• 2 months ago
Episod 779 My #QuranTime 2.0 Khamis 30 Januari 2025 Surah Hud (11: 23-26) Halaman 224

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Antara perkara penting yang dapat kita ambil dari Surah Hud ayat 23-26 halaman 224 ini adalah:
* Ganjaran bagi orang yang beriman, beramal soleh dan merendahkan diri kepada Allah (23)
* Perbandingan dua golongan melalui neraca pendengaran dan penglihatan (24)
* Pengutusan Nabi Nuh untuk memberi peringatan kepada kaumnya (25-26)

Tindakan yang boleh dilaksanakan daripada ayat 23-26 halaman 224:
* Rendahkan diri kepada Allah dengan melakukan ketaatan kepada-Nya (23)
* Gunakan pancaindera untuk meningkatkan keimanan kepada Allah (24)
* Beri peringatan kepada keluarga agar tidak terjerumus ke kancah dosa (25-26)

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My #QuranTime
World #QuranHour
00:00When we see in the Qur'an, related to punishment or punishment, Allah also gives good news about people who believe and do good deeds.
00:28Let's follow the good news in this episode.
00:58In the name of of Allah the Merciful, the Compassionate, the Compassionate.
01:28Those are the companions of Paradise, they will abide therein.
01:58Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
02:01How are you, ladies and gentlemen?
02:04We meet again in My Qur'an Time, Qur'an Salat Imfah.
02:06This time, together we are experiencing 4 verses.
02:09Verses 23, 24, 25, and 26 from Surah Hudah, the 11th Surah.
02:14The Surah that gives guidance to be on the straight path.
02:16We want to find guidance on how to be consistent in our lives for the sake of goodness,
02:22and not to fall and stumble in the middle of our journey to the straight path.
02:27This time, we are together with Al-Fadhil Ustaz Tirmidhi Ali.
02:31Alhamdulillah. How are you?
02:33Alhamdulillah. We are together today to continue 4 more verses.
02:364 more verses.
02:38Together with our companion, Istiqomah.
02:41Yes, Alhamdulillah. With Istiqomah.
02:43Together with us and also we are preparing for the second episode.
02:48Yesterday, he was also with us.
02:50Tomorrow, we are together with Perak, from Teluk Intan Perak.
02:54That is from the Qur'an in my heart.
02:57Hopefully, the Qur'an will always be in my heart.
03:00From the complete book, Teluk Intan Perak.
03:03How are you, Perak? We are together again.
03:05We are together.
03:06Continue to be passionate with the Qur'an.
03:08God willing.
03:09God willing.
03:10Be passionate.
03:11Be passionate.
03:12God willing.
03:13I also want to ask.
03:14Is there anyone who is following from the first Qur'an Time?
03:20The first Qur'an Time.
03:21The first.
03:22The first.
03:23It was during PKP.
03:24Not many are following.
03:25There are.
03:26Raise your hand.
03:27Yes, there are.
03:28During PKP.
03:29It was in the beginning.
03:30This is the second season.
03:32Hopefully, Allah will give us knowledge and wisdom to continue the journey with the Qur'an.
03:38Glory be to Allah.
03:39I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah.
03:42And I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger.
03:44And I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger.
04:04Thank you, Ustaz Mazrul.
04:05Dear viewers and friends,
04:07we are going to live
04:08the story of Prophet Noah.
04:09We are going to live
04:10the story of Prophet Noah.
04:11We are going to live
04:12the story of Prophet Noah.
04:13We are going to live
04:14the story of Prophet Noah.
04:15We are going to live
04:16the story of Prophet Noah.
04:17We are going to live
04:18the story of Prophet Noah.
04:19We are going to live
04:20the story of Prophet Noah.
04:21We are going to live
04:22the story of Prophet Noah.
04:23We are going to live
04:24the story of Prophet Noah.
04:25We are going to live
04:26the story of Prophet Noah.
04:27We are going to live
04:28the story of Prophet Noah.
04:29We are going to live
04:30the story of Prophet Noah.
04:31We are going to live
04:32the story of Prophet Noah.
04:33We are going to live
04:34the story of Prophet Noah.
04:35These four verses,
04:3623 to 26,
04:37are for us to understand
04:38the Quran series.
04:40Let us live
04:42these verses together.
04:43I seek refuge with God from the shaitan.
04:45In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
04:53Indeed, those who have believed and done righteous deeds and humbly submitted themselves to their Lord,
05:06those are the companions of Paradise. They will abide therein eternally.
05:28The likeness of the two parties is like the blind and the deaf and the seeing and the hearing.
05:41Are they equal in likeness? Will you not, then, take heed?
05:52And indeed We sent Noah to his people. Indeed, I am to you a clear warner
06:09That you worship none but Allah.
06:29Indeed, I fear for you the punishment of a painful Day.
06:59Indeed, those who have believed and done righteous deeds and humbly submitted themselves to their Lord,
07:26Those who have believed and done righteous deeds and humbly submitted themselves to their Lord,
07:54Those who have believed and done righteous deeds and humbly submitted themselves to their Lord,
08:21Those who have believed and done righteous deeds and humbly submitted themselves to their Lord,
08:42Those who have believed and done righteous deeds and humbly submitted themselves to their Lord,
09:09Those who have believed and done righteous deeds and humbly submitted themselves to their Lord,
09:32Those who have believed and done righteous deeds and humbly submitted themselves to their Lord,
10:01Those who have believed and done righteous deeds and humbly submitted themselves to their Lord,
10:31Those who have believed and done righteous deeds and humbly submitted themselves to their Lord,
11:01Those who have believed and done righteous deeds and humbly submitted themselves to their Lord,
11:31Those who have believed and done righteous deeds and humbly submitted themselves to their Lord,
12:01Those who have believed and done righteous deeds and humbly submitted themselves to their Lord,
12:31Those who have believed and done righteous deeds and humbly submitted themselves to their Lord,
12:51Those who have believed and done righteous deeds and humbly submitted themselves to their Lord,
13:14Those who have believed and done righteous deeds and humbly submitted themselves to their Lord,
13:44Those who have believed and done righteous deeds and humbly submitted themselves to their Lord,
14:14Those who have believed and done righteous deeds and humbly submitted themselves to their Lord,
14:42Those who have believed and done righteous deeds and humbly submitted themselves to their Lord,
15:09Those who have believed and done righteous deeds and humbly submitted themselves to their Lord,
15:33The likeness of the two groups is like the blind and the deaf and the seeing and the hearing,
15:54Are they equal in likeness? Then will you not be mindful?
16:24Then will you not be mindful?
16:54Are they equal in likeness? Then will you not be mindful?
17:24Are they equal in likeness? Then will you not be mindful?
17:44Are they equal in likeness? Then will you not be mindful?
18:14Are they equal in likeness? Then will you not be mindful?
18:44Then will you not be mindful? Then will you not be mindful?
19:11Then will you not be mindful? Then will you not be mindful?
19:39Then will you not be mindful? Then will you not be mindful?
20:04Then will you not be mindful? Then will you not be mindful?
20:34Then will you not be mindful? Then will you not be mindful?
20:49Then will you not be mindful? Then will you not be mindful?
21:12Then will you not be mindful? Then will you not be mindful?
21:42Then will you not be mindful? Then will you not be mindful?
22:12Then will you not be mindful? Then will you not be mindful?
22:27Then will you not be mindful? Then will you not be mindful?
22:47Then will you not be mindful? Then will you not be mindful?
23:17That's bintamay Qur'an time.
23:18Qur'an, Salah, infah, wa akhirah.
23:47That's bintamay Qur'an time.
24:07That's bintamay Qur'an time.
24:34Do you have another hadith?
24:37The second one is the mentality of some of our society...
24:43...that believes that on the night of 27th Ramadhan, ...
24:49...the soul will return.
24:53Or on Ramadhan, the souls that have passed away, ...
24:56...return to their homes to see their children.
25:02This is also not true.
25:05Sometimes, some of our society provides a platform.
25:12If it's to show the way, it's okay.
25:15But if it's to believe, there is such a belief, ...
25:19...that for the angels to easily come, ...
25:22...or for the souls of our ancestors to return to their homes, ...
25:27...then this is not true.
25:29In fact, it contradicts the authentic hadith.
25:59Surah Al-Fatihah
26:29Surah Al-Fatihah
26:59Surah Al-Fatihah
27:09Surah Al-Fatihah
27:27Surah Al-Fatihah
27:42Surah Al-Fatihah
27:56Surah Al-Fatihah
28:10Surah Al-Fatihah
28:23Surah Al-Fatihah
28:44Surah Al-Fatihah
29:14Insha'Allah, we want to read the 25th verse.
29:17We've reached the 26th verse, right?
29:44Surah Al-Fatihah
30:14Surah Al-Fatihah
30:33Surah Al-Fatihah
30:34Surah Al-Fatihah
30:36Surah Al-Fatihah
30:42Surah Al-Fatihah
30:53Surah Al-Fatihah
30:59Surah Al-Fatihah
31:15Surah Al-Fatihah
31:16Surah Al-Fatihah
31:44Surah Al-Fatihah
32:13Surah Al-Fatihah
32:18Surah Al-Fatihah
32:28Surah Al-Fatihah
32:34Surah Al-Fatihah
33:01Surah Al-Fatihah
33:13Surah Al-Fatihah
33:29Surah Al-Fatihah
33:58Surah Al-Fatihah
34:19Surah Al-Fatihah
34:47Surah Al-Fatihah
34:52Surah Al-Fatihah
35:09Surah Al-Fatihah
35:21Surah Al-Fatihah
35:39Surah Al-Fatihah
35:51Surah Al-Fatihah
36:10Surah Al-Fatihah
36:25Surah Al-Fatihah
36:54Surah Al-Fatihah
37:23So, we made a mistake by being influenced by the letters before and after.
37:30Wallahu'alam, we want to take a break.
37:32After this, we will play Quran Time.
37:34Quran, Salat, Imfah.
37:52Quran, Salat, Imfah.
38:23Quran, Salat, Imfah.
38:25Quran, Salat, Imfah.
38:51Surah Al-Fatihah
39:18Surah Al-Fatihah
39:28Surah Al-Fatihah
39:50Surah Al-Fatihah
39:55Surah Al-Fatihah
40:05Surah Al-Fatihah
40:32Surah Al-Fatihah
40:46Surah Al-Fatihah
41:14Surah Al-Fatihah
41:43Surah Al-Fatihah
42:12Surah Al-Fatihah
42:17Surah Al-Fatihah
42:47Surah Al-Fatihah
43:16Surah Al-Lazim, verse 26, is the message that was conveyed by Prophet Noah.
43:21Allah ta'budu illallah
43:23So that you do not worship except Allah.
43:26This is the repetition of the second verse from Surah Hud.
43:32And later we will see in the story of Prophet Hud and other prophets,
43:35the message is the same.
43:37Only it is in a different time by a different person.
43:42As a reference or guidance to Prophet Muhammad,
43:45the message is the same.
43:46A different person at a different time.
43:48And the message to us,
43:50we must always remind ourselves and our family members,
43:54do not worship, do not worship except Allah.
43:59Do not associate partners with Allah.
44:01It's the same.
44:02Inni akhawfu alaikum adha biyaumin alim
44:05That is, I am truly afraid of you, punishment on a peaceful day.
44:10So, when we remind ourselves not to associate partners with Allah,
44:13to always worship only Allah,
44:16it is because we do not want to be punished at that moment.
44:19That is his message with full of love.
44:22He did not say that I am definitely heaven.
44:25So that's why you are hell.
44:27That's it, follow me.
44:28Not like that.
44:29But actually, because I do not want you,
44:32even a little bit, to be hurt or punished by Allah,
44:36just like me.
44:37And I do faith, good deeds and good deeds,
44:40I also want you to have faith, do good deeds and good deeds,
44:44and humble yourself to Allah.
44:46Because people who do not humble themselves,
44:48are the ones who are willing to associate partners with Allah.
44:51Sometimes they ask from the source of jinn
44:54to protect the house,
44:56for the construction.
44:57Even when they enter the office, they use jinn.
44:59Sometimes the students are bullied,
45:02they look for a jinn,
45:04the jinn also uses jinn to solve the problem.
45:07After that, jinn over jinn.
45:09Jinn over jinn.
45:10So that's why, be careful, ladies and gentlemen.
45:12If there are issues at home,
45:15if you want to ask for help,
45:17if there is anyone, jinn or ustaz,
45:19check first.
45:20Check first,
45:21what he brought,
45:22is it a vision or a healing
45:25that really came from the Quran and Sunnah?
45:27Or sometimes,
45:28I met someone,
45:29he said it was a verse from the Quran,
45:30but he wrote it upside down.
45:31He wrote it upside down,
45:32then he wrote it from top to bottom,
45:33then he shook it,
45:34put it in water,
45:35the water he asked to drink or take a bath.
45:37So we know that,
45:38that is not a practice from
45:40the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad SAW.
45:44So Prophet Noah said,
45:46I do not want,
45:47I am afraid,
45:48I am afraid,
45:49you will receive a painful punishment
45:52as a sign of great love
45:55from Prophet Noah SAW.
45:58And what we will notice later,
45:59we will read,
46:00when we continue,
46:01the story of Prophet Noah in this surah is very long.
46:05there are more verses
46:07from the surah itself.
46:08What is it about?
46:09It is about Prophet Noah,
46:11the story is long in Surah Hud,
46:14compared to Surah Nuh later.
46:16What is the topic of this surah?
46:18Do you still remember?
46:19The topic of this surah is
46:22When it comes to Istiqamah,
46:23even though the message is the same,
46:26but it is 950 years long.
46:30It means that it is long.
46:31Every day,
46:32that is the work of Prophet Noah,
46:33he taught people to worship Allah
46:35in various ways.
46:36And when he taught,
46:38it was not covered with red carpets,
46:41with rose flowers,
46:42or mawa flowers.
46:43No, no, no.
46:44It was given as a barrier
46:48from those who were there,
46:50those who were stubborn,
46:51and so on,
46:52as a recommendation to Prophet Muhammad,
46:54to us,
46:55to continue working.
46:57And if there is a barrier,
46:58it is not a sign for us to stop,
47:00but for us to stop
47:02when we reach heaven,
47:04then we can stop.
47:05As long as we do not reach heaven,
47:08then continue the struggle.
47:09And people who read the Quran,
47:11it is not possible for them
47:12to sit and stop reading the Quran,
47:16and then go to the market
47:18to eat fish.
47:19Not only that,
47:20you can go and eat fish,
47:22but the point is,
47:23the fish,
47:24when there is a lot of fish,
47:25do a gathering,
47:26teach people to understand the Quran again,
47:28that is the best way
47:30to take the Sunnah,
47:32the struggle,
47:33from Prophet Noah,
47:34peace be upon him.
47:35I will bring it to a resolution
47:36for this episode.
47:37Let us see.
47:38The first is,
47:40humble yourself to Allah
47:41by obeying Him,
47:43and whatever good we do,
47:45we must remember,
47:46it comes from Allah,
47:48not our strength.
47:49That is the first.
47:50The second is,
47:51use the Pacha Indra
47:52to increase your faith in Allah,
47:54our ears,
47:55our eyes.
47:56The third is,
47:57remind your family
47:58so that you do not fall into sin.
48:01And this is what was stated,
48:04reminded by Prophet Noah.
48:06we can join with Prophet Noah
48:08when we reach the hereafter of Allah.
48:12Let us pray.
48:39And O Allah,
48:40grant us the goodness of the hereafter,
48:42O Allah.
48:43Make the verses of the Quran
48:44that we read,
48:45truly enter into our hearts,
48:47our souls,
48:48O Allah.
48:49And grant us the strength
48:50to act upon it,
48:51O Allah.
48:52And forgive all our sins,
48:53O Allah.
48:54Make our affairs easy,
48:55O Allah.
48:56Make our bodies healthy,
48:57O Allah.
48:58Bless our lives,
48:59O Allah.
49:00Our age,
49:01O Allah.
49:02Our family,
49:03O Allah.
49:04And whatever you give us,
49:05O Allah,
49:06bless us,
49:08O Lord of the worlds,
49:09Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.
49:11And praise be to Allah,
49:12Lord of the worlds.
49:13Ameen, Ameen.
49:14O Lord of the worlds,
49:16Allah will accept our prayers today.
49:17Dear travellers,
49:18and those who are in the studio,
49:19at home,
49:20we ask Allah to accept our deeds
49:23for today.
49:24We invite you,
49:25I invite you to join us
49:26in Tabung Gerakan Al-Quran,
49:27to contribute,
49:28throughout the day,
49:29as one of our sincerity
49:32to support the effort
49:34to convey the message
49:36of revelation from Allah.
49:38Your contributions are greatly appreciated,
49:40and hopefully,
49:41it will become a foundation
49:43in life,
49:44a pillar
49:45when we reach the hereafter
49:46in front of Allah.
49:49we will meet again
49:50in the next episode,
49:51when Prophet Noah
49:52spoke to his people,
49:54how did his people respond
49:56as a guide
49:57in our daily lives.
49:59Mike Quran Time,
