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Episod 785 My #QuranTime 2.0 Rabu 5 Februari 2025 Surah Hud (11: 38-40) Halaman 226

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Antara perkara penting yang dapat kita ambil dari Surah Hud ayat 38-40 halaman 226 ini adalah:
* Buruknya kelakuan pemimpin kafir terhadap perbuatan Nabi Nuh membina bahtera (38)
* Jawapan balas Nabi Nuh AS kepada ejekan kaumnya (39)
* Perintah Allah kepada Nabi Nuh AS untuk mengisi bahtera (40)

Tindakan yang boleh dilaksanakan daripada ayat 38-40 halaman 226:
* Jangan mempersendakan hukum dan perintah Allah SWT (38)
* Yakin dengan janji Allah dan terus komited melaksanakan ketaatan kepada-Nya (39)
* Didik keluarga dengan agama agar dapat bersama selamat daripada seksa-Nya (40)

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World #QuranHour


00:00If we look at Surah Hud in the story of Prophet Noah, it is a story of how faith strengthens one's self-esteem for a messenger.
00:28At the same time, faith strengthens one's self-esteem for those who are with Prophet Noah,
00:34giving guidance and persuasion to us that if there is a test, if there is a challenge in life,
00:41faith as an immunization strengthens our journey to God.
00:47Let's continue the discussion in this episode.
00:58O Lord of the worlds!
01:21And He makes the ship, and whenever there pass by it,
01:30a group of His people mock at it.
01:40God Almighty has spoken the truth.
01:47Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.
01:49Alhamdulillah wa salatu wasalamu ala rasulillah wa ala alihi wa man wala.
01:52Syahadah ilahilallah, syahadahna Muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh.
01:55Allahumma sayyidina ala sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala alihi wa sahbihi ajma'in amma ba'duhu.
02:00How are you, ladies and gentlemen?
02:02We meet again in My Quran Time, Quran Salat Imfaq today.
02:06Together, we will go through three verses.
02:08Verse 38, 39 and 40 from Surah Hud.
02:13A surah that provides guidance in our lives.
02:17And today, we are with Al-Fadhil Ustaz Tanmidhi Abdul Rahman.
02:21Alhamdulillah, Fadhil Ustaz.
02:23How are you?
02:24I'm good, how are you?
02:26Ustaz Faz, do you like asam pedas or curry semilang?
02:32Both are delicious.
02:33Both are delicious?
02:34Both are delicious, yes.
02:36There is a significance, right?
02:37Actually, we would like to greet Ahlan wa sahlan wa marhaban,
02:41Muslimah, or the congregation of Muslimah Rashadah.
02:48Oh, Mashallah.
02:49Masjid As-Salimin, Kampung Kandang, Melaka.
02:54Assalamualaikum to those in Melaka.
02:58Oh, that means he brought asam pedas, right?
03:02Asam pedas or curry.
03:04He said, I want to eat curry.
03:07Cendawan curry, Batang, Keladi.
03:10I don't want to get tired.
03:12Meeting good and pious gentlemen.
03:16In Melaka.
03:17In Melaka.
03:18The pantun is everywhere, right?
03:20And also, we would like to greet the group of Istiqamah,
03:22who are in the studio, who are at home,
03:24so that we can continue together with Al-Quran.
03:27We ask Allah to grant us the knowledge, wisdom, and guidance of our lives.
03:31Ilma lana illa ma'allam tana.
03:33Innaka antala alimul haqeem.
03:35Rabbi zidni ilma.
03:38Ameen, Ya Rabbana.
03:40Let's see the summary of verses 38 to 40.
03:43Starting from verse 38, page 226.
03:47The worst thing is the behavior of the non-believer leaders
03:49towards the actions of Prophet Noah, who built Bathra.
03:52Followed by verse 39,
03:54the answer of Prophet Noah's reply to his people.
03:59And in verse 40, the command of Allah to Prophet Noah
04:02to fill Bathra.
04:04Let's read these three verses together.
04:07We ask Allah to grant us rewards and rewards.
04:09And we would like to delve into the contents of these three verses
04:13together with Ustaz Tarmizh.
04:14Thank you, Ustaz Tarmizh.
04:15Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
04:17Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi ta'ala wabarakatuh.
04:20Alhamdulillah, wassalatu wassalamu ala Rasulillah,
04:23wa ala alihi wa sahbihi man wala.
04:25Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammad
04:27wa ala alihi Sayyidina Muhammad.
04:29How are you, ladies and gentlemen,
04:31the mothers and fathers who are watching this
04:34in front of the TV screen or on our platform.
04:38We would like to say Jazakumullahu Khairul Jazak
04:41to the mothers and fathers who have not stopped
04:44succeeding in imitating My Quran Time
04:48with your contributions.
04:50May Allah Almighty continue to facilitate
04:53whatever matters or dreams
04:56and certainly our dreams,
04:58which is to enter Paradise together.
05:01Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin.
05:03Alright, so we also have from far today, Ustaz Faz.
05:07Nun, from Kuching, Sarawak.
05:09Kuching, Sarawak.
05:10Flying from Sarawak,
05:11riding a balloon.
05:12Riding a balloon.
05:13Riding a balloon.
05:14Riding a balloon to follow the recording
05:16in this session.
05:22Al'Iyyati ta'ranum, Ayah 38, 39, 40.
05:25For this first one let's try to recite
05:28using the tarnum of al-Iyyati.
05:31Tarnum of what?
05:34I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan
05:39ويصنع الفلك وكلما مر عليه ملأ من قومه سخروا منه
05:55قال إن تسخروا منا فإنا نسخر منكم كما تسخرون
06:14فسوف تعلمون من يأتيه عذاب يخزيه
06:39ويحل عليه عذاب مقيم
06:48حتى إذا جاء أمرنا وفاردت النور قل نحمل فيها منك
07:09وفاردت النور قل نحمل فيها من كل زوجين اثنين
07:37وأهلك إلا من سبق عليه القول ومن آمن
07:56وما آمن معه إلا قليل صدق الله العظيم
08:40وَسْنَعِلْ فُلْكَبِعَ يُنِنَا وَوَحْيِنَا
09:10تَفْسِرُ كُرْتُبِى
09:40تَفْسِرُ كُرْتُبِعَ يُنِنَا وَوَحْيِنَا
10:00تَفْسِرُ كُرْتُبِعَ يُنِنَا وَوَحْيِنَا
10:30تَفْسِرُ كُرْتُبِعَ يُنِنَا وَوَحْيِنَا
11:00تَفْسِرُ كُرْتُبِعَ يُنِنَا وَوَحْيِنَا
11:30تَفْسِرُ كُرْتُبِعَ يُنِنَا وَوَحْيِنَا
11:54تَفْسِرُ كُرْتُبِعَ يُنِنَا وَوَحْيِنَا
12:13تَفْسِرُ كُرْتُبِعَ يُنِنَا وَوَحْيِنَا
12:43تَفْسِرُ كُرْتُبِعَ يُنِنَا وَوَحْيِنَا
13:09تَفْسِرُ كُرْتُبِعَ يُنِنَا وَوَحْيِنَا
13:37تَفْسِرُ كُرْتُبِعَ يُنِنَا وَوَحْيِنَا
14:07تَفْسِرُ كُرْتُبِعَ يُنِنَا وَوَحْيِنَا
14:35تَفْسِرُ كُرْتُبِعَ يُنِنَا وَوَحْيِنَا
15:05تَفْسِرُ كُرْتُبِعَ يُنِنَا وَوَحْيِنَا
15:34تَفْسِرُ كُرْتُبِعَ يُنِنَا وَوَحْيِنَا
16:01تَفْسِرُ كُرْتُبِعَ يُنِنَا وَوَحْيِنَا
16:29تَفْسِرُ كُرْتُبِعَ يُنِنَا وَوَحْيِنَا
16:56وَيَصْنَعُ الْفُلْكَ وَكُلَّمَا مَرَّ عَلَيْهِ مَلَأٌ مِّن قَوْمِهِ سَخِرُوا مِنْهِ
17:12قَالَ إِن تَسْخَرُوا مِنَّا فَإِنَّا نَسْخَرُ مِنْكُمْ كَمَا تَسْخَرُونَ
17:36صدق الله العظيم
17:41صدق الله العظيم
17:42kita lah bacaan ayat yang ke 38
17:44di bahagian ke 2 itu
17:45nabi nuh membalas
17:46إِن تَسْخَرُوا جِكَ كَمُو مَنْغِيْجِقْ مِنَّا
17:49مِنَّا itu siapa?
17:50di kalangan kami
17:51bukan sekadar nabi nuh
17:52tetapi mengijik kepada orang-orang beriman
17:54yang terlibat
17:55dalam project membina kapal tersebut
17:57فَإِنَّا نَسْخَرُ مِنْكُمْ كَمَا تَسْخَرُونَ
18:01sebenarnya kami mengijik
18:03daripada kamu
18:04كَمَا تَسْخَرُونَ
18:05sebagaimana kamu mengijik
18:07jadi nabi nuh menjawab dengan tenang saja
18:09kamu ejik
18:10kami pun ejik juga
18:11maksudnya bukan dia mengijik
18:13menunjukkan gaya
18:16negatif saatnya
18:17tetapi nak menunjukkan
18:18apa yang kamu ejik itu
18:19sebenarnya tak betul pun
18:20tak betul pun
18:21kamu tak tahu aja
18:23kita tengok
18:24kita tengok nanti
18:26keyakinan nabi nuh alayhis salam
18:28ketika mendapat ejikan itu
18:30keyakinan kepada Allah
18:31menyebabkan dia tak nak
18:32fokus sangat pun
18:33kepada ejikan tersebut
18:34kita fokus saja
18:37yaitu terus membina
18:39kapal tersebut
18:40apa pelajaran untuk kita
18:41sudah tentunya
18:42kalau ada orang ejik kita
18:43kita kena ajar pada
18:44anak kita
18:45kalau ada orang ejik
18:46kamu sebenarnya
18:47nak buat projek apa
18:48apa kejayaan yang kamu nak capai
18:49kalau nabi nuh
18:50bina kapal
18:52orang beriman
18:54kalau kamu ejik
18:57kami boleh ejik
18:58tetapi kami sedang ada
18:59projek yang sedang dibina
19:01kamu tahu nanti
19:02macam mana
19:03cara kami mengijik
19:04kami mengijik
19:06enggak enggak
19:07kami mengijik nanti
19:08kita tengok pada
19:09ayat-ayat yang
19:11bila Allah nyatakan
19:12pada ayat 39
19:13kita baca
19:14bersama Al-Fathirul-Sahstan
19:16terima kasih Al-Fathirul-Sahstan
19:17yang anda dan bonda
19:20Ibu Ayah
19:22sebab satu lagi pelajaran
19:23yang selalu kita
19:24kena titikkan
19:25buat anak-anak kita
19:27cara mengurus
19:28ejik kecilkannya
19:30itu menurik
19:31Quran Time ya
19:32ada untuk ayah
19:33ada untuk anak
19:34So, don't leave my Quran time, Ameen Ya Rabballah Al-Ameen
19:37Verse 39, let's try, Taranum Hijaz
19:40What is Taranum?
19:43One more time?
19:45Ok, let's try
19:46I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan
19:48Verse 39, let's try
20:18I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan
20:21Allah Almighty has spoken the truth
20:28Assalamualaikum, Nuzim
20:29That was the recitation of the 39th verse
20:31A continuation of the response from Prophet Noah to the people who mocked him
20:37What is mocking, gentlemen?
20:39Actually, mocking is one, looking down on others
20:42The second, not supporting
20:43For mother, father, husband, wife, in family life, do not mock
20:48There is no wife mocking her husband
20:50No, right?
20:51I am a kid
20:52But the way to mock in a family is when the wife does something
20:56The husband must support
20:58Or if the husband does something
21:00It's the opposite
21:01If the wife does, the husband supports
21:03If the husband does, support
21:04Do not
21:05The wife says
21:07Just make that face
21:08That is a sign of mockery to the couple
21:12Which is not a Sunnah
21:14What we observed earlier
21:15Only people who are arrogant
21:19Who will mock something that looks small
21:22For them, it looks like holding a boat
21:25Making a boat
21:26What is this?
21:27But actually, this small thing leads to
21:32Then you will know
21:37That is, punishment will come that will humiliate you
21:42That is just a way of retaliation
21:43The way of retaliation of Prophet Noah to Ejikan
21:45It's not what people did earlier
21:47This, this, this
21:48That too
21:49No, no
21:50The retaliation of a believer is to tell the facts
21:54What will cause someone to be humiliated
21:59That is, it will come from whom?
22:01From Allah
22:02We are not the ones who bring Ejikan
22:05Retaliation to all the rebellion that they do
22:08The first
22:09The second
22:12That is
22:13Who will be punished permanently
22:16When we talk about permanent
22:17Usually we say permanent
22:19What does permanent mean?
22:20Sitting for a long time
22:22So when it is stated here
22:25This punishment comes not just
22:27No, not like that
22:28It's just a punishment
22:31It's been a long time
22:33And when it is stated like this to them
22:35Actually, that's the way to retaliate to Ejikan
22:38If our child is Ejik, right?
22:40You Ejik
22:42If you don't repent
22:45There will be a time
22:46You will also finish
22:48You work in the house, etc.
22:50So the child answers
22:55When he says
22:56You do this and that
22:57Like in the past
22:58There was someone who wrote
22:59Painting a picture of the father's head, right?
23:01Then this one also painted
23:02Then they quarreled, right?
23:03That's not the way to retaliate
23:06But retaliate with
23:07With all the facts
23:09Shown by Prophet Noah
23:11Peace be upon him
23:12Bringing to the word of choice
23:13For this episode
23:14We watch
23:15This episode
23:16We look at the words
23:21From the word Aminah
23:22That is
23:23People who believe
23:24And faith leads to
23:27Faith leads to peace
23:29879 times
23:30It is mentioned in Al-Quran
23:31Appears in Surah Al-A'raf
23:33Surah Al-Mu'minun
23:34Surah Al-Ahzab
23:35Explaining to us
23:36That in our lives
23:38What causes us to be steadfast
23:40Is faith
23:41We believe in Allah
23:43Even though people curse
23:44People appreciate
23:45Or not
23:46As a husband, wife, child, leader, etc.
23:50What causes a couple to be able to
23:52Lose motivation
23:53To perform good deeds
23:54Because of what?
23:55Because faith
23:56Is sometimes a distraction
23:57She feels that
23:58Her husband doesn't appreciate her
24:00That's the beginning
24:01She does something else
24:02Or if the husband
24:03Doesn't want to go to work
24:07Because he feels
24:08That he doesn't need to answer
24:10In front of Allah
24:11Because faith
24:12Is already
24:14At that time
24:15Let's take a break
24:16Come to Quran Time
24:17Quran Salam infah
24:22Al Fatiha
24:54Al Fatiha
25:23Al Fatiha
25:52Al Fatiha
25:53Al Fatiha
25:54Al Fatiha
25:55Al Fatiha
25:56Al Fatiha
25:57Al Fatiha
25:58Al Fatiha
25:59Al Fatiha
26:00Al Fatiha
26:01Al Fatiha
26:02Al Fatiha
26:03Al Fatiha
26:04Al Fatiha
26:05Al Fatiha
26:06Al Fatiha
26:07Al Fatiha
26:08Al Fatiha
26:09Al Fatiha
26:10Al Fatiha
26:11Al Fatiha
26:12Al Fatiha
26:13Al Fatiha
26:14Al Fatiha
26:15Al Fatiha
26:16Al Fatiha
26:17Al Fatiha
26:18Al Fatiha
26:19Al Fatiha
26:20Al Fatiha
26:21Al Fatiha
26:22Al Fatiha
26:23Al Fatiha
26:24Al Fatiha
26:25Al Fatiha
26:26Al Fatiha
26:27Al Fatiha
26:40Give us believes!
26:42God give election
26:46Allahumma amitna bil iman Allahumma ahshurna bil iman
26:58Wa adkhirna aljannata ma'al iman Allahumma ahyina bil iman
27:12Allahumma amitna bil iman Allahumma ahshurna bil iman
27:25Wa adkhirna aljanna wa adkhirna aljanna wa adkhirna aljannata ma'al iman
27:43Allahumma amin amin ya rabbal alamin Ya Allah hidupkan kami dengan iman
27:47matikan kami dengan iman ceriakan kehidupan ataupun bangkitkan kami dengan iman
27:53dan juga masukkanlah kami ya Allah dengan iman ke dalam syurga mu'amin ya rabbal alamin
27:59tadi sebab terpasan Ustaz Fahad sebut tadi
28:02nak menjaga supaya iman tidak goyah
28:04tidak goyah Ustaz Fahad ya
28:05jadi itu penting dalam kehidupan kita
28:07untuk kita makin lagi dapat berhadapan dengan
28:10satu dengan ujian yang melanda iman penting
28:14dan yang keduanya untuk kita terus berada pada amal salih
28:17biasa kita jumpa kan
28:18illalladhina amanu wa amil salihan
28:21jadi bila kita membaca dalam surah Al-A'us
28:24dalam surah Atin itu yang pendek
28:26tapi versi panjangnya
28:28Allah jelaskan bagaimana iman yang dijaga oleh Nabi Nuh
28:31yang diperjuangkan oleh Nabi Nuh AS
28:33sampai kena buat projek kapal
28:37jadi bagi injenier
28:39bagi dokter masing-masing
28:42ada projek masing-masing untuk menjaga iman
28:46mungkin ada yang tertanya apa kaitannya
28:48maksudnya ada orang yang terus berbuat amal salih ini
28:51karena dia ingin berhadapan dengan Allah
28:54nak bawa amal yang terbaik Ustaz
28:56tetapi ada orang yang dia buat amal baik
28:58kalau katakan dihargai oleh manusia
29:01kalau tak ada orang cakap terima kasih
29:03ataupun tak dapat bunga ros ke
29:06pada waktu hari jadi ke waktu ulang tahun ke
29:09ataupun kalau di pejabat itu
29:11dia tidak diucapkan penghargaan naik pangkat
29:14maka amal salih pun berkurang Ustaz
29:16maka kita tahu bahwa ini buat baik
29:18ini bukan karena iman kepada Allah
29:21tetapi karena manusia yang perlu kita elakkan
29:25di dalam ayat 39 sebentar tadi
29:27dinyatakan tentang betapa pentingnya untuk
29:31untuk mengetahui bahwa azab itu adalah
29:34bagi mereka yang tidak beriman
29:37disambung pada ayat yang ke-40
29:39bagaimana senario yang berlaku pada zaman Nabi Nuh
29:42bila dah siap kapal Ustaz
29:45bila dah siap kapal itu apa yang berlaku
29:47ayat 40 kita baca bersama Al-Fatihah Ustaz
29:49baik, terima kasih Al-Fatihah Ustaz Fazlul
29:51ayat dari bonda
29:51tuan-tuan dan puan-puan muslimin dan muslimat
29:53sahabat Al-Quran yang dikasih al-A'udzubillah wa ta'ala
29:56ayat yang ke-40 kita nak baca
29:58kita dah cuba tadi dengan beberapa Zaranum
30:01kita coba kali ini dengan menggunakan Taranum
30:04Sikah pula
30:05ta'ala ibu ayah sekarang?
30:07Sikah orang Melaka memang mahirlah lagu Sikah ini
30:11Rabzanji kan?
30:12Rabzanji dia
30:13وَلَمَّا تَمَّ مِنْ
30:18minggu depan insyaAllah
30:20kita cuba dulu ayat yang ke-40
30:22menggunakan Taranum Sikah
30:23أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
30:28حتى إذا جاء أمرنا
30:36وفاردت النور
30:41قل نحمل فيها
30:48وفاردت النور
30:51قل نحمل فيها
30:55من كل زوجين اثنين
31:01وأهلك إلا من سبق عليه القول
31:17ومن آمن
31:22وما آمن معه إلا قليل
31:42صدق الله العظيم
31:49صدق الله العظيم
31:50kita bacaan ayat yang ke-40
31:52apabila dah kapal siap maksudnya
31:54حتى إذا جاء أمرنا وفاردت النور
31:59yaitu sehinggalah
32:00apabila datang ketentuan daripada
32:03daripada Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
32:05daripada kami
32:06apa maksud
32:07جاء أمرنا
32:09apa maksudnya
32:10apabila dah diberi peluang maksudnya
32:12diberi peluang berda'wah
32:13dinasihatkan oleh نبي
32:15نه برهتز تهون
32:17kemudian mereka meminta
32:19mencabar kepada Nabi Nuh
32:20pasal kalah kan
32:21Nabi Nuh bagi hujah-hujah-hujah
32:24jadi apa yang mereka buat
32:25mereka kata kalau susah sangat
32:27kalau betullah sangat
32:28kamu bagi jelah azab yang kau kata tu
32:30wah kan
32:31ini perkataan mereka pada ayat yang ke-32
32:34mereka mencabar
32:35jadi bila mencabar Nabi Nuh
32:37sebenarnya mencabar siapa
32:38mencabar Tuhan
32:39maka Allah kata
32:40bahwa bila sampai أمرنا
32:43أمرنا itu maksudnya satu ketetapan
32:45kalau hakim itu
32:46dia dengar, dia duduk
32:47dia dengar, dengar, dengar, dengar
32:49dia senyap saja
32:50yang peguam bertanya kepada pesalah
32:52kepada saksi apa sebagainya
32:54tapi bila sampai جَأَأَمْرُنَا
32:56itu maksudnya dia dah hakim
32:59macam mana dia cakap
33:00tak biasa jadi hakim kan
33:02ok sekarang kita nak tentukan
33:04siapa pesalah
33:05apakah hukuman
33:06ataupun kita maafkan
33:07maka itu adalah momen
33:09apabila diistilahkan sebagai
33:11إِذَا جَأَأَمْرُنَا
33:13siapa yang tak bersalah
33:15akan diselamatkan
33:16siapa yang bersalah
33:18akan dihukum
33:19itu maksud
33:19حَتَّى إِذَا جَأَأَمْرُنَا
33:21poinnya apa
33:22poinnya ialah
33:23mereka diberi masa panjang
33:24dalam hidup kita pun
33:25kita diberi masa panjang
33:27untuk kembali kepada Allah
33:28untuk bertawbah
33:29jangan sampai bila satu poin
33:32kita dah tak ada peluang itu lagi
33:34sama ada di dunia ini
33:35apatah lagi
33:36bila sampai di hari akhirat nanti
33:39maka bila sampai ketentuan itu
33:41bermulalah proses
33:42apa yang dinamakan sebagai
33:45yaitu memancarlah air daripada
33:48kalau istilah tanur ini seperti
33:51seperti cerik
33:53cerik itu kalau kita
33:55dia ada tutup dekat ujungnya kan
33:56bila dia
33:57menggelegar itu
33:59itu maksudnya
34:00terkeluar air itu
34:01itu namanya
34:03ini adalah sebagai satu
34:08ataupun sebagai satu
34:09perumpamaan lah
34:10untuk apa
34:11untuk menjelaskan
34:12pada waktu itu
34:13air biasa aja
34:14air mana-mana yang ada
34:16tetapi disebabkan
34:17ada air daripada laut itu
34:18yang Allah bekalkan
34:21diizinkan masuk ke kawasan
34:23kawasan Nabi Nuh itu
34:24maka air itu
34:27keluar daripada
34:29daripada bumi
34:30dan kemudian apa
34:31قُلْ نَحْمِلْ
34:33kami memberi arahan kepada Nabi Nuh
34:36بَوَكَنْ بَدَنِي مِنْ كُلِّنْ زَوْجَيْنِ
34:40بَوَكَنْ بَسَنْغَان
34:42bagi setiap makhluk yang ada
34:45وَأَهْلَكَ دَنْ كُلْوَارْغَمُ
34:47إِلَّا مَنْ سَبَقَ عَلَيْهِ الْقَوْلِ
34:50kecuali siapa yang telah ditetapkan
34:53sebelum ini
34:54dah memang tak nak beriman
34:57tak boleh bawa istrinya
34:59sebenarnya boleh je
35:00Nabi Nuh bawa istri
35:00bawa anaknya
35:01tapi meka tak nak
35:03tak nak
35:04dan selepas itu
35:05وَمَنْ آمَنْ
35:06dan juga mereka yang beriman
35:09مَنْ مَعَهُ إِلَّا قَوْلِ
35:11dan yang beriman itu
35:14jadi panjang bahagian ini
35:15apa pelajaran yang boleh kita ambil
35:17kita akan tengok sebentar lagi
35:20مِنْ كُلِّنْ زَوْجَيْنِثْ نَيْن
35:23mengapa kena ada pasangan
35:25nanti kita tengok sebentar lagi
35:26namun kita tengok dahulu
35:28selekuh tajam kali ini
35:30terima kasih Fatihah Sahib Fazlurullah
35:31Ahlul Bayt
35:32mari kita
35:33perhatikan beberapa kalimah
35:35nanti saya sebutkan
35:40kita nak lihat ayah 39
35:43pada kalimah
35:46عَذَابٌ يُخْزِيْهِ
35:51عَذَابٌ يُخْزِيْهِ وَيَحِلُ عَلَيْهِ
35:59satu, dua, tiga
36:01عَذَابٌ يُخْزِيْهِ وَيَحِلُ عَلَيْهِ
36:10تبارك الله
36:11itu yang pertama
36:11yang kedua
36:12kalau kita perhatikan satu lagi
36:13pada ayah ke-40
36:15حُرُف قَوْف
36:17selepas itu ada حُرُف وَاوْ
36:18yang mati
36:19سَبَقَ عَلَيْهِ الْقَوْلُ
36:22itu biasa berlaku
36:23dibaca tipis
36:24إِلَّا مَنْ سَبَقَ عَلَيْهِ الْقَوْلُ
36:29jadi gitu
36:31orang mana itu
36:32bukan orang kandang melaku
36:34jadi kena hati-hati
36:35bila ada حُرُف وَاوْ
36:36tebal itu
36:37jangan terkurang
36:39إِلَّا مَنْ سَبَقَ عَلَيْهِ الْقَوْلُ
36:48satu, dua, tiga
36:49إِلَّا مَنْ سَبَقَ عَلَيْهِ الْقَوْلُ
37:00bacaan yang baik
37:03ibu-ibu ayah-ayah
37:03kat rumah pun
37:04sama-sama kita dapat
37:06kita dapat baca
37:07selekuh-selekuh tajam
37:08dalam episod kita
37:10setiap hari
37:10insyaAllah ta'ala
37:11dan kemana-mana
37:11ada lagi yang kita nak kongsikan
37:13kita berehat dahulu
37:16kembali setelah lepas ini
37:17main Quran time
37:17Quran Salat
39:37Kembali kita dalam main Quran time
39:39Quran Salat infaq
39:40sama-sama kita memmerhati
39:41ayat 38 hingga 40
39:43kisah Nabi Nooh
39:44yang memberikan panduan
39:45yang besar kepada kita
39:47bagaimana pentingnya
39:48kita menjaga iman
39:50karena iman
39:51sebagaimana kita belajar
39:52dalam surah yg ke10
39:53Surah Yunus
39:54dan disambung
39:55Iman saves us from all dangers here and there, when we reach the hereafter.
40:02And this effort was made by Prophet Noah, peace be upon him,
40:05then he continued to insist on his faith.
40:09And when someone gives a good response, Allah will save him.
40:14But if it is not good, someone may even challenge Allah SWT.
40:19That is what will invite punishment in this world again.
40:23And let us read once again what happened in verse 40 with Al-Fatihah.
40:28Thank you, Father Fazrul, Ayana and Bonda, ladies and gentlemen, Muslims and non-Muslims,
40:34my friends in the Qur'an time.
40:35Verse 40, we want to read it again.
40:37Earlier it was Sikah. After Sikah, we went to Jarkah.
40:41We went to Jaharkah.
40:43Jaharkah or Jiharkah, is that okay?
40:46What was the name?
40:48What was it again?
40:50Ah, because it is Jiharkah.
40:51Verse 40.
41:21Verse 40.
41:51Verse 40.
42:22Sadaqallahul Azeem.
42:28Sadaqallahul Azeem.
42:29That was the reading of verse 40.
42:31It tells about the floods that happened in the time of Prophet Noah AS.
42:36It talks about floods, for example.
42:37There are floods even now.
42:39So, there are people who misunderstand.
42:41It means when he sees floods, he sees floods in his life.
42:45He sees floods like that.
42:46And he says, this is because it is stiff like Prophet Noah's friends.
42:50It is not the same.
42:51We have to remember that for the people of Prophet Noah, it is a punishment.
42:56But the floods of today, it is a test.
42:59We have a difference there.
43:01What is the difference between punishment and test?
43:02Punishment comes when someone is stubborn to Allah and challenges Allah.
43:07Challenging, as we have learned.
43:09Until he asks from Prophet Noah, when?
43:11Where is the punishment?
43:12So, floods come that drown, that destroy.
43:17But if it is a flood, it is a test.
43:20A test to the people.
43:22So, we cannot say that this country is flooded, there must be a lot of sins.
43:26Whoever says that, it means that he did not read the Quran much.
43:31If he read the Quran thoroughly,
43:33the floods of Prophet Noah are different from the floods now.
43:37If not, he will say that in the time of Pharaoh, for example.
43:43In the time of Pharaoh, he drowned in the sea.
43:46So, he said that whoever drowned in the sea, it must be the Pharaoh's gang.
43:52Because he did not read the Quran thoroughly.
43:54So, he just wanted to punish.
43:56Whereas in the Quran, Allah gives space.
44:00Allah gives space and we are closer to the Quran.
44:03We show more love, we do not want to punish.
44:07Let us pass the punishment to Allah SWT.
44:11So, in the 40th verse, Allah said,
44:13at the end,
44:19that is, those who believe in Prophet Noah,
44:22those who are with Prophet Noah, are a few.
44:25A few is about 70, according to the narration in the Tafsir.
44:29What does it show?
44:30That Prophet Noah gave focus to those who wanted to be saved.
44:35When they were called to faith in life.
44:39So, for those who did not want to, they were left alone.
44:43And different from the people of Prophet Muhammad,
44:46the people of Prophet Noah, when they did not believe,
44:49they were punished when they were still in the world.
44:51But for us, we are held back.
44:54And if there is a flood or something,
44:57it is actually Allah still gives a test to pull us back to faith.
45:03Like PKP, COVID, etc.
45:05Do not say that this is a disaster because Allah wants to punish humans.
45:10You cannot say that.
45:12Because if you say punishment, there must be someone who challenges Allah.
45:16But if we have never challenged,
45:17it means that it is a test for us to realize that,
45:21O Allah, we will return to You.
45:23We repent of our shortcomings.
45:25And this is our chance to draw closer to Allah SWT.
45:30Bringing to a resolution for this episode, let us watch.
45:34First, do not violate the laws and orders of Allah SWT.
45:39As in verse 38, they humiliated Prophet Noah AS.
45:45Second, believe in the promise of Allah,
45:47and continue to be committed to do good to Him.
45:51As shown in verse 39,
45:53Prophet Noah continued to build the ship,
45:57continued to carry out the command of Allah,
45:59even though he was rejected, he continued to be committed.
46:03Third, educate your family and religion,
46:05so that you can be safe from their torture.
46:08And that is the proof in the time of Prophet Noah.
46:11And in this time, we take care of our family with faith,
46:15with the Quran,
46:16we wake up our children for prayer.
46:18All these activities are our sincerity.
46:21Believe that faith is with Allah,
46:24then Allah will save you.
46:25If you do not believe that Allah will save you,
46:28you do not need Allah,
46:29then Allah let a family or an individual
46:32to be trapped in the event of Prophet Noah AS.
46:36We pray to Allah SWT,
46:37that we get a lesson of guidance
46:40as a sustenance in life.
46:42May Allah's peace and blessings be upon you.
46:59May Allah's peace and blessings be upon you.
47:29May Allah's peace and blessings be upon you.
47:55May Allah accept our prayers in the studio at home.
47:58And do not forget,
48:00we move the Quran,
48:02you can contribute with money,
48:04and also contact the number in the description
48:06for us to share knowledge,
48:09each network,
48:10to hold an awareness program.
48:12What you get from today's program
48:14can be conveyed to the family members
48:16in the WhatsApp group,
48:17social media,
48:18or hold other programs.
48:20Discuss again,
48:21what lessons you get from this,
48:24because this is one of our efforts,
48:26the truthfulness and steadfastness
48:28together with the Quran.
48:31we will meet again in the next series.
48:33We will meet with a special tajweed law.
48:36And when we see,
48:38the words that we read,
48:40later we will see,
48:41the ship can also sink,
48:43in the journey of Prophet Noah,
48:44together with the believers.
48:46By Quran Time,
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