• 3 months ago
Recuerdos de Juventud Cap 1 en Español Latino
00:00:21Waste like in the ocean when it goes
00:00:26Sail for you
00:01:21Let me go there is got a quacky cocaine escutcheon
00:01:25Comienzan las labores de búsqueda en el sitio inmediatamente
00:01:31Tiene que haber sobrevivientes
00:01:34Quizá podamos rescatar los de encepresa y encuentran los
00:01:42Pagno you
00:01:44Pagno you
00:01:47Después de sus disculpas tan sólo me va a colgar así
00:01:54Igual los iba a matar
00:02:03Nada mal es diferente a jungu como ya dije prefiero a hallo
00:02:11Como se llama
00:02:14No contrataremos a un desconocido por amor de dios pregunte su nombre
00:02:48Está ahí o no dijo que no dejar entrar a nadie no soy cualquiera soy la maquillista y borá
00:03:01Me tocaste
00:03:04Es agresión sexual
00:03:06a un lado
00:03:09Quiere saber la verdad
00:03:17No dejes que nadie entre sobre todo y por
00:03:21es una sanquejuela
00:03:24además es asquerosa
00:03:32Por cierto me pareces familiar te conozco
00:03:41Aún así quiere entrar yo seré la que termine con él que no puedo lo siento debo obedecer órdenes
00:03:51Pero haré una excepción
00:03:56Usted es más fuerte que yo
00:04:10Fuimos novios por cinco años me aferré por un tiempo porque era difícil aceptar nuestra ruptura
00:04:17Pero ahora quieres tratarme como basura
00:04:23Qué demonios quieres que terminamos
00:04:26Yo soy la que termina contigo
00:04:29quiero golpearte cuando te veo pero aunque lo mereces no lo haré
00:04:35Soy una buena persona y vaya que eres humilde
00:04:42Oye oye
00:05:03Que hiciste idiota te dije que no la dejaras entrar intenté detener la señor
00:05:25Sangre me parecías familiar así que te investigué eres modelo has caminado en pasarelas como terminaste aquí
00:05:33Que como termina aquí
00:05:36Algún problema te sorprende que te hable así yo también investigué tienes mi edad
00:05:41hablemos de tú tú comenzaste
00:05:44idiota debes estar loco
00:05:47Mi sueño es convertirme en el hombre que está frente a mí
00:05:59Incluso este idiota logró tener éxito no me queda mucho tiempo
00:07:11Deberías ejercitar te oye deja de llamarme a diario para que vaya a correr contigo
00:07:15No lo hago solo porque si tus niveles de colesterol están altos
00:07:18cuídate por favor
00:07:20Yo me encargo de mi cuerpo y tú encárgate del tuyo o podemos cuidarnos mutuamente no digas tonterías
00:07:29Oye de seguro habrá una cosa que pueda hacer mejor que ustedes
00:07:33solo una seguro que hay dos o tres cosas
00:07:37ello suenas muy seguro para alguien que no ha hecho su servicio militar y acaso tú vas a la base a diario así es
00:07:46Debe ser que yo subió una foto a instagram de apuesto 500 a que no es el me di cuenta que tienes muchos seguidores
00:07:51Ya tienes más que you son ho y cho ying yoke no sé por qué tantos me siguen la modestia te hace parecer
00:07:58presuntos no es modestia es la verdad
00:08:00quieres esos 500
00:08:02Mira que le pasó en el rostro lo habrán golpeado en el trabajo
00:08:07porque lo golpearía
00:08:10Los ricos como tú no entienden el dolor de los pobres como nosotros estás a punto de cruzar los límites
00:08:16Oye ya van a dar los resultados de la película y si no eligieron a jejun porque preguntas me tiene a mí yo cuidaré
00:08:22de mi amigo
00:08:23Oye también cuida de mi hermano mi hermano que podías cuidarte solo pero puedes que no larga te vamos hermano
00:08:30Ah te apuesto 500 a que es tu mamá crees que es la única persona que me llama que estás haciendo
00:08:35estás de vacaciones no estás al nivel de heyo
00:08:39me debes mil guones en total que no es ella
00:08:46Hola mamá dijiste que sería una sesión porque aún no llegas
00:08:50Prometiste venir al salón al que yo suelo venir
00:08:55No me gusta cómo te peinas estás fuera de onda olvídalo y no hables como adolescente
00:09:01hablaremos de eso en casa debo irme
00:09:05Qué niño
00:09:07Porque no ha llegado yin yu
00:09:09está hablando por un momento con el director quiere algo de bebé no creo que tome un minuto
00:09:14tú maquilla me no quiero esperar
00:09:16no tarda en llegar yo aún no soy tan buena
00:09:20haz lo que te digo ya me has maquillado antes le puse base un día antes de que llegue a dios cuanto hablas
00:09:29Me voy entonces
00:09:32Usted gana
00:09:40Me desinfecto
00:09:42Eso me gusta
00:09:44Algunos no se lavan las manos antes de tocarte el rostro lo supe la última vez que me maquillaste eres diferente
00:09:52Es usted muy amable
00:09:53Qué tipo de reuniones es formal es informal entonces le haré un maquillaje natural pero bonito
00:10:18Sus ojos son muy hermosos
00:10:22Dime que soy hermosa otra vez se siente bien en unos minutos no sonará sincero si lo hago ahora
00:10:30Hay quien te viera eres ingeniosa también
00:10:34La reunión se alargó un poco seguiré cuando ella termine con su base de hecho ella me maquillará hoy
00:10:41anjonja que
00:10:43La asistiré cuando termine con la base dije que no
00:10:49Sabes detesto esperar y solo has tenido retrasos perdón profesora
00:11:11Pronto que tenga buen fin de semana
00:11:23Estás feliz que ya veo porque trabajabas en una gran compañía no entiendo
00:11:31Tan solo soy tu instructora de maquillaje ah el director te adora no te importa nada más
00:11:41He trabajado aquí por 10 años
00:11:44No había visto a nadie llegar a la cima aprovechándose así si vuelves a robarme algún cliente lamento interrumpir la señora pero
00:11:51Le dije que no podía ella insistió y no tuve opción no tuviste opción
00:11:56Que vieja excusa no tuve opción y te atreves a decírmelo
00:12:03Si esto vuelve a ocurrir entonces sabrás la suerte que tenías trabajando en una gran compañía
00:12:35Tiene un complejo de inferioridad se siente menos que tú porque se sentiría inferior a mí por tu talento
00:12:44Gracias subin
00:12:46Siento que es la primera vez en siglos que me llaman talentosa en serio ya te agrado más que saje yun eso nunca
00:12:53Es tan necia lo admiras de corazón
00:12:59Jinju ir al desfile de modas mañana dile que quieres ir estar ahí seguramente
00:13:03No forcer en nuestro encuentro nos conoceremos cuando sea ahora viviré mi vida al máximo mientras tanto podría desaparecer
00:13:11Es conocido como modelo pero no como actor
00:13:16es cierto
00:13:18Además hoy que es rico vive en hanam dong no tiene que ser famoso para vivir bien
00:13:24Oye, eres muy malvada
00:13:27retracto mi agradecimiento
00:13:29Es cierto que vive en hanam dong pero no es rico es amable y trabaja muy duro
00:13:37Oye, no es ético alabar la personalidad de una celebridad tú como sabes si es amable
00:13:44Vuelve a trabajar
00:13:46No te molestes algunos pensarán que eres la novia de saje yun
00:13:57Pero hablando de saje yun y si lo veo un momento
00:14:05Hey yun mi amor por ti me ayuda a sobrellevar mi día de nuevo tú también estás bien
00:14:44Para mi amigo
00:14:46Su sueño es una protección
00:14:48para mí
00:14:50Es una meta que me está saliendo cara
00:15:17Perdiste la cabeza
00:15:19Yo no perdí la cabeza pero tú sí no me han depositado los cheques de las últimas pasarelas
00:15:25Pato ha dijo que te demandaría pero lo detuve no le tengo miedo
00:15:30Esta herida sigue fresca lo dejé golpearme para que no pudiera acusarme y siempre cambies el tema
00:15:36No te lo permitiré hey yun
00:15:40Como sabes la compañía enfrenta grandes problemas
00:15:42Problemas es por esa situación que no puedo pagarte no trates de causar lástima por dios
00:15:50No es la primera vez como lo haces tan seguido
00:15:53Porque debo rogarte para que me pagues
00:15:56Los demás se fueron y te llamaron imbécil y sabes que yo creía que de veras no tenías el dinero
00:16:01Confía en ti y me quedé aquí y por qué diablos confiaste en mí
00:16:05Hey yun por eso no lo logrará ser es muy inocente es por eso que yo estoy guardando tu dinero por ti
00:16:13Pero no quiero hablar de eso
00:16:15te sorprendió
00:16:17Dime por qué te molestas tanto solo por dinero
00:16:21Oiga lo está llevando muy lejos señor lee paga de una vez
00:16:27Oye tú ya renunciaste si ya recogiste todas tus cosas larga te dios es más tacaño de lo que me pagas
00:16:34De lo que creí
00:16:36Cuánto más cree que se saldrá con la suya crees que puedes hablarme así porque ya te vas
00:16:40Crees que no me verás de nuevo y minge la vida no es un lecho de rosas
00:16:45Crees que no me volverás a ver trabajamos en lo mismo
00:16:49mejor larga
00:16:51Dejaré la industria así que no me volverá a ver
00:16:55Pero quiero que haga algo bueno antes de irme siempre esperé que lo hiciera
00:17:02Serio estas loca y a usted le encanta la locura por donde comienzo
00:17:07primero hablo con la prensa o con su esposa ya se
00:17:12primero a la oficina de trabajo a caso me estás amenazando
00:17:15Si cree que es una amenaza debe haber hecho muchas cosas malas ah
00:17:21Por eso le tengo tan poco respeto
00:17:24Se conoce también que sabe justo que hacer después
00:17:27Pagarle a hey yuna apenas es nada no quedará pobre por eso ok no no lo haré quien reaccionará primero
00:17:36Quizás su esposa porque la verá esta noche
00:17:39Cuando terminaba con alguna yo era quien la consolaba ya no recuerda y que piensas hacer con eso con esto
00:17:50Si no le paga ejecutar el plan b entendido
00:18:09Te preconto por que me abres la puerta
00:18:13Dame tu empresa
00:18:15What are you doing?
00:18:16I'm opening the door.
00:18:17I'm asking you, why are you opening the door?
00:18:20I'm a semi-representative, Min Jie.
00:18:24I need someone like you.
00:18:28Let's talk when they pay you.
00:18:30Do you trust me just for a little help?
00:18:32Is that why they're swindling you?
00:18:34The swindlers are to blame, not the swindlers.
00:18:37Your perspective leaves the swindlers free of guilt,
00:18:40and that's an offense.
00:18:42Well said, but did you hear me?
00:18:44Leave this industry.
00:18:45I heard you, but it'll be different if you work with me.
00:18:49Min Jie, Min Jie, I'm not done yet.
00:18:55You're good, and I let myself go.
00:19:01Hey, Min Jie.
00:19:07Hey, Min Jie.
00:19:25You should trust your husband. Who else?
00:19:32Hey, we'll talk later.
00:19:34Someone's here.
00:19:36I have to make money.
00:19:40For you and our kids.
00:19:46Why did you come back? Are you happy now?
00:19:49Let's continue where we left off.
00:19:51What do you want us to talk about?
00:19:52My contract allows me to leave without a penalty.
00:19:55You remember, don't you?
00:19:56Do you really think you're very smart?
00:20:00Let's write a cancellation letter.
00:20:02As you wish.
00:20:04Do you want to bite the hand that feeds you, ingrate?
00:20:08I worked like a dog for you.
00:20:10I'll hit you if you say you did something for me again.
00:20:14Okay, okay.
00:20:18We'll cancel it.
00:20:21But I'm not going to pay you.
00:20:22Keep the money and don't look for me.
00:20:25It's worth paying the price for getting rid of you.
00:20:30You debuted as a model seven years ago.
00:20:33You've reached your full potential.
00:20:35Who made it possible?
00:20:37It was me!
00:20:39Do you really think you can become an actor?
00:20:42No, you can't.
00:21:00Do you want to hit me?
00:21:03I'm saying it for your own good.
00:21:19I won't do it.
00:21:22It's not worth it.
00:21:25Do you think you and Heyo are on the same level?
00:21:28Do you think you can be like Heyo?
00:21:36That's why you're so out of control.
00:22:06What are you doing?
00:22:18I'm proving to you that I'm not like you.
00:22:24Heyo is my friend.
00:22:28I've never tried to be like him.
00:22:30Don't lie to me.
00:22:49I feel free.
00:22:50When I worked with you...
00:22:52I was going to send you to jail.
00:22:53Don't talk.
00:22:55Even if you sue me, you won't get the money.
00:22:59I'd rather pay a bail than give it to you.
00:23:03Do you know why I gave up that money?
00:23:06I know you won't give it to me.
00:23:08And that I'd have to do worse than what you've done to get it.
00:23:13I don't have time for that crap.
00:23:17You won't succeed.
00:23:20You'll always be inferior to Heyo!
00:23:38Good luck!
00:23:45What are you doing?
00:23:51Having fun.
00:23:57He answered quickly. I think I can call him.
00:24:20Hi, Grandpa.
00:24:22Hi, what are you doing?
00:24:24Yes, having fun.
00:24:26How's my grandson?
00:24:28Do you need money?
00:24:30I'd appreciate it.
00:24:31Are you making good money?
00:24:34Not yet.
00:24:36Then don't give me anything.
00:24:38But it won't always be that way.
00:24:40Of course not.
00:24:42I'm sure you'll be successful.
00:24:44I assure you.
00:24:45I've never seen someone as handsome as you.
00:24:49My dad scolds you for saying those things.
00:24:52You're scary. You arrive early. I get bored without you.
00:24:56Samingi, since when are you such a crybaby?
00:24:59You're my dad's dad.
00:25:03I got old a long time ago.
00:25:05That's the truth.
00:25:07But you're still the best.
00:25:10You judge people well, Grandpa.
00:25:13Even if things don't work out for you now,
00:25:15gold doesn't go to waste.
00:25:17And you're gold.
00:25:19I'll give you more money in a few days.
00:25:22Now that I've heard from my grandson,
00:25:24I'll keep having fun.
00:25:29I'm coming.
00:25:52Did you change your schedule?
00:25:54I hadn't seen you. Nice to meet you.
00:25:56Likewise. Take your orders.
00:26:00Just look at them.
00:26:07What are you going to do?
00:26:08I'll take your orders.
00:26:10Me first.
00:26:12What can I get you?
00:26:14What do you recommend?
00:26:17How about the Italian special?
00:26:19Sounds good.
00:26:30Why is it always the same?
00:26:32It's the same as last season.
00:26:43The dahlias are a little long.
00:26:45Cut the stems.
00:26:47They're supposed to be long. That's the point.
00:26:49Right away.
00:26:51Oh, yeah. I forgot to take some things out.
00:26:53You have to wash them by hand.
00:26:57Didn't you notice I changed my clothes?
00:26:59Why did you make me notice you changed your clothes?
00:27:02Does that mean you're going home?
00:27:04Come on. It won't take you long to wash them.
00:27:07It's just that I have to leave early today.
00:27:10Will you do it, please?
00:27:11I'll do it tomorrow.
00:27:13It was my eldest son's first day of work,
00:27:15so we invited the neighbors to his party.
00:27:17I have to do some shopping.
00:27:19Are you going to throw a party because your son found a job?
00:27:23Finding one is hard these days.
00:27:25How did he do it?
00:27:27He has a college degree.
00:27:29A good college.
00:27:31But impressive.
00:27:33Even in a big company, he'd have to work all his life.
00:27:37If you had told me, I would have recommended him to my school.
00:27:41Better unemployed than working at his school.
00:27:43He chose among some companies that wanted him.
00:27:46What company did he join?
00:27:48If you want to show off, do it.
00:27:50Don't change the subject.
00:27:51You would have already finished washing my clothes.
00:27:53And let's go back to the clothes.
00:27:56I'd better hurry.
00:28:03Ah, so you changed the subject.
00:28:06It's not like you've been here a week.
00:28:08How could you say no like that?
00:28:16There's nothing.
00:28:20They say no one can do what they please.
00:28:23That's a lie.
00:28:24It's not like I just realized that life is unfair.
00:28:28Anyway, I'm a loser.
00:28:30Complaining like that won't do me any good.
00:28:34You know we'll have dinner together tonight, right?
00:28:36He knows.
00:28:37You already said it.
00:28:39I'll be late.
00:28:40Why will you be late?
00:28:42Your father will be very upset.
00:28:44No matter how hard I try to strengthen our family ties,
00:28:47we always fight.
00:28:48He'll be on time.
00:28:49Why do you say that?
00:28:50We're all late.
00:28:52Why should I be mad?
00:28:54I'm not mad.
00:28:55I'm not mad.
00:28:56I'm not mad.
00:28:57I'm not mad.
00:28:58I'm not mad.
00:28:59I'm not mad.
00:29:00I'm not mad.
00:29:01Why should I be mad?
00:29:06He said he was going to work.
00:29:08Is he done?
00:29:13Tell me what you want to eat,
00:29:15and I'll tell her to make it.
00:29:17I'm sure she already planned it.
00:29:22You're lucky.
00:29:23Kyung-joon got a job.
00:29:25Now all that's left is Hae-joon.
00:29:26And that's the problem.
00:29:28He's an idealist who still believes in his dreams.
00:29:31When he was on TV and in the magazines,
00:29:33you laughed but you smiled.
00:29:35Not because I liked him.
00:29:37I thought I'd make a living using his face.
00:29:40If I hadn't achieved that,
00:29:42I wouldn't keep dreaming.
00:29:44In seven years, he didn't achieve anything,
00:29:46but he doesn't want to give up.
00:29:49I'd like him to learn something useful.
00:29:52If Jin-ho was as handsome as Hae-joon,
00:29:54he'd support his dream because...
00:29:57Who would want their son to work here?
00:30:00At least that way you won't starve to death.
00:30:03Watch out!
00:30:06I said I'd carry the heaviest load.
00:30:08But I don't think it's fair.
00:30:12You're a good guy.
00:30:14You know the risks of this job.
00:30:17And you want your son to work here?
00:30:19I had to work to pay my father's debts.
00:30:23And he still has to go to the army.
00:30:25When I think of him, I can't sleep.
00:30:27How long will I take care of him?
00:30:29But your wife also works.
00:30:32I can't let her work forever.
00:30:34That gives her power.
00:30:35And of course she deserves it.
00:30:37You should support her too.
00:30:48I'm leaving!
00:30:50I'm leaving!
00:30:57I'll pay you the extra time.
00:31:00It's not necessary.
00:31:01Why? You deserve it. 50,000 won.
00:31:03You pay me 100,000 won a day, but I only see one piece of clothing.
00:31:07I stopped you, even though you had to leave early.
00:31:09I'll reward you.
00:31:15Oh, Mom.
00:31:16Hae-joon, it's been so long.
00:31:18You look so handsome.
00:31:19And you look even more beautiful.
00:31:21I don't see you around anymore.
00:31:23Hae-joon always comes home late.
00:31:25And he doesn't talk much about what he does.
00:31:27But you do, right?
00:31:28Of course I do.
00:31:30I also tell him things I don't tell Mom.
00:31:35What is it that you don't tell me?
00:31:37Oh, Mrs. Kim is here.
00:31:39I have to go. It's late.
00:31:41Bye, Mom.
00:31:46I can't believe you call her Mom.
00:31:48Why? Why do you do it?
00:31:50How should I call the mothers of my friends?
00:31:54Mom, don't try to talk like a young person.
00:31:56Don't think like that.
00:31:57Don't belittle others because of your social status.
00:32:00When have I belittled anyone?
00:32:02Hey, what is it that you don't tell me?
00:32:05What do you tell Hae-joon, but not me?
00:32:11Tell me.
00:32:12Do you have a girlfriend?
00:32:15We could make a movie about this.
00:32:17The Hitchhiker.
00:32:23Hey, tell me, what are you going to have for dinner?
00:32:25The parade is tomorrow.
00:32:27I'll make you a salad.
00:32:28You're scaring me.
00:32:29Just leave me alone.
00:32:32Don't be funny.
00:32:33Do you think you did all this on your own?
00:32:37What are you talking about?
00:32:40Hey, why do you look at me like that?
00:32:44I'll show you that I can survive alone.
00:32:47Please respect that.
00:32:49I respect it deeply.
00:32:51Don't worry.
00:33:01Kim Yong.
00:33:03I hate it when people call me Ma'am.
00:33:07I can't call her by her name.
00:33:10Give this to your wife.
00:33:13Thank you very much.
00:33:14I tried to recommend Hae-joo, but the director is not interested.
00:33:17If you say that after I give you a gift,
00:33:19you make it look like I want something in return.
00:33:22Of course.
00:33:23Everything is an exchange.
00:33:25If Hae-joo becomes a star, you would deserve half the credit.
00:33:29Just half?
00:33:31I must work harder.
00:33:44I love you.
00:34:14I love you.
00:34:24Oh my god.
00:34:45Oh my god.
00:34:51What are you doing here so early?
00:34:52I haven't even started.
00:34:54I got here early to help you.
00:34:56Wow, you cleaned someone else's house all day,
00:34:59and now you're making a big dinner.
00:35:01What's so special about your kids?
00:35:03I know.
00:35:04What's so special about them?
00:35:06Tell me.
00:35:07Has she been quiet?
00:35:09She gets upset once or twice a year.
00:35:11But she's been careful these days.
00:35:13She should be.
00:35:14She begged you to come back when you quit,
00:35:16so you came back to work for her.
00:35:18She only feels comfortable with me.
00:35:20I could hire someone else if I wanted to.
00:35:23Please, don't be so modest.
00:35:29What's this?
00:35:32Hae-joon's recruitment?
00:35:36There's going to be a lot of drama tonight.
00:35:44You're going home?
00:35:45That's right.
00:35:47What do you have in your house?
00:35:48You love being there.
00:35:51Dinner is pork.
00:35:52Do you want to come?
00:35:53I love you, Yeong-ha.
00:35:55That's enough.
00:35:56I love you, Yeong-ha.
00:35:57And now, why are they so happy?
00:36:02Will you do something tomorrow?
00:36:03Would you cover the fashion show?
00:36:05It's your day off.
00:36:06If you want to, forget it.
00:36:07I'd love to do it.
00:36:09Jin-ju can do it.
00:36:10But it would be complicated.
00:36:12Thank you so much.
00:36:13I'll do my best.
00:36:14I promise.
00:36:15I know you always do.
00:36:16Keep up the good work.
00:36:18I'm leaving.
00:36:19See you later.
00:36:20Be careful.
00:36:24You and Hae-joon are meant to meet!
00:36:27You were right!
00:36:28You even smiled!
00:36:30Of course not!
00:36:41Hae-joon, take this to table 6.
00:36:44And this to table 8.
00:36:51Bon appetit.
00:36:52Excuse me.
00:36:54Do you need anything?
00:36:55You're so handsome.
00:36:57We came to see you.
00:36:59Would you like more salad?
00:37:01Sounds good.
00:37:05You're very popular.
00:37:06That's true.
00:37:08Why didn't you come to my house?
00:37:10I'll go with you.
00:37:11Two servings of pork?
00:37:12And spicy noodles.
00:37:21We should hurry up and finish work.
00:37:23What should we do?
00:37:25Honey, come get this.
00:37:26I'm coming.
00:37:27I'll do it.
00:37:28You're a guest.
00:37:29What are you talking about?
00:37:30I'm a guest.
00:37:31I'm a guest.
00:37:32I'm a guest.
00:37:33I'm a guest.
00:37:34I'm a guest.
00:37:35I'm a guest.
00:37:36What are you talking about?
00:37:37We're guests.
00:37:38This dinner is in your honor.
00:37:39Let him do it.
00:37:40Young people are better.
00:37:41Yes, dad.
00:37:42Let him do it.
00:37:43I don't want to do it anymore because you said so.
00:37:45When someone tells you not to do something, you don't do it.
00:37:48I don't like that.
00:37:49Me neither.
00:37:50And you, young man?
00:37:51I don't like to be given orders either.
00:37:54Almost all people are like that.
00:37:57I told you to bring the food, but you're still talking.
00:37:59You talk too much.
00:38:00I'm sorry.
00:38:01I'm going.
00:38:02No, you're the one celebrating.
00:38:04Come on, honey.
00:38:05You stay, Jin Lee.
00:38:06We're a lot.
00:38:08Why did you ask me and not my brother?
00:38:10Why do you only force girls to do cleaning these days?
00:38:13It's anachronistic.
00:38:14Oh, I'll do it.
00:38:15Jin Lee, seriously?
00:38:18I would like to live a more independent life from now on.
00:38:22You're smart.
00:38:23Who will you really be a daughter to?
00:38:25Try to live with her.
00:38:27Sit down, young man.
00:38:28No, leave him.
00:38:29Come on, you do it.
00:38:30I want the biggest one.
00:38:31Take this.
00:38:36Oh, God.
00:38:38Do I stay or do I leave?
00:38:41Should I go now?
00:38:43What if they hate me for bothering the kids?
00:38:47Okay, I'm going.
00:38:54Oh, you scared me.
00:38:56Can you come to dinner now?
00:38:58I was exercising.
00:39:01I didn't ask you.
00:39:05I'll always respect your privacy.
00:39:11I'm sure you all know
00:39:14that I'm the boss in this house.
00:39:36How long are you going to live like this?
00:39:38I don't understand what you're talking about.
00:39:40I only think about what's best for you.
00:39:43Why not be a manager instead of a part-time employee?
00:39:47I can't be full-time.
00:39:49Youth doesn't last long.
00:39:51Learn how to run this place and make money.
00:39:54If you do it right, I'll give you the restaurant.
00:39:57Thanks for the offer.
00:40:00You reject it without even thinking about it?
00:40:03I'm sorry.
00:40:04Listen to your elders.
00:40:06As I grew up, I learned that their advice was useful.
00:40:10At first, I listened to them.
00:40:12But as I grew up,
00:40:14I felt that they only saw it for their own interests.
00:40:18I don't understand.
00:40:20I just offered you the restaurant.
00:40:22What good does that do me?
00:40:24Hey, June.
00:40:25I didn't know you had bad faith in me.
00:40:27I didn't mean to imply that you were like that.
00:40:29I'm just saying that people are like that.
00:40:35I hope you don't think like that about me.
00:40:37But listen to your elders.
00:40:39Think about it.
00:40:43Why don't you answer me?
00:40:48Good job.
00:40:59I'm leaving.
00:41:00Yes, goodbye.
00:41:05Why did you take so long?
00:41:06You only changed your clothes.
00:41:10Did your boss tell you anything today?
00:41:12I have a lot on my mind.
00:41:15What should I do?
00:41:17What should you do?
00:41:20Oh, no.
00:41:21I won't do it.
00:41:22I don't want to do it.
00:41:23I won't do it.
00:41:24No, I won't do it.
00:41:25Well, don't do it.
00:41:27I don't want to do it.
00:41:30I don't want to do it.
00:41:34Hey, stop him.
00:41:36Run, run, run.
00:41:42What are you doing here?
00:41:44I live around here.
00:41:45Is there a problem?
00:41:46Of course not.
00:41:50Wu Hei You.
00:41:51What a traitor.
00:41:52I asked him to prevent Hei Yun from escaping.
00:41:54Hey, wait for me, larguiruchos.
00:41:57Why does he talk so much when he runs?
00:41:59Oh, my legs.
00:42:12Jiang Jung.
00:42:13And in what area are you going to work?
00:42:15I will work in corporate finance.
00:42:19You must separate your private and public life.
00:42:22He can take care of himself.
00:42:23You don't have to tell him.
00:42:26It is better to prevent than to regret.
00:42:32Very good.
00:42:33Let's toast again.
00:42:34Days like this are worthy of a toast.
00:42:36Is there anything to say?
00:42:38You never have anything to say.
00:42:40This is your son, the successful one.
00:42:42If my son were as smart as him,
00:42:44I would show off with everyone wherever he went.
00:42:50Grandpa, I think he hit his son.
00:42:54What did I do?
00:42:55I didn't even touch him.
00:42:56But his comment was very sharp.
00:43:01Girl, don't start.
00:43:05Tell them why you think so, so they understand you.
00:43:08It was not a misunderstanding.
00:43:10I finish with me.
00:43:11My love.
00:43:12It is true.
00:43:13Who is your son?
00:43:14It's me.
00:43:15If he were smart, I would show off with everyone wherever he went.
00:43:18And he doesn't do it because I'm not.
00:43:22I admire him.
00:43:24You are great.
00:43:25The best.
00:43:27What's wrong with you, Jelly?
00:43:29Jung Nam.
00:43:30Your daughter is weird since she entered the university.
00:43:32She only tells the truth.
00:43:38It's a day to laugh.
00:43:40Let's toast.
00:43:41Congratulations again to Kyung Joon for his new job.
00:43:43Jelly, your glass.
00:43:45For making me laugh.
00:43:46Here is your reward.
00:43:48Thank you, dad.
00:43:50Only Jinwoo and Hye Joon are missing here.
00:43:54Congratulations, Kyung Joon.
00:44:13You of the models must have committed many crimes in your past lives.
00:44:17You can never eat anything.
00:44:19In this life, food is not everything.
00:44:21For some, it is.
00:44:24But we don't make fun of anyone for that.
00:44:26We respect that.
00:44:27It's true.
00:44:29You two are like twins.
00:44:37How beautiful.
00:44:39You could get into trouble.
00:44:52Do you want to go up?
00:44:53I'm bored.
00:44:54No, thanks.
00:44:55I do.
00:44:56I'm leaving.
00:45:01He has no dignity.
00:45:03She's his friend.
00:45:04That's normal.
00:45:06How did Hena grow up?
00:45:08More than that.
00:45:09She stopped growing.
00:45:10She's getting old.
00:45:12See you later.
00:45:15She looks happy.
00:45:16Have fun.
00:45:17She'll leave it at the door of her house.
00:45:22Looking at Hena, I feel that time is fair.
00:45:26I'm getting old, but so is she.
00:45:30Because time is the only thing that is fair.
00:45:36Did something happen to you?
00:45:38Reality is attacking me.
00:45:50Like this?
00:45:51Like this.
00:45:54You'll regret it.
00:45:55I think I will.
00:46:00Let's go somewhere else.
00:46:01What do you think?
00:46:02I don't want to.
00:46:03If you don't want to, neither do I.
00:46:06That's a good attitude.
00:46:08You deserve an award.
00:46:23Tell me.
00:46:25What's going on with you?
00:46:28If I tell you, I'll feel bad again.
00:46:31If I tell you, I'll feel bad again.
00:46:35Then tell me when it doesn't affect you anymore.
00:46:39Did they tell you anything about the audition?
00:46:42Not yet.
00:46:43And you?
00:46:45I was wondering if you knew anything.
00:46:49Do you think someone will get the role?
00:46:53Me too.
00:46:55I'll congratulate you if you get it.
00:46:57Of course.
00:46:59And I'll do it too.
00:47:04If you don't choose me, I'll enlist.
00:47:06I did everything I could.
00:47:10We promised to enlist together.
00:47:13They say that when you grow up, your friends change with your financial situation.
00:47:18That doesn't apply to us.
00:47:20It's always been different.
00:47:22If something changes in us, it's because we're losing our innocence too.
00:47:34Why do you look at me like that?
00:47:36I love you, Sajay John.
00:47:38Not again.
00:47:40Hey, don't do that.
00:47:42What's wrong with you?
00:47:43Calm down.
00:47:48I'll do it someday.
00:47:56Oh, my God.
00:47:57You look beautiful.
00:47:59Can I say that?
00:48:00It's okay, I'll edit it later.
00:48:02Oh, well.
00:48:03You also get surprised when you see your face at work, right?
00:48:06Let's say you suddenly have plans.
00:48:09Calm down, I can fix your makeup.
00:48:11I'll give you advice on how to do it.
00:48:15I look much better, right?
00:48:17Remember, under the eyes, shine, eyeliner, and concealer.
00:48:25Oh, I'm going to meet J.J. tomorrow!
00:48:27I love you!
00:48:28We have to go.
00:48:43Can I eat now?
00:48:56It's perfect.
00:48:58The meat is seasoned, the cheese is salty,
00:49:01and the kimchi completely cancels out the fat.
00:49:03I'll make fried rice with kimchi cubes and radish when we're done.
00:49:06It's fantastic.
00:49:07When I met you, I thought you were a cheapskate.
00:49:09Whenever I invited you to eat out, you preferred to eat at home.
00:49:12That's why I bought this house.
00:49:14Except the door belongs to the bank.
00:49:17Hey, you don't even know what could happen tomorrow.
00:49:19Why did you buy a 30-year-old house?
00:49:21I don't get it.
00:49:22Because you've never been homeless.
00:49:25A house gives you a kind of stability.
00:49:27That's why the name of my channel is,
00:49:29I Like Stability.
00:49:30If that's what you like, get married.
00:49:32I don't want to get married.
00:49:33Oh, not even if Zaheyun asked you?
00:49:35Not even if.
00:49:36I won't change my values.
00:49:38And why do you like it?
00:49:40Because love makes me feel good just by thinking about it.
00:49:43I don't want to fall in love.
00:49:45I want to feel love.
00:49:46Love goes well with alcohol.
00:49:48Do you have alcohol?
00:49:49No, I don't drink when I work the next day.
00:49:51Aren't you too strict, Yongha?
00:49:53Yes, I am.
00:49:54When I quit the company, I decided to live my life for myself.
00:49:58You should do it too.
00:49:59Society focuses too much on the family.
00:50:41I was just cleaning.
00:50:43Did you go to have fun?
00:50:45I worked.
00:50:47Work? Where?
00:50:48What the hell have you been doing?
00:50:54What are you doing?
00:50:55You're not going to answer, are you?
00:50:59I'll make another door for Kyungjoon.
00:51:00I need a new one.
00:51:41You're home.
00:51:51We need to talk.
00:51:53About what?
00:51:54I don't want Dad to hear.
00:51:56Just say it. I'm so tired.
00:51:58Just a minute.
00:52:11What are you going to do?
00:52:13You should go.
00:52:15I should.
00:52:16That's the right thing to do.
00:52:18But Mom, I just auditioned for a movie.
00:52:22If I get chosen, it will be the last chance I have to be successful.
00:52:27You should go anyway. Just go.
00:52:29Why are you spying on me?
00:52:31It's a small house. You can hear everything.
00:52:33Don't meddle in my life. Worry about yourself.
00:52:36Look at me. I'm fine.
00:52:37You're the one in charge of the family.
00:52:39Why do you say that?
00:52:40You don't admit it, but you agree with me.
00:52:42You said it a while ago.
00:52:48Of course not.
00:52:49Are you talking behind my back?
00:52:51You're my family.
00:52:54Everyone is judged for everything.
00:52:56The family is no exception.
00:52:58But the standards are not the same.
00:53:00That's the difference.
00:53:01Kyungjoon, in my opinion, you have a bad temper.
00:53:04Yes, you did well in school and got a job.
00:53:06And with what do you contribute?
00:53:08With education and a job?
00:53:11He does contribute.
00:53:13Please, why are you meddling?
00:53:15What the hell is going on?
00:53:17Oh, it's nothing.
00:53:19Come on, go to your room.
00:53:23It's nothing? You cover it all the time.
00:53:25That's why he's so spoiled.
00:53:27That's enough.
00:53:31Oh, you're home.
00:53:33Did you eat?
00:53:35And you?
00:53:36Of course.
00:53:37Hey, what's wrong with your face?
00:53:39No, it's nothing.
00:53:40If you say so.
00:53:41I heard you got recruited.
00:53:43Why did you hide it?
00:53:44I didn't, I just saw it.
00:53:46Whatever, you should do it.
00:53:48Right now? It's too late.
00:53:50You know I didn't say it like that.
00:53:52How will you survive?
00:53:53Will you waste your youth on something that doesn't work?
00:53:56I'll ask you something.
00:53:59Do you also think I cause problems?
00:54:03Why do you ask that?
00:54:04Because I'll also judge my family.
00:54:06I thought they were different.
00:54:08But if they judge me behind my back, I think I'll change my mind.
00:54:11It means they're like everyone else.
00:54:12We were talking about your military service and future.
00:54:14Why do you change the subject?
00:54:15I want to know if you're interested in my future or if you're just worried about whether I'll be a burden to you.
00:54:19To know how I should respond.
00:54:21Don't you realize you're very rude to your father?
00:54:24I say it for your own good, why else would I say it?
00:54:27You already worked as a model.
00:54:29At first you liked it, but look at you now.
00:54:31You barely have any money.
00:54:33Do you want to know your future?
00:54:35Just look at your grandfather.
00:54:37And then look at yourself.
00:54:39When you were young, a lot of people said it was too much to live an ordinary life.
00:54:43And that's why you insisted on trying to become a singer or an actor.
00:54:47And look how you live now.
00:54:49Hei-Yun is different from me.
00:54:51Why do you always compare him to me?
00:54:53What's the difference?
00:54:55I think he's just like you when you were young.
00:54:57If they hadn't taken the money I saved, we wouldn't be living like this.
00:55:01And I'm sorry about that.
00:55:03That's why I stayed quiet.
00:55:05The problem in this family is me, Hei-Yun, not you.
00:55:10You're always defending him.
00:55:12When I see his face, my heart shrinks.
00:55:15It's just like you when I see him taking the same path as you.
00:55:18My heart breaks.
00:55:20For God's sake, that's enough. Silence.
00:55:22Go to bed.
00:55:24You just humiliated me and you want me to sleep?
00:55:27What's your problem?
00:55:28Stop it, please.
00:55:31He'll never do anything if you defend him like this.
00:55:33Shh. He can hear you.
00:55:35So what? He has to understand reality.
00:55:37That's enough. Follow me. You too.
00:55:44It's not possible.
00:55:47Mom, no.
00:55:48Enough. We can talk here.
00:55:50My dad and you.
00:55:51You're ruining Hei-Yun's life.
00:55:53You should help him be stronger.
00:55:57He's at a point of change.
00:55:59If he makes a mistake, he'll end up like Grandpa.
00:56:01What's wrong with that? Tell me.
00:56:03Do I have to say it so you can understand?
00:56:05He's sweet and very well-intentioned.
00:56:09Listen, Mom. Do you really think that?
00:56:11I don't think he'll do it.
00:56:12Hey, what do you want to do?
00:56:14He feels bad because his plan didn't work. Don't pressure him.
00:56:16What did I expect?
00:56:17That they'd pay him to walk? It wasn't a good plan.
00:56:21When it came out on TV, you bragged about it wherever you went.
00:56:23Did you forget?
00:56:24So you think he'll do it?
00:56:26He infected me with his madness.
00:56:28The past is in the past.
00:56:30Face reality, Mom.
00:56:31Covering it up all the time won't solve his problems.
00:56:34Hei-Yun is right.
00:56:36He's like me.
00:56:37He knew how to take care of himself since he was a kid.
00:56:40We must let Hei-Yun decide on his own.
00:56:44Dad and I always did that with you.
00:56:46Your brother has the same right.
00:56:48What the hell?
00:57:45You're surprised too when you see your face in work, right?
00:57:48Let's say you have plans.
00:57:50Just wait, I'll fix that.
00:57:54I'm finally going to meet him, I'm so excited, I'm going to tell him that I'm his admirer
00:58:16and that I support him in everything.
00:58:46I'm going to meet him, I'm so excited, I'm going to tell him that I'm his admirer
00:58:53and that I support him in everything.
00:59:16I'm going to meet him, I'm so excited, I'm going to tell him that I'm his admirer
00:59:23and that I support him in everything.
00:59:46I see you move over the line, I see you dancing out of your mind.
01:00:14We can go on, even days like nothing seems alright.
01:00:21You can count on me, so can we lose it tonight?
01:00:27Be yourself.
01:00:45Let's go to Marquilleta.
01:00:55Juange, me! Over here!
01:01:22The teacher told me a lot about you.
01:01:25Kim Iyon, the teacher.
01:01:27She stopped teaching a long time ago.
01:01:29Really? Teacher once, teacher forever.
01:01:46Why didn't you call me?
01:01:48Oh, I'm sorry.
01:01:55First I'll moisten your skin.
01:02:13I'm sorry.
01:02:15It's fine.
01:02:25Don't you need a mask?
01:02:27Your skin is fine, you don't need it.
01:02:54It's fine.
01:03:24It's fine.
01:03:54It's fine.
01:04:25You're ready.
01:04:29The principal would like to speak with you for a moment.
01:04:33I'm almost done.
01:04:34Can I go talk to her and come back?
01:04:36No problem, we have a lot of time.
01:04:39Thank you very much.
01:04:43I'll wait for you outside.
01:04:45Wait for me, she said it wouldn't take long.
01:04:47Staying when you're done with me would be strange.
01:04:50Can you stay here?
01:04:53Of course.
01:04:59Hi mom.
01:05:01What? You're here? How?
01:05:03Can I stay here?
01:05:08Do you want me to leave?
01:05:10You're always so quiet.
01:05:14It's fine, wait, I'm coming.
01:05:18It's fine, wait, I'm coming.
01:05:23My mom wants to see me.
01:05:26Well, see.
01:05:27What do I do with this?
01:05:29It's fine, just see.
01:05:34What if you make me up?
01:05:38You're Jinju's client, not mine.
01:05:47Do you want me to leave?
01:05:49She wants to see me.
01:05:53So strict, don't you think?
01:05:56You both work in the same salon because you're obsessed with each other's clients.
01:06:01I guess you don't get along.
01:06:04That's not true.
01:06:07Does my makeup artist have a bad temper?
01:06:10And how would you answer that question?
01:06:12I'll do it.
01:06:15I'll do your makeup.
01:06:19Jinju isn't a bad person.
01:06:22But some...
01:06:24I don't mean everyone, but some say that Jinju makes people feel uncomfortable.
01:06:32I'm the opposite.
01:06:34I make everyone feel comfortable, so they like it.
01:06:37And not just people.
01:06:38Even the dogs on your street bark because they like you.
01:06:43Good boy.
01:06:50You always do the same thing.
01:06:52Steal other people's clients.
01:06:55I thought last time was a mistake.
01:06:58Now I realize it's a habit.
01:07:02That's not true.
01:07:04They just asked me to...
01:07:05I'm sorry.
01:07:07I promised this girl that I would make her change her mind
01:07:10if I surprised her by doing something like that again.
01:07:13And I'm keeping my promise.
01:07:17Defending her in this situation would only humiliate her more.
01:07:22I'm sorry, ma'am.
01:07:25And people think I'm the bad one because I can't stand her.
01:07:30Because no one knows what you're like inside.
01:07:33Because no one knows what you're like inside.
01:07:44I'll make your face look thinner.
01:08:02I'm sorry.
01:08:03I'm sorry.
01:08:30How did I get so lucky?
01:08:33It was a joke.
01:08:35I can't believe it happened to me.
01:08:37Being kind does pay off.
01:08:42I'll always be grateful for that.
01:08:44Of course.
01:08:47How can Hei Yun be so handsome?
01:08:59Being kind...
01:09:01What does it have to do with having a happy life?
01:09:07That's life.
01:09:09The bad and inconsiderate are always the winners.
01:09:14I'm so glad to be your admirer.
01:09:20Are you my admirer?
01:09:25Why are you here?
01:09:43Do you like me?
01:10:14I'm sorry.
01:10:16I'm sorry.
01:10:43I'm sorry.
01:10:56I was nervous.
01:10:58You can't imagine how nervous I was.
01:11:00Hey, Daniel! It's me!
01:11:03I have a problem, Hei Yun.
01:11:05I'll start over.
01:11:07Look, Hei Yun. They started together.
01:11:09He's successful because he has good sponsors.
01:11:12If I can't do it alone, I'll quit.
01:11:15You can leave now.
01:11:17They're my family. They should care.
01:11:20Being a family doesn't solve anything.
01:11:22Enough! Don't tell me what to do with my life.
01:11:41I'm sorry.
01:11:43I'm sorry.
01:11:45I'm sorry.
01:11:47I'm sorry.
01:11:49I'm sorry.
01:11:51I'm sorry.
01:11:53I'm sorry.
01:11:55I'm sorry.
01:11:57I'm sorry.
01:11:59I'm sorry.
01:12:01I'm sorry.
01:12:03I'm sorry.
01:12:05I'm sorry.
01:12:07I'm sorry.
01:12:09I'm sorry.
