• yesterday
(Adnkronos) - Dallo scorso 23 gennaio il primo treno a idrogeno italiano fa tappa nel sito di Rovato dove sono in corso i test di rifornimento. L’innovativo treno, il Coradia Stream, si costituisce capofila di un processo di trasformazione energetica che mira alla decarbonizzazione del trasporto pubblico locale (Tpl). Un processo, quello di decarbonizzazione del Tpl, che mette in evidenza come il trasporto pubblico locale sia un motore di innovazione e progresso per l’intero Paese. Grande soddisfazione dell’Associazione Trasporti che alla presentazione da parte di FNM del primo treno a idrogeno italiano, il Coradia Stream di Alstom, presso il nuovo impianto di rifornimento e manutenzione di Rovato (BS), fa sapere: “Ci abbiamo creduto sin da subito”.


00:00Since last January 23, the first Italian hydrogen train has stopped at the site of Rovato, in Bresciano, where refueling tests are underway.
00:13The innovative train, the Coradia Stream, is at the forefront of an energy transformation process aimed at decarbonizing local public transport.
00:22A process that highlights how local public transport is an engine of innovation and progress for the entire country.
00:29I am very proud to represent Astra because it has believed in hydrogen technology right from the start.
00:36It is a virtuous example that starts from the Lombardy region because it replaces a train that emits diesel fumes with oxygen and water vapor.
00:47I hope that other realities compatible with their territorial needs will marry this type of technology,
00:55which, in our opinion, will have greater development in the coming years.
00:59New technology, new infrastructures.
01:02The first Italian hydrogen train will need ad-hoc supply plants,
01:07whose construction will have positive impacts on the induction of the territories that host them.
01:12Undoubtedly, our partners are Kilometro Zero.
01:15First of all, Sapio, who is an operator who has been working with the hydrogen molecule for 100 years.
01:22He was the one who helped us build what we consider the most important part,
01:28that is, the infrastructure, which is made up of production, storage and distribution plants of hydrogen at Kilometro Zero,
01:37which is the bet to reduce costs in terms of management aspects.
01:42As I said before, we are aware of the cost of the construction of the infrastructure, which has not been touched.
