• 2 years ago
Jay and Bob give their Nebraska-Wisconsin game prediction
00:00 Welcome to Sunday Morning Quarterback with Jay Stockwell and Bob Fraley.
00:07 Here we go Bob Fraley.
00:08 You're like Mr. Miyagi right there.
00:10 Oh yeah.
00:11 It is ready.
00:12 Gonna work on Harburg's ankle.
00:15 Exactly.
00:16 Yeah and we made a friggin Karate Kid reference right there.
00:20 Gray hair people.
00:21 Karate Kid 1.
00:23 Not the new version with Jackie Chan.
00:26 Even that's old.
00:28 So there you go.
00:32 Nebraska Offense.
00:34 Oh!
00:36 What did you do?
00:38 Chorus of commentary on the Nebraska offense has been broad and deep this week.
00:45 And so I'm hoping the messages have gotten through.
00:49 That we need to find a way.
00:51 You know?
00:52 They have.
00:53 They have.
00:54 They're gonna do what they're gonna do.
00:55 Basically Matt Rule's presser was, "I'm gonna do what I'm gonna do.
00:59 This is what you hired before.
01:00 Leave me alone."
01:01 He's like, "Go get mad, but I'm not changing my mind."
01:06 And you know what?
01:08 Let's see what happens.
01:10 I am fingers crossed, fingers crossed for a good outcome this weekend.
01:16 Yeah, so did you see the article?
01:20 Nebraska football, Matt Rule inexplicably listed on Hot Seat.
01:26 Oh, he's not on the Hot Seat.
01:30 No, I agree.
01:31 But there's some Vegas odd maker list of, you know, as the coaching carousel has already
01:38 sort of begun.
01:39 Yeah, he has an easy out.
01:41 He can just say, "I've replaced my offensive coordinator."
01:44 And he's safe for another season.
01:47 He's not on the Hot Seat.
01:48 They just, I don't know, did you see the news on Trev?
01:51 Yeah, he got a big old contract extension.
01:54 Good for him.
01:55 Doubled his salary through 2031.
01:59 We are in the wrong line of work, Stockwell.
02:03 The wrong line of work.
02:06 Can we get a job coaching a firefighter football team and get paid $7,000?
02:13 Did you know so far Satterfield has been paid $7,000 per point that Nebraska has scored?
02:20 Oh man.
02:22 If that's not motivation, I don't know what is.
02:26 You and me, we're salespeople.
02:27 Like you pay me $7,000 a point.
02:29 All right, we're going to score a thousand points.
02:35 I think that's how well coached you should be paid.
02:37 You get paid.
02:39 Let's see, if you win 10 games, you get paid $150,000 per win and you get paid nothing
02:45 for a loss.
02:46 It's just like sales.
02:47 You don't make the sale, you get paid nothing.
02:50 You make the sale, you get paid.
02:53 That's how I would.
02:54 Maybe that's how we should do NIL as well.
02:56 That maybe leads to some bad outcomes because you know how it is.
02:59 If your people aren't hungry, it's like they made, some people made, some people made up.
03:07 I don't listen.
03:09 We're 500.
03:10 You got a shot at a bowl game.
03:12 If you just said at the beginning of the season before we recorded our first podcast, which
03:16 is overly optimistic, if you, if we had said you that you're at five and five and you're
03:22 playing a team coming off of three straight losses and you have a chance to win this game,
03:28 people would go, okay, I'll take that.
03:32 Now let me give you some countervailing facts.
03:36 I'm an optimist.
03:39 We haven't won in camp Randall since 1966.
03:42 Um, but wait, wait, wait, how many times have we played there?
03:47 Like three times?
03:48 Uh, I think the series in total, you know, maybe played 18 times and, and I think we've,
03:56 you know, probably played there half of those, those types.
03:58 So listen, Wisconsin has a one in camp Randall on a couple of weeks.
04:02 So, so we're, we're catching them on a slide, but we were, we also caught Maryland on a
04:09 slide.
04:10 Here's the thing.
04:11 Uh, as we know, we have a friend of ours whose, uh, son is a highly targeted recruit and went
04:18 to the Wisconsin game last week and found out that it was a miserable day.
04:25 Just miserable.
04:26 It was a miserable game, a miserable experience.
04:30 And to which I countered, wasn't that way at Nebraska.
04:34 So exactly, exactly.
04:38 So, uh, all right, so let's get into the predictions here.
04:41 Um, uh, look, here's, and I'm, I'm gonna make a prediction based on events.
04:49 If we only, if we have one turnover or less, okay.
04:55 You can't do it that way.
04:58 If we score more points than they do, then we will win the game.
05:03 Thank you.
05:04 Thank you.
05:05 Captain obvious.
05:06 Add, excuse me, command commander obvious.
05:10 I'm going to change your, your name plate and say, no commander stock.
05:14 Well, commander obvious.
05:16 I can't give you like a two level prediction.
05:18 Come here.
05:19 I mean, if the C's part and whales walk on land, then we'll score
05:28 at 42 points.
05:29 What is drift?
05:30 So with that predict, no, can't do that.
05:34 What's your prediction?
05:35 It's going to be, uh, you know, just learning the, both these offenses are not very good.
05:40 Are the defenses are, are, I think are better.
05:43 Um, I think I look at the stats here.
05:47 Here's my sneaking suspicion, man.
05:49 I don't know.
05:50 What am I?
05:51 No, I just, my sneaking suspicion is that Wisconsin has a real
05:57 locker room problem and Nebraska doesn't.
06:02 And so it's, listen, as much as everybody's frustrated with some of the outcomes, everybody
06:08 on the, on the team seems fairly United.
06:11 I mean, there's probably always some who are unhappy, but Nebraska locker room seems together
06:18 and motivated.
06:20 I don't think that's the case at Wisconsin.
06:23 Something's going on and new coat.
06:26 What's your evidence of this locker room?
06:29 Uh, uh, just found doing some reading of the, of the, um, of the local rags and, and excuse
06:38 me, the local trades and in Wisconsin and just seeing the, they took the, I mean, they,
06:46 listen, as, as much as, as much as Nebraska sort of dropped a hot one last week, it's
06:55 like the Northwestern game wasn't even competitive.
06:58 Just not even come two weeks in a row, not even competitive and, you know, barely beat
07:05 Illinois gave a good battle to Ohio state, you know, lost to Indiana, lost to Northwestern.
07:14 And it's just like, Hmm, Hmm.
07:18 Something's up.
07:20 Something is up.
07:21 And it's a not no proof of that, just the gut feeling.
07:27 And so when you have a together locker room, despite the, uh, the offensive coordinator,
07:32 I think that Nebraska will win 17 to 10.
07:36 All right, good.
07:38 I'm going to, I'm going to, I'm going to, I'm going to follow you on the prediction.
07:41 I'm, I'm, I'm going to just be really realistic about scoring because I've been overly optimistic
07:48 about scoring, but we're going to win the game.
07:50 10 to three.
07:51 Oh, you go with the, you go with the baseball score.
07:54 Yeah.
07:55 Yeah.
07:56 So the, the, the Huskers are going to, um, and what, Oh, let's look at the over under
08:00 what's going to be odds on this thing here.
08:02 What are the odds?
08:03 Uh, so the, the, the stat summary is this, our defense is good.
08:08 They're, they are, their offense is better than ours.
08:11 Our defense is better than theirs.
08:13 They're a running team.
08:14 Our branding defense is good.
08:16 So I think we're going to be able to cut stuff.
08:18 These guys.
08:19 Okay.
08:20 So the, the last five games of offense for Nebraska, 20 points, the new one, 17 points
08:27 in the one for 31 points, the outlier, because the defense scored a touchdown 17 points and
08:34 they lost 10 points and they lost.
08:36 So the midpoint of all those, I think is 17 points.
08:39 So I'm very comfortable with saying 17.
08:42 Okay.
08:43 And let's see, let's see for Wisconsin last five games, they scored six points.
08:48 25 points, 10 points, 14 points, and 10 points.
08:53 The midpoint of that 10, 20, 34, uh, 59 and six is a 65 is 10.
09:02 So he said, Holy cow.
09:05 So I think our defense has got, they're a running team where we got a running defense.
09:09 Um, we're going to, we're going to pull them to a below average day in scoring.
09:14 So they're going to get three points and that's it.
09:16 Interesting, but that's not the most important part of this game.
09:19 The most important part of this game is testing out the new couches in UB's basement.
09:24 Have they arrived?
09:26 They have not arrived yet.
09:28 We're waiting with bated breath and, uh, hopefully someone's home because you know, it's a little
09:34 fuzzy schedule going on, but yes, new, new recliner chairs in, in UB's basement.
09:42 I'm very excited.
09:43 We'll fireplace TV with cup holders.
09:50 I'm ready.
09:51 I am ready.
09:52 Yeah.
09:53 Heads up when they come in and I'll come over and check them out.
09:55 Oh, okay.
09:56 I'll be sure to do that.
09:57 I've not been in your basement yet.
09:59 You haven't?
10:00 No.
10:01 I've been down there like one time since like before you were, it was before you even moved
10:06 here.
10:07 Oh, so, uh, so I've not been down there.
10:09 Yeah.
10:10 It's not like the Gulag it's brighter than the Gulag.
10:12 So it's, it's, it's nice.
10:13 It's good.
10:14 It's good spread.
10:15 I'll give it, I'll give it a trust me.
10:18 I will give it a rating when we're done.
10:20 You can give it whatever rating you want to.
10:22 It doesn't, it's immaterial to me.
10:24 It's like good because if you're rated too high, you'll be over all the time.
10:29 Where's Jay?
10:30 He's in the basement.
10:31 Bring us some little smokies.
10:33 So let's take a moment.
10:35 You know, we, we had a very bitter podcast last week.
10:41 Let's take a second to reflect.
10:43 You know, we've got a shot here.
10:44 Good shot.
10:45 And really at this point after the last six years, good to good to be optimistic.
10:51 I have nothing but optimism for the future of this team.
10:55 This year's a little rough.
10:56 They'll figure it out.
10:58 Smart guy.
10:59 And the other thing I would like to say is I wonder how much of Carolina's record was
11:05 Matt rules fault.
11:06 I'm going to say not a whole lot.
11:08 You know how well they're performing right now.
11:11 Yeah.
11:12 He's probably like, Oh, Oh yeah.
11:14 You know that that's like, that's like when you go out with someone and then you break
11:18 up with them and she's like, you're a jerk.
11:20 I'm breaking up with you.
11:21 And then you see the loser.
11:22 She ends up with it.
11:23 It's like, ah, wasn't me.
11:26 So I think kind of that's how Matt rule might be feeling right now.
11:30 I, I, I think you're right about that.
11:32 Look, I, to me, as I said last week, I think this should be an eight and two team, um,
11:37 with a little better replay officiating and a little better, uh, play calling in certain
11:42 instances.
11:43 I mean, you change four plays and we're eating too, you know?
11:48 So, um, and I, and I do think he's got the locker room really well in hand.
11:54 And if, uh, if Wisconsin's in disarray, that bodes well for us.
11:57 So, so I'm taking 10 to three and the under honors under over honors 36 and a half.
12:05 10 to three, three.
12:07 Could you imagine sitting in cab rental, watching a 10 to three game in the middle of November?
12:12 Oh, they wanted to go to that game.
12:16 Oh, there'd be some brawling for sure.
12:18 Yeah.
12:19 Just, just to keep warm.
12:21 No, no.
12:24 Exactly.
12:25 Yeah.
12:26 So, so that's it.
12:28 That's our, that's our show.
12:29 That's our prognostication.
12:30 All right.
12:31 And the black shirts will will us to victory and you know how we like to end every podcast.
12:38 Go big red!
12:43 Let's go.