• 2 months ago
Bank Indonesia (BI) akan memperluas implementasi QRIS Tap berbasis Near Field Communication (NFC) pada moda transportasi MRT hingga KRL.

Deputi Gubernur BI Filianingsih Hendarta mengatakan, penerapan QRIS Tap NFC diharapkan bisa diimplementasikan pengguna MRT hingga KRL pada kuartal I-2025.


00:05The Bank of Indonesia is targeting the CRIS transaction based on NFC or CRIS-STEP.
00:10This can be used for public transportation modes, namely KRL and also MRT starting from Q1 2025.
00:17Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia, Viljaningsy Hendarta, announced the CRIS-STEP test in KRL and MRT will be immediately carried out.
00:31The Bank of Indonesia says that with the implementation of CRIS-STEP, people will be easier to make payments digitally without having to move or scan barcodes through a PONSEL camera.
00:39People are quite attached to PONSEL, which is equipped with NFC technology and integrated with mobile banking applications, choosing the CRIS-STEP feature and inputting the transaction PIN.
00:50In the future, the Bank of Indonesia will continue to expand cooperation with other transportation modes operators and industries to ensure the smooth implementation and socialization of the CRIS-STEP payment innovation.
