• 2 years ago
Karen and James Marks are in the midst of preparing for their family's first Christmas Day with their three children - Cameron, five, Isabella, three, and Gabriella, 17 months. The three youngsters are considered triplets as they were conceived on the same day - and at the same time - through IVF, from the same batch of embryos.
00:00 Hello, we're Karen.
00:02 - I'm James, this is Cameron.
00:04 - And Isabella.
00:05 And they are twins, born two years apart.
00:09 So Isabella was born September 2020
00:13 and Cameron was born September 2018.
00:16 And they were conceived via IVF
00:21 at the same time three years ago
00:23 in BCRM in Bristol.
00:27 And yeah, we had Cameron transferred
00:31 as a fresh transfer in 2017, towards the end of 2017.
00:35 And he was a successful pregnancy, obviously,
00:37 and now here he is.
00:38 And then two, well, gosh, how long later was it?
00:45 18 months after Cameron was born,
00:47 we decided to use one of our frozen embryos.
00:50 And now we have Isabella.
00:52 And yeah, because they were conceived at the same time,
00:55 they technically are twins.
00:57 (dog barks)
