm a prisoner.
25:31Prisoner is a very strong word.
25:33But you chose it.
25:36What word would you choose?
25:38If they took your things and locked you in a room.
25:41What word would you choose?
25:42If I came from people who trust me,
25:44I would think about what I could have done
25:46if I had left them with me.
25:49What's wrong with you going to see Kakao?
25:52What's wrong with wanting to reunite the family?
25:55What's wrong with that?
25:58Kakao called me.
26:00To ask me to come back.
26:06Don't underestimate my intelligence.
26:09We both know you're in this house
26:11to hide from your friend Connie.
26:13Don't let her find you.
26:15And all of a sudden you're willing
26:17to board such a quiet commercial flight.
26:19I'm not going to tell you
26:21that you have no reason to risk your life.
26:23But you're not going to fool me, friend.
26:26What's really going on?
26:28Are you going to tell me the truth or not?
26:34He was so happy with the money you sent him
26:37that he decided to give you this handkerchief
26:39as a thank you.
26:41You know, yes, yes.
26:42I understand.
26:44Tell him that I appreciate it,
26:46but that it wasn't necessary.
26:48And she wanted to come here personally
26:51to give you the handkerchief herself
26:53because she was very grateful for your generosity.
26:57She wouldn't be out of place completely, okay?
27:00I know, I told her.
27:02You see that I was the one who brought the gift.
27:05But she insisted so much
27:07that I had to try.
27:09Listen, if you want to continue being my friend,
27:11don't bring this up again.
27:14Very well.
27:15But I had to give you the message.
27:18Well, tell him that the handkerchief is...
27:21What is this handkerchief?
27:23It's pretty, right?
27:26And that I appreciate it and that it wasn't necessary.
27:29Mine is a little star in the sky.
27:32The little star of Majoris.
27:34A little star of Majoris?
27:36How cute.
27:37It's cute, isn't it?
27:38It looks like an octopus.
27:41Oh, no, you're so cute.
27:44Hey, don't be so mean.
27:46She spent the whole day embroidering this for you.
27:49She did it with the best intentions.
27:51Yes, well, and about the conversation we had...
27:55Tell me, you didn't tell her anything, right?
27:58What are you talking about?
27:59No, no, don't look at me like that.
28:01Are you talking about that?
28:02Yes, yes, about that story that interests you.
28:04Well, of course not.
28:06Of course not.
28:07If I promised you, I promised.
28:10Especially because you would ruin that girl's life.
28:14The poor girl would start dreaming of things she can't have, you know?
28:18About things that can't be proven.
28:21She would want to prove things that can't be proven.
28:24And she would spend money, a lot of money.
28:27And that's something that's not enough for her, right?
28:29In trials, in lawyers.
28:31Her life would be a disaster.
28:33And for what?
28:34For nothing.
28:35I haven't told her anything.
28:37I promise.
28:38And what about the old woman?
28:40The one in the chair.
28:41Is she still talking about me?
28:42My dear, it's just her thoughts.
28:45Sometimes she asks where the crystal is.
28:48But no one listens to her, you know?
28:51Forget about that.
28:53I thought that when I left the pension, she would forget about me and stop talking about the matter.
28:58It's a matter of the moment.
28:59She'll miss you, and soon she'll let you be, and everything will be fine.
29:05By the way, I'm leaving now because...
29:07I just wanted to bring you the message and the gift.
29:12But I don't want to steal your time.
29:14You know I'm very sensitive to the sadness of others.
29:18I know.
29:19You have a golden heart.
29:22Hey, speaking of that.
29:24You should talk to your maid.
29:26I think she's not well.
29:27Who? Joanna?
29:29As soon as she opened the door, I saw that she wasn't well.
29:33I asked her a few questions, I talked to her a little, and she started crying.
29:38And did she tell you why?
29:40She said she did something wrong, and she was a little disturbed by that.
29:45But you know how I am.
29:46I talked to her, I told her to be calm, that things would be resolved, and that in the end everyone will eat.
29:53Of course.
29:55Yes, of course.
29:56But I think she's better now.
30:00Because I have my problems, and all I needed was to go home and have the maid crying.
30:08You know I miss you.
30:10I miss you too.
30:12I don't have anyone to laugh with anymore.
30:15Not anymore?
30:17Hey, right now you're the only friend I have.
30:22Don't say that, I'm crying.
30:24Oh, don't cry.
30:26You get ugly when you cry.
30:30Don't cry.
30:31Don't cry.
30:32We can do whatever you want.
30:34Take care.
30:35You too, I have things to do.
30:37Kisses, love.
30:55If you really want to know what's going on,
30:59you have to promise me that Kakao won't find out anything.
31:03Hey, that depends.
31:06I'm not kidding.
31:07Kakao can't know anything.
31:09Your sister can't know anything.
31:11And Justino too.
31:12Let him go before I start losing my patience with you.
31:18Kakao called me to ask me to come back.
31:23And then I saw the opportunity to contact Connie.
31:29You're playing a very dangerous game, Marco.
31:33What do you want from her?
31:35What other alternative is there?
31:37Stay at the mercy of that woman?
31:44What did you tell her?
31:47That there was an opportunity to make it with Bela Vista.
31:53That Kakao had called me, that he wanted me to come back.
31:56It was Connie's initial plan.
32:00Okay, go on.
32:02With this, I get closer to her.
32:05I'm no longer in danger.
32:07And I can try to regain Connie's trust.
32:09That way we'll save time.
32:11And who knows?
32:12The opportunity to catch her again.
32:17You know perfectly well that after everything that happened,
32:20you won't be able to throw the glove at that woman.
32:23In fact, she won't even let you get close to her.
32:25That's the point.
32:26That's why I've prepared a new bait.
32:37I think you're exaggerating with all this.
32:39How can I be exaggerating if that woman doesn't stop repeating my name of war?
32:44Even when I'm not in the picture.
32:46But she has Zaymer, she'll end up forgetting it.
32:48I think your friend Travelo is right.
32:51I don't like you calling Mayoris like that.
32:54Isn't that what it is?
32:56Mayoris is as much of a woman as I am.
32:58Oh, have you suddenly become politically correct or what?
33:04You're the first one to talk nonsense like that.
33:07But I don't like it when it's about people I'm a friend of and I'm their friend.
33:12And that's it.
33:15Do you know who was by my side in the worst moment of my life?
33:19It wasn't you.
33:20It was her.
33:22I love her so much that I'd like to get her out of that pension.
33:26You're scaring me.
33:27She could be my wife of the gifts.
33:30But first I have to solve something else.
33:33I have to finish that old woman.
33:37I'm lost.
33:38Susana's mother.
33:40Susana's mother? Is that you?
33:42Very smart.
33:43Doña Salechi.
33:45The woman who took care of her after I gave birth.
33:48Let's see if I understand correctly.
33:50You want to kill the woman who took care of the daughter you abandoned?
33:55I mean, I don't want to, but I think it's necessary.
33:59Didn't you say you weren't a murderer?
34:01And I'm not, I'm not.
34:02But understand it.
34:04It's a matter of survival.
34:06Let's see if I guess right.
34:08It's a consolation prize for taking care of your daughter, is that it?
34:12I mean, for her, right?
34:15That old woman is completely gone and she'll only get worse.
34:18Now it will be a prize, yes.
34:20For Susana.
34:21You won't have to deal with her.
34:23It's a joke, right?
34:24Tell me it's a joke.
34:25It's not a joke, I'm serious.
34:28The old woman only has to close her mouth.
34:30If she doesn't do it for the good, she'll do it for the bad.
34:33Now, for Susana, it's a gift I give her in exchange for this...
34:40This ridiculous handkerchief she sent me.
34:42Have you seen it?
34:43An S from Simone.
34:46How do you think I'll be able to use this?
34:51What's wrong?
34:52What's wrong?
34:53You're not a saint either, are you?
34:56Don't you understand what I want to do?
34:59Kill the old woman.
35:02It will be a public service because I'll be taking a load off Susana.
35:06And that's it.
35:09Tell me, what has changed you?
35:11Staying on an island with that old woman?
35:14Or was it the ridiculous tattoo you have on your chest?
35:19I'm sorry, you're right.
35:23If that old woman doesn't shut up...
35:26it's a real danger.
35:33How do you know all this about Simone?
35:36Does it matter?
35:38The only thing that matters is that we know that Simone is behind...
35:42Connie's interest in Bela Vista.
35:46Justino won't agree with this.
35:48But your sister will.
35:52Let me make one thing clear.
35:54Regina never wanted to end Simone's life, okay?
35:57She wanted to make her suffer as much as possible.
36:00For her to die.
36:01She thought it would be a blessing and not a punishment, you know?
36:06And besides, Regina isn't a murderer.
36:13But you are.
36:15Watch your tone, pal.
36:18I'm sorry.
36:20I didn't mean to offend you.
36:22But I know you've killed a lot of people.
36:25In war, in self-defense, and men who deserved to die.
36:27That's different.
36:28But you've killed.
36:30To me, killing is killing.
36:32And don't you think Connie deserves to die?
36:37I don't doubt that she deserves it.
36:39Especially after what she did in the hacienda and the remains of corpses she left after the fire.
36:44And what does Connie say?
36:46Does Simone say?
36:49Cacao's life is in danger because of her.
36:53I don't even want to hear about Simone.
36:55I'm not going to end her life, okay?
36:58Although I don't understand your criteria.
37:00We can leave that decision for later.
37:02What I need now is your help to get to Brazil.
37:07If everything you've told me is true, you don't need my help at all.
37:11You already have the blessing of your friend, Connie.
37:13I need your help.
37:15I can't tell your sister or Justino the plan over the phone.
37:19I can't do that.
37:25Connie will have our mobiles pinned.
37:33What do you want me to do?
37:35Stay here.
37:37Wait for the moment to bring Connie to Simone.
37:41And tell the people in Brazil that I'm still locked up.
37:44Or something like that.
37:46So I have time to get there and tell them the plan in person.
37:50What about my niece?
37:52What's wrong?
37:53How does Cacao fit into this plan?
37:55Cacao doesn't need to know anything.
37:57Especially now that he asked me to come back.
37:59It has nothing to do with this war.
38:02He helped indirectly.
38:04But he doesn't need to know anything.
38:06Are you aware that he asked you to come back because he thinks you're his son's father?
38:11Because he wants the family to be reunited again?
38:14We both know it's a lie, Marco.
38:16We know he already has his whole family with her, but she doesn't know.
38:19Are you going to judge me?
38:20Are you really going to judge me?
38:23And will you judge your sister?
38:25Because the idea was hers.
38:27Do you think we haven't talked about it?
38:30Very well.
38:33You'll know.
38:35This is in your hands.
38:37But tell me one thing.
38:41What would you prefer?
38:43See me with Cacao?
38:45Treating her well?
38:46Ensuring her safety?
38:48And at the same time have the opportunity to catch Connie?
38:52Or keep me here and ruin everything?
38:56It could be our last chance to catch her.
39:04Point for you.
39:06Okay, you can go.
39:08Of course.
39:09You'll go accompanied.
39:12What do you think?
39:14That I need a babysitter?
39:16Let's say I feel safer that way.
39:19Very well.
39:21Who am I going with?
39:23Since I can't go, I'll go with Tomane.
39:26Not Tomane.
39:27Don't even think about it.
39:28He stole my passport.
39:30That shows he's not as stupid as he seems.
39:34I'll go with Tomane.
39:49I'll go with Tomane.
39:57Did you have to do this now?
39:59Couldn't we have gone directly to Bella Vista?
40:02I'm doing you a favor.
40:04I'm not going to show up with my hands empty in front of Soraya.
40:06And you're not going to show up in front of Cacao.
40:08So I'm going to buy two bouquets of flowers, okay?
40:11We'll do the math later.
40:14Good afternoon.
40:16Good afternoon, young man.
40:17How are you, dear?
40:18Tell me, what are the most expensive flowers you have here?
40:21Let me see.
40:23Look at everything you need.
40:24Because the budget for my princess is unlimited.
40:27You can't even look at me.
40:31I forgot that sometimes you like to show off.
40:36You're the only show-off here.
40:38It's enough to see the people you're in a relationship with.
40:42I understand.
40:44I deduce from your reaction that you already know that Cacao has asked me to come back.
40:48I don't know how you convinced her.
40:51Listen to me, young man.
40:54Doesn't it seem strange to me that we both like Cacao?
40:58It's natural.
40:59She's an incredible woman.
41:00You deserve to be loved.
41:02But you have to accept that you've lost.
41:07And you have to understand that you only lose in the end.
41:11And this has just begun.
41:18Cacao is mine.
41:21Cacao is mine?
41:22Nothing possessive.
41:27Well, I see that things are heating up and it's not because of the weather.
41:32Let's go.
41:33Let's go, let's go.
41:35I think in the end you're going to have to work out to keep up with the competition.
41:40Shut up before I make you swallow those flowers.
41:42You won't feel like it when you find out how much it cost.
41:47How much did it cost?
42:12Cacao is mine.