(Adnkronos) - Regione Lombardia in collaborazione con il Dipartimento per la Trasformazione Digitale della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri e PagoPA promuovono un momento di confronto su come la trasformazione digitale sia cruciale per ridisegnare in positivo la relazione tra gli enti territoriali e i cittadini, intitolato ‘La regione come motore dello sviluppo digitale dei territori’, organizzato a Palazzo Lombardia. Dopo aver illustrato lo stato dell’arte e i risultati raggiunti oggi dalle realtà territoriali della Lombardia, sono state presentate le esperienze di successo della Regione che possano essere d’ispirazione per i Comuni e gli Enti del territorio nell’accelerazione del processo di trasformazione digitale.
00:00Promote a moment of comparison on how the digital transformation is crucial to redesign positively the relationship between the territorial entities and the citizens.
00:13This is the intention of Region Lombardia with the Department for Digital Transformation of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and PAGO-PA,
00:20organizing the event, the Region as the engine of the digital development of the territories,
00:25during which we talked about the state of the art and the results achieved today by the territorial realities of Lombardy
00:31and presented the successful experiences of the Region, which can be an inspiration for the municipalities and the territorial entities in the acceleration of the process of digital transformation.
00:41This event is born from a synergy that with PAGO-PA and the Agency for Digital Transformation actually goes on for some time.
00:49The Region of Lombardy is the most advanced in terms of the activation of services linked to the PAGO-PA platform
00:55and therefore it seemed necessary to us today not only to share the results already obtained,
01:00but also to start a comparison with all the territorial entities that can allow them in some way to contaminate in a positive way
01:07and to us to receive requests that can make us plan further evolutions for the future.
01:12We strongly believe in this platform and we strongly believe in the interaction between local entities,
01:18public administration in the absolute sense, the Region of Lombardy as the leader of this network and of course the Ministry.
01:24Thanks to the synergistic work of DTD and PAGO-PA at the national level and to the push of the measures of the PNRR,
01:31in fact, in the last five years an ecosystem of interconnected digital solutions has been consolidated,
01:37of which the I.O.O. represents the mobile access channel of all public services,
01:42on which 47% of the population between the ages of 18 and 65 is already present,
01:47which has allowed central and local administrations to innovate the delivery of an increasing number of services
01:53for a better efficiency and accessibility of services for citizens.
01:57In fact, today the I.O.O.O. is in the hands of more than 20 million Italians
02:01who can directly use in-app more than 335,000 services delivered by more than 16,000 entities.
02:08In 2024, the platform managed, thanks to these entities, more than 350 million messages in-app.
02:18In addition to the great dissemination, which is explained by the numbers, it has another important value,
02:25which is to be natively integrated with all the platforms of the PAGO-PA ecosystem
02:29and also with the largest national digital platforms.
02:34This allows people to have access to an integrated system of services
02:40that allows them to manage the entire life cycle of the public service.
02:46Among the issues of comparison, at the center of the agreement,
02:49also the introduction of value generated at various levels by the growing adoption of digital infrastructures.
02:54In particular, there was talk of the main evidences
02:57emerged from a study conducted by PAGO-PA with the support of McKinsey
03:01about the positive impact for entities and citizens of an integrated management of public services.
03:06Thanks to the survey done together with McKinsey,
03:09we found that the entities saved in 2023 about 70 million administrative expenses
03:18and 75 million corresponding to a discount relative to the work force saved
03:25for automations and for activities managed directly through our platforms.