• 2 months ago
Episod 759 My #QuranTime 2.0 Jumaat 10 Januari 2025 Surah Yunus (10: 87-88) Halaman 218

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Antara perkara penting yang dapat kita ambil dari Surah Yunus ayat 87-88 halaman 218 ini adalah:
* Perintah Allah SWT agar menjadikan rumah sebagai tempat ibadah bagi kaum Bani Israel (87)
* Doa Nabi Musa AS sebagai bentuk kemarahan demi Allah dan agama-Nya (88)

Tindakan yang boleh dilaksanakan daripada ayat 87-88 halaman 218:
* Menghargai nikmat dapat beribadah tanpa sekatan dan halangan (87)
* Dibenarkan marah apabila Allah dan agama dijadikan bahan persendaan dan gurauan (88)
* Jadikan doa kepada Allah sebagai senjata ketika dizalimi (88)

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00:00The story of Prophet Musa is the story that is ended in Surah Yunus, Surah 10, for us to see together how the greatness of Prophet Musa A.S. in conveying the message of kindness to his ummah,
00:30even though there are obstacles in life.
00:33It is a motivation for us to continue to be enthusiastic no matter what the rain is.
00:39Let's continue the discussion in this episode.
00:59Surah Yunus, Surah 10, Verses 10-11
01:29Surah Yunus, Surah 10, Verses 10-11
01:42Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
01:43Alhamdulillah wa salatu wasalamu ala rasulillah wa ala alihi wa man wala.
01:47Shadadah ilahinallah, shadadah muhammadin, abduhu wa rasuluh.
01:49Allahumma salli ala sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala alihi wa sahbihi ajma'in.
01:54How are you ladies and gentlemen?
01:56We meet again in My Quran Time, Quran Surah Al-Infah today.
01:59Together we want to delve into two verses, verse 87 and 88 from Surah Yunus,
02:05Surah 10 which provides guidance for us to strengthen our resolve in life.
02:11And today we will read together with Al-Fadl Ustaz, Tirmidhi Abdul Rahman.
02:15How are you Ustaz?
02:16Alhamdulillah Fadl Ustaz.
02:17How are you?
02:18Alhamdulillah Ustaz.
02:19How are you?
02:20Alhamdulillah Ustaz.
02:25Hari ini kita nak mengalung-galungkan kehadiran rakan sahabat tetamu kita.
02:29Kita nak alu-alukan ahlan wa sahlan wa marhaban kepada kumpulan marhaban.
02:37Betul kan?
02:38Kumpulan marhaban SS5A, Kelana Jaya, Selangor Darul Ihsan.
02:44Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
02:51Anak murid Ustaz.
02:52Allah Yarham.
02:57Al-Marhum meninggalkan legasi Al-Quran yang hari ini hadir bersama-sama.
03:02Hadir bersama.
03:04Kita alu-alukan juga kepada kumpulan istiqamah yang berada di studio dan juga yang berada di rumah untuk sama-sama.
03:10Kita mulakan sesi kita dengan doa.
03:12Al-Quran Al-Baqarah.
03:20Mari sama-sama kita perhatikan apakah sinopsis ringkasan bagi dua ayat pada hari ini.
03:24Yaitu pada ayat yang ke-87,
03:26Perintah Allah agar menjadikan rumah sebagai tempat ibadah bagi kaum Bani Israel.
03:31Dan diikuti pada ayat yang ke-88,
03:34Doa Nabi Musa AS sebagai bentuk kemarahan demi Allah dan agamanya.
03:40Mari sama-sama kita membaca dua ayat ini terlebih dahulu.
03:43Kita mohon Allah berikan kepada kita ajar yaitu pahala dan terus diberkati dalam hidup kita bersama Ustaz.
03:51Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
03:53Alhamdulillah thumma alhamdulillah.
03:54Wassalatu wassalamu ala rasulillah.
03:56Wa ala alihi wa sahbihi man walahu wa ba'di.
03:59Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammadin.
04:01Wa ala alihi sayyidina Muhammadin.
04:02Ayat dan bonda.
04:03Tuan-tuan dan perempuan.
04:04Muslimin dan muslimat.
04:05Sahabat-sahabat Al-Quran.
04:07Sahabat-sahabat pencinta Al-Quran.
04:10Moga-moga teruslah merahmatkan saya Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
04:13Dan hari ini kita bersuah lagi.
04:15Temu janji kita dengan halaman 218.
04:19Kita nak baca bahagian akhir halaman 218.
04:22Dua ayat.
04:23Ayat 87.
04:24Dan juga ayat yang ke 88.
04:27Eh kalau dalam berzanji ataupun dalam merhaban,
04:30dia ada rawi dia itu antaranya lagu sikah,
04:32lagu ros,
04:34lagu rugby.
04:35Ha kan?
04:36Jadi pagi ataupun saat ini,
04:38kita nak cuba membaca permulaan ini
04:40dengan menggunakan taranum sikah.
04:44Tadi apa itu?
04:48Dia satu nama cabang taranum lah.
04:51Oh bukan rugby.
04:52Bukan rugby lima sulah itu bukan.
04:53Ya kan kalau rugby itu memang.
04:56Boleh juga nanti kita coba.
04:57Kalau jadilah.
04:59Kita coba dulu dengan taranum sikah.
05:00Taranum apa?
07:38Musa, which is a bit long in this Surah Yunus
07:41for us to benefit from
07:44or we can benefit from
07:47the story of Prophet Musa is not just a repetition
07:50even though we will see it in more than 30 Surahs in Al-Quran
07:53but it gives guidance to
07:56us and in this context, in verse
07:5987, Allah states,
08:01وَأَوْحَيْنَا إِلَى مُوسَىٰ
08:02We revealed to Prophet Musa and his brother
08:05Prophet Harun,
08:06أَنْ تَبَوَّعَ لِقَوْمِكُمَا بِمِسْرَا
08:09بُيُوتَنْ وَجَعَلُ بُيُوتَكُمْ
08:12قِبْلَةً وَأَقِيمُوا صَلَاحًا
08:14i.e. they need to be brought
08:16brought is from the word
08:19i.e. stay at home
08:22or stay comfortably
08:24why is this term used?
08:26because when we look at
08:28some previous verses
08:29threat after threat
08:31given by Pharaoh to
08:33the Bani Israel
08:35who believed in Allah SWT
08:37after the threat
08:39of the magicians who prostrated
08:41and believed in Allah SWT
08:44so the oppression became stronger and stronger
08:47at that time, Allah gave a solution
08:50to Prophet Musa
08:51تَبَوَّعَ لِقَوْمِكُمَا
08:53i.e. to find a house
08:55to find a house in Egypt
08:57and what needs to be done with that house?
08:59one, of course,
09:01to stay safely
09:03but more than that
09:04وَجَعَلُوا بُيُوتَكُمْ قِبْلَةً وَأَقِيمُوا صَلَاحًا
09:07i.e. make it as
09:09as a Qiblah
09:10a place of prayer
09:11and also
09:12i.e. to establish
09:14the prayer itself
09:15so a big lesson
09:16in this verse
09:17is what?
09:18i.e. for a child
09:20or a student
09:21if we take an angle
09:22that angle
09:23that no matter how
09:25disturbing our life is
09:26in the time of Pharaoh
09:27with the oppression that happened
09:29the solution that needs to be done
09:31is what?
09:32establish the prayer
09:33in fact,
09:34to do a lot of worship
09:36a way for us
09:38to face the oppression
09:39or various challenges
09:41if a child wants to go for an exam
09:42to do a lot of prayer
09:44if we say
09:45the parents have a problem in life
09:46maybe there is an economic problem
09:48in the past
09:49during PKP
09:50the prayer at home
09:51is done a lot
09:52and this is
09:53the way Allah
09:54gives help
09:55to Muslims
09:56as in
09:57Surah Al-Baqarah 45
09:58وَاسْتَعِينُوا بِالصَّبْرِ وَالصَّالَحِ
10:01to ask for help
10:02from Allah
10:03along with patience
10:06we try to be serious
10:07but the pinnacle of patience
10:09what is called
10:12and if
10:13someone sees
10:15now we are worried
10:16what is happening
10:17to our companions
10:18what do I have to do
10:19to make sure
10:20my companions
10:21in Palestine
10:22are helped
10:23we in each country
10:24need to
10:25establish prayer
10:26with the best
10:27that is
10:28the solution
10:29in facing
10:31and cruelty
10:32we will take a short break
10:33Quran Time
10:34Quran Salat infaq
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13:37Quran Salat infaq
13:39Wa-Ali Qawmikuma Bimesra Buyuteh
13:50Khudaka Allahul Azim
13:58Assalamualaikum walaikum and good morning to all of you
14:01We are back again in Quran Time.
14:02We are reading Quran Salat Infaq simultaneously with
14:05the other verses 88 and 87.
14:07which is in verse 87, is very important, actually.
14:11So, for the mothers who are here today,
14:13or for anyone, for fathers who are looking for sources of income
14:18to make sure that there is a home, that is important, actually.
14:21It is something that needs to be paid attention to.
14:23If the home is not brought to its objective for wa'akrimu salah,
14:28it means that it will cause someone to face challenges in life,
14:34oppression, chaos in the time of Bani Israel.
14:37If it is not pacified by the prayer itself,
14:40then it will destroy the peace for an individual or a family.
14:48Let's read once again verse 87,
14:50where at the end there is wa'abasyyiril mu'minin,
14:52what does it mean and what is the connection with the home
14:56that is conveyed in this verse 87.
14:58Let's read first with Al-Fatihah Ustaz Tarmizi.
15:00Thank you, Al-Fatihah Ustaz Fazlul.
15:02Ayahnad al-Bonda, ladies and gentlemen,
15:04Muslimin al-Muslimat, may Allah reward you.
15:07Verse 87, we want to read it again.
15:10We have tried it with Taranum Sikah.
15:13Let's try using Taranum Jiharkah.
15:16Taranum Jiharkah.
15:18I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
16:02I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
16:28I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
16:35We have read from verse 87.
16:38Let's pay attention to it.
16:40The solution from Allah to Prophet Musa and Harun,
16:44to the believers,
16:45where they were oppressed,
16:47they were commanded by the Pharaoh not to pray,
16:51they were oppressive and also
16:54oppressive to the faith shown by the Israelites
16:58who believed in Allah.
17:00So, what is the solution?
17:01That is to choose a house,
17:03and that house is needed.
17:05وَجَعَلُوا بُيُوتَكُمْ قِبْلَةً وَأَقِيمُوا صَلَاةً
17:08What is that house, Ustaz?
17:11A place to worship
17:13in the midst of chaos.
17:15And the house is actually a center of courage,
17:18building faith and building peace.
17:22So, what is the center of courage?
17:24Because even though they were oppressed by the Pharaoh,
17:27they had to take a break.
17:29Ah, take a break means
17:31they had to take a space to live in a safe area.
17:35That is the function of the house
17:38which is explained in verse 87.
17:40It becomes a place to build faith,
17:41which is a place to pray.
17:43And what is the reason for this importance?
17:45Because when they are outside,
17:47maybe their environment is not with faith,
17:50full of oppression from the Pharaoh.
17:54But when they enter the house,
17:56the character of faith is built.
17:58And the pinnacle of it is to establish prayer.
18:01This is a big role for the parents
18:03who are there to function the house.
18:06This house is not just a graveyard.
18:10Sometimes I go to the house,
18:12where is the Qibla?
18:13The Qibla, wait a minute,
18:14I'm looking for it,
18:16I'll ask Subah.
18:18What does that show?
18:19Even though the house is big,
18:21but it is not the function of the actual house.
18:24The actual house for you
18:26who already have a mihrab
18:27or a special area for a place to pray.
18:30Even if the husband prays in the mosque,
18:33but if he prays sunnah
18:34or if he is late in praying jama'ah,
18:37there is a space.
18:37Not pushing the bed or pushing anything,
18:42then there is a place to pray.
18:43Unless the house is narrow.
18:45No matter how narrow it is,
18:47until there is no space for prayer.
18:49And more than that,
18:50at the end of this verse,
18:51it is explained,
18:52وَبَشِّرِ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ
18:54Give good news to those who believe.
18:57What is the connection between the house,
18:59prayer and people of faith?
19:02the house is a place to build faith,
19:05build our closeness to Allah SWT,
19:09other than maybe for us to enjoy with our children,
19:13to eat, not to play.
19:15But don't forget the command
19:17to make sure the children pray,
19:20the family members pray,
19:21and to build faith in our house.
19:25And Allah SWT said,
19:26وَبَشِّرِ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ
19:27Because when someone prays more,
19:30the more he likes to give good news
19:32to those who believe.
19:34So, it's not after the prayer,
19:36the mother becomes an incredible hawk,
19:38or a father who is like a rope or a rope.
19:44That's not the rule that is expected
19:46when someone prays.
19:48Because the more we pray,
19:51we actually build a relationship
19:53with Allah full of love.
19:56And when Allah is full of love,
19:58of course, we will also be excited.
20:01This means,
20:02father, mother, child.
20:04He has words,
20:05the words chosen in the house
20:07are full of good news.
20:09Compared to Nadir,
20:10مَنْ يُمْنِنِي الْمُؤْمِنِينَ
20:12He is not just angry,
20:14because prayer produces a person's morals
20:17who always gives good news,
20:19gives spirit to those who believe.
20:23And this leads to the word of choice
20:24for this episode.
20:25Let's watch.
20:27The word is
20:28تَيْتَ فِرْعَوْنَ وَمَلَأَهُ
20:31زِيْنَةً وَأَمْوَالًا
20:33The word زِيْنَة is from the word Zana,
20:36an attractive decoration.
20:38It is mentioned 46 times in the Quran.
20:40It appears in Surah Al-An'am,
20:42Surah Ar-Ra'du,
20:43and also Surah An-Nahl.
20:44This is one of the contents
20:47of the prayer of Prophet Musa A.S.
20:51to Allah s.w.t.
20:52about standing,
20:54or standing against those who do not believe.
20:58Who does not believe?
20:59In this verse,
21:00the next verse later,
21:01it is Firaun and also Malak.
21:03The elders,
21:05the faces of his people
21:06who are far from faith,
21:09who are far from prayer,
21:11and they are cruel
21:14to every house.
21:16So, what is standing against those who do not believe?
21:18We will see in a while
21:20what is in it.
21:20We will take a break for a while.
21:21My Quran Time.
21:22Quran Salat infa'ah.
21:41Quran Salat infa'ah.
22:11Quran Salat infa'ah.
22:25Quran Salat infa'ah.
22:39Quran Salat infa'ah.
22:55One of the other names of false hadiths is,
22:58there is no origin.
23:00If we meet a boy,
23:04we ask him,
23:05where are you from?
23:06I am from there.
23:08Where is your mother?
23:08I do not have a mother.
23:11I do not have a father either.
23:11Is your father a tempiah?
23:13I was born.
23:14He is suddenly in this world.
23:18this child must have a father.
23:20He has a father.
23:21His mother gave birth to him.
23:23If he says he suddenly appears,
23:25no one can accept it.
23:28This is the false hadith.
23:29He suddenly appears,
23:30there is no origin.
23:32There is no narration.
23:34There is no narration path.
23:36He suddenly appears,
24:22...and accepts prayer.
24:36May Allah grant us to remain in prayer.
24:38May Allah grant us to remain in prayer.
24:40Ameen, O' Allah.
24:40Ameen, O' Allah.
24:42One of the supplications,
24:43if I understand it correctly,
24:44that I am a father,
24:46a mother,
24:47who lives the house with
24:49sunnah prayers,
24:50or fardh prayer,
24:52don't forget to pray.
24:53That's right.
24:54If I understand it correctly,
24:54it is the supplication of Prophet Ibrahim.
24:56Prophet Ibrahim, yes.
24:57And the struggle for prayer,
24:59maybe for half of the parents,
25:00they feel this is a smart thing.
25:02Yes, smart.
25:03Or he outsources, Ustaz.
25:05He outsources to the consultant
25:07to teach his child
25:08three-day camp prayer.
25:11But actually,
25:12in Surah Tauhah,
25:13we will arrive later,
25:14that prayer cannot be outsourced.
25:16It cannot be outsourced to others.
25:18Although we can teach,
25:20ask Ustaz to teach,
25:21but what surprises the child,
25:23what reminds him from time to time,
25:25is the role for his parents.
25:28And this will be asked
25:29when we arrive in the hereafter.
25:31The first pillar, Ustaz,
25:32the first pillar that will be asked
25:34is prayer.
25:35And of course,
25:36although maybe
25:38not enough money
25:39we want to give,
25:40maybe not enough knowledge,
25:42but prayer cannot be insufficient, Ustaz.
25:43That's right.
25:44It cannot be insufficient.
25:45And if there are parents who say,
25:46Oh my God, I was so busy
25:48at 6 o'clock,
25:50I didn't have time to pray
25:52Zohur prayer, Asr prayer, Maghrib prayer for my child,
25:54then it's not too late.
25:56It's not too late to continue praying,
25:59even though the child is already big, Ustaz.
26:00He already has a son-in-law or something,
26:02he still has to check his prayers,
26:04especially when he returns home on Eid,
26:06he sees that he has not yet woken up,
26:08he will be surprised.
26:08Because as long as life is in the body
26:10for a parent,
26:12the role of obligation is still there.
26:16And hopefully with that sincerity,
26:18we are given faith,
26:20security in life.
26:22So we go back again
26:23in My Quran Time,
26:23Quran Salat Infah,
26:24in verses 87 and 88 just now.
26:29And once again,
26:30verse 87 is explained
26:32after the prayer,
26:33wa basyirid mu'minin, Ustaz.
26:34One, for a person who prays,
26:36he will always get good news
26:38from Allah SWT.
26:40He is motivated.
26:41No matter how messy it is,
26:44he knows that there is God.
26:47It is impossible, Ustaz.
26:48If he is messy,
26:49then when he says,
26:50Alhamdulillah Rabbil Alamin,
26:51then he is still messy.
26:52Actually, when he is messy,
26:54entering the prayer,
26:56what does he become, Ustaz?
26:57He becomes a soldier.
26:59All praises to Allah.
27:00And he knows that,
27:01Ya Allah, I need help.
27:02And if he, for example,
27:05loses his hope, Ustaz.
27:06The longest loss of hope
27:07is actually
27:08between the time of prayer.
27:10Maybe between the time of prayer,
27:12But when he prays,
27:13it is impossible for people to say,
27:14Putuhasa baliklah.
27:15Tuhan, bolehkah ini?
27:17Tak boleh, begitu.
27:17Kerana apa?
27:18Iyaka nak,
27:19buduwa iya kenastain
27:21yang kita bacakan.
27:22Ayat 88 disambung di sini
27:24tentang kisah Nabi Musa
27:28tentang hakikat Fir'aun dan Umalak
27:30yang memberikan cabaran keimanan.
27:33Ayat 88 kita baca dahulu
27:34bersama Al-Fatihah Ustaz Tirmizi.
27:36Kasih Al-Fatihah Ustaz Fazlur,
27:37Ahl al-Bundur,
27:38tuan-tuan dan puan-puan,
27:39muslimin dan muslimat,
27:40sahabat Al-Quran.
27:41Indikasihidur rahmatullah
27:42Masya Allah, mungkir-mungkir
27:43Allah SWT beri kita kekuatan
27:45untuk kita menjadi contoh yang baik
27:48untuk anak-anak kita.
27:51Itu baru nak semak solat.
27:52Nak solat ke tak?
27:54Belum semak lagi rukuk macam mana,
27:56sujud macam mana,
27:56baca apa semua.
27:57Bacaan, iya.
27:58Nak pastikan solat dulu.
27:59Allah SWT mudah-mudahan
28:01dapat kita diberi kekuatan
28:02oleh Allah SWT
28:04sebagai seorang ayah,
28:04sebagai seorang ibu.
28:06Menjadi contoh yang baik
28:07untuk anak-anak kita.
28:08Amin, ya Rabbul Alamin.
28:10Ayat yang ke-88
28:12kita nak baca
28:13menggunakan Taranum Nahawan.
28:16Salam apa ibu-ibu sekalian?
28:17Salam Nahawan.
28:18Nahawan, ya.
28:19Boleh, insya Allah.
28:19Kita cuba baca sama-sama
28:20Taranum Nahawan, insya Allah.
28:22Audhu Billahi minashaytanir rajim.
28:40SadaqAllahul Azeem.
29:10SadaqAllahul Azeem.
29:40SadaqAllahul Azeem.
30:08Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
30:08Kitab bacaan daripada ayat yang ke-88
30:11Doa Nabi Musa AS
30:13رَبَّنَا إِنَّكَ أَتَيْتَ فِرْعَوْنَ وَمَلَأَهُ زِيْنَةً وَأَمْوَالًا فِي الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا
30:20Yaitu, apabila Nabi Musa mengadu pada Allah,
30:23bahwa sebenarnya engkau memberikan kepada Nabi,
30:27kepada Fir'aun dan juga Malak ini,
30:29pembesar-pembesar pada waktu itu,
30:30زِيْنَةً وَأَمْوَالًا
30:32yaitu perhiasan dan harta,
30:35فِي الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا
30:36tetapi apakah yang berlaku?
30:38رَبَّنَا لِيُدِلُوا عَنْ سَبِيلِكِ
30:40ya, jadi ada dua bahagian
30:42sebelum basuk ke bahagian yang ketiga
30:45doa Nabi, Nabi Musa ini
30:47yang pertama, Nabi Musa menyatakan bahwa
30:50perhiasan dan amwala itu
30:52hanyalah untuk kehidupan di dunia
30:55maksudnya, ada rasa tak berapa selisuh
30:58maksudnya, bahwa anugrah Allah diberikan itu
31:01disambung dengan perkataan
31:03رَبَّنَا لِيُدِلُوا عَنْ سَبِيلِكِ
31:05mereka gunakan untuk menyesatkan daripada jalanmu
31:09jadi disini apa yang kita belajar
31:11ialah satu anugrah yang Allah berikan
31:13dalam hidup kita, Ustaznya
31:14sebenarnya adalah untuk apa?
31:16untuk kita memilih jalan yang
31:18jalan yang lurus
31:19bukan jalan yang menyesatkan lagi kita
31:21dan juga orang-orang di sekitar
31:23di sekitar kita
31:24ini yang kita belajar
31:25dan yang keduanya
31:26bila kita ada harta ini, Ustaznya
31:28dia adalah kehidupan di dunia
31:30tetapi kita sepatutnya
31:32nak convert dia menjadi
31:34tukarkan dia sebagai matawang akhirat
31:37tidak seperti Fir'aun dan juga Malak ini
31:39yang melihat segala harta itu
31:41untuk dikumpulkan
31:43dan bila dikumpulkan
31:44itulah yang akan menyesatkan seorang manusia
31:47disini dan apatah lagi
31:49bila sampai di akhirat sana
31:51jadi apabila seseorang ada mindset
31:53untuk mengumpulkan harta
31:55untuk kehidupan dunia semata-mata
31:57maka secara otomatik
31:58dia akan menjadi orang yang
32:00apa Ustaz?
32:02disebabkan dia kalau
32:033 juta tak cukup
32:04dia kena tambah jadi 5 juta
32:065 juta tak cukup
32:07tetapi kalau orang yang ada 3 ingit
32:09dalam akaun 3 ingit Ustaznya
32:10tetapi pasal dia ada retor
32:12maka selepas itu
32:13dia akan berusaha
32:15dan setelah itu Allah bagi lebih
32:16dapat 3 ribu pun
32:18dia masih lagi ada mindset
32:19untuk memberi
32:21dan juga derma
32:22dan terlibat dalam
32:23membawa kepada jalan
32:25Allah subaha
32:26nahu wa ta'ala
32:26jadi itu perkara yang penting
32:28pasal bila orang dah cinta sangat pada harta Ustaznya
32:30dia menyebabkan dia
32:32tidak mahu beri pada orang lain
32:34dia kalau boleh dia nak simpan
32:37dan itu yang akan merosakkan
32:38bagi seorang apa
32:39kalau dia kerja kat pejabat itu
32:41dia kumpul gaji dia itu
32:43untuk dia simpan-simpan
32:45ataupun dia beli untuk dia
32:46lepas itu dia beli apa?
32:47dia beli handbag dia
32:49sampai 10, 20
32:51kemudian tudung dia sampai 100
32:52tapi dah pakai belum?
32:53dalam sampul lagi
32:54yang itu adalah satu perkara yang
32:57yang tersasar
32:59objektif Allah memberikan
33:02ataupun harta dalam
33:03dalam kehidupan
33:04dan ini membawa kepada selekuh tanjam kita Ustaz
33:07jangan lupa
33:08Masya Allah
33:08terima kasih Ustaz Fahd
33:10dalam sampul lagi
33:11Masya Allah
33:13baik, Insya Allah
33:14kita nak melihat satu dua karima
33:16yang boleh fokus dalam bacaan kita
33:18ayat yang ke 88
33:19hati-hati pada karima
33:21رَبَّنَا تَوْمِسْ
33:23jumpa tak?
33:24coba garis bawah kan
33:25رَبَّنَا تَوْمِسْ
33:28pertengahan ayat ke 88 kan
33:31huruf tau tu kadang-kadang longgar jelita
33:34رَبَّنَا تَوْمِسْ
33:38tau kan
33:40sekali lagi
33:40رَبَّنَا تَوْمِسْ
33:43coba satu dua mula
33:44رَبَّنَا تَوْمِسْ
33:46hay wah
33:47tapi na tu kita tak ajak dia
33:50jadi tebal
33:51kita nak tau saja yang tebal
33:53رَبَّنَا تَوْمِسْ
33:56رَبَّنَا تَوْمِسْ
33:58bagus alhamdulillah
33:59satu lagi silakan tajam yaitu pada akhir ayat 88
34:03kadang-kadang dia dah tenbiasa safas ha
34:05dia baca
34:05عَذَابَ الْعَالِيمِ
34:08bubuk bunyi kat sini hamzah
34:11حَتَّى يَرَهُ الْعَذَابَ الْعَلِيمِ
34:20حَتَّى يَرَهُ الْعَذَابَ الْعَلِيمِ
34:27hay wah
34:28mashallah tabarakallah
34:28jadi tu dua kalimah
34:29yang perlu beri perhatian
34:30silakan tajam kita
34:32untuk kita perhati
34:34dan berhati-hati
34:35dalam bacaan kita
34:36insyaAllah ta'ala
34:37jangan kemana-mana
34:37kita nak sambung lagi sebenarnya
34:39perkonsen kita dalam ayat yang ke-88
34:41namun kita nak berehat dahulu seketika
34:43my Quran time
34:44Quran salat
34:49Al Fatiha
35:54warusukunatila watahu
36:19daripada masjid
36:20bukan sebagian besar
36:21maknanya semua masjid
36:22dalam negara ini ditutup
36:23dan dia bukan dilakukan
36:25di Malaysia sahaja
36:25bahkan di seluruh dunia usia-usia ini
36:28saya ingat dekat Mesir itu
36:29ada macam satu demonstrasi
36:30depan masjid
36:31orang solat juga
36:32walaupun masjid dia kunci
36:34kerana pada mereka
36:35dia kata
36:35solat jemaah ini perkara yang wajib
36:37kita kena solat juga
36:38macam mana pandemik pun yang berlaku
36:40tapi bila kita perhatikan
36:41dalam hadis
36:42kalau kita ikutkan
36:43kalau nak tengok
36:44betul tak berlaku
36:45ataupun ada tak berlaku
36:46pandemik pada zaman Rasulullah
36:47kita perhatikan
36:48tidaklah ada secara langsung
36:50disebutkan mengenai pandemik
36:51tetapi ada kelonggaran
36:53yang diberikan dalam Islam
36:55boleh kita solat berjemaah
36:56di rumah
36:57sekalipun pada arahan asal tadi
36:59memang kita diminta
37:06kembali ke kita
37:06dalam bahagian Quran Time
37:07Quran Solat Infaq
37:08sama-sama kita mendalami
37:09ayat yang ke-87
37:10dan 88
37:11kisah Nabi Musa
37:12sebagai pedoman
37:14untuk kita meneruskan
37:15perjuangan hidup kita
37:16sebagaimana yang dimaklumkan
37:17dalam ayat yang ke-87
37:19apabila ada kekacauan
37:22kekesutan yang berlaku
37:24jadikan rumah itu
37:25sebagai tempat
37:26untuk membina keberanian
37:27membina keimanan
37:28dan ini peranan ibu ayah
37:30dan ia perlu menjadi juga
37:32polisi di peringkat
37:33pemimpin negara
37:34kena umumkan bahawa
37:36jadikan rumah itu
37:37sebagai tempat membina iman
37:39bukan sekadar untuk membina
37:41membina badan
37:42kalau membina badan
37:43itu tempat makan sajalah
37:44ataupun tempat tidur
37:45tetapi rupa-rupanya
37:46dalam keadaan
37:49kekesutan yang berlaku
37:50di peringkat dunia
37:51pelbagai cabaran yang ada
37:53rumah adalah tempat yang penting
37:55yang dibawakan pada ayat 87
37:58dan pada ayat yang ke-88
37:59dimaklumkan tentang
38:01doa Nabi
38:02Nabi Musa
38:03berkaitan dengan
38:04harta itu sendiri
38:06kalau ianya digunakan
38:08untuk menyesatkan
38:09kepada manusia
38:10ada permintaan daripada Nabi
38:13Nabi Musa
38:13kepada Allah SWT
38:15apakah permintaan tersebut
38:17kita baca ayat 88
38:18sekali lagi
38:18bersama Al-Fatihah Ustaz Tanu Fizi
38:20terima kasih Al-Fatihah Ustaz Fazlul
38:22Ayat Nurdan Bondar
38:23peserta penonton
38:24dikasihid rahmatullah subhanahu wa ta'ala
38:27ayat 88
38:28kita nak ulang bacaan sikit lagi
38:29hati-hati pada kalimah
38:30رَبَّنَا لِيُضِلُ
38:33رَبَّنَا لِيُضِلُ
38:35Uruf Dhaal
38:36tepi lidah kita
38:37kena gigi geraham
38:38sebelah kiri atau kanan
38:40jangan tertukar dengan Uruf Dhaal
38:46mari kita cuba
38:46ayat 88
38:48menggunakan Taranum
38:50Taranum apa?
38:52Sabah insyaAllah
38:53a'udhu billahi minash shaitanir rajim
39:14رَبَّنَا إِنَّكَ آتَيْتَ فِرْعَوْنَ وَمَلَأَهُ زِينَةً وَأَمْوَالًا فِي الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا رَبَّنَا
39:37رَبَّنَا لِيُضِلُوا عَنْ سَبِيلِكِ
39:46رَبَّنَا طَمِسْ عَلَىٰ أَمْوَالِهِمْ
39:55وَاشْدُدْ عَلَىٰ قُلُوبِهِمْ
40:05فَلَا يُؤْمِنُوا حَتَّىٰ يَرَوُوا الْعَذَابَ الْأَلِيمُ
40:20صَدَقَ اللَّهُ الْعَظِيمُ
40:27سُرَّقَ اللَّهُ الْعَظِيمُ
40:28بَاَتْشَاءً آيَة يَنْكَ ٱلْاٰخُمْفُلَٰهُ ۚ
40:29دُعَاٰىٰ ۚ
40:30دَرِبَّدَ نَبِي مُوسَٰىٰ عَلَيْهِ السَّلَامُ
40:32يَنْتَرْ قَدُّونَ يَدْلُونَ
40:33دَلَمْ اِسِى دُعَاٰىٰ نَيْتُ
40:35One, when we see that the wealth that is given to a leader is to fulfill his responsibilities,
40:42not to mislead the people, mislead the people around us.
40:49That is what we learn from the words,
40:51liyudillu'an sabilik.
40:53And more than that, it is stated here,
40:55rabbanautum mis'ala amwalihim wa shidud ala kulubihim.
41:00Apparently, this wealth, if it causes us to be far from faith,
41:06Prophet Musa asked for it to be destroyed.
41:09Why? Because if the wealth causes someone to be further away from Allah,
41:14getting a little wealth is enough.
41:16And that is what we need to understand in life,
41:19between faith and wealth,
41:21which one we need to prioritize in the education of children, in the education of the community,
41:26is of course faith.
41:28Damages like this.
41:30Actually, Allah wants to give one clue,
41:33that which one to choose.
41:35There are people, when faced with such a test,
41:37they say that God does not like me, does not love me.
41:40But actually, if we are faced with such a test,
41:43what do we say?
41:45Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un.
41:47This is Allah's.
41:49And to Him, we will return.
41:51Meaning, even if there is a test,
41:53we will still be closer to Allah SWT
41:57compared to if we say,
42:00this is because Allah does not love me,
42:02Allah does not love me,
42:03it is better for me to commit a direct sin.
42:05This is a wrong mindset,
42:07which was also taken by
42:09Fir'aun and also Malak,
42:11the leaders around that time,
42:14And at the end of verse 88,
42:16wasjudu ala qulubihim.
42:18Prophet Musa said,
42:20and closed their hearts.
42:22Why? Because they have been reminded,
42:24reminded, reminded,
42:25without being more cruel,
42:27then they were prayed for,
42:29wasjudu ala qulubihim.
42:31Because wealth can make the heart hard.
42:34Wealth can make the heart hard.
42:36How to make the heart soft?
42:39It has to be shared.
42:40It has to be conveyed,
42:41it has to be used to fulfill
42:43the responsibilities that are there,
42:45not to be collected,
42:47like Fir'aun and also Malak,
42:49who are in verse 88.
42:51At the end,
42:52falayu'minu hatta yarawul adha bal'alim.
42:54Someone who interacts more with wealth,
42:57sometimes he has lost his sensitivity,
43:01about adha bal'alim,
43:03which is about punishment,
43:05risks that are ahead.
43:07Because it is the term,
43:08immediate gratification.
43:10He likes things that are immediate.
43:13So when he feels like everything is okay,
43:15my life is okay,
43:16I want to fill up with oil,
43:18I want to go anywhere,
43:19there are many cars,
43:20which one can I choose?
43:21Sometimes he has no empathy
43:23in his life,
43:24and he feels that his life is okay
43:27in the future,
43:28even if he prays late,
43:29even if he does not read the Quran,
43:31he says,
43:32read the Quran,
43:33do not read the Quran,
43:34it's the same,
43:35my business is okay.
43:36He causes someone's ego
43:38and has a light view
43:40of the risk,
43:41the painful punishment
43:42that Allah has given in life.
43:46this is an important thing
43:47that we take care of in our lives.
43:49Making money is not a problem,
43:51collecting wealth is not a problem,
43:52but do not make it more important
43:54than the struggle of faith
43:57in a family.
43:59Bringing to a resolution
44:00for this episode,
44:01let's watch.
44:02That is the first,
44:03we all appreciate the blessing
44:05of being able to worship
44:06without restriction and prohibition,
44:08especially when we look at
44:10the events of the time,
44:11the time of the Pharaoh,
44:12where they were prohibited.
44:14They were prohibited,
44:15the Israelites were prohibited
44:16from praying in Halaya.
44:18The second,
44:19it is allowed to be angry
44:20when Allah and religion
44:21are used as a weapon
44:23and also as a joke.
44:25The third,
44:26make dua to Allah
44:28as a weapon
44:29when oppressed.
44:30This is important.
44:32even though in the oppression
44:33of the Pharaoh,
44:34Prophet Musa prayed,
44:35in the oppression of the army
44:37of the Israelites,
44:38not the Israelites,
44:39the Israelites were there,
44:40we still prayed,
44:41do not forget,
44:42because when we talk
44:43about the weapon of a believer,
44:44it is indeed a weapon.
44:45It can penetrate
44:46to the seventh heaven.
44:48If we have an arrow,
44:49that shot
44:50hit the people of Israel,
44:51for example,
44:52but if we pray,
44:53it can penetrate
44:56from various countries
44:58and the nature that exists.
45:00We pray to Allah SWT
45:01so that Allah will always
45:02protect us.
45:03See you on Saturday.
45:20A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem
45:50A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem
46:20A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem
46:21A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem
46:22A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem
46:23A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem
46:24A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem
46:25A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem
46:26A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem
46:27A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem
46:28A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem
46:29A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem
46:30A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem
46:31A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem
46:32A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem
46:33And connecting the numbers together
46:36We hold various programs of Al-Quran awareness
46:39So that it increases faith in each house
46:43And this My Quran Time project
46:45Is part of the project that you are invited
46:47To contribute together and spread its content
46:51God willing, we will meet again in the next series
46:53Deepen again to the next verse
46:55How did Allah's response to the prayer of Prophet Musa
47:00Be destroyed to the wealth of the Pharaoh?
47:03We will meet again in My Quran Time
47:04Quran Salah Al-Imfa'ah
47:05God willing
47:30Quran Al-Imfa'ah
48:00Quran Salah Al-Imfa'ah
