Art et designTranscription
00:30Présenté par
00:48Les machines humaines ont détruit nos maisons et notre pont à Farthing-Wood.
00:52Effrayés et fâchés, nous avons été forcés d'échouer.
00:55Nous avons commencé une longue et dangereuse voyage vers White Deer Park,
00:59une réserve naturelle que se connaissait uniquement à Toad.
01:02Avançant notre thirst à un poêle de plage, nous avons voyagé la nuit.
01:07Mais à l'arrivée de la nuit, un chemin se trouvait entre nous et un endroit en sécurité.
01:12C'était presque la fin d'Adda, et Toad, fatigué, devait être sauvé par Fox, notre courageux leader.
01:20Mais à la fin, tout le monde a atteint la sécurité d'une zone armée,
01:24où nous avons passé une nuit fatiguée.
01:55Arrête de sourire, mon amour.
01:58Moi ? Je ne souris pas.
02:01C'est ce que tu dis toujours.
02:04Mais je pense que tes sourires sont positivement éclatants.
02:09Je dis ! C'est un tir d'oiseau !
02:13Pour une fois, je crois que tu as raison, mon amour.
02:16Pour une fois ?
02:19Oui !
02:21Mais qu'est-ce qu'ils utilisent ? Des canons ?
02:25Badger, réveille-toi ! Réveille-toi !
02:29Quoi ? Où suis-je ?
02:33Est-ce qu'il y a un earthquake ?
02:39Qu'est-ce qui se passe, Kestrel ?
02:44Je vais voir !
02:49Si j'étais un rat, j'aurais peur !
02:55N'ayez pas peur ! N'ayez pas peur !
02:59Où est-ce que tout le monde va ?
03:01Ils vont retourner sur la route. Et écoutez le trafic !
03:04Ils vont se tuer !
03:11Quand tu es entre les deux mauvais, la meilleure solution est de rester calme.
03:17Plus facile dit que fait.
03:20Arrêtez ces rats !
03:26Merci, Ada.
03:27Le plaisir était mien.
03:30Rats, restez là où vous êtes jusqu'à ce que vous soyez annoncés.
03:34Je ne peux pas t'entendre, les créatures me hurlent.
03:39Je vais calmer les rats, Fox.
03:42Bonne chance.
03:44Je ne peux pas continuer.
03:46Mes nerfs ! Mes nerfs !
03:49Je vais réunir les autres. Ada, gardez un œil sur eux.
03:53Seulement un ?
03:55Comme vous le souhaitez.
03:58La peur, rat, est l'ennemi le plus grand.
04:01Conqurez la peur et vous pourrez conquérir le monde.
04:05Car celui qui n'a pas peur n'a rien à craindre.
04:11Il a dit de les calmer.
04:15Pas de les envoyer dormir.
04:25Je suppose que quelqu'un a toujours des profits dans une crise.
04:29Mais est-ce que c'est vous, Moly ?
04:32Beaucoup de pieds viennent de ce côté.
04:35Vous voyez quelque chose, Kestrel ?
04:38Je vois des soldats portant des armes.
04:41Badger, tournez-vous.
04:43Nous devons nous unir.
04:50Un des soldats a élevé son arme.
04:54Il y a un couteau à la fin.
04:57Je dis ! C'est pas très sportif.
05:01Maintenant, il attaque un sac.
05:03Un sac ?
05:05Il l'attache d'une branche.
05:07Pourquoi ? Qu'est-ce qu'il a fait ?
05:09C'est un jeu.
05:17Un jeu de pieds ?
05:23Un jeu de pieds ?
05:25Un jeu de pieds ?
05:27Un jeu de pieds ?
05:29Un jeu de pieds ?
05:44Un type est possédé par un samouraï.
05:47Il ne peut pas bouger d'un sac.
05:56Où duruit-il dans cette république ?
05:58Je ne sais pas pourquoi il n'a pas juste tiré sur l'objet et qu'il l'ait terminé.
06:03Kestrel, est-ce que c'est sécuritaire pour nous d'entrer dans l'ouverture pour l'eau ?
06:07Oui, vous serez assez sécuritaire. Ils sont tous en train de courir. Ils sont déjà à des milles.
06:14Tu courrais si tu étais attrapé par un wasp !
06:17Suivez-moi !
06:29C'est bon, sommes-nous tous ici ?
06:40Tout excepte Mowgli. Il a probablement descendu après son dîner.
06:46Mowl, tu as eu assez de wasps. C'est temps d'y aller.
06:50Oh, c'est une autre explosion !
06:53Faut-il ?
06:56Faut-il ?
06:58Nous devons nous unir, Mowgli.
07:00Je peux highly recommander le mâche, Mowl.
07:03Il m'a offert le déjeuner le plus délicieux et le plus sucré que je puisse m'en rappeler.
07:09Allez, tout le monde, pas de stagiaires, s'il vous plaît !
07:14Personne ne m'a peur !
07:19J'ai été attrapé par un wasp. Ça a fait mal pendant des semaines et des semaines.
07:25Ah !
07:35Allons, on va se baigner encore.
07:39J'espère que c'est pas loin.
07:46Bonjour, mon ami. Je pensais que vous étiez un gaga.
07:50And look at you now! No worse to wear at all, eh?
08:00Al was right! Look at this!
08:07Water's very bitter, but lovely and cold.
08:12I bet Toad's enjoying himself, eh? Where is he?
08:16We can't lose our guide.
08:20Ah, look! Keeping the newts company.
08:22Poor old Toad. He's worn out from yesterday.
08:36I thought Kestrel said it wasn't far?
08:39It isn't if you're a bird.
08:42Pace too fast, Toady?
08:44No, no, no. I enjoy a nice walk.
08:51Come on, baby.
08:56Thank you, Fox. At last!
09:04Travelled too far yesterday, Fox.
09:07Too fast for us small animals. Too slow for you.
09:12Hmm, true, Toad. It's very uncomfortable for us larger animals.
09:18Oh, dear. It's all my fault. Oh, I'm sorry, Badger.
09:25I didn't mean you were making me uncomfortable, Moly.
09:28Go on, eat your worms. It's all right.
09:32You're right, Badger. We can't slow our pace any further.
09:36What are we going to do?
09:38I know! What Adder needs is a sting in the tail.
09:42That'll make her move!
09:48I'll give you a sting in the tail.
09:58Some weasels never learn.
10:00Perhaps it would be better if we knew it stayed here.
10:04Oh, no. Certainly not. Where there's a will, there's a way.
10:09Adder's going on, aren't you, Adder?
10:11Hmm. I suppose the mice get deliciously fat in a nature reserve.
10:21Adder, remember the oath.
10:24This journey's much too hard for us, Fox.
10:27I don't think we could make it, no matter how slow you all went.
10:33But the newts have everything they need here.
10:35And they're quite safe. Nobody comes near this end of the marsh.
10:39They'll not do any better at White Deer Park.
10:42I suppose you're right, Toad.
10:45Don't like it. Not in the team spirit.
10:48As long as no one else wants to leave.
10:51That's settled, then. We're staying.
10:54You do see it's better for us, don't you, Badger?
10:57I suppose so. But I don't like it.
11:01Well, I'm afraid we'd better be going.
11:06I'd like to get round to the other side of the marsh before night.
11:10Goodbye, newts. And good luck.
11:13Thank you for everything, Fox.
11:16Time to go, everybody.
11:21Moly, where have you gone now?
11:25Here I am.
11:27It's time to go.
11:29But you said I could look for worms.
11:32Later. Later.
11:34One day, Moly, you'll be so fat,
11:37you'll get stuck down one of your own tunnels.
12:04Throw that away. It might be dangerous.
12:13Are you all right, dear?
12:16I'll never be able to turn my back on anyone again.
12:23That will be a nice change.
12:25Is that all you're worried about?
12:28When you've been shot at as often as I have, Fox,
12:32you'll realise nothing's more important than one's personal dignity.
12:38The quicker we're out of here, the better.
12:41Get into single file, everybody.
12:43And don't step out of line.
12:45This is dangerous country.
12:47Toad? Where's Toad?
12:50Too tired to move.
12:53Take a rest, everybody.
12:55I'm going back for him.
13:03While we've stopped, Badger, can I get down?
13:06What for?
13:08I drank a lot of water with those worms.
13:19It's that sting on the end of your nose.
13:22It's affected your sense of smell.
13:24I smell smoke.
13:26I do, really.
13:27You can't fool me again.
13:29I'm not going to panic.
13:36Look, a red glow in the sky.
13:42Have you seen Toad?
13:44Yeah, but the Martian devils are close behind.
13:49Kestrel, have you seen Toad?
13:51Danger! Danger!
13:53Fire! Fire!
13:57No, mustn't run. Must find Toad.
14:01Mole, where are you?
14:03He went down there.
14:05That little puddle?
14:07Looking for worms, I expect.
14:13Oh, that greedy little...
14:15Oh, dear. The poor thing will be drowned.
14:18Mole, come out of there.
14:20Mole! Mole! Oh, yes.
14:24Fire! Look!
14:33You're running straight into the marsh.
14:36Toad, panic!
14:38Permission to run away, please.
14:41Certainly not. We can't leave Mole.
14:44He who lives by his greed
14:47will never be free.
14:49We can't leave Mole.
14:51He who lives by his greed
14:53dies by his greed.
14:55Oh, shut up!
14:58I've not tasted weasel in ages.
15:02The oath! The oath!
15:08Have you seen Toad?
15:10He was with Ada. You can't go back there.
15:15Fire! Fire!
15:47We must wait for her weasel.
15:49I won't! I won't!
15:53We must! And then there's Mole.
15:55We'll give them both 200 heartbeats.
15:59200 heartbeats?
16:02200 heartbeats.
16:051, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30!
16:11I can hear my own heart! Don't panic!
16:17Toad! Toad! Where are you?
16:25I'm coming Toady!
16:29Ada! Is that you?
16:32How nice of you not to start without me.
16:36Hurry everybody! Follow me!
16:39But what about Mole?
16:48You came back for me!
16:50Hurry! The flames are almost on us!
16:55Follow Kestrel round the marsh.
16:58I can't! I can't!
17:00I can't! I can't!
17:02I can't! I can't!
17:04I can't! I can't!
17:06I can't! I can't!
17:08I can't! I can't!
17:10I can't! I can't!
17:12Oh dear!
17:14The little ones have got to have a breather.
17:21Mum, will we ever see Fox again?
17:25Of course. Fox can run faster than fire itself.
17:30We won't see poor old Mole.
17:34Oh dear. Better go on I suppose.
17:41I think we're safe now, eh Owl?
17:44Yes, you can stop now.
17:49What's the odds Fox didn't get to Toad in time?
17:53Look! I can see them! Coming out of the smoke.
17:59Oh Badger, if I ever get out of here, I promise I'll never be greedy again.
18:11Are we all safe?
18:14All but poor old Mole.
18:16I heard a strange sizzling noise.
18:19I looked back and I saw a flame shoot out of the dry grass.
18:24It caught on the bushes and up they went like bonfires!
18:28Luckily the wind wasn't blowing our way.
18:30It was blowing the flames back, the way we'd come, to the other side of the marsh.
18:35The newts!
18:41Oh Badger, oh Fox, all my friends, what happened to you?
18:50I'm all alone, all alone!
18:56Oh dear, what have we got here?
19:00The poor little fellow.
19:04The wind's changed.
19:07Ah, seems a pity to wake him.
19:12Wakey, wakey!
19:15What's happened?
19:16The fire's spreading round the sides of the marsh.
19:19We're trapped in the middle, at the mercy of the human firefighters.
19:26Is there any way out, Kestrel?
19:28There's a causeway, a narrow strip of land just under water,
19:32running out to a tiny island in the middle of the lake.
19:35You'd be safe there.
19:37Take me to it! Come on everybody!
19:46Here, here!
19:50I think it'll be all right.
19:51I'm too tired for swimming, and the water's so deep, I drown!
19:57Yeah, so would we.
19:59And us!
20:01Climb up my tail.
20:03Stop it! One at a time!
20:06Well, Badger, you've got the right idea.
20:12The fire's coming nearer!
20:14You'll just have to swim for it.
20:16I can't take everyone.
20:33Nothing like a crisis for making you pull together, eh?
20:36If only Mole could have been here.
20:39And the Mutes!
20:51Well, the humans are finally winning. The fire's dying out.
20:56At the moment, the humans are our friends, but...
20:58Wait till they see us!
21:00How will we escape?
21:02Where am I?
21:10There's Mole!
21:25He hasn't seen us.
21:27Well, he wouldn't. He's blind in daylight.
21:30Oh, what are we going to do?
21:34Al, Kestrel, can you distract the humans while I run to get him?
21:48Oh, look!
21:56Hey, look at that!
21:58Well, I'll be.
22:00Did you ever see anything like it in your whole life?
22:03Shh, quiet. Don't want to frighten him then, do you?
22:07Oh, lovely mateys!
22:09It's going to rain!
22:16The humans are going!
22:20Oh, Badger, I did miss everyone.
22:23I did miss everyone, especially you.
22:29Well, Mole, me old pal, can't say I'm sorry to have you back either.
22:35Let's take our chance and slip away.
22:38Toad, where do we go from here?
22:40Once over the causeway, it's straight on for the fence, mateys.
22:44Then we're off army land and on to farm land.
23:18Let's go!
23:48To be continued...
24:18To be continued...