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00:00Read and write
00:02And surf the net all of the day and all of the night
00:06For Neil, you can talk
00:08And much more, Bernie, but keep it to yourself
00:10If you let the cat out of the bag
00:12You'd be a celebrity
00:14Do you wanna lead a dog's life?
00:16The secret's gonna stay with you and me
00:18Watch my chops, shush
00:20There's no joking, the dog is what we said
00:22Watch my chops
00:23They must never hear a word
00:25A talking dog
00:27How absurd
00:41Where are they?
00:43Bernie, call it a hunch
00:45But might those be your cousins from the country over there?
00:53That's them! Good guess, Cornelio
00:55Herbie, Jenny, great to see you both
01:02New news ever, I see
01:06Herbie, let's leave the baggage to him
01:09It'll help build up his muscles
01:18Sure nice of you to put us up while we're here for the farm fair, cousin Bernie
01:24We gotta put some muscle on you though
01:26We'll give you some chores when we get to your place
01:32You know, Cornelio, my place is awfully small
01:35How about letting my cousins stay at John and Beth's?
01:37At my apartment?
01:39Bernie, you're joking! You know my musters are out of town?
01:43Exactly, they'll never know
01:45Come on, Cornelio, where's your sense of hospitality?
01:50Herbie, Jenny, great news!
01:53You'll have a whole apartment all to yourselves
01:55With Cornelio
02:10What a palace!
02:12Makes our farm look like a real dump
02:14Ooh, looky here
02:16Well, make yourselves at home, John and Beth always say
02:18Our house is your house
02:20Our farm
02:25Oh shoot! Look what that crazy dog made me do
02:28What's he so riled up about anyway?
02:30Don't worry about it, John and Beth have plenty of faces
02:33Come on in, make yourselves comfortable
02:36Bernie, I can't turn your cousins away
02:39But please, you've got to set an example
02:42This is a luxury apartment, not a farm
02:46Now that's what I call a sofa
02:48Sure is? Come on, try it out
03:01Your shoes, your shoes!
03:04You want us to take off our shoes, Cousin Bernie?
03:16Yeah, I mean, you too must be starving
03:20After your trip
03:22This way to the dining room
03:40No tools
03:43No two ways about it, Cousin Bernie
03:45You are some kind of cook
03:47This is mighty good eating
03:49Well, when my cousins come to town, it's only the best
04:02Hey, now this crazy mutt's stealing middles
04:05Give me that back
04:07As we say back home with food this good
04:10It'd be like feeding pizza to the pigs
04:13How about I show you your room?
04:25That dog just ain't right
04:27He's going to ruin your friend's fancy tablecloth
04:29Bad dog, Cornelio, bad dog
04:31Behave yourself, this is a luxury apartment, you know
04:34Not a kennel
04:41It's a nightmare
04:49Bye, Cousin Jenny, bye, Cousin Herbie
04:51Enjoy the farm fair, see you tonight
04:53By the way, Bernie, I hope you haven't put them in John and Beth's bedroom
04:57Cornelio, please, give me a little credit
04:59I put them in your room
05:02Oh yeah, Cousin Jenny wanted to use some
05:04I knew you wouldn't mind, so I said
05:06You go, Cousin Jenny
05:08You go, Cousin Jenny
05:10I couldn't agree more
05:11They both have to go
05:12To your apartment to use your cologne and ruin your carpet
05:31Cornelio, Cornelio, Cornelio
05:33You know what your problem is?
05:35You've got no sense of hospitality
05:37In fact, you're downright persnickety
05:41Watch my chops, Bernie
05:43I am anything but persnickety
05:46Oh yeah?
05:54See? Persnickety
05:56Face it, you just can't help yourself
05:58But... but...
06:00Oh dear
06:01You're right
06:02I'm compulsive, obsessive and overly fastidious
06:06Oh, I'm persnickety
06:09It's no wonder I'm such a terrible host, Bernie
06:13Cheer up, Cornelio
06:14The first step is admitting that you have a problem
06:16Don't be so hard on yourself
06:18I'll help you get unpersnicketized
06:21Oh, you're a true friend, Bernie
06:26OK, your turn
06:28I fail to see how getting covered in mud will help deep persnickety me
06:33It's simple
06:34The dirtier you are, the cleaner your apartment will seem
06:38Come on, what are you waiting for?
06:44Hi, Bernie
06:45Yes! Thanks, Martha
06:47Thanks, Romeo
06:48Come on, Cornelio
06:49Let's go home
06:54See? You're such a mess
06:55The apartment is bound to look as clean as a whistle
06:58And you'll forget all about Cousin Jenny and Herbie
07:04Bernie, keep a hold of that mud
07:06He's spooking the livestock
07:09Say, Cousin Bernie
07:11I need to ask you a favor
07:13Thanks for taking the D.O.G. over to your place, Cousin Bernie
07:20I can't believe it
07:22Les moules de Bargy m'ont sauvé mon propre appartement
07:28Que veux-tu que je lui dise?
07:30Salut, Herbie. Salut, Jenny
07:31Désolé, mais mon persnickety-dog m'a dit
07:33Je veux mon appartement
07:36Comme si
07:39C'est incroyable
07:41Je laisse mes cousins rester, je leur donne mon lit, je les cuisine, je leur fais le dîner
07:45Et qu'est-ce qu'ils font? Ils m'évacuent
07:47C'est à ta faute de faire peur aux chiens, Cornelio
07:50En plus, c'est seulement pour quelques jours, tu vas survivre
07:53Regarde, un postcard de John et Beth
07:56Ça a l'air d'être évité maintenant, Cornelio
07:58Mais un jour, tu vas m'en remercier
08:00Et mes cousins aussi
08:01Quand tu sors de ton persnickety-dog
08:10Au fait, Bernie
08:12Qu'est-ce que John et Beth doivent dire?
08:14Que se passe-t-il?
08:16T'as oublié comment lire?
08:20Tout va bien, blablabla
08:22Le temps est bon, blablabla
08:23En plus, on reviendra dimanche
08:25Dimanche? C'est demain!
08:27Vite, Cornelio, tu dois nettoyer avant que John et Beth voient cette merde
08:31Bernie, c'est John et Beth qui doivent nettoyer l'appartement, pas toi
08:36Herbie et Jenny!
08:39Cousin Herbie, cousin Jenny, j'ai de la mauvaise nouvelle
08:43John et Beth reviendront une semaine plus tôt
08:46C'est bon, on va les recevoir
08:48Oh non, non, non
08:49Tu vois, tu dois partir
08:51Ah, Wallace
08:52On doit les remercier de nous laisser rester ici
08:55A demain, cousin Bernie
09:02Je suis un ennemi
09:03Je ne peux pas dormir
09:04Je ne peux pas manger
09:05John et Beth vont voir ce que mes cousins ont fait à leur endroit
09:08Je suis tellement en colère
09:10Qu'est-ce qu'on va faire, Cornelio?
09:16On va présenter vos cousins à mes maîtres, Bernie
09:20Un peu plus tôt, en fait
09:22Maintenant, écoutez attentivement
09:31Qu'est-ce qu'il y a? Est-ce qu'il est heureux de vous voir?
09:33John et Beth
09:35N'est-ce pas, Cornelio?
09:37Bonjour, maman
09:40John! Wow!
09:41C'est génial de te rencontrer
09:43Juste un peu de quelque chose pour montrer notre appréciation
09:46Vous avez un appartement parfait
09:48Le chien est un peu de rascal
09:51Mais au-delà de ça, nous avons passé un très bon moment
09:55Vous êtes très bienvenue
09:57Quand Bernie nous a demandé si vous pouviez rester
09:59Bien, bien sûr, nous avons dit oui
10:01De plus, il va nous rembourser
10:05Ok, bien, hé
10:07Vous allez manquer votre avion si vous deux ne vous dépêchez pas
10:09Dites au revoir à Martha et à Romeo
10:14Ok, au revoir
10:16À Martha et à Romeo
10:17Ah, bien, hé, hé
10:21Wow! Regardez le temps! 4 heures!
10:24Bon voyage! Au revoir!
10:26Au revoir!
10:32Vous nous vautez tellement
10:40Ah, là!
10:41Spick and span!
10:42Je ne veux pas parler de persnickety, Bernie
10:45Mais je pense que vous avez oublié cette partie
10:48Très drôle!
10:49John et Beth seront là dans un instant
10:50Allez, Cornille!
10:51Un peu d'aide ici!
10:54Oh, vous allez gérer, Bernie
10:56Vous avez une semaine pour tout nettoyer
10:59Mais ils ont dit...
11:00Le postcard! John et Beth!
11:04Ah, j'ai dû récupérer mon appartement, Bernie
11:07Je n'avais pas d'autre choix
11:09Au moins vos cousins sont partis, n'est-ce pas, Bernie?
11:12Oh, Bernie