• 2 months ago
Episod 775 My #QuranTime 2.0 Ahad 26 Januari 2025 Surah Hud (11: 13-15) Halaman 223

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Antara perkara penting yang dapat kita ambil dari Surah Hud ayat 13-15 halaman 223 ini adalah:
* Cabaran Allah terhadap golongan yang memperolokkan al-Quran (13)
* Bukti bahawa al-Quran adalah sebuah kitab suci daripada Allah SWT (14)
* Penjelasan tentang orang yang beramal hanya untuk dunia dan kenikmatannya (15)

Tindakan yang boleh dilaksanakan daripada ayat 13-15 halaman 223:
* Buktikan keyakinan tentang kebenaran al-Quran dengan mengamalkannya (13)
* Berserah diri kepada Allah SWT setelah melihat bukti kebijaksanaan-Nya (14)
* Bersederhana dalam mencintai nikmat dunia yang sementara (15)

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World #QuranHour


00:17Yet the me I yet surah the missurah
00:19Juzu the me Juzu kita Bacha setiap waktu setiap masa dalam kid up on kita apakah kita pernah bosan
00:27Attapun apakah jika kita berkumpul satu dunia berkumpul untuk membuat
00:33Attapun menciptakan hanya satu ayat daripada al-quran bolehkah attapun tidak
00:39Inilah antara yang kedikasihkan dalam episode kali ini dalam my quran time
00:57Oh Lord of the worlds
01:15I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan
01:18I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan
01:49I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan
02:11Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu
02:13Abdullah salatu asalamu ala rasulillah waalaihi wa manuala
02:15shayadahillah ilallah shayadana muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh
02:19Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala alihi wa sahbihi ajma'in
02:23amma ba'du
02:24Apa khabar tentara perempuan yang dirahmati Allah sekalian
02:26Kita bertemu dalam my quran time, quran salatimfa.
02:28Kepada hari ini, sama-sama kita ingin mendalami 3 ayat, ayat 13, 14, dan 15
02:34Daripada surah yang ke-11 surah Hud
02:36Yang membekalkan panduan bagaimana kita ingin istiqamah dalam kehidupan kita
02:41how it was shown to us by the Prophets
02:44and today we are going to read
02:47together with Al-Fadl Al-Ustaz and Miryam Abdul Rahman
02:50Alhamdulillah Al-Fadl Al-Ustaz, how are you today?
02:53Alhamdulillah, I am well
02:56Alhamdulillah, I am well
02:59Alhamdulillah, I am well
03:02Alhamdulillah, I am well
03:05Alhamdulillah, I am well
03:08In the beginning, we have to accept that it belongs to Allah
03:12that is the most important thing
03:14because if we are lazy, in the end we have to go and take medicine
03:18we haven't finished taking the medicine, do you want to take another medicine?
03:21because we are lazy
03:24and humans are hasty
03:26so we have to be calm
03:29and know that it belongs to Allah
03:31Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajim
03:34so we have to take the medicine
03:40let's read together
03:43in the presence of our friend Hijau Gemilau
03:47Subhanallah, eating durian on the roof
03:50how are you, people of Kampar?
03:53we want to read
03:55Ahlan wa sahlan wa marhaban
03:58let's read
04:01Masjid Jamek Air Kuning Kampar
04:04Darul Ridwan
04:05Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
04:11you are still breathing
04:13it's been 3 days
04:16Istiqamah, right?
04:18with Al-Quran
04:19at home, you came here
04:21that is the spirit that was shown by our Istiqamah friends
04:29we are back again with Istiqamah today
04:31at home as well
04:32let's pray together
04:33so that Allah will continue to grant us the knowledge of wisdom
04:37ilmalana illa ma'allam tana
04:39innaka antal alimul hakim
04:41rabbi zidni ilma
04:45let's read together
04:46what is the summary of the 3 verses today
04:49that is in the 13th verse
04:51Allah's challenge to the group that
04:54is followed in the 14th verse
04:56Proof that Al-Quran is a holy book from Allah SWT
05:00and then in the 15th verse
05:02Explanation of people who act only for the world and its pleasure
05:07let's read together
05:08we read these 3 verses
05:10led by Al-Fadhil Ustaz Tirmizi
05:12Thank you Fadhil Ustaz Fadhilullah
05:13Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
05:14Alhamdulillah Rabbil Alameen
05:16Wassalatu wassalamu ala Rasulillah Al-Ameen
05:18Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala alihi wasallam wa ajma'in
05:20Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammad
05:22wa ala alihi rasulillah wa ala mohammad
05:24Rabbi zidni ilma wa razukni fahim ya rabb
05:26Ladies and gentlemen
05:28Muslim and non-Muslim
05:29my friends in Quran time
05:31friends of Al-Quran
05:32May Allah SWT bless you
05:33Alhamdulillah, today we are in page 223
05:37At the beginning we are going to read 3 verses above
05:39page 13,14,15
05:44So for the beginning let's repeat
05:46we read together
05:48starting with Taranun Bayyati
05:51How do you say it in Arabic?
05:55One more time?
05:59Let's try
06:21And call on whom you can besides Allah, if you are truthful.
06:43So if they do not respond to you, then know that what has been revealed is by the knowledge of Allah, and that there is no god but He.
07:11And that there is no god but He. So are you Muslims?
07:27Whoever desires the life of this world and its adornment, We will repay to them their deeds therein, and they therein.
07:56And they therein. Allah Almighty has spoken the truth.
08:26Allah Almighty has spoken the truth.
08:56The Prophet is a warner, a reminder, not to overcome all the challenges.
09:04What is the lesson?
09:06That is, if someone challenges us, we have to respond. We have to surrender to Allah.
09:11And more than that, they say,
09:14They say that what the Prophet brought, the Quran, is a revelation.
09:23So if someone accuses the Prophet of bringing a revelation, that is, a person can bring a revelation of the Quran,
09:30then Allah teaches the Prophet how to deal, how to interact with such a person,
09:36that is, bring 10 surahs that are the same as it.
09:43The idea is that if someone challenges you, you don't have to fight back.
09:58So if someone challenges you, you don't have to fight back.
10:03So they say that you are a liar.
10:05What you brought, the revelation that you brought, the Prophet immediately conveyed the revelation.
10:09Iftar as a form of recitation.
10:13So if it is a form of recitation, if I can do it, those who are not educated can do it,
10:19you who are smart, bring 10 surahs.
10:22So Allah teaches that technique so that if you accuse,
10:28that is, I who am weak can do it, you can do more.
10:32That is why in this life, whoever accuses has to bring evidence.
10:36Whoever accuses has to bring evidence, not the one who is accused.
10:39If someone is accused of doing this and that,
10:42okay, the one who is accused, please bring evidence.
10:44That is the principle of the court as well.
10:46What causes them to argue?
10:50And we have to understand that surah 6, surah Al-An'am, surah 7 Al-Araf,
10:55then we have surah Al-Makiyah, which is surah 10 Yunus, surah Hud.
11:00The beginning of this Al-Quran is surah Al-Makiyah,
11:04which descends at the end of the prophethood in Mecca.
11:07If we read Juz Amma, Juz 2930,
11:10those are the surahs that descend at the beginning of the prophethood.
11:14There are many stories about the hereafter.
11:16So that is why if we read the verses at the beginning of Al-Makiyah in Al-Quran,
11:20the argument is very hard or strong.
11:24Because not long after that,
11:27they are ready to receive the punishment from Allah SWT.
11:31We will take a short break.
11:32My Quran Time.
11:33Quran, Salat, Infah.
11:34God Willing.
11:54In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
11:57Peace be upon you.
11:59In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
12:16In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
12:22Do you want to fill up the Quran in My Quran Time?
12:27Every day at 12.30pm on TV9 and Astro 149.
12:34Quran, Salat, Infah.
14:47Welcome back to My Quran Time, Quran, Salat, Infah.
14:49Let's take a look at verses 13-15 from Surah Hud,
14:53which gives us guidance on how to be steadfast.
14:56In the 13th verse, Allah taught the Prophet,
15:00taught us,
15:01if someone accuses us and we want to be steadfast,
15:05the way is to tell him,
15:07you accused me, right?
15:09Give me proof.
15:10That's it.
15:11Don't fight.
15:12Don't argue.
15:14We also want to prove that this is true.
15:19This came from Allah.
15:20We preach to him.
15:21He still says,
15:22it's not true.
15:23It's a lie.
15:25It's not like that.
15:26We reply by saying,
15:28if you accuse me of lying,
15:30or making up this Quran,
15:32there is no connection,
15:33there is no exaggeration,
15:34then try to do the same thing.
15:37And in human history,
15:39in the history of the Quran,
15:41some were asked to make one surah.
15:45Some were asked to make up to 10 surahs.
15:47Some were asked to make up the whole Quran.
15:50None of this is possible to be answered
15:54or accepted by any individual,
15:57even if they are educated in the world of Arabic,
16:01in the world of art itself.
16:04How do we know about this?
16:06Verse 14 gives us a clue,
16:09the answer is,
16:10the reality of this challenge
16:12is not possible to happen
16:14in the course of time,
16:16in the course of human life.
16:17Let's read verse 14,
16:18together with Fadhil Ustaz Tarmizi.
16:19Thank you, Fadhil Ustaz Fazlul,
16:21Ayn al-Rabonda,
16:22ladies and gentlemen,
16:25we want to read verse 14.
16:27I remember,
16:28there was a man who wanted to make up the Quran.
16:32He said,
16:33Muhammad today,
16:34what surah did he make up?
16:35Surah Al-Fil.
16:36Oh, I also have Surah Al-Fil.
16:39wa maa adrakam Al-Fil.
16:41Lahu khutumu tawil,
16:43wa lahu uzunaynin kabir.
16:45Is it about the elephant?
16:49he had long hair,
16:50had two big ears.
16:52That's what our children can tell,
16:54Ustaz Fazlul.
16:56he went to the zoo.
16:57People go to the zoo.
16:59the distance between Surah Al-Fil,
17:02which Allah has sent to the Prophet,
17:06The story about the army of elephants
17:08The Surah you just recited
17:11How about Taranum Jiharkah?
17:13Oh, Subhanallah
17:14Sometimes when we don't study the Qur'an properly
17:17We think this is a Surah
17:18The Imam is smoking, so we smoke
17:19If we read it
17:21Jiharkah, right?
17:23Let's try
17:34It's good
17:35It's good
17:36It's important to learn Arabic
17:37It's important to learn
17:38And most importantly
17:39It's important to listen to the Qur'an
17:41When we listen to it
17:42We think it's wrong
17:43It's not
17:44Musaylimah Al-Kadha
17:45Who created that verse
17:46It's good
17:47So the verse is?
17:50Let's try
17:52I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan
18:06Surah Al-Fatihah
18:36Surah Al-Fatiha
18:58Surah Al-Fatiha
19:00يَسْتَجِبُ لَكُمْ
19:30There has never been anyone who has been able to respond to the challenge.
19:42Throughout history, if we read this verse, in the next 30 years,
19:46this verse is the same.
19:47It means that until today,
19:49no one has been able to respond,
19:53to overcome the challenge,
19:54to produce 10 surahs.
19:56So, what is the way,
19:58when they have challenged the Prophet,
20:01the Prophet was taught verse 13,
20:02you bring the proof,
20:04and Allah said,
20:05if they are not able,
20:07don't feel excited,
20:09you want to go and hit them.
20:11Just tell them,
20:13Tell the Prophet Muhammad,
20:14to the Muslims,
20:15to the non-Muslims,
20:17to know the truth,
20:19what was revealed,
20:20that is the Quran,
20:21is with the knowledge of Allah.
20:23With the knowledge of Allah.
20:24That is the statement,
20:26to show that,
20:28with the knowledge of Allah,
20:30which is very wide,
20:31if we say we study science,
20:33there are people who go into the practice,
20:35we know,
20:36this knowledge is great.
20:38this knowledge is the knowledge of Allah,
20:40it is part of the content of the Quran.
20:43We see in practice,
20:44using a stethoscope,
20:45we see,
20:46like that.
20:47The knowledge that is there,
20:48if we study science,
20:52any subject,
20:54all of that is the knowledge of Allah,
20:55and the knowledge of Allah,
20:57is part of that,
20:59or it is the content of the Quran.
21:02when we say,
21:03الحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ
21:04Allah the Lord,
21:05who created,
21:06just now,
21:08what is this?
21:09I want to put it in.
21:10That was before,
21:11I did it like this.
21:12All of that,
21:13I remember,
21:14I did it like this,
21:15this is secular,
21:16this is western,
21:17but the chromosome,
21:18all of that,
21:19that is part of,
21:20the knowledge of Allah,
21:22which actually,
21:23the Muslims,
21:24or non-Muslims,
21:25they study,
21:26when they study that knowledge,
21:27they study the knowledge,
21:30who created that knowledge.
21:32They just study,
21:34for example,
21:35we go on a ship,
21:36the term buoyancy,
21:37the ship can,
21:38what is it,
21:39be on the water,
21:40it is not Einstein,
21:41or anyone,
21:42who tried to build,
21:43that theory.
21:44The theory,
21:45that formula,
21:46came from who?
21:48So, when we,
21:49if we say,
21:50there are our children,
21:51for example,
21:52they study engineering,
21:53or accounting,
21:54or whatever,
21:55they study the knowledge,
21:56up to Harvard,
21:57up to where,
21:59they study the knowledge,
22:00from where?
22:03They study,
22:07but actually,
22:08the source is from,
22:10which is supposed to,
22:11cause them to say,
22:13Rabbil Alamin.
22:14All praises to Allah,
22:15because the formula,
22:16is the same.
22:17If we say,
22:18gravity is 9.8,
22:19in meters per second,
22:20or 10 meters per second,
22:21per second per second,
22:22or tomorrow,
22:23it becomes 5 meters per second,
22:24per second,
22:25what happens,
22:26if it becomes 5 meters,
22:27per second,
22:28per second?
22:29If it comes,
22:30from Kampar,
22:31at 3 o'clock,
22:32it hasn't arrived yet,
22:33because the driver,
22:34is pressing the gas pedal,
22:35it doesn't move,
22:36because gravity,
22:38is 5 meters,
22:39per second,
22:40per second.
22:41If we say,
22:42it becomes 15 meters,
22:43per second,
22:44per second,
22:46it was 15,
22:47if it's 5,
22:48it means,
22:49that's why,
22:50there's one that flies,
22:51and one that doesn't move.
22:53in this 14th verse,
22:54Allah states,
22:56with the knowledge of Allah,
22:57wa alla ilaha illahu,
22:59and Allah,
23:00has no god,
23:01except Him,
23:02to show what?
23:03To show,
23:05only Allah,
23:07has the knowledge,
23:09describes in the Quran,
23:11fahal antum muslimun,
23:14who is very powerful,
23:15you don't want,
23:16to go to hell,
23:20is from the word,
23:22which means,
23:26If you surrender,
23:27to become a Muslim,
23:28you will be sejahtera.
23:30if you want to be sejahtera,
23:31you have to submit,
23:32to the rules,
23:33of Allah,
23:34subhanahu wa ta'ala.
23:37are according to Allah's rules.
23:38If we look at the sun,
23:39it's according to Allah's rules.
23:40If we dare,
23:41to break Allah's rules,
23:43lighting up the sun,
23:44until it goes out.
23:45It's like that,
23:47Even if we dare,
23:48we are not able,
23:49to show,
23:50how much,
23:51we need,
23:52to surrender,
23:53to Allah,
23:55don't dare,
23:56to challenge Allah.
23:58the Prophet said,
24:02it comes from,
24:05who are,
24:07Bringing to the word,
24:08of choice,
24:09for this episode,
24:10let's watch,
24:11which is,
24:12fa illam yastajibu lakum,
24:13which is from,
24:15from the word,
24:163 times,
24:17it's mentioned in,
24:19in Surah Al-Arhaf,
24:21and Al-Fajr,
24:22to explain,
24:23to us,
24:25the challenge,
24:26to produce,
24:31is impossible,
24:32to be answered.
24:34what we need to answer,
24:35is actually,
24:36please read the Quran,
24:38No need,
24:39to make a new Quran,
24:40because it came,
24:41from one God.
24:42We take a break,
24:43from Quran Time,
24:44Thank you very much for listening.
25:14Thank you for listening.
25:44In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
26:14One of the other false hadiths is that there is no origin.
26:21If we meet a boy, we ask him, where are you from?
26:25I'm from there.
26:27Where's your mother? I don't have a mother.
26:29Father? I don't have a father either.
26:31Is your father a tempter? No, I was born.
26:33He suddenly appeared in this world.
26:36So, this child must have a father.
26:40A mother gave birth to him.
26:42He said, he suddenly appeared.
26:44No one can accept it.
26:47This is the false hadith.
26:48He suddenly appeared, there was no sign.
26:51There was no narration.
26:53There was no path of narration.
26:55He suddenly appeared.
27:42The children who are loved by Allah SWT...
27:51I remember.
27:53Our late teacher, Dato' Hassan Azhari.
27:59Dato' Hassan Azhari.
28:01He used to teach muqaddam.
28:03At 6.30pm.
28:05This is the nasik that is seen.
28:08Am I right, ladies?
28:10Why aren't you following?
28:12Are you afraid?
28:14Praise Allah.
28:16Hopefully, he is our teacher of the Quran.
28:18Hopefully, Allah SWT will bless him.
28:20This is the time that we can use the legacy of the Quran...
28:25...to continue with the Quran.
28:28Read it well.
28:29We even want to understand the content of the Quran.
28:31Before this, we studied one page.
28:33Now, Allah has given us the opportunity to study one episode, one third.
28:38After this, we will study more.
28:40We have studied the Quran.
28:42Hopefully, when we are old, we will be able to listen to the Quran.
28:45Let's not forget to pray for our teachers.
28:48In the past, the teacher who taught A, taught 1, added 1.
28:52Let's not forget the teacher who taught Alibata.
28:55Even if he is a village teacher or a city teacher.
28:59But it is a very noble task.
29:02Because it is related to Ayatullah in the 14th verse.
29:07When a challenge is given to the Meccan Muslim...
29:11...to produce 10 surahs, they are not able to do it.
29:14Allah said,
29:23Let's read the 14th verse again.
29:25In this verse, we pray for the forgiveness and mercy of our teachers...
29:30...who are willing to teach us.
29:34It is a different story.
29:35What is important is that we can get closer to the knowledge of Allah...
29:39...and finally, we can read it.
29:43But what if we go to Ramli?
29:46He said, he did not reach A.
29:48What is the reason?
29:52Gym, kick, A.
29:54But it is true.
29:55If we talk about teachers...
29:57In the past, we studied the Quran.
30:01While we were waiting for the teacher to arrive...
30:04...we were in a hurry.
30:07We went to greet the teacher.
30:09With a friend.
30:11The friend read first.
30:13The friend read wrongly, we were the one who got hit.
30:15He was the one who was wrong, not me.
30:17For example.
30:18We were afraid, but the teacher was really there.
30:21We heard the sound of a motorcycle.
30:24We were playing.
30:25We heard the sound of a motorcycle.
30:28We were nervous.
30:29Our teachers were so committed.
30:32And Safad was my teacher.
30:34Thank you, Safad.
30:39Let's read the 14th verse.
30:57Surah Al-Fatihah.
31:27Surah Al-Fatihah.
31:57Surah Al-Fatihah.
32:03Surah Al-Fatihah.
32:04We have read from the 14th verse.
32:08When they are challenged and they are unable.
32:11In our lives, there are people who challenge us.
32:15Who hurt us.
32:17At that time, what we learn from the 14th verse.
32:20Allah taught the Prophet.
32:28Allah offered to the challenger.
32:31What do you want?
32:32Surrender yourself to be a Muslim.
32:35It's not like when people challenge us.
32:38It hurts.
32:39It's hell.
32:40It's not like that.
32:41But the Prophet was taught from this verse.
32:43At the same time to us.
32:44When there are people challenging us.
32:46Because he didn't know.
32:47He didn't know.
32:48So he said.
32:49You didn't know, right?
32:50You didn't know.
32:51Now I want to give you an offer.
32:52I don't hate you.
32:53Even though you challenged me.
32:55I want to teach you.
32:56Let's go.
32:57We read the Quran.
32:58We go back to Islam.
33:02This is what we learn from the 14th verse.
33:04To show.
33:05Don't focus on the people who hurt us.
33:08If we focus on the people who challenge us.
33:11It's enough.
33:12We quarrel.
33:13Then he replies back.
33:14He gets a new point.
33:15He quarrels again.
33:16Endless issues.
33:17But let's go.
33:18Let's surrender ourselves to the Quran.
33:22Let's learn the Quran.
33:24Let's read it.
33:25Let's understand it.
33:26Let's implement it.
33:27So what?
33:28So that we are under the knowledge of Allah SWT.
33:33And this is the role of parents in the family.
33:35To make sure.
33:37Even though they send their children to the highest school.
33:40Don't forget the Quran.
33:42Don't forget the Quran.
33:44We have discussed this before.
33:46About the term.
33:47If you learn the Quran.
33:48You want to eat.
33:49What do you want to eat?
33:50What do you want to eat?
33:51But now.
33:53Next month's lecture.
33:54This month, he asks.
33:55What do you want to eat next week?
33:57We want to prepare.
33:58Oh my God.
33:59It's okay.
34:00It's not that difficult.
34:01We can do it again.
34:02It's like that.
34:03Because it's a month.
34:04That's right.
34:05So don't worry about the sustenance.
34:08Because as long as we surrender ourselves to the knowledge of Allah SWT.
34:12Then it's settled.
34:14And more than that.
34:15We know from this verse 14.
34:17When the end is Muslimun.
34:20It starts with.
34:22The Muslims are the people who are under the knowledge of Allah.
34:26The Muslims are the people who always demand the knowledge of Allah SWT.
34:31And don't feel lost.
34:33Allah only goes to the gathering of knowledge.
34:35Don't feel lost.
34:37When we attend the gathering of knowledge.
34:39It's a real gathering.
34:40From 3 o'clock.
34:41All of this.
34:43In the previous surah.
34:44Surah Yunus.
34:45It's stated.
34:46Allah watches all the efforts.
34:49Maybe some of you are wondering.
34:51If we get the knowledge.
34:53Can we eat it?
34:54Once again.
34:55We can eat it.
34:56The answer is.
34:57The knowledge of Allah.
34:58We can even eat the stones.
35:01It's easy for Allah to handle.
35:03When we surrender ourselves.
35:05When we learn the knowledge of Allah.
35:07The more we do.
35:09What Allah commands.
35:11It leads to.
35:12Our sharp tongue.
35:13We want to learn.
35:14The knowledge of Allah.
35:18Let's see.
35:19One or two sentences.
35:20That we can focus on.
35:22For today's lecture.
35:23The first one.
35:24The first mistake.
35:26Which is.
35:27In the 13th verse.
35:28The sentence is.
35:36Let's hear the voice.
35:37One, two, three.
35:45The sentence is.
35:50It's too fast.
35:51So, two letters.
35:56Two letters.
35:58It's too fast.
35:59So, two letters.
36:02Two letters.
36:03So, two letters.
36:04So, start with ta.
36:05Then ta.
36:06Try ta.
36:40Tabarak Allah.
36:41perhalusi, untuk kita baca dengan baik, dan kita telusuri apakah makna dan juga
36:47tadaburnya, amin, alhamdulillah. Jadi kita nak berehat dahulu seketika, jangan kemana-mana,
36:52Ibu-Ibu Ayah-Ayah, kita sama-sama lepas ini, ayat yang berikutnya,
36:55dalam My Quran Time, Quran Salat, ifaaka, insyaAllah.
37:11Quran Salat, ifaaka, insyaAllah.
37:41Quran Salat, ifaaka, insyaAllah.
38:12Ketika mana berlakunya penyakit ataupun wabak yang besar itu,
38:16adakah itulah sholat itu dibolehkan ataupun tidak, bagaimana?
38:21Okey, baik. Yang ini sebenarnya satu soalan yang memang biasa ditanya,
38:25yaitu pada awal-awal Covid dulu, kalau tuan-tuan, perempuan perasan,
38:28yang mana sebahagian besar daripada masjid bukan sebahagian besar,
38:32maknanya semua masjid dalam negara ini ditutup.
38:34Dan dia bukan dilakukan di Malaysia saja, bahkan di seluruh dunia usaha-usaha ini.
38:38Saya ingat dekat Mesir itu ada macam satu demonstrasi,
38:41depan masjid orang solat juga, walaupun masjid dia kunci.
38:44Karena pada mereka, dia kata, solat jemaah ini perkara yang wajib.
38:48Kita kena solat juga, macam mana pandemik pun yang berlaku.
38:51Tapi bila kita perhatikan dalam hadis, kalau kita ikutkan,
38:54kalau nak tengok betul tak berlaku ataupun ada tak berlaku pandemik pada zaman Rasulullah,
38:58kita perhatikan tidaklah ada secara langsung disebutkan mengenai pandemik.
39:02Tetapi ada kelonggaran yang diberikan dalam Islam,
39:05boleh kita solat berjemaah di rumah.
39:08Sekalipun pada arahan asal tadi, memang kita diminta untuk...
39:16Kembali kita dalam main Quran Time, Quran Salat Infah.
39:18Sama-sama kita mendalami ayat yang ke-13, 14 dan 15 daripada Surah Hud,
39:23yang membekalkan panduan bagaimana untuk kita istiqamah di dalam kehidupan.
39:28Ayat yang ke-13 membekalkan panduan,
39:30kalau ada orang yang mencabar ataupun menuduh kita istiqamah pada sesuatu perkara,
39:36maka suruh dia datangkan bukti.
39:38Dan pada ayat yang ke-14 itu,
39:40istiqamahnya kita ini adalah kerana dengan ilmu Allah dan kita serah diri kepada ilmu Allah,
39:46makin kita belajar ilmu, walaupun dapat satu pada sesuatu sesi bersama guru,
39:51catat ataupun kita ingat,
39:53dan cuba kita berazam untuk makin lagi meningkatkan penyerahan diri kita kepada,
39:58kepada peraturan Allah itu, itulah tanda bahawa...
40:05Tetapi ada kumpulan yang tidak mahu menyerah.
40:07Siapakah mereka?
40:08Ayat 15, kita baca bersama Al-Fadlul-Ustaz Tirmizi Abdul Rahman.
40:12Terima kasih Al-Fadlul-Ustaz Fazrul.
40:14Ayat Dhanbonda, tuan-tuan dan puan-puan.
40:16Ibu ayah, muslimin dan muslimat, penonton yang budiman.
40:19Mari kita melihat ayat yang ke-15.
40:21Kita nak baca sama-sama.
40:23Hati-hati pada kalimah Al-Hayata dan juga akhir sekali itu,
40:27Layub Khasun.
40:29Layub Khasun.
40:30Baik, kita baca dulu ayat yang ke-15.
40:32Menggunakan Taranum Hijaz.
40:34A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajim.
40:49A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajim.
41:19Layub Khasun.
41:25Sadaqallahul Azim.
41:33Sadaqallahul Azim.
41:34Di dalam bacaan ayat yang ke-15,
41:36Allah menjelaskan tentang mereka yang tidak menyerah kepada Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
41:41Siapakah mereka?
41:43Mankana yuridul hayata dunya.
41:46Yaitu mereka yang inginkan kehidupan dunya dan segala perhiasannya.
41:51Nuwafi ilaihim a'mal lahum.
41:53Akan Allah sempurnakan kepada mereka segala amal mereka.
41:57Menakutkan, Ustaz.
41:58Menakutkan perkara ini.
41:59Pasal apa?
42:00Apa maksud menginginkan kehidupan dunya dan segala perhiasannya?
42:04Maksudnya ada dua, Ustaz.
42:05Satu ialah maksudnya dia tidak mahu menjadi orang Islam.
42:09Tetapi yang keduanya, dia jadi orang Islam,
42:11tetapi niat dia buat sesuatu itu bukan untuk meniapkan dirinya ke akhirat.
42:17Dia hanya untuk dapatkan di dunia.
42:19Dia buat, contohnya dia buat baik bagi beras, bagi gula.
42:22Pasal apa?
42:23Nanti senang dapat undi sahaja.
42:25Ataupun kalau katakan dia buat sesuatu,
42:28solat ke, baca Quran ke, apakah,
42:30dia bergantung kepada niat dalam dia.
42:32Niat dalam dia.
42:33Maka dalam hal ini, Allah nyatakan,
42:36kalau orang itu nakkan ganjarannya di dunia,
42:40segala perhiasan-perhiasan yang ada,
42:42niatnya itu,
42:43yurid, itu maksudnya ada kaitan dengan niat, keinginannya,
42:46maka Allah kata Allah akan sempurnakan.
42:48Allah bagi segala-galanya,
42:50ilaihim a'malahum,
42:51atas segala amal-amal baik yang dia buat.
42:55Maksudnya apa?
42:56Ini adalah kepada orang Islam ke bukan Islam.
42:58Kalau kita nampak ada orang buat bisnes, untung yang amat, Ustaz.
43:02Untung, untung, untung, banyak untung.
43:04Dan kita pun rasa macam,
43:06wih, macam mana dia boleh banyak untung kan?
43:08Aku ni kadang-kadang untung, kadang-kadang bugi.
43:11kalau dapat untung, untung, untung, untung itu,
43:14lagi menakutkan, Ustaz.
43:15Pasal Allah dah sempurnakan segala ganjaran amal yang dia buat,
43:19dia buat baik kepada mak ayah dia, Islam ke tak Islam,
43:22tetapi rupa-rupanya,
43:24dah habis dah.
43:25Di hujung itu Allah nyatakan apa?
43:27Wahum fiha la yubakhosun,
43:29yaitu bagi mereka,
43:31tidak akan dikurangkan.
43:33Maksudnya memang,
43:35dia bagi apa,
43:36dia buat baik kepada mak ayahnya,
43:37terus dapat bisnes, contohnya.
43:39Dia semayang tahjud,
43:41terus sahaja dia dapat,
43:42dapat kereta menjala,
43:44tiga biji contohnya,
43:45datang ke rumah, gitu kan?
43:47Bagi setengah orang,
43:49dia rasakan bahwa inilah kelebihan saya semayang tahjud.
43:52Kan ada trainer, penceramah yang kata,
43:55kalau nak tahu formula kejayaan saya,
43:57dia letaklah gambar dekat Facebook itu,
43:59ikuti formula saya.
44:00Lepas itu dia bagilah semayang tahjud,
44:02semayang duha,
44:03lagi apa,
44:04call mak ayah sebulan sekali.
44:06Sebenarnya kalau itulah kaedahnya,
44:08Donald Trump,
44:09Donald Trump kan?
44:10Sekarang ini belum lagi,
44:11kita doakan dia dapat hidayah.
44:12Dialah orang yang paling banyak call mak.
44:14Dialah yang banyak tahjud,
44:15pasal dia paling kaya.
44:16Tetapi bukan itu asas untuk kita menilai
44:19kekejayaan yang sebenar-benarnya,
44:22kalau kita orang Islam.
44:23Bila kita orang Islam,
44:24kita serah pada ilmu Allah,
44:26dan Allah nak kita,
44:27kejayaan sebenar-benarnya yang kita belajar sebelum ini,
44:30yaitu kalau kita belajar dalam ayat yang ke-11 Ustaznya,
44:33yaitu bila kita dapat ajrun kabir di akhirat nanti.
44:38Di sini mana yang ada,
44:39Allah dah janji pada ayat yang kedua dalam surah Hud ini,
44:42Allah beri mata.
44:44Orang Islam masih lagi boleh bernafas,
44:46boleh lagi makan,
44:47apa Ustaz?
44:48Kambing gulik tadi?
44:49Boleh, tak ada masalah.
44:50Bukannya orang Islam ambil gulik,
44:52bagi pada orang bukan Islam,
44:53kita ambil dia punya apa?
44:54Dia punya telinga gulik,
44:55ya kan?
44:56Tak, tak, tak.
44:57Boleh, Allah kata mata.
44:58Allah bagikan kesenangan,
44:59tapi bukan sempurna.
45:01Kita tak boleh anggap bahawa,
45:03kalau datanglah buat bisnes ke,
45:04buat apa-apa,
45:05gaji sikit,
45:06Allah, ini,
45:07menyesal jadi orang Islam, kan?
45:09Itu sebenarnya adalah orang yang berfikir dengan neraca,
45:13dunia semata-mata.
45:15Dan kadang-kadang,
45:16itu menyebabkan kesibukan,
45:17soalnya dia sibuk sana-sini,
45:19karena dia nakkan segala-galanya untuk kehidupan di dunia.
45:23Membawa kepada resolusi kita pada kali ini,
45:26sama-sama kita saksikan.
45:29Yang pertama,
45:30kita buktikan keyakinan tentang kebenaran Al-Quran
45:33dengan mengamalkannya.
45:35Yang pertama.
45:36Yang kedua,
45:37berserah diri kepada Allah,
45:38setelah melihat bukti kebijaksanaannya.
45:41Yang ketiga,
45:42bersederhana dalam mencintai nikmat dunia yang sementara,
45:46karena kita tahu bahawa,
45:48kita ada lagi,
45:49sampai di akhirat nanti,
45:51ada orang terkejut, ya kan?
45:53Dia tengok dekat dalam,
45:54dalam pahala amalnya.
45:56Banyak sangat di akhirat.
45:58Dalam hadis, ya,
46:00Jadi, bila tanya-tanya balik,
46:01rupanya doa-doa dia selama ini,
46:03yang tak dikabulkan itu,
46:04rupanya Allah simpan di akhirat.
46:06Dia kata,
46:07kalau boleh,
46:08aku nak doa lagi,
46:09jangan kabul semua di dunia.
46:11Tapi rupanya,
46:12dia baru nampak di akhirat yang kita doakan Allah,
46:15kita nak doa banyak-banyak Allah,
46:16bekalkan hidayah kepada keluarga kita.
46:27والصلاة والسلام على أشرف الأنبياء والمرسلين
46:31وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
46:34اللهم يا الله ويا رحمن ويا رحيم
46:38أنبني دوسا دوسا كمي يا الله
46:42دوسا دوسا ابو آيہ كمي
46:44ابو آيہ مرتوى كمي
46:45مسلمين مسلمات
46:46مؤمنين المؤمنات
46:48برحمتك يا أرحم الرحيمين
46:50ترمى توبت كمي يا الله
46:53ترمى توبت كمي يا رحمن
46:56ترمى توبت كمي يا رحم
46:58ترمى توبت كمي يا رحم
47:00ترمى توبت كمي يا رحم
47:02ترمى توبت كمي يا رحم
47:04ترمى توبت كمي يا رحم
47:06ترمى توبت كمي يا رحم
47:08ترمى توبت كمي يا رحم
47:10ترمى توبت كمي يا رحم
47:12ترمى توبت كمي يا رحم
47:14ترمى توبت كمي يا رحم
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48:02ترمى توبت كمي يا رحم
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48:58ترمى توبت كمي يا رحم
49:00ترمى توبت كمي يا رحم
49:02ترمى توبت كمي يا رحم
49:04ترمى توبت كمي يا رحم
49:06ترمى توبت كمي يا رحم
49:08ترمى توبت كمي يا رحم
49:10ترمى توبت كمي يا رحم
49:12ترمى توبت كمي يا رحم
49:14ترمى توبت كمي يا رحم
49:16Thank you for watching!
