• 2 months ago
Nate | Barstool Rundown
00:00I get weary of people with a lot of money.
00:02And now Elon's trying to do a,
00:04he's influencing the elections in Europe.
00:08It's crazy.
00:08Also kind of weird, like,
00:10well, I'm going to get into politics or like,
00:11why would you want to go to more meetings?
00:29So the lime flavor to your game day
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01:05I need a little more energy out of you, Rico.
01:07I watched them read.
01:08Yeah, we haven't even started.
01:10We are gonna talk Surviving Barstool
01:11at the end of the show.
01:12We got a couple of topics
01:13that we wanna talk about before then.
01:15First of which is there was a fan
01:19who went viral over the weekend,
01:21the Packers fan who recorded the Phillies fan
01:23assaulting his wife.
01:24Well, as it turns out, this guy is a content creator.
01:28The entire thing was allegedly this massive bait.
01:31He wanted his wife to come to the game with him
01:32so she would get yelled at,
01:34so he could put it on social media,
01:36so he could go viral.
01:38People are now calling this guy a scumbag,
01:40putting his wife in the line of fire.
01:43I don't hate it.
01:44I'm gonna be honest with you.
01:45I don't hate it.
01:46Listen, game respects game.
01:47If you're a content creator,
01:49honey, do me a favor.
01:50Go get socked in the face
01:51and called a cunt by that fan over there,
01:53that Eagles fan.
01:55I mean, it's not the worst thing in the world,
01:56but I do understand why people are mad.
01:58Is the TikTok payout that big though,
02:02is the question I would ask?
02:03Like if you have one viral video,
02:05like what was his,
02:06do you think he would get on news stations?
02:08Do you think he would get a documentary?
02:09Like there is no bigger end game.
02:11Like people have already,
02:12we're talking about it now,
02:13but tomorrow people are gonna forget about it.
02:15I mean, are they actually husband and wife
02:17or are they husband and wife?
02:18Oh no, they're married.
02:19Because when I was watching it the first time,
02:22my first thought was,
02:24how is this guy,
02:26and I'm not suggesting he should have started a fight,
02:28but how is this guy allowing this stranger
02:30to talk to his wife like this
02:32and seemingly be okay with it as he continues to film?
02:35Views, brother.
02:36Well, I get it now,
02:37but it didn't pass the smell test initially
02:40that this guy was allowing his wife to get berated
02:42in the manner that she was.
02:44Did he do anything to provoke it
02:45or was it just,
02:46she's simply a Packers fan in Eagles territory?
02:48Like, was he like,
02:49hey, fuck you,
02:49and then direct it to his wife
02:50or was it literally-
02:51It was something on the field was happening
02:53where maybe she thought the Packers had a first down
02:57and they ended up not having a first down.
02:58So, you know,
02:58what is any argument in a stadium?
03:00How does it start?
03:01It's always stupid.
03:02That's the take I have.
03:03If you go to a stadium
03:04and I watched maybe the biggest losers of all time,
03:09two time losers,
03:1110th anniversary of 9-11, Jets-Cowboys,
03:13watched people in the barracks
03:16of the stadium arrest thing.
03:18Like, you gotta be an asshole to do that on 9-11.
03:20And then worse was Jets-Giants.
03:22I worked with Jets game.
03:23Christmas Eve,
03:24there were people in the fucking barrack.
03:26When are you getting seen by a judge at that point?
03:29Are you then in stadium jail through Christmas?
03:32Also, like, is anything worth the fight on Christmas Eve?
03:35Yeah, are they good at-
03:36Like, the people who go to-
03:37Another jail?
03:38The people who go to stadiums
03:39and try and get fights are morons.
03:41Complete morons.
03:42And also, seemingly don't have anything to lose.
03:45If someone's willing to get into a fight in a stadium,
03:48I think they are the dregs of our society
03:50because, okay, what, you know,
03:52the Packers find out that you stood up for them
03:55and they're happy.
03:57They're gonna give you a season ticket.
03:57Right, they're gonna give you money.
03:59No, like, these guys in the field don't care
04:02about what's going on up in the stands.
04:03So the fact that people are willing
04:05to get into physical fights always blew my mind.
04:09Do you know what it would take for me
04:10to get into a physical fight with someone?
04:13I don't even know.
04:14Like, I don't, like, maybe if someone, like, hit my sister.
04:17Like, I don't know what it would take.
04:19A lot of, you know, replies on the internet
04:21are like, if that was me,
04:23I would have beat his ass for talking to my wife that way.
04:26That's assault, brother.
04:27Like, you just can't go around swinging on people, right?
04:30No, not to mention he had the high ground.
04:32So, I mean, we've seen how that usually goes
04:34in a stadium when the person's above you.
04:36And now the guy lost his job.
04:39Which is.
04:40I've also had it where I think talking
04:42to the other fans in a stadium,
04:44they can be a little knowledgeable as well.
04:46Like, you've had, like, you show up,
04:48it's Jets and Giants.
04:49Like, if the guy knows what he's talking about,
04:50you're like, yeah, you guys always blitz on this.
04:52I've been, you know what I mean?
04:53Like, they're whatever.
04:54It's like, hey, you guys always kill us on the drag.
04:56Like, it's a back and forth type of thing.
04:58Like, you don't need to just look at the fight.
05:00It's crazy.
05:01You ever been in a game and, like,
05:03I'm always afraid to, like, say something to a fan
05:05because I know stuff like this can happen.
05:07Like, the pressure, it's like a pressure cooker,
05:10like, tinderbox.
05:11Like, even if I go to, like, a Knicks game or something,
05:13like, I like the Knicks.
05:14Like, they at least haven't been a threat to the Celtics.
05:16They kind of are more now.
05:18But, like, I'm not gonna talk shit to, like,
05:20an opposing team because people,
05:22that's what they live for.
05:24If you're going to a game to get into a fight,
05:25like, that's probably not this guy's first time
05:28that he's done something like this.
05:29But again, I don't fucking know.
05:31I mean, I wouldn't talk shit in a stadium
05:33unless you're willing to get hit.
05:35Yeah, I just, I honestly,
05:36I never understood the reason behind it.
05:39Like, let's say you get in a fight,
05:41you beat up the other guy.
05:43You're going to jail.
05:44Then what?
05:44Yeah, at best, you're going to jail,
05:47but what else are you getting out of that?
05:48Also, if a woman hits a man first
05:52and then the man hauls off and smacks her,
05:55he's not going to jail, right?
05:56Because it was like defense.
05:58I think he is still.
06:00I also think that people have spent a ton of money
06:01to go to a big game and then get blacked out drunk.
06:03You're like, yo, how was, oh, you were at that game?
06:05That's crazy.
06:06Like, yeah, I don't remember anything.
06:07Like, oh, why'd you do that?
06:11Here we go, feel good story.
06:12This is John Richblog.
06:14The $57 million Malibu home that Kanye West kind of built.
06:19He actually, like, took it down to the studs.
06:20So he bought this house,
06:22I think for like 35 million bucks on Malibu,
06:24like beautiful Pacific Coast Highway.
06:27He took it down literally so it was all concrete.
06:30He got rid of windows, like everything.
06:33Joke's on everyone else because this is the only house
06:35that survived a fire on that block, apparently.
06:39And now what, Nate?
06:40He's saying he's going to try and sell it
06:42as the only house on the block?
06:44Something like that?
06:45He should have kept his mouth shut about that.
06:47What's he, like, claiming,
06:49celebrating he's going to turn a profit?
06:51Look at this house, yeah, right?
06:54And now I guess he's allegedly afraid to come back
06:56to the U.S. because of all the Diddy allegations.
06:58He thinks he's going to get wrapped up in that?
07:00Yeah, I wonder why.
07:02Yeah, no kidding, right?
07:04Those fires were-
07:05I can't even keep up with that.
07:06Those fires were brutal.
07:07All the Diddy stuff?
07:08I can't even keep up with it.
07:09Nor do I want to.
07:10No interest, yes, no interest in reading that.
07:14Yeah, so there you go.
07:14So he turned it into a bomb shelter, 57 million.
07:17Can you imagine having, buying a house,
07:2150 million dollar house,
07:22and then gutting it and never going to it?
07:26How does he have that?
07:27I don't understand, how does he have that much money still?
07:30Like, doesn't he just spend money like crazy?
07:33Does he still have all that Yeezy money?
07:35Probably, but, you know,
07:36that kind of wealth begets more wealth.
07:39I mean, if you're not a complete moron,
07:40you can take a substantial amount of wealth
07:43and really grow that significantly.
07:48In these terms, like if you're on the DraftKings app,
07:51and I bet $5, I might only win 10,
07:55but if I bet 500, I can win 1,000.
07:58It's the same principle,
08:00where if you have that amount of wealth,
08:02you can gamble more of it,
08:03and gamble's maybe not the proper term,
08:07but it's just easier, I think.
08:09He's back on Twitter, too, I saw that.
08:11Kanye's on Twitter.
08:12Yeah, doing what?
08:14Literally, just like, he took a paparazzi photo of himself
08:18in the airport and just posted it.
08:20It's like, 300,000 likes, it's like the only thing it does.
08:23Whatever, enough of Kanye.
08:24What did him and Kim Kardashian talk about?
08:27When the cameras weren't rolling.
08:28I think Kanye used to be normal.
08:29Thursday night, he walks in with the food from the kitchen,
08:32or they sit down, and they go, what do they talk about?
08:34I think what you said, I think behind,
08:36or removed from cameras, he was a fairly intelligent guy.
08:40He was normal, he was funny.
08:41He was friends with like Dave Chappelle,
08:43and I think fame just ruined him.
08:45He probably had mental illness,
08:45it just got like exacerbated.
08:47The clip of him and Mike Myers with the hurricane.
08:49Oh my God.
08:52Mike Myers goes like this, he's like,
08:54what the fuck do I do?
08:55That was like peak Mike Myers, too.
08:56I think that was like, gold number had just come out.
08:59Yeah, I'll say this, the last thing I'll say about his house,
09:03anyone's home, like, I don't care how much money you have.
09:07If it's your third home, or whatever,
09:09you should never celebrate that someone's home
09:13is being destroyed by an act of God,
09:16the way that these people's homes are being destroyed.
09:19I hate that.
09:20Hey man, they're rich, why don't you shut up?
09:22They don't care about their things?
09:24Yeah, exactly, that's annoying.
09:27Uneducated idiots.
09:30What's that?
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10:30Shout out Cella Blue, shout out Big Cat.
10:32And shout out Dana White, who had a call
10:36with government officials in Rome
10:38to try and make a fight between Elon Musk
10:40and Mark Zuckerberg happen at the Coliseum.
10:44And he talked about this on part in my take,
10:46I think you remember, I think it was in the fall or spring,
10:49once Zuckerberg started trading MMA.
10:51Zuckerberg is also kind of hot now, which is weird.
10:56Elon said he could kick his ass, they wanted to fight,
10:58obviously never happened, thoughts?
11:01Do you see Dana White transitioning
11:03to politics down the road?
11:05He already is, I feel like he's kind of behind the scenes
11:07a little bit.
11:08Well, like being elected, yeah, I guess like elected,
11:11or like, yeah, I don't know, I feel like
11:13that's the natural path with these guys.
11:15I mean, it'd be fun, like if you're,
11:17Dana, I feel like his business is running itself.
11:19If you're bored, why wouldn't you become
11:21one of the most powerful people in the world?
11:23Once you have money, what's left, power?
11:25That's what we say, I've always said though,
11:27I think the scariest thing is when people
11:29with a lot of money and time on their hands
11:30get involved in politics,
11:32because then how can you really care?
11:35And I think what we're seeing in the last decade
11:38and a half or so is that you're getting these people
11:41who it's almost like a game,
11:43and it's just like, how much power can I get?
11:45And you're losing out on what a traditional politician
11:49used to be like decades ago,
11:51someone who would actually be a voice for people,
11:53and I don't want to get too deep into politics,
11:55but I get weary of people with a lot of money.
11:58And now Elon's trying to do,
12:00he's influencing the elections in Europe.
12:04It's crazy.
12:04Also kind of weird, like,
12:06well, I'm going to get into politics,
12:07or like, why would you want to go to more meetings?
12:09And get more people yelling at you.
12:13And do more work.
12:15There has to be something we're missing,
12:17because we all say, if I had $10 million,
12:20you'll never see me again.
12:22These guys have $500 billion,
12:23and they want to be seen even more.
12:25It's just boredom.
12:26Dude, this new world order, Illuminati stuff,
12:29must go crazy.
12:30I think it's narcissism to a degree as well.
12:32But yeah, why sit in more conference calls?
12:36Yeah, but you're not getting, like,
12:37at that level, you're not sitting in conference calls.
12:39You have someone tell you, like,
12:40the ultimate high level, here's what's happening,
12:42and then you let it trickle down.
12:43Yeah, but I think you're-
12:44I guess you just want to know about aliens existing
12:47in JFK files so badly.
12:48I think you've got to go to appearances too, weirdly.
12:51Like, or you got to, I don't know.
12:53I would want to, I'd be on a golf course.
12:55At a million.
12:56That's probably not retirable money,
12:58but I'd be like, yeah, I'm retired at a million.
13:00And then, like, two years later,
13:01I'd be like, hey, I got to come back.
13:03It would be like, you're an idiot.
13:05It is what it is.
13:06I think, yeah, I would try to retire at a million dollars.
13:09I think it's just-
13:10I would try to.
13:11A million?
13:11Dude, you can't retire at a million.
13:13Seven kids.
13:14I don't know.
13:15A million?
13:16You're retiring?
13:17Where are you going to move?
13:18You're not going to be living in New York on that?
13:19No, I would pick probably a shitty place in Jersey.
13:22Oh, so not even, like, way out South?
13:24As if Jersey's, like, super affordable.
13:26Yeah, maybe I'd go to, you're right,
13:28South Carolina, maybe, or something.
13:29That's even.
13:30Maybe Mississippi.
13:33I couldn't do that.
13:34I could do Alabama.
13:35I got friends down in Alabama.
13:36I could do Alabama.
13:37There you go.
13:39I do want to see this fight, though.
13:42I don't think I want to see this fight.
13:43I do!
13:44Zuckerberg is-
13:45Okay, well, Musk is a fat guy now.
13:47Or no, he's on Ozempic.
13:48Yeah, Musk is-
13:49He's a big guy.
13:50I've seen him in person, like,
13:51from, like, somewhat of a distance.
13:54He's a guy.
13:55He's a big dude.
13:56Imagine Zuck, like, trying to get too technical
13:57and just, like, bludgeoning him in the head.
14:00What was the story?
14:00Dave loves the story.
14:01Zuckerberg had made the writer a traction
14:05that he was grunting, he wasn't whimpering.
14:06Yes, yeah.
14:07Something like that.
14:08These guys are fucking whack jobs.
14:11Yeah, it's weird.
14:12It is a little bit disconcerting, though,
14:14having a guy that rich be in government.
14:15But also, it's like, okay, it's like an oligarchy,
14:19Rich people and money have influence
14:22in elections and politics forever.
14:24It's just come in the form of lobbyists and corporations.
14:26You're right.
14:27Now we're seeing it transparent where,
14:28no, this is just a guy.
14:29It's just in our face now.
14:30It's always happened.
14:31It's always been behind the scenes,
14:33and now we're just seeing it up close and personal.
14:36Well, it's a shame, Conce.
14:37You're not gonna be able to talk about this on ZeroBlog.
14:39The end of an era.
14:41As of right now, today-
14:42We did it as a stream.
14:45No, because that's not what happened.
14:46Nate wants Pat to say,
14:48Conce, quit ZBTS.
14:49That's not what happened.
14:50Go listen to the episode,
14:51and I'm not talking out of pocket here.
14:53Chaps made the decision that the show had run its course,
14:57and it was time for him to walk away,
14:59and he said it really wasn't a decision made by me or Kate.
15:03It was him, and this is where we're at.
15:05I mean, great run, I think.
15:08Eight and a half years.
15:09It was the third longest.
15:11What were the two you were behind?
15:13Pardon My Take and KFC Radio.
15:16When did you start?
15:17September 2016.
15:19You're also behind Pick'Em.
15:20All right.
15:22Yeah, but did Pick'Em take a hiatus at some point?
15:26No, they love to tell that story, but,
15:28well, all right, put it this way.
15:30There was a time period in Pick'Em
15:31where podcasts were not necessarily a massive priority.
15:35Who was in office at the time?
15:40So there were times where Dave was traveling,
15:44and we would go weeks without it,
15:45but it was still a running podcast.
15:47Debuted in 2013.
15:48Okay, all right.
15:49Well, podcasts, maybe I'll say, as we know them,
15:52are longest.
15:53Top five, inarguably top five,
15:55depending on what lens you look through,
15:58but 644 episodes, so many.
16:01You think about in eight and a half years,
16:03everything that's come and gone at Barstool,
16:05and we endured all of that,
16:08all the different topics that we tackled,
16:11the guests that we were able to have,
16:16the places we went.
16:18It's also a super niche thing.
16:20Yeah, right.
16:20If you told me, all right, we're in a pitch meeting,
16:23like, we're gonna do this for,
16:24it's geared towards veterans and people in the military,
16:27and things like that, it's like,
16:28all right, how long can that run?
16:29I don't know if it runs eight and a half years.
16:30I mean, eventually you will get a lot out of it, right?
16:33Well, and then Chaps even said that on the episode.
16:36Dave said, you know,
16:37do you think there's enough there to talk about
16:39beyond like a year?
16:40And Chaps said, yeah, I think so,
16:42in, you know, eight and a half years.
16:45Really proud of what we did
16:47and the product that we put out there.
16:51And it was a lot of fun.
16:52I'm gonna miss doing it.
16:53I am going to continue doing something.
16:57I don't know what that is yet.
16:59This all just came about very suddenly.
17:02This is not like-
17:03Zero blog 40?
17:04Yeah, zero blog 40, as I am now 40 years old.
17:08We didn't, it's not like we knew this three months ago
17:10and we were on a retirement tour.
17:12Like, this all came about very suddenly.
17:14So I'm gonna figure out what that is
17:15because the fact of the matter is
17:18with the direction the country is going,
17:20the direction our military is going,
17:22I don't think there's gonna be any shortage
17:24of topics to discuss in the military world,
17:27political world,
17:28and it's not gonna become overly political,
17:30but there's gonna be stories that bear commenting.
17:33And then I still think there are veterans out there
17:36who need help, who need a platform and a voice.
17:38And there's so many stories we still haven't told.
17:40So I'm gonna keep it going.
17:42How, I don't know, but it's gonna keep going.
17:45I have some ideas.
17:46I appreciate all the nice messages
17:49from everyone on social media, privately, DMs.
17:54Is Kate gonna do it with you?
17:55No, Kate is going to do her thing on the Yak
17:58and anything else.
17:59Chaps now has Drop a Pin with Donnie.
18:03Yeah, so it's crazy to think,
18:06and I wrote a blog about it.
18:08I kind of just thought it would go forever
18:11maybe a little bit,
18:12because who's gonna come out of nowhere
18:14and tell you, the veterans,
18:16that you gotta stop doing your show.
18:20It's tough to talk about the same thing.
18:24I get it's different,
18:25but it's like how many times can you be like-
18:27Well, and that's what we said too.
18:28It's kind of funny that a lot of stories
18:31were just some variation of themselves.
18:33And we kind of have told, exhausted all our stories.
18:36So that's why maybe introducing some new people
18:39might bring a new angle to everything.
18:43So I'm excited for that.
18:45And obviously I have a lot of opinions.
18:48I don't wanna stop talking.
18:50I'm gonna keep it going in some form or fashion.
18:53All right, well-
18:54But thank you to Chaps and Kate.
18:55Thank you to Dave.
18:56Thank you to anybody who listened.
18:58I appreciate you.
18:59Good run.
18:59Hell of a run.
19:02Who had, whose run came to an end last night
19:05on Surviving Barstool?
19:07Eegs, Keegs.
19:09Crying Kelly Keegs.
19:11The run came to an end last night.
19:13You had arguably one of the best
19:17accidental strategic moves in the history of surviving.
19:20Yeah, I've gone back.
19:21Dave said it was a good play.
19:22I actually don't think it was a good play.
19:23I think the right play is to hide
19:27and try to put all the votes on you
19:28and then have Rhea flush the idol.
19:31Or she doesn't play it
19:32and goes home with an idol in her pocket.
19:34I do think if-
19:36I think that's easy to say hindsight 2020.
19:38Sitting here in a calm environment
19:40or at your house last night, watching it back.
19:43Because I think people also have to remind themselves
19:46this all happened over the course of what,
19:47five or six days?
19:48Yeah, you only get like 35 minutes in between.
19:51I'm very mad at myself for one,
19:52giving up the info,
19:53getting absolutely bullied by-
19:54Yeah, let's bring it back to that real quick.
19:56So you found the idol in the popcorn machine
19:58and then you told Dave, obviously,
20:00that's your guy, that's your idol.
20:02And then you walk into the kitchen
20:03and you were flip-flopping with Keegs.
20:05I have the idol, I don't.
20:06And then they just surrounded you.
20:07Yeah, they just fucking bullied me.
20:08And you gave up the info.
20:09And the credit to the editors,
20:10they keep putting in like,
20:11it's a man's game, like every five seconds.
20:13Like, oh, they might as well just put old,
20:15like an old takes exposed tweet on there, but.
20:17Also, how is Mubi still in the game?
20:19I feel like she hasn't even played.
20:20She's just kind of there.
20:22It's almost like-
20:23I love Mubi.
20:24It's a microcosm for this country sometimes
20:27when people can just fail upwards.
20:28Like, and not that she, she didn't,
20:31she didn't fail.
20:32She didn't fail so much as she kind of just like,
20:36went along to get along.
20:37And she always just kind of buddied up
20:39to who she needed to buddy up with in this entire show.
20:42She's not invested.
20:43Like, she's like, okay, yeah, I'll do this, I'll do this.
20:45And it's worked.
20:47That might be a good strategy.
20:48She's not top of mind for anybody.
20:50And maybe she's doing this all on purpose
20:52and I'm just like an idiot.
20:54But I also think to your point,
20:57given the nature of the game, close quarters,
21:02everything's happening, boom, boom, boom, back to back.
21:05You almost have to use the tactic of,
21:08I'm gonna push people to make decisions
21:10when I know their brain is fried,
21:12when I know they're stressed out
21:13and try to force them into a corner.
21:16But that, I feel like that would back,
21:17that's what I would do.
21:18And then that would then backfire on me.
21:22But I think with a lot of these people,
21:24that's what you have to do is just force them to a decision
21:27because what we're seeing through all the emotion
21:30that you're seeing is that
21:32it's taking a mental toll on people.
21:35And everybody knows when you're in that state of mind,
21:37especially my guy knows.
21:39He goes, don't touch me.
21:40You can't, you can't necessarily,
21:43you can't necessarily think straight.
21:45Don't touch me.
21:46It goes right into his face.
21:47You can't think straight.
21:48So I think you gotta try to force people's hands.
21:50Yeah, there's that scene where like
21:51Rhea's having a breakdown
21:52and I'm just sitting there like this.
21:53Oh my God, the breakdowns were insane.
21:55Even then I'm like, just like a minute at a time.
21:59There's also the scene where it looks like
22:00I walked into like a murder in the girl's bunk
22:03and I'm like, are you guys all right?
22:04And then I turn around and walk.
22:06I know I go like this.
22:07I'm like, yeah, don't put anything on me.
22:09Like I'm out of here.
22:10He's a grandpa Simpson meme.
22:11Walks in.
22:13I'll see you in a minute.
22:14He just looked up at the GoPro and was like.
22:15They were so emotional.
22:16It was like, I don't want to catch any heat here.
22:17Like I'm like, okay guys.
22:19I'm okay.
22:19No problem.
22:20I'm out of here.
22:21Like, I go to Dave.
22:22I'm like, I don't know what the hell's going on.
22:24And he's like, yeah, I know.
22:24So yeah.
22:25Dave's just betting on football.
22:28It was very funny.
22:29He was like, 46 yarder.
22:31It occurred to me just now though.
22:33Also like, obviously Dave has his position in the company
22:37and you know, people will make the argument
22:39they're not going to go against Dave because of who he is.
22:41But you also wonder, does Dave do well
22:45because he's endured everything that he has, you know
22:48just from a barstool perspective.
22:50It's almost like he is unflappable to all this stress
22:53that I just talked about.
22:54He doesn't get bothered by all that nonsense.
22:57And because he's unbothered
22:58he can continue to think straight.
23:00So it's not worth going after him
23:02because he's going to out think you.
23:03Yeah. He doesn't have, he also doesn't have like
23:05day-to-day problems that he's checking in with back home.
23:08You know what I mean?
23:09He also has unlimited, he also has unlimited money.
23:11I was playing the game and I'm also getting updates
23:13of home of like, yeah, we got this problem.
23:15The car did this, this, that, like house is leaking.
23:17I think that he wants to, I think he wants to win
23:21more than other people wanted the 250K.
23:25Like that's why I think it evens out.
23:26All right.
23:27So tonight, 8 p.m. Rumble, other streaming platforms.
23:30And then tomorrow is our finale.
23:33And reunion.
23:34And reunion.
23:35And a lot of feelings still hurt.
23:38A lot of people still upset.
23:39As Kirk Van Hane said, hate is priceless.
23:42Hate is priceless, put it on us.
23:43And we'll leave you with that.
23:44All right.
