• last year
00:00This is the time and this is the world, O Allah.
00:14In the name of Allah and all praise is due to Allah and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.
00:18Respected viewers, once again we are at your service with the programme Sarmaya Salaf.
00:25Today, our topic is about the narrations of Syedna Siddique Akbar.
00:33A book entitled Musnadu Abi Bakr As-Siddiq.
00:37This book is of Imam Abu Bakr Ahmad bin Ali Marwazi Rahimahullah,
00:42who passed away in 292 AH.
00:45In this book, the narrations of Syedna Siddique Akbar have been collected.
00:50The book is in my hand right now.
00:52Imam Abu Bakr Ahmad bin Ali Marwazi Rahimahullah passed away in 292 AH.
00:57He was a great muhaddith. He was a great muhaddith.
01:00He has written this book.
01:02Today, we will discuss this book.
01:04Here, we will also tell you that we have already done three episodes
01:09about Syedna Siddique Akbar.
01:12Episode 8, 30 and 57.
01:16We have already done these three episodes.
01:18Our first episode was about Syedna Siddique Akbar, episode 8.
01:21In that, we introduced 18 books in 18 minutes.
01:25Those 18 books which were written by the righteous predecessors
01:30about Syedna Siddique Akbar.
01:33In episode 30, we discussed a book which was different from those 18 books.
01:38It was the 19th book.
01:39It was Juz'un Fihi Zikru Salatil Mustafa Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallamah
01:43Khalfa Abi Bakr As-Siddiq.
01:46It was a book of Hafiz Ziauddin Maqdisi Rahimahullah.
01:49We introduced this book.
01:51In episode 57, we took another book which was the 20th book.
01:55It was 18 separate books.
01:56Then, there was a 19th book and this was the 20th book
01:59about Syedna Siddique Akbar.
02:01It is a book of Hafiz Dara Qutni.
02:03Fada'ilu Sahaba Wa Mana'kibuhum Wa Qa'ulu Ba'dihim Fi Ba'd.
02:06It is also called Sana'u Sahaba Al-Qaraba.
02:11The part of this book in which Ahle Bait-e-Atihaar
02:14had spoken about Syedna Siddique Akbar.
02:19We had spoken on that part.
02:23Today, we will talk about Syedna Siddique Akbar.
02:28This will be our fourth part.
02:32This is part number four.
02:33In this, we will talk about the 21st book
02:37about Syedna Siddique Akbar.
02:40We will talk about this today.
02:42This is a book about the narrations of Syedna Siddique Akbar.
02:46The narrations of Syedna Siddique Akbar.
02:50Some of the companions and some of the followers have narrated it.
02:54This book is written about those narrations.
02:59Musnadu Abi Bakr Al-Siddiq.
03:01140 narrations have been quoted by the author of Syedna Siddique Akbar.
03:07The narrations that he received from you,
03:10the ones that he received, he collected them in this book.
03:12There are 140 narrations in total.
03:15And the ones that have been quoted by the author,
03:18Ibn Nasir, also known as Ibn Mufassir, may Allah have mercy on him.
03:22Abdullah bin Muhammad, may Allah have mercy on him.
03:24He has quoted two more hadiths of Syedna Siddique Akbar.
03:27So, the total number is 142 in this book.
03:32And this is on Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal.
03:35In Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal, the narrations of Syedna Siddique Akbar are 81.
03:40In this, the author has collected 140.
03:43And two of the authors have collected them.
03:46So, there are 142 narrations of Syedna Siddique Akbar in this book.
03:50So, first, let's talk a little about the author.
03:53Because the book is also based on the author.
03:57So, let's talk a little about him.
04:01Then, we will come to this book.
04:03So, the author is Imam Abu Bakr Ahmad bin Ali Marwazi, may Allah have mercy on him.
04:08He passed away in 292 AH.
04:10Abu Bakr is his title.
04:12Ahmad is his name.
04:13His father's name is Ali.
04:15Marwazi is his relation.
04:17Marwazi is basically a relation with Marw.
04:22In the ancient Khurasan, which is now called Turkmenistan,
04:27there was a big city.
04:28This city is still present today.
04:30It is a historical city.
04:32This city is still present today.
04:34It is in Turkmenistan.
04:35It used to be in the ancient Khurasan.
04:37This is a big city, Marw.
04:38Marwazi is a relation with Marw.
04:42By the way, Qiyas was supposed to be related to Marwi, without Zaa.
04:48So, this relation is used for clothes.
04:51Thaubun Marwi.
04:52Marw's cloth.
04:53According to Qiyas.
04:55When a relation is used for other things,
04:59it is used according to Qiyas.
05:02It is used by Marwi.
05:03But when a relation is used for humans,
05:06then Zaa is used against Qiyas.
05:08It is related to Marw.
05:11Two big cities were populated by the name Marw.
05:14One was Marw-e-Shahjan and the other was Marw-ar-Ruz.
05:19This is Shahjan, not Shahjahan.
05:22Shahjahan is a different word.
05:23This is Shahjan.
05:24Marw-e-Shahjan was also called Marw-e-Kubra and Marw-e-Uzma.
05:29It was a big city.
05:30People of this area were called Marwazi.
05:33The other city, Marw, was Marw-e-Ruz.
05:37In Persian, Marw-e-Ruz is with Daal.
05:40But when it is used in Arabic,
05:42when it is used in Mu'arrab,
05:43in Arabic, Daal is replaced by Daal.
05:46Marw-ar-Ruz is with Daal.
05:49Marw-e-Shahjan is related to Marwazi.
05:53Marw-e-Ruz is related to Marwazi.
05:57With Daal.
05:58Marwazi is with Zaa.
06:00Marwazi is with Daal.
06:02A lot of people get confused.
06:04They are worried about the pronunciation.
06:06Sometimes, both types of words are written in a book.
06:08They don't understand.
06:09They think Marwazi is correct,
06:11or Marwuzi is right, or this is wrong,
06:13or that is right, or that is wrong, or this is right.
06:14These are two different relations.
06:16Both are correct in their own way.
06:18The relation with Marw-e-Shahjan is Marwazi.
06:21It is Zawar on Meem, Ra Saqin,
06:23Zawar on Waaw, then Za is below Zaa.
06:26Ya Saqin.
06:26Ya is used in Arabic.
06:28Marwazi Yun.
06:29And when you do Waqf, it is Marwazi.
06:31The second relation with Marwaru is Marruzi.
06:36Meem is open, but Ra is closed.
06:40It is Marruzi.
06:41It is below Daal.
06:43Marwazi is with Zaa.
06:44Marruzi is with Daal.
06:46Zaa and Daal are used to differentiate.
06:52That is why it is differentiated
06:54so that there is no confusion between the two relations.
07:00Marwazi and Marruzi were used to avoid confusion.
07:06Imam Abu Bakr Ahmed bin Ali Marwazi,
07:10whose book we are discussing,
07:13is a Marwazi.
07:15The Marw-e-Shahjan area,
07:17the great Imams have risen from the soil of this Marw area.
07:20The great Imams belonged to this area.
07:23Among them are the Muhaddeseen and the Fuqaha.
07:26Imam Abdullah bin Waraq,
07:28Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal,
07:29Imam Ishaq bin Rahway,
07:31Imam Kafal,
07:33Muhammad bin Nasr Marwazi.
07:35All of them belonged to Marw area.
07:38The great Imams have risen from the soil of Marw area.
07:41The Prophet was also from Marw area.
07:43On the other hand, the Marwaruz,
07:46there were great Imams from Marwaruz.
07:49One of the famous Muhaddeseen and Fuqaha of Marwaruz
07:53is Imam Abu Bakr Ahmed bin Ali Marwazi.
07:58His title is also Abu Bakr.
08:00He is known as Abu Bakr Marruzi.
08:02His name is also the same.
08:04His name is Abu Bakr Ahmed and his name is also Abu Bakr Ahmed.
08:06The only difference is that his name is Abu Bakr Ahmed bin Ali
08:10and his name is Abu Bakr Ahmed bin Muhammad.
08:12So, Abu Bakr Ahmed bin Muhammad Marruzi,
08:15he is one of the most prominent students of Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal.
08:21When Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal passed away,
08:24he was the one who organized and buried Imam Abu Bakr Ahmed bin Muhammad Marruzi.
08:31His year of birth is 275 AH.
08:33Imam Abu Bakr Ahmed bin Ali Marwazi's year of birth is 292 AH.
08:39Another Marwazi, Muhammad bin Nasr Marwazi,
08:41whose book is famous,
08:42his year of birth is 294 AH.
08:45He is also a descendant of Imam Abu Bakr Ahmed bin Hanbal.
08:47So, Abu Bakr Marwazi and Abu Bakr Marruzi are two different personalities.
08:50Some people mix them.
08:52So, they are two different personalities.
08:54They also have books by Imam Abu Bakr Marruzi.
08:56His book is famous.
09:00It is published.
09:01Imam Abu Bakr Ahmed bin Ali Marwazi,
09:06his teachers are also very famous.
09:08Imam Ali bin Madini is his teacher.
09:10Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal is his teacher.
09:13Imam Yahya bin Mayn is his teacher.
09:16Imam Ali bin Jad is his teacher.
09:18Imam Abu Nasr Tammar is his teacher.
09:21He has also benefited from him.
09:22He has also gained knowledge from many other Shuyukhs.
09:25Similarly, the people who gain knowledge from him,
09:29his students are also very famous.
09:32Imam Ahmad bin Shoaib Nasai,
09:35the author of Sunan Nasai, is very famous.
09:37They are his students.
09:39Similarly, Imam Abul Qasim Tabarani,
09:42whose book is known as Al-Mujam-ul-Kabir,
09:44Al-Mujam-ul-Awsad, Al-Mujam-ul-Sagheer,
09:46and Al-Majam-ul-Salasa.
09:47He is famous by the name Tabarani.
09:48Tabarani Kabir, Tabarani Awsad, Tabarani Sagheer.
09:51Imam Tabarani is his student.
09:53Similarly, Imam Abu Awana,
09:55whose book is also known as Awana,
09:56is also his student.
09:59Similarly, Ibn Nasir,
10:01who is also known as Ibn-e-Mufassir,
10:02Abdullah bin Muhammad,
10:04who is the narrator of this book,
10:07is also his student.
10:08In short, he has great teachers
10:11and great students.
10:12He has served knowledge and art properly.
10:15He was a Qazi of Homs.
10:17In Damascus, he was the Naib of Qazi Abu Zuhra.
10:20He had a long hand in many fields of knowledge and art.
10:24The most prominent of which is Hadith Sharif.
10:27He has worked on Hadith and the books he has studied.
10:31One of his books is Musnad-e-Waqar-e-Siddiq,
10:33which is the subject of our discussion.
10:36Another book of his is Kitab-ul-Jumu'ah.
10:38That book is also published.
10:41It is about Jummah and its excellence.
10:46He has studied that book about Jummah.
10:49It is a great work of his.
10:51It is worth studying.
10:53That book is also published.
10:55He has studied another book, Kitab-ul-Ilm.
10:58He has studied another book, Musnad-u-Aisha.
11:02He has studied another book, Musnad-u-Uthman.
11:05But these books are still not published.
11:08They are missing.
11:10Or even if they are, they are missing.
11:12We do not know the details about them.
11:15Only two of his books are published,
11:18Musnad-e-Waqar-e-Siddiq and Kitab-ul-Jumu'ah-wa-fadliha.
11:22He was a great man.
11:23He was almost 90 years old.
11:27He was born in 292 AH.
11:29The date of his birth has not been mentioned.
11:32But historians have mentioned that he was almost 90 years old.
11:37If we count that,
11:39it can be said that he was born in 201 AH or 202 AH.
11:46Bade Aima has presented a tribute to you.
11:48Afshan-ud-Din-e-Zaabi has written a beautiful sentence for you.
11:51He has said,
11:52Qaana min-au-ir-yatil-e-ilmi.
11:54You were one of the vessels of knowledge.
11:56If you want to show someone that he is a great scholar,
12:02it is said that he is a vessel of knowledge.
12:05He has said in his tribute that he was one of the vessels of knowledge.
12:10He was a great scholar.
12:11He was one of the great scholars.
12:14Rafi Ibn-e-Jaris Qilani has said about you
12:17that you are short in terms of Shuyukh and Ahadith.
12:23You are short in terms of narrations.
12:26You have taken a lot of Ahadith from many people.
12:30You have a lot of Shuyukh and a lot of narrations.
12:34Imam Abu Bakr Ahmed bin Ali bin Saeed Marwazi,
12:39has written a beautiful sentence for you.
12:41Musnad-u-Abi Bakr As-Siddiq.
12:44When we look at this book, we take a brief look at it.
12:48If we look at it with a clear eye or without a clear eye,
12:52the narrations that we find in it...
12:54A clear eye means to look at it with a clear eye.
12:56Without a clear eye means to look at it with a deep eye.
13:00The narrations that you have collected in this book
13:04by Sayyidina Siddiq Akbar,
13:06you have tried to collect all the narrations that you have.
13:12You have tried to collect all the narrations
13:15that you have collected.
13:19You have collected all the narrations that you have collected.
13:24Musnad is a book in the term of Muhaddeseen
13:29in which Ahadith are collected as Sahabi.
13:33If there is a narration of a single Sahabi in the whole book,
13:36it is called a Sahabi.
13:38For example, Musnad-u-Abi Bakr As-Siddiq,
13:40Musnad-u-Ali bin Abi Talib,
13:42Musnad-u-Umar bin Khattab,
13:43Musnad-u-Uthman bin Affan, etc.
13:46And if there are many narrations of Sahabi in the book
13:50but they are collected separately,
13:51they are also collected separately.
13:52For example, Musnad-u-Ahmad bin Hanbal.
13:54Musnad-u-Ahmad bin Hanbal is the most famous Musnad.
13:57The narrations of all the Sahabi are collected separately.
14:00Similarly, Musnad-u-Humaydi is famous,
14:02Musnad-u-Musaddad bin Musarhad is famous,
14:05Musnad-u-Dawud At-Tayalisi is famous,
14:08Musnad-u-Abi-Ya'l al-Mawsili is famous.
14:10Similarly, Musnad-u-Abi Bakr As-Siddiq
14:12is also famous.
14:16The Ahadith which were collected by him,
14:18like the Ahadith which were collected by Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal were 81.
14:22They were collected by Musnad-u-Abi Bakr As-Siddiq
14:24in his book, Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal.
14:27The Ahadith which were collected by Hazrat were 140.
14:30He collected 140 narrations.
14:32Some of the narrations are from Sahabi-e-Karam-e-Ridwan
14:36which he has quoted from Syedna Siddiq-e-Akbar.
14:39And some are from Tabi'een.
14:41He has not mentioned any Sahabi in between.
14:43He has directly taken the narrations from Syedna Siddiq-e-Akbar.
14:46Some are from Tabi'een and some are from Sahabi-e-Karam-e-Ridwan.
14:48He has taken the names of all of them.
14:50And the way he has done it is that
14:51first he has mentioned the narrations of Sahabi-e-Karam-e-Ridwan
14:54from Syedna Siddiq-e-Akbar.
14:57After that, he has mentioned the narrations of Tabi'een.
15:02Sometimes he has done it against the order.
15:04But in general, he has maintained this order.
15:07So, you have collected 140 narrations.
15:10And two more narrations have been collected.
15:12Your student, Imam Ibn-e-Nasih,
15:15who is also known as Ibn-ul-Mufassir, Abdullah bin Muhammad.
15:18He has collected two narrations which he received separately from you
15:22from Syedna Siddiq-e-Akbar.
15:24He has collected those two narrations.
15:26So, there are 143 narrations in this book.
15:30And this book has the advantage
15:32that there are more narrations than Musan Ahmed bin Hanbal
15:35about Syedna Siddiq-e-Akbar.
15:37The last thing is that he has inspected the hadith.
15:40So, Sheikh Shoaib Arnaoot has done the research, studying and publishing of this book.
15:45He has inspected almost all the hadiths in Hashia.
15:49According to his research.
15:51He has told what he thought was right.
15:53This is right.
15:54He has told what he thought was good.
15:55This is good.
15:56He has told what he thought was weak.
15:57This is weak.
15:58He has told what he thought was strong.
16:00This is strong.
16:01Overall, this is an excellent book.
16:04It is worth studying.
16:05I will read only one hadith from this book.
16:09It is from Syedna Siddiq-e-Akbar.
16:11There is a narration in this book about Abdullah bin Amr bin Aas.
16:15It is hadith number 60 and hadith number 61.
16:18In that hadith, there are these words.
16:20In that hadith, there are these words.
16:37Syedna Siddiq-e-Akbar said to Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him,
16:40that I have been taught a prayer that I should ask for in my prayer.
16:43Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said,
16:47Allahumma inni ghulam tu nafsi dhulman kathira.
16:50O Allah, I have wronged my life greatly.
16:53Wala yakfiru dhunuba illa anta.
16:54I do not forgive sins, but You do.
16:57Faghfir li makhfiratam min aindik.
16:59You forgive me from Yourself.
17:03Warhamni and have mercy on me.
17:05Inna ka'ntal ghafoorul raheem.
17:07You are Most Forgiving, Most Merciful.
17:11This is why I read it.
17:12We should know that this prayer can also be recited in At-Tahiyyat, Tashahud.
17:17Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, has regularly advised Syedna Siddiq-e-Akbar.
17:24So, sometimes we should recite this prayer in At-Tahiyyat, Tashahud,
17:28after Durood Sharif.
17:31That prayer, Rabbi Ja'alni Wali, is also correct in its place.
17:34It is a Quranic prayer.
17:36We can recite that prayer as well as this prayer.
17:40If you want, you can recite this or that.
17:42We should also recite the other prayers that have been recited by Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.
17:47May Allah raise the ranks of Imam Abu Bakr Ahmed bin Ali Marwazi Rahimahullah.
17:53May He also raise the ranks of Syedna Siddiq-e-Akbar.
17:57And may He grant us His blessings and blessings.
18:01Wa aakhiru da'awana anil hamdu lillahi rabbil alameen.
18:04O Allah, the One who is the World,
18:13O Allah, the One who is the World,
