PT Adaro Energy Indonesia Tbk (ADRO) optimistis, bahwa prospek ekspor batu bara akan mengalami pertumbuhan ke depan, utamanya di topang oleh peningkatan permintaan di wilayah Asia. Adaro menganggarkan belanja modal jumbo, dengan estimasi hingga USD700 juta pada tahun 2024 ini.
00:00Thank you for joining us on News Screen, I'm Mirza PT, Adaro Energy Indonesia TBK Optimistis.
00:11The prospect of coal exports will grow in the future, mainly supported by the increase in demand in the Asian region.
00:19Adaro expects to buy Jumbo capital, estimated at US$700 million by 2024.
00:31PT Adaro Energy Indonesia TBK Optimistis, the prospect of coal exports will grow in the future,
00:37mainly supported by the increase in demand in the Asian region.
00:42The coal emitter of the Conglomerate Garibaldi Boy Tohir also believes it can reach the target of sales this year.
00:49The company's regimen states, Adaro Optimistis, with the prospect of coal export growth in the future,
00:54especially supported by demand growth in the Southeast Asian region, including Indonesia and South Asia.
01:01As of January 1, 2024, Adaro's coal exports include 24% of Southeast Asia,
01:0718% of Southeast Asia, 18% of China, 11% of India, and 3% of others.
01:17There is also a 2024 sales guide with a sales target of up to 67 million tons,
01:23which includes 61 to 62 million tons of thermal coal and 4.9 million tons to 5.4 million tons of metallurgy coal from Adaro Minerals.
01:34Adaro expects to buy Jumbo capital, estimated at US$700 million by 2024.
01:40This capital purchase includes equity investment in industrial-related projects in North Kalimantan.
01:53Thank you for watching!