• last month
00:0095-7 the game. All righty
00:04We're getting there. Yeah, we're getting there things are starting. There's no doubt about it
00:08Will there be a trade by the time we're in the Emeryville watching the Lakers and Warriors ball tomorrow?
00:13I would have to bet yes, okay, but I wouldn't bet a lot
00:18Okay, and it would be like a hundred dollars to win
00:24Like I wouldn't be plus a hundred. Yeah, is that what it would be?
00:28So all the guys real quick here you met at Norm's party my boy June the police officer my man childhood friend
00:34They're like you I just get a text now. They're listening to us. You're just trying to do it to me
00:39They're out on Kevin Durant. You're just trying to drive the Warriors to be irrelevant
00:42They didn't make the playoffs last year and they're on the cusp of not making it this year
00:47I would say we're staring or live in irrelevancy right now
00:51That's why Joe Laker was trying to go do what he's doing. Well, there's a difference between irrelevant and a good basketball team
00:59Like those aren't the same basketball teams make the playoffs
01:02I know they were 10 over last year 46 and 36, but it didn't do what good enough, right?
01:06But you can be relevant with Durant. You're gonna be relevant if Durant pairs back up with Curry. Are you gonna win? I?
01:13Mean the Lakers are relevant. Well, I started I've lowered the bar
01:17I just want playoffs and I think he assures us of that and to get out of this box of the plane
01:22Yeah, now you say playoffs. Does that mean you need you want this team to finish six or better?
01:26Yeah, don't avoid the play. Oh my gosh, that's gonna be tough. It is the ran or without. Yeah, but the confidence level
01:34I would have if they had to go in that plan
01:36Would be better than I had last year because I still haven't shook in that
01:39Shaken that game in sack where we just look we look like we couldn't get off a shot
01:44Um, yeah, like this is this is what I mean, I'll get I get the calls in a minute
01:49But this is what I mean about coming
01:55Been doing deep dives on coming and this is not me. He's in trouble in terms of money
02:00I think in the summer of 2025. This is right. This is as of right now
02:05Yeah in the summer of 2025 only two NBA teams are projected to have cap space
02:12Brooklyn and Washington
02:15So as of now nothing teams might be able to do stuff to clear cap to sign Jonathan Kaminga
02:22I don't believe it. So I believe there's one team out there because I don't think I don't think the Wizards are interested
02:29There's one team out there who can offer
02:32Kaminga big money and it's the Nets and my feeling is if they want to offer him 35
02:38You gotta let him go and I there it is
02:41I said it because if the nude because of the Brooklyn Nets don't
02:47Make it offer to Jonathan Kaminga. He's left with only another team's mid-level exception
02:53Which is like which was 13. I
02:56mean and
02:58Now like I know people like that's so harsh tiny, but that's the way it is
03:04Again he's 22. He's making seven and a half you bump him to 16
03:102025 and you come back at 25 and if he's the player who you think he's gonna be
03:16Then you break him off 35 or 4, but I don't think you I don't think that what I think that might be a reason
03:23the Warriors didn't
03:25Pony up in the last last offseason. Yeah, because they knew nobody had money and they knew
03:33They still can match anything Wow like I don't think they're panicking about Kaminga
03:38And I don't think and here I am thinking he was making all this money, especially by being away
03:43We miss him there is no doubt about that
03:45But if you're writing, you know, the caveat was teams could clear space to make it happen
03:51But I look at Brooklyn now stunning. I'm just saying I don't know what they're doing
03:56But I don't know why Jonathan Kaminga wouldn't be attractive to their future being 22 years old
04:03to Phoenix's own Brooklyn, Brooklyn
04:07Don't they better hope he's a cornerstone
04:10Because that's the only way he's getting 35 from them
04:14Let's go to will in Oakland. Hey will how you doing, man?
04:18What's up, fellas? How we doing?
04:20I called in yesterday talking about the trade and you know in my displeasure with Mike Dunleavy
04:26it seems like a lot of stuff is progressing, but I
04:30Really am at the point right now when it comes to a guy like Draymond Green
04:36one I don't think we should do it if we have to include Draymond in because I think if you ship out Draymond and
04:42Even if you get Kevin Durant those guys are two kind of finesse type players
04:48You know, my dad used to say back in the day and I wasn't around for the great 49er teams
04:53We had the West Coast offense. You needed Ronnie Lott to punch a guy in the mouth when you were playing them
04:58That's what Draymond Green does and on top of that
05:01I know if you talk to any other fan base in any other team
05:04They hate this guy Draymond Green because of his antics what he does
05:08It's often overshadowed just how special of a defensive player this guy is
05:13I think he's the best defensive player of the last decade plus and
05:16If you look at the depth lineup at the peak of the Warriors when we just started
05:21He was the center of all of that working right because he was playing the five for us handling the basketball making plays
05:28Well, let me stop you real quick
05:30What does it matter what he did six years ago?
05:34He's still a top-notch defender
05:36I would argue that today in stretches still a top-notch defender not not consistently. I don't think anymore
05:42I think he can be in stretches and wheels like me. He's hanging on to the past. I get it's Donny
05:47Yes, I will have will have a last word
05:50We start the season off hot
05:52The air has been taken out of the balloon on this team even courage admitted it with Steph Curry
05:57He just looks disengaged at times because they know they don't have a chance you bring in a Kevin Durant
06:03That ignite the fire and I'm not saying they don't bring it every night
06:06But like we'd be lying to ourselves if this week that this thing was absolutely full level engaged
06:12I don't agree fair enough. Well, no, I appreciate it. I appreciate it
06:17Was I gonna say, you know the question and Willard was kind of on it yesterday
06:21I thought but would you know if Draymond Green is part of the deal or not part of the deal?
06:28Like if you have to get if you have to give up Wiggins and Draymond Green
06:33For commit for a Durant. Do you do it? I did both of them
06:37Yeah, okay, and I don't want to come off as a Dre hater
06:40Well, then you got it then you got to live with
06:42Durant and Moody
06:45Who could play some for Durant and Kyle Anderson and
06:50Durant and if coming is still on the team coming, uh, but like, you know is Durant and Kyle Anderson
06:58better than
06:59Kaminga and Wiggins, I I
07:03Don't know like how much do you want to rant? Yeah
07:06I just know that tandem last year wasn't good enough to qualify for the playoffs
07:10But yet they were 10 games over and the one thing about Draymond's Donnie
07:14Again the the things I come down or we come down his road me specifically are off the court, but don't tell me it's
07:232018 Draymond Green in regard to defense don't tell me when he was out like he's been we didn't see spunk or
07:30Pizazz from other players like there is life without Draymond and I know there's two sides to the court and the floor
07:37But at the end of the day Stani, I just really think this new NBA
07:41What Draymond does to you offensively that's ran its course
07:45And if if you had to move him to go get Kevin Durant
07:49I'm willing to take on that chance and maybe a step back defensively, which I don't like
07:54You know, we didn't make the playoffs last year outside of Steph Curry. I like anybody can get it Stani
08:01That's where I'm at and I think the organization is saying. Okay, this is the other thing
08:06You keep saying we didn't make the playoffs last year. You're right. You won 46 games
08:12so my point is
08:14Yeah, you didn't make the playoffs
08:15But you're not a horse bleep team
08:17and if you don't think this team could go from 40 if they make the wrong move that they could possibly go from
08:2446 wins last year to 35 this year. I
08:29I'd be
08:31Concerned about that. I would be concerned about that. I just would if
08:35You you go get Durant and and somebody can't stay healthy
08:40You're in trouble but isn't that across the board? No, but here's it. Here's it. It's not a sure thing
08:47Life is not a sure thing. Well, I you don't I don't make moves just because
08:52You know, I'm impatient. I can honestly say I'm sort of built for this. Yeah, I
08:57Against Donnie and okay see Thunder. I get it. They've been without home grin. They're incredible
09:03Memphis that there's life without job, but I'm just saying Stani that it is the margin of error is so thin right now
09:10For the next two years
09:11Give me Durant and and I think they're the Warriors are a better basketball team and that's without knowing what's going out
09:18See, I like honest to God. I can't say that. How can you say that when you don't know who's out going?
09:25I mean who's gonna play to it's gonna be give me though. Give me their hypothetical lineup
09:30You're gonna start with curry and Durant. I have pods at one curry at two. Okay, uh
09:38No, I'll go with I want to say post I'll go with loony at five we got Durant and
09:44Gee Santa, I'd like I'd are you serious? No, I'm just I'm I'm missing somebody
09:49But well if Wiggins and Draymond and coming to all go no, you're not
09:55Now maybe they'll keep one of those guys it feels like they have to but I'm just saying Durant curry
10:01then who's your third best player if
10:04If Draymond's gone or if they maybe you can keep coming under that scenario, I don't know I'm sure they're throwing everything
10:13Into the hopper what happens if nothing happens as a fan
10:16I'd be hurt because I think something percolating but if not and cominga gets healthy comes back
10:21I'm still in front of the TV rooting Stiney. But do you think do you think it's just Kevin Durant or bust at this point?
10:29And right now until they don't get him and then they'll it'll be it'll be Brandon Ingram or bust
10:35You know that that's the way I look at it. And you know, listen, I think honestly
10:40How how are people gonna feel on Thursday when the trade deadline comes and goes if the Warriors don't make a move?
10:47I think the fans will be upset
10:52Disappointed would be my words somebody like me. It just would illustrate that they didn't
10:58Like it just okay that how come they didn't get to rant because they thought that they were giving up too much
11:04it's it's really that simple like
11:07They're not just gonna give up anything that anybody wants just to get Kevin Durant
11:14Yeah, but it's almost I'm going to Jackson not in their contacts, right if Miami is and that's right
11:19So it's that's right. I hate that. Well, I got you
11:24Yeah, it's a fact I mean it's a fact right might already be done if it was just Phoenix and Golden State
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11:40It is a Warriors Wednesday brought to you by Friedman's appliance
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11:52Today this is from Steve Kerr yesterday with Willard and dibs
11:57Well, I'm very comfortable if we don't end up doing anything
12:01I think we live in a time where everybody wants to fix right now, and it's really not that feasible to
12:08Look at our situation
12:10Where we are as an organization the assets that we have
12:15Is it really feasible to go and make some huge deal that's going to turn us into a contender
12:21I mean, that's it's really really hard to do that at the same time
12:26It would be insane to trade away all our future picks for a wild swing
12:31We know that Seth knows that you know, I know that so I just think Mike is
12:37Phenomenal at this job and and he needs the space to do it over the next couple years without
12:43Everybody freaking out and thinking there's some you know home run swing that's gonna solve everything I
12:51Get it and I hear him and I just said it to you Stani, but it's psychology at the end of the day
12:55We went from hearing from from the warrior players the coach that they're not gonna mortgage the future
13:02You got to think about that stuff even Steph and Dre were saying it and that it didn't sit
13:06Well with me from a fan standpoint and then all of a sudden and this is not their fault, right?
13:11The media has just portrayed the Warriors attached to any and everybody they're called sham said they're calling every superstar
13:19So it's like when you're a child and your mom or dad tells you they're gonna get you something when you say it
13:24You know the kids latch on to it
13:26so it's one of the I would be disappointed because there was there was all this energy in regard to
13:32The Warriors are gonna do something Stani and I and I don't think they're putting it out there
13:38Who is?
13:40Who is um, well, I would say the facts are the fact like it could be
13:44They're really doing that. So they're going all in of course, then they come up empty-handed. That's why I wouldn't be mad
13:50I'd be just disappointed like damn
13:52But they like the fact that they're calling everybody under the Sun to me isn't any different than any other time of the year
13:59It's just more
14:01exaggerated now
14:02So like I don't think anything new was coming down the pike like if if Dunleavy's talking to Pat Riley right now
14:09I'm sure he's talked to him a dozen times in the last five days
14:12But if you played that and I heard the interview the great interview with Willard of dibs and the curse Donny
14:17But that sound bite you just played
14:19You know and Kermit what he said
14:21But it kind of had me thinking had I not known
14:24The last three days that the Warriors were attached to every superstar would think man
14:28They're not gonna probably do too much to get KD but behind closed doors
14:33They could be willing to do what curse said not to do you can't make a bad move
14:38I mean like what but you don't know what a bad movie is
14:42Would you would you what if you had to give up Wiggins Draymond green and coming that that that that's crippling that that but would
14:49You do it. I
14:50Need some times Donny. Well ask me in two minutes idea. That's that is the nightmare on Warrior Street
14:56That's another nightmare. That's that's a big three right there
15:00Like that's a lot. I'm being real well Durant makes 51 or 52
15:05I think the Warriors wouldn't do that like they would say that's too much right and then so if they don't get Kevin Durant
15:12Just know that maybe they wanted Wiggins green cominga and two first rounders
15:18Yeah, see yeah, and that's when you that's when you understand if they don't make a move like that's what I would understand
15:24Whatever the threshold is if they don't make a move
15:27It's because they weren't willing to give up
15:30What the other team wanted plain and simple and and what I know we're not my Arizona why would Phoenix want to swap
15:39Kevin Durant for Butler and all his baggage
15:44Because Durant is gonna be a free agent soon, and if they get Butler. He's already said he wants to resign there
15:51Kevin Durant has this year and next that's it and they've got and the other thing is they you know they're in money hell well
15:58I don't think they want to but Bradley Beals not you're giving them any other man
16:04I mean, that's the whole reason that the Warriors are in play for Durant in the first place if the Suns could have their way
16:09It'd be Butler Booker and Durant and the Warriors would be just be dead in the water. Yeah, yeah
16:14Let's go to hunter in New York. What's going on hunter. How you doing?
16:20Hi, how you doing? I love the show. Thank you. I
16:24Want to get on the topic of Durant, but what I'm gonna start with is gonna lead into it
16:29These people who are talking about Steph Curry Steph Curry rapidly declining
16:34I don't think they're watching the games this season
16:38Curry's quite literally being double-teamed every trip up the floor because I don't think the players in the league necessarily
16:46Respect a lot of the other guys offensively on our team on top of that he's playing through injuries
16:52Which is a reason you'd love to see Durant back on the team
16:56He opens up the floor gets a lot of looks for all the other guys
17:00But if Phoenix is asking for what you're saying, it's tiny, you know
17:05Essentially the core of our team and our future. I think it's too much
17:10I've been hearing about a backup plan for Brendan Ingram
17:14It was quite literally the same player archetype as Durant much younger. I
17:20Know he has his differences with her I've heard but I feel like if you bring him into a winning organization
17:27Changes his attitude that can get him in line defensively and he can be a younger Kevin Durant type player
17:35You've seen the system work for years and in a row in the finals. I think you could keep Draymond bring in Ingram and
17:44And not give up as much I would much rather see that because I'm gonna be a fan of this team for the rest of my
17:51Life, you know one step goes I say I don't want to mortgage a lot of boy hunter
17:57That's a real fan. That's my kind of fan. That's every fan
18:01I mean the one thing we got to mention obviously Hunter with Brandon Ingram is he's a free agent at the end of the year
18:06He's making 36 now. So he's gonna want 40 ish
18:1018 game if you have coming on the team, you can't pay them both. They're not gonna pay Ingram 35 and
18:19Come in to 35 and who's the better player right now. It's Brandon Ingram. No doubt
18:24Eight eight eight nine five seven nine five seven zero is the number let's go to Charlie in Rhode Island
18:32What's up, Charlie real quick study. There's been a small trade. Okay, sir in the Pelicans
18:38They have moved Daniel Tice and draft compensation to the Thunder so that ducks the luxury tax for New Orleans
18:45Yes, sir
18:46And they were they were team that Bobby Marks is like they have to make a move to get under the tax
18:52Look for Indiana to do something like that, too
18:57Just try to try to stay below the luxury tax gives you a little more flexibility
19:01Warriors right now over the luxury tax don't forget
19:05They could make a similar move get under the luxury tax and give themselves a little more flexibility in the offseason
19:12Hey, nobody wants to hear it
19:14But Joe's they could do that before though, and that's why he deserves credit. Why and why would you pay it now?
19:20No, I get that. Why would he pay it for a 500 team?
19:24Thinking whatever if they if they were to pull off a trade that yeah, their records 500 but going forward
19:29They might be able to cause some noise in offs
19:33Hear me
19:35Early in Rhode Island my bet
19:37Hey guys, how you doing? Well
19:40Hey, thanks for all you do and I love the show. Oh, thanks. I'm gonna be I'm just gonna pick up from the last one
19:46If he has to do with a trade for Brendan Ingram and asked to the way Jonathan coming
19:51I think I'm gonna ride with Jonathan coming. No disrespect to be I bought thing. Jonathan coming is his way
19:57Value better than Brendan Ingram, but I'm gonna go back to the KD trade if he's got to it
20:03if it's anything that has to do with if as long as he does be involved within three months and we can still pair with
20:09Steph and KD then I'm fine with if Phoenix or whoever wants to minger. I'm thinking about it
20:16It's going to points this year when even if we are 20, I get the youth excitement and all that
20:21We still not confident this thing can get us over the line or something
20:25We're still not even confident we can win the game I'm always talking about KD
20:30Bonafide all-of-famer. We know what we're gonna get that
20:34We if he comes over he exponentially puts up or puts us over the line
20:39And I don't know except for if we thinking about a miraculous overnight
20:44Improvement in coming up odds and all that. I like the kids. I like what they're doing
20:49But we are talking about making a trade for all-of-famer. So I know that for in the final years
20:55So whatever we're leveraging is the win-win situations Kuminga and Moody whoever should be happy
21:01They're being involved in this trade for KD at least Kuminga himself would have had to play for the money over here
21:06Anyways, so he's able to go to wherever and play and be whoever is gonna be
21:11I'm sure the kid is destined to be a superstar. So why not just go prove it
21:15I just wanted to make that short and sweet. Appreciate the call Charlie. Thanks for listening, Rhode Island. Thanks for listening
21:21All right. So here's what here's the one thing. I'll throw this out guru you react
21:27As it relates to Kevin Durant if I'm the Warriors like this is I'll tell you what I would do and what I wouldn't do I
21:36would have
21:37People are gonna die it like I've said it all along
21:41I feel like as long as Draymond and Steph are on this team
21:44You will not be able to change the fundamental dynamic of the team. It still will be about them if
21:53You're telling me the Warriors have a shot at Kevin Durant
21:56I actually want Draymond green to be included in the trade if it would allow Kuminga and or Wiggins to stay
22:03I'm with that. Okay?
22:05the the issue is
22:08You I do not want to go forward
22:12from tomorrow on with curry
22:15Kevin Durant and Draymond green I don't I think that's a recipe for
22:21Disaster and you might be right goodness sakes. It was five or six years ago. These guys were together. Yeah, they're all at least 35
22:32Give up Durant and give up both Kuminga and Wiggins
22:37Mmm, they're no you can have one young guy. You can't have two
22:41And what if I told you said if I had to bet right now, you didn't ask me
22:44I think Dre would be included in the deal for Durant. I
22:48Mean I would prefer that
22:50because if he's not then it looks like they're gonna lose Kuminga and Wiggins and
22:54others and then what it's good then you're gonna like maybe lose pods and I get it pods isn't the be-all and end-all but
23:02You better put something around those guys, all right, eight eight eight nine five seven nine five seven zero is the number
23:10This is a lot of fun. We'll get you caught up on the other side
