• last year
00:00No manches Axel, corres bien rapido, asi nunca te voy a alcanzar, ademas te la pasas
00:08escondida entre las zonas que tenia mi mamá.
00:12Pues ese es el chiste del juego tarudo, que uno corre y no se la deje alcanzar para no
00:17Pues ese chiste del juego no me gusta, y ademas a mi tambien quiero que me atrapen.
00:24Pues ni Paula ni yo hemos perdido.
00:27Empecemos a pelear, estamos jugando a chido, hay de veras con ustedes que no se puede,
00:33martines tenian que ser, yo las traigo pero ponganse vivos, una, dos, tres, listos o
00:40no, ahí voy.
00:42Ah que chamacos hijos, ya me ensuciaron las sabanas que acabo de lavar, orale quitense
00:50de ahí.
00:51Ay mamá, no seas aguafiestas.
00:53Que pasa Laura, por que estas regañando a mis nietos.
01:01Ya, ya, ya, suegra ya sabe como son estos espincles, se la pasan corriendo y gritando
01:07aquí en el patio, y ya me mancharon la ropa que acabo de lavar.
01:11A ver mis niños, condenados chamacos, vamos a dejar que las sabanas que te dio Laura
01:19se sequen, mejor que les parece si les preparo un chocolatito caliente para que se lo tomen
01:26con esas conchas que les compre.
01:29Bueno pues vamos.
01:30Yo quiero doble.
01:32Tú siempre quieres doble porción.
01:33¿Y qué tiene?
01:34Ay ya cállense que hay bien gordo, solo se la pasan nalegando, si Paco se quiere tomar
01:42la olla completa de chocolate, a ti qué Axel, a ti qué.
01:47Yo siento, sí señora.
01:49Yo solo decía.
01:50Venga diga.
01:51Venga y ya disupe.
01:52También a ti te traje la oreja que te gusta, eres mi primer nieta, mi primer angelita.
02:03Ay abuelita, si yo te ayudo a hacer el chocolate para estos demonios.
02:11En un rato te mando a tus hijos Laura, ponte a ver la rosa de Guadalupe, relájate un poquito,
02:18ándale suegra.
02:19Yo quiero el chocolate.
02:20Ay abuelita, es el mejor chocolate del mundo.
02:21Yo soy tu fan número uno cuando cocinas, deberías de hacerte unos tamales de chile
02:35¿Uy a unas enchiladas potosinas?
02:36Sí, a todos les haré lo que me piden, saben muy bien que lo que más me hace feliz es
02:41consentirlos y verlos crecer.
02:43¡Ya viene a bañarse!
03:04¡Ya voy!
03:05¿Ese es mi papá?
03:08Si flojera a bañarme hoy, si ayer me bañé.
03:11Eres bien cochino, Axel.
03:13No te gusta bañarte, por eso te chilla la ardilla.
03:16¡Ay, cállate, papá comía!
03:18¿A ti te gusta bañarte?
03:19¿Qué te haces?
03:20A los oceles chilla la ardilla.
03:22¡Qué graciosita!
03:23Te llamo entonces a comer.
03:24A ver, a ver.
03:25Ya, mis niños.
03:27Váyanse a su casa.
03:29Mañana los espero con los tamalitos que se le antojaron a Paquito.
03:34Ya váyanse.
03:36¡Gran, vámonos!
03:37¡Ey, ey, ey!
03:38Axel, Paco y Paula Martínez.
03:39¿Y qué las tazas se recogen solas?
03:41Órale, llévenlas al fregadero.
03:44Muy bien, muy bien.
03:45Apúrense que ya me están presionando.
03:48¡Pero órale!
03:52A ver, mis niños, su bendición.
03:55En el nombre del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo.
04:01Que la Virgencita los acompañe y guíe su camino.
04:05Gracias, abuela.
04:08¡Ay, mi amor!
04:09Hasta mañana.
04:19Tienes que hacer un buen trabajo.
04:20Todo lo que haces te queda delicioso.
04:22Estoy súper emocionada por mi fiesta de 15 años.
04:25Ya hasta estoy viendo quiénes de mis compañeros serán mis chambelanes.
04:28¿Qué, qué, qué?
04:29¿Cómo que quiénes?
04:30O sea, pues, obviamente, a Axel y yo.
04:33Sí, hermanito.
04:34Pero, o sea, quiero cuatro más.
04:36Ya hasta decidí que quiero bailar la canción Blank Space de Taylor Swift.
04:40No manches, ¿y cuál es esa?
04:41Yo pensé que ibas a bailar esa de ¿Qué le pasa, Lupita?
04:44No sé.
04:46Sí, hijita, sí.
04:47Tengo presente lo de tu fiesta de cumpleaños.
04:49Pero ahí vamos.
05:00¿Crees que no me di cuenta de la cara que traes?
05:03¿Ya me vas a decir qué te pasa?
05:08Ay, mi amor, me conoces muy bien.
05:11Pues es que no ha habido casi pasaje en el taxi.
05:13Y andamos muy cortos de lana.
05:16Yo creo que le voy a tener que pedir ayuda a mi mamá porque...
05:20la verdad sí me siento bien ahorcado.
05:24Bueno, familia.
05:25Ya me voy a la fábrica a trabajar.
05:28¿Qué pasó?
05:29Necesitamos comprarle unos zapatos a Axel, ya no tiene.
05:31Y yo necesito un par de tenis para mis clases de zumba.
05:34Sí, ya lo sé.
05:36Y yo lo que necesito es dormir.
05:38Y todo el día, toda la mañana, se la pasan los chamacos gritando en el patio.
05:42Y no puedo dormir.
05:43Pues, meta en cintura a tu hijo.
05:45Y dile a tus hermanos que controlen a sus mocosos.
05:48Esta vecindad parece más una casa de los locos.
05:51No es una vecindad, mamá.
05:53Somos familia.
05:55Somos los Martínez.
05:57Ay, sí, sí.
05:58Los Martínez, más pobres de la colonia.
06:02¿De qué me sirve?
06:04Bueno, ya, está bien, está bien.
06:06Voy a meter horas extras en la fábrica para poderte comprar los tenis que quieres.
06:13A ver, ven.
06:16Oye, te amo.
06:22Ya, toma.
06:26A ver, apúrate.
06:29Tienes que dormir temprano.
06:35Apúrate a desayunar, Paula.
06:38Pásale, ma.
06:40Rosy, hijita.
06:41Sí, hijita.
06:44Ayer fui al mercado y les compré algo de despensa.
06:50Muchas gracias, ma.
06:53De verdad que no sé cómo agradecerte todo lo que has hecho por mi hija y por mí.
06:58No he hecho nada que no hiciera una madre.
07:02Si tu marido no supo valorarme, tendrán este techo para vivir.
07:07No te desesperes, Rosa Isela.
07:10Saldrás adelante con Paulita.
07:13Eres la mejor abuelita del mundo.
07:24¡Órale, que se nos hace tarde para llegar a la escuela!
07:29Mi papá nos va a llevar en el taxi.
07:31¿Y sabes que no le gusta que la hagamos esperar?
07:34¿Yo qué leía?
07:36Ya cállense, parece que están en el mercado.
07:40Ay, pues no es un mercado, pero sí es una vecindad.
07:44Pues agradecida deberías estar por tener un techo donde dormir.
07:48Ya no eras.
07:50Es muy temprano para que discutan, ¿no?
07:53En la tarde comemos todos como familia.
07:56Debemos estar unidos.
07:58La familia es lo único que siempre tendremos.
08:01No peleemos entre nosotros.
08:04Sí, suegra, como diga.
08:06No quiero que grites, Axel.
08:08Tu papá acaba de llegar de la fábrica y está desvelado.
08:11Ya, ya, váyanse ya.
08:13Que les vaya bien.
08:15Bye, mi amor.
08:16Estudian mucho, ¿eh?
08:17Nos vemos en la tarde.
08:18Mira lo que se te olvidó, la torta.
08:21Te quiero.
08:22Que les vaya bien.
08:24Adiós, te quiero.
08:26Ay, condenados chamacos.
08:28¿Pero qué haríamos sin sus padres?
08:31Con su magia y su alegría.
08:34Bueno, pues yo también ya me voy,
08:35pero nos vemos al rato para la tamaliza.
08:37Que mi virgencita te acompañe, hija.
08:41Gracias, ma.
08:42Nos vemos, Lau.
08:43Ay, que te vaya bien.
08:45Suegra, si quiere yo la acompaño a comprar las cosas
08:47para la tamaliza del rato.
08:49Sí, mi hija.
08:50Solo me tomo mi medicina.
08:52Hoy amanecí mareada.
08:54Ya sabes cómo es esto.
08:56Ahorita vengo.
08:57Sí, suegra.
09:01Tengo miedo.
09:12Cuatro ojos.
09:14Ya déjame en paz, Luis.
09:15Yo no te he hecho nada.
09:19Ya déjame en paz, Luis.
09:22Eres una limita chillona.
09:23¡Cuatro ojos!
09:28Que te pasa, tarado,
09:29Leave my cousin alone!
09:31Get out of here or I'll hit you too!
09:33I'm not afraid of you.
09:35You'd better go before the teacher comes.
09:38Return the glasses to Paquito.
09:40We're only going there because you don't ask for them, Paulita.
09:43I don't know how you don't feel ashamed to be the cousin of this loser.
09:48Paquito, you can't let that idiot bother you.
09:52At least we should tell Axel so he can get even with that fool.
09:57Tell me what?
09:58Tell you what?
10:02Nothing, cousin.
10:04I have to tell you that I'm very stupid.
10:06And by accident, look, I dropped my cake.
10:09And now you're going to have to share yours with me.
10:15I'm telling you, cousin.
10:17You're very stupid.
10:20Well, I'm going to have to share my cake with you.
10:23But I'm not sharing it because I love you.
10:25I'm sharing it because I want you to be strong when it comes to football training.
10:29You're making a fool of us.
10:31So what?
10:35These tamales were left for you to suck.
10:40That's it!
10:50Thank you for spoiling my son, Mommy.
10:52You've always been the best.
10:55My life.
10:58You, your brothers and my grandchildren are my life.
11:02All I want is for you to be very happy.
11:06And that we are always united as a family.
11:10That's what my dad used to say.
11:11Rest in peace.
11:13Well, yes, very united.
11:15But suddenly I wouldn't like to see you for a while.
11:17Oh, yes.
11:18Change the air.
11:20Not seeing the same faces every day.
11:23Well, I'm very grateful for your support.
11:27You're a barbarian.
11:29Hey, what's wrong with you?
11:30Don't talk to my wife like that.
11:32And you don't talk to mine like that either.
11:34Oh, well, if Mirna doesn't like living here,
11:37they should look for another place.
11:39They don't even pay rent.
11:40Even Jique too.
11:42Shut up.
11:43You don't pay anything either.
11:45The one who came back from Arrimada because her husband voted for her was you.
11:48Hey, shut up!
11:50Who are you to say anything?
11:52Besides, look at you.
11:53How your wife brings you there marking the step.
11:56You look stupid.
11:57The sound of your fingers.
11:58Listen to me.
12:01Shut up already!
12:03I can't believe we can't spend an afternoon together as a family.
12:09Without fighting, without complaining, without offending.
12:13What's wrong with you?
12:15Felipe, Gonzalo, Rosa and Zela.
12:21We didn't teach them that, their father and I.
12:24We bought this house with the desire that they had a home
12:29and didn't worry about anything.
12:32But no.
12:34All they do is complain and fight.
12:39I want a united family.
12:41A family that has patience and is considerate of itself.
12:47I don't want harpies in my house.
12:50I don't want vultures.
12:53They make me feel more and more disappointed of the three of you.
12:59I don't want to be here anymore.
13:03I can't stand seeing them fight anymore.
13:07It was a nice family afternoon.
13:10But no.
13:12They ruined it.
13:24Because of you, they made my grandma angry!
13:29It's awful that you're like this.
13:32We're not going to eat tamales as a family anymore.
13:36We forgot that we are the Martines and that we must be united.
13:59Good morning, Mom.
14:01Good morning, Mom.
14:06Mom, I know you're mad at us about the other day,
14:12but I'd like to talk to you about Nadia's 15 years.
14:16Are you okay, Mom?
14:18Mom, what's wrong?
14:21I feel very bad.
14:24I'm cold and I can hardly breathe.
14:32Gonzalo, come quickly! My mom is feeling bad!
14:35Mom! Mom, what's wrong?
14:37Help me take the taxi. We have to go to the emergency room.
14:40I'm going to get your bag.
14:42Calm down, Mom. Calm down. Breathe.
14:45Breathe, Mom. Slowly.
14:47We have you here.
14:49Open the car, quickly!
14:51Let's go.
14:53Calm down, calm down.
15:04How is my mom, Doctor?
15:08I'm very sorry.
15:10We couldn't do anything for Ms. Georgina.
15:13She passed away.
15:19Excuse me.
15:38What do we do now?
15:41We have to hire a funeral home
15:43and pay for the cremation expenses.
15:47No, she didn't want to be cremated.
15:51She wanted to be buried with my dad.
15:55She's going to be okay.
15:57She's going to be okay.
16:00She's going to be okay.
16:03She's going to be okay.
16:07You don't know.
16:10He told me.
16:13I didn't hear that either.
16:16Besides, I think it's easier to cremate her.
16:19What we have to do now
16:22is find a cheaper way.
16:24No, no, no.
16:26What we have to do
16:28is fulfill my mom's wishes.
16:32Do you have money to pay for it?
16:34I can cooperate.
16:37You're so embarrassing.
16:39My grandma just died
16:41and you're already fighting.
16:45I think we should vote as a family.
16:49I think we should listen to the kids.
16:52I also think we should bury her.
17:14Why are you taking your things to my mom's room?
17:17Because Paolo and I are going to use it.
17:20Don't be so abusive.
17:22I thought I was going to get this room.
17:24We're going to have more kids.
17:27Of course not.
17:28It's mine because I already have two kids.
17:31Oh, please.
17:33Why are you fighting?
17:36Your aunt's abusive.
17:37She wants to steal my mom's room.
17:39I'm not a thief.
17:41Don't be ridiculous.
17:42I'm not either.
17:44I agree that you keep the room.
17:47I don't care if you agree.
17:48This is also my house
17:49and I have the same right as you.
17:55From this moment on, you're no longer my sister.
18:00Well, for me too.
18:03From this moment on, you don't exist.
18:05Don't say that.
18:07We're family.
18:09The Martines.
18:10Don't meddle, Nadia.
18:11This is for adults.
18:13In fact, Francisco and Nadia,
18:15from this moment on,
18:16I don't want you to talk to these people.
18:18Wait, wait, wait.
18:19Don't threaten me.
18:22In fact,
18:23no one wants to talk to you.
18:26Axel, come here.
18:28Come here, I'm telling you.
18:30From today on,
18:31you're forbidden to talk to all of them.
18:36Paulita, come.
18:38Come here, my love.
18:40Paula is also forbidden
18:42to talk to your uncles and cousins again.
18:46Listen to me carefully.
18:48If you talk to each other again,
18:50we'll punish you.
18:52You're forbidden to talk to them again.
18:55Did you understand?
19:25You're forbidden to talk to them again.
19:27You're forbidden to talk to them again.
19:29You're forbidden to talk to them again.
19:31You're forbidden to talk to them again.
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