Episod 774 My #QuranTime 2.0 Sabtu 25 Januari 2025 Sesi Ulang Kaji Surah Yunus (10: 107-109) & Surah Hud (11: 1-12) Halaman 221-222 Bersama Tokoh Ilmuan
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Hari ini My #QuranTime 2.0 mengulangkaji Surah Yunus ayat 107-109 & Surah Hud ayat 1-12, halaman 221 hingga halaman 222. Turut sama berkongsi ilmu ialah Penasihat Syariah Kewangan Islam, Ustaz Mustafar Mohd Suki.
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My #QuranTime
World #QuranHour
Layari laman web kami www.myqurantime.org untuk tonton semula video-video My #QuranTime 2.0 & sertai WhatsApp Channel My #QuranTime: https://bit.ly/MQTWAC.
Hari ini My #QuranTime 2.0 mengulangkaji Surah Yunus ayat 107-109 & Surah Hud ayat 1-12, halaman 221 hingga halaman 222. Turut sama berkongsi ilmu ialah Penasihat Syariah Kewangan Islam, Ustaz Mustafar Mohd Suki.
Untuk menonton episod sebelum ini, sila klik di link berikut:
YouTube: https://bit.ly/mqt2youtube
Ep 1-500: https://bit.ly/mqt2facebook
Ep 501-1000: https://bit.ly/mqt2facebook2
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Sumbangan Tabung Gerakan al-Quran boleh disalurkan ke akaun MAYBANK: 5642 7653 8528 rujukan: Tabung Quran atau terus ke website (https://quranhour.onpay.my/order/form/tgq24)
Dapatkan buku-buku Nota My #QuranTime secara online di: https://myqurantime.org/merchandise/ atau Whatsapp 019-229 7227 (Isnin-Jumaat 9pg-5ptg).
My #QuranTime
World #QuranHour
00:00If we pay attention to the end of Al-Quran related to Surah Makkiyah, it emphasizes about thinking long until the hereafter.
00:25When we go back to the beginning of Al-Quran related to faith in Allah,
00:30a big sign is that we have to think long.
00:34And our long thinking is when we keep the faith, the oneness to Allah SWT.
00:41Let's re-study together in this episode.
00:55Surah Makkiyah Verse 1
01:16In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.
01:25Alif Lam Ra
01:34Surah Makkiyah Verse 2
02:04Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
02:06Alhamdulillah wa salatu wasalamu ala rasulillah wa ala alihi wa man wala.
02:09Syedadailahilallah, syedana Muhammadana abduhu wa rasuluh.
02:11Allahumma salli ala sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala alihi wa sahbihi ajma'in.
02:15Amma ba'du.
02:17How are you ladies and gentlemen?
02:19We meet again in My Quran Time, Quran Salat Imfaq today.
02:22Together we want to re-study two pages.
02:24Page number 221 at the end of Surah Yunus and at the beginning of Surah Hud.
02:30On page number 222.
02:32And today we are together with the panel of the invitation,
02:35which is Al-Fadhil Ustaz Mustafa Suki.
02:38How are you Ustaz?
02:41And also Ustaz Tarmizi.
02:43How are you?
02:46Today we are together with Ustaz Mustafa.
02:48Ustaz Mus, Pahang right?
02:53Where are you Ustaz?
02:54I am in Bente.
02:57Ustaz Mustafa is in Keluang.
03:00He was born in Keluang.
03:01We have a guest.
03:03We are from...
03:04Ustaz Mustafa's place.
03:06Ustaz Mustafa.
03:07Close to Batu Pahat.
03:08Ahlan wa Sahlan.
03:09Yes, Ahlan wa Sahlan.
03:10Welcome from Batu Pahat, Johor.
03:14We will share later.
03:16I forgot the name of the group just now.
03:18From the Batu Pahat group.
03:20Umm Sakinah.
03:21Umm Sakinah.
03:22Umm Sakinah.
03:23Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
03:29What time do you leave?
03:314 AM.
03:324 AM?
03:35This is the group of Istighfar at Ashar, Ustaz.
03:38Istighfar at Suhoor.
03:42And the group of Istighfar at home.
03:43We will start our session with a prayer.
03:46Ilmalana illa ma'allam tana.
03:48Innaka antal alimul hakim.
03:50Rabbi zidni ilman.
03:52Amin ya rabbal alamin.
03:54Kita sama-sama ingin melihat kepada hujung surah Yunus pada ayat 107.1
03:59bagaimana Allah membekalkan panduan ketauhidan yang sebenar-benarnya kepada Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
04:05Mari sama-sama kita membaca ayat 107 terlebih dahulu
04:08sebelum kita melihat mengulangkaji beberapa permata indah daripada ayat Al-Quran ini.
04:14Sambut saat tamizhi.
04:16Mekasih Al-Fatihah Ustaz Fazrul, Al-Fatihah Ustaz Mustafa.
04:18Selanjutnya, tuan-tuan dan puan-puan ibadah dikasih Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
04:22Kita mulakan sesi ulangkaji dengan membaca ayat 107.
04:25Untuk permulaan ini, kita coba membaca dengan bacaan Taranum Sohbah.
04:30Taranum apa?
04:33Taranum Sohbah.
04:35Auzubillahi minashaytanir rajim.
05:22Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
05:49Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
05:50Surah Al-Quran Azim.
05:51Itulah bacaan daripada ayat yang ke-107.
05:52Untuk sama-sama kita memberi perhatian.
05:54Bila di awalnya Allah menyatakan bahwa yang menghilangkan segala dur dalam kehidupan kita adalah Allah semata-mata.
06:01Dan apabila kebaikan hadir, ia adalah dengan kehendak daripada Allah.
06:07Dan tidak ada siapa yang boleh menolak segala kurniaan tersebut.
06:10Di hujung ayat 107 itu, ada perkataan,
06:14Terus kita bersama Al-Fadil Ustaz Muzaffar untuk menceritakan, menerangkan,
06:18mengapa dua nama Asmaullahul-Husna ini berada di hujung ayat 107.
06:22Ustaz, silakan.
06:36Di studio dan juga di rumah.
06:37Baik, jadi alhamdulillah kita bersama pada penghujung pada surah Yunus,
06:41yang mana Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala sebutkan tentang keadaan manusia,
06:45sama ada ditimpa musibah ataupun diberi kebaikan.
06:48Dan cantiknya perkataan Allah guna,
06:52Pada perkataan asalnya, sabbah ataupun dipanggil istilahnya,
06:56yaitu mencurahkan ataupun melimpahkan, ataupun kata menyimbahkan.
07:01Jadi asalnya, patutnya dia adalah satu benda yang negatif lah.
07:05Tapi pada ayat ini, Allah kata yusib di situ maksud ditimpa musibah ataupun ujian
07:10dan sebagainya adalah untuk memberikan kepada manusia al-ghafur rahim.
07:15Yaitu sifat Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala yang al-ghafur rahim.
07:19Maha pengampun lagi maha amat mengasihi ataupun menyayangi.
07:24Dan ayat ini kalau kita perhatikan secara jelas,
07:27dia memberikan gambaran kepada kita bahwa Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala berhak menimpakan berbagai jenis ujian.
07:34Dan ujian ini kalau salah satu daripada ayat ini yaitu yang akan mengampunkan manusia.
07:39Dan bentuk ujian ini ada perbagai.
07:41Sebab itu Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala sebut ujian ini kadang-kadang manusia kena lihat dia sebagai satu qadar dan kadar.
07:48Dan ketetapan yang Allah telah kuniakan.
07:50Dan Allah bagi tau kepada kita dalam salat al-Qamar,
07:53إِنَّكُ لَا شَيْءٍ خَلَقْنَاهُ بِقَدَرٍ
07:55Dan kami telah jadikan sesuatu itu dengan qadar Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
08:00Dan qadar ini Allah telah tulis 50 ribu tahun sebelum kejadian langit dan bumi.
08:05Seperti mana dalam hadis daripada Abdullah bin Amr al-As dalam riwayat Ibn Turmizi hadis yang sahih.
08:10Jadi maksudnya semua benda Allah telah tetapkan sebelum manusia jadi.
08:14Sebelum segala sesuatu jadi.
08:16Sebelum kita lahir lagi telah ada penetapan qadar dan kadar.
08:19Dan ini satu perkara yang kalau kita tengok apa keadaan manusia.
08:24Sebab itu kata Syed Dr. Umar Mukabil,
08:26bila menyebutkan ataupun mentadabur ayat ini,
08:29beliau kata manusia akan nampak kebaikan secara zahir.
08:33Tapi manusia tak akan nampak musibah secara batin.
08:36Maksudnya dia akan nampak kebaikan itu depan mata.
08:39Tapi bila ditipu musibah dia tak nampak kebaikan dah.
08:41Dia hilang kebaikan itu daripada depan mata.
08:43Sedangkan sebenarnya musibah ataupun ujian ataupun qadar itu Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
08:48ada sebab Allah jadikan.
08:50Pertama, supaya manusia bertawabat.
08:52Yang kedua, supaya manusia bertawakal kembali semula kepada Allah.
08:56Yang ketiga, supaya manusia tahu yang ini buruk jangan buat.
08:59Karena musibahnya begini.
09:00Yang ini tak elok jangan buat.
09:02Karena perkara ini akan menghancurkan dia.
09:04Yang keempat, yaitu akan mengangkat dosa-dosanya.
09:07Dan yang kelima ialah menaikkan ataupun meninggikan dajat
09:10nilsi Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
09:12Maka semua lima perkara itu menjadikan sifat Allah itu hujung itu
09:16Al-Ghafurur Rahim.
09:18Allah ulang 71 kali Al-Ghafurur Rahim dalam Al-Quran.
09:22Dan ia adalah satu perkataan.
09:24Kadang-kadang Allah gunakan ada alif lam.
09:26Al-Ghafurur Rahim.
09:28Kadang-kadang tak ada alif lam.
09:29Al-Ghafurur Rahim.
09:30Kadang-kadang jadi Al-Ghafurur Rahimah.
09:33Kadang-kadang jadi Al-Ghafurur Rahim.
09:36Semua itu gabungan yang sama daripada 71 ayat
09:39yang Allah sebut dalam Al-Quran.
09:41Tujuan apa?
09:42Pertama sekali, mahal lengkapnya bila Allah mahal mengampun,
09:46sudah tentu rahmat dapat.
09:48Rahmat maksudnya syurga.
09:50Ampunan itu akan datang dengan syurga.
09:52Dia tak akan jadi ampunan itu sekadar ampun tapi tak dapat apa-apa.
09:55Sebab itu rahmat disini Allah tentukan,
09:57Allah letakkan sebagai satu kasih sayang yang cukup penting.
10:00Yang kedua, sifat Al-Ghafurur Rahim ini,
10:03dia sentiasa berterusan.
10:05Al-Ghafurur dan Rahim,
10:07bila mana manusia melakukan kesilapan,
10:09dia terjatuh,
10:10dia melakukan dosa,
10:11ditimpa musibah,
10:12tapi dia tahu.
10:13Itu adalah ujian Qadak dan Qadar Allah yang dia nak tetapkan.
10:16Nanti kita bincang ada ayat lain lagi tentang Qadak dan Qadar cukup detail.
10:19Dan itu menjadikan manusia itu diampunkan oleh Allah
10:22dan dia mendapat Al-Rahim.
10:24Syurga Allah S.W.T.
10:26Sebab itu digabungkan.
10:27Sebab takkan ada Ghafur pengampunan,
10:29melainkan dengan rahmat.
10:30Dan melainkan rahmat itu adalah syurga Allah.
10:32Dan itu seperti yang dinyatakan oleh Dr. Abbas Zuhairi dalam tafsirnya Al-Muyassar.
10:37Terima kasih ucapkan kepada Al-Fadil Ustaz Musafa untuk menjelaskannya
10:40bagaimana pasangan diantara Ghafurur Rahim 71 kali berulang dalam Al-Quran
10:44itu sebagai satu tawaran besar daripada Allah S.W.T.
10:47seawal Nabi Adam S.A.W.
10:50إِنَّا رَبَّنَا ظَلَمْنَا أَنفُسًا وَإِلَّمْ تَوْفِرْ لَنَا
10:53Jika engkau tidak mengampunkan, bukan sekadar berhenti disitu
10:58Merahmati kami, kami jadi orang yang rugi.
11:01Mak ampunkan tapi lepas itu dia buat muka, mak buat muka gitu aja.
11:06Tapi kalau lepas mak dah maafkan, dah ampunkan dan mak berkasih sayang pada si anak
11:11itulah yang diperlukan oleh seorang anak kecil.
11:15Apatah lagi kita hamba yang lemah berbanding kepada Allah yang Maha Besar.
11:19Kita berehat sebentar.
11:20My Quran Time.
11:21Quran Salat infaq.
11:52Belajari dan dalami kesempurnaan bacaan mengikut hukumnya.
11:56Fahmi dan hayati maksudnya.
11:58Amalkan dan jadikannya sebagai panduan kehidupan.
12:02Bukan hanya kita belajar dalam dapur, bahkan kita akan belajar tajweed secara mendalam
12:07dan ada segmen hafazan.
12:09Saksikan episod baharu.
12:11Berita terbaru.
12:13Berita terbaru.
12:15Berita terbaru.
12:17Berita terbaru.
12:19Berita terbaru.
12:21Berita terbaru.
12:23Berita terbaru.
12:25Berita terbaru.
12:27Berita terbaru.
12:47Berita terbaru.
13:17Berita terbaru.
13:45Berita terbaru.
14:09Berita terbaru.
14:35Berita terbaru.
14:50Bila kita renung kepada penghujung ayat ini,
14:53kita akan tengok ada kesenamungan pada ayat satu nanti pada surah Hud.
14:57Sifat Allah yang maha menghukum ataupun Allah yang maha bijaksana.
15:01Dan nanti kita akan jumpa insyaAllah.
15:03Cuma ayat ini Allah sebut kepada kita,
15:05kata Syed Abdul Rahman bin Nasir Sa'di dalam tafsirnya, tafsir Karimur Rahman,
15:09menyatakan bahawa antara perkara yang penting bila mana hidup seorang manusia ini,
15:14yaitu dia kena buat kerja-kerja kebaikan.
15:17Jadi antara amal-amal kebaikan kerja yang dia perlu lakukan adalah berdakwah mengajak kepada manusia,
15:22yaitu untuk melakukan kebaikan, amal ma'ruf.
15:25Dan Allah perintahkan kepada kita,
15:27dengan kerana adanya Nabi SAW,
15:30dan kerana adanya Nabi SAW itu, maka Nabi ini diberikan wahyu.
15:34Dan wahyu ini menjadikan manusia kena buat apa?
15:38Dia kena ada ilmu, kena ada berilmu dengan wahyu,
15:41dia kena beramal dengan wahyu,
15:43dia kena menyatakan bahawa wahyu itu adalah kebenaran,
15:47dan yang keempat, dia kena menyampaikan wahyu.
15:49Dan itu tugas para rosu dan tugas para pendakwah keseluruhannya,
15:53dan menjadikan manusia ini,
15:55bila mana dia dah dapat wahyu daripada Allah,
15:57dia kena sampaikan, dan sampai itu,
15:59dia akan kena ada perkataan itu,
16:02yaitu Allah menyatakan,
16:07Sabar ini apa?
16:08Kalau kita tengok dalam konteks ayat ini,
16:10secara umum, sabar ketika mana kita berdakwah.
16:12Dan sabar ketika mana Nabi SAW itu berdakwah.
16:15Tapi dalam konteks yang lebih banyak lagi,
16:17sebab kerana turunnya wahyu,
16:19sebab kita kena ikut wahyu,
16:20maka sabar dalam mentaati Allah,
16:23kata Imam Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbali,
16:24dan juga Imam Al-Ghazali rahimahullah,
16:26menyatakan, pertama,
16:27sabar dalam mentaati Allah,
16:29buat kebaikan amal salih,
16:30termasuk dakwah lah,
16:31termasuk amal salih.
16:32Yang kedua, sabar ketika mana ditimpa musibah.
16:36Bila kita kena musibah,
16:39kembali kepada ayat tadi,
16:40Qadak dan Qadar,
16:41bila 71 kali Allah ulang tentang Ghafur Rahim,
16:44dan kemudian rupanya,
16:45bila kita tengok konteks ayat itu,
16:4671 itu,
16:47semua ajak kembali kepada Allah.
16:49Bila dia makan benda haram,
16:50Allah kata,
16:51taubatlah, Allah maha mengasihani.
16:56Kemudian, bila dia buat satu benda tuduhan palsu,
16:58Allah kata, taubat.
16:59Bila mana dia buat zalim pada diri dia,
17:01Allah kata, taubat.
17:02Bila mana Allah kata, dia putus asa.
17:04La taqnatu min rahmatillah.
17:06Hujung ayat itu pun Allah kata,
17:07Allah sifatnya Ghafur dan juga Rahim.
17:09Maka semua yang ada itu,
17:11kembali asasnya adalah kepada yuha,
17:14yang diwahyukan kepada kamu.
17:16wala manusia berdosa,
17:17wala manusia bersalah,
17:19tapi bila dikembali kepada Allah SWT,
17:21dan juga dia bersabar.
17:23Sebab manusia bila dikembali,
17:24kadang-kadang dia tak sabar.
17:26Tak sabar itu maksudnya apa?
17:27Kadang-kadang dia dah bertaubat,
17:28dia tengok kawan dia buat lagi,
17:29kawan dia ajak lagi,
17:30dia tak sabar.
17:31Begitu juga kadang-kadang
17:32adik-adik ke anak-anak,
17:34dia tengok dia buat kebaikan apa semua kan?
17:36Tengok abang dia ini lain macam,
17:38dia pun,
17:39eh, tak boleh jadi ini,
17:40kena ikut juga kan?
17:41Pergi juga main ke apa ke,
17:43akhirnya kena pukul,
17:44mak marah dan berbagai lagi.
17:45Jadi kita tak nak benda itu berlaku.
17:47Maka sebab itu,
17:48Allah perintahkan kepada kita,
17:49setelah terima wahyu,
17:51maka kita sabar,
17:52dan sehinggalah,
17:53ya hukum Allah.
17:55Macam mana dia masukkan
17:56ya hukum Allah, hukum Allah ini?
17:57Kita akan tengok,
17:58setelah manusia berda'wah,
17:59manusia bersabar,
18:01yang melibatkan urusan manusia.
18:04Maka nanti,
18:05kita akan tengok,
18:06akan ada manusia salahkan kita,
18:07kita bawa benda betul,
18:08dia salahkan kita.
18:09Ataupun kita bawa benda yang salah,
18:11manusia tak betulkan kita.
18:13Itu pun satu hal juga itu.
18:14Maka Allah akan kata,
18:15Allah akan sebaik-baik penghukum
18:17dekat akhirat.
18:18Maka Allah akan menghukum manusia,
18:20yang mana setelah disampaikan da'wah,
18:22diseruhkan kebaikan,
18:23tapi dia tidak membawa kepada
18:25apa yang sepatutnya.
18:26Maka Allah SWT menyatakan,
18:28Allah akan menghukum dia,
18:30dan kemudian Allah adalah sebaik-baik
18:32yang hukum.
18:34hukuman dekat dunia ini ada pelbagai.
18:35Tapi akhirnya,
18:36hakikat dan hukuman itu adalah
18:37hak mutlak milik Allah,
18:38dan boleh jadi manusia bersalah,
18:40tapi hakikat sebenar mungkin berada
18:42di pihak yang benar,
18:43tapi dia menjadi orang yang salah.
18:45Maka pada waktu itu,
18:46disi Allah adalah Maha Benar,
18:47Maha Adil,
18:48berhukum berasaskan wahyu yang asalnya,
18:50dan kesabaran itu akan membuahkan
18:52kebaikan yang banyak kepada manusia.
18:54Terima kasih untuk jawabannya
18:55kepada Al-Fatihah Ustaz Mustafa.
18:57dua perkara,
18:58yaitu mengikut kepada wahyu itu,
19:01mencari ilmunya,
19:03mengakui wahyu itu benar,
19:05dan menyampaikan maksudnya.
19:06Tapi yang itu bukan sekadar kita kata ikut,
19:09tapi kita pun tak mencari ilmunya,
19:12ataupun tidak menyampaikan.
19:14Dan apabila kita menyampaikan itu,
19:16ada cabaran.
19:17Sama ada kita nak menyampaikan
19:19pada diri kita,
19:20nak tanghati,
19:21perlukan sabar.
19:22Dan ketika menyampaikan pada orang lain pun,
19:24perlu bersabar.
19:25Jadi terus kita membaca ayat pertama
19:27daripada surah Hud,
19:28bagaimana ayat 109 ini
19:30ada tenasub atau tidak
19:32kaitannya dengan ayat pertama
19:34surah ke-11,
19:35surah Hud.
19:36Kita baca dahulu,
19:37sekali lagi,
19:38bersama Al-Fadhilul-Sastang Bizi.
19:40Terima kasih Al-Fadhilul-Sastang Fazlul,
19:41Al-Fadhilul-Sastang Mustafa,
19:42ratan-ratan puan-puan,
19:43ayat-an-ayat Al-Bonda,
19:44penonton di studio,
19:45juga di rumah,
19:46ataupun di mana juga,
19:47yang ikuti kita.
19:48Kita nak baca ayat pertama,
19:50surah Hud,
19:51sekali lagi.
19:52Kita coba dengan Taranum Nahuan,
19:55Masalah ayat ini pindik,
19:57bolehkah baca dengan orang Batu Pahat?
19:58Ah, itu dia.
19:59Itu yang kita tunggu-tunggukan.
20:05Saya baca,
20:06lepas itu ibu-ibu ayah ikut, boleh?
20:08Dengan Taranum apa tadi?
20:11Tak tahu,
20:12tak ketahuan.
20:13Lagu Nahuan, insyaAllah.
20:15Coba ya.
20:34Alif Lam Ra.
20:42Alif Lam Ra.
20:49كتاب أحكمت آياته ثم فصلت
21:10ثم فصلت من لدن حكيم خبير
21:24ثم فصلت من لدن حكيم خبير
21:35ثم فصلت من لدن حكيم خبير
21:50ثم فصلت من لدن حكيم خبير
22:02صدق الله العظيم
22:08صدق الله العظيم
22:14Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
22:15Kita lah bacaan daripada ayat yang pertama,
22:17daripada surah Hud.
22:18Terus kita bersama Al-Fadl,
22:19Ustaz Musafar untuk menjelaskan
22:20apakah kaitan diantara ayat 109 surah Yunus
22:24dan ayat pertama daripada surah Hud
22:26bila Allah menjelaskan
22:28احكمت آياته ثم فصلت
22:30من لدن حكيم خبير
22:36Dalam ilmu hadith dia dipanggil
22:38baratu iftitah dengan baratu iftitham
22:40Maksudnya penutup kepada hadith tu
22:42dan pembuka balik kepada bak
22:44yang dibuat oleh Imam al-Bukhari sebagai contoh
22:46Imam bukhari buat hujung hadith tu
22:48akhir tu nampak macam habis bak tu
22:50lepas tu dia bawa hadith yang baru, bak yang baru
22:52eh macam mebuka pulak bak yang baru
22:54itu kepintaran ilmu al-Bukhari
22:55Imam Bukhari.
22:56So, in the Quran, we call this knowledge as
22:58Tanasub or Munasabat or
23:00connection between the previous
23:02verses and the following verses.
23:04First, we see that Allah started
23:06with Alif Lam Ra and
23:08as we know, this is called
23:10what letter?
23:11Muqatta'ah in the Quran.
23:13How many are there?
23:14There are 14.
23:16Nassun Hakimun
23:18Qati'un Lahu Sirrun
23:20The suffix.
23:22To make it easier to remember.
23:23Nassun Nun Sad
23:25Then, Hakimun Ha
23:27Kaf Ya Mim
23:29That is 6.
23:30Then, Qati'un Kaf Alik
23:33How many are there?
23:35Then, Lahu Lam Ha
23:37Then, Sirrun.
23:38If we translate it,
23:40Lahu, then Sirrun, Sin and Ra.
23:42There are 14.
23:43So, these letters, if we observe,
23:46first of all, when Allah says
23:48Allah Hakimin, Allah is the judge,
23:50we have to understand.
23:51There is no Tafsir scholar who will explain
23:53the meaning of Alif Lam Ra, Alif Lam Mim,
23:55Ta Ha, Kaf, Ha Ya, Ain Sa
23:57Instead, they will say that all of it
23:59is on the side of Allah SWT
24:01who knows the meaning.
24:02It means that Allah the Almighty
24:04knows, while humans do not know
24:06and is given knowledge only a little.
24:08That is the first thing that we have to understand.
24:10And what I said earlier,
24:12if we look at Nassun, the Quran itself,
24:14Hakimun, from Allah the Almighty,
24:16then Qati'un, which makes it,
24:18which breaks it,
24:19Lahu Sir, gives it a secret.
24:21So, Alif Lam Ra has a secret.
24:23But in Alif Lam Ra, we cannot say
24:25Alif Lam means Allah,
24:27Mim means Muhammad, Ra cannot be.
24:29All of that is a secret Tafsir
24:31that we say is a secret in Alif Lam Ra.
24:33Subhanahu wa ta'ala.
24:34That is one.
24:35Number two, if we look at this verse,
24:37Allah says, Oh Kimat,
24:39that verse,
24:41Oh Kimat means,
24:43said Abu Bakr Al-Jazair,
24:45a verse that is neatly arranged,
24:49and it has no
24:53or no mistakes.
24:55Therefore, how many verses are there in the Quran?
24:59How many words are there in the Quran?
25:03How many letters are there in the Quran?
25:05From Alif to Minaljin,
25:07from Allah the Almighty,
25:11If we look at all of this,
25:13there will be no mistake.
25:15Even if we study Tafsir,
25:17we will see that there is a word called
25:19Fazaidah, or Wawzaidah.
25:21Waw is added, Fa is added.
25:23There is still a good in it,
25:25even though it is added.
25:27So we want to say that this is the perfection of Allah's law
25:29that is related.
25:31Then Allah says, Fusilat.
25:33Fusilat means, a reference to a verse.
25:35What does this verse mean?
25:37What is the meaning of this verse?
25:39What is the relation of this verse with other verses?
25:41And its interpretation?
25:43Fusilat means,
25:45the meaning behind the verse.
25:47And Allah states,
25:49from all that is there,
25:51it is from
25:53Hakimin Khabir,
25:55from Allah the Almighty,
25:57who arranged the Khabir,
25:59which is in His knowledge,
26:01towards the verses of Allah.
26:03So if we look at the end,
26:05109 Surah Hud,
26:07with the end of Surah Yunus,
26:09and the beginning of Surah Hud,
26:11we will find a few letters
26:13that are not from the 14 letters
26:15that we mentioned earlier.
26:17For example, Waw, Kha,
26:19and Ba.
26:21The others, you can look for them at home.
26:23So we want to tell you that
26:25this is the perfection of Allah the Almighty,
26:27who is the Most Wise,
26:29who gave the revelations,
26:31and we have to preserve the revelations,
26:33even though it is just one letter,
26:35we still believe and believe
26:37that the Quran is from Allah,
26:42Thank you, Ustaz Mustafa.
26:44We will take a short break.
27:09We will take a short break.
27:39We will take a short break.
28:09We will take a short break.
28:11We will take a short break.
30:31You can look for it, Inshallah
30:33Thank you
30:35Alright, the third verse
30:37The third verse we are going to read together
30:39Inshallah, we are going to try
30:41Using Taranum Sikah
30:43Taranum Sikah
30:45Inshallah, the third verse
30:47Auzubillahi minashaytanirrajim
31:01Thumma tubu ilayhi yumatti'kum mata'an hasana
31:25ila ajalin musamman
31:33wa yu'tiku allathee fadlin fadlah
31:55wa in tawallau fa innee akhaafu alaykum azaba yawmin kabeer
32:21sadaqallahul azeem
32:27sadaqallahul azeem, we have read the third verse
32:29Allah's call for us to ask for forgiveness
32:31and repent to Allah
32:33yumatti'kum mata'an hasana
32:35ila ajalin musamman
32:37wa yu'tiku allathee fadlin fadlah
32:39This is Allah's blessing
32:41What does it mean?
32:43mata'an hasana and also
32:45wa yu'tiku allathee fadlin fadlah
32:49Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
32:51Alright, this verse
32:53Actually, do you want to know the secret?
32:55If we want the goodness of the world
32:57Not just the hereafter, the world of the hereafter
32:59There are four verses in the Quran
33:01Al-Imam Ibn Qayyam said
33:03The first thing we have to do
33:05to get the goodness of the world and the hereafter
33:07The first is in the third verse
33:09Surah Hud
33:11Taubat and also Istighfar
33:13Then we will get the goodness of the world and the hereafter
33:15That's the first
33:17The second is in Surah Nahal
33:19Verse 41
33:21So Surah Nahal verse 41
33:23He is a person who does jihad
33:25in the way of Allah
33:27So Allah will give him
33:29the goodness of the world and also the hereafter
33:31The third verse is also Surah Nahal
33:33Verse 97
33:35They are the ones who do good
33:37whether male or female
33:39So Allah will give the goodness of the world
33:41and also the hereafter
33:43And lastly, Surah Zumar verse 10
33:45What is Surah Zumar verse 10?
33:47Allah said
33:49They are the ones who do good
33:51and do more good
33:53Then they will get
33:55the goodness of the world and the hereafter
33:57Pay attention to this verse
33:59That's why sometimes people ask me to say
34:01There are half people
34:03He is doing marketing class
34:05He said, if you want to be rich, you have to be like this
34:07So to get the goodness of the world and the hereafter
34:09there is no problem
34:11Because that is the demand that Allah gives
34:13So Allah told us
34:15When you want to get the goodness of the world and the hereafter
34:17you have to do these four things
34:19As mentioned by the scholar Ibn Qayyim
34:21When you talk about jihad
34:23I'm sorry to interrupt
34:27Because people usually say
34:29Jihad has to go to Syria or Palestine
34:31Or what?
34:33Because the others are like what I have done
34:37When you mention jihad
34:39That's why Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi
34:41He has a field
34:43That's why Allah said
34:45Waqtulu means
34:47Jihad with bloodshed
34:49and martyrs
34:51But when Allah uses the phrase
34:53Wajahidu fee sabi lillah
34:55It doesn't necessarily mean you have to shed blood
34:57So Allah uses the word jihad
34:59It refers to if we have wealth, give it
35:01If we make dua, our jihad is in making dua
35:03If we have from an economic point of view, it is economic
35:05If there is from the point of view of jihad
35:07Ourselves against the devil's lust, it is also jihad
35:09Hopefully there is goodness
35:11And goodness in this world and in the hereafter
35:13That's the general way
35:15So when we mention this verse
35:17Allah tells us
35:19And then
35:21Why did Allah repeat this verse twice?
35:25It has a key
35:27The word zhi
35:29The word zhi in Arabic
35:31It can be zhi or zhu
35:33But because there is kulla
35:35It has to be zhi
35:37So kulla zhi
35:39I want to discuss Arabic
35:41It's a long story
35:43And sometimes it is called
35:47What does zhu mean?
35:49The owner or the owner
35:51That's why we usually hear the name
35:55Zhu is a word with
35:59Zhu is the owner
36:01Or it is called
36:05The owner
36:07Allah tells us
36:09In Sahih Bukhari
36:11The Ka'bah will be destroyed by
36:13Zhu Suyqatain
36:15Who is Zhu Suyqatain?
36:17The owner of the two legs
36:19The owner of the two legs
36:21He will destroy the Ka'bah
36:23And finally the Ka'bah will be destroyed
36:25Zhu is the owner
36:27So I want to tell you
36:29The owner who does good
36:31The owner who does good
36:33The owner who does good
36:35The Ka'bah will be destroyed
36:37By the heaven, the Ka'bah and the Akhirah
36:39That's why we say
36:41When there is the word zhu
36:43We don't get the difference
36:45Because Allah knows
36:47The verse is expensive
36:49So Allah put
36:51Zhi and give it to us
36:53The Sahabah
36:55The owner
36:57The one who does good
36:59The Ka'bah will be destroyed
37:01By the heaven, the Akhirah
37:03That's why we say
37:05When there is the word zhu
37:07We don't get the difference
37:09Because Allah knows
37:11The verse is expensive
37:13So Allah put
37:15Zhi and give it to us
37:17The Sahabah
37:19The one who does good
37:21The Ka'bah will be destroyed
37:23By the heaven, the Akhirah
37:25That's why we say
37:27When there is the word zhu
37:29And it is related to the
37:31Sermon or the words of
37:33This verse
37:37Very detailed
37:39Longer than the
37:41Verse 2
37:43We continue with the 6th verse
37:45We read first with Al-Fadlul-Sastarmizi
37:47Thank you Al-Fadlul-Sastarmizi
37:53We reach the 6th verse
37:55Starting from the 12th juz'
37:57For the Sahabah
37:59Who are at home or
38:01Following us on Facebook
38:03Please state
38:05What is the law of
38:07Tajweed for the word
38:11What is the name of its mother
38:13How many movements
38:15Those who are in the studio
38:17Please answer
38:21We try the 6th verse
38:23Using Taranum
38:27And there is not
38:29A creature
38:35In the earth
38:39Upon Allah
38:41Its provision
38:43And He knows
38:45Its dwelling
38:47And its
38:49Hiding place
38:57A clear
39:05Allah Almighty
39:07has spoken the truth
39:13The 6th verse
39:15Explains one of the issues
39:17That is
39:19Concerned by humans
39:23How to
39:25Attract provision
39:27This is one of the
39:29Guidelines that we want to learn
39:31What is the meaning of
39:33Mustaqarrahah and Mustauda'ah
39:35We take a break
39:53We take a break
40:23We take a break
40:53A little different
40:55I want to tell you about how
40:57Sayyidina Abu Hurairah was criticized by the orientalists
40:59Do you know who the orientalists are?
41:01Are the orientalists like westerners?
41:03That's right
41:05The orientalists are researchers from the west
41:07Take it from the word oriental
41:09It means people who study about the east
41:11Which originates from the west
41:13It means westerners who study about Islam
41:15This is one of the subjects
41:17I teach at UCM
41:19How the orientalists
41:21Criticize or study about the Quran and hadith
41:23One of the criticisms
41:25About Abu Hurairah
41:27Is one of the
41:29Criticisms made by the orientalists
41:31About the hadith
41:33They criticize Abu Hurairah
41:35One of their famous figures
41:37His name is Ignaz Godzieh
41:39Ignaz Godzieh is a hungry person
41:41Hungry people are not hungry people
41:43Hungry means he comes from hungry
41:45He comes from
41:47Western team but he studied
41:49Masya Allah
41:55Welcome back to
41:57Quran Time
41:59Let's look at page 221
42:01And 222
42:03How Allah brought to us
42:05Hidayah for Hidayah
42:07A sign of love from Allah
42:09Talking about one important thing
42:11In human life
42:15And it was mentioned in verse 6
42:17Explaining about the term
42:19Mustaqoraha wa mustauda'aha
42:21When talking about rizq
42:23Some people said if I read Quran
42:25I don't know how
42:27To attract rizq
42:29But is this verse part of
42:31Attracting verse?
42:39Alhamdulillah this verse
42:41Mentioning about dabbah
42:43Not dabbah
42:45Dabbah is what will come out
42:47At the end of time
42:49Hadith from Huzaifah
42:51There are 10 signs
42:53One of them is dabbah
42:55But dabbah is the dabbah of
42:57Animals on earth
42:59So when animals are on earth
43:01Allah said
43:03Allah will guarantee
43:05Allah will give rizq to them
43:07Even with two conditions
43:09First is mustaqoraha
43:11Second is wa mustauda'aha
43:13Sheikh Dr. Sulaiman Al Ashkaw
43:15In his tafsir
43:17Mentioning about mustaqor
43:19Which means it is
43:21Placed or left
43:23So if it is
43:25In the land
43:27In the river
43:29Then Allah has
43:31Placed rizq for it
43:33For the animals to live
43:35If there are birds in the sky
43:37Then it is placed
43:41The place is kept
43:43That is why in perbankan
43:45It is called
43:51So mustauda'aha
43:53Means one place is kept
43:55Sheikh Dr. Sulaiman Al Ashkaw
43:57The place is dead
43:59Allah has placed it
44:01In the sand or
44:03In the rocks
44:05Or in the stomach
44:07So if there are worms in the stomach
44:09Allah has placed it
44:11In the place of death
44:13But Mujahid
44:15May Allah have mercy on him
44:17Can sum it up
44:19To show
44:21What has been there
44:23Since birth
44:25If we are human
44:27We will be sperm
44:29Then we will be zygote
44:31Then we will be fetus
44:33Then we will be
44:35A baby
44:37Then we will be born
44:39Allah has arranged it
44:41One by one
44:43In surah al-mu'minun
44:45In verse 14
44:47And it makes human life
44:49Or animals
44:51Can become eggs
44:57Allah has arranged it
44:59And it is both
45:01Rizq and goodness
45:03We see it
45:05In hadith sahih
45:07Prophet said
45:11Will get his rizq
45:13Even if he is in trouble
45:15It is hard to find
45:17Finally he will get
45:19Until he is dead
45:21When he is dead
45:23His rizq will be finished
45:25Allah has placed
45:27All creatures
45:29So we should not worry
45:31About our children
45:33Our faith
45:35We are far from
45:37That faith
45:39That is why our rizq
45:41Has been established
45:43I have a little experience
45:45We see
45:47Do you remember the case of
45:51He was insulted for a short time
45:53Not even a few seconds
45:55But he gave his house
45:57He helped his children
45:59He gave money
46:01He was patient
46:03But because of his patience
46:05Allah gave him
46:07I want to give another example
46:09My friend
46:11He started to save money
46:13In 2008
46:15Suddenly in 2004
46:17He wanted to take it out
46:19He went to the bank
46:21He said I want to take it out
46:25He got 1 million
46:27He said he will take it out
46:29I said I got everything
46:31I got everything
46:33I got everything
46:35But his rizq
46:37From 2008
46:39Until he died
46:41So as humans
46:43Whatever rizq
46:45Allah has established
46:47If the rizq is not ours
46:49Allah will kill us
46:51But make sure it is in a good state
46:53Like we said earlier
46:55Patience, faith and giving everything
46:59So that is the guidance
47:01From the end of Surah Yunus
47:03Combined with Surah Hud
47:05Which means we just do our job
47:07According to the revelation
47:09And also be patient
47:11And it turns out that this rizq
47:13According to Allah's revelation
47:15Be patient
47:17Until what year?
47:19Since 2004
47:21How many years
47:23But when we talk about patience
47:25There is a connection with rizq
47:27If we say
47:29The owner of Teh Ais
47:31He went to sell Teh Ais
47:33His 7 cups
47:35He will finish it
47:37With everything
47:39But it turns out
47:41By following the revelation
47:43Each method
47:45Allah continues to provide rizq
47:47To us
47:49So this is a big lesson
47:51From Surah Hud
47:53According to the revelation
47:55Be patient
47:57We pray to Allah
47:59So that Allah continues to make us
48:01Our family committed
48:03With the revelation
48:05Be patient in doing good
48:07Leaving bad things
48:09And of course there is rizq here
48:11Until the hereafter
48:13In this video we pray
48:15With Al-Fadhil Ustaz Mustafa
48:23We ask you for knowledge of benefits
48:25And good rizq and acceptable deeds
48:27O Allah, have mercy
48:29Grant us the goodness of this world
48:31And the hereafter
48:33Grant us the strength and steadfastness
48:35To continue to study
48:37And study the verses of the Quran
48:39Which are wise and detailed
48:41O Allah, have mercy
48:43Grant us the best provision in this world and the hereafter
48:45The halal provision
48:47And make it as a guide for us
48:49To continue to be steadfast and pleased
48:51O Allah, have mercy
48:53Grant us the goodness of this world and the hereafter
48:55And make it as a guide for us
48:57To continue to be steadfast and pleased
48:59O Allah, have mercy
49:21O Allah, have mercy
49:23Grant us the goodness of this world and the hereafter
49:25And make it as a guide for us
49:27To continue to be steadfast and pleased
49:29O Allah, have mercy
49:31Grant us the goodness of this world and the hereafter
49:33And make it as a guide for us
49:35To continue to be steadfast and pleased
49:37O Allah, have mercy
49:39Grant us the goodness of this world and the hereafter
49:41And make it as a guide for us
49:43To continue to be steadfast and pleased
49:45O Allah, have mercy
49:47Grant us the goodness of this world and the hereafter
49:49And make it as a guide for us
49:51To continue to be steadfast and pleased
49:53O Allah, have mercy
49:55Grant us the goodness of this world and the hereafter
49:57And make it as a guide for us
49:59To continue to be steadfast and pleased
50:01O Allah, have mercy
50:03Grant us the goodness of this world and the hereafter
50:05And make it as a guide for us
50:07To continue to be steadfast and pleased
50:09O Allah, have mercy
50:11Grant us the goodness of this world and the hereafter
50:13And make it as a guide for us
50:15To continue to be steadfast and pleased
50:17O Allah, have mercy on us through the Quran
50:25And make it a guide for us
50:29And a light
50:31And a guidance and a mercy
50:37O Allah, remind us
50:41Of those whom we have forgotten
50:45And teach us
50:47And teach us
50:49From them is the way