• last year
Reporter Catherine Musgrove pits two giants of the meal delivery world against each other. Hello Fresh v Gusto - see who see thinks comes out on top
00:00 Today I'm going to be looking at what it's like to actually get a HelloFresh delivery.
00:05 How it works, what it looks like, how long it takes to cook and how it compares to Gusto.
00:10 I'll also be showing you this is how you order and the different options, the prices and
00:17 this is how it gets delivered.
00:19 So the box has just been delivered first thing in the morning today and I'm going to open
00:29 it and show you what's inside it.
00:31 And this is literally the boxes I've just opened it.
00:34 So we've got some recipe cards.
00:36 What have we got today?
00:40 Ultimate Chicken Satay, that's one of them.
00:44 Chicken in peppercorn sauce.
00:47 And you see the number on the top there, that correlates to the bag.
00:51 So I'll show you that in a minute.
00:53 Korean style, I'm going to pronounce this wrong, Gochujang Chicken Tacos.
00:59 I've got three this week.
01:05 So the numbers, that's number seven.
01:07 So everything is self-contained in little bags, which makes it really, really easy.
01:13 We do have four.
01:16 These are an extra and I'll come back onto that.
01:20 There's Nutty Milk Chocolate Baklava Bites with Tonic Chocolone.
01:25 Okay I'll come back onto that because that's not a standard order.
01:28 That's an extra that I've chosen.
01:30 But going back to what I was saying, and there's loads of bits of rubbish in here.
01:34 So I'll just install them.
01:35 But you get bags which correlate to the recipe card number and they're all self-contained
01:40 ingredients in there, apart from meat, which I'll show you later.
01:44 They just go straight in the fridge so it's dead easy.
01:47 Okay so this is what's in the big one, the chilled section.
01:51 And as you can see, it's kept cold with these ice packs.
01:56 So we've got everything here that does need to be kept really, really cold.
02:03 And this is the extra that I just mentioned before.
02:07 We don't usually get these extras, but when you order in, you can choose an extra to go
02:15 with your main meals.
02:17 And with it being half term, I thought this might be something nice to do with my son.
02:21 So we've gone for that.
02:22 So this is the one that my son has chosen tonight for his tea.
02:26 So that's number seven.
02:27 And this is the bag for number seven.
02:29 So I just wanted to show you the opening of it, what's inside it.
02:34 And then we'll talk a little bit more about the actual cooking and the times and hassle.
02:39 Okay so these are the ingredients I've just got out of the bag.
02:42 And that correlates with this recipe card.
02:45 That's what it's meant to look like when you serve it.
02:47 These are the ingredients.
02:48 The chicken is actually still in the fridge.
02:49 I showed you that earlier.
02:52 And then over this side, yeah, so I've gone for three people and they're the amounts that
02:56 are provided.
02:59 Sometimes you've got to provide some of your own things like that are not provided here,
03:04 not included.
03:05 So honey, for instance, I would be expected to have that as a store cupboard ingredient.
03:10 Other things, water that you add in.
03:13 Sometimes they want you a bit of olive oil, that kind of thing.
03:17 But yeah, this one is actually one of the quicker ones.
03:20 So it gives you an idea here of spice.
03:22 Super quick, 15 minutes.
03:24 What I will say about that is if that takes me 15 minutes, I would be surprised.
03:28 Usually it's just a guide.
03:30 It might take me 20, it might take me 25 minutes.
03:34 Some of them are like an hour.
03:37 They're really complex, I think.
03:40 And that's just something to be aware of, that they can have multiple pans out.
03:46 You feel like half your kitchen's out and there's a lot of cleaning up.
03:51 So it's worth thinking about when you're ordering about if it's like a work night, a school
03:55 night, how much time, how bothered can you be to make some of these?
04:00 I just wanted to show you as well that we have done Gusto in the past.
04:05 And this is a Gusto spaghetti bolognese recipe card.
04:10 It's really similar, as you can see.
04:13 Really, really similar, just a little bit smaller.
04:16 I would say about Gusto, I quite like Gusto.
04:19 Really, really similar in terms of the pricing, the incentives that you can get to join, the
04:26 delivery options.
04:29 The only thing that's different is that it comes in a box and it's not bagged up.
04:35 It's all thrown in together.
04:37 And when it's a busy day, that can just be really, really irritating.
04:42 And when you're making it as well, because you've then got to dig all the individual
04:47 ingredients out of the fridge.
04:48 It's not much, but if you're looking for differences between the two, there's very few differences.
04:54 I would probably say that I prefer the meal choices for HelloFresh, but the Gusto ingredients
05:02 are slightly fresher in terms of the meat.
05:04 The meat's nicer on Gusto.
05:07 And I prefer the convenience of HelloFresh.
05:09 But other than that, it's personal preference, really.
05:13 I've had a few more delivery issues with HelloFresh than I have with Gusto, but I've been doing
05:19 HelloFresh longer.
05:20 So that's all I can really say, to be honest.
05:23 I like them both, but we're currently with HelloFresh.
05:26 So what I will do is I will take a picture or maybe a little video of what my version
05:31 of this looks like, and I'll tell you how long it took me.
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