• last year
We take a sneak peek into one of the trendiest detox ceremonies, known as Kambo. It became famous for curing illnesses and boosting energy, yet it comes with its own risks.
00:00I'm interested in working with my body, with my body and now is such a moment when it is more relevant, so I'm here.
00:30My name is Mikhail, I live in St. Petersburg and hold KAMBO ceremonies in Russia and abroad.
00:42The first ceremony is the Sonanga ceremony. These are eye drops. One drop is buried. After that, a very strong burning begins, tears flow. We gently wipe them.
01:09You can feel the wave of energy all over your body. Our task is to focus our attention on breathing and try to relax.
01:20The second ceremony is the KAMBO ceremony. These are the secrets of the frog Filomedusa Bicolor.
01:37In order to apply it to the skin, you need to make quick, light movements, small burns, in order to get to the epidermis.
01:55In the shortest time, the person's temperature rises, the heartbeat is cleared.
02:25The third ceremony is the RAPE ceremony. These are the blows into the nose of a fine powder mixture. The sensations are shocking.
02:45Thanks to this, RAPE helps to clean our nostrils from mucus, helps to normalize our heartbeat and breathing, helps to plunge into a deep meditative state.
03:15After KAMBO, people feel a total detoxification, clarity of mind, immunity becomes much stronger. Our mind is in a calmer and smoother state. At all levels, we feel a surge of strength.
03:43It is extremely unpleasant. The first 15 minutes are very intense, and then it starts to let go, let go, let go.
03:56All three medicines help to get rid of PANEM. This is a negative cloud of energy that accumulates around a person.
04:07Despite the swelling of the face and throat, despite the difficulties of speaking, I still feel good, wonderful, despite everything.
