• 2 months ago
A pensioner says her home is 'uninhabitable' because of a shuddering noise that's made by a manhole cover outside her property
00:00This has been going on for some time and we've had no proper results. All they do is come and
00:08patch it up and scarper and this is having a big effect on my family. Number one, my son
00:17is on the front bedroom here which is approximately six feet from the main road.
00:25There's a very narrow pavement. In order to sleep at night he has to put in earplugs.
00:33Added to that, he has to put on noise cancelling headphones and then if possible he may get some
00:40sleep. The problem is, as you can see, we're coming past the house with two or three massive
00:50loads hitting the grids normally at 50 miles an hour because it's a sloping road and the traffic
00:58here from 6am till 10am is horrendous. I'm 73 years of age. I'm now retired. I would like some
01:07peace and quiet in my own house. I think I'm entitled to that. There's two grids here together.
01:14They should never have been put next to one another because the metal rim of each grid
01:22will go ka-chunk, ka-chunk, ka-chunk, ka-chunk. It's vibrating continually
01:30and causing a great noise nuisance and also affecting our mental health because we can't get
01:39any sleep. So at 11.30am they've proceeded to cover two massive grids in this tarmac
01:59thinking that that will suffice and sort out the job. It will not.
